Fulbright taiwan 2014 2015 program book

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CONTENTS 目次 Contents 目次


The Fulbright Program & Board Members 傅爾布萊特計畫及董事會成員 1 The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange 學術交流基金會簡介


Message for 2014-2015 Grantees 執行長的話


Fulbright Scholarships 傅爾布萊特獎學金


Foundation “FSE” Scholarships 學術交流基金會獎學金


Grant Foci and 2014-2015 Grantee Maps 焦點議題與學人分布


2014-2015 U.S. Grantees’ Profiles 美國獲獎者簡介


EducationUSA 美國教育資訊中心


Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association 台灣傅爾布萊特學友會


2014-2015 Taiwan Grantees’ Profiles 台灣獲獎者簡介


Event Photos 活動照片


2014-15 Planned Activities 年度活動


Taiwan Information 參考資訊


Cooperation & Sponsors 合作贊助單位


“The Fulbright Program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs, and thereby increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.” - Senator J. William Fulbright Video: What is Fulbright Program? http://goo.gl/ocDFyM


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

THE FULBRIGHT PROGRAM 傅爾布萊特計畫 The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 in the aftermath of WWII, as an initiative of Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, who believed that a program of educational and cultural exchange between the people of the United States and those of other nations could play an important role in building lasting world peace. The purpose of the program is “to enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of the other countries.” Grants are made to U.S. citizens and nationals of other countries for a variety of educational activities, primarily university teaching, advanced research, graduate studies, non-academic professional programs in specified fields, and language teaching. Since 1946, over 325,400 talented people worldwide have been awarded Fulbright Scholarships. It is now the largest and one of the most prestigious, educational scholarship programs in the world and operates between the U.S. and more than 155 countries. There are 53 Nobel Laureates and 80 Pulitzer Prize winners who were Fulbright Grantees. 傅爾布萊特計畫成立於1946 (民35)年,由阿肯色州參議員傅爾布萊特先生提案。記取二次世界大戰的教訓,他相信通過教育與文化之交 流,讓美國與各國人民相互了解,將有助於增進世界和平。傅爾布萊特計畫的目的是「增進美國政府、美國人民與各國人民的相互了解」 。每年提供獎學金與美國及各國公民,支持高等教育講學、研究、進修與專業人才交流等各種教育活動。從1946年起,全球已經有超過32 萬5千人次獲得傅爾布萊特獎學金。至今,這個計畫是美國與全球超過155個國家間最龐大也最知名的教育交換計畫之一。獲獎者中共有53 位諾貝爾獎得主及80位普立茲獎獲獎人。

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事成員 Honorary Chair 榮譽董事長 Christopher J. Marut 美國在臺協會 馬處長啟思 Director, American Institute in Taiwan Chair 董事長 Joseph Bookbinder 美國在臺協會文化新聞組 周組長書龍 Chief, Public Diplomacy Section, American Institute in Taiwan U.S. Members 美國董事

Taiwan Members 臺灣董事

William E. Bryson 眾達國際法律事務所 柏資深顧問威廉 Of Counsel, Jones Day Morgan Parker * 美國在臺協會領事組 潘組長墨硯 Chief, Consular Section, American Institute in Taiwan Alys Spensley 美國在臺協會美國中心 蘇主任阿麗 Director, The American Center, American Institute in Taiwan David P. Sun 國泰金控 孫資深副總經理至德 Senior Executive Vice President, Cathay Financial Holding

Kelly Hsieh 外交部北美司 謝司長武樵 Director General, Dept. of North American Affairs, MOFA Fan-sen Wang 中央研究院 王副院長汎森 Deputy President, Academia Sinica Jing-jyi Wu 政治大學名譽教授 吳博士靜吉 Endowed Chair of Creativity, National Chengchi University Min-Ling Yang 教育部國際及兩岸教育司 楊司長敏玲 Director General, Dept. of Intl. and Cross-strait Education, MOE Pan-Chyr Yang 國立台灣大學 楊校長泮池 President, National Taiwan University

ex officio William Vocke 學術交流基金會 李執行長沃奇 Executive Director, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

*Serves as Treasurer


THE FOUNDATION FOR SCHOLARLY EXCHANGE 學術交流基金會 (Originally U.S. Educational Foundation in the Republic of China 原美國在中華民國教育基金會)

The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan), supported by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is one of the 50+ bilateral organizations in the world established specifically to administer the Fulbright educational exchange program. The other 100 bilateral Fulbright programs are administered by U.S. embassies. Over the past 50+ years, the Foundation has financed over 1600 Taiwan grantees to the U.S. and more than 1300 U.S. grantees to Taiwan. In 1962, the Foundation began the U.S. Education Information Center providing Taiwan students with information about studying in the U.S. Starting in 2003 with 8 teachers, the Foundation began cooperating with Yilan County Government in the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) project. Over 12 years, the partnerships have been extended to Kaohsiung City, Kinmen County, Taichung City, Taipei City, and Taitung County, and in 2014 70 Fulbright ETAs serve in local schools. In 2014, the Foundation developed its first strategic partners with the private sector and universities. The Formosa Plastic Group instituted a joint scholarship to support Taiwanese Scholars and Professionals in Early Intervention and Geriatric Health Promotion, and provided financial support for Taitung ETAs. New MA scholarships for Americans were instituted with National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, and National Cheng Kung University. In all, up to 145 places, are now available for US and Taiwan grantees. Fulbright Taiwan is overseen by a Board of Directors of five Taiwanese and five U.S. members. The Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is the Honorary Chairman of the Board. The Executive Director, under supervision of the Board, administers Fulbright Taiwan. 學術交流基金會經費來源主要由中華民國政府外交部和教育部編列年度預算,美方則由國務院編列預算,透過美國在臺協會 (AIT)支付,是世界各地50個傅爾布萊特基金會之一,專門執行傅爾布萊特交換獎學金的業務,另外約100個國家的傅爾布萊特 交換計畫則由美國當地大使館負責。 五十多年來,基金會已經選送超過1600位台灣獲獎人前往美國深造,亦選送超過1300位美國獲獎人來台交流。自1962(民51)年 起,基金會成立美國教育資訊中心,專為預備赴美留學之學生提供諮詢及資料服務。自2003(民92)年起,基金會與宜蘭縣政府 開始合作英語協同教師(ETA)計畫,選送8位英語教師至宜蘭縣。經過十二年的發展,高雄市政府、金門縣政府、台中市政府、 台北市政府以及台東縣政府亦陸續與基金會開始合作此項計畫,今年共有70位傅爾布萊特英語協同教師於此六縣市服務。 在2014(民103)年,基金會首度與私人企業與國立大學合作組成策略夥伴。台塑集團與基金會成立聯合獎學金資助台灣學者與 專業人員至美國研究早期療育與老人健康促進,並贊助台東縣英語協同教師計畫。此外,國立臺灣大學、國立政治大學以及國 立成功大學與基金會成立聯合獎學金贊助美國優秀學生來台攻讀碩士。共計有145名獎助席次可提供給台灣與美國受獎者。 學術交流基金會設有董事會,由臺美雙方各推派五人組成。董事會名譽主席由美國在臺協會處長擔任,董事會下設執行長,並





第 師計 一個傅 畫於 爾布 宜蘭 萊特 縣 英 第二 成立 語協 同教 師計 個傅 畫於 爾布 高雄 萊特 市 英 臺 成立 語協同 臺協 北經濟 教 會簽 文化 訂 代 第 新 表 師計 三個傅 版交 處與 畫於 爾布 換信 美國 金 萊 件 在 第四 門縣 特英 教師 、第 成立 語協 同教 計畫 五個 於台 傅爾 北與 布萊 第 台中 特英 師 六個 市 語 台東 計畫由 傅爾布 成立 協同 縣成 台塑 萊特 立 關係 英語 企業 協同 贊助 教 於

