i. 3 / vol. III
Monthly Newsletter of the San Mateo County Association of REALTORS速
in this issue...
SAMCAR Message from the President page 1 SAMCAR Announcements page 2 San Mateo Councilmember David Lim speaks at February Combined Tour pages 3 & 4 SAMCAR Foundation Update: Charitable Foundation awards grants to local programs page 7 Affiliate Spotlight page 8 Education at SAMCAR pages 9 and 10
Legislative Extended First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit pages 5 & 6 3% Witholding Proposal Vote Cancelled, Still Poses a Threat pages 3 & 4 Meet Don Horsley at the March 9th Pacifica Tour page 4
Inform your clients! Extended First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit pages 5 and 6
REALTOR速 Service Volunteer Program
we need YOUR help to make it a success page 2
Meet David Canepa at the March 23rd North Tour page 4
MLS MLSListings, Inc. Updates page 8
Message from your 2010 President
monthly newsletter of the
San Mateo County Association of realtors®
Jennifer F. Tasto
2010 SAMCAR President
www.samcar.org tel. (650) 696-8200 fax (650) 342-7509
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Board of Directors 2010 President President Elect Region 25 Chair Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Affiliate Director Director Director
Jennifer Tasto Susan Vaterlaus Olivia T. Edwards Eric Berggren Robert Brisbane John Clifford Bobbi Decker Suzan Getchell-Wallace Phillip Houston Karon Knox Anne Oliva Dennis Pantano Edgar Tulcanaza Diane Wilson David Zigal
—Chinese Proverb
ealtors Make a Difference. Yes, I do believe that we make a difference in many ways in our communities, whether it is political, civic, as school volunteers, or in charitable contributions. I applaud all of you! One question that has come to mind as I meet and talk to our members is, “What can SAMCAR do to make a difference for you?” One of those areas is in education. Since change in our business is happening faster than ever, education can help us learn skills and techniques to adapt to these changes. How we do business and how business is done is rapidly changing; we can be on the forefront of this change through education.
Michon Coleman Director of Government Affairs Dalen Gilbrech Publications Designer
At SAMCAR, we have varied educational offerings such as Matrix (MLS listings), technology classes, marketing classes, certification courses, continuing education, and networking/speakers to help you in business. If you have not attended a class lately, check out what SAMCAR offers.
Our Vision The Voice for Real Estate Professionals and Property Owners in San Mateo County.
I am committed to make SAMCAR relevant to what you need, want and do as realtors. Through the education services SAMCAR offers, I believe you will find important resources and information that will help you not only build a strong business, but also make a difference.
Editorial Team
SAMCAR {RE}source is published monthly by the San Mateo County Association of REALTORS®, 850 Woodside Way, San Mateo, CA 94401 and distributed to more than 4,000 recipients. E-mail samcar@samcar.org your questions or comments.
Copyright © 2010
Education at SAMCAR
Educational opportunities at SAMCAR abound
As our President mentioned above, there are many new educational opportunities at SAMCAR ranging from MLS and forms-related classes to basic technology training and courses giving you insight into the utility of social media for your business. Read about upcoming classes on pages 9 and 10 of this issue or . . . View a list of upcoming classes online
Be a part of Your Association
March 2010
Welcome New Members
San Mateo County Association of realtors® YOUR Voice , YOUR Association
REALTOR® Service Volunteer Program RSVP week is May 3 - 7, 2010
The deadline for homeowners and volunteers to apply is Friday, March 5. Please help us spread the word about this annual volunteer service program. For more information and the application forms
SAMCAR’s Got Talent!
March 18 / 5 p.m. Social / 6:30 p.m. Dinner / 7:30 p.m. Show Peninsula Italian American Social Club 100 N. B Street, San Mateo Come enjoy an “American Idol” concept talent show with three “celebrity” judges! Come for the Irish themed food, stay for the hidden talent of our members! For more information and to purchase tickets
www.samcar.org/Events SAMCAR is on Facebook!
