How to Design Your Own Business Stickers Business stickers, often used as promotional giveaways to customers, can serve as minibillboards for your company. While you can have stickers made by a professional company in large quantities, designing and printing your own business stickers can save you money if you only need small amounts. Many office-supply stores sell sticker paper packages for inkjet and laser printers, or you can purchase the sticker paper from online sources. These packages of sticker paper make it easy for business owners to print the stickers as they're needed. Things You'll Need
Sticker sheets for printers Computer printer Image-editing program Word-processing program Scissors
Instructions o
1 Decide what purpose you want the sticker to serve, who your target market is and how you anticipate the stickers will be used. Will they promote one of your products or your business in general? Are you trying to create a sticker that will appeal to teens, housewives, other business people and so on? Will the stickers most likely be put on lockers, cars or computers?
2 Sketch out a rough idea of how you want your stickers to look. Don't worry about artistic ability. A rough shape such as a circle or square representing your logo or other image used will suffice. Be sure to include any text you want, such as the name of your business, slogan, address and so forth. Keep it simple. The more words and images you use, the harder it will be to get your message across to your customers.
3 Open your image-editing program and create a new image the size that you want your sticker to be.