The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 29, 2011
Classif ieds Always start with a keyword that makes it clear what you are advertising. Include as much description as you can so the buyer or potential employee knows exactly what you are offering. This may avoid unnecessary calls with redundant questions! Don’t be afraid to be creative to make your ad stand apart from the rest! Still need some help, call us and we will help write your ad and design it for FREE!
Help on the Farm LOOKING FOR FARM HELPER Must have valid drivers license. Brouillette Farm Richford. Call 802-848-7049
Employment ATTENTION EXPERIENCED reefer drivers: GREAT PAY, freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME. Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com CHILD CARE PROVIDER Teeter Totters is looking for a full time employee. If you excel in a fast paced setting, are reliable, and trustworthy, we want you to come join our team of Infant Teachers. Please send resume to: 31 Swanton Rd. St. Albans VT 05478 DRIVER WANTED Class B Hazmat and tanker CDL. 3 years driving experience, full time (40 hours). Call for interview or drop off resume. 802-868-7697 16 Waugh Farm Rd. Swanton DRIVERS, CDL-A, FedEx Ground: owner operator teams & small fleet owners, weekly settlements, fuel supplement program, all runs hub-to-hub, 100% drop & hook, outstanding home time & MORE! FedEx Ground will contract with entities that are established under state law as corporations. 866-832-6339 www.buildagroundbiz. com ESTABLISHED 20 YEAR company seeking traveling sales representative. Gone Monday-Friday, company average pays $910./week. Call 855625-4350, ext 33. www. highriseinc.net Full-time Position Available at Riverview Life Skills Center. Three day shifts (includes weekends) and two night shift. Caregiver needed for traumatic brain injury clients. Transitional Living Center. Call 802-644-8708 For Details WAITRESS Must have at least 3 years experience. Weekends a must. Apply in person. Cody’s Cafe Swanton
Your Ad Here (802)524-9771 ext. 117 or 122
Business Opportunity
THINK CHRISTMAS, start now! Own a RED HOT!, Dollar, Dollar Plus, Mailbox, or Discount Party store from $51,900 worldwide! 100% Turnkey 1-800-518-3064 www. DRSS32.COM
be refunded if the unit is broom cleaned. St. Albans Mini Storage reserves the right to accept or reject bids. The contents of the following tenant’s selfstorage units will be included in this sale: John Martin 10 Simms Point Road Grand Isle, VT 05454 William Wimble 484 Bushey Road St. Albans, VT 05478 Gale Poquette PO Box 256 St. Albans, VT 05478 Lonna Davis 136 West Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 Kathlene Fiske 395 Purchase Street #2 S. Easton, MA 02375 Joe Barber 319 Middle Road Milton, VT 05468 John Tighe 14 Country Lane Williston, VT 05495 Brandon Rolls 16 Stowell Street #2 St. Albans, VT 05478 Casey Pulsifer 100 Lower Welden Street #5 St. Albans, VT 05478 Notices
NOTICE OF SELF-STORAGE LIEN SALE ST. ALBANS MINI STORAGE CO. 6 Franklin Park West St. Albans, VT 05478 Notice is hereby given that the contents of the self-storage units listed below will be sold at public auction by sealed bid. The sale is being held to collect unpaid storage unit occupancy fees, charges and expenses of the sale. The entire contents of each self-storage unit listed below will be sold, with the proceeds to be distributed to St. Albans Mini Storage for all accrued occupancy fees (rent charges), late payment fees, sale expenses, and all other expenses in relation to the unit and its sale. Contents of each unit may be viewed on October 13, 2011 commencing at 10:00 a.m. Sealed bids are to be submitted on the entire contents of each selfstorage unit. Bids will be opened one half hour after the last unit has been viewed on October 13, 2011. The highest bidder on the storage unit must remove the entire contents of the unit within 48 hours after notification of their successful bid. Purchase must be made in cash and paid in advance of the removal of the contents of the unit. A $50.00 cash deposit shall be made and will
PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF HIGHGATE, VT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Notice is hereby given that pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 4464, the Highgate Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 13, 2011 starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Municipal Office Building to consider the following appeals: A. Conditional Use Appeal of All Metals Recycling (dba Rays Used Cars & Salvage) to construct fencing up to 12 feet in height in accordance with State regulations and the Highgate Zoning Bylaws: Article V, Section 502 (Conditional Uses) and Article VI, Section 640 (Fences). The property is identified as Parcel#0018078002 and located off VT Route 78 in the Industrial/Commercial District. B. Conditional Use Appeal of Donna Fuller, et. al. to construct a 4 foot high by 70 feet long concrete retaining wall along the property’s Lake Champlain shoreline in accordance with the Highgate Flood Hazard Area Zoning Regulations and Article V, Section 502 (Conditional Uses) of the Highgate Zoning Bylaws. The property
Inserters needed for fast paced work
environment. Must be able to multitask, lift up to 25 lbs, be dependable and work early mornings, Monday thru Friday. Attention to detail a must. Must be able to supply credible references. Stop in to fill out an application.
