i. 7 / vol. I
Monthly Newsletter of the San Mateo County Association of REALTORS速
In this issue
Message from the CEO page 1 Message from the President page 2 Charity Spaghetti Feed page 4 Bay Area Multi-Cultural Real Estate Summit page 7 Welcome New Members from September 2008 page 2
Legislative SAMCAR Endorsements for November 4, 2008 Election page 9 Redwood City Measure W page 9
Legislative Update pages 5 & 6
Message from NAR President Richard F. Gaylord page 7 NAR Updates page 8
MLSListings, Inc. Updates page 10
Association News
Monthly Newsletter of The San Mateo County Association of REALTORS®
Philip B. Tedesco, RCE, CAE
SAMCAR Chief Executive Officer
Message from the CEO
tel. (650) 696-8200 fax (650) 342-7509 Board of Directors 2008 President President Elect Region 25 Chair Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Affiliate Director Director Director Director
Sue Walsh Olivia T. Edwards Geoffrey Craighead Tim Auran Eric Berggren John Clifford Nini De La Fuente-Pecson Bobbi Decker Suzan Getchell-Wallace Anne Oliva Jennifer Tasto Edgar Tulcanaza Sue Vaterlaus Marianne Zanone Rush David Zigal
Chief Executive Officer Philip B. Tedesco, RCE, CAE Editorial Team Michon Coleman Director of Public Affairs Dalen Gilbrech Publications Designer Our Vision The Voice for Real Estate Professionals and Property Owners in San Mateo County.
It is hard to believe that fall has already begun. Let me begin by thanking everyone who participated in this year’s Spaghetti Feed Fund-raiser for the Foundation. Over $17,000 was raised and this year’s addition of the arm-wrestling tournament proved to be both a success and very entertaining! This month your leadership will be heading down to Long Beach for the fall C.A.R Business meetings; your new incoming 2009 Directors Phillip Houston and Robert Brisbane will be joining us as well, so they will be sure to hit the ground running when January begins. Then, later in the month, the Board of Directors will be holding an off-site all-day planning session to orient new directors and set priorities for 2009. Much of this year has been spent focusing on SAMCAR structure and increasing operational efficiencies. The Board of Directors also recently completed a Board Self-Evaluation that
C.A.R.’s Open Enrollment is Starting Now!
Coverage begins January 1 Open Enrollment ends November 30 RealCare is the only endorsed healthcare broker or C.A.R. and has been since 1996.
SAMCAR {RE}source is published monthly by the San Mateo County Association of REALTORS®, 850 Woodside Way, San Mateo, CA 94401 and distributed to more than 4,000 recipients. E-mail samcar@samcar.org your questions or comments.
Copyright © 2008
We can be reached at
(800) 939-8088 Ext 202 Visit us online at:
helped identify areas where improvements may be made. There is still much to do, but I am proud of the progress made in the past several months. Moving forward, we will be paying close attention to what is happening on the MLS front both regionally and throughout the state, as well as discussing possible future upgrades to the lock box system with other associations throughout Northern California. On a final note, SAMCAR has recently adopted a citation fee schedule to expedite some aspects of the REALTOR® professional standards process. Last month, I sent information explaining the process to the Broker at each individual brokerage within SAMCAR’s membership. The specific information may be found at: www.samcar.org. If you have any questions about this new process, please check with your broker, or contact Alane Gilbrech, at (650) 696-8208 or via email at alane@samcar.org.
Avoid the rush by calling RealCare now! Remember, your annual medical plan deductible starts January 1. So can your coverage under the C.A.R. medical program - if you enroll before November 30. At RealCare you aren’t limited to requesting an online quote. We provide friendly, personal assistance during your selection process, and all year round. You can get an online quote at www.realcare.biz/oe or you can call one of our agents for help. Eligible C.A.R. members have 5 plans from Blue Cross of California and 8 plans from Kaiser to choose from. Remember, Open Enrollment closes November 30. Call now to avoid the last minute rush.
