Preparing Adobe Illustrator for Business Card Printing Business card is very much essential to advertise your work in a better way. Creation of the business card using adobe illustrator is one of the most economical way to save your money. Most of the people usually waste their money by the means of graphic designer or by other ways which is not suitable for them. Most of the printers don’t support the usual illustrator file and they require specially cropped marks on their file. Hence, there is certain methodology and ways to approach this type of work which should be strictly followed in order to make it more effective and successful in the eyes of others. So, how can we do it ?
The first thing to be considered while making a business card is to gather all the necessary information related to it because information are very much important to build up any kind of procedure. You will get the information from the printing company about the type of template they use for business cards. If you like it you have the option to download it from their respective websites. If you did not get any unique or special one then try to download the general template and use it according to your requirement. After
this you need to open the illustrator and load the required template. For the purpose of turning of turning on the guides corresponding to you card, select view>show>guides. It has two sets of guidelines in it which follows the interior perimeter of the clipboard. The guide which are known to be inner guide represents the safety lines. You have to place all the important data into them to make sure that nothing gets cut-off accidentally from the printer side. The other sets of guide lines are termed as the cut lines, which is an important mark which aware you to keep all the work inside. Next step would be to turn on CMYK colour mode by following the instruction file > document colour mode > CMYK. The term CMYK is a four colour printing process widely used at various printing presses. CMYK mode is very much responsible for printing the card. In the case it is not in the active state then it becomes impossible for printing. After this you need to design your business card appropriately, after finishing it you have to convert the text into outlines by selecting file > select all and then type > create outlines. It assures that there will not be any type of conflicts with missing fonts. In the case you want both of the text and the image to be in your card then you need to create two different files for that. The file further will be saved in the .ai file format or the other .esp format which will be according to your printer’s requirement. Most of the printers available are designed to accept both the type of file format. You can also try a test print for your own satisfaction and look for the appropriateness of the print. Business Card Printing Flyer Printing Postcard Printing Poster Printing Banner Printing Brochure Printing Sticker Printing EDDM Printing‐card‐printing.html‐printing.html‐printing.html‐mail‐printing‐ eddm.html