St. Albans Messenger 281 North Main Street St. Albans, VT No phone calls, please.
is identified as Parcel #0005055014 and located off Platt Road in the Shoreline District. The application is on file for public review at Municipal Office Building at 2996 VT Route 78 during normal business hours. In accordance with 24 V.S.A. Section 4465, participation by an interested person in a land use regulatory proceeding is a prerequisite to filing a timely appeal of any board decision resulting from that specific proceeding. The hearings are open to the public. For the Highgate Zoning Board of Adjustment, David Jescavage Planning & Zoning Administrator
REQUEST FOR WINTER YARD MAINTENANCE BIDS At this time RockTenn Company’s Missisquoi Mill, located in Sheldon Springs Vermont, is accepting bids for our winter yard maintenance. The RockTenn plant operates 24/7, and must also be able to shuttle trailers around and allow for workplace traffic flow 24/7. Plowing, sanding, and the ability to haul away excess snow when the need arises are minimum requirements. Sanding and plowing needs to be kept up in all yards, trailer lots and loading docks especially first thing in the morning before traffic begins at 6:00am. Winter yard maintenance is expected to be done without direct supervision, including deciding when the yard requires plowing and/or sanding. Past history based on last five years: Average winter: 260 hrs., High: 350 hrs., Low: 200 hrs. Please submit bids in two different formats: •Hourly charges for plowing, sanding, and hauling. •Contract price for the entire winters work. We will offer price protection should oil prices rise excessively. Invoices should be submitted monthly for payment. Bids should be received no later than Friday October 7, 2011. If you wish to submit a bid respond to:
RockTenn Attn: Alan Teague 369 Mill Street Sheldon Springs, VT 05485 Ph: 802-933-7733 Fax: 802-933-5326 Email: alteague @rocktenn.com
SOMETIMES ERRORS OCCUR. After placing an ad, it is your responsibility to check your ad on the first day of publication for any errors. Refunds are not issued for classified ads, but if notification is given to our department after the first day of publication, we will run your corrected ad for one extra day. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect publication of each ad.
Billing Information: Sherman V. Allen, Inc P.O. Box 609 Rutland, VT 05701
Full Time/Part Time
A proven manufacturer has several openings in its fast paced, quality orientated environment. Responsible, reliable persons with 1+ years of manufacturing experience preferred. Must pass pre-employment drug screening. Openings are weekdays, ďŹ rst shift only.
Please apply in person at: The Yankee Corp 125 Yankee Park Road, Georgia, VT
TOWN OF BAKERSFIELD Property taxes are due: Monday, October 3, 2011 Office hours for Monday the 3rd are: 9:00 am - 12 noon 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Regular office hours are: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Second & Fourth Monday evening 7 pm - 8 pm
Legals Continued Onto Next Page
Monday ................ Noon Friday Tuesday ............... Noon Monday Wednesday.......... Noon Tuesday Thursday.............. Noon Wednesday Friday................... Noon Thursday Saturday .............. Noon Thursday For display ads or ads requiring a proof please allow us extra time.