Association News
October 2008
Welcome New Members
The Following Members Joined in September 2008
Sue Walsh
2008 President
Message from the President
What Makes You A Professional? When you joined SAMCAR (or one of our prior Associations that became SAMCAR), you voluntarily agreed to follow the NAR Code of Ethics, MLS Rules, and SAMCAR’s Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. New REALTOR® members learn about the NAR Code of Ethics in the mandatory New Member Orientation and Ethics class. Adopted in 1913, this Code defines the standards of conduct and professional integrity that distinguishes REALTORS® from other licencees. These codes and rules were established to ensure that all REALTORS® would do the right thing and operate on a higher moral level. It is our responsibility to self-police our profession. Are you fully informed about your obligations and fiduciary duties to clients, the public and other REALTORS®? Do you know and observe the sign ordinances of each city when placing your Open House signs? Do you understand the MLS rules and which remarks are public and which are private? Do you know that all advertising must present a fair and honest picture? Do you know that you must always identify yourself as an agent in your advertising? Can you define a variable rate commission, and do you think of that when listing a property? Do you honor the
anti-trust rules? Is RESPA clear in your mind and do you adhere to those regulations? Do you avoid all discriminatory practices? Do you understand disclosure laws? When speaking in public or private, do you remember to clarify that you are not speaking for SAMCAR or other REALTORS®, and only speaking for yourself? Do you always take the “high road”? Do you follow the Golden Rule without fail? Adherence to the Code ensures high standards of professional conduct to serve the best interest of our clients. While it is important to know and follow the Code, you must also be willing to help your fellow SAMCAR members abide by these standards. Remind them of their duties whenever you are aware of a slip. Infractions come most often from lack of knowledge, and usually can be solved by speaking with the REALTOR® or broker. If that fails, you should contact SAMCAR. The Grievance and Professional Standards Program provides members and others an avenue to voice complaints. By working together, all members protect their personal reputation as well as the image and perception of all real estate professionals. Let’s all act as professional REALTORS® at all times! Happy Selling!!
Steve Atkinson, ZipRealty, Inc. Zoe Atkinson, ZipRealty, Inc. Ben Davidow, Prudential California Jennifer Dollard, Cashin Company Sheila M. Harrington, Keller Williams Realty Rich Kuh, Savon Realty Anna Levitan, Coldwell Banker, DCP & Assoc. Alexandra Oliveira, Prudential California Michael Thomas, Keller Williams Realty Henrik Thorenfeldt, Cashin Company Lawrence Woo, Sunset West Investment
Gabrielle Calegari, Progression Financial, Inc. Mark C. Watson, Law Office of Mark C. Watson
Messages From SAMCAR Affiliates
October 2008
Sp tlight Q Can you give us a little background: Where were you born? Where do you live now and how long have you lived here? Ed Bright: Hi, my name is Ed Bright. As an affiliate member for over 25 years, I’m honored to share a little information about myself, my family and my insurance agency. As a native Californian, born in Sacramento (more years ago than I’d like to admit), I grew up in San Mateo attending public elementary schools and Hillsdale High. I’ve lived in San Carlos for the past 38+ years. Q Tell us about your family, hobbies, education EB At California Western University in San Diego, I received a degree in business with a major in Economics. After college, I moved all the way from San Mateo to San Carlos where I’ve lived for the past 38+ years, as mentioned above. I am married with four wonderful children.
Ed Bright, Ed Bright Insurance - State Farm
I love to ride my bike, I’m an avid reader and I love to spend time at the ocean with my wife, Joyce. Q What organizations, affiliations are you a part of and /or what designations do you hold? EB I’m honored to support SAMCAR all these years, and will continue to do so. From Christmas Can Tree, to being Mr. Easter Bunny, to painting houses, to Support Our Troops through the Affiliate Council, to Spaghetti Feeds, thank you SAMCAR. I treasure the friendships we’ve made and the good we’ve done for our community. I am also a member of the San Carlos Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, with insurance I have licenses for property and casualty and licenses for life, health and long-term care. I am State Farm bank certified.
