Architectural Portfolio
Samiksha Bhagde
School of Environment and Architecture
Selected Works
2020 - 2023
About Me :
Hello, I am Samiksha Bhagde, a fourth year student from School of Environment and Architecture (SEA). For me, Architecture is not only restricted to buildform but it’s a set of experience which is created altogether by various details within and inter relationships of forms and surroundings with living beings. Currently exploring different perspectives towards the spatiality across the cities and neighbourhood.
Samiksha Bhagde Workshops:
Phone no.: +91 9763574232
Address : Pune, Maharashtra.
2020 - Ongoing: School of Environment and Architecture(SEA), Mumbai.
2018-2020: Fergusson Collage, Pune.
English I Hindi I Marathi
Sketchup I Rhino6 I Revit
Photoshop I Illustrator I Indesign
Hands on:
Drafting I Sketching
Model making
Basic Carpentary
MS Word I Excel Powerpoint
Google Softwares
2023I Landscape Design
Mughdha Sathe
2023I Gendered Spaces in City
Mario Da Penha
2023I What’s the Folly?
Lorenzo Fernandes
2022I Environment as a practice of care
Sabaa Giradkar
2022I Living in a Metaphor
Anuj Daga
2022I Digital Anotomies and Material Autonomies
Dushyant Asher
202I Experiencing Home?
Anubhav Pradhan
2021I Creative A.I. Processess
Sujay Kumarji
3 CONTENT 01. Altering Spatiality Mass Inhabitation I Sem III 02. Repair and Retrofit Mass Inhabitation I Sem VII 03. Museum of Bamboo Geneology I Sem IV 04. Community School Design, Detail and Localization I Sem VI 05. Building Making Working Drawing I Sem VI 06. Rethinking Thresholds Envrionmental Flows I Sem V 07. Scoping Landscape Design I Sem VII 08. Measuring Life Settlement Study I Sem IV 09. Explorations
01. Altering Spatiality
Morphology I Sem III
Mentor I Anand Sonecha
Kumbhar wada , Pune
This Module focused on understanding of architecture as an intristic part of cultural production which evlved over time and to intervene in it through understanding of type. Potters Community locally known as Kumbhar wada is located in old city of Pune.
The cluster comprises pottery shops on the front side and on the rare side there is a range of houses from old brick structures, wooden wadas to RCC .The arrangement of houses is so compact that neighboring houses have shared walls which in turns into absence of cross ventilation. Narrow lanes run across the cluster creating connectivity between main road and rear side.
Morphology of these houses generates various spatial patterns within it. Like varying heights of houses on both sides of gali which affects the light and ventilation of each other. And modulation of plinth which generates multiple usage opportunities.
Most dominant type of house in the cluster is a Shop house.Front of house opens up at main road as pottery shop , whereas backside opens up into a lane located in a rare part of the cluster connected internally. House is divided into 9 segments with gradual increase in levels as house is located on a slight slope.It is segregated such that first three hs customer access whereas other part is only accessible for workers and owner.The house is mostly used as a shop ,storage and living space for workers and not by the owner for living.
The suggestive retrofit is done considering this scenario as well as light ventilation of space without changing existing typology of house. For better living possibilities and utilities for workers, first floor is altered with additional furniture units and fenestrations and shifting storage space to second and ground floor. Roof modulation is done in order to intake natural light and ventilation in shop as well as inside the house.
Ground Floor Plan
Existing Section
Designed Section
02. Repair and Retrofit
Mass Inhabitation I Sem VII
Mentor I Prasad Shetty , Rohit Mujumdar , Prasad Khanolkar
Thakkar Bappa Colony , Kurla
This module looked closely at the idea of repair and retrofit at a community level in sensitive zones. At eastern suburbs of Mumbai near Kurla, Thakkar Bappa Colony is located, which majorly includes shoe making community. Settlement comprises migrants from all over the nation but majorly from Rajasthan.
The cluster includes five houses in which four houses lie adjacent to each other and have shared walls. A public toilet is located at the back of those four houses.These houses are incremented from time to time as family size increases.Each house has its own staircase block which runs internally interrupting a sense of privacy on middle floors. There is a lack of light and ventilation, especially for the kitchen as they are located at the back of the house. The houses require changes which address vulnerabilities of light and ventilation, space congestion, privacy at middle grounds which will also generate social interaction through spaces. Hence , an idea of common staircase is introduced which allows changes in internal spacial configuration.
