Fulbright Taiwan 2013 2014 Program Book

Page 1

Fulbright Taiwan Annual Report

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2013 - 2014 Book I


a little less conflict

CONTENTS 目次 Contents 目次


The Fulbright Program & Board Members 傅爾布萊特計畫及董事會成員 1 The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange 學術交流基金會簡介


Message for 2013-2014 Grantees 執行長的話


Fulbright Scholarships 傅爾布萊特獎學金


Grant Foci and 2013-14 Grantee Maps 焦點議題與學人分布


EducationUSA 美國教育資訊中心


2013-14 U.S. Grantees’ Profiles 美國獲獎者簡介


Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association 台灣傅爾布萊特學友會


2013-14 Taiwan Grantees’ Profiles 台灣獲獎者簡介


Event Photos 活動照片

2013-14 Planned Activities 年度活動



Sponsors & Staff 合作單位與會內分工


“The Fulbright Program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs, and thereby increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.” - Senator J. William Fulbright

Video: What is Fulbright Program?


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

THE FULBRIGHT PROGRAM 傅爾布萊特計畫 The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 in the aftermath of WWII, as an initiative of Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, who believed that a program of educational and cultural exchange between the people of the United States and those of other nations could play an important role in building lasting world peace. The purpose of the program is “to enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of the other countries.” Grants are made to U.S. citizens and nationals of other countries for a variety of educational activities, primarily university teaching, advanced research, graduate studies, and non-academic professional programs in specified fields. Since 1946, over 310,000 talented people worldwide have been awarded Fulbright Scholarships. It is now the largest and one of the most prestigious, educational scholarship programs in the world and operates between the U.S. and more than 150 countries. There are 44 Nobel Laureates and 81 Pulitzer Prize winners who were Fulbright Grantees. 傅爾布萊特計畫成立於1946 (民35)年,由阿肯色州參議員傅爾布萊特先生提案。記取二次世界大戰的教訓,他相信通過教育與文化之交 流,讓美國與各國人民相互了解,將有助於增進世界和平。傅爾布萊特計畫的目的是「增進美國政府、美國人民與各國人民的相互了解」 。每年提供獎學金與美國及各國公民,支持高等教育講學、研究、進修與專業人才交流等各種教育活動。從1946年起,全球已經有超過31 萬人次獲得傅爾布萊特獎學金。至今,這個計畫是美國與全球超過155個國家間最龐大也最知名的教育交換計畫之一。獲獎者中共有44位 諾貝爾獎得主及81位普立茲獎獲獎人。

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事成員 Honorary Chair 榮譽董事長 Christopher J. Marut 美國在臺協會 馬處長啟思 Director, American Institute in Taiwan Chair 董事長 Joseph Bookbinder 美國在臺協會文化新聞組 周組長書龍 Chief, Public Diplomacy Section, American Institute in Taiwan U.S. Members 美國董事 William E. Bryson 眾達國際法律事務所 柏合夥人威廉 Partner, Jones Day Morgan Parker * 美國在臺協會領事組 潘組長墨硯 Chief, Consular Section, American Institute in Taiwan Ryan Roberts 美國在臺協會美國文化中心 阮主任家齊 Director, The American Cultural Center, American Institute in Taiwan David P. Sun 國泰金控 孫資深副總經理至德 Senior Executive Vice President, Cathay Financial Holdings ex officio William Vocke 學術交流基金會 李執行長沃奇 Executive Director, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Taiwan Members 臺灣董事 Julie Chiu 教育部國際及兩岸教育司 邱代理司長玉蟾 Acting Director General, Dept. of International and Cross-strait Education, Ministry of Education Bruce J.D. Linghu 外交部北美司 令狐司長榮達 Director General, Dept. of North American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fan-sen Wang 中央研究院 王副院長汎森 Deputy President, Academia Sinica Jing-jyi Wu 政治大學名譽教授 吳博士靜吉 Endowed Chair of Creativity, National Chengchi University Pan-Chyr Yang 國立台灣大學 楊校長泮池 President, National Taiwan University *Serves as Treasurer


THE FOUNDATION FOR SCHOLARLY EXCHANGE 學術交流基金會 (Originally U.S. Educational Foundation in the Republic of China 原美國在中華民國教育基金會)

The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan), supported by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is one of the 55 bilateral organizations in the world established specifically to administer the Fulbright educational exchange program. The other 100 bilateral Fulbright programs are administered by US embassies. Over the past 50 years, the Foundation has financed over 1500 Taiwan Fulbright grantees to the U.S. and more than 1300 U.S. Fulbright grantees to Taiwan. In 1962, the Foundation started the U.S. Education Information Center to provide Taiwan students with information about studying in the U.S. Starting from 2003, the Foundation began cooperating with Yilan County Government to organize the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) project. The partnership was extended to Kaohsiung City in 2008, and in 2012 to Kinmen County. Last year, the Foundation expanded the ETA program to Taichung City and Taipei City. In 2013, 56 Fulbright ETA grantees are serving in local schools around Taiwan. Fulbright Taiwan is overseen by a Board of Directors comprising five Taiwanese and five U.S. members. The Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is the Honorary Chairman of the Board. The Executive Director, under supervision of the Board, administers Fulbright Taiwan. 學術交流基金會經費來源主要由中華民國政府外交部和教育部編列年度預算,美方則由美國在臺協會(AIT)透過國務院編列預 算。在世界各地約有50個傅爾布萊基金會專門管理各項交流獎學金的業務,另外約100個傅爾布萊特交換計畫則由美國各地 大使館負責。五十年來,基金會已經選送超過1600位台灣獲獎人前往美國深造,亦選送超過1200位美國獲獎人來台交流。自 1968(民51)年起,基金會成立美國教育資訊中心,專為預備赴美留學之學生提供諮詢及資料服務。自2003(民92)年起,基金會 與宜蘭縣政府合作開始了英語協同教師(ETA)計畫。五年後,高雄市政府亦與基金會合作啟動了ETA計畫。此後,這項計畫陸續 於擴展至金門縣、台中市與台北市。在2013(民102)年,全臺灣共有56位傅爾布萊特英語協同教師於各縣市服務。學術交流基 金會設有董事會,由臺美雙方各推派五人組成。董事會名譽主席由美國在臺協會處長擔任,董事會下設執行長,並受董事會成