Find SAMCAR on Facebook and stay apprised of all the events, educational opportunities and activities going on at your association while building a network of your industry colleagues online. Become a fan of SAMCAR
www.facebook.com/samcar.fans Tour Committee Contacts for 2010
If you or someone you know would like to sponsor breakfast, submit a speaking presentation or volunteer to give the Hot Topic or Rate Watch (Central and South tour only), please contact the following: Central Tour Ingrid Westgard, iwestgard@propertyid.com North Tour Nicole Siacotos, nsiacotos@firstam.com South Tour Judy Ploshay, JPloshay@cbnorcal.com Pacifica Tour Sue Vaterlaus, svaterlaus@aol.com or Scott Findlay, scott@scottfindlay.com
Did you know . . . ? Sales statistic reports are available on samcar.org
Every month SAMCAR formats data compiled by MLSListings Inc. into PDF sales statistic reports for Single Family Residences and Common Interest Developments in San Mateo County. These reports are available on SAMCAR’s web site and include information such as sales price, average days on market, median price and more. To view monthly Sale Statistic reports online
The following members joined in February 2010
Realtors® Gregory Afiesh, Real Estate eBroker Inc. Pamela Marie Arellano, Hometown Realty, Janet P Davis Betsy Ballenger, ZipRealty, Inc. Marsha Casillas, Intero Ben Chirko, Coldwell Banker Connie Choi, New Star Realty & Investment Predislava Derugin, Prudential California Nohema Fernandez, Cashin Company John Gall, Real Estate eBroker Inc. Kevin Hsiao, Alain Pinel Realtors Todd Kiss, Intero Landen Kotrys, Intero Donna LaHue, Coldwell Banker Ho On Louie, Chan & Associates Rachel MacLeod, Coldwell Banker Carin Maffia, Coldwell Banker Lawrence Michael, Coldwell Banker Michael J. Nager, Infinity West Realty Inc. Douglas Nubla, RELogic, Inc. Carisa Pamintuan, Intero Bobby Papadakis, Bobby Papadakis, Broker Janice Robinson, Alain Pinel Realtors Matthew Rogers, Rogers & Associates Justina Janeeta Singh, Intero Carl Touhey, Carl Touhey, Broker Amin Wu, Achievers Real Estate & Loans
Affiliates Abraham Abouata, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Ryan Dang, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Michael Ferris, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Tom Forker, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Robert Gargollo, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Maryvic Guanlao, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Khadra Hashem, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Lehrie A. Hayes, Lehrie A. Hayes, Insurance Agent Linda Luntsford, The Examiner Brittini Marshall, Marsetti Inc. Dennison Mayapis, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Eve Nguyen, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Alba Ortiz, North American Title Co. Patty Ramirez, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. Antero Sarin, Wells Fargo Home Mtg. W. Stephen Wilson, Tobin & Tobin John Wong, Wells Fargo Home Mtg.
Government Affairs
March 2010
3% Withholding
Proposal Vote Cancelled
But Still Poses a
n Wednesday, February 17th, the Senate Budget Committee declined to vote on a proposal that directly affects your bottom line. As proposed, the state would require all brokers to withhold 3% of your commission. C.A.R. opposes this FORCED OVER WITHHOLDING because it unfairly singles out independent contractors to shoulder the burden of the state’s budget troubles and because it fails to address systematic problems in California’s budgeting process.
Here’s how the proposal would work
When an agent closes a transaction, they are typically paid their commission by their broker. Now, the broker would need to withhold 3% of the commission and pay it to the Franchise Tax
Board (FTB). Agents would still pay their normal quarterly estimated income tax payments to the FTB in addition to the withholding. When the agent files their state income tax return the following April, they will deduct the withholdings along with the quarterly estimated tax payments from their tax liability and, in theory, receive a refund for the 3% that was withheld. This allows California to earn interest on your money!
