How to design your own oval stickers

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How to Design Your Own Oval Stickers If you like the idea of designing your own slogans, quirky jokes or even artwork for the world to see, then making your own stickers might be something you should try. Stickers have so many different uses, from bumper stickers to name tags to fun stickers for your kids. Designing oval stickers is a pretty easy process, and you can get as creative as you like. If you want to design your own personalized oval stickers, here are a few ideas to get you started. Things You'll Need 


Instructions o

1 Determine what type of designs you want to make. Use a sketchbook to formulate ideas for your stickers. If your stickers are meant to be name tags, you can still create an interesting logo or background to go along with the name.


2 Use a graphics program such as Photoshop to help you design your stickers. Photoshop's image-editing capabilities are extensive, including a variety of filters and plugins that can be used to jazz up your stickers.


3 Print your stickers. Purchase a good quality printing paper with a sticky peel backing for printing with your home or office printer. For larger printing jobs, you can have an order printed at a print shop. Generally speaking, the more stickers you have printed in a bulk order, the less you pay per sticker.


4 Print your stickers on the web and, at the same time, make money with your sticker designs by selling them. You can set up an account with CafePress not only to sell to others, but also to get a steep discount when you buy in bulk from your own store.

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