Exiting Condition
Common staircase block
Removing extrusions on upper floors on clear alley at gronnd
Open gathering space
Creating connecting passages by offsetting walls
Extension at back as Balconies
Changes in internal configuration allows shifting of kitchen to the front whereas stacking of Moris vertically so that suwage runs neatly. Common passages work as buffer space inbetween which allows provision of fenestrations for better light and ventilation. Balconies at back allows cross-ventilation through space as well as creates visual connectivity with context.Roof modulation is done in order to take
Metal Strip Nutbolt Metal C section Metal baluster Metal handrail Deck sheet (70mm) (17mm Dia) (0.7mm thick) (20mm thick) (70 x 20 mm) (2mm thick) 900mm 1580mm 150mm Steel plate Wall plate Nutbolt (8mm thick) (3mm thick) (17mm Dia) 1000mm 900mm GL 0.00mm Midlanding First Floor +3700mm +1780mm Midlanding +1560mm Second Floor +6600mm Steel Tread Metal baluster Deck Sheet Metal C section Steel Plate Metal Handrail Kota stone tilling Metal baluster Metal handrail Plinth (70 x 20 mm) (8mm thick) (20mm thick) (2mm thick) (0.7mm thick) (10mm thick) (70 x 20 mm) (20mm) (20mm thick) (300mm) Midlanding 1000mm 1000mm 900mm 900mm 320mm 180mm 1580mm 900mm 475mm 475mm 250mm 820mm 150mm 1580mm 150mm
03. Museum of Bamboo
Geneology I Sem IV
Mentor I Rupali Gupte
Bhauri Ali , Pune
The module looks closely towards architecture as an intrinsic part of culture by contemporary institutional programme that has emerged historically over the years and asks questions responding to its geneology. Bamboo market along with the settlement of craftsmen is located near Mandai , pune. The genealogical study of museums across timeline and geography leads to questioning What makes museums local? What is the role of a museum towards a certain society? Can it be a place which brings the local community together? How can the process of crafting be converted into experience of space?
The process started with understanding and experimenting weaving of bamboo and it’s shape taking characteristics which ultimately shaped pavillions. Design consists of three pavilions of varying forms. These semi-open and open spaces also experiments with light patterns, plinth modulation and landscape which connects it alltogether.
The museum here is imagined as an experience which will represent a community through its structure, which will be generated from the knowledge of crafting.The space will not only promote the craft through exhibits, workshops and events, but whole as Form and Space.
04. Public School
Design, Detail and Localization I Sem VI
Mentor I Dipti Bhaindarkar
Trombay , Mumbai
The settlement in the eastern suburbs of Mumbai, Trombay has a municipal school within it.The school is separate entity which play important role for community . School has a multifunctional nature , It becomes a platform for major community events to take place.The objective to design a school which produces different viewports inside and outside of school for transaction. Arrangment of spaces is such that there is segregation of activitie sperformed on the premises for ease of functionality dusring school periods and capable of holding multifunctionality at other times. Inbetween buffer spaces and plinth modulations differentiate buidform providing fluidity at ground. Apart from classrooms and other school neccessities spme public accesible platforms like liabrary, computer lab, adhar centre, small gathering space are provided with access points via settlement as responce to multifunctionality for corresponding cotext.
Existing patterns of visual connectivity through
18 Used Openings Used for ventilation Sealed Openings Unused Jalis Domestic activiies in neighbourhood
19 00 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0
05. Building Making
Working Drawing I Sem VI
Mentor I Abhijit Ekbote
During course , the design was thought throgh technical resolutions of structural system , material performance and experienc, assembly details and process of construction. Developing construction documentation and a lyaer of specifications and estimations for the project build a sense of market and transactions.
