Setup your Files for Printing - To get your order on the printer, we must receive files that are "print-ready." Print-ready means that your files meet our digital setup specifications, which are industry standard and used by nearly every other commercial printer. If you don’t fully understand what’s required to make a file print-ready, we highly recommend you work with a professional graphic designer. You can use one of your own or we can help - just ask! If you place an order and send us files that aren’t print-ready, the job will be delayed until we have the proper file(s). Here is what we need:
MARGINS Files must be built to the product size being ordered plus an additional 0.25". This means your files should be 0.25" larger than the product size that you are ordering. For example, a 2" x 3.5" business card requires a graphic file to be sized at 2.25" x 3.75". Leave your text and other important graphics, such as logos, an absolute minimum of 1/8" from the edge of your design. It is highly recommended that you leave 1/4" for a nice clean look after your job is cut. The machine will cut off usually anywhere from 1/16" to 1/8" off of each side. (see below) Do not put crop marks, lines that tells us where to cut, on your file. We have our own templates and we will cut as close as 1/16" as possible. Wrong way to setup