成立 友會 特學 布萊 傅爾 臺灣

原 更 美國 執行 名為學 在中華 傅爾 術交 民國 布萊 流基 教育 特交 金會 基金 換計 ,繼 會 畫 續


1,300 U.S. Alumni







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特法 布萊





1,600 TW Alumni

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

MESSAGE FOR 2014-2015 GRANTEES 執行長的話 On behalf of the Board and staff at Fulbright Taiwan, we extend our warmest welcome. Following Senator Fulbright’s vision the simple hope of the program is: “A world with a little more knowledge and a little less conflict.” The mission of Fulbright Taiwan is to: • Build knowledge • Exchange cultures • Establish long-term relationships • Change lives • Symbolize Taiwanese-American friendship

Dr. William C. Vocke, Jr. Executive Director, Fulbright Taiwan 執行長 李沃奇博士

When you decided to go through the highly competitive process to win a Fulbright scholarship, we trust you had Senator Fulbright’s vision in mind. Receiving a Fulbright invokes “a privilege not a right.” Receiving a Fulbright creates an obligation. So, think about the mission and the hundreds of ways you can embrace it. You will find Taiwanese and Americans eager to help. In terms of building knowledge, you have a particular task or project to complete. You undertake that in a joint partnership between you, your hosts, and Fulbright Taiwan. We hope to help make all three legs of that triangle as strong as possible. We hope you can maximize your experiences, enhance Senator Fulbright’s vision, and contribute to the cultivation of knowledge.

The cross-cultural mission is central to “a little less conflict.” We hope that your goodwill and efforts bring understanding between America and Taiwan and that you take home a healthy dose of these wonderful cultures. At its best, this interaction promotes mutual understanding. Look at your fellow grantees in this pamphlet and get to know them. You should be impressed. Reach out to some. Equally, I hope you reach out to the colleagues you meet in Taiwan or America. In the months ahead, let us know if you need assistance. We are happy and ready to be of service. We wish you a very pleasant and productive stay in America or on this beautiful island. We wish you a very pleasant and productive fellowship. We are pleased you chose Fulbright for your experience. Susan Stevenson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Diplomacy in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs and East Asia Pacific Fulbright Commission Executive Directors, PAOs, CAOs meet in Taipei for the EAP Regional Meeting

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


Fellow John Gregory presents his research findings on eighteen century’s militarization and law

Higher Education Exchange Scholarships 高等教育交流獎學金

Fulbright ETA Michael Pirnie reads stories for children at the Kaohsiung American Corner High Quality Language Education & Co-teaching 優質美語教育與 協同教學

Exchange Cultures 交流文化

President Ma ying-jeou takes questions from U.S. Fulbrighters from Taiwan, Build Knowledge Thought Leader China, Macau and 建構知識 Talks Hong Kong during the 傅爾布萊特 Symbolize Cross-strait Research American-Taiwanese 系列講座 Workshop Friendship 象徵台美良好關係

Establish Long-term Relationships 建立長期關係 Researcher Matching 研究者媒合

Change Lives 改變生命 EducationUSA Advising 留美諮詢

EducationUSA Advisor is helping Taiwan students to understand US education and apply schools in the US

Fellow Teagan Adamson met Nobel Laureate Leland Hartwell and President Chia-Chu Pao of Chang Gung University in Taoyuan


Premier Yi-hwa Jiang, the president of the Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association presents award for the distinguished alumnus, Paul Chiu, Chairman of Bank SinoPac

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS 傅爾布萊特獎學金 Grants for U.S. Citizens 提供美國公民之獎助金 Fulbright awards to Taiwan to study, teach, or research:

Scholars 學者類獎助

Students 學生類獎助

Teaching Grants 客座教授: The awards are offered for professors/professionals who teach in the fields of the Applied Social/Policy Scineces, Arts, Business, Culture, Education, Humanities, Information / Communications, Media / Jounalism, Socioal Sciences at a Taiwan university.

Study/Research Grants 研究獎助: The awards are provided for students who possess at least a bachelor’s degree to study or conduct research. Master’s and Ph.D. students are preferred.

Research Grants 研究學者: The awards are provided to U.S. scholars who wish to carry out research projects in Taiwan. Partial Grants 部分獎助教授/研究學者: Scholars who have already secured major financial support from other sourves may apply for supplementary support and status as Fulbright Scholars. Available in all fields. Cross-Strait Studies Grants 海峽兩岸研究: The awards are for scholars who conduct research on an issue concerning the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan. Projects should focus on comtemporary topics. Scholars spend a portion of their grant period in Taiwan, and a portion in China/Hong Kong. No more than 60% of the grant period should be spent in on either location. Scholars must begin the grant in Taiwan. Postdoctoral Research Grants 博士後研究: Scholars conduct postdoctoral research and/or collaborate with Taiwanese academic and research institutions. Activities may include presenting lectures, seminars, and workshops as arranged by the host institution. Teaching English as a Foreign Language 英語教師培訓及 研究: Teach courses in TEFL. Conduct training programs for senior Engish studies students, junior-level U.S. English teachers in elementary and/or junior schools, and faculty. Also, conduct workshops to build assessment capacity and/or research capacity to teacher trainees. Assist with student advising, supervise student practical work and participate in seminars. Assist in the development of programs and curricula, resource material development, testing, and program design and implementation.

Engish Teaching Assitantship Grants 英語協同教師計畫: The awards are for college graduates who wish to co-teach English at elementary or junior high schools in Taiwan. Their work includes teaching, consulting with teachers on American cultural issues and assisting in the editing or writing of educational materials for Engish teaching. ETAs are placed in shools located in Yilan County, Kaohsiung City, Kinmen County, Taichung City, Taipei City, and Taitung County. Master Degree Partnership Grants 攻讀碩士學位獎助: The awards are granted for college graduates who have received a bachelor’s degree from a univeristy in U.S. and intend to pursue a master’s degree program (the first- year tution is disbursed by Fulbright Taiwan and the secondyear tuition is disbursed by a partnership institution). They enter one of the partner English language MA programs in Taiwan.

Teachers 教師類獎助 Distinguished Awards (DA) in Teaching Program 卓越 教學獎助計畫: DA Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, and provides funding for highly accomplished international primary and secondary educators to take part in an intensive professional development program for 3-6 months in Taiwan.

Dr. Philip Brown with host Dr. Shiyung Mike Liu discusses maps and book manuscripts at the International Center for Tainan Area Humanities and Social Science Researches. Read more about Fulbright Taiwan experience online: Visit Research & Reflections: journal.fulbright.org.tw

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


Grants for Taiwan Citizens 提供中華民國公民之獎助金 Fulbright awards to the U.S. to study, teach, or research:

Scholars 學者類獎助 Senior Research Scholars 資深學者研究獎助金: Grantees are outstanding Taiwan faculty and researchers selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee. 資深研究學者是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之傑 出教授與學者。

Fulbright-Formosa Plastics Group, for Senior Scholar 傅爾布萊特—台塑關係企業獎助金 (資深學者) Grantees are outstanding Taiwan faculty and researchers focusing in Elderly Intervention and Geriatric Health Promotion, selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee. 此類資深學者是台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之傑 出教授與學者,並且專長於早期療育或老人健康促進 領域。 Experience America Research 博士後研究獎助金: Scholars are outstanding Taiwan faculty and researchers who got their Ph.D. degree in non-English-speaking countries, selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee. 博士後研究學者是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之 傑出學者。

Scholar-in-Residence Program 傅爾布萊特駐校學者計 畫: The Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) program is institutionfocused, and supports proposals developed by U.S. institutions, giving priority to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, tribal colleges, community colleges, and small liberal-arts institutions. Taiwan’s scholars can participate by teaching or researching at the participating institutions in the United States. 駐校學者計畫旨在協助特定的美國大學校院及學術機構, 獎助對象以非洲裔或西班牙裔為主的學院及大學、印第安 人部落學院、社區大學及小型文理學院等為主。獲得獎助 之美國校院可自行與擬邀訪之學者聯絡,亦可由國際學者 交換協會(CIES)及本會協助推薦,邀請適當傅爾布萊特訪 問學者到校擔任專題講座及擔任課程顧問等。

