The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Wednesday, July 11, 2012
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www.samessenger.com Employment
Employment ATTENTION EXPERIENCED Reefer drivers: GREAT PAY. Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME. Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800277-0212 or primeinc. com. CLASS A CDL drivers needed now! Terminal in Springfield, MA. Weekly home time, new trucks, $.99 fuel for lease ops, practical mile pay. 888-4740729 CLASS A DRIVERS, Regional up to 42 CPM. Weekly pay, benefits, home time, sign on bonus, paid orientation. 2 years T/ T EXP. 800-524-5051 w w w. g o m c i l v a i n e . com EXPERIENCED COOK Brownway Residence a Level III Assisted Living Facility has an opeing for a experienced cook. Stop by to fill out an application or email your resume to: l i n d a @ b r o w n w a y. com.
PART TIME MERCHANDISER Needed for very busy beer and wine wholesaler. Weekend hours.Valid Driver’s License a must. Must be able to lift 35+ pounds. Please call Dave at 802-655-5060 Ext. 2529
FAX: 802-527-1948
WE’RE A DRIVER’S company that’s focused on drivers Solo’s .437, Teams .513 1 year OTR experience. CDL-A-Hazmat Solo’s $2000., Teams $7500. sign on. 877-628-3748 Help on the Farm
FARM HELP Personal Care WANTED Attendant Full Time Full Time Experience in Parlor Night Shift Milking. Vehicle and drivPart- time ers license needed. Must Evening Shift be a team player and get Looking for a dynamic along with others. individual to join our 802-868-2443 care giving team. LNA HELP WANTED licensure a plus but MILKING POSITION not required. Excellent Longway Farm, 6 days Benefits. Please stop in a week Contact: for application Travis 802-324-5260 (802) 524-2996 or Dick 802-233-2076 Holiday House 642 Sheldon Road St. Albans, VT. 05478
The Abbey Restaurant is looking for a Working Manager, Duties: Bar Tending, Managing Wait Staff, Scheduling, and Catering. If you think you PUBLIC HEARING have what it takes please SWANTON call Jenn at: 802-933PLANNING 4747 Ext. 25 or email: COMMISSION jenn@abbeygroup. The Swanton Plannet ning Commission will
EMAIL: classifieds@samessenger.com
hold a public meeting on Wednesday, July 11 at the Swanton Town Offices, 1 Academy Street, at 7:00 P.M. to hear the following requests: 1. Public Discussion of possible proposed changes to the Swanton Zoning Bylaws & Subdivision Regulations (Pages 9-24, “Zoning Districts and Uses”) based upon experience and suggestions gained since the latest amendments were adopted March 4, 2008. Citizen comment is welcome and appreciated. 2. Public Comment 3. Any other necessary business Posted this 9th day of July, 2012 Ronald F. Kilburn Zoning Administrative Officer Attest: Cathy L. Fournier Town Clerk
Your Ad Here (802)524-9771 ext. 117 or 122
Personals PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN O, Most Beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Star of the Sea, help me and show me here, that you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I beseech you from the bottom of my heart. Secure my necessity. (Make request). There is none who can withstand your power. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Say this prayer three times a day for eight consecutive days. Then you must publish it, and it will be granted to you. HRC
Looking For Employment? Look No Further... The St. Albans Messenger Job Listings Available Daily Monday - Saturday
Franklin Carriage House Universal Worker Part Time Position Cleaning, light cooking, assisting seniors with nonmedical needs. Ability to work a flexible schedule including weekend hours. Cooking hours also available. Apply in person: 142 Homestead Drive Franklin 802-285-2944 for information
MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478
SUPPORT GROUP for ex-clients of Christian Counseling. For more information Call Bev at: 802-644-5198
Certified Oil Burner And Propane Service and Installation Techs Blouin Bros. Energy seeks full time, experienced, certified oil burner and propane service and installation techs for expansion of our service territory. We offer comprehensive employee benefit package and competitive compensation. Please send resume or stop by for job application at our office Monday - Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Blouin Bros. Energy P.O. Box 425 159 Depot Street Enosburg Falls, VT
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PART-TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The St. Albans Messenger is seeking an individual with excellent communication skills to join our great team. It’s an all-encompassing position that requires the ability to set goals and then follow through. Candidates must be confident, composed, detail-oriented, and reliable. 20 hours per week.
DUTIES CONSIST OF: • Outstanding Phone Skills • Cold Calling • Data Entry • Performing General Administrative Tasks
Please send resume and cover letter to:
OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL? Over 18? Your 1st phenomenal opportunity to travel while earning big $$$. No experience necessary. Paid training. Transportation/Lodging provided. 1-877-6465050
or mail: The St. Albans Messenger c/o Suzanne Lynn 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT 05478
Looking to make extra money? Messen
We have the perfect business opportunity for you. Approx salary $1,000 a month and up! •Must be 18 yrs, or older and have a valid Vermont driver’s license. •No experience required, we provide route lists and route orientation. •No collections involved, able to work independently.
Route available: Swanton, Fairfax and Fletcher
Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or send resume to subscribetoday@samessenger.com
Email: classifieds@samessenger.com