Q What did you do before the insurance industry? EB A lot has happened over the years: » » » »
6 years in the Marine Corps Reserves, raising our children working as a National Account Manager at Xerox, starting Ed Bright Insurance-State Farm, in San Carlos, over 30 years ago.
Q Do you want to share with us your value statement…your personal message to clients and prospective clients? EB Our primary focus at Ed Bright Insurance State Farm is on building and maintaining relationships and finding better ways to serve our clients. Things such as explaining coverage, answering questions, assisting with claims, conducting reviews and being available are our mission. My passion is educating people about how to manage their risk, instead of it managing them.
Homeowners Insurance 101
any homes are underinsured and many homeowners are unaware that their insurance policy does not adequately protect their home. The insurance industry advertising also gives consumers a false sense of what will be covered if you need it and you need to be aware of those pitfalls. Homeowners Insurance covers your home based on the cost to rebuild it. But, after the Oakland Hills fires in the early 1990’s, insurance carriers found many homes were being insured for $100,000 when it was actually costing $300,000 to $400,000 to replace the same structures. They stopped offering “Guaranteed Replacement Cost” and now offer “Extended Replacement Cost”. This means: you tell them what it would cost to replace your home, and they add a free buffer on top of that (Extended
Replacement Coverage), to take care of any discrepancies. Problems can arise if you have not discussed your coverage with your agent recently, and your policy has not kept pace with the current replacement costs. The United States has seen a sharp increase in the cost of reconstruction due to the incredible increase in the demand for construction materials worldwide. A typical Bay Area home, which used to cost $150 per square foot (P.S.F.), now requires a base of $200 P.S.F. to rebuild. For newer and remodeled homes the cost is $300 P.S.F. and, can rise to over $500 P.S.F in some areas. Check your local builders to see what your areas home reconstruction costs are. Another feature you should be aware of is your “Replacement Cost” for personal property.
Where some companies do offer “New for Old” replacement cost coverage, many use a “Replacement” definition that is actually depreciated. That means if you lose a 7 year old couch, you are only going to get the depreciated value of a 7 year old couch! With an industry average of 11% depreciation, per year, you will only recover a garage sale value for that couch! Also, do not have a deductible lower than $1000 for your home. You would not want to use your insurance for claims for anything less because if you use your insurance, outside of a few specific situations, your policy will be rated up for the next 3 years! Thus, you will pay back in higher premiums anything you would save on a small claim with lower deductibles.
Charitable Events
october 2008
Annual Charity Spaghetti Feed
Thursday, September 18, 2008 Peninsula Italian American Social Club
The San Mateo County Association of REALTORS® held its 3rd Annual Charity Spaghetti Feed on Thursday, September 18th at the Peninsula Italian American Social Club, in San Mateo. Over 200 real estate professionals and members of the community attended. The proceeds from the evening’s event benefited the San Mateo County Association of REALTORS® Foundation, a separate 501(c)3 Public Benefit Corporation, funded through the generous contributions of its REALTOR® and Affiliate members, and friends, to benefit housing-related causes throughout San Mateo County. This year’s event was a complete success, having raised over $17,000 through ticket sales and from the live and silent auction. For more information about SAMCAR and the SAMCAR Foundation, please visit www.samcar.org.
