Ecological Mitigation & Design

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E c o l o g i cal M i ti g ati o n & D es i g n Samuel Hammersley


This report includes the detailed and technical design proposals for key components of the Smithy Wood masterplan. Particular attention is given to: surface water management through the design of specified SuDS features, green roof design and its impact on biodiversity, habitat and connectivity, as well as vegetation character and the social connection that can be achieved through good ecological design. Four key species from different biological classes have influenced the amended design of the masterplan. Their habitats and life cycles determining key features and structures within the design.

1.1 introduction 1.2 contents 1.3 key masterplan amendments 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

focal species common pipistrelle bat smooth newt eurasian reed warbler dingy skipper species interaction diagram

3.1 green roof design 3.2 amenity building 3.3 hotel 3.4 filling station 4.1 sustainable drainage features 4.2 treatment channel 4.3 swales

1. 2

5.1 bibliography


D e s i g n R a t i o n a l e - L i f ecycl e An al ys i s Amendments to the first group masterplan occurred following detailed analysis of key species, their life cycles, habitats and needs. Following this, improvements were made to increase the biodiversity and provide key habitat needs for each species. 1

improved woodland edge to provide: shelter for animals, key movement routes and feeding opportunities


improved hedgerows to provide strong linear connective elements needed for Pipistrellus pipistrellus


larger areas of green roof with improved design to provide habitats for invertebrates and Erynnis tages


improved wet meadow planting with a more species appropriate plant list


improved conne ctions for pedestrian users to access and view the site


improved disability access around disabled parking spaces


increased tree cover within the car park to provide shelter for species and to mitigate habitat loss


addition of woodland glades which provide hunting opportunities for bats and sheltered habitats for other species




2 2 2



6 5








Focal Species


P i p i st re l l u s pi pi s trel l u s

Lissotriton vulga ris

The Common Pipistrelle bat is one of the UK’s most common bat species. 1 It is found in a variety of habitats and feeds on small flies, namely of the order Diptera: Nematocerc a, as well as other insects. 2 Whilst the species is not globally threatened 3 bat numbers have plummeted due to habitat fragmentation. 4 The well being of bat populations mirrors the health of the environment. 4 Therefore this is a key species to focus on in a habitat soon to be facing dramatic change.

The Smooth or Common Newt has been chosen due to the volume of water bodies in the amended masterplan. Amphibians, such as newts, are key indicator species and will help determine the quality of the habitats created. Due to their presence on both land and water, as well as their thin skin which is sensitive to environmental contaminants, newts will serve as a key species in determining the health of the new wetlands and water bodies. 5

A c ro c e p h a l u s s ci rpaceu s

E rynnis ta ge s

The Eurasian Reed Warbler is a summer visitor to the UK where it breeds in wetland habitats. Over 130,000 breeding pairs have been identified within the UK with the largest concentrations in East Anglia and along the south coast. There are relatively few pairs breeding in Scotland and Norther n Ireland. 6 Due to the large areas dedicated to wetland planting on the masterplan, reed warblers will be a key species in identifying the success of the reed beds due to their specialised nature.

The Dingy Skipper is vulnerable species of butterfly, 7 as classified by the Inter national Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2010. The species is mentioned in the environmental statement prepared for Sheffield MSA and the mitigation strategy requires “the provision of at least 0.5Ha of bird’s-foot trefoil dominated sward to mitigate for the loss of potential dingy skipper habitat.� 8 Birds foot trefoil ( Lotus cor niculatus ) is the primary food plant for the dingy skipper, characterised by yellow flowers.


Biology Common pipistrelle bats are relatively small, with a 3.5-5.2cm long head and body. The tail can add an extra 2.3-3.6cm and the wingspan ranges from 18-25cm. These tiny creatures weigh 3.5-8.5 grams and are experts at catching insects, their primary food source. 2

Habitat Linear features are key for foraging for pipistrelles, as such they forage in open woodland, woodland edge, farmland, suburban and urban habitats. 3 Aquatic insects are an important part of their diet. Still bodies of water, such as those in the masterplan, form key foraging and roosting habitats due to the abundance of prey. These are best designed with two tree lined edges which provide excellent cover when foraging. 2 Water and wetland habitats allow bats to take advantage of aquatic insects e merging from their larval stages. When designing these habitats variation in the edge of the water body should be maximised by including varied vegetation, scrub, grassy edges and overhanging trees. Variation in water depth also needs to be included to promote a variety of insect species. 4 Hedgerows also provide key feeding grounds and act as navigational tools within a landscape. 4