Over the past few legislative cycles, the Legislature has considered imposing forced overwithholding to help narrow what is now a $20 billion budget gap. This proposal would require anyone receiving a 1099-MISC form to be subject to this overwithholding. While it is understood that the state is facing a substantial budget gap, increasing withholding on payments to independent contractors should NOT be one of the ways that the budget gap is addressed. Among the arguments against this proposal:
• There is no evidence that independent contractors are failing to pay their income tax obligations. The proposed withholding requirement is merely intended to accelerate income tax
. . . continued on page 4
News from Combined Tour
San Mateo Update
By Councilmember
David Lim Contributed by Julie Ziemelis
David Lim, the newly elected Councilmember for San Mateo,
Newly Elected San Mateo Conucilmember David Lim (right) stands with SAMCAR 2010 President Jennifer Tasto
answered the question, “What is happening in San Mateo?” during a presentation he gave at the Combined Tour meeting on February 2nd.
Councilman Lim spent the last ten years as a Deputy District Attorney for the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office as a criminal prosecutor, and served California as a law enforcement officer
representing victims of crime, including real estate fraud. Growing up with REALTOR® parents, Councilman Lim said he knows what REALTORS® do to keep our housing market stable and knows the value that REALTORS® bring to the community. . . . continued on page 4
Government Affairs
March 2010
Meet & Hear From David Canepa Daly City Councilmember to visit North Tour payments so that the state can make money from the “float” that’s earned while the funds are in its possession.
• It creates significant administrative burdens for individuals
that are now required to file 1099MISC information reports with the Franchise Tax Board. Under the proposal these individuals would now need to also calculate the required withholding amount and remit that amount to the state.
David Canepa, City Councilmember from Daly City, will visit the North Tour on Tuesday, March 23rd. Please attend to hear an update regarding Daly City and to ask questions your clients may have.
North Tour Meeting on Tuesday, March 23rd at 8:30 a.m.
• There will be significant administrative costs to the Franchise Tax Board that will be faced with making refunds to those independent contractors whose withholding amount remitted to the state exceeds their income tax obligation. Please be sure to look for Red Alerts from C.A.R. on this critical issue. When you are asked to take action and call your legislators to OPPOSE this proposal, we need you to do so immediately!
Please contact your Government Affairs staff for more information
(650) 696-8200
Meet & Hear From Don Horsley SAMCAR Endorsed Candidate for the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, District 3
Don Horsley, former San Mateo County Sheriff, is running for the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. He recently received SAMCAR’s endorsement, and would like to meet and speak with you about his vision for San Mateo County. To meet him, be sure to attend the
Pacifica Tour Meeting on Tuesday, March 9th at 9:30 am.
News from Combined Tour
The Councilman discussed several initiatives that San Mateo is currently working on. Here are a few: SMART: San Mateo Acting Responsibly Together building more sustainable housing in San Mateo. Under this initiative the City is adopting the “Build it Green” rating system as of January 2010. This awards points for eco-friendly building elements such as low-flow toilets, non-toxic paints, and high efficiency shower heads. The city has created the toughest standards in San Mateo County. Sewer Lateral Program: Healthy Homes This program, which is being tested in a pilot program at the San Mateo Village, will assist single-family homeowners to repair deteriorated private sewer laterals. Homeowners will receive up to $250 for a “no-obligation” sewer inspection if they meet income eligibility of $82,000. California First Program The program provides low-interest funding for environmental improvements on homes in California. There is a pilot program with 14 other counties in the state. This is a voluntary program
and there will be no increase in assessment or taxes. It will allow homeowners to take advantage of municipal bond market to fund installation of environmental improvements such as solar panels, low energy lights and water saving systems. The project costs would be paid back over twenty years through annual property tax assessments to the homeowner. If the home was sold, it would continue to be billed through the property tax assessment until it was paid in full. Flood Plain Assessment District San Mateo voters passed an assessment district by 75% in July 2009. The assessment is approximately $78 per homeowner, per year for 20 years. The assessment funds will build levies to remove San Mateo from the floor plain maps, which will help homeowners avoid the high cost of floor insurance. Councilman Lim quickly mentioned the high speed rail and transit oriented development. After his presentation he encouraged the REALTORS® to contact him directly if they have questions about these projects.
Government Affairs
March 2010
Help them take advantage of the extended First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit. Bringing the Dream of Homeownership Within Reach
s part of its plan to stimulate the U.S. housing market and address the economic challenges facing our nation, Congress has passed new legislation that:
Extends the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit of up to $8,000 to first-time home buyers until April 30, 2010. Expands the credit to grant up to $6,500 credit to current home owners purchasing a new or existing home between November 7, 2009 and April 30, 2010.