Pictured on this page... (1) 2009 SAMCAR President-Elect Olivia Edwards, McGuire Real Estate (left) and SAMCAR Director Sue Vaterlaus, RE/MAX Dolphin (2) left to right: Nick Ellsworth, North American Title Company; Nicole Romero, LandAmerica Commonwealth Title; Lukas Gonzalez, Wachovia; Steve Titsworth, Wachovia (3) Jason Born, Signature Realty & Mortgage (left) and Robert Pedro, Signature Realty & Mortgage (4) left to right: SAMCAR Affiliate Director Edgar Tulcanaza, SOL Property Management & Loans; SAMCAR Director Anne Oliva, Marshall Realty; 2008 SAMCAR President Sue Walsh, Cashin Company (5) Competitors in the first arm wrestling competition (left to right), Lukas Gonzalez, Kim Albertario, Corrin Trowbridge, Michelle Pack, Ali Barger, Dermot Cronin, Karin Cunningham and Jason Born carrying referee, the honorable Larry Franzella (center), Mayor of San Bruno and REALTOR® with Prudential. 5
October 2008
CAR Legislative Updates
C.A.R. Legislative Updates AB 2678 (Nunez)
SB 1386 (Lowenthal)
As introduced, AB 2678 required the California Energy Commission to develop a program that would have required ALL homes and commercial properties in California to have an energy audit and mandatory energy efficiency upgrades when properties were sold. While C.A.R. appreciated the goal of AB 2678, C.A.R. strongly OPPOSED the point-of-sale requirements in the bill because not only would a point-of-sale mandate have failed to achieve the state’s greenhouse gas reduction objectives, it would have further weakened the housing market by adding thousands of dollars to the cost of purchasing a home. C.A.R. obtained amendments that removed the point-of-sale requirement for energy audits and added language to ensure that the audits or improvements were not required as a condition of sale. With these amendments, C.A.R. removed its opposition and supported AB 2678 because it would have created a comprehensive statewide campaign of flexible cost-effective energy efficiency improvements for existing buildings. Ultimately, AB 2678 was abandoned and died in committee.
SB 1386 would require ALL existing homes to install a carbon monoxide (CO) detector by July 1, 2010, and new homes built after June 1, 2009 to have a CO detector. The measure would have originally required the recording of a separate disclosure of compliance, a point-of-sale mandate and would have effectively forced home sellers and their agents to certify CO alarm installation. C.A.R. has successfully obtained amendments that removed the specified point-of-sale mandate. As amended, the bill provides for a statewide, date-certain mandate for CO detectors in all housing (not just those that transfer), and will allow the CO detector to be noted in a (TDS). The amendments also added CO detectors to the TDS, thus eliminating the need for separate certifications. The amendments also broadened the statutory protections for these disclosures providing in better seller protection and increased liability protections for agents. SB 1386 was passed by the legislature and is now awaiting the Governor’s signature.
AB 2204 (De La Torre)
AB 2733 (Brownley)
Existing law voids any provision in a deed of real property that restricts the right of a person to sell, lease, rent, use, or occupy the property based on race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, disability, source of income, or sexual orientation. This bill would have required county counsel to review any documents containing covenants and restrictions during the transfer of real property, and to strike any evidence of the aforementioned property restrictions from the deed or other instrument. C.A.R. opposed AB 2204, and sought amendments that would have instead utilized existing mechanisms. C.A.R.’s suggested amendments would have avoided burdening transactions with inappropriate costs and the imposition of impossible tasks on title and escrow providers. Eventually, AB 2204 was defeated in committee.
This measure would have required sellers or their agents to purchase a new disclosure report that identified all environmental hazard sites located within a one-quarter mile radius of a home’s zip code or city upon transfer of the property. C.A.R. opposed AB 2733 because it would have required the purchase of an additional, and unnecessary, disclosure report and resulted in a dilution in the value of existing disclosures. The bill would have also added unknown costs to the transaction. C.A.R. successfully obtained amendments that removed its opposition. As amended, AB 2733 no longer requires a new separate report but requires a developer or professional natural hazard report provider to, in its existing report, disclose environmental hazard sites located within a one-quarter mile radius of the property to prospective buyers. AB 2733 was passed by the Legislature and awaits the Governor’s signature.
Point-of-Sale Energy Audits
Real Property Discriminatory Restrictions
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Environmental Hazard Disclosure Report
CAR Legislative Updates
October 2008
he Legislature has finally adjourned. While the Governor is still considering whether or not to sign a significant number of proposals, here is a taste of a few of the real estate-related bills that were introduced and what happened to them. As you can see, there were a number of attempts to impose new point-of-sale requirement and to force new and unnecessary disclosures.