Lifecycle Pipistrelles mate through the summer, most frequently in September and November. 2 During this time period colonies of between 25-50 individuals are formed. 3 Dependant on feeding conditions, the females undergo torpor during pregnancy and a single offspring is bor n in late June or early July. 2 In winter they exist singularly or in small groups. 3 Many bats hiber nate from November to April. 4 Roosts are commonly found near water bodies and hedgerows, the hedgerows are used as a linear feature for navi gation. 2 Buildings near water, such as the main buildings on site, also provide good roosting habitats. Bat boxes should be included on these buildings at a height of 2-3m. 4

2 .2


K e y D e s i g n F e atu res 4 Design of the site for Pipistrellus pipistrellus should include: • a mixture of habitats including wetland, woodland and a diverse, varied woodland edge • strong linear vegetation features such as hedgerows and tree lines with ma ximum 10m breaks • water bodies with varied edges - allowing growth of taller vegetation is a great way to promote habitat diversity these should be located near woodlands or hedgerows • dead trees/branches which support a large number of woodland insects for foraging and also act as roost sites • woodland clearings/glades which can be planted with shrubs to promote insect diversity • bat boxes located on buildings and the woodland edge • white street lighting, which attracts insects - if possible this should be minimised near woodland edges and around water bodies to encourage rarer species of bat 5 cm

1.5-2 cm e n t r a n c e s lit

K e y S p e c i e s H o ts po ts

2 .3


Biology Adult smooth newts grow up to 10cm in length from head to tail. They are coloured in varying shades of grey and brown, with an orange or yellow belly which often has black spots or blotches. 9 Newts will feed on a wide variety of invertebrates that ranges from flies to snails. 10

Habitat Lissotriton vulgaris is generally associated with woodland habitats and the breeds in still and slow moving shallow water bodies and irrigation ditches. The species is very adaptable and is often found in parks, meadows, rural and urban areas. 11 The newt is most active at dawn and dusk. 9

L i f ecycl e In spring adults emerge from their overwintering sites and head to a pond to breed. Females can lay 200-300 eggs 11 which are deposited individually on the leaves of aquatic plants. Dependant on the weather conditions the larvae, which feed on zooplankton, 12 will hatch 2-4 weeks later. Until the summer, when the juveniles are now fully formed, the adults spend most of their time in the water feeding on tadpoles and other invertebrates. When summer arrives the juveniles leave the water as newt-lets. The adults often remain and hunt in or around the ponds. Later in summer and autumn, newts can be found sheltering under wood and rocks in between feeding on slugs and insects in preparation for winter. During winter smooth newts spend their time in shelter under rocks or buried in mud, occasionally overwintering in ponds. Newts only partially hiber nate and if the weather is more mild they will take the opportunity to forage. 9

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2 .3

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Design of the site for Lissotriton vulgaris should include: • the provision of dark, damp habitats in the woodland and woodland edges, such as stone, log and rock piles • water bodies with shallow sloping sides for the growth of marginal vegetation - preferably with two different depths of shelving • an area of deeper water in ponds, the ideal depth for amphibians being 2m deep, the optimum breeding site for smooth newts is 100m2 • areas of dense weed and vegetation patches underwater for hiding and hunting • a zonation of plants in and around the water body: • plant species such as hor nwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), water crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis) and water-starwort (Callitriche stagnalis) should be used in the submerged zone • the shallow shel ves should include plants suitable for oviposition, for newts these species include floatgrass (Glyceria fluitans), water forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides), watercress ( Nasturium officinale ), water mint (Mentha Aquatica ) and great hairy willow-herb ( Epilobium hirsutum)



K e y D e si g n F e atu res 10, 13

K e y S p e c i e s H o ts po ts

A C R O C E P H A L U S S C I R PA C E U S 2 .4

Biology The Eurasian Reed Warbler is a medium sized reed warbler, growing 12.5-14cm in length, with a wingspan of around 20cm. 16 The species is rather opportunistic, feeding primarily on insects. It will also feed on fruits, seeds and flowers. It catches its prey on reed stems and blades, in bushes and on the ground. The reed warbler is a victim of brood parasitism by the European cuckoo ( Cuculus canorus ). The cuckoo lays a single egg in the nest of the Eurasian reed warbler, which when hatched removes the other eggs from the nest. The adult reed warblers feed the cuckoo chick which grows rapidly. Eurasian reed warbler populations often begin to decline due to the high levels of parasitism, resulting in the cuckoo switching to an alter native host species. 17

Habitat In the summer months the reed warbler can be found primarily in reed beds in lowland central and souther n England and Wales. They are most commonly found from mid-April to early October. 6 It can also be found breeding in drier habitats such as scrub. 17 The reed warbler is regarded as a habitat specialist and is strongly associated with the beds of Phragmites australis 18 due to the strong adaptations of the reed warbler for nesting in these tall, vertical ha bitats.