第 師計 一個傅 畫於 爾布 宜蘭 萊特 縣 英 第二 成立 語協 同教 師計 個傅 畫於 爾布 高雄 萊特 市 英 臺 成立 語協同 臺協 北經濟 教 會簽 文化 第三 訂新版 代表 師計 個傅 交 處與 畫於 爾布 換信 美國 金 萊 件 在 第四 門縣 特英 師計 個傅 成立 語協 同教 畫於 爾布 台北 萊特 與台 英語 中市 協同 成立 教

成立 友會 特學 布萊 傅爾 臺灣

原 更 美國 執行 名為學 在中華 傅爾 術交 民國 布萊 流基 教育 特交 金會 基金 換計 ,繼 會 畫 續






1,300 U.S. Alumni


Ta Ass iwan oci Ful atio brig n is ht fou Alum nde ni d Firs Yila t ET nC Ap oun rog ty ram sta rte Sec d in Kao ond hsi ETA ung p Cit rogra ms Ne y tar w be e ted con twee xchan in n cer T ge E nin CR of l g F O ett SE an ers Thi are s d AIT Kin rd E igne me TA d n C pro o g Fo unt ram sta sta urth, y rte d in Citi rted fifth es in T ET aip A p ei & rog Tai ram chu ng


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基金 會成 傅爾 立 重新 布萊 啟動 特交 換計 畫於 美國 台灣 教育 資訊 簽 中心 交換 訂新版 成立 計劃 中美 協定 教育 文化



特法 布萊





1,500 TW Alumni

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

MESSAGE FOR 2013-2014 GRANTEES 執行長的話 On behalf of the Board and staff at Fulbright Taiwan, we extend our warmest welcome. Following Senator Fulbright’s vision the simple hope of the program is: “A world with a little more knowledge and a little less conflict.” The mission of Fulbright Taiwan is to: • Build knowledge • Exchange cultures • Establish long-term relationships • Change lives • Symbolize Taiwanese-American friendship When you decided to go through the highly competitive process to win a Fulbright schol-

Dr. William C. Vocke, Jr. Executive Director, Fulbright Taiwan 執行長 李沃奇博士

arship, we trust you had Senator Fulbright’s vision in mind. Receiving a Fulbright invokes “a privilege not a right.” Think about this mission and the hundreds of ways you can embrace it. You will find Taiwanese and Americans eager to help. In terms of building knowledge, you have a particular task or project to complete. You undertake that in a joint partnership between you, your host, and Fulbright Taiwan. We hope to help make all three legs of that triangle as strong as possible, to maximize your experience, enhance Senator Fulbright’s vision, and contribute to the cultivation of knowledge. Central to the cross-cultural mission, we hope that your goodwill and efforts bring understanding between America and Taiwan and that you take home a healthy dose of the wonderful cultures. At its best, this interaction promotes mutual understanding. Look at your fellow grantees in this pamphlet and get to know them. I hope you will be impressed and interested in reaching out to some. Equally, I hope you will reach out to the colleagues you meet in Taiwan and America. In the coming months, if you need any assistance, please let us know. We are happy and ready to be of service. We wish you a very pleasant and productive stay. We are pleased you chose Fulbright and this beautiful island for your experience.

U.S. Fulbrighters from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Macau joined the Cross-strait Research Workshop Reception in Taipei

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


Senior Scholar Charles Hartman presents his research findings on Song historical sources in Ming rare books

Higher Education Exchange Scholarships 高等教育交流獎學金

Fulbright ETA Shane P. Fogarty teaches at evening class to help with the students who is behind High Quality Language Education & Co-teaching 優質美語教育與 協同教學

Exchange Cultures 交流文化

President Ma ying-jeou take questions from U.S. Fulbrighters from Taiwan, Build Knowledge Thought Leader China, Macau and 建構知識 Talks Hong Kong during the 傅爾布萊特 Symbolize Cross-strait Research American-Taiwanese 系列講座 Workshop Friendship 象徵台美良好關係

Establish Long-term Relationships 建立長期關係 Researcher Matching 研究者媒合

Change Lives 改變生命 EducationUSA Advising 留美諮詢

Advisor helping Taiwan students to understand US education and apply schools in the US

Dr. Christopher Isett with professor Stephen Morgan (Univ. of Nottingham, UK) and Shujuo Chen (Taiwan’s Natural History Museum) at Academia Sinica


AIT Director Christopher Marut interacts with Fulbright Senior Scholar Simon Levin at Research Workshop

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS 傅爾布萊特獎學金 (and Foundation “FSE” scholarships 及學術交流基金會獎學金)

Grants for U.S. Citizens 提供美國公民之獎助金 Fulbright awards to Taiwan to study, teach, or research:

Scholars 學者類獎助

Students 學生類獎助

Teaching Grants 客座教授: The awards are offered for professors/professionals who teach in the fields of the Applied Social/Policy Scineces, Arts, Business, Culture, Education, Humanities, Information / Communications, Media / Jounalism, Socioal Sciences at a Taiwan university.

Study/Research Grants 研究獎助: The awards are provided for students who possess at least a bachelor’s degree to study or conduct research. Master’s and Ph.D. students are preferred.

Research Grants 研究學者: The awards are provided to U.S. scholars who wish to carry out research projects in Taiwan. Partial Grants 部分獎助教授/研究學者: Scholars who have already secured major financial support from other sourves may apply for supplementary support and status as Fulbright Scholars. Available in all fields. Cross-Strait Studies Grants 海峽兩岸研究: The awards are for scholars who conduct research on an issue concerning the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan. Projects should focus on comtemporary topics. Scholars spend a portion of their grant period in Taiwan, and a portion in China/Hong Kong. No more than 60% of the grant period should be spent in on either location. Scholars must begin the grant in Taiwan. Postdoctoral Research Grants 博士後研究: Scholars conduct postdoctoral research and/or collaborate with Taiwanese academic and research institutions. Activities may include presenting lectures, seminars, and workshops as arranged by the host institution. Teaching English as a Foreign Language 英語教師培訓及 研究: Teach courses in TEFL. Conduct training programs for senior Engish studies students, junior-level U.S. English teachers in elementary and/or junior schools, and faculty. Also, conduct workshops to build assessment capacity and/or research capacity to teacher trainees. Assist with student advising, supervise student practical work and participate in seminars. Assist in the development of programs and curricula, resource material development, testing, and program design and implementation.

