VOL . 1, I S SUE 3
a t WA S H I N G T O N U N I V E R S I T Y I N S T . L O U I S
Illustration by Vidhya Nagarajan, BFA10
S A M F O X S C H O O L O F D E S I G N & V I S UA L
Illustrators Go Above…and Way Beyond Unbound by earthly limitations, MFA-IVC students divine the comic, the cosmic, and the otherworldly. Our program draws from tremendous Facilities & Resources, starting with our home in Weil Hall. See A3
Dive into our 8-page Student Work feature section with a spotlight on the MFA-IVC thesis project. See B1
Get to know our faculty — distinguished scholars and practitioners in illustration, design, and visual culture. See A7