SB 127 (Kuehl)
Property Transfer Disclosures As introduced, this bill would have required all transactional disclosure
documents to be delivered within three days of the “execution” of an offer to purchase. As amended, this measure would have required all transactional disclosure documents to be delivered within ten days of the “execution” (acceptance) of an offer to purchase. C.A.R. originally opposed SB 127 because it would have imposed a “one size fits all” time frame which would have made compliance difficult for many transactions, and would not have allowed time frames to be negotiated. C.A.R. successfully obtained amendments that would have allowed both parties to the transaction to agree, in writing, to change the time period for delivering transaction disclosures. With this amendment, C.A.R. had removed its opposition. Later amendments, however, forced C.A.R. to renew its opposition. As amended, SB 127 required a separate document when both parties to the real estate contract negotiate for a disclosure delivery time longer than ten days and would not have allowed the agreement to be contained within a single contract or deposit receipt. C.A.R. opposed the bill because it would have created unnecessary compliance burdens. In the final weeks of session, C.A.R. obtained amendments that removed the separate document requirement, thus removing C.A.R.’s opposition to SB 127. This bill has passed the legislature and is waiting for the Governor’s signature.
SB 1737 (Machado)
Mortgage Loan Broker Disclosures SB 1737 grants the DRE commissioner the authority to suspend or revoke a real estate license if the licensee generates an inaccurate broker price opinion for a short sale with the intent of manipulating the lienholder into rejecting the proposed sale so that the licensee may acquire a business advantage. More importantly, SB 1737 contains C.A.R.-sponsored language that would require a prominent disclosure to all parties whenever a licensee represents a buyer and originates a loan in a “1-4” transaction. SB 1737 was passed by the Legislature and is awaiting the Governor’s signature.
AB 2259 (Mullin)
Ownership Rights in a Common Interest Development (CID) Over the last few years, C.A.R. members noticed a trend among some homeowner associations to adopt restrictions that limit the ability of unit owners to rent their dwellings in CIDs. The imposition of rental restrictions diminishes an owner’s property rights. C.A.R. argues that property owners should enjoy the right to rent or lease their unit as it existed at the time the CID unit was purchased. C.A.R. sponsored AB 2259 to protect this right, if it existed at the time the owner purchased the unit. AB 2259 was passed by the Legislature and is awaiting the Governor’s signature.
AB 1830 (Lieu)
New Sub-Prime Broker Rules AB 1830 would impose new interest rate tests and definitions for ”higher priced” loans in an effort to be consistent with the new federal “Reg. Z” law on subprime loans. The bill also allows California regulators to punish violations of federal lending law. C.A.R. opposed a previous version of the bill which would have attempted to create a codified set of fiduciary duties for real estate licensees that would have caused needless compliance burdens, inappropriately restricted mortgage refinances, and worsened the current liquidity crisis that is making home loans so difficult to obtain. As amended in the Senate, C.A.R. renewed its opposition to AB 1830 because it restored previously opposed language and would create a new one-sided attorney fee rule that would only allow successful plaintiffs to collect attorney fees. AB 1830 will also create a double standard that does not hold ALL loan officers to the same rules and restrictions by only imposing new restrictions on mortgage brokers originating loans and not on residential mortgage lenders like Countrywide when they originate loans. The bill would restrict loans which will further restrict credit liquidity in California making home loans more difficult to obtain for legitimate, qualified, borrowers. AB 1830 was passed by the Legislature and is waiting for the Governor’s signature. C.A.R. has requested a veto.
NAR Update
October 2008
NAR Statement Regarding Federal Government Actions in Response to Credit Crisis The following is a statement by National Association of Realtors速 President Richard F. Gaylord:
The National Association of REALTORS速 supports the ongoing bipartisan efforts to address the current crisis in the financial and secondary markets. While we await further details and will continue to be active in helping to shape the legislation, NAR believes these efforts are imperative to restore market liquidity.
support efforts to stabilize financial markets to allow rational valuation of assets, expedite refinancing and relief efforts for homeowners, and other measures to reestablish a level of confidence in the housing credit markets.
Responsible government intervention will restore a functioning market benefiting homeowners, those who wish to buy a home, financial institutions, the economy and ultimately the taxpayers.