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Engish Teaching Assitantship Grants 英語協同教師計畫: The awards are for college graduates who wish to co-teach English at elementary or junior high schools in Taiwan. Their work includes teaching, consulting with teachers on American cultural issues and assisting in the editing or writing of educational materials for Engish teaching. ETAs are placed in shools located in Yilan County, Kaohsiung City, Kinmen County, Taichung City, and Taipei City. Master Degree Partnership Grants 攻讀碩士學位獎助: The awards are granted for college graduates who have received a bachelor’s degree from a univeristy in U.S. and intend to pursue a master’s degree program (the first- year tution is disbursed by Fulbright Taiwan and the secondyear tuition is disbursed by a partnership institution). They enter one of the partner English language MA programs in Taiwan.

FSE Grants for U.S. or TW Citizens 非限定國籍 獎助金 FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards 英語 教師訓練與研究獎助: The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange offers awards for English teaching consultants and do research in the field of English teaching. Grantees will lead and provide advice to the English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) team and Taiwan English teachers. Also, through practical classroom visits to demonstrate the teaching techniques, they plan training courses in cooperation with other English teaching professionals to improve and raise the teaching quality among Taiwan English teachers and American ETAs.


Grants for Taiwan Citizens 提供中華民國公民之獎助金 Fulbright awards to the U.S. to study, teach, or research:

Scholars 學者類獎助

Students 學生類獎助

Senior Research Scholars 資深學者研究獎助金: Grantees are outstanding Taiwan faculty and researchers selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee.

Doctoral Dissertation Research 國內博士班研究生研 究獎助金: Grantees are Taiwan doctorate candidates selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee to visit the U.S. to conduct dissertation-related research, in cooperation with U.S. research institutes.

資深研究學者是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之傑 出教授與學者。

Experience America Research 博士後研究獎助金: Scholars are outstanding Taiwan faculty and researchers who got their Ph.D. degree in non-English-speaking countries, selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee. 博士後研究學者是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之 傑出學者。

Scholar-in-Residence Program 傅爾布萊特駐校學者計 畫: The Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) program is institutionfocused, and supports proposals developed by U.S. institutions, giving priority to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, tribal colleges, community colleges, and small liberal-arts institutions. Taiwan’s scholars can participate by teaching or researching at the participating institutions in the United States. 駐校學者計畫旨在協助特定的美國大學校院及學術機構, 獎助對象以非洲裔或西班牙裔為主的學院及大學、印第安 人部落學院、社區大學及小型文理學院等為主。獲得獎助 之美國校院可自行與擬邀訪之學者聯絡,亦可由國際學者 交換協會(CIES)及本會協助推薦,邀請適當傅爾布萊特訪 問學者到校擔任專題講座及擔任課程顧問等。

Non-Academic Professionals 專業人員類獎助 Non-Academic Professionals 專業人員及創作藝術家 研習獎助金: Grantees are outstanding Taiwanese midcareer professionals working in government or private organizations, selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee to take part in a learning project.

此類學人是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之博士班 學生,他們將與美國研究機構合作,針對他們的博士論文 進行資料蒐集和研究。

Graduate Study 攻讀博士學位獎助金: Grantees are Taiwan students selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee to pursue Ph.D. degree in the U.S. 此類學人是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之學生, 他們將赴美攻讀博士學位。

Taiwan English Teachers 台灣英語教師類獎助 Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program 英語教師赴美進修暨協助華語教學獎助計畫: FLTAs are selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee. These Taiwan English teachers refine their teaching skills, increase their English proficiency, and extend their knowledge of the cultures and customs of the United States. They play vital roles as Taiwan’s cultural ambassadors, and as language instructors or assistants in US universities or colleges. FLTA 計畫由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之年輕台籍英 語教師,由國務院支持前往美國就讀非學位課程,加強英 語能力、增進教學技巧,並擴展對美國文化風俗的認識。 另一方面,也協助美國大學打造優質華語學習環境,並扮 演了台灣文化大使的角色。

此類學人是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之傑出國 內公、私營機構資深專業人員及創作藝術家。

FLTA Ms. Jia-Hui Li (Peggy Li) teaches “US Presidential Election Chinese” on YouTube Non-Academic Professional Tsun-Shiow Hsiao joined hospital observation with professor and students at San Francisco State University


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


A competitive next generation requires a sound educational environment. Innovative ideas in education sustain Taiwan’s development. 沒有優質的教育環境,就無法造就具競爭力的下一代。在教育上的創造與創新是維繫台灣發展的動力。


Examine the layers of culture, discover new truths from the old, and compare in order to re-define the horizon. 從老東西裡面找出新韻味,從比較中發現新視野,回顧與前瞻其實是文化累積的一體兩面。


In the past, Taiwan focused on wealth creation and democratic evolution. Land, community, and health are newer concerns. New public policy research helps define tomorrow’s society. 過去,台灣強調財富創造與民主發展,如今,關切的新議題則在土地、社區及身心靈健康。新的公共政策研究 將有助於定義未來的社會。


Advanced academic research, management, and high technology collaboration is central to Taiwan-US academic exchange. Promoting cutting-edge advances secures the future. 高等學術研究、管理與技術合作一直都是台灣與美國學術交流的重心。促進尖端領域的發展與交流才能充實國 家未來實力。


Art is a secret music to escape life’s routine, a kiln to enrich collective memories, a brush to color our hopes, ... Through the creativity and innovation of artists’ eyes the new is revealed and the old is refocued. 藝術不只是幫助我們跳脫日常案牘勞形的秘徑,也是形塑集體經驗的載體,更可用來彩繪未來的希望。從藝術 家的創新與創意之眼我們將看到新與舊,傳統與現代的激盪。

2013-14 GRANTEE DISTRIBUTION 學人分布 In Taiwan In U.S. Taiwan Grantees origination = 53 Taiwan Grantees destination = 53 U.S. Grantees destination = 75 U.S. Grantees origination = 75 Keelung 基隆 1|0

New England 新英格蘭

Taipei 台北

5 | 10

21 | 21

Tauyuan 桃園

New Taipei 新北

Kinmen 金門 Hsinchu 新竹 0 | 16


Miaoli 苗栗

Pacific 太平洋 19 | 13


Nantou 南投

West North Central 中部西北




1 | 10


0 | 16

West South Central 中部西南

South Atlantic 南大西洋 5 | 18


East South Central 中部東南


Tainan 台南 3 | 11

East North Central 中部東北

11 | 10

Yilan 宜蘭

Chiayi 嘉義

Kaohsiung 高雄

7 | 11

Taichung 台中



Middle Atlantic 中大西洋

Mountain 山嶽


Pintung 屏東 1|0

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)