Here is more information about how the Extended Home
Buyer Tax Credit can help prospective home buyers become part of the American dream. If you have specific questions or need additional information, please contact a tax professional or the Internal Revenue Service at (800) 829-1040.
Who Qualifies for the Extended Credit?
• First-time home buyers who purchase homes between November 7, 2009 and April 30, 2010. • Current home owners purchasing a home between November 7, 2009 and April 30, 2010, who have used the home being sold or vacated as a principal residence for five consecutive years within the last eight. To qualify as a “first-time home buyer” the purchaser or his/her spouse may not have owned a residence during the three years prior to the purchase. If you or your client purchased a home between January 1, 2009 and November 6, 2009, please see: 2009 First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit.
If you’re looking for someone who knows mortgages, here’s someone to know. Jean Lu Mortgage Loan Officer 650.346.7720 jean.lu@bankofamerica.com http://mortgage.bankofamerica.com/jeanlu Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender © 2009 Bank of America Corporation. Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. 00-62-0290D 04-2009 AR72866
Government Affairs
March 2010
Which Properties Are Eligible?
The Extended Home Buyer Tax Credit may be applied to primary residences, including: single-family homes, condos, townhomes, and co-ops.
How Much Is Available?
The maximum allowable credit for first-time home buyers is $8,000. The maximum allowable credit for current homeowners is $6,500.
How is a Buyer’s Credit Amount Determined?
Each home buyer’s tax credit is determined by two additional factors: (1) The price of the home Under the Extended Home Buyer Tax Credit, credit may only be awarded on homes purchased for $800,000 or less. (2) The buyer’s income Under the Extended Home Buyer Tax Credit, which is effective on November 7, 2009, single buyers with incomes up to $125,000 and married couples with incomes up to $225,000—may receive the maximum tax credit. These income limits have changed from the 2009 First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit limits. If you or your client purchased a home between January 1, 2009 and November 6, 2009, please see 2009 First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit.
If the Buyer(s)’ Income Exceeds These Limits, Can He/She Still Get a Credit? Yes, some buyers may still be eligible for the credit.
The credit decreases for buyers who earn between $125,000 and $145,000 for single buyers and between $225,000 and $245,000 for home buyers filing jointly. The amount of the tax credit decreases
Inform your clients about this extended credit. If you have specific questions or need additional information, please contact a tax professional or the Internal Revenue Service at (800) 829-1040.
as his/her income approaches the maximum limit. Home buyers earning more than the maximum qualifying income—over $145,000 for singles and over $245,000 for couples are not eligible for the credit.
Can a Buyer Still Qualify If He/She Closes After April 30, 2010?
Under the Extended Home Buyer Tax Credit, as long as a written binding contract to purchase is in effect on April 30, 2010, the purchaser will have until July 1, 2010 to close.
Will the Tax Credit Need to Be Repaid?
No. The buyer does not need to repay the tax credit, if he/she occupies the home for three years or more. However, if the property is sold during this three-year period, the full amount credit will be recouped on the sale.
Reserve your ad spot today! Contact Dalen Gilbrech at SAMCAR: dgilbrech@samcar.org or (650) 696-8206
SAMCAR Foundation
march 2010
Foundation Update:
SAMCAR Foundation
awards grants
to local organizations and programs Contributed by Suzan Getchell-Wallace, SAMCAR Foundation Chair
The SAMCAR Foundation focuses its charitable efforts towards benefiting organizations and programs that strive to make San Mateo County a more livable, affordable and thriving community. Through its work, the SAMCAR Foundation has made significant financial contributions enhancing quality of life throughout San Mateo County. We also support and encourage grassroots member-organized efforts that enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
Assisting individuals within our community in enhancing their quality of life through financial programs, education, and housing-related initiatives and activities.
www.samcar.org/FOUNDATION Your contribution to the SAMCAR Foundation is deductible for federal income tax purposes. The SAMCAR Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Tax ID # 94-3163126
On behalf of the Foundation, I want to thank the members who donated to the Foundation through the annual dues billing process. Thus far, we have received over $11,000 which will help continue to fund the grant requests we are receiving from the local community. There is still time to give, so even if you have not donated yet, you can still donate throughout the year to help fund the requests we receive every quarter. In late February, the requests the Foundation received from local non-profits showed more than ever, the need is greater than the funds we are able to accommodate.
