Architecture Portfolio

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Samuel Englehart Architecture Portfolio Master of Architecture 2016

Introduction Master of Architecture Candidate | Spring 2016 | Samuel Englehart

I am a designer particularly intrigued with the potential for architecture to act as a social catalyst within communities. I earned my B.S. of Architecture at the Ohio State U n i v e r s i t y, h i g h l i g h t e d b y a s t u d y abroad in 2010. This opportunity inspired me to pursue a minor in U r b a n G e o g r a p h y, d e e p e n i n g m y interest in the potential for design t o i m p r o v e o u r c u l t u r e . M y M a s t e r ’s Thesis at the University of Mar yland School of Architecture engages t h e u r b a n l a n g u a g e o f Wa s h i n g t o n , DC and the cultural implications of political divisions along the A n a c o s t i a R i v e r.

Below: Detail of a Print from Lithography course dealing with current political issues.


Introduction P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t : Pa g e 1

Ecological Center A n E d u c a t i o n C e n t e r i n B a l t i m o r e : Pa g e 3

Harbor Cinema C i n e m a Pa v i l i o n i n B a l t i m o r e : Pa g e 1 1

AP Media Forum M u l t i p l a n a r I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f M e d i a : Pa g e 1 7

Engineering Museum A M u s e u m t o C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g : Pa g e 2 5

Travel Sketches We s t e r n E u r o p e a n A r c h i t e c t u r e : Pa g e 2 7

Ecological Center S e m e s t e r : Fa l l 2 0 1 4 | P r o f e s s o r : M a d l e n S i m o n | D e s i g n e r s : S a m E n g l e h a r t / R e b e c c a H a b t o u r

O u r b u i l d i n g ’s r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h t h e site is influenced by the shifting grids of Baltimore. The two forms of the cantilevered truss and the solid volume are one structure, yet they evoke the dichotomous relationship b e t w e e n t h e s i t e’s E a s t a n d We s t . The shifting of grids allows the truss to read as an extension of Jonestown while the volume reads as a continuation of the massing of the Central Business District.

Below: Site Plan along Jones Falls | Across: Wall Section


Night Rendering of Screen Facade

FAR 5 x 1

FAR 5 x 2

FAR 5 x 4

Below: Investigation of Bridge as moment of stasis | Above FAR studies (5 FAR) | Across: Studies of structure as an aesthetic device


Concept Diagram of Scupltural Bridge Element

Digital Model of Bridging Element

Below: Collage of Bridge Elements with an Industrial Language

Below: Skin and Structure | Above Left: Axonometric Study of Skin and Structure | Above Right: Upper Floor Plan | Across: Design Schemes

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Night Rendering of Building in Context

Harbor Cinema S e m e s t e r : Fa l l 2 0 1 3 | P r o f e s s o r : I r i n i Z h u p a | D e s i g n e r : S a m E n g l e h a r t

The Baltimore Harbor is home to a dynamic cultural landscape; the built environment speaks to cultural, social, and historical events. This led to a design that was both a work of art and a space that could be used as more than just a cinema. The additional program consists of a flexible exhibit space, and a ferr y t e r m i n a l f o r b o a t t o u r s o f t h e h a r b o r. The excavated spaces of the pavilion f r a m e v i e w s o f t h e p r o m i n e n t Fe d e r a l Hill and the National Aquarium, locating itself within the present cultural hub of Baltimore.

Below Left: Diagram of Key Sites | Below Right: Aerial View of Baltimore Harbor

Baltimore Aquarium

Harbor Ferry

Federal Hill


Process Montage with Spatial Section Cuts

Above: Fort McHenry in Rocket’s Glare | Below: Form Making Studies | Across: Spatial


Staircase from Ferry Terminal to Promenade


Night Rendering of Cinema Pavilion on Baltimore Harbor

AP Media Forum Semester: Spring 2015 | Professor: Michael Ambrose | Designers: Sam Englehar t

This project engaged the disparity between news and media through the formal juxtaposition of an office t ypology and broadcasting studio. Process was key in this project as iterative investigations of form and function led to the understanding of space as a social incubator for the consumption of media. The building became a confluence of projection, curation, and observation spaces r o s e f r o m a s i t e i n Wa s h i n g t o n , D C .

Below: Site Plan of New York Avenue and 395 | Across: Collage investigation of spatial model arrangements


Interstitial Investigation of Auditorium and Atrium

Above: Material Analysis of Program | Below: Diagramatic Studies of Section | Across: Program Massing


Plan and Section Studies

Below: Perspectival Section of AP Media Forum | Above: Sketches of Interstitial Ideas


Sections of Building


Promenade and Reciprocal Projection

Engineering Museum Semester: Winter 2011 | Professor: Zachar y Snyder | Designer: Sam Englehar t

The Kaskaskia River Museum creates a venue for the display of ar tifacts presenting the histor y of civil engineering along the Mississippi. The site is an island in Illinois, but o n t h e M i s s o u r i s i d e o f t h e r i v e r, comprising just under seven miles of coast. Due to the physical division of t h e M i s s i s s i p p i R i v e r, a b r i d g e w o u l d span its width. This idea developed into a multifaceted ferr y terminal that would allow visitors to engage with the river rather than drive above it. This terminal also reigned in the scale of the program, packing all of the decentralized galleries and amenities into a smaller site.

Below: Collage of Grid and Landscape


Axonometric Rendering

Travel Sketches Semester: Summer 2010 | Professor: Jack ie Gargus | Designer: Sam Englehar t

During the Summer of 2010, I traveled to Europe to study architecture with the Ohio State U n i v e r s i t y ’s K n o w l t o n S c h o o l o f Architecture. The trip took our class to six different countries, dozens of cities, and most impor tantly hundreds of buildings that I studied through sketches done on location.

Across: Villa la Roche, Villa Savoye, MVRDV Pavilions, Parc de Guell, Firminy Chapel, Bao Nova Tea House, Aveiro University Library, Porto Bridge Below: Array of Cathedrals


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