The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Monday, July 16, 2012
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www.samessenger.com Employment
Employment ATTENTION EXPERIENCED Reefer drivers: GREAT PAY. Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME. Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com. CLASS A CDL drivers needed now! Terminal in Springfield, MA. Weekly home time, new trucks, $.99 fuel for lease ops, practical mile pay. 888474-0729 CLASS A DRIVERS, Regional up to 42 CPM. Weekly pay, benefits, home time, sign on bonus, paid orientation. 2 years T/T EXP. 800524-5051 www.gomcilvaine.com COOK POSITION Part-Time Residential care facility. Includes every other weekend. Experience required. Apply at: King’s Daughters Home 10 Rugg Street St. Albans, VT Call: 802-524-5744 EXPERIENCED COOK Brownway Residence a Level III Assisted Living Facility has an opeing for a experienced cook. Stop by to fill out an application or email your resume to: l i n d a @ b r o w n w a y. com.
Franklin Carriage House Universal Worker Part Time Position Cleaning, light cooking, assisting seniors with non-medical needs. Ability to work a flexible schedule including weekend hours. Cooking hours also available. Apply in person: 142 Homestead Drive Franklin 802-285-2944 for information Immediate opening for a Full Time Bus Driver/ Mechanic at Fairfax Town School District. Basic responsibilities will be bus maintenance, daily route, field trips, athletic trips, and maintaining grounds equipment. Applicant needs to be flexible, personable, and able to work well with others. Will need a school bus license (a plus but will train right person) as well as own tools and general knowledge of medium duty truck repair and preventative maintenance. This position comes with full benefits including vacation, holidays, health and dental, sick and personal days, etc. BFA Fairfax is also looking for substitute drivers for route and extra curricular trips. Will need a school bus driver’s endorsement (Again, a plus but will train right person). This could lead to a part time school time position so get in on the ground floor. For more information and/or to apply call 8492068 and ask for Del or leave a message and I will get back to you.
FAX: 802-527-1948
JANITORIAL POSITIONS Full-time and parttime positions available in St. Albans area. Floor care experience a plus. Must have a clean background check and pass drug screening. $10./hour starting plus benefits. Call: 866-321-1001 NOW HIRING: Companies desperately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500. weekly potential. Info. 1-985646-1700 DEPT. VT2349
EMAIL: classifieds@samessenger.com
The Abbey Restaurant is looking for a Working Manager, Duties: Bar Tending, Managing Wait Staff, Scheduling, and Catering. If you think you have what it takes please call Jenn at: 802-9334747 Ext. 25 or email: jenn@abbeygroup. net TRANSFER DRIVERSNEED 20 CDL, A or B transfer straight trucks, tractors, motor homes, buses, etc. www.mamotrasportation.com 1-800-501-3783 Help on the Farm FARM HELP WANTED Full Time Experience in Parlor Milking. Vehicle and drivers license needed. Must be a team player and get along with others. 802-868-2443
PART TIME MERCHANDISER Needed for very busy beer and wine wholesaler. Weekend hours.Valid Driver’s License a must. Must HELP WANTED be able to lift 35+ MILKING POSITION pounds. Longway Farm, 6 days Please call Dave at a week Contact: 802-655-5060 Travis 802-324-5260 Ext. 2529 or Dick 802-233-2076 RIVERVIEW LIFE SKILLS CENTER has full time hours available. Riverview Life Skills Center is a traumatic brain injury rehab transitional living center and a choice for care comSWANTON VILLAGE munity care home. WATER CUSTOMERS Current hours availDue to the construction able are 32 hours going on at our Water (Thursday night, Fri- Treatment Plant you day, Saturday, Sun- may experience low waday day shifts). An- ter pressure from now other 8 hours may be until the end of July. This available to the right will affect our entire wacandidate. ter system. Please bear Please call with us throughout this 802-644-8708 phase of the upgrade. for details. Thank you‌
Personals SUPPORT GROUP for ex-clients of Christian Counseling. For more information Call Bev at: 802-644-5198
EMAIL US YOUR AD classiďŹ eds@ samessenger.com
CertiďŹ ed Oil Burner And Propane Service and Installation Techs
MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478 Town Road Crew Position Full & Part - Time Positions The Town of Fletcher is seeking two positions:
Full-Time Working Road Foreman and Part-Time Road Crew. Both positions must have CDL and be familiar with summer and winter maintenance, heavy equipment operation. Foreman will supervise our two-member road crew, and have knowledge of budgeting. Willingness to work as part of a team. BeneďŹ t package available. Part-time positions will be limited hours a week, overtime during the winter. Must be available for emergency and snow removal. Send resume and letter of interest or apply in person to: Fletcher Town OfďŹ ce 215 Cambridge Road Cambridge, VT 05444 Deadline: 08/02/2012
Blouin Bros. Energy seeks full time, experienced, certified oil burner and propane service and installation techs for expansion of our service territory. We offer comprehensive employee beneďŹ t package and competitive compensation. Please send resume or stop by for job application at our ofďŹ ce Monday - Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Blouin Bros. Energy P.O. Box 425 159 Depot Street Enosburg Falls, VT
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The Hampton Inn in Colchester is accepting applications for the following positions: â&#x20AC;˘ Full-time Night Auditor Hours run from 11pm to 7am and require weekend and holiday shifts. The qualiďŹ ed candidate will have excellent customer service and problem solving skills with a solid background in Microsoft excel. Previous hotel experience preferred. â&#x20AC;˘ Part-time Pantry Cook for our event center A ďŹ&#x201A;exible schedule is a must. Previous commercial kitchen experience required.
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Caring for our community ... one visit at a time
Excellent beneďŹ ts and compensation. Please apply in person, or submit resume to: Hampton Inn and Event Center 42 Lower Mountain View Drive Colchester, VT 05446 Btvmv.hampton@hilton.com
is looking for
NURSES who want to make a difference, one visit at a time. As a home care nurse you: â&#x20AC;˘ Provide skilled nursing care to clients with â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
complex medical needs; Use your critical thinking and assessment skills to support client independence; Focus on chronic disease and partner with community providers and clients in chronic disease management; Build meaningful, professional and supportive relationships with clients; Work autonomously with the support of an interdisciplinary team.
Download an application today. www.fchha.org 3 Home Health Circle, St. Albans, VT 05478 / (802) 527-7531 EOE Visit us online for more info and to print an application
Looking to make extra money? Messen
We have the perfect business opportunity for you. Approx salary $1,000 a month and up! â&#x20AC;˘Must be 18 yrs, or older and have a valid Vermont driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license. â&#x20AC;˘No experience required, we provide route lists and route orientation. â&#x20AC;˘No collections involved, able to work independently.
Route available: Swanton, Fairfax and Fletcher
Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or send resume to subscribetoday@samessenger.com