We were thrilled to be able to help four organizations this quarter, although not in the amount that they requested. The beneficiaries are:
CORA: Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse
Funds received will go to their emergency shelter and housing programs to aid victims of domestic violence who are fleeing from an abusive situation.
St. Vincent de Paul
They recently have had a dramatic increase in requests for aid to those on the brink of homelessness in San Mateo County.
Rebuilding Together Peninsula (RTP)
They have requested funds for their “Roof Program” to help low income homeowners during their National Rebuilding Day program on April 24th. This will have a direct impact on homeowners as it allows people to remain in their homes in safety, warmth and independence. I want to thank the Grant Application and Grant Review Committee which is made up of SAMCAR members who graciously volunteer their time to review the applications and make recommendations to the Trustees. SAMCAR Foundation Grant Application and Grant Review Committee: Chair: Eric Berggren (Intero Real Estate) Treasurer: Philip Houston (Coldwell Banker, Burligame) Past Chair: John Clifford (Clifford Realty) Chuck Cwieka (Coldwell Banker, San Mateo) Michael Haigh (W.J. Bradley) Judy Ploshay (Coldwell Banker, San Carlos) Craig Thorson (Century 21 Alliance) Lenore Wilkas (Prudential California) Jaime Monozon (Old Republic Title Company) If you would like to volunteer your time on this committee, please contact Eric Berggren at (650) 622-1000 or email him at eric@ericwberggren.com. This committee meets quarterly. If you know of a non-profit seeking funding, grant requests are available at www.samcar.org/foundation
Find more information about SAMCAR’s Charitable Foundation, including a link to our grant application, at:
Affiliate News
march 2010
MLSListings Inc. Updates FEATURING
Ann Palermo Old Republic Title 1. Can you give us your background: Where were you born? Where do you live now and how long have you lived here? I was born in St. Louis, Missouri. My family and I moved 2000 miles to sunny Redwood Shores, CA in August of 2000 where we still live today! The Dot.Com boom brought my husband to CA. Also at that time I was Chief Sales Officer for a company called FertiGator founded by my two brothers. My younger brother, Jon, was the engineer and inventor of a home fertilizer injection system and my older brother, Ned, an attorney, served as the CEO. I built the manufacturer representative team and distribution network across the country, but California was perfect for our business with year-round irrigation.
2. Tell us about your family, hobbies and education. Family: My husband, Mark, is also in the real estate industry. He worked 22 years as an Advertising Agency, Marketing and Public Relations Senior Level Executive. He began his career as a loan agent in San Mateo County in 2002 and switched to selling real estate, a new passion, in 2009. My son Ryan is a 2008 Serra High School graduate and now a sophomore at UC Santa Barbara on baseball scholarship. He aspires to play major league baseball. Ali, my daughter, is on a softball scholarship at Sonoma State University. She graduated from Notre Dame High School in Belmont in 2009. Ali hopes to become a Chef and own her own restaurant some day. Hobbies: Exercising. I like a quick circuit workout although I hope to get back into Spin Class, Yoga and Swimming regularly when I can find the time. Education: I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech Communications with a Public Relations option from Montana State University where I managed to make it up to Bridger Bowl ski area nearly every day of ski season for 4 years straight.