EducationUSA 美國教育資訊中心

The U.S. Education Information Center (USEIC) within Fulbright Taiwan is one of the State Department - affiliated EducationUSA offices. It was founded in 1962 and for many years was the only EducationUSA advising center in Taiwan. The U.S. remains the top destination for Taiwan students studying abroad. Taiwan used to be the number one sending country of foreign students to the U.S. It still ranks number six. EducationUSA is a network of hundreds of advising centers in 170 countries, where millions of international students each year find accurate, comprehensive, and current information about how to apply to accredited U.S. colleges and universities. The EducationUSA network is supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), which strives to foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. EducationUSA advisors and staff work with U.S. higher education professionals to promote international student enrollment. EducationUSA also helps promote study abroad opportunities for U.S. citizens.



• Weekly in-house presentation or group advising • One-on-One Advising by appointment • Answering phone calls and e-mails about studying in the U.S. • Monthly electronic newsletter • Outreach to universities and high schools • Website and Facebook

• • • • •

Taiwan students in the US: 23,250 (Open Doors 2012) Website hits: Average 15,000 per month Outreached Programs: about 2000 students per year Facebook Fans: 1,900 fans Weekly in-house presentations and group advising: 50 per year

“It was my pleasure to been consulted by EducationUSA advisor at Fulbright Taiwan before study in US. I received a lot of useful information about how to apply schools, the importance of language school, and what to expect while study aboard. It was a great help prior making my decisions to study aboard. The EducationUSA advisor helped me to get in to the school I wanted, improve my English, complete a degree in MBA and another in Master of Accountancy. Now I am working at a company in Japan. The English skill, global view, finance thinking, and presentation skills, that I learned at school all benefited to me and helped me a lot at work. Thanks again to EducationUSA and Mr. Fu, it was the one of the best decisions I had made before going study in America.” Chi-Jui Wen


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Senior Scholars

2013-2014 U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar & TEFL Trainer

Dr. Benjamin Brose (本博澤)

Dr. Philip Brown (菲力浦)

Ms. Barbara Foster (方艾莫)

Dr. Steven Fox (方可思)

Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, School of Literature, Arts, and Sciences, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Michigan Project Title: “Xuanzang’s Skull: Buddhism, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in Modern Asia” Host Institution: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

Professor, Department of History, College of Arts & Sciences, Ohio State University, Ohio Project Title: “Dam Imperialism: The Case of the Wusantou Dam, Tainan, and Related Projects” Host Institution: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica

Professor, Department of Art, College of Liberal and Creative Arts, San Francisco State University, California Project Title: “Post-Digital Collaborative Print: History with a Future” Host Institution: Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University

Medical Officer, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Maryland Project Title: “Understanding Taiwan’s National Health insurance Experience: A Wealth of Information for Effectiveness Research and a Source of Perspective for Future Policy” Host Institution: Institute of Health Policy and Management, National Taiwan University

Dr. Daniel Indro (丹尼爾)

Dr. Kenneth Loh (羅健晃)

Dr. Charles Musgrove (莫林)

Mr. Robert Siegel (席博安)

Associate Professor, Department of Management, School of Graduate Professional Studies,Great Valley Graduate Center, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania Project Title: “Business Administration and Finance” Host Institution: Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Soochow University

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California-Davis, California Project Title: “Bridge Scour Monitoring and Modeling for Next-Generation Resilient Structures” Host Institution: Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

Associate Professor, Department of History, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Maryland Project Title: “Architecture, Contested Spaces, and the Emergence of Democracy in Taiwan” Host Institution: Center for Chinese Studies, National Central Library

Associate Professor, Department of Creative Writing, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, North Carolina Project Title: “American Literature and Creative Writing for Taiwanese Students” Host Institution: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tunghai University

TEFL Trainers

Mr. Rodney Winther (溫瑟爾)

Ms. Hsing-Hui Chiu (邱馨慧)

Ms. Sarah De Mola (慕莎拉)

Professor Emeritus, Department of Wind Studies, College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati, Ohio Project Title: “Resident Conductor of Ensembles and Teacher of Conducting” Host Institution: Department of Music, Shih Chien University

M.A., Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas Award Title: “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards” Host Institution: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange

M.A., Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Monterey Institute of International Studies, California Award Title: “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards” Host Institution: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)



2013-2014 U.S. Fulbright Fellow & Taipei ETA Profiles

Ms. Teagan Adamson (艾婷安)

Ms. Kirsten Asdal (艾永勤)

Mr. Eugene Gregory (葛約翰)

Ms. Amber Kao (高恩倍)

M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Arizona State University, Arizona Project Title: “The Understanding of Enhanced Cancer Therapy through Unique Antibody Engineering” Host Institution: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

B.A./B.S., Chinese, United States Naval Academy, Maryland Project Title: “Avoiding Potential Conflict in the Asia-Pacific Region” Host Institution: International Master’s Program in Asia Pacific Studies, College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University

Ph.D. Candidate, Late Imperial Chinese History / Chinese Law, Georgetown University, District of Columbia Project Title: “The Military, Law, and Society in Qing Taiwan and Mainland China ” Host Institution: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

M.F.A., Dance, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan Project Title: “The Body as Instrument: Looking and Listening to Ethnicity and Identity” Host Institution: Department of Music, Taipei National University of the Arts

Mr. Jason Protass (蒲傑聖)

Mr. Ian Rowen (伊恩)

Mr. Paul Vierthaler (李友仁)

Ms. Kimberly Wilson (金貝利)

Ph.D. Candidate, Religious Studies, Stanford University, California Project Title: “A Life of Buddhist Monasticism and Social Poetry: Monk Daoqian’s Matched Poems” Host Institution: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica

Ph.D. Candidate, Geography, University of Colorado, Colorado Project Title: “Chinese Tourists in Taiwan: Tourism and State Territoriality” Host Institution: Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica

Ph.D. Candidate, Chinese Literature, Yale University, Connecticut Project Title: “Quasi-history and Public Knowledge in Late-Ming China” Host Institution: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica

Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Politics / International Relations, University of Maryland- College Park, Maryland Project Title: “Taiwan, China, and Claim Characteristics in the South China Sea” Host Institution: College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University

Mr. Brian Bumpas (賁博然)

Mr. Ryan DeVries (吳瑞恩)

Ms. Fiona Masland (孟菲寧)

B.A., Mathematics / Asian Studies, Occidental College, California 2nd year ETA, Former Yilan ETA Host Institution: Department of Education, Taipei City Governtment

B.A., International Relations / Mandarin / Chinese Writing, Calvin College, Michigan 2nd year ETA, Former Kaohsiung ETA Host Institution: Department of Education, Taipei City Governtment

B.A., Global Studies / East Asian Studies, Colby College, Maine 2nd year ETA, Former Yilan ETA Host Institution: Department of Education, Taipei City Governtment

Taipei ETAs


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Yilan ETAs

2013-2014 U.S. Fulbright Yilan & Kaohsiung ETA Profiles

Ms. Taylor Adams (亞天玉)

Ms. Hannah Brower (白歡月)

Ms. Reilly Ellis (陳惟玲)

Ms. Kimberly Ehrlich (艾莉安)

B.A., Economics / Psychology, Florida State University, Florida

B.A., World Religious, Smith College, Massachusetts

B.A., Chinese Language / Computer Science / Psychology, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri

B.A. / B.S., English Education and Writing, Minnesota State University, Minnesota

Ms. Christie Hackett (何依婷)

Mr. Michael Hoffman (霍旻澤)

Ms. Sarah Johnson (姜珊)

Mr. Xiangtong Kong (孔祥通)

B.A., English / Chinese, Binghamton University, New York

B.A., Chinese / Spanish / Asian Studies, University of Vermont, Vermont

B.A., Asian Studies (Chinese Track) / Applied Linguistics (ESOL), Furman University, South Carolina

B.A., International Studies / Chinese, The Ohio State University, Ohio

Ms. Mary-Kate Murphy (鎮馬)

Ms. Aria Ogawa (小川有歌)

Ms. Danielle Rucker (樂慧紅)

Ms. Rebekah Shyloski (施蕊蓓)

B.A., Interdisciplinary, University of Central Florida, Florida

B.A., Art / Business / Anthropology, Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania

B.A., Economics, Birmingham-Southern College, Alabama

B.A., Spanish / Art History / Art, Ithaca College, New York

Ms. Allison Szatkeiwicz (史艾麗)

Mr. William Usdin (游有為)

Ms. Samantha Wessels (魏蔓莎)

Ms. Grace Young (楊肅國)

B.A., English / Arabic / TESOL, Michigan State University, Michigan

B.A., English, Santa Clara University, California

B.S., Special Education / Elementary Education, Nebraska Wesleyan University

M.A.T., English Education, Georgia State University, Georgia

Ms. Haley Abing (何蕾)

Mr. Kevin Apodaca (亞普文)

Ms. Dorothy Behre (白莉)

Mr. Seth Borden (博善)

B.A., Modern Language, Kenyon College, Ohio

B.A., Biological Sciences / Classics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Jersey

B.A., English Literature / Chinese, Clemson University, South Carolina

B.A., Political Science / Economics, New College of Florida, Florida

Kaohsiung ETAs

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


2013-2014 U.S. Fulbright Kaohsiung & Kinmen ETA Profiles

Ms. Debbie Chen (陳怡君)

Ms. Alexandra D’Agostino (洪元慧) Ms. Abbey Haughey (何愛碧)

Ms. Elizabeth Jazwiecki (賈麗敏)

B.A., English Creative Writing / Art / Mathematics, Hamilton College, New York

B.A., International Economics / Asian Studies, Georgetown University, District of Columbia

B.A., Art Education, Northeastern State University, Oklahoma

B.A., Public Policy Studies / Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University, North Carolina

Ms. Linnea Johnson (鐘聶雅)

Ms. Lambrini Kolios (柯蘭蘭)

Mr. Michael Pirnie (潘明浩)

B.A., Geography / Asian Studies, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts

B.S., International Business / Asian Studies, Rollins College, Florida

B.A., Global Studies / Political Science / Philosophy / Mandarin Chinese, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Nebraska

Ms. Christina Adelakun (葉湘琴)

Ms. Leah Apple (林木蘭)

Ms. Rachel Brown (布天蕊)

Ms. Anne Ewbank (歐陽霓)

B.A., Chinese, Williams College, Massachusetts

B.A., East Asian Languages & Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

B.A., Third World Studies / Literature / Writing, Emory University of California–San Diego, California

B.A., Chinese Studies / English / Literacy Studies, Occidental College, California

Ms. Halina Hopkins (哈琳娜)

Ms. Kayla Johnson (莊凱珍)

Ms. Christine Marsico (馬怡婷)

Ms. Elizabeth Matthews (馬樂詩)

B.S., Biology / Environmental Science / Humanities, Valparaiso University, Indiana

B.S., Biology & Mathematics, Augsburg College, Minnesota

B.A., Chinese / Psychology / Educational Studies, Vassar College, New York

B.A., Religious Studies, Brown University, Rhode Island

Ms. Karissa Moy (梅恩慈)

Ms. Soraya Okuda (奧田夜空)

Ms. Catherine Purdy (裴凱琳)

Ms. Annabelle Royer (陸安娜)

B.A. / B.S., Secondary Education / Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

B.A., International Relatoins / Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, San Francisco State University, California

M.A.T., Early and Elementary Education, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia

B.A., English / Education, Marymount Manhattan College, New York

Kinmen ETAs


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

2013-2014 U.S. Fulbright Kinmen & Taichung ETA Profiles

Mr. Thomas Shattuck (善學)

Ms. Nia Spooner (史思梅)

Ms. Yu-Chi Wang (王佑祺)

Ms. Alison Yong (楊麗森)

B.A., History and English, La Salle University, Pennsylvania

B.A., Education & Child Study, Smith College, Massachusetts

B.S., Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

B.A., English / Education and Child Study, Smith College, Massachusetts

Taichung ETAs

Ms. Sophie Bracken (張菲卉)

Ms. Karen Eisenhauer (艾凱琳)

Mr. Bradon Harwood (何瑞登)

Ms. Ashley Kleiner (柯愛煦)