L i f ecycl e Eurasian reed warblers breed during the summer months which they spend in the UK. Between may and August monogamous pairs construct their nest in loose colonies. Deep, cup-shaped nests are built by the female by weaving split reed blades, flowers, grass stems and plant down. In these nests three to five eggs are laid and incubated by both adults for a period of 8-13 days. When the chicks hatch they are fed by both parents and fledge the nest after 10-12 days. They quickly become independent 10-14 days later. 17 The birds then travel to souther n Africa where they spend their winters. 6

Ac c ro

ep s scirpa

mites austra

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Design of the site for Acrocephalus scirpaceus should include: • reed beds around water bodies composed of Phragmites australis - this can also be planted along wet swales and SuDS features • reed beds with structural variation - ditches and pools that create sheltered movement corridors and sustain invertebrate species should be included • reed beds with all stages of reed bed succession from young reeds in open water to old reed with scrub invasion on almost dry ground over dense litter • a strong management plan that includes appropriate cutting regimes - winter cutting will help maintain woodland succession but will be of lower value for reed warblers the following summer


2 .4

K e y D e si g n F e atu res 19

K e y S p e c i e s H o ts po ts


2 .5


The Dingy Skipper is the UK’s most widely distributed skipper, despite its current decline. 22 The species has a wingspan of 27-34mm 23 and is covered in a subtle patter n of browns and greys which fade with age. It lives in discreet colonies of 3050 individuals, with l ittle interchange between colonies. 22, 24 It is currently a UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Species. 25 Bird’s foot trefoil (Lotus cor niculatus) is significantly important to this species due to its function as the primary food source, as well as its role in as the primary site for oviposition. 22, 24

Habitat Colonies can be found throughout the British Isles, but is most common in Central and Souther n England. The butterfly is found in warm open habitats such as south-facing chalk and limestone downland, open hillsides, railway embankments, dunes, cliffs and abandoned quarries. It is also found at the ends of woodlands as well as woodland clearings and rides. 22 Analysis of the Smithy Wood site revealed suitable resources for the survival of the dingy skipper, including patches of Lotus cor niculatus, shelter in the form of herbaceous vegetation and bare ground suitable for basking adults. The species was recorded on site in 2004 along the ride under the power lines. 8

L i f ecycl e Dingy skippers, are normally single brooded in Britain, emerging in May, although in the warmer sites a second brood may occur in late July or early August. The ribbed eggs are laid singly on the leaflets of Lotus cor niculatus, or less commonly greater bird’s foot trefoil (Lotus uliginosus). After roughly 12 days the eggs hatch and the larva emerges. The larva spend the daylight hours living within a loose tent of leaves spun together at the base of the food plant, emerging to feed more openly in the early evening. Once nearly fully grown, in early August, the larva enters hiber nation, overwintering within a thin silk tent. It re mains within its hiber naculum until April when it pupates. 24


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Design of the site for Erynnis tages should include: • a minimum of 0.5Ha of bird’s foot trefoil ( Lotus cor niculatus ) as specified by the Environmental Statement 8 this should be situated near woodland edges and along the power line ride, it can also be included on the green roofs • the following measures as stated by the JNCC in the UK Priority Species Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 25 : • appropriate habitat management with a management plan drawn up by an e cologist, focusing on site specific advice and action • monitoring of Erynnis tages, with data being used to help produce a trend for UK and national indicators • an increased extent of suitably managed grassland and woodland habitats - this should include previously named species, including areas of Lotus cor niculatus, herbacious vegetation for shelter, clearings and runs in woodland, as well as suitable open ground for basking



K e y D e si g n F e atu res

K e y S p e c i e s H o ts po ts




Pipistrellus pipistrellus 3,4

KEY Feeding

Lissotriton vulgaris



TARGET SPECIES 1 pri ori t y spe c i e s f or na t u re c on se rva t i on 2 i n di c a t or of good wa t e r qu a l i t y 3 i n di c a t or of good po pu l a t i on s of inve rt e bra t e s 4 i n di c a t or of a h e a l t h y envi ron m e n t

Acrocephalus scirpaceus 2

Erynnis tages 1

MG5 Green Roof

Dry Neutral Green Roof

Dry Acid Green Roof


Woodland Edge

Woodland Glades

Retention Pond

Reed Beds

Wet Meadow




G o i n g G re e n The design for the site includes four key green roofs: one atop the main visitor complex, one on the hotel and two on the roofs of the filling stations. Green roof design, when done successfully, provide s benefits in many sectors. Biodiversity, water management and even the lifespan of the building can all be improved with the addition of a green roof. The design of each green roof will depend upon its location on site. Of the roofs on site some are more visually dominant than others and the design will reflect this with different roofs providing different ecological and aesthetic values. A design that includes a mosaic of three different substrate types, spread between the green roofs, will be adopted due to the increased ecological value it provides.


