The aim of my project was to try and make ‘Douwe egberts’ into a brand that is more appealing to a younger audience yet still keeping the identity of a premium brand that will still be recognised by its existing customers, getting this balance between getting new people interested in Douwe Egberts and keeping people who already where absolutely vital to the success of this project. I really wanted to give the impression that this company is one of simple pleasures, not over complicating things with busy designs, overloading you with information that you don’t necessarily need, sometimes all you want is just a coffee. Within this project I have considered all aspects of this company’s identity and how different audiences will perceive it. I have tried covered many of different deliverables to show how my ideas will work but always keeping the high standards and quality Douwe Egberts would expect. The design extends across lots of Different media including logo, business cards and letter heading, wax sealing stamp and ink stamp, an A5 booklet celebrating the many years of heritage Douwe Egberts has, website design, packaging, a posters campaign and a 30 second advert. I am aware that it may seem as though i have gone slightly of track them the brief. I felt i needed to take every aspect of the design into my own hands so everything seemed more considered and in keeping with the rest of the work.
Because this iconic logo have felt wrong and def customers can still spot
o is steeped in so much history, changing it to much would feated the object of my idea. It is important that existing t this coffee and recognise it as Douwe Egberts.
douwe egberts blending delicious c o f fe e s i n c e 1 7 5 3 .
Heritage book
Heritage is an if it wasn’t for This A5 bookle though to the the entire boo
This could be just as a prom
n important part of Douwe Egberts, they would not be the company they are today their rich history and the many years of experience. et follows the journey of Egbert Douwes and his son Douwe Egberts from 1753 right present day. You can flick though page by page of you have the option to fold out ok to view the time line in full.
used either as direct mail to spread awareness of Douwe Egbers intriguing past or motional item.
Website. Website design for iphone and pc/ipad inspired by the current Douwe Egberts site but striped it bare of any excess information. I found there to be almost to much on their website so I took what I thought to be there most importantparts. Pages shown are the product page with just one coffee selected (above) and the Heritage page (left) which is similar to the heritage booklet. It loosely follows the same layout as their existing one but with some major changes the colour for example. The colour pallet comes from the coffee bags you will see on the next few pages. Using the same colours really helps make everything, whether it be online or physical, feel part of the same family.
Packaging. Like the website, I wanted to strip everything that wasn’t necessary away so you are just left with the information you need and nothing more. The colour of each bag corresponds to the colour of the roast, and the the ascent of colour reflecting the taste of the coffee, the purple being full and smooth, blue being a fresh morning coffee and yellow/green is a slightly citrus blend.
Poster Campaign. I have created a range of posters designed to be a stand-alone series from the rest of the designs for Douwe Egberts. I wanted to try and attach more of a alternative and personal view to coffee because Douwe Egberts is about bringing coffee into the home. I also wanted to simplify coffee, I’m sure most people have been standing behind someone in a Starbucks who has ordered a ‘Venti, non-fat, no foam, no water, 6 pump, extra hot, chai tea latte’ or something like that. I thought it was time that people should see how great a simple coffee can be.
TV Advert. I have created a 30 second advert that will be shown on TV and the Internet as I felt it is so important to cover all media within a project. The object of this ad is to convey this idea that good coffee can be made by yourself in your own home and how simple this process can be. I concentrated on the process of making coffee, all the smells, sounds, feelings attention to detail that come with making your own coffee.
Thank you for your time.
I opoligise for not sending in any phicical copys, i have to hand in everything in for my project at univerty.