B.A., Chinese / Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri

B.A., Anthropology / Linguistics, Pitzer College, California

B.A., International Studies, Emory University, Georgia

B.A., International Education / French, Truman State University, Missouri

Ms. Esther Lee (李元慶)

Mr. Andrew Previc (普安東)

Ms. Mari Tanabe (唐娜麗)

Ms. Carolyn Tsai (蔡宓綺)

B.A., Psychology, Harvard University, Massachusetts

B.A., International Studies, Emory University, Gergia

B.A., English, Stanford University, California

B.A., Neuroscience / Anthropology, John Hopkins University, Maryland

Ms. Nou Vang (方陽)

Ms. Amanda Williams (魏愛琳)

B.A., Integrated Educational Studies / Women Studies / Psychology, Chapman University, California

B.S., Biomedical Engineering / Chinese Studies, University of South Carolina, South Carolina

Fulbright ETA Mikael Owunna helps his aboriginal students to learn English and also their mother tounge

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


TAIWAN FULBRIGHT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 台灣傅爾布萊特學友會 The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association consists of professionals and scholars who have studied or conducted research in the US over the last 50 years. After returning to Taiwan, most serve at their previous organizations. They teach, make contributions and provide feedback in each of their domains, and have significant influence on Taiwanese education, academia, culture, and arts. To stay in touch, enhance friendship, and promote international academic cultural exchanges, the Taiwanese Fulbright alumni established the “Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association” to serve as an exchange platform among alumni.

台灣傅爾布萊特學友為在過去五十年間赴美進修或從事研究的學 友及學者,回國後大多返先前工作崗位服務及教學,並對其各自 領域作出回饋與貢獻,對台灣社會學術、教育、文化藝術的影響 深鉅。基於聯繫學友、增進情誼,並促進國際學術文化的交流, 故由台灣傅爾布萊特學友成立「台灣傅爾布萊特學友會」作為學 友間的交流平台。

「台灣傅爾布萊特學友會」為 1992 年申請內政部立案通過之人 民團體,由前國立台灣大學校長孫震博士擔任第一屆理事長,現 任第九屆理事長為行政院院長江宜樺博士。台灣傅爾布萊特學友 會於每年 1 至 2 月間舉行學友會理監事會統籌會務,並於每 年 4 月至 5 月舉行學友大會。同時每年不定期舉行學友交流活

“The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association” received its non-profit certificate from the Ministry of Interior in 1992. Its first president was the former president of National Taiwan University Dr. Zhen Sun. The current and fifth president is Yi-Huah Jiang, the premier of the Executive Yuan. The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association holds its alumni supervisory committee co-ordination meeting between January and February annually and holds its alumni general conference between April and May annually. A variety of alumni exchange activities are held annually, such as alumni reading clubs, concerts, and seminars on the experiences of studying in the US. These provide Taiwanese Fulbright alumni an opportunity to exchange and share experiences in academia, culture, art, and education.

Meet us online!


動,如學友讀書會、學友音樂會及美國求學經驗座談會等各項交 流活動,提供台灣傅爾布萊特學友在學術、文化、藝術及教育的 經驗交流。 “I saw that America was an open, peace-loving, democratic, and just society governed by law. I learned how U.S. culture attached importance to peace and justice, so that as I lived in Taiwan in later years, I found it very easy to get along with people, and I was able to resolve problems with good reasoning. I must say that the Fulbright Exchange Program has been resoundingly successful for its exchange students in terms of raising the standard of their academic excellence, helping to create their successful career, and promoting their understanding about people on an international level.” -- Dr. Paul Chiu (邱正雄) Taiwan Fulbright Grantee 1968-73 Former Vice Premier of Taiwan Chair of Bank Sino-Pack

Fulbright Taiwan Alumni Association Board cohort 9 Meeting No.2 (2013.2.1) Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Senior Scholars

2013-2014 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles

Dr. Chung-Ling Chen (陳璋玲)

Dr. Yong-Sheng Chen (陳永昇)

Dr. Li-Fang Chou (周麗芳)

Dr. Wen-Den Chen (陳文典)

Associate Professor, Institute of Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “A study on adjustment strategies for displaced fishing efforts in marine protected areas” Host Institution: University of Delaware, Delaware

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University Project Title: “Spatiotemporal imaging of neural activity using beamforming and independent component analysis” Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, California

Assistant Professor, Psychology, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Employee’s well-being in workplace: A cross-cultural study” Host Institution: University of California, Los Angeles, California

Professor, Department of Economics, Tunghai University Project Title: “Identification tests with general MODWT method – an empirical study on capital mobility of Taiwan’s foreign exchange market by using US Dollar against NT Dollar” Host Institution: Bryant University, Rhode Island

Dr. Tien-Hui Chiang (姜添輝)

Dr. Ya-Chung Chuang (莊雅仲)

Dr. Chun-Cheng Hsu (許峻誠)

Dr. Chia-Liang Hung (洪嘉良)

Professor and Head, Department of Education, National University of Tainan Project Title: “Why does the State Shift its Role from Equity to International Competiveness in the Era of Globalization? : A Study at American Higher Education Policy” Host Institution: University of Wisconsin- Madison, Wisconsin

Associate Professor, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University Project Title: “Democracy Unbound: Imagining the Homeland from Afar in a Taiwanese American Community” Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, California

Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Technology, National Chiao Tung University Project Title: “Cross-cultural Research on Modes of Interactive Behaviors in Social Media and their Corresponding Design Strategies” Host Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts

Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, National Chi Nan University Project Title: “The Role of User in the National Science and Technology Program and its Performance Indicators” Host Institution: Purdue University, Indiana

Dr. Chang-Ya Hu (胡昌亞)

Dr. Fu-Sheng Hung (洪福聲)

Dr. Nien-Hwa Lai (賴念華)

Dr. Hsiang-Lin Lei (雷祥麟)

Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University Project Title: “Complementary Fit and Supplementary Fit in Mentoring Relationships: A Comparison between Different Cultural Contexts” Host Institution: Portland State University, Oregon

Professor, Department of Economics, National Chengchi university Project Title: “The Nonlinear Relationship between Inflation and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Analysis” Host Institution: University of California, Riverside, California

Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, National Taipei University of Education Project Title: “Developing art therapy in Taiwan: Learning from the advanced U. S. training system” Host Institution: University of Kentucky, Kentucky

Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica Project Title: “Neither Donkey Nor Horse: The Birth of Modern Chinese Medicine and the Struggle over China’s Modernity” Host Institution: Institute for Advanced Study, New Jersey

