08/08/12 Classifieds

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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Classif ieds

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Employment ACTIVITY DIRECTOR Responsible for design and implementation of activity programs for seniors. Must possess a wide degree of creativity. Experience required. Please send resume to: kdhome10@gmail. com or call for more information 802-524-5744 ATTENTION EXPERIENCED Reefer drivers: GREAT PAY. Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME. Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com. ATTENTION FRUSTRATED JOB seekers! Are you not getting any interviews? Are you being told that you are over qualified? Alternative opportunities are available. Visit www. frustratedjobseekers. com

FAX: 802-527-1948

SERVICE COORDINATOR Make a difference by assisting elderly residents and residents with disabilities in obtaining needed supportive services from the community to prevent premature and unnecessary institutionalization; assess individual service needs; determine eligibility for public services; and make resource allocation decisions to enable residents to stay in the community longer. Bachelor’s Degree and two to three years’ experience in social service delivery with senior citizens and non-elderly disabled. Individual will work in both an office and field environment and drive on a regular basis. Grant-funded position is part-time 16 to 20 hours per week and is based in St. Albans. For position details, requirements and qualifications, visit www.vsha.org. Cover letter and resume to: HR, VSHA 1 Prospect Street Montpelier, VT 05602-3556 Position open until filled. VSHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

AUTO SALES HANDY TOYOTA will be moving into their new dealership soon. We have an opportunity for a hard working, customer oriented, selfstarter in our new car sales department. No previous sales experience necessary. Please send resume to: scourville TRANSPORT DRIVER @handycars.com St. Albans CLASS A DRIVERS, R.L. VALLEE, INC. start now! Receive sign is seeking a qualified on bonus just in time commercial driver for for Christmas! Up to 42 transport division. MiniCPM, regional. 2 years mum of 5 years driving experience required. experience. 800-524-5051. www. Please send resume: gomvilvaine.com P.O. Box 192 PAINTER St. Albans, VT 05478 WANTED Attn: Yvon J.A. Roberts Painters WE’RE A DRIVER’S seeks apprentice paintcompany that’s focused ers. Will train. Appearon drivers Solo’s .437, ance, neatness and Teams .513 1 yr OTR pride in workmanship CDL-A-Hazmat 877required. Email: 628-3748 jarpainters @gmail.com Help on the Farm RSD FARM HELP Transportation Inc. All around farm help Looking for Class A needed, milking inCDL Tractor-trailer cluded. Call during evedrivers. The individual nings, leave message. would be home most 802-285-6363 weekends with trips LOOKING FOR AN through-out New EngEXPERIENCED land, MD, NY, PA, and MILKER NJ. Drivers would have Brouillette Farm an excellent benefit in Richford. package with Health, Call 802-848-7049 Dental, Vision, and Prescription Ins. Also paid vacations, holidays, uniforms and 401K. Domicile terminal will be Williston VT. Call: 802-524-9771 Please call: Ext. 117 or 122 Tom or Kevin 802-295-7743 888-466-5134

Your Ad Here!

PUBLIC HEARING SWANTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The Swanton Development Review Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, August 23, 2012 at the Swanton Town Offices, 1 Academy Street, at 7:00 P.M. to hear the following requests: 1. #470-2012 Final Plat Approval request of AEC Partnership/Eldora Cheney, Et. Als. To create a two (2) lot subdivision by subdividing a 77 acre parcel at 19 Campbell Bay Rd. to create a two (2) acre house site on the North side of Church Rd. SR Shoreland Recreation District. 2. #471-2012 Preliminary and Possible Final Approval Request of Edward Hemond to create a Major Four (4) lot subdivision by subdividing a 63.9 acre parcel, in order to create four (4) single-family residential lots and to revise the previously approved Subdivision of Lot #7, identified as #462-2011 by changing the configuration and numbering of the four (4) lot residential

EMAIL: classifieds@samessenger.com

Subdivision. The lots shall be accessed by a proposed extension of the existing Maple Grove Estates Road R3 Moderate Density Residential District. 3. CU#412-2012 Conditional Use Approval Request of Roger & Judith George to construct an 8ft. by 42ft. permanent concrete ramp to Lake Champlain at #16 Maquam Shore Rd. SR Shoreland Recreation District 4. CU#413-2012 Conditional Use Approval Request of Randall & Rebecca Rupp to repair and elevate to a minimum elevation of 103.5 ft. (within the same footprint) a seasonal camp damaged by flooding. at 137 Fadden Road. SR Shoreland Recreation District. 5. #473-2012 Sketch Plan Approval Request of Ellsworth Moore to create a Major Five (5) lot subdivision/PUD by subdividing 104.5 acres into: three (3) 1-acre lots