Many securities are being valued at pennies on the dollar due to the very high leverage ratio and illiquidity of certain mortgagebacked securities. Unrealistically low valuations are paralyzing the balance sheets of financial institutions and have hindered liquidity flow.
NAR will work diligently with Congress and the administration to achieve these goals as well as the broader goal of reforming the housing finance system.
Responsible government intervention will restore a functioning market benefiting homeowners, those who wish to buy a home, financial institutions, the economy and ultimately the taxpayers. We
Richard F. Gaylord, President National Association of Realtors速
October 2008
Bay Area Multi-Cultural Real Estate Summit The Second Bay Area Multi-Cultural Real Estate Summit (BAMCRES) was a great success. Over 300 REALTORS速, Affiliates and industry professionals attended a day of seminars, keynote addresses and networking opportunities. Pictured at right are speakers, panel and committee members, and attendees at the September 26th event held in Union City.
NAR Update
October 2008
REALTORS® Support Responsible RESPA Reform
Nar Code Of Ethics Tips A Quick Reference Guide
The National Association of REALTORS® testified in Congress on the critical importance of reforming the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act in a way that truly benefits home buyers by reducing costs, simplifying the closing process, and making closing cost disclosures more consistent and understandable.
Between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2008, every member of the National Association of REALTORS® is required to complete 2½ hours of Code of Ethics training. For your convenience, you may take the Code of Ethics course free, online at our website.
“Consumers rely on REALTORS® to help them understand the home buying process,” said T. Anthony Lindsey, a REALTOR® broker-owner from Charlotte, N.C., who spoke on behalf of NAR. “Our members recognize the need for RESPA reform – they work to
Please note you will need to contact your state’s real estate licensing
Every NAR member is required to complete the quadrennial Code of Ethics requirement by
December 31, 2008
NAR Supports RESPA reform that would truly benefit home buyers by... • reducing costs • simplifying the closing process • making closing cost disclosures more consistent and understandable.
protect consumers in the real estate transaction and have seen firsthand the problems and confusion with current procedures.” NAR has expressed concern over the current U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development proposal for RESPA reform, which falls short of its stated goal of simplifying the closing process. In addition, HUD’s proposed closing script not only lengthens an already long process but also will ultimately increase closing costs. “The new four-page Good Faith Estimate (GFE), along with the closing script and other changes, will cause additional confusion, reduce the incentive to shop but raise the prices for settlement services,” Lindsey said. “Replacing a two-page GFE with a four-page GFE is not simplification.” NAR and the Center for Responsible Lending have recommended that HUD develop a one-page summary GFE to help buyers comparison shop, accompanied by a full GFE that includes all closing costs to reduce confusion. NAR also supports improved disclosures of mortgage terms and settlement services.
commission to determine whether or not the REALTOR.org online Code of Ethics course meets your state’s Continuing Education / Licensing requirements. When you have completed the REALTOR.org Code of Ethics course: • You will find out immediately if you have passed. • You will receive a confirmation email in 24 hours. • Your NAR record will be updated to reflect that you have successfully completed this cycle of the Code of Ethics.
Video classes
every Monday @ SAMCAR
You can satisfy the NAR requirement and get 3 hours of DRE credit by watching the Ethics Video at SAMCAR. For your convenience, SAMCAR will show the Ethics Video every Monday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The fee is $20 per member.
Please call SAMCAR, at (650) 696-8200 to register.
Legislative Update
October 2008
SAMCAR Endorsed Candidates for the November 4, 2008 Election The Board of REALTORS® Political Action Committee (BORPAC) supports candidates for office in every local election. This year, City Council seats are open in two cities: Daly City and Pacifica. BORPAC is a non-partisan PAC that conducts extensive interviews with candidates and focuses strictly on candidates’ qualifications and willingness to support issues impacting the real estate industry. The Trustees make determinations regarding whether to contribute financially to candidates. Thereafter, the Trustees make recommendations to the SAMCAR Board of Directors for endorsement consideration. Below, is a list of the candidates, who have received SAMCAR’s endorsement.