A B A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5000 2000 5000 2000 3000 4000 3500 3000 600 2200 4000 1200 1300 2700 800 7000 1000 2000 4500 Classroom 2 Amphitheatre 6.9m x 4.7m 5.7m x 6.7m 6.9m x 4.7m +350 +750 +750 +160 +320 +480 +640 +800 +960 +1120 +1280 +1440 +1600 +1760 +1760 +500 +1000 +500 +1000 +350 Classroom 9 5.9m x 4.7m +450 Classroom 5 +360 +540 +720 +1080 +1260 +1440 +1620 +1980 +2340 11430 31840 9580 41420 40800 Midlanding Midlanding Midlanding Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm 870 500 500 500 600 300 600 3860 1200 500 585 3680 4870 1500 1355 1045 500 4465 4465 500 1000 500 1000 1770 3500 300 1770 2730 1300 1730 1910 500 1760 500 300 2940 1590 Flower bed Planter Planter Up Dn Up Up Up D13 D13 W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W1 W10 W4 W11 W12 D1 D2 brick wall of thickness 230mm flushing in columns Horizontle Side achored with wooden Cement jali coated with white color paint ( at every instance ) BUILDING OFFSET DIMENSIONS CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL FINISHED DIMENSIONS BUILDING OFFSET DIMENSIONS CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL FINISHED DIMENSIONS A' A B' 5980 W1 +160 +320 +480 +640 +800 +960 +1120 +1280 +1440 +1600
21 C D E F G H J K L C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2000 4000 3000 5500 1400 3100 2000 3900 1100 5900 2000 4000 3000 5500 1400 3100 2000 3900 1100 5900 3000 4000 3500 3000 600 2200 4000 1200 1300 2700 800 7000 1000 2000 4500 10935 4200 300 Classroom 4 Classroom 8 Classroom 12 Classroom 14 Liabrary Adhar centre Storeroom1 Staff Toilet Staff room Men's Toilet 5.9m x 3.7m 5.7m x 3.7m 5.7m x 7.4m 7.4m x 6.6m 4.4m x 4.2m 6.4m x 4.7m 3.9m x 4.8m 3.9m x 6.7m 3.2m x 3.6m 2.7m x 3.6m 6.9m x 3.7m Stilts Area 6.6m x 3.0m +150 +300 +450 +600 +150 +300 +150 +300 +450 +150 +300 +450 +150 +300 +450 +150 +300 +450 +150 +300 +450 +150 +300 +150 +300 +150 +450 +160 +320 +480 +640 +800 +960 +1120 +1280 +1440 +450 +450 +550 00 00 00 +550 +550 +550 +550 +150 +300 +150 +300 +450 +150 +300 +750 +450 +450 +550 +550 +550 00 +550 00 Ground 00 Classroom 1 6.9m x 3.7m +350 Gathering Space Principal's office 1.9m x 1.9m Admin 1.9m x 1.0m 36900 11430 8942 9960 30332 Midlanding Midlanding Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm 500 970 500 500 2000 970 1000 1000 1690 1730 1770 3530 2585 1500 5400 2580 500 250 1000 1000 470 1520 1200 2570 1000 580 2110 510 675 1400 4710 1935 1935 2155 700 1570 6600 5425 1830 3000 1400 6600 1500 2000 1000 1000 870 970 725 200 250 800 1050 1025 1020 395 1100 11801030 1770 920 500 790 985 1000 790 2870 Polished Kota Stone 500 2280 2180 300 1230 1275 2845 895 2350 685 4250 3235 1670 2480 1200 250 500 500 250 320 3420 1590 3000 1680 7430 1570 5440 7635 1100 1780 3600 6820 590 590 2000 600 6760 3880 1500 4480 2550 2550 570 570 580 989 580 1230 1000 1215 585 585 1230 Women's Toilet 6.9m x 3.7m +550 Flower bed Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Ramp Ramp Ramp Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 Slope1:100 2500 620 2000 3000 1500 330 920 1720 900 D8 D7 D9 D9 D6 D6 D3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D10 D8 D11 D12 D13 D9 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W9 W10 J1 W4 W4 W4 W2 W11 W13 W14 W6 W6 W5 W5 W6 W6 W6 W6 D1 D2 D2 D2 D2 W9 Slope 1: 12 Slope 1: 12 Slope 1: 12 Horizontle louver window Verticle wooden achored metal railing wooden handrail Timber frame windows Planters covered with sand and stones at the top louver frame Even layer of 12mm internal plaster ( at every instance ) Even layer of 18mm External plaster ( at every instance ) 26430 11215 2265 36900 26430 24415 40800 Anti Skid Ceramic tiles Anti Skid Ceramic tiles D14 W17 900 B' Polished Kota Stone 600mm x 600mm Polished 3760 420 580 Up Up 430 5880 Polished Kota 600x600 Drinking Water supply 3m x 1m 1000 300 1400 690 1500 960 600 +350 D14 Up +150 +300 W15 W15 W16 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J2 J2 W3 W3 J2 BUILDING OFFSET DIMENSIONS CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL FINISHED DIMENSIONS BUILDING OFFSET DIMENSIONS CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL CENTRE LINE DIMENSIONS OVERALL FINISHED DIMENSIONS W13 W13
