08/04/12 Classifieds

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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Saturday, August 4, 2012

Classif ieds

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2012/2013 School Year

Berkshire Elementary School

Employment ACTIVITY DIRECTOR Responsible for design and implementation of activity programs for seniors. Must possess a wide degree of creativity. Experience required. Please send resume to: kdhome10@gmail. com or call for more information 802-524-5744 ATTENTION EXPERIENCED Reefer drivers: GREAT PAY. Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME. Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com. CLASS A CDL drivers needed now! Terminal in Springfield, MA. Weekly home time, new trucks, $.99 fuel for lease ops, practical mile pay. Hirschbach 888-474-0729 CLASS A DRIVERS, start now & receive sign on bonus just in time for Christmas! Up to 42 CPM. Weekly pay, Regional Lanes. 800-524-5051 www. gomcilvaine.com DRIVERS, SOLO’S .437, Teams .513 1 yr OTR Exp CDL-AHazmat Solo’s $2000 Teams $7500 sign on 877-628-3748 PAINTER WANTED J.A. Roberts Painters seeks apprentice painters. Will train. Appearance, neatness and pride in workmanship required. Email: jarpainters @gmail.com RSD Transportation Inc. Looking for Class A CDL Tractor-trailer drivers. The individual would be home most weekends with trips through-out New England, MD, NY, PA, and NJ. Drivers would have an excellent benefit package with Health, Dental, Vision, and Prescription Ins. Also paid vacations, holidays, uniforms and 401K. Domicile terminal will be Williston VT. Please call: Tom or Kevin 802-295-7743 888-466-5134

SERVICE COORDINATOR Make a difference by assisting elderly residents and residents with disabilities in obtaining needed supportive services from the community to prevent premature and unnecessary institutionalization; assess individual service needs; determine eligibility for public services; and make resource allocation decisions to enable residents to stay in the community longer. Bachelor’s Degree and two to three years’ experience in social service delivery with senior citizens and non-elderly disabled. Individual will work in both an office and field environment and drive on a regular basis. Grant-funded position is part-time 16 to 20 hours per week and is based in St. Albans. For position details, requirements and qualifications, visit www.vsha.org. Cover letter and resume to: HR, VSHA 1 Prospect Street Montpelier, VT 05602-3556 Position open until filled. VSHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

More Employment On Next Page

Please send application, letter of interest, current resume and three letters of current recommendation to: Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union P.O. Box 130 Richford, VT 05476 Interested persons with any questions, please call Lynn Cota-Caforia at 933-2290. Berkshire Town School District complies with all state and federal employment and non-discrimination laws in its hiring and employment practices.

Franklin Watershed Committee Coordinator Position The Franklin Watershed Committee, is seeking a motivated, organized, and exible individual for our Coordinator Position. A 20 hours per week position, which requires attendance at evening meetings. Applicants should possess effective oral and written communication skills, solid organizational skills, and a desire to work collaboratively with a diverse group of volunteers and landowners, strong interest and familiarity with environmental and agricultural issues. Detailed description of this position at FWC website: www.franklinwatershedvt.org. To apply send cover letter, resume, 2 letters of reference, and a list of 3 references to PO Box 82, Franklin, VT 05457 or via email to greendolphinllc@gmail.com by August 6th, 2012.

TREATMENT FOSTER PARENTS Are you willing to open your heart and home to a child who needs your help? As a foster parent for Northeastern Family Institute, you will be a vital resource in providing the physical and emotional care for children in your home. You will be a part of NFI’s comprehensive mental health treatment team serving Franklin and Grand Isle counties. We provide a variety of foster care services including: 60-90 day assessments, weekend foster care, and treatment foster care. The right candidate would be nurturing, team oriented, comfortable maintaining structure, and have a desire to create change in a child’s life.

MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478

ROAD FOREMAN POSITION The Town of Wesďż˝ord is seeking applicants for a full-ďż˝me, non-union Working Road Foreman posiďż˝on. Candidates must have a valid CDL; experience with heavy equipment, maintenance and welding; be familiar with road construction and maintenance of all seasons; possess strong computer, organizaďż˝onal and communicaďż˝on skills; have knowledge of budgeďż˝ng. Prior supervisory and grant wriďż˝ng experience a plus. This posiďż˝on includes compe��ve salary and beneďŹ ts package. For a complete job descripďż˝on, pl e a s e c o ntact Naneďż˝e Rogers at (802) 878-4587 or email townclerk@wesďż˝ordvt.us. To apply, submit resume by August 3, 2012 to:

Town of Wes�ord 1713 VT Route 128 Wes�ord, VT 05494

City of Saint Albans, VT Downtown Manager The City of St. Albans seeks a dynamic self starter to lead its downtown revitalization efforts as Downtown Manager. The successful candidate will be well organized, articulate, and able to impart enthusiasm and inspire conďŹ dence in the City’s Downtown Program. The manager is responsible for promoting the downtown through events, media and advertising; attracting new businesses and ďŹ lling storefronts; and collaborating with merchants, restaurants, and employers to create a vibrant downtown environment. The position is planned for full time, but could be part time for the right individual. Includes full City beneďŹ ts package. Salary commensurate with experience and qualiďŹ cations. A full job description is available at www.stalbansvt.com. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to:

p.strait@stalbansvt.com Resume review will begin August 15, 2012. EOE

Foster parents will be provided with: • • • •

On-going training and supervision 24 hour crisis support Competitive stipend Case management and in-home supports

If interested, please call:

Ben Watts, NFI Business Coordinator 802-524-1700 Ext. 101 Or Email: BenjaminWatts@naďŹ .com

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On Lake Champlain in Highgate Springs, Vermont

Employment Opportunities Infant, Toddler & Pre-school Caregivers/ Counselors

We are looking for Caregivers/Counselors who love working with newborns to 6-yearolds to help run an active and creative program and/or to provide individual care. Our program runs for two to three weeks (August 18 to September 8) from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Empty nesters, substitute teachers, and recent college graduates would be ideal applicants. Experience with this age group is a must! BeneďŹ ts include: Meals while on duty and use of many of the resort facilities during your time off (tennis, pools, ďŹ tness center, canoes, kayaks, etc.). Some housing available, if necessary.

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Positions are ďŹ lling up fast, so please apply online at http://jobs.tylerplace.com. You may also contact Amanda (amanda@tylerplace.com) or Tasney (tasney@tylerplace.com) as soon as possible for more information. We can also be reached at 802-868-4000.

Looking to make extra money? Messen


We have the perfect business opportunity for you. Approx salary $1,000 a month and up! •Must be 18 yrs, or older and have a valid Vermont driver’s license. •No experience required, we provide route lists and route orientation. •No collections involved, able to work independently.

Route available: Swanton, Fairfax and Fletcher

Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or send resume to subscribetoday@samessenger.com

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