Fulbright-Formosa Plastics Group, for Professionals 傅爾布萊特—台塑關係企業獎助金 (專業人員) Grantees are outstanding Taiwan mid-career professionals working in government or private organizations, focusing in Elderly Intervention and Geriatric Health Promotion, and selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee. 此類學人是台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之傑出國 內公、私營機構資深專業人員,並且專長於早期療育 或老人健康促進領域。

Students 學生類獎助 Doctoral Dissertation Research 國內博士班研究生研 究獎助金: Grantees are Taiwan doctorate candidates selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee to visit the U.S. to conduct dissertation-related research, in cooperation with U.S. research institutes. 此類學人是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之博士班 學生,他們將與美國研究機構合作,針對他們的博士論文 進行資料蒐集和研究。

Graduate Study 攻讀博士學位獎助金: Grantees are Taiwan students selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee to pursue Ph.D. degree in the U.S. 此類學人是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之學生, 他們將赴美攻讀博士學位。

Graduate Study-LLM 攻讀法學碩士獎助金: Taiwan students selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee to pursue LLM in Tulane University in the U.S. 此類學人是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之學生, 他們將赴美於杜蘭大學攻讀法學碩士學位。

Non-Academic Professionals 專業人員類獎助 Non-Academic Professionals 專業人員及創作藝術家 研習獎助金: Grantees are outstanding Taiwanese midcareer professionals working in government or private organizations, selected by Taiwan Fulbright Selection Committee to take part in a learning project. 此類學人是經由台灣傅爾布萊特甄選委員會選出之傑出國 內公、私營機構資深專業人員及創作藝術家。


Fulbright Taiwan Graduate Study Grantee Hsin-yi Tsai and other Fulbright students volunteered for tree planting in Los Angeles, California

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Teachers 教師類獎助 Distinguished Awards (DA) in Teaching Program 卓越 教學獎助計畫: DA Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, and provides funding for highly accomplished international primary and secondary educators to take part in an intensive professional development program for 4 months in the United States. DA計畫由國務院支持,提供資深優秀中小學教育者赴 美參與為期四個月的密集專業培育訓練。 Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program 教師赴美進修暨協助華語教學獎助計畫: FLTA Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, and provides funding for educators to refine their teaching skills, increase their English proficiency, and extend their knowledge of the cultures and customs of the U.S. Along with their studies, FLTAs paly vital roles as Taiwan’s cultural ambassadors, and as language instructors or assistants in US universities or colleges.

FLTA計畫由國務院支持,加強教師教學技巧及英語能力,並 擴展對美國文化風俗的認識。另一方面,也協助美國大學 打造優質華語學習環境,並扮演了台灣文化大使的角色。

FOUNDATION “FSE” SCHOLARSHIPS Grants for US or Taiwan Citizens 提供美國或中華民國公民之獎助金 FSE awards to the U.S. or TW citizens: FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards 英語教師培訓及研究獎學金: The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange offers awards for English teaching consultants and do research in the field of English teaching. Grantees will lead and provide advice to the English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) team and Taiwan English teachers. Also, through practical classroom visits to demonstrate the teaching techniques, they plan training courses in cooperation with other English teaching professionals to improve and raise the teaching quality among Taiwan English teachers and American ETAs. 此獎項由學術交流基金會創設,為提升臺灣英語教學環 境與品質,提供具備教學英語為第二外語之教師或相關 領域教授為期一年獎學金,資助受獎人投入英語教師之 培養與專業研究計畫。受獎期間擔任教學顧問,指導英 語協同教學計畫(ETA)之美籍教師與臺灣在地的英語教 師。透過實地訪視指導教學並籌劃執行各類培訓課程, 提升臺灣與美籍英語教師之協同教學品質,並與計畫相 關學者團隊合作,奠定豐富研究教學資歷。

TEFL Trainers

Fulbright FLTA Tzuling Chiu makes a Taiwan map in her Mandrin class with her students in Colby-Sawyer College

Ms. Sarah De Mola (慕莎拉)

Ms. Emily Quade (奎艾蜜)

M.A., Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Monterey Institute of International Studies, California Award Title: “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards” Host Institution: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange

M.A., Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Monterey Institute of International Studies, California Award Title: “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards” Host Institution: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange

Fulbright Taiwan Grantee Ling Chen won the 1st place in Yuhihai Kendo Tournament, a inter-university champion

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)



與 管 理 進行

Nurturing education and management talent is crucial to keeping a society dynamic and competitive. Innovative ideas in education and management sustain Taiwan’s development. 沒有優質的教育環境,就無法造就具競爭力的下一代。在教育與管理上的創造與創新是維繫台灣發展的動力。


Examine the layers of culture, discover new truths from the old, and compare in order to re-define the horizon. 從老東西裡面找出新韻味,從比較中發現新視野,回顧與前瞻其實是文化累積的一體兩面。


In the past, Taiwan focused on wealth creation and democratic evolution. Land, community, and health are newer concerns. New public policy research helps define tomorrow’s society. 過去,台灣強調財富創造與民主發展,如今,關切的新議題則在土地、社區及身心靈健康。新的公共政策研究 將有助於定義未來的社會。


Advanced academic research, medical research, and high technology collaboration is central to Taiwan-US academic exchange. Promoting cutting-edge advances secures the future. 高等學術研究、醫學與科技合作一直都是台灣與美國學術交流的重心。促進尖端領域的發展與交流才能充實國 家未來實力。




Art unlocks secrets to escape life’s routine, a kiln enriches collective memories, brushes color our hopes, a melody transforms our spirt ... Through the creativity and innovation of artists’ eyes the new is revealed and the old is refocused. 藝術不只是幫助我們跳脫日常案牘勞形的秘徑,也是形塑集體經驗的載體,更可用來提升性靈、彩繪希望。從 藝術家的創新與創意之眼我們將看到新與舊、傳統與現代交織下的激盪。

2014-15 GRANTEE DISTRIBUTION 學人分布 In Taiwan In U.S. Taiwan Grantees origination = 47 Taiwan Grantees destination = 47 U.S. Grantees destination = 87 U.S. Grantees origination = 87 Keelung 基隆 1|0

New England 新英格蘭

Taipei 台北

11 | 15

22 | 15

New Taipei 新北

West North Central 中部西北


Kinmen 金門 Tauyuan 桃園 1 | 15

Pacific 太平洋


17 | 9

Hsinchu 新竹 2|1

Nantou 南投

2 | 12

Yilan 宜蘭 0 | 16


Chiayi 嘉義

Taitung 台東


Kaohsiung 高雄

6 | 16


East North Central 中部東北

4 | 13

Yunlin 雲林

Tainan 台南

Middle Atlantic 中大西洋

Mountain 山嶽

Taichung 台中




0 | 15

West South Central 中部西南

South Atlantic 南大西洋 3 | 17


East South Central 中部東南 0|2

Pintung 屏東 1|1

3 | 11


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Senior Scholars

2014-2015 U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles

Dr. Laurie Battle (仈羅利)

Dr. James Behuniak (江文思)

Dr. Ariel Fox (艾瑞)

Dr. Donald Hatfield (施永德)

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Science, College of Letters, Sciences, and Professional Studies, Montana Tech of The University of Montana, Montana Project Title: “Mathematical Modeling in Biology, Modeling the Formosan Salmon Host Institution: Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University

Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Colby College, Maine Project Title: “American and Chinese Philosophy in Taiwan” Host Institution: Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of East Asian Language and Civilizations, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Massachusetts Project Title: “Trading Stories: Money, Merchants, and Commerce in Early Modern Chinese Drama” Host Institution: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica

Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts, Berklee College of Music, Massachusetts Project Title: “Far Ocean Fishing, Placemaking, and Formations of Taiwanese Indigenous Identity” Host Institution: Department of Public and Cultural Affairs, National Taitung University

Dr. Carol Lee (李恩美)

Dr. Randall Nadeau (那原道)

Dr. Marilyn Rahilly (雷瑪麗)