22 GL 1 3 4 7 8 12 1 3 4 7 8 12 600 3000 350 3000 2520 2000 2340 D12 W22 D15 D15 D1 D2 W2 W2 W4 W18 300 3200 4255 Polished Kota stone Flooring with 25mm Screeding D1 3000 3010 3200 1085 1690 D2 Corrugated Sheet Steel Perlin Half Scissor Steel Truss Concrete Pergola Tilted Timber Frame Ext Plaster 18mm Primary Beam Waist Slab Int Plaster 12mm Screeding 25mm Polished Kota Stone 20mm TImber Frame Plinth Beam Plinth Protection Shear Wall 230mm Water Proofing Murum Raft Slab 300mm Pcc bed 150mm Random Rubble Compacted Earth 20mm running on edge 300 x 150 Gutter cliped First Class Timber glass panels Side anchores aluminium railing of height 1m and 50mm wide wooden handrail covered with polish First Class Timber framed window with glass panels 20mm Polished Kota stone flooring on screeding of 25mm louvered Frame First Class Timber framed windos with glass panel Partion Wall of 150mm First class Timber single hinged Door Frame Top and bottom chord of steel truss Wooden Louver frame welded to sections in ventilation Timber Covering of 20mm for thermal Insulation placed on perlins joined with J hooks Corrugated sheet placed on top of timber boarding joined 100mm steel perlines placed on equal interval 20mm Polished Kota stone flooring with 25mm screeding Polished kota stone skirting Kota stone sandwitch placed on sill for water protection Int Plaster of 12mm applied on int surface and under the floor slab as well Vatta Wall anchored aluminium handrail with mirror polish of dia 50mm on both sides ext plaster of 18mm placed equidistantly at 500mm door Polished kota stone on each step First class Timber door Int plaster of 12mm applied under the waist slab Trade 300mm each Wooden louvered frame First class Fibre opens outside Pcc plinth protection of 750mm Eves Board of thickness 20mm running on edge 300 150 Gutter cliped 300mm Projection covered with 18mm plaster having drip Unpolished Kota stone flooring with 25mm screeding W1 W1 W10 W1 D15 D15 D7 D15 B D E F H I B D E F H I Ramp Corrugated Sheet Steel Perlin Primary Beam Louver Frame Half Scissor Steel Truss Floor Slab Internal Plaster 12mm External Plaster 18mm Skirting Screeding Polished Kota Stone Plinth Protection Shear Wall 230mm Raft Slab 300mm PCC bed 150mm Murum Ramdom Rubble Compacted Earth Water Proofing Side anchored aluminium railing with Wooden handrail Verticle Wooden louver frame External Plaster of 18mm (at every instance Timber framed Window Internal Plaster of 12mm applied under the floor slab 20mm Kota Stone Skirting Polished Kota stone Flooring with 25mm Screeding to Steel Truss Kota Stone tiling on each step Timber frame door Timber Covering of 20mm for Thermal Insulation anchore Timber covering and Sheet Eves board of 300x150 Gutter cliped via eves board between two truss for ventilation Top and bottom chord of 100mm thickness Timber framed windows with glass panels Timber framed windows with glass panels Kota stone skirting Kota stone sandwitch for water proofing Sliding Polished Kota stone flooring Level drop 600 3000 450 3000 2700 1815 2810 2360 1000 995 2580 4000 2800 2100 2300 350 Wooden Louver frame for ventilation D16 W24 3000
23 GL 00 Level1 +3350 Level2 +3650 Level3 +3950 Footing -3000 Raft -3600 15 16 15 16 D2 D4 W1 W1 1450 1480 1700 Vatta mould Ext plaster of 20mm Polished Kota stone flooring with 25mm screeding skirting Kota stone sandwitch placed on sill for water protection Int Plaster of 12mm applied slab as well single hinged Door Frame Wooden Louver frame between two truss for 300mm Projection covered with 18mm plaster having drip mould under it 3000 3200 GL 00 Level1 +3650 Footing -3000 Raft -3600 K K window with glass panels of 150mm Concrete seating blocks 400x350 Kota stone sandwitch for water proofing 500 875 1790 W19 230mm thick first class masonry brick wall Raft PCC bed Random Rubble Compacted Earth DPC W4 3200 Corrugated Sheet Timber Perlin Half Scissor steel truss Gutter Eves board Timber framed window Stone sandwitch Sill external plaster 18mm internal plaster 12mm