3. What organizations, affiliations are you a part of and /or what designations do you hold?
I have been an Account Executive with Old Republic Title since January 2006. I have served on Women’s Council of Realtors from 2006 – present serving as Events and Planning Chair in 2008 and Secretary in 2009. I have also been part of the Affiliate Council for 4 years serving as Co-Chair with DeNize Lawrence in 2008. I served on the Central Tour Planning Committee in 2006 - 2007 and the Redwood City Tour Planning Committee in 2008 – present. Currently I am also the SAMCAR Special Events Committee Chair. December of 2009 I was awarded the wonderful SAMCAR “Affiliate of the Year” award. I am also an active member of Women Creating Possibilities. www.womencreatingpossibilities.org
4. What did you do before the real estate industry?
Out of college I jumped into Advertising Sales for a St. Louis weekly newspaper. After a year I moved to Ad Sales for one of the major daily metropolitan newspapers. For over 13 years after that I was a Senior Account Manager in the multi-media and event production business. My largest event: Pope John Paul II visit to Phoenix, AZ. Yes … I met the Pope. Then I helped my two brothers with the FertiGator business for 3 years, which I mentioned above, and once that was going it was back into production where I worked in Santa Cruz, CA for a top digital media production company for 3 years before joining Old Republic Title.
5. Do you want to share with us your value statement…your personal message to clients and prospective clients?
I have over 20 years of relationship selling experience where exceptional customer service has always been … and always will be most important. My goal is to respond to everyone in 24 hours or less on all requests, emails/voice-mails, etc. I work hard to provide solutions to challenges as best that I can. I always welcome one-on-one meetings, which offers me the opportunity to find out more about you and your business.
New e-Newsletter Launching Soon for Brokers MLSListings is pleased to announce the launch of Broker Beat, a new monthly HTML email formatted publication developed by MLSListings for brokers. Brokers will get a “pulse” of what’s happening in the industry on a national, local and MLS front; participate in discussions and forums; and have a vehicle in which to communicate more effectively with one another. Broker Beat will be emailed to brokers and managers each month, and the first issue is scheduled for release very soon.
Tax Record Documentation Available Online Tax season is here! Subscribers can view and print important tax documentation, such as copies of invoices by visiting:
then clicking the link to My Info and selecting Pay My Bill.
February Housing Trends e-Newsletter Available A new, free resource for real estate professional, the Housing Trends eNewsletter is filled with local and national real estate sales and price activity provided by MLSs and the National Association of REALTORS®, U.S. Census Bureau key market indicators, housing market video reports, real estate glossary, maps and information on close to 50,000 neighborhoods. Check it out at www.housingtrendsnewsletter.com.
SAMCAR Education
March 2010
REALTOR® Tips for Social Media Contributed by Julie Ziemelis
At the Central Tour meeting on February 9th,
Understanding SEO, Online & Social Media Marketing.
I had an opportunity to give a presentation about social media using my experiences discussing the subject with a variety of REALTORS® around the country. One way to look at social media is this: a way to re-invent your lead generation strategy and attract clients and referrals at a lower cost. Below is the information I shared with the attendees.
Wednesday, March 10
The three things REALTORS® ask at social media events are: 1. How much time will this take? 2. How much business do people get from the effort? 3. What is the average learning/set up time before it becomes second nature?
Scott Schang (Broadview Mortgage) will discuss SEO & Online Marketing Basics.
I guess it’s like asking how long does it take to learn how to farm a neighborhood, make the fliers, get the mailing lists, get the information out the door and then follow up on the effort. Depends on the person, right?
10:30 a.m. registration 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Located at SAMCAR
Hilda Ramirez (Got2BSocial) will cover “Key Essentials for Social Media Success.”
Not everyone holds open houses or sends out postcards. In the same sense, not everyone is going to use social media as a marketing strategy. However, if you are considering venturing into social media, I have provided some thoughts:
1. You can definitely succeed using social media if you take the time to learn the technology.
Wednesday, April 1 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Located at SAMCAR
Shashank Shekhar, Arcus Lending and author of the blog, LendingExpert. com, will teach you how to use Wordpress as a blogging platform. Learn tips on the basics of blogging with Wordpress and then learn how to set up a blog, how to create a post, how to tag and categorize your posts for optimum SEO exposure and other basic skills to get started blogging.
To sign up, please call
(650) 696-8200
Space is limited, registration required.
These sessions are FREE for SAMCAR members.