Mr. Terry O’Reilly (易光海)

Professor, Department of Zoology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin Project Title: “Evolution in Response to Novel Pathogens During Biological Invasions” Host Institution: Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica

Professor, Department of Religion, Trinity University, Texas Project Title: “The History of Religious Studies As An Academic Discipline: Western Scholarship on Chinese Religions” Host Institution: Department of History, Tunghai University

Assistant Professor, English Language Institute, George Mason University, Virginia Project Title: “Improving English Speaking Proficiency and Lowering the Affective Filter in East Asian Adult Learners” Host Institution: Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

Artist, Mabou Mines, New York Project Title: “ Meeting in the Mountains” Host Institution: College of Theatre Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts

Dr. Nancy Wei (衛純娟)

Dr. Jake Werner (文哲凱)

Dr. Monica Yang (楊雅淳)

Dr. Michael Yu (尤俊欽)

Associate Professor and Chair, Department of International Political Economy & Diplomacy, College of Public and International Affairs University of Bridgeport, Connecticut Project Title: “Cross-Strait Book Manuscript and South China Sea Claims” Host Institution: Graduate Institute of Public Affairs Management, Transworld University

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of History, Division of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago, Illinois Project Title: “Everyday Crisis and the Rise of the Masses in China, 1927-1949” Host Institution: Graduate Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University

Associate Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Decision Sciences, School of Business, Adelphi University, New York Project Title: “Determinants and Performance of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions across the Taiwan Strait 2000-2013” Host Institution: Department of International Business, National Chengchi University

Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, New York Project Title: “The Role of Protein Arginine Methylation in the Function of Pre-mRNA Splicing Factor Prp19” Host Institution: Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)



2014-2015 U.S. Fulbright Fellow & Taipei ETA Profiles

Ms. Diane Choi (崔智惠)

Mr. Lance Crisler (柯則已)

Ms. Mary Hamilton (何美笑)

Mr. Nathaniel Maynard (馬耐德)

B.A., History and Literature, Harvard University, Massachusetts Project Title: “Migrant Bride: A Collaborative Film Project in Taiwan” Host Institution: Department of Filmmaking, Taipei National University of the Arts

Ph.D. Candidate, Classical Chinese Literature, University of California – Los Angeles, California Project Title: “Lost Memories: The Instability of History in the Eastern Han” Host Institution: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

B.A., Chinese and China Studies, Fordham University, New York Project Title: “Ancient Sailing Techniques among Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples” Host Institution: Department of Public and Cultural Affairs, National Taitung University

M.A., International Environmental Policy / Ocean & Coastal Resource Management, Monterey Institute of International Studies, California Project Title: “What is the Economic Benefit of the Houbihu Marine Reserve?” Host Institution: Dept. of Planning and Research, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium

Taipei ETAs Mr. Joshua Stenberg (石峻山) Ph.D. Candidate, Chinese Theatre, Nanjing University, Nanjing Project Title: “Taiwanese Minnan Glove Puppet Theater in Regional Perspective” Host Institution: National Taiwan College of Performing Arts

Amber Kao, dancer and choreographer rehearsing for her new dance “Mirrors of time” Watch more Fulbright Taiwan experience on YouTube at: video.fulbright.org.tw


Ms. Alyssa Marchetti (甯書方)

Ms. Aria Ogawa (小川有歌)

M.Ed, Special Education, Hunter College, New York

B.A., Art / Business / Anthropology, Franklin and Marshall College,Pennsylvania 2nd year ETA, Former Yilan ETA

Ms. Annabelle Royer (陸安娜)

Ms. Rebekah Shyloski (施蕊蓓)

B.A., English/ Education, Marymount Manhattan College, New York 2nd year ETA, Former Kinmen ETA

B.A., Spanish / Art History / Art, Ithaca College, New York 2nd year ETA, Former Yilan ETA

Mr. Matthew Wong (王歡樂) M.A.T., Secondary Education- Social Science, University of Southern California, California

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Yilan ETAs

2014-2015 U.S. Fulbright Yilan & Kaohsiung ETA Profiles

Ms. Anna Boffice (包安娜)

Ms. Yoon Sung Choi (崔允誠)

Ms. Samantha Freitag (傅曼莎)

Ms. Emma Fridel (斐艾瑪)

B.A., Anthropology/ Visual Arts/ Italian Studies, Rutgers University, New Jersey

B.A., English, Cornell University, New York

B.A., International Relations / Business, University of Southern California, California

B.A./B.S, Biology/ Chinese/ Spanish, Duke University, North Carolina

Ms. Kerrin Hensley (何凱音)

Ms. Samantha Herrick (何曼珊)

Ms. Lakyn Hose (何蕾思)

Mr. Barrington Hwang (黃品傑)

B.A., Chinese/ Astrophysics, Williams College, Massachusetts

B.A., Elementary Education/ Sociology, Wake Forest University, North Carolina

B.A., International Relations/ Chinese/TESOL, West Virginia University, West Virginia

B.A./B.S., Chemistry/ Economics/ Biology, Texas Christian University, Texas

Ms. Lauren Kwiatkowski (康蘭)

Ms. Jane Lo (羅菁恩)

Ms. Emi Preston (坂本惠美)

Mr. Kyle Renick (雷凱爾)

B.A., History and International Relations/ Asian Studies, Tulane University, Louisiana

B.A., Chinese/ Political Science/ Psychology, Rutgers University, New Jersey

B.A., Spanish/ Chinese, University of Washington, Washington

B.A., Journalism/ Communication, Arizona State University, Arizona

Mr. Albert Wei (魏宏鈞)

Mr. Matthew Werth (魏桐文)

Ms. Kenya Williams (于麗華)

Ms. Yue Yuan (袁月)

B.A., Political Science / Sociology, Rice University, Texas

B.A., Chinese/French/Spanish, University of Delaware, Delaware

B.A., Chinese/ Spanish / Secondary Education, Michigan State University, Michigan

B.A./ B.S., English Literature/ Psychology, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Illinois

Ms. Julia Adams (安雅)

Mr. Christian Allen (艾思誠)

Ms. Phoebe Benich (貝菲菲)

Mr. Jacob Boyd (包亞格)

B.A., Asian Studies/ Writing/ Museum Studies, University of Michigan, Michigan

B.A., International Studies/Political Science/Asian Studies/Economics, University of Denver, Colorado

B.A., International Relations/ Chinese, College of William & Mary, Virginia

B.A., Political Economy / Environmental Studies / Spanish, Tulane University, Louisiana

Kaohsiung ETAs

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


2014-2015 U.S. Fulbright Kaohsiung & Kinmen ETA Profiles

Ms. Tiixa Chukwuezi (茱蒂莎)

Ms. Caroline Cotto (柯若蘭)

Mr. Timothy DeVita (丁維堤)

Ms. Fotini Gan (甘翡玉)

B.A./B.S., Philosophy/ International Relations, Boston College, Massachusetts

B.S., Human Science / International Health, Georgetown University, District of Columbia

B.A., American Studies, Georgetown University, District of Columbia

B.A., International Relations/Chinese Studies, Syracuse University, New York

Ms. Ariela Hazan (罕艾獅)

Ms. Kristin Quach (郭寶琳)

Ms. Alexandra Rudow (盧雅詩)

B.A., Biology, Hunter College, City University of New York, New York

B.A., Linguistics/Chinese/TESL, University of Florida, Florida

B.A., World Politics/ Economics, Hamilton College, New York

Kinmen ETAs

Ms. Katherine Blackburn (柏若玲)

Mr. Philip Delvecchio (費杰)

Ms. Kelly Donovan (樂凱莉)

B.A., Chinese/ Linguistics, Lawrence University, Wisconsin

B.S., Computer Science / Chinese, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina

B.A., Spanish /Asian Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina

Ms. Kristian Edosomwan (艾可晴) B.A., Asian Studies/Sociology, Rice University, Minnesota

Ms. Lillian Ferraz (費麗蓮)