Skirting Kota stone flooring Projection Floor Slab Primary Beam Plinth slab Plinth beam Timber framed door Murum D2 Plaster key 1100 Corrugated sheet anchored to perlines with Metal J-hooks 20mm Timber Covering fixed to perlins for thermal insulation Eves board of 20mm thickness fixed to timber covering and sheets with bolts Running Gutter of 300x150 cliped to eves board futher joines to pipe Half Scissor Steel truss placed on columns welded via metal plate Top and Bottom chords of truss of thickness 100mm welded together at the angle 23 degrees 230 mm thick first class brick wall cored internal with plaster on 12mm thickness and externally with plaster of 18mm thickness Kota stone of thickness 30mm sandwitch together to avoid water intake Timber frame window with glass panels Polished Kota stone skirting of 20mm thickness running around all four sides with screeding of 25mm Polished Kota stone flooring each of 600x600 laid top of the 25mm screeding 300mm extended slab covered with 18mm plaster with drip mould 150mm Floor slab covered with 12mm internal plaster from bottom 1460 435 Polished Kota stone skirting of 20mm thickness running around all four sides with screeding of 25mm First Class timber single hinged door
Wooden Handrail 50mm
Side anchored metal balluster 20mm
Nosing 20mm
Groove 2mmx6mm
metal plate 2mm
Metal balluster 20mm
Polished kota stone 20mm
Screeding 25mm
10mm dia
Metal plate 2mm
17mm dia concrete riser 160mm
24 1720 1460 1780 Cement Jali 20mm Sill level 50mm External Plaster 18mm Wooden handrail 30mm Aluminium balluster 20mm Internal Plaster 12mm Waist slab 160mm Kota stone 20mm Screeding 25mm Plinth Beam GL Trade - 300mm each Riser - 160mm each 160 300 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
25 Coping OHT BCC Bullnose Sill Ventilator Internal Plaster External Plaster Dado Tiles Sunk Slab Metal Railing Cement Jali Parapet Ramp WC1 WC5 Shear Wall Raft PCC Random Rubble Compacted Earth Black water 320 2275 1075 1100 3 Coats over a coat of primer of oil bounds distemper of approved shade and of approved make over concrete/ plastered surfaces including preparing of the surfaces 150mm Brick partition wall of height 2.1m including 100mm PCC layer with 600x300 and minimum thickness Dado Indian make white glazed vitreous chinaware floor mounted european water closet cistern +150 +300 +450 +150 +300 +450 +550 +550 Men's Toilet 6.9m x 3.7m 6.9m x 3.7m +550 +550 W12 W12 W12 W12 W12 W12 D3 Women's Toilet HCP Toilet WC1 WC2 Squat wc Squat wc Squat wc WC3 HCP Toilet Urinals W11 W11 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D3 Ramp Anti Skid Ceramic tiles Anti Skid Ceramic tiles 300x300 300x300 750 750 585 981 590 510 760 550 275 325 400 1845 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 1350 330 315 250 250 325 175 260 250 360 690 770 1340 275 325 360 400 760 510 220 230 270 230 1020 1000 815 1020 1000
05. Rethinking Thresholds
Environmental Flows I Sem V
Mentor I Anuj Daga
Kalai Village , Daman
Kalai fishing village located in Daman is situated on the bank of Kalai river. The edge of Kalai village goes under extreme changes during different seasons as it’s close to estury making it flood sensitive zone. In order to protect settlement from floods construction of 5metre wall is done by authorities which fails to secure impact of heavy floods. This hard edge has reduced interaction between the settlement and sea. The intervention here rethinks the idea of threshold. Boundry wall is reimagined as porous entity which can be inhabitable to increase engagement with sea and will also lessen the impact of tidal waves during high tides and heavy monsoons. Complexity of structure generates play of platforms at different heights creating various spatialities to inculcate different programs. Mainly the structure is divided into three zones Drying area for fishing culture , Market for settlement and Pocket gardens as a leisure spaces. To make this threshold strong enough stone is used as material for structure whereas platforms are made out of RCC, moreover layer of mangroves is added which will generate small ecosystems within.
