09/22/12 Classifieds

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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Saturday, September 22, 2012

Classif ieds

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802-524-9771 ask for Gail x117 or Lindsey x122 DEADLINES

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FAX: 802-527-1948

EMAIL: classifieds@samessenger.com


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Full Time/Part Time

A proven manufacturer has several openings in its fast paced, quality orientated environment. Responsible, reliable persons with 1+ years of manufacturing experience preferred. Openings are weekdays, ďŹ rst shift only.

NWR-12-077 PT SAM Multi Listing_Sept.indd 1

9/20/12 11:18 AM

Please apply in person at: Please apply in person at: The The Yankee Yankee Corp Corp 125 Yankee Park 125 Yankee Park Road, Road, Georgia, VT VT Georgia,


MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478 AUTO SALES HANDY TOYOTA will be moving into their new dealership soon. We have an opportunity for a hard working, customer oriented, self-starter in our new car sales department. No previous sales experience necessary. Please send resume to: scourville @handycars.com

EXPERIENCED REEFER DRIVERS: GREAT PAY/Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME. Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800277-0212 or primeinc. com. FULL TIME NURSE Opening in busy Pediatric office in St. Albans. Please call: 802-527-5115

TANKER DRIVER Seeking CLASS A, Haz Mat tanker driver. Must be able to enter Canada. Call: 802-598-9395 and leave a message.

Farm Help

CHARBONNEAU’S LNA BODY SHOP Part-Time Part-time Auto Body ReEvening Position pair Tech needed. Some Professional skills reexperience required. quired. Competitive Please call: wages. Help on the Farm 802-868-4044 King’s Daughters FARM HELP Home CLASS A CDL drivers WANTED G.W. Savage has im- needed now! Terminal in 802-524-5744 Full Time mediate openings for Springfield, MA. Weekly kdhome10 Experience in Parlor carpenters helpers, la- home time, new trucks, @gmail.com Milking. Vehicle and borers, and structural SCHOOL BUS $.99 fuel for lease drivers license needed. drying technicians in DRIVER ops, practical mile pay. Housing included. Must our South Burlington Hirschbach 888-474- Needed in Highgate be a team player and office. We offer comand Franklin. Great 0729 get along with others. petitive wages, health part time job. Most holi802-868-2443 insurance, 401K, in CLASS A DRIVERS ap- days & summers off. addition to paid holi- ply now! Up to 42 CPM. Will train. days and vacations. $1500 sign on bonus. 802-285-2145 Applicants must have Weekly pay, holidays, vaSOMEONE TO WORK cation and more. 2 years valid and clean driver’s creative, license and agree to a T/T EXP. 800-524-5051. w/artistic, handicap man doing criminal background www.gomcilvaine.com check. DRIVER: CDL-A-VAN & crafts 1 Saturday a Please call: flatbed. New pay pack- month approximately 802-660-8900 age! Very new trucks, 5 hours. Able to pass background check. for an application benefits after 30 days, 802-524-2294 great miles, pay, dependable home time, start immediately! CDL graduates needed! 877917-2266 drivewithwestern.com

Your Ad Here! 524-9771 x117/122


Employment Continued on Next Page The Town of Georgia seeks a TRUCK DRIVER/LABORER

The City of St. Albans’ Recreation Department is accepting applications for a part-time Recreation Coordinator. This fast-paced department is looking for an energetic person to assist the Director in all aspects of department activity including but not limited to customer service, website management, program and event planning and implementation, as well as facility and ďŹ eld management upkeep. This position is 20 hours/week and must be available for occasional evenings and weekends. The hiring pay is $20,000.

This position requires the ability to operate town equipment and perform jobs assigned, including general hand labor, truck driving, and plowing. This position requires you to live within 30 minutes of the Town of Georgia and maintain a valid CDL Drivers license. Salary $35,000 $40,000 with excellent beneďŹ ts.

To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to: p.strait@stalbansvt.com. Resume review will begin Thursday, October 4th.

Applications are available at the Georgia Municipal OfďŹ ces 47 Town Common Road North St. Albans, VT 05478 or online at www.townofgeorgia.com


All applications are due no later than October 3, 2012

MOTOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I, II, AND III Agency of Transportation, Central Garage

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The Agency of Transportation’s Central Garage has a position available for a skilled mechanic to help keep its eet of vehicles on the road and ready to serve the public. As part of a team located in Colchester, you will perform scheduled and unscheduled service and repairs on light vehicles, dump trucks, snow plows, and heavy equipment, with an emphasis on uptime and cost-effectiveness. This position is being recruited at the Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Mechanic levels, in hopes of ďŹ nding the right mechanic with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a reliable contributor towards an important public service. You should be team oriented, a good communicator, and committed to maintaining a positive and safe work environment. SpeciďŹ c requirements are available on-line. Reference job postings 30911, 30912, and 30913. Location: Colchester. Status: Permanent, full-time. Application deadline 9/28/12. The State of Vermont offers an excellent total compensation package. To apply you must use the online job application at www.careers.vermont.gov. For questions related to your application, please contact the Department of Human Resources, Recruitment Services at 800-640-1657 (voice) or (800) 253-0191 (TTY/Relay Service). The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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Looking to make extra money? Messen


We have the perfect business opportunity for you. Approx salary $1,000 a month and up! •Must be 18 yrs, or older and have a valid Vermont driver’s license. •No experience required, we provide route lists and route orientation. •Able to work independently.

Routes available in Fairfield, Fairfax & Swanton Send resume to subscribetoday@samessenger.com or stop by 281 No. Main St., St. Albans, VT Mon-Fri 8am-5pm for an application.

The Town of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Executive Director/Curator Part-time St. Albans Historical Museum & Society

The St. Albans Historical Museum & Society is seeking an PT Executive Director; a highly motivated, self-starting individual. Responsibilities include leading the Museum in a new direction; transforming it from a display oriented organization, to an interactive, research museum facility. The museum, through the guidance and leadership of the director will continue to present history to its members and the Franklin County communities, while continuing to be an integral part of the St. Albans Community. A minimum Masters Degree in History, Museum Administration or Studies, Public Administration or related ďŹ elds is required. The successful candidate will have 10+ years of experience with involvement with museum/historical society organizations, successful record of innovation and leadership, and a record of sound financial success in his/ her chosen ďŹ eld, public speaking/lecturing before small and large groups, demonstrated success in fund raising - particularly in obtaining grants. The individual must have strong interpersonal skills, with experience having demonstrated and cultivated successful partnerships with a variety of external relationships, have experience in managing part-time staff and volunteers in a non-profit organization, excellent word processing, spread sheet, and power point software skills. This position will require an individual to oversee all Museum day to day activities, manage a 170 seating capacity auditorium, recruit and supervise an all volunteer work force, collaborate with Municipal, State, National, Business, Educational, and Cultural organizations, and to optimize the Museum’s impact. The successful candidate will report to Museum/Society President and interact with the Executive Committee and Board. The salary for this position will be $25,000. - $30,000. The application deadline is October 15, 2012 and the position is available June 2013. To apply send letter of interest, resume and references to:

Executive Committee c/o St. Albans Historical Museum P.O. Box 722 St. Albans, VT 05478

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