Mr. Hanley Fultz (福漢利)

Ms. Cassandra Gross (高麗虹)

Mr. Ryan Huffman (何瑞安)

B.A., English Literature/ Music / Chinese / Women, Gender & Sexuality, Pacific Lutheran Univ., Washington

B.A., International Studies/Politics, Earlham College, Indiana

B.A., Neuroscience, Amherst College, Massachusetts

B.A., Chinese and Japanese Studies / TESOL, Valparaiso University, Indiana

Ms. Katherine Klein (魏青蘭)

Mr. Robert Klinkel (馬特)

Ms. Sophia Kor (柯家寶)

Ms. Rachel Mooney (孟瑞琪)

B.A., International Studies / Religious Studies, Rhodes College, Tennessee

B.A., Psychology/Spanish/ Chinese, New College of Florida, Florida

B.A., Music/Asian Studies/Chinese, Saint Olaf College, Minnesota

B.S., Early Childhood Education / Psychology, Otterbein University, Ohio


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

2014-2015 U.S. Fulbright Kinmen, Taichung, & Taitung ETA Profiles

Ms. Emma Shirey (薛艾瑪)

Ms. Savannah Tenney (田莎娜)

Ms. Shennon Lu (盧亭妤)

B.A./ B.S., Sociology/Cognitive Science, Truman State University, Missouri

B.A., English and Anthropology, Wheaton College, Massachusetts

B.A., English, Amherst College, Massachusetts

Ms. Meredith Banks (班瑞絲)

Ms. Joyce Chou (周維思)

Mr. Jedrek Dineros (陳杰睿)

Ms. Sarah Dudek (杜拉拉)

B.A., African Studies / Chinese Studies, Emory University, Georgia

B.A., Sociology/Poverty, Justice & Capabilities, Rice University, Texas

B.A., Anthropology/ International Studies, University of CaliforniaIrvine, California

B.A., Chinese and Japanese Languages, Beloit College, Wisconsin

Ms. Diane Fru (戴安)

Ms. Catherine Gerkis (葛淑云)

Ms. Chia Ying Hong (洪英嘉)

Ms. Melissa Hosek (何善美)

B.S., Psychology/Pre-Medicine/Biology, Iowa State University, Iowa

B.A., Chinese and Mathematics, Williams College, Massachusetts

B.A., International Studies / Psychology/ Chinese, University of Kentucky, Kentucky

B.A., Asian Studies / Political Science, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, New York

Ms. Julianna Lau (劉慧楨)

Mr. Christopher Szczerba (史誠雄)

B.S., Biological Sciences/Spanish, University of Connecticut, Connecticut

B.A., International and Global Studies/ Italian, University of Central Florida, California

Ms. Rachel Bogdan (柏瑞秋)

Ms. Dorronda Bordley (白德蘭)

Mr. Matthew Farley (馮樂天)

Ms. Lauren Gillespie (靈珊)

B.A., International Relations / Asian Studies, Rollins College, Florida

B.A., Sociology/Chinese and Linguistics, Wake Forest University, North Carolina

B.A., Peace, War & Defense / Classical Humanities, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina

B.A., Creative Writing / International Affairs, Florida State University, Florida

Taichung ETAs

Taitung ETAs

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


2014-2015 U.S. Fulbright Taitung ETA Profiles

Ms. Lisa Goddard (顧蓮)

Ms. Kameryn Groom (古佳美)

Ms. Jacqueline Kolawole (孔妍希) Mr. Neel Lalkiya (黃倪歐)

B.A., Language and Social Behavior, Brown University, Rhode Island

M.A., Secondary Education / TESOL, University of Missouri-St. Louis, Missouri

B.A./B.S., Business Administration / Studio Art, McDaniel College, Maryland

B.A., Chemistry, Northwestern University, Illinois

Mr. Matthew Lenzen (雷馬修)

Ms. Jade Luo (羅瑞琪)

Ms. Jennifer Mayer (梅真寧)

Ms. Catherine Novack (倪煜洁)

B.B.A., Accounting / Business Honors, Texas A&M University, Texas

B.A., Social Studies/ East Asian Studies, Harvard University, Massachusetts

B.A., Chinese/ Political Science/ Theater, The Ohio State University, Ohio

B.A., Chinese Area Studies/ Music, Kenyon College, Ohio

Ms. Victoria Yee (余致欣) M.A., Sociology, Stanford University, California

Taipei ETAs went on a bike ride along the riverside

Yilan ETA William Usdin teaches his students spelling

Kinmen ETA Alison Yong teaches her students about American holiday “Halloween”

Learn more about the English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program in Taiwan, please go to: eta.fulbright.org.tw


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

EducationUSA 美國教育資訊中心 Mission The U.S. Education Information Center (USEIC) within Fulbright Taiwan is one of the State Department - affiliated EducationUSA advising centres. It was founded in 1962 and for many years was the only EducationUSA advising center in Taiwan. The U.S. remains the top destination for Taiwan students studying abroad. Taiwan used to be the number one sending country of foreign students to the U.S. It still ranks number six. EducationUSA is a network of hundreds of advising centers in 170 countries, where millions of international students each year find accurate, comprehensive, and current information about how to apply to accredited U.S. colleges and universities. The EducationUSA network is supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), which strives to foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. EducationUSA advisors and staff work with U.S. higher education professionals to promote international student enrollment. EducationUSA also helps promote study abroad opportunities for U.S. citizens.



• Weekly in-house presentation or group advising • One-on-One Advising by appointment • Answering phone calls and e-mails about studying in the U.S. • Monthly electronic newsletter • Outreaches to universities and high schools • Website and Facebook

• • • • •

Taiwan students in the US: 21,867 (Open Doors 2013) Website hits: Average 9,764 per month Outreached Programs: about 2,000 students per year Facebook Fans: 2,819 fans (Aug, 2014) Weekly in-house presentations: 36 per year

“ I used to work as an intern at the EducationUSA Taiwan from Oct 2012 to July 2013. It turned out to be a great experience as I gained a lot of knowledge about studying in the United States by helping those who visited our office. I am also glad that I participated in many events like 2013 Fulbright Workshop, where I broadened my horizon by talking with excellent scholars. Most importantly, I am going to Arizona State University for my master degree. I appreciate what the EducationUSA Taiwan gave me and hope that more Taiwanese enjoy the high quality of the US education.” --Joey Yang Learn more about studying in the United States, please go to: www.educationusa.tw

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


TAIWAN FULBRIGHT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 台灣傅爾布萊特學友會 The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association consists of professionals and scholars who have studied or conducted research in the US over the last 50 years. After returning to Taiwan, most serve at their previous organizations. They teach, make contributions and provide feedback in each of their domains, and have significant influence on Taiwanese education, academia, culture, and arts. To stay in touch, enhance friendship, and promote international academic cultural exchanges, the Taiwanese Fulbright alumni established the “Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association” to serve as an exchange platform among alumni.

台灣傅爾布萊特學友為在過去五十年間赴美進修或從事研究的學 友及學者,回國後大多返先前工作崗位服務及教學,並對其各自 領域作出回饋與貢獻,對台灣社會學術、教育、文化藝術的影響 深鉅。基於聯繫學友、增進情誼,並促進國際學術文化的交流, 故由台灣傅爾布萊特學友成立「台灣傅爾布萊特學友會」作為學 友間的交流平台。

「台灣傅爾布萊特學友會」為 1992 年申請內政部立案通過之人 民團體,由前國立台灣大學校長孫震博士擔任第一屆理事長,現 任第九屆理事長為行政院院長江宜樺博士。台灣傅爾布萊特學友 會於每年 1 至 2 月間舉行學友會理監事會統籌會務,並於每 年 4 月至 5 月舉行學友大會。同時每年不定期舉行學友交流活

“The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association” received its non-profit certificate from the Ministry of Interior in 1992. Its first president was the former president of National Taiwan University Dr. Zhen Sun. The current and fifth president is Yi-Huah Jiang, the premier of the Executive Yuan. The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association holds its alumni supervisory committee co-ordination meeting between January and February annually and holds its alumni general conference between April and May annually. A variety of alumni exchange activities are held annually, such as alumni reading clubs, concerts, and seminars on the experiences of studying in the US. These provide Taiwanese Fulbright alumni an opportunity to exchange and share experiences in academia, culture, art, and education.