Drying Area - To accomodate fishing related activities
Market Area - To accomodate weekly market and other activities
Garden Area - As leisure space
Longitudnal elevation
Short sections
Experimenting level through physical models.
07. Scoping
Landscape Design I Sem VII
Mentor I Mughdha Sathe
Worli Sea- Face , Mumbai
1. Proposed Bus Depot
2. Stepped area for temporary events
3. Semi-open pavillion space for festivals
4. Paved area for temporary event
5. Small scale Amphitheatre space
6. Plinths with seating for large scale group facing new costal road
7. Plinths with seating for large scale group facing old costal road
8. Pocket spaces
9. Outdoor gym
10. Play area for chidren
11. Leisure area
12. Play area for pets
13. Stepped meditation area
The Worli sea face has the promenade sandwiched between the coastal road and the Worli road. This threshold held a lot of human activities like morning walks, yoga and marathons. Apart from this, people from all over the city used to come here for recreation purposes. Due to the construction of the new coastal road, there are barricades that create a disconnect with the sea. Currently the promenade is being used at a capacity of merely 30%. People from immediate neighborhoods, and institutions can be seen occupying this space.
The Intent of the new design is to rethink the edge quality of the promenade, reactivate the programs of the earlier Worli sea face, and provide a relaxing space to its inhabitants. The design spans over 80,000 Sq.m of area. With a wide range of public programs.This space not only caters to humans but also to the strays animals and birds that inhabit it.
The sections develop a contrast between the design intervention of the shoreline park and the proposed promenade. While the promenade is a vast open space, the park creates an experience in harmony with the ecology around. The park unfolds as multifunctional niches between busy vehicular thoroughfares.
New Promenade New coastal road
New coastal road Seating area
Bridge New Promenade
Old coastal road
Old coastal road
Toilet Open Gym
08. Measuring Life - Settlement Study
Pangna , Himachal I Sem IV With Zahra Bagasrawala
The drawing shows the old market street stretching along the banks of Pangna river. It’s a narrow lane lined with chain of small shops on both it’s edges. The buildings on street are oriented such a that the shop line up to face the road and are more public in nature, compared to the attached living spaces that get connected at the back. They are primarily build by deodar wood and locally produced slate stone.
Gendered spaces in city
Poetry on women’s life from 5th century CE in form of Theri-Gatha
Mother , mother cried out loud
First father, now her
Left me alone in this world
Nagaraka ( her lover ) was trying to help me to step out of this grief .
Until I get coherent with myself,,
One day , when I was going to collect water
King saw me , fell for my beauty
Knowing I am being alone took me to be part of His harem , for his pleasure.
I was disturbed ,The old lady showed some empathy knowing my condition
After getting to know the surrounding conditions well
I send the first message to nagaraka through her
Then 2-3 more followed by strategic meets
One day despite of all precautions
Guard caught him , took him to court
As per legislation , they punished him , boiled alive
Another trauma hit me , blamed myself for his death
Was overwhelmed with deaths of close ones
This grief couldn’t let me sleep , spend many days in suffocation
Asked the old lady for help, asked her how to step out of this circle of pain
She told me about buddha , couldn’t resist myself , wanted to go in search of reality
For that I had to broke through the walls of harem
One evening , wearing cloths of old lady I managed to escape from the eyes of guards , ran for my life , ran in search of reality
By then i had enough
There wasn’t any desire nor any seek for pleasure
Devoted myself to the buddha
May I not reborn again and again
In endless and inevitable births
I have seen with my own eyes
The three things that most don’t know
What the buddha taught is done
40 09.
Photoshop rendering
What’s the folly?
Revit 3D model
+91 97635 74232