The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Friday, August 10, 2012
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www.samessenger.com LEGAL SECRETARY Position available with busy local law firm. Computer skills essential, knowledge of Word program and accounting skills a real plus. If Interested please forward resume to: Employment Cahill, Gawne, Miller & Manahan ACTIVITY PO Box 810 DIRECTOR Responsible for de- St. Albans, VT 05478 sign and implemenPAINTER tation of activity proWANTED grams for seniors. J.A. Roberts Painters Must possess a seeks apprentice paintwide degree of cre- ers. Will train. Appearativity. Experience ance, neatness and required. pride in workmanship Please send resume required. Email: to: jarpainters kdhome10@gmail. @gmail.com com or call for more RSD information Transportation Inc. 802-524-5744 Looking for Class A ATTENTION EXPE- CDL Tractor-trailer RIENCED Reefer drivers. The individual drivers: GREAT PAY. would be home most Freight lanes from Pr- weekends with trips esque Isle, ME. Bos- through-out New Engton-Lehigh, PA. 800- land, MD, NY, PA, and 277-0212 or primeinc. NJ. Drivers would have com. an excellent benefit ATTENTION FRUS- package with Health, TRATED JOB seek- Dental, Vision, and Preers! Are you not get- scription Ins. Also paid holidays, ting any interviews? vacations, Are you being told uniforms and 401K. that you are over Domicile terminal will qualified? Alterna- be Williston VT. Please call: tive opportunities are Tom or Kevin available. Visit www. 802-295-7743 frustratedjobseekers. 888-466-5134 com
AUTO SALES HANDY TOYOTA will be moving into their new dealership soon. We have an opportunity for a hard working, customer oriented, self-starter in our new car sales department. No previous sales experience necessary. Please send resume to: scourville @handycars.com Automotive Service Tech Handy Buick GMC Cadillac in St Albans has an immediate opening for a qualified person to perform maintenance and repairs. Must be responsible, reliable and able to work in a fast paced environment. Must have own tools. We offer flat rate pay with a competitive benefit package. Contact: Mike Cross Service Director 802-524-6531 or Mike @Handygmc.com Also may send resume to: 405 Swanton Rd, St Albans Vt 05478 CLASS A DRIVERS, start now! Receive sign on bonus just in time for Christmas! Up to 42 CPM, regional. 2 years experience required. 800-524-5051. www. gomvilvaine.com
SERVICE COORDINATOR Make a difference by assisting elderly residents and residents with disabilities in obtaining needed supportive services from the community to prevent premature and unnecessary institutionalization; assess individual service needs; determine eligibility for public services; and make resource allocation decisions to enable residents to stay in the community longer. Bachelor’s Degree and two to three years’ experience in social service delivery with senior citizens and non-elderly disabled. Individual will work in both an office and field environment and drive on a regular basis. Grant-funded position is part-time 16 to 20 hours per week and is based in St. Albans. For position details, requirements and qualifications, visit www. vsha.org. Cover letter and resume to: HR, VSHA 1 Prospect Street Montpelier, VT 05602-3556 Position open until filled. VSHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
FAX: 802-527-1948
TANKER DRIVER Seeking CLASS A, Haz Mat tanker driver. Must be able to enter Canada. Call: 802-598-9395 and leave a message. WE’RE A DRIVER’S company that’s focused on drivers Solo’s .437, Teams .513 1 yr OTR CDL-A-Hazmat 877628-3748 Help on the Farm LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED MILKER Brouillette Farm in Richford. Call 802-848-7049
Bakersfield Planning Commission August 6, 2012 The Bakersfield planning commission unanimously approved the preliminary plat review for the major subdivision presented by Harmon Mayo August 6, 2012. Notice of Final Plat Hearing September 3, 2012 7:05 PM The final plat hearing for the major subdivision proposed by Harmon and Janet Mayo will be held September 3, 2012 at 7:05 PM. This subdivision is located in the high-density district of Bakersfield, VT. The proposal is to create 3 lots from the existing 2 lots. A boundary line adjustment is required on lot 2 – 1.7acres existing to 1.3 acres after subdivision. The bylaws consider boundary line adjustment subdivision. The Mayos will subdivide their existing 2.5acres to 1.8 acres to create lot 4. The 1-acre taken from lot 2 and lot 4 will result in lot 3, thus creating a 3 lot subdivision. The board determined that this is a major subdivision requiring preliminary plat review in August and then final review in September. Additional information can be found in the planning commission file in the town’s offices. Participation in this hearing is a prerequisite to the right to appeal the board’s decision. Bakersfield Planning Commission August 6, 2012 The Bakersfield planning commission unanimously approved the preliminary plat review for the major subdivision presented by Harmon Mayo August 6, 2012. Notice of Final Plat Hearing
EMAIL: classifieds@samessenger.com
September 3, 2012 7:05 PM The final plat hearing for the major subdivision proposed by Harmon and Janet Mayo will be held September 3, 2012 at 7:05 PM. This subdivision is located in the high-density district of Bakersfield, VT. The proposal is to create 3 lots from the existing 2 lots. A boundary line adjustment is required on lot 2 – 1.7acres existing to 1.3 acres after subdivision. The bylaws consider boundary line adjustment subdivision. The Mayos will subdivide their existing 2.5acres to 1.8 acres to create lot 4. The 1-acre taken from lot 2 and lot 4 will result in lot 3, thus creating a 3 lot subdivision. The board determined that this is a major subdivision requiring preliminary plat review in August and then final review in September. Additional information can be found in the planning commission file in the town’s offices. Participation in this hearing is a prerequisite to the right to appeal the board’s decision.