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


2013-2014 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar & Non-Academic Professionl Profiles

Dr. Shu-Fang Lin (林淑芳)

Dr. Feng-Jihu Lee (李奉儒)

Dr. Tse-Kang Leng (冷則剛)

Dr. Kuei-Jung Ni (倪貴榮)

Associate Professor, Department of Communication, National Chung Cheng University Project Title: “Video Game Play and Body Image” Host Institution: Ohio State University, Ohio

Professor, Graduate Institute of Education, National Chung Cheng University Project Title: “Comparing Education Reform from the Theories of Social Cartography and Critical Pedagogy” Host Institution: University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica Project Title: “The United States and Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: Political realism revisited” Host Institution: University of Virginia, Virginia

Professor and Director, Institute of Technology Law, National Chiao Tung University Project Title: “Legalization of Risk Governance concerning Food Safety: A Comparative Study” Host Institution: Harvard University, Massachusetts

Dr. Min-Chun Pan (潘敏俊)

Dr. Shih-Jiunn Shi (施世駿)

Dr. Sheau-Wen Yang (楊曉文)

Dr. Kuan-Ling Shen (沈冠伶)

Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Central University Project Title: “Bridging biomedical engineering research and techniques to medical devices under social welfare consideration” Host Institution: University of Wisconsin- Madison, Wisconsin

Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Federalism and the Welfare State: Comparing Subnationalization of Social Protection in China and the United States” Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley, California

Chair and Professor, Department of Finance, National Central University Project Title: “A Study of Longevity Risk and Survivor Derivatives” Host Institution: University of Wisconsin- Madison, Wisconsin

Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Aggregate Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Mass Claims: The Interaction between Law and Culture in a Global Context” Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley, California

Non-Academic Professionals

Dr. Ya-Hui Su (蘇雅蕙)

Dr. Yung-Nane Yang (楊永年)

Dr. Ruoh-Rong Yu (于若蓉)

Dr. Li-Wen Li (李麗雯)

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University Project Title: “Integrating constraintweighted a-stratification with the maximum priority index to select items for multidimensional computerized adaptive testing” Host Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

Director and Professor, Department of Political Science & Graduate Institute of Political Economy, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Environmental Governance – the Case of Derelict Salt Pan in Taiwan” Host Institution: University of California- Berkeley, California

Research Fellow and Executive Officer, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica Project Title: “The Effects of Survey Design on Survey Outcomes in Cross-cultural Context” Host Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Project Director, Innovosol Consulting Ltd. Project: Integrating environmental and economic performance to assess community energy sustainability in Europe and US Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley, California


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Experience America Research

Doctoral Dissertation Research

Dr. Chin-Fa Cheng (程進發)

Dr. Wen-Shing Liang (梁文興)

Ms. Ling Chen (陳鈴)

Mr. Chin-Chih Wang (王敬智)

Postdoctoral Researcher, Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Central University Project Title: “Is there a need for an environmental ontology?” Host Institution: Colorado State University, Colorado

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, R.O.C. Military Academy Project Title: “An Assessment of China’s public diplomacy efforts in U.S. : Cases of Overseas Chinese Associations’ participation” Host Institution: California State University, San Bernardino, California

Ph.D. Student in Psychology, National Taiwan University Project Title: “How do the elderly respond to their health-related stressors?-- The secret of depressive rumination in US and Taiwanese elderly” Host Institution: University of California, Los Angeles, California

Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, National Chengchi University Project Title: “The relationship between citizens and their state in a non-democratic regime, from three aspects – political participation, contentious politics, and policy process” Host Institution: Columbia University, New York

1st Year Graduate Study

Mr. Cheng-Yu Chao (招承榆)

Mr. Po-Hsi Chen (陳柏旭)

Mr. Han-Hui Hsieh (謝瀚輝)

Ms. Li-Ling Lee (李莉苓)

Research Assistant, National Taipei University Discipline: Political Philosophy Host Institution: Binghamton University (SUNY), New York

Military Service, New Taipei City Government Discipline: Area Studies (East Asian) Host Institution: Yale University, Connecticut

Military Service, Military of Foreign Affairs Discipline: International Relations Host Institution: University of Southern California, California

Judge, Family Division of the Taipei District Court Discipline: Law Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley, California

2nd Year Graduate Study

Ms. Chih-Ho Lin (林芝禾)

Mr. Jiun-Da Lin (林竣達)

Mr. Yi-Hung Liu (劉羿宏)

Mr. Chao-Yo Cheng (鄭兆祐)

Research Assistant, National Sun Yat-Sen University Discipline: Art History Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, California

Research Assistant, Academia Sinica Discipline: Political Science Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, California

Freelance Translator Discipline: American Studies Host Institution: Brown University, Rhode Island

Research Assistant, Academia Sinica Discipline: Political Science Host Institution: University of California, Los Angeles

Mr. Chung-Yuan Chiu (邱崇原)

Mr. Jen-Chou Liu (劉仁洲)

Mr. Li-San Hung (洪立三)

Ms. Shiang-Yi Lin (林湘怡)

Research Assistant, National Chengchi University Discipline: Political Science Host Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington

Administrative Assistant, National Yang Ming University Discipline: Literature Host Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Administrative Assistant, National Taiwan Normal University Discipline: Geography Host Institution: Pennsylvania State University, University Park

Research Assistant, National Taiwan Normal University Discipline: Psychology Host Institution: Lehigh University

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


2013-2014 Taiwan Fulbright Graduate Study & FLTA Profiles

Mr. Tse-Min Fu (傅澤民)

Ms. Yi-Wen Chen (陳怡文)

Mr. Yu-Shiang Jou (周昱翔)

Mr. Min-Xu Zhan (詹閔旭)

Research Assistant, Academia Sinica Discipline: Political Science Host Institution: University of Southern California

Research Assistant, National Taiwan University Discipline: Psychology Host Institution: New York University

Lecturer, National Taiwan University Discipline: Education Host Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Ph.D. Student in Taiwan Literature, National Cheng Kung University Discipline: Area Studies Host Institution: University of California, Los Angeles

Ms. Ya-Ling Wang (王雅玲)

Ms. Yung-Tian Gau (高永恬)

Ph.D. Student in Psychology, National Taiwan University Discipline: Psychology Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley

Student in Medical Science, National Yang Ming University Discipline: Neuroscience Host Institution: Johns Hopkins University


Ms. Yu-Hsin Chang (張宇欣)

Ms. Shu-Ting Jang (張淑婷)

Ms. Jung-Yu Lin (林容妤)

Ms. Pei-Yu Lin (林珮瑜)

Student Teacher in English, National Tainan First Senior High School

English Teacher, Jialu Elementary School, Pingtung County Discipline: English Teaching

Student Teacher in English, Taipei Municipal Da’an Vocational High School

English Teacher, Shanglin Elementary School, New Taipei City

Host Institution: Florida Memorial University, Florida

Discipline: Foreign Language & Literature

Discipline: English Teaching Host Institution: Colby-Sawyer College, New Hampshire

Host Institution: Spelman College, Georgia

Ms. Yueh-Chih Lin (林嶽峙)

Ms. Yu-Hsuan Tu (杜毓軒)

Ms. Miao-Yu Yen (顏妙瑜)

English Teacher, English Language Institute of Testing and Education

English Teacher, Taipei Municipal Yi Xian Elementary School

English Teacher, Joy English

Discipline: Teaching English as Second Language

Discipline: English Instruction

Host Institution: College of Idaho, Idaho


Host Institution: College of Wooster, Ohio

Discipline: Children English Education Host Institution: Western Kentucky University, Kentucky

Discipline: English Host Institution: Wabash College, Indiana

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


Fulbright Scholar Brenda Zlamany shares her arts and inspirations with Taiwan Press at MOCA Gallery

Senior Scholar Christine Yeh teaches aboriginal students how to express their feelings and identity by using photography

President Ma ying-jeou meet with Fulbright Researchers from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Macau at the Cross-strait Research Workshop (left to right Ying-jeou Ma, George Dong, Timothy Liu, Rachel Reetzke, Macabe Keliher)

2012-2013 Fulbright Senior Scholars, Fellows, and ETAs at Welcome Reception in the Taipei Red House

ETA Andrew Karst co-teaches with Local English teacher Vincent Kuo at elementary school in Kaohsiung

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Fulbright ETAs experience rice planting in Yilan, Taiwan (left to right Dorothy J. Heebner, Meghan M. Dixon, Emily A. Dick, Abigail C. Riskind, Lauren A. Caldwell)


2013-2014 PLANNED ACTIVITIES 年度活動 2013 Grantee Dates Date 8/30 9/06 9/06 9/07 9/25 10/02

Friday Friday Friday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday

10/10 Wednesday 11/12 Friday 12/11 Wednesday



Fall Semester begins for elementary schools† Arrival Orientation: Senior Scholars and Fellows Welcome Party: all grantees Cultural Program: all grantees Fellows Research Proposals Fellows Research Proposals

Kristen Asdal, Eugene Gregory, Kimberly Wilson Teagan Adamson, Jason Protass, Paul Vierthaler, Josephine Kao

10-10 National Day Celebration: all grantees Thanksgiving Dinner: all grantees Senior Scholar: Presentation & Interview

Daniel Indro

2014 Grantee Dates Date

1/15-17 Wed-Fri 1/20 Monday 2/11 Friday 2/20 Wednesday 3/12-14 Wed-Fri



3/26 4/23 5/07 5/14 5/21 5/23 5/28 6/04

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Wednesday

Mid-Year Conference: all grantees Fall Semester ends for elementary schools† Spring Semester begins for elementary schools† Fellow: Presentation & Interview Cross-Straits Research Workshop (Researchers required, Lecturers invited) Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interview Fellow: Presentation & Interview Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interview Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interviews Senior Scholar & Fellow: Presentation & Interviews Farewell Party: all grantees Fellows: Presentation & Interviews Fellows: Presentation & Interviews

6/30 8/13

Thursday Wednesday

Spring Semester ends for elementary schools† Senior Scholar & Fellow: Presentation & Interviews Dr. Steven Fox, Dr. Kenneth Loh, Ian Rowen

Benjamin Brose & Charles Musgrove Philip Brown Barbara Foster & Teagan Adamson Rodney Winther & Amber Kao Robert Siegel, Jason Protass Eugene Gregory & Paul Vierthaler Kirsten Asdal & Kimberly Wilson

Red- Attendance expected by all † Please check with your host institution's calendar for exact dates.


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


Education Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government

STAFF 會內分工 Executive Director William Vocke

Finance & Administration Eric Chen IT & HR Coordinator Cherry Yen Financial Coordinator

執行長 李沃奇

Tel: 2388-2100 wvocke@fulbright.org.tw

財務與行政 陳照漢 資訊管理暨人事主任 顏佳潁 財務主任

echan@fulbright.org.tw cyen@fulbright.org.tw


傅爾布萊特交換計畫 留美諮詢 EducationUSA 傅鏡平 教育顧問暨發展主任 Clarence Fu EducationUSA Coordinator 行銷與活動 Marketing & Events 邱柏耘 行銷暨媒體事務主任 Sam Chiou Marketing & Media Coordinator 獎學金 Grants Charlie Cheng US Grantee & Regulations Coordinator 鄭佳力 美國交換計畫暨法規管理主任 Lisa Lin Taiwan Grantees & Alumni Coordinator 林芝立 赴美交換計畫暨學友事務主任 英語協同教學專案 English Teaching Assistant Program 張純怡 英語協同教學專案管理主任 Kelly Chang ETA Project Lead Coordinator 陳威廷 英語協同教學計畫金門主任 Jimmy Chen Kinmen ETA Project Coordinator 簡盈甄 英語協同教學計畫台中主任 Iris Chien Taichung ETA Project Coordinator 林綉雯 英語協同教學計畫宜蘭主任 Kelly Lin Yilan ETA Project Coordinator 毛君涵 英語協同教學計畫高雄主任 Fonda Mao Kaohsiung ETA Project Coordinator

Program Assistants Trace Chang Vicky Tsai Stephanie Wong

計畫助理 張炎黃 蔡孟芬 汪宛靚

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

cfu@fulbright.org.tw schiou@fulbright.org.tw ccheng@fulbright.org.tw llin@fulbright.org.tw kchang@fulbright.org.tw jchen@fulbright.org.tw ichien@fulbright.org.tw klin@fulbright.org.tw fmao@fulbright.org.tw tchang@fulbright.org.tw vtsai@fulbright.org.tw swong@fulbright.org.tw


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