(Lots 1-3); one (1) 6.1 acre, six (6) unit PUD (Lot 4) and retained lands (Lot 5). At #135 Bachand Road R3 Moderate Density Residential District. 6. #80-2012 Variance Request of Norman Lamothe to construct an 800 sq. ft. garage/ tool shed on the side of his residence which does not meet the required side setback of 50 ft. (15 ft. proposed) at 2278 Highgate Rd. R1 Agricultural Residential District. 7. CU#414-2012 Conditional Use Approval Request of John E. Sheets II to construct a 16ft. by 20ft. permanent concrete ramp to Lake Champlain at #81 Lakewood Drive SR Shoreland Recreation District. 8. #91-2012 Variance Request of H.D.Campbell and Kelly Campbell to construct a 12ft. diameter Gazebo on the rear of their residence (lakeside) which does not meet the side

MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478

setback of 30 ft. (10 ft. proposed) SR Shoreland Recreation District. 9. Public Comment. 10. Any other necessary business. PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at and participation in this public hearing is required in order to appeal any decision related to this hearing. All applicants must be present to present their applications for review. Posted this 7th day of August, 2012 Ronald F. Kilburn Zoning Administrative Officer Attest: Cathy L. Fournier Town Clerk

Legals Continued Onto Next Page

Sheldon School K-8 Opening

Paraprofessional For the 2012 - 2013 School Year The Sheldon School District has full time paraprofessional openings for the 2012-2013 school year. Please send letter of interest and resume to: Principal Sheldon School 78 Poor Farm Road Sheldon, VT 05483 Or stop by for an application. Applications accepted until positions are filled.

Music Teacher (Long-term Sub.) - choral, band, and general music classes (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and potential of Thursdays at Sheldon School). Approximate start/end dates for substituting will run around the middle of October until beginning of January. Certification required and experience preferred. Please send cover letter, resume, three letters of reference, copies of transcripts and license to:



FRANKLIN CENTRAL SCHOOL (K-6, 130 students) Long-term Substitute (Anticipated)

FAX US 527-1948

Joyce Hakey, Principal Franklin Central School P.O. Box 146 Franklin, VT 05457 EOE

Application review begins August 31st until position is filled.


Call for more information: St. Albans Healthcare & Rehab 596 Sheldon Road St. Albans, Vermont 05478 (802) 524-6534

Full Time LPN Day Charge Nurse Position Available

Responsible for coordinating, and supervising care services for residents in a 40 bed Residential Care Home. Qualified candidates will have proven leadership and coordination skills, and strong computer skills, and at least 2 years of experience in assisted living or related nursing field. Excellent Benefits including 401K with employer match. Please send resume to:

Coleen Kohaut Holiday House 642 Sheldon Road St. Albans, VT 05478 Email Resume to: ckohaut@franklincountyrehab.com

On Lake Champlain in Highgate Springs, Vermont

Employment Opportunities Infant, Toddler & Pre-school Caregivers/ Counselors

We are looking for Caregivers/Counselors who love working with newborns to 6-yearolds to help run an active and creative program and/or to provide individual care. Our program runs for two to three weeks (August 18 to September 8) from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Empty nesters, substitute teachers, and recent college graduates would be ideal applicants. Experience with this age group is a must! Benefits include: Meals while on duty and use of many of the resort facilities during your time off (tennis, pools, fitness center, canoes, kayaks, etc.). Some housing available, if necessary. Positions are filling up fast, so please apply online at http://jobs.tylerplace.com. You may also contact Amanda (amanda@tylerplace.com) or Tasney (tasney@tylerplace.com) as soon as possible for more information. We can also be reached at 802-868-4000.

Email: classifieds@samessenger.com

Looking to make extra money? Messen


We have the perfect business opportunity for you. Approx salary $1,000 a month and up! •Must be 18 yrs, or older and have a valid Vermont driver’s license. •No experience required, we provide route lists and route orientation. •No collections involved, able to work independently.

Route available: Swanton, Fairfax and Fletcher

Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or send resume to subscribetoday@samessenger.com

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