Meet us online!



動,如學友讀書會、學友音樂會及美國求學經驗座談會等各項交 流活動,提供台灣傅爾布萊特學友在學術、文化、藝術及教育的 經驗交流。 “I saw that America was an open, peace-loving, democratic, and just society governed by law. I learned how U.S. culture attached importance to peace and justice, so that as I lived in Taiwan in later years, I found it very easy to get along with people, and I was able to resolve problems with good reasoning. I must say that the Fulbright Exchange Program has been resoundingly successful for its exchange students in terms of raising the standard of their academic excellence, helping to create their successful career, and promoting their understanding about people on an international level.” -- Dr. Paul Chiu (邱正雄) Taiwan Fulbright Grantee 1968-73 Former Vice Premier of Taiwan Chair of Bank Sino-Pack

Fulbright Taiwan Alumni Association Board cohort 9 Meeting No.2 (2013.2.1) Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Senior Scholars

2014-2015 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles

Dr. Ching-Ching Chang (張卿卿)

Dr. Hsuan-Ting Chang (張軒庭)

Dr. Yu-Chun Chang (張玉君)

Dr. Hsiang-Ke Chao (趙相科)

Chair Professor, Department of Advertising, National Chengchi University Project Title: “Media Entertainment and Mood Management in Different Cultures” Host Institution: University of Washington, WA

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Project Title: “Computer aided detection and analysis of early cancer region in gastrointestinal endoscopy magnified narrow-band images” Host Institution: University of Arizona, AZ

Professor, Department of Transportation Science, College of Maritime Science and Management, National Taiwan Ocean University Project Title: “Friendly airport for elderly air passengers” Host Institution: School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, TX

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University Project Title: “Understanding Public Policy: An Interdisciplinary Approach” Host Institution: Duke University, NC

Dr. Shu-Heng Chen (陳樹衡)

Dr. Yane-Hao Chen (陳彥豪)

Dr. Yi-Chuen Chen (陳怡群)

Dr. Wen-I Chuang (莊文議)

Distinguished Professor, Department of Economics, National Chengchi University Project Title: “Agent-Based Macroeconomic Models in Retrospect and Prospect” Host Institution: The New School for Social Research, NY

Department Chairperson and Center Director, Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics; Center for International Negotiations and Interpretations, National Taipei University Project Title: “A Study of the PentadGestalt Rhetoric as an Intercultural Strategy for Conflict Resolution” Host Institution: Cornell University, NY

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University Project Title: “Development of Parental Value and Belief Measures to Use in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Taiwanese Families” Host Institution: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, GA

Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Which Market Is the Main Source of Market-Wide Information? The Stock versus Futures Market” Host Institution: Oregon State University, OR

Dr. Pau-Choo Chung Chan

Dr. Jui-Ying Feng (馮瑞鶯)

Dr. Horng-Wen Huang (黃鴻文)

Dr. Mei-Feng Lin (林梅鳳)


Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Child maltreatment and criminality: prevalence, characteristics and consequences of childhood victimization and violence” Host Institution: School of Nursing, University of Rochester, NY

Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University Project Title: “Why not Listen to Students’ voice? A Critical Analysis of Student Perspective on School Curriculum and Its Implications for Education” Host Institution: : Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin at Madison, WI

Associate Professor, Department of Nursing; Institute of Allied Health, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Exploring the psychosocial impacts, vulnerability and adjustment for women with breast cancer” Host Institution: School of Nursing, University of Washington, WA

Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Using Multi-model Fusion for Child’s Emotion and Activity Analysis” Host Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


2014-2015 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar & Non-Academic Professional Grantee Profiles

Dr. Hui-Ing Ma (馬慧英)

Dr. Chiung-Tao Shen (沈瓊桃)

Dr. Wen-Hui Tang (唐文慧)

Dr. Hui-Ting Wang (王慧婷)

Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “The Relationships among Stigma, Social Resources, and Quality of Life in People with Parkinson’s Disease” Host Institution: Tufts University, MA

Professor, Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Building and evaluating a court-connected education program for divorcing parents in Taiwan” Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, CA

Professor, Department of Sociology/ Center for General Education, National Sun Yat-sen University Project Title: “Opt Out or Pushed Out? Mothering and Identity in Taiwan and the U.S.” Host Institution: Boston University, MA

Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University Project Title: “Advanced Integration of Theory and Practice of Assistive Technology and Evidence-based Teaching in Severe Autism” Host Institution: University of North Texas, TX

Dr. Sheng-Jyh Wang (王聖智)

Dr. Chia-Chi Wu (吳佳琪)

Dr. Mei-Ying Wu (吳玫瑛)

Dr. Yi-Lin Wu (吳儀玲)

Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University Project Title: “Hierarchical Density Estimation and Unsupervised Image Matting Based on Bayesian Sequential Partitioning” Host Institution: Department of Statistics, Stanford University, CA

Associate Professor, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University Project Title: “Global Wuxia: 21st Century Martial Arts Film” Host Institution: Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University, MA

Associate Professor, Department of Taiwanese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Cold War America and the Canonization of Children’s Literature in Taiwan: a Crosscultural Perspective and Investigation” Host Institution: University of Minnesota, MN

Professor, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Liquidity Commonality, Relative Performance Evaluation, Related Peer Groups in CEO Compensation, and Differential Risk-Taking Incentives” Host Institution: Department of Finance, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, OH

Non-Academic Professionals Grants

Ms. Pei-Chi Jung (榮珮琪)

Ms. Wei-Yun Kuo (郭瑋芸)

Ms. Li-Yu Lee (李梨瑜)

Ms. Tsai-Ping Ma (馬彩萍)

Section Chief, Secretariat, National University of Kaohsiung Project Title: “Fundraising in Higher Education: A Case Study in the United States and Its Inspiration to Taiwan” Host Institution: California State University, Fullerton, CA

Section Chief, Department of International and Experiential Learning, Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education Project Title: “Public-Private Collaboration Model of Service-Learning” Host Institution: : Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good, University of San Francisco, CA

Secretary, Office of the President, National Chung Cheng University Project Title: “The Peace Corps in Practice” Host Institution: School of Hospitality Business Management, Washington State University, WA

Director of Accounting, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium Project Title: “Empirical and Comparing the Operating Management between National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium and California Academy of Sciences” Host Institution: California Academy of Sciences, CA


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Experience America Research Grants

2014-2015 Taiwan Fulbright Experience America Research and Student Grantee Profiles

Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants

Dr. Pei-Hsiu Chen (陳佩修)

Mr. Chien-Shou Chen (陳建守)

Mr. Chun-Tung Kuo (郭俊東)

Ms. Shu-Mei Wang (王淑美)

Professor, Graduate Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University Project Title: “Reinventing USASEAN Relations in the Age of AsiaPacific Community: A Perspective of “Power of Balance” Host Institution: East and West Center, HI

Ph.D. Candidate , Department of History, National Taiwan University Host Institution: Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, MA

Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Health Policy and Management, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University Host Institution: Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health, MA

Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Allied Health Sciences, National Cheng Kung University Host Institution: Department of Occupational Therapy, Tufts University, MA

Ms. Yu-Hui Chang (張宇慧)

Mr. An-Tsu Chen (陳安祖)

Ms. Yann-Ru Ho (何彥如)

Ms. Pei-Ling Huang (黃佩玲)

Research Assistant, Department of Education, National Chengchi University Discipline: Education Host Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN

Research Assistant, Center for Educational Research and Evaluation, National Taiwan Normal University Discipline: Mathematics Host Institution: Department of Economics, University of Washington, WA

Adjunct Lecturer , General Education Center, Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology Discipline: Foreign Languages and Literatures Host Institution:University of California, Los Angeles, CA