CONTACT US FOR PhoNE: 802-524-9771.... Gail x117 Rachel x122 FAx: 802-527-1948 A FREE QUOTE OR EMAIl: classifieds@samessenger.com TO PLACE AN AD: MAIl: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478
��������� ������� ����� ��������� ������� � ����� ������� ����� ����� ������� Opportunities for ambitious, goal oriented people are always available at Mac’s Market, where we service our neighbors in both Vermont and New Hampshire. Apply today for a Part-Time Produce position at our Richford, VT location, with flexible hours and competitive pay. As part of the Mac’s team, you will regularly interact with an interesting and diverse customer/employee base, while supporting the company objectives in working together to achieve an enjoyable and satisfying experience. Responsibilities include ordering, stocking, pricing, and general cleaning. Knowledge of the retail and/or food industry is helpful. To begin the most exciting adventure in your career, and our future together, apply at our store, or send your resume to: Peter Ramsdell c/o Sherman V. Allen, Inc P.O. Box 609 Rutland, VT 05701 or e-mail at ramsdell@svallen.com E.O.E.
Your Ad Here!
Call: 802-524-9771 Ext. 117 or 122
Franklin County Rehab Center PART TIME AND PER DIEM LNA’s Needed for all shifts.
CUSTODIAN Substitute custodians needed to assist at Franklin Central Supervisory Union School Districts. QualiďŹ ed candidates must be a H.S. graduate or equivalent. Punctual, cooperative and professional demeanor is required. A demonstrated aptitude and interest in cleaning and maintenance procedures to ensure a safe, healthy educational environment is essential. Successful completion of background/ ďŹ ngerprinting check is required.
Franklin County Rehabilitation and Adult Care Center 110 Fairfax Road St. Albans, VT 802-752-1600 www.franklincountyrehab.com
“Franklin County’s Premiere Choice for Rehabilitation Therapy� Please call 752-1600 to arrange an interview.
QualiďŹ ed candidates may forward their resume, cover letter and three letters of recommendations to: Human Resources 28 Catherine Street St. Albans, VT 05478
Front Desk Part Time Temporary Position Pleasant, enthusiastic, motivated professional for customer service position. Duties include greeting public, scheduling appointments, answering multiline phone system, data entry and modifying media signage and blog. Associate’s Degree and previous experience with website design a plus. No phone calls please.
Franklin County Rehab Center PART TIME AND PER DIEM LNA’s Needed for all shifts. Franklin County Rehabilitation and Adult Care Center 110 Fairfax Road St. Albans, VT 802-752-1600 www.franklincountyrehab.com
“Franklin County’s Premiere Choice for Rehabilitation Therapy� Please call 752-1600 to arrange an interview.
Submit letter of intent, resume to: Dianne Leach, OfďŹ ce Manager Community College of Vermont 142 South Main Street St. Albans, VT 05478
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Production Supervisor
JOB LOCATION - Richford, VT The production Supervisor is responsible for identifying and resolving production issues, employee issues, maintaining the department and ensuring the department is meeting quotas and goals in a timely manner, while maintaining product quality. They will assure compliance for all employees with departmental safety requirements and policies and demonstrate effective decision making. Additionally, they will perform administrative duties including attendance management, schedule adherence, interviewing, mentoring and coaching. The ideal candidate will have proven success supervising in a manufacturing enviornment with 3-5 years experience. BeneďŹ t package includes: Competitive salary, great beneďŹ ts, 401K plan, and paid vacation.
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drIverS needed!
we need rurAl route drIverS (PArt-tIme)
ilable Route Ava ichford ely! R Immediat Apply in person at The St. Albans Messenger 281 North Main Street St. Albans, VT EOE
Please fax your resume to 802-848-7058 attention Human Resource Department.
Individuals who apply for the positions must have: •Valid driver’s license and insurance •Basic knowledge of Franklin County •Reliability and punctuality •Need to be available between the hours of 11:30AM and 5:00PM