Full Time/Part Time
A proven manufacturer has several openings in its fast paced, quality orientated environment. Responsible, reliable persons with 1+ years of manufacturing experience preferred. Openings are weekdays, first shift only.
Please apply in person at: Please apply in person at: The The Yankee Yankee Corp Corp 125 125 Yankee Yankee Park Park Road, Road, Georgia, Georgia, VT VT
MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478
Part-Time Custodian
2012-2013 School Year Richford Jr. - Sr. High School
Position is 20 hours per week, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. , Monday through Friday. Please call Garry Shover at 848-7416 with any questions. Please send application, letter of interest, current resume, and three letters of current recommendation to:
Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union P.O. Box 130 Richford, VT 05476
Richford Town School District complies with all state and federal employment and non-discrimination laws in its hiring and employment practices.
Training Professional U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has an opening in the officer corps field for a Training Professional. Candidates will find this an exciting opportunity to become a member of the Federal Government working at the Vermont Service Center which has facilities in both St Albans and Essex, Vermont.
As a training officer you will be responsible for the training and development of USCIS employees. Basic requirements and qualifications can be found by accessing the Federal Government Worksite located at www.USAJobs.gov. The position of Training Officer starts at a salary of $81,823.00 and has promotion potential to $106,369.00.
Applications are accepted on-line at www.USAJobs.gov. Refer to the following vacancy announcement numbers: CIS-PJN-718117-ESC, Training Officer and/or CIS-PJN-718136ESC, Immigration Services Officer (Training Officer)
2012/2013 School Year
Berkshire Elementary School
Please send application, letter of interest, current resume and three letters of current recommendation to: Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union P.O. Box 130 Richford, VT 05476 Interested persons with any questions, please call Lynn Cota-Caforia at 933-2290. Berkshire Town School District complies with all state and federal employment and non-discrimination laws in its hiring and employment practices.
Behavior Interventionist 2012/2013 School Year Enosburg Falls High School
Interested persons with any questions, please call Ed Grossman at 933-7777. Please send application, letter of interest, current resume and three letters of current recommendation to:
Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union P.O. Box 130 Richford, VT 05476 (802) 848-7661
Enosburgh Town School District complies with all state and federal employment and non-discrimination laws in its hiring and employment practices.
Receiving Position Full Time LPN Day Charge Nurse Position Available
Responsible for coordinating, and supervising care services for residents in a 40 bed Residential Care Home. Qualified candidates will have proven leadership and coordination skills, and strong computer skills, and at least 2 years of experience in assisted living or related nursing field. Excellent Benefits including 401K with employer match. Please send resume to:
Coleen Kohaut Holiday House 642 Sheldon Road St. Albans, VT 05478 Email Resume to: ckohaut@franklincountyrehab.com Cook Montgomery Elementary School 2012/2013 School Year
Interested persons with any questions, please call Beth O’Brien at 326-4632. Please send application, letter of interest, current resume, and three letters of current recommendation to:
Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union P.O. Box 130 Richford, VT 05476
Montgomery Town School District complies with all state and federal employment and non-discrimination laws in its hiring and employment practices.
Full-time - 2nd shift The St. Albans Cooperative Creamery is looking for a full-time employee to fill our 2nd shift receiving position. Qualified candidate will have a CDL and be an ambitious self-motivated team player who excels in a fast paced environment. Candidate will also have a willingness to learn and have a minimum of a high school diploma or GED. Candidate must be able to lift at least 50 lbs., be in good physical condition and able to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Successful candidate will be able to fully run the receiving bay without close supervision, and is directly responsible for the safety, quality and quantity of their work. Interested individuals can pick-up an application at the Co-op business office at 140 Federal Street, St. Albans, Vermont.
Anticipated Opening Paraeducator Montgomery Elementary School for the 2012 - 2013 School Year Please send application, letter of interest, current resume, and three current letters of recommendation to:
Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union P.O. Box 130 Richford, VT 05476 Telephone (802) 848-7661 Montgomery Town School District complies with all state and federal employment and non-discrimination laws in its hiring and employment practices.
Looking to make extra money? Messen
We have the perfect business opportunity for you. Approx salary $1,000 a month and up! •Must be 18 yrs, or older and have a valid Vermont driver’s license. •No experience required, we provide route lists and route orientation. •No collections involved, able to work independently.
Route available: Swanton, Fairfax and Fletcher
Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or send resume to subscribetoday@samessenger.com