Graduate Student, Assistant, Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University Discipline: Musicology Host Institution: Department of Music, Harvard University, MA

1st Year Graduate Study Grants

2nd Year Graduate Study

Mr. Yi-Hao Su (蘇翊豪)

Ms. Yi-Ping Wu (吳依屏)

Research Assistant, Dept. of Political Science, National Taiwan University Discipline: Political Science Host Institution: Dept. of Political Science, State University of New York-Albany, NY

Research Assistant, National Taiwan University Discipline: Drama and Theatre Host Institution: Ohio State University, OH

Mr. Cheng-Yu Chao (招承榆)

Mr. Po-Hsi Chen (陳柏旭)

Research Assistant, National Taipei University Discipline: Political Philosophy Host Institution: Binghamton University (SUNY), NY

Military Service, New Taipei City Government Discipline: Area Studies (East Asian) Host Institution: Yale University, CT

Mr. Han-Hui Hsieh (謝瀚輝)

Ms. Li-Ling Lee (李莉苓)

Ms. Chih-Ho Lin (林芝禾)

Mr. Jiun-Da Lin (林竣達)

Military Service, Military of Foreign Affairs Discipline: International Relations Host Institution: University of Southern California, CA

Judge, Family Division of the Taipei District Court Discipline: Law Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley, CA

Research Assistant, National Sun Yat-Sen University Discipline: Art History Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, CA

Research Assistant, Academia Sinica Discipline: Political Science Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, CA

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


2014-2015 Taiwan Fulbright Student, Intl. S&T, and FLTA Profiles

Intl. S&T Award


Ms. Yi-Hung Liu (劉羿宏)

Ms. Yung-Tian Gau (高永恬)

Ms. Chun-Wei Tsai (蔡純瑋)

Ms. Yi-Hsuan Tsai (蔡怡宣)

Freelance Translator Discipline: American Studies Host Institution: Brown Univ., RI

Student in Medical Science, National Yang Ming University Discipline: Neuroscience Host Institution: Johns Hopkins University, MD

English Substitute Teacher, Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University Discipline: Drama and Theatre Host Institution: Boston University, MA

Student Teacher, Taipei Municipal Song-Shan Senior High School Discipline: Foreign Languages & Literatures Host Institution: : Concordia College, MN

Ms. Yu-Chin Tsai (蔡雨芹)

Ms. Ying-Jeng Wang (王瓔錚)

Ms. Yun-Tan Wu (吳昀曇)

Chinese Tutor, Freelancer Discipline: Business Administration Host Institution: Pacific University Oregon, OR

English Substitute Teacher, Taipei Municipal Jianguo Senior High School Discipline: Liberal Arts Host Institution: Ursinus College, PA

English and Chinese Teacher, Jinhu Elementary School Discipline: TESOL Host Institution: Xavier University, OH

FULBRIGHT TAIWAN EXPERIENCES 傅爾布萊特經驗分享 Check the following websites to learn about the Fulbright experiences in depth! 1. Fulbright Taiwan Scholarship Opportunities www.fulbright.org.tw 2. “Research & Reflections” journal.fulbright.org.tw 3. Fulbright Taiwan YouTube Channel video.fulbright.org.tw 4. Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program eta.fulbright.org.tw

“Research & Reflections” an online journal of Fulbright Taiwan experiences


“Fulbright Taiwan YouTube Channel” an online source of Fulbright Taiwan stories

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


Fulbright Fellow Jason Protass shares his research findings in a conference at Academia Sinica

Fulbright Senior Scholar Barbara Foster teaches digital print making at the National Taiwan Normal University

Fulbright Senior Scholar Rodney Winther leading the Shih Chien University Symphony Orchestra rehearsal at the Zhong Shan Hall

Fulbright Senior Scholars, Fellows, and their hosts with Christopher Marut, Director of AIT and David Lee, Chairman of Coordination Council for North American Affairs at the 2013-2014 Fulbright Taiwan Welcome Reception in Taipei

Fulbright Senior Scholar Christine Yeh, ETA Mikael Owunna and their aboriginal students from Nanao open the exhibition “I am Atayal!” at the National Taiwan Museum

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Fulbright ETAs experience dragon boat festival in Yilan, Taiwan


2014-2015 PLANNED ACTIVITIES 年度活動 2014 Grantee Dates Date 9/01 9/05 9/05 9/06 9/24 10/01 10/10 11/14 11/26 12/10

Monday Friday Friday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday Wednesday Wednesday



Fall Semester begins for elementary schools† Arrival Orientation: Senior Scholars and Fellows Welcome Party: all grantees Cultural Program: all grantees Fellows Research Proposals Fellows Research Proposals 10-10 National Day Celebration: all grantees Thanksgiving Dinner: all grantees Senior Scholar: Presentation & Interview Senior Scholar: Presentation & Interview

Lance Crisler, Mary Hamilton Diane Choi, Nathaniel Maynard, Joshua Stenberg

Michael Yu Terry O’Reilly

2015 Grantee Dates Date

1/25-28 1/28 2/24 3/10-12

Sun-Wed Tuesday Monday Tues-Thur

4/15 4/22 5/06 5/13 5/20 5/22 5/27 6/03 6/30 9/16

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday



Mid-Year Conference: all grantees Winter Break starts for elementary schools† Spring Semester begins for elementary schools† Cross-Straits Research Workshop (Researchers required, Lecturers invited) Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interview Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interview Senior Scholar & Fellow: Presentation & Interview Fellows: Presentation & Interviews Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interviews Farewell Party: all grantees Fellows: Presentation & Interviews Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interview Spring Semester ends for elementary schools† Senior Scholars: Presentation & Interviews

Donald Hatfield, Nancy Wei Carol Lee, Randall Nadeau James Behuniak, Lance Crisler Mary Hamilton, Nathaniel Maynard Laurie Battle, Marilyn Rahilly Diane Choi, Joshua Stenberg Monica Yang Ariel Fox, Jake Werner

Red- Attendance expected by all † Please check with your host institution's calendar for exact dates.


Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)



General 1. Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE) http://www.fulbright.org.tw The official site for the Fulbright program in Taiwan, including latest news, online journals, and videos.

Fire and Ambulance (free)


Police (free)


English Directory Assistance


2. American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) http://ait.org.tw/en/uscitizens AIT functions as the American Embassy in Taiwan. Register online with AIT; obtain tax information; get information about document notarization; registering births, marriages, etc. Also has a section on resources in Taiwan for Americans.

International Community Service Hot line


International Operator Assistance


Weather Bureau


Research, study, and teaching


1. Academia Sinica http://www.sinica.edu.tw This site also has extensive sections in English. Aside from information about research, the institutes, the libraries, etc., there is a section of the website especially for the organization’s foreign employees, which has some useful information about living in the area: http://www. ifs.sinica.edu.tw/link/AShandbook.pdf

Hospitals in Taipei

2. National Central Library http://www.ncl.edu.tw/mp.asp?mp=5 Comprehensive information about the library and its services to scholars.

3. Mackay Memorial Hospital - Downtown 馬偕紀念醫院 Tel: (02) 2543-3535 | www.mmh.org.tw 92 Chungshan N. Rd., Sec 2, Taipei 台北市中山北路2段92號

3. Intl. Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan Univ. http://iclp.ntu.edu.tw/ The successor to the well-known Stanford Center. Its programs are rigorous and effective, best for serious students who already have some Chinese language training. 4. Ministry of Education http://english.moe.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1 Go to this website and click on “Study in Taiwan”, then “Chinese Language Center” on the left sidebar to find a list of places to study Chinese. For information about scholarships for study in Taiwan, click “scholarships” on the sidebar.


1. E-rent: www.e-rent.com.tw (Chinese) 2. Teaching English and Living in Taiwan: www.tealit.com 3. International House of Taipei: www.reocities.com/ soho/6271/ihmain.htm 4. 591 house renting: www.591.com.tw (Chinese) 5. Taiwan House: www.twhouses.com.tw (Chinese) 6. Yung Ching House Fun: rent.housefun.com.tw (Chinese)

Travel and Tourism

1. Tourism Bureau: taiwan.net.tw 2. Taipei Transportation Guide: english.dot.taipei.gov.tw Note: Many of the above websites are bilingual, and you must search diligently for the link to the English version, which is usually in small letters in the upper right or left-hand corner of the home page!