Daly City
David Canepa Judith Christensen
Pete DeJarnatt Cal Hinton May Ann Nihart
Presidential General Election is Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Deadline to register to vote October 20, 2008 Deadline to request a Vote by Mail ballot October 28, 2008 Official San Mateo County Election Site: www.shapethefuture.org Find your Local Polling Station & Ballot: www.smartvoter.org Please look for our SAMCAR Voter Guide, that will soon be available via email and in hardcopy at the Association office. The Guide will provide you with pertinent information regarding important voting deadlines and contact information.
Redwood City: Measure W This is a reminder that SAMCAR strongly opposes Measure W, on this November’s ballot in Redwood City. Measure W seeks to change the City’s Charter to require a ⅔ majority vote of approval by the electorate, for any development or improvements in certain areas of Redwood City, including the Cargill Saltworks site. SAMCAR, as an
Property owners in the affected areas would be required to solicit a citywide vote of approval for simple room additions and renovations. advocate for private property rights, is specifically concerned about the approximately 700 private home and property owners who would be adversely affected, should this ballot measure succeed. Property owners in the affected areas would be required to solicit a citywide vote of approval for simple room additions and renovations.
SAMCAR members visiting the Cargill Saltworks site
Please spread the word to your colleagues and clients who are residents of Redwood City. If you have any questions regarding the Measure and its implications, please contact Michon Coleman, Interim Director of Government Affairs at (650) 696-8204. Measure W must be defeated, so please be sure to make our REALTOR® voice heard, and vote NO on Measure W on November 4th.
MLSListings, Inc. Update
East Bay MLSs Agree to Join Northern California Data Sharing Network It was announced last week that the three MLSs operating in the East Bay (Contra Costa MLS, Bay East MLS and East Bay Regional Data, Inc.) have agreed to join the Quattro MLSs and MLSListings, Inc. in a data sharing network based on full reciprocal MLS access, the data sharing model pioneered by the Quattro MLSs last year. Together, the seven MLSs represent 70,000 real estate brokers and agents in 21 counties in Northern California. Full reciprocal MLS access takes advantage of the unique character and rich data found in each MLS. Real estate brokers and agents
Real estate brokers and agents participating in the network will be able to access any one of the MLS systems, enabling them to find property information across multiple market areas regardless of geographic boundaries.
October 2008
In the meantime . . .
All East Bay MLS’s Active in Reciprocal Access Program MLSListings subscribers can continue to take advantage of the interim Reciprocal Access Program announced in July through any of the 3 East Bay MLS’s: Bay East, Contra Costa AOR or EBRDI. There are some differences in fees and forms. All information is available at: https://pro.mlslistings.com/info/east_bay_Access_program_0708.html. You must log in to MLSListings Pro, first. Overview: Through December 2008, all three MLS’s are offering Limited Access MLS Membership to MLSListings subscribers for a one-time access fee that varies between $49 and $55. This membership will allow real estate professionals to access the Paragon MLS system to search for East Bay listings. Please note: This program will not allow listing input. If you would like to enter listings, the respective MLS’s listing entry fee applies. No initiation/application fee will be charged. For questions, please contact Bay East at (925) 730-4079, Contra Costa AOR at (925) 295-9200, or EBRDI at (925) 906-5200.
Strong Authentication Rollout Details
participating in the network will be able to access any one of the MLS systems, enabling them to find property information across multiple market areas regardless of geographic boundaries. In addition to full reciprocal MLS access for users, the cooperative agreement allows each participating MLS to maintain separate databases that aggregate the data
[users] will no longer have to pay additional fees to access other MLSs. from all seven MLSs. Users who prefer to see all of the data in a single location can use one of the aggregated databases. They will no longer have to pay additional fees to access other MLSs. Brokers who maintain proprietary software systems for use by their agents will also benefit from the new data sharing network. They will be able to download data from all of the participating MLSs’ databases in a single data stream instead of downloading data from each MLS individually.
MLSListings has begun to contact brokers regarding the rollout of its Strong Authentication security initiative in October. MLSListings will target specific offices for conversion on specific days, using an integrated communications effort involving office managers, office assistants, on-site MLS staff, automated phone calls, and personalized email. In the first two weeks of similar rollouts, MLSListings has converted 150 offices representing 8000 (or 42%) of its active subscribers.