2. If you have any type of writing and marketing skills, you can create a blog. 3. If you have five or six places you can go to for ideas/resource info for a blog, all you have do is cut and paste. It’s even better when you add your own two cents with a local flavor. 4. If you don’t know how search engine optimization works, you won’t know how to get the best benefit from your blogging efforts. (Come to the RE/Tech class on March 10th at 11 a.m. to learn more) 5. Time is money. It takes time to set up a blog, post to it, get people to read it, etc. The blog might be free to set up, but it WILL take your time. Be prepared for this and know it may take six months to pay off. 6. People come to a REALTOR® for three things: Inventory, the worth of their home, and information about the
market. Be the authority on all three. Understand what IDX is and make sure it’s available on your website. Answer the question “How’s the Market?” with real time real estate market data, which can also be placed on your website. 7. The world is flocking to the Internet for everything. Those that are there in a good position will get the business. Be there. 8. Learn from others. Active Rain is a blogging platform for the real estate industry. You can use it to set up a blog, but you can also learn from others in the industry with “best practice” examples. You can also check out Posterous.com, a free blogging platform that you can post to from an email and you can customize it, too. 9. People like to read top 10 lists. Create ones on real estate or your farm area. 10. Go to RE/Tech classes and events. SAMCAR hosts free RE/Tech Series classes twice a month. Find out about them by becoming a fan of SAMCAR at: www.facebook.com/samcar.fans or go to: www.samcar.org/Education
SAMCAR Education
Will Distressed Sales Slow Tax Credit Deals? Contributed by Julie Ziemelis
When you consider that short
sales comprise a significant share of markets today and can take months to close, you have to wonder if these transactions are going to pose a problem as the tax credit deadline nears. Short sales, despite signs of progress, remain a long process. The “Short Sales: Opportunities and Pitfalls” panel that the Affiliates created, had more than 50 attendees on Feb. 11th at SAMCAR. The room was so full that attendees were even standing in the hallway to listen as a Wachovia representative explained what his company was doing to hasten the pace of short sales. The panel shared the fact that lenders are improving their short-sale processing and more improvements could be in the works as federal guidelines take effect in early April. But the transactions still take a long time. It’s not unusual for buyers, hoping to take advantage of the tax credit, to feel stymied by the uncertainties and delays of short-sale purchases. SAMCAR would like to provide more education on this topic. To help you explore solutions for the issues at the root of delays, NAR has brought together a real estate professional and a nationally recognized short-sale
consultant, Scott Thompson of ServiceLink and Mortgage Resolution Services, for a free webinar on March 25. They won’t have all the answers, of course, but between the two of them they’ve seen enough deals to know of the main sticking points and they’ll have ideas on how to work through them. This webinar will look at ideas for addressing some of the most common hurdles to closing short sales and REO transactions in the remaining months before the expiration of the tax credit. You can go to the NAR website (www.Realtor.org) and do a search for “Will Distressed Sales Slow Tax Credit Deals?” and sign up directly from the website for the webinar or be our guest at SAMCAR where we will host the webinar live in our education room and show you how to log on and participate in the webinar. This is an excellent training opportunity for our members who are uncomfortable with webinars and would like a “hands on” demonstration. Come learn about short sales and also learn how to participate in a webinar, all at the same time! Coffee is on us! Please RSVP at (650) 696-8200 and plan to come by 11:45 a.m. if you want to learn how to log on.
NAR Webinar “Will Distressed Sales Slow Tax Credit Deals?” Thursday, March 25th / 12 p.m.
Go to www.realtor.org and search for “Will Distressed Sales Slow Tax Credit Deals?” . . . OR come to SAMCAR at 11:45 a.m. to learn how to log on and participate in the webinar. Interested in this “hands on” session? Please call to register, (650) 696-8200
See a list of all upcoming classes at SAMCAR online at
March 2010
free software training courses We are pleased to announce
the return of our free software training series “Lunch & Learn” for 2010. These courses are free and available only to SAMCAR members and are a great way to learn basic software skills in Microsoft and Adobe applications for making flyers, mailings, documents and more. To register, please call SAMCAR at
(650) 696-8200
Adobe PHOTOSHOP March 5 / 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at SAMCAR
How to organize your photos and how to edit your pictures with Photoshop Elements. The concepts you will learn will allow you to enhance and preserve great photos.