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

1. Taiwan Adventist Hospital 臺安醫院 Tel: (02) 2771-8151 | www.tahsda.org.tw No. 424, Bade Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei 臺北市八德路2段424號 2. National Taiwan University Hospital 台大醫院 Tel: (02) 2312-3456 | www.ntuh.gov.tw 7 Chungshan S. Rd., Taipei 台北市中山南路7號

4. Cathay General Hospital 國泰綜合醫院 Tel: (02) 2708-2121 | www.cgh.org.tw 280, Jen Ai Rd., Sec.4, Taipei 台北市仁愛路4段280號 5. Taipei Veterans General Hospital 台北榮民總醫院 Tel: (02) 2871-2121 | www.vghtpe.gov.tw No.201, Sec.2, Shih-Pai Rd., Taipei 台北市石牌路2段201號 6. Cheng Gung Memorial Hospital 台北長庚紀念醫院 Tel: (02) 2713-5211 | www.cgmh.org.tw 199 Tunhwa N. Rd., Taipei 台北市敦化北路199號 7. Cardinal Tien Hospital 耕莘醫院 Tel: (02) 2219-3391 | www.cth.org.tw 362 Chungcheng Rd., Hsintien, New Taipei City 新北市新店區中 正路362號 8. Shin konk Wu Ho Su Memorial Hospital 新光吳火獅紀念醫院 Tel: (02) 2833-2211 | www.skh.org.tw 95, Wenchang Rd., Taipei 台北市士林區文昌路95號

Hospitals in Kaohsiung 1. Kaohsiung Municipal Min Sheng Hospital 高雄市立民生醫院 Tel: (07) 751-1131 | www.kmsh.gov.tw 134, Kai Hsuan 2nd Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市凱旋二路134號 2. Chung Ho Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung Medical University高雄 醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 Tel: (07) 312-1101 | www.kmuh.org.tw 100, Tzyou 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市自由一路100號 3. Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital 高雄榮民總醫院 Tel: (07) 342-2121 | www.vghks.gov.tw 386, Tachung 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市大中一路386號 4. Yuan’s General Hospital 阮綜和醫院 Tel: (07) 335-1121 | www.yuanhosp.com.tw 162, Chengkung 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市成功一路162號


STAFF Hospitals in Yilan 1. Saint Mary’s Hospital Loudong 羅東聖母醫院 Tel: (039) 544-106 | www.smh.org.tw 160, Chung Chang S. Rd. Loudong, Yilan 宜蘭縣羅東鎮中正南路160號 2. National Yang-Ming University Hospital 陽明大學附屬醫院 Tel: (039) 325-192 | www.ymuh.ym.edu.tw 152 Hsinming Rd., Yilan 宜蘭市新民路152號

Hospitals in Kinmen 1. Kinmen Hospital 行政院衛生福利部金門醫院 Tel: (082)332-546 | www.kmhp.mohw.gov.tw 2, Fuxing Rd., Jinhu Township, Jinmen County 金門縣金湖鎮新市里復興路2號

Hospitals in Taichung 1. Jen Ai Hospital 仁愛醫療財團法人台中仁愛醫院 Tel: (04) 2225-5450 | www.jah.org.tw 36 Liu Chuan E. Rd., Sec 3, Taichung 台中市柳川東路3段36號 2. Taichung Veterans General Hospital 台中榮民總醫院 Tel: (04) 2359-2525 | www.vghtc.gov.tw 1650, Taiwan Boulevard Sec. 4, Taichung 台中市西屯區臺灣大道4段1650號 3. China Medical Univ. Hospital 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 Tel: (04) 2205-2121 | www.cmuh.cmu.edu.tw 2, Yude Rd., Taichung 台中市北區育德路2號 4. HongEn Hospital 宏恩醫院 Tel: (04) 2262-3123 | www.hong-en.com.tw No. 38-13, Sec. 2, Fuxing Rd., Taichung 台中市南區復興路2段38-13號 5. Tai An Hospital - Shuang Shi Branch 台安醫院雙十分院 Tel: (04) 2226-8990 | www.tai-an.com.tw No. 29, Sec. 2, Shuangshi Rd., Taichung 台中市北區雙十路2段29號 6. Cheng Ching Hospital 澄清醫院 Tel: (04) 2463-2250 | www.ccgh.com.tw No. 118, Sec. 3, Chungkang Rd., Taichung 台中市中港路 3段118號

Hospitals in Taitung 1. Taipei Veterans General Hospital - Taitung Branch 台北榮 總台東分院 Tel: (089) 222-995 | www.vhtt.gov.tw No. 1000, Gengsheng Rd., Taitung 台東市更生路1000號 2. Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital 天主教台東聖母醫院 Tel: (089) 322-833 | www.st-mary.org.tw No. 2, Hangzhou St., , Taitung 台東市杭州街2號 3. Taitung Christian Hospital 台東基督教醫院 Tel: (089) 960-888 | www.tch.org.tw No. 350, Kaifeng St., Taitung 台東市開封街350號 4. Mackay Memorial Hopital Taitung Branch 台東馬偕醫院 Tel: (089) 310-150 | ttw3.mmh.org.tw No.1, Lane 303, Changsha Street, Taitung 台東市長沙街303巷1號

Executive Director 執行長 William Vocke 李沃奇 wvocke@fulbright.org.tw (02) 2388-2100

Programming 傅爾布萊特交換計畫 Grants 獎學金 US Grantees & Regulations Coordinator 美國交換計畫暨法規管理主任 Charlie Cheng 鄭佳力 ccheng@fulbright.org.tw ext.135 Taiwan Grantees Coordinator 赴美交換計畫主任 Lisa Lin 林芝立 llin@fulbright.org.tw ext.112 English Teaching Assistant Program 英語協同教學專案 ETA Project Lead Coordinator 英語協同教學專案管理主任 Kelly Chang 張純怡 kchang@fulbright.org.tw ext.136 Yilan ETA Project Coordinator 英語協同教學計畫宜蘭主任 Kelly Lin 林綉雯 klin@fulbright.org.tw Kaohsiung ETA Project Coordinator 英語協同教學計畫高雄主任 Fonda Mao 毛君涵 fmao@fulbright.org.tw Kinmen ETA Project Coordinator 英語協同教學計畫金門主任 Jimmy Chen 陳威廷 jchen@fulbright.org.tw Taichung ETA Project Coordinator 英語協同教學計畫台中主任 Iris Chien 簡盈甄 ichien@fulbright.org.tw Taitung ETA Project Coordinator 英語協同教學計畫台東主任 Vivi Lin 林彥屏 vlin@fulbright.org.tw

EducationUSA 留美諮詢 EducationUSA & Development Coordinator 教育顧問暨發展主任 Clarence Fu 傅鏡平 cfu@fulbright.org.tw ext.142

Finance & Administration 財務與行政 Financial Coordinator 財務主任 Cherry Yen 顏佳潁 cyen@fulbright.org.tw ext.153 IT & HR Coordinator 資訊管理暨人事主任 Eric Chen 陳照漢 echen@fulbright.org.tw ext.183

Marketing & Events 行銷與活動 Executive Secretary & Media Producer 執行秘書暨多媒體製作主任 Sam Chiou 邱柏耘 schiou@fulbright.org.tw ext.181 Events & Alumni Coordinator 活動策劃暨學友事務主任 Jennifer Wu 吳良儀 jwu@fulbright.org.tw ext.152

Program Assistants 計畫助理 Program Assistant 計畫助理 Sonia Chan 詹瞿燕 schan@fulbright.org.tw ext.139 Program Assistant 計畫助理 Vicky Tsai 蔡孟芬 vtsai@fulbright.org.tw ext.131

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Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)


Education Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government




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Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)



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