OCTOBER 2008 Weekly Education, Events & Tour Calendar
OCTOBER 3 – 10 Su 28 05
Mo 29 06
Tu 30 07
We 01 08
Th 02 09
Fr 03 10
Sa 04 11
Classes & Events October 6 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
REVEi Ethics Video @ saMCaR | Cost: $20 | Register: 650-696-8200 Satisfies the mandatory NAR Quadrennial Ethics requirement + DRE Credit
October 8 / 1 – 4 p.m. DEADLINE to Sign up: Wed., October 1
Continuing Education Optional Review & Testing (REVEi) Cost: $59 for members ($79 for non-members) Location: SAMCAR | Registration: call SAMCAR, 650-696-8200
October 9 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
GRi 106: Money Making strategies for success Location: SAMCAR| Cost: $149 Registration: http://www.eDesignations.com or 888-785-4800
October 13 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
REVEi Ethics Video @ saMCaR | Cost: $20 | Register: 650-696-8200 Satisfies the mandatory NAR Quadrennial Ethics requirement + DRE Credit
October 15 11 a.m.
PRdsforms.com Training Location: SAMCAR| | Instructor: Bob Johnson | Sign-up: 650-696-8200
October 20 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
REVEi Ethics Video @ saMCaR | Cost: $20 | Register: 650-696-8200 Satisfies the mandatory NAR Quadrennial Ethics requirement + DRE Credit
October 27 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
REVEi Ethics Video @ saMCaR | Cost: $20 | Register: 650-696-8200 Satisfies the mandatory NAR Quadrennial Ethics requirement + DRE Credit
October 30 9 – 10:30 a.m.
e-PRO: sharpen your e-skills Invaluable tech tips and how e-PRO will benefit you plus receive a $25 discount for your e-PRO course enrollment! Cost: FREE Instructor: Floyd Arnold, e-PRO, GRI, SRES | Location: SAMCAR Register: http://ePROworkshop.InternetCrusade.com or 1-866-ePRONAR
November 3 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
REVEi Ethics Video @ saMCaR | Cost: $20 | Register: 650-696-8200 Satisfies the mandatory NAR Quadrennial Ethics requirement + DRE Credit
November 20 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
GRi 107: Technology applications in Real Estate Location: SAMCAR| Cost: $149 Registration: http://www.eDesignations.com or 888-785-4800
December 11 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
GRi 108: GRi Risk Management Location: SAMCAR| Cost: $149 Registration: http://www.eDesignations.com or 888-785-4800
Marketing Meetings Tuesday, October 7 8:30 a.m. October Combined Tour Elks Lodge 229 West 20th Avenue San Mateo Presentation:
Disclosure source
9 a.m. Half Moon Bay Tour Community Center 535 Kelly Avenue Half Moon Bay
9:30 a.m. Pacifica Tour Community Center 540 Crespi Drive Pacifica
SAMCAR Board of Directors Meetings October 22 8:30 a.m.
saMCaR Board of directors Meeting Members welcome to attend these monthly meetings. | Location: SAMCAR
Legislative Committee Meetings October 22 9:30 – 11 a.m.
PEninsula legislative Committee Meeting *SPECIAL DATE* Members welcome to attend these monthly meetings. Location: SAMCAR, 850 Woodside Way, San Mateo
November 6 10 a.m.
PaCifiCa legislative Committee Meeting Location: Old Republic Title in Pacifica Linda Mar
October 8 10 – 11 a.m.
COasTsidE legislative Committee Meeting Location: RE/MAX Dolphin Half Moon Bay, Conference Room
MLS Tour Sheet Deadline Reminder Broker/Property tours Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Deadline to add tours in MLS Mondays, 11 a.m. Entry deadlines are subject to change for holidays. Deadline for Monday holidays prior Friday at 11 a.m. View tour sheet by Monday afternoon http://www.samcar.org/index.cfm/tour_information.htm