Microsoft WORD Flyers March 12 / 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at SAMCAR
Format text by changing the font, size and color, how to work with and customize bulleted lists, insert pictures, clipart and text boxes, how to create a page border and background colors.
MarCh 2010 Weekly Education, Events & Tour Calendar
Su 21 28
Mo 22 01
Tu 23 02
We Th 24 25 03 04
Fr 26 05
Sa 27 06
Classes & Events March 5 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
LunCh & Learn: adobe PhotoshoP
March 5 All day
deadline to apply for the reaLtor® service Volunteer Program
How to organize and edit your photos with Photoshop Elements. Cost: FREE; available to SAMCAR members only Location: SAMCAR | Instructor: Lynn Pesonen | Register: (650) 696-8200 RSVP week is May 3 - 7, 2010. Applications at www.samcar.org/RSVP
March 10 RE/Tech 101: “The Online Revolution” 10:30 a.m. (registration) Understanding SEO, Online & Social Media Marketing. Scott Schang from Broadview Mortgage will discuss SEO & Online Marketing Basics. Hilda 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Ramirez from Got2BSocial will cover “Key Essentials for Social Media Success.” Cost: Free | Location: SAMCAR | Register: (650) 696-8200
March 11 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Gri 111: investment Property analysis
March 12 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
LunCh & Learn: Microsoft word Flyer
March 15 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: SAMCAR | Cost: $149 Registration: http://www.eDesignations.com or 888-785-4800 Format font, size and color, work with bulleted lists, insert pictures, clipart and text boxes, create a page border and background colors. Cost: FREE; available to SAMCAR members only Location: SAMCAR | Instructor: Lynn Pesonen | Register: (650) 696-8200
sFr short sales and Foreclosure resource Certification
Learn how to evaluate all available options for distressed homeowners and identify components of an effective short-sale package; how you can counsel buyer-clients in the purchase of foreclosure properties. Cost: $99 Instructor: Debbie Rogers | Location: SAMCAR | Register: (650) 696-8200
March 16 & 17 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. (both days)
sres “seniors real estate specialist” nar designation course
March 18
saMCar’s Got talent! Come enjoy an “American Idol” concept talent show with three “celebrity”
5 p.m. social 6:30 dinner 7:30 talent competition
12 hours CE credit. This is the only designation created to serve the 55 + community that is recognized and awarded by the National Association of REALTORS®. AARP estimates that 83% of seniors own their own homes. Nearly three million of them will move residences in the next two years and they need someone who can advise them on the best way to maximize their equity! Instructor: Debbie Rogers Cost: $250 | Location: SAMCAR | Register: (650) 696-8200
Marketing Meetings Tuesday, March 2 8:30 a.m. March Combined Tour Elks Lodge 229 West 20th Avenue San Mateo Presentation:
Steve Goddard, C.A.R. President Breakfast:
9 a.m. Half Moon Bay Tour Community Center 535 Kelly Avenue, Half Moon Bay 9:30 a.m. Pacifica Tour Community Center 540 Crespi Drive, Pacifica
judges! Come for the Irish-themed food, stay for the hidden talent of our members! Tickets: $30 | Thanks to our Decoration Sponsor: Bekins Location: Peninsula Italian American Social Club, 100 N. B St., San Mateo
SAMCAR Board of Directors Meetings March 24 8:30 a.m.
saMCar Board of directors Meeting
Members welcome to attend these monthly meetings. | Location: SAMCAR
Legislative Committee Meetings March 4 9:30 a.m. March 10 9 a.m. March 17 9:30 – 11 a.m.
PaCiFiCa Legislative Committee Meeting Location: 450 Dondee Way, Suite 7, Pacifica Coastside Legislative Committee Meeting
Location: Half Moon Bay Coastside Chamber of Commerce & Visitor’s Bureau - 235 Main Street, Half Moon Bay
PeninsuLa Legislative Committee Meeting
Members welcome to attend these monthly meetings. | Location: SAMCAR
MLS Tour Sheet Deadline Reminder Broker/Property tours Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. deadline to add tours in MLs Mondays, 11 a.m. Deadlines subject to change for holidays. deadline for Monday holidays prior Friday at 11 a.m. View tour sheet by Monday afternoon