V i s u al D o m i n an ce low



Habita t Typ e s Lowland Dry Acid Grassland Lowland Dry Neutral Grassland British NVC MG5 Grassland

A m e n i t y B u i l d i n g | MG 5 G r a ssla n d

3 .2


MG5 grassland will be used to cover the roof of the main amenity building as specified in the mitigation report. 8 MG5 is a type of neutral grassland common in Yorkshire but uncommon nationally. It is especially good for insects and invertebrates 27 , so it will be a huge benefit for Pipistrellus pipistrellus which has easy, sheltered access to the area. The design for this roof aims to fulfil one of the mitigation criteria by including large volumes of Lotus cor niculatus (Bird’s Foot Trefoil) as well as being visually attractive. MG5 Grassland is associated with well drained pastures and as such the roof ’s topography is designed to help funnel and drain water. Key species to be included on this roof are: Lotus cor niculatus (Bird’s Foot Trefoil), Agrostis capillaris (Common Bent), Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet Ver nal-Grass), Centaura cristatus (Black Knapweed), Dactylis glomerata (Cock’s Foot), Festuca rubra (Red Fescue), Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire Fog), Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain), Trifolium pratense (Red Clover) and Trifolium repens (White Clover). 27 As MG5 is a type of neutral grassland the substrate pH should be around 7 and at a depth of 200-400mm. The topography on the amenity building is design to promote drainage, whilst providing a couple of areas likely to be slightly more damp. The areas of sand and rubble/wood are screened behind the substrate mounds to minimise visual disturbance.

1:500 @ A4 Roofs to be seeded with British NVC MG5 Grassland Mix. 200mm standard substrate depth except where stated otherwise. Brick/stone piles and log piles to be primarily composed of matter found on site. Individual logs should be no more than 600mm long and 350mm high. Cleaned bricks and stones should be stacked no more than 350mm high for spiders and insects.














00 +4


+4 +3

16 +1

5m sand

stone/brick pile zone log pile zone







15m +


m 114 +1

13m +1


12m +1









+300mm +350mm +250mm

m +3



3 .3


H o t e l B u i l d i n g | L owla n d Dr y Ne u tr a l G r a ssla n d Lowland Dry Neutral Grassland will be the basis for the hotel building roof and is a UKBAP and UK Priority Habitat recommended in Sheffield’s Green Roof Action Plan. This habitat is found on roadside verges, disused railway lines, golf courses and churchyards. 28 Piles of rubble and wood will aim to mimic these locations. These are extremely similar habitats to the brownfield sites Erynnis tages is found in and as such will be hugely beneficial for the species. This habitat is distinc t from lowland dry acid grassland used on the filling station roofs due to greater range of taller grasses and herbs it includes. Species to use on the roof should include: Lolium perenne (Perennial R ye-Grass), Agrostis capillaris (Common Bent), Alopecuris pratensis (Meadow Foxtail), Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet Ver nal-Grass), Lotus cor niculatus (Birds Foot Trefoil), Poa spp. (Meadow grasses), Ranunculus acris (Meadow Buttercup), Trifolium pratense (Red Clover), Schedonorus pratensis (Meadow Fescue), Centaurea nigra (Common Knapweed), Leucanthum vulgare (Oxeye Daisy), Galium verum (Lady’s Bedstraw), Dactylis glomerata (Cock’s Foot) and Cynosorus cristatus (Crested Dog’s Tail). This should be sown as a seed mix and distributed across the roofs. 28 The minimum average substrate should be no less than 200mm, with a maximum depth of 300mm. Areas of greater substrate depth will promote diversity across the roofs resulting in certain species taking dominance in certain areas. 28 To mimic the natural habitat a substrate pH of 5.5-6.5 should be established.

suitable site for bird perch +200mm +250mm +300mm

+300mm +250mm


+250mm +300mm

+300mm +250mm





1:20 @ A4 varied subsrate depths

sand stone/brick pile zone log pile zone

brick pile

1:500 @ A4 Both roofs to be seeded with Lowland Dry Neutral Grassland Mix. 200mm standard substrate depth except where stated otherwise. Brick/stone piles and log piles to be primarily composed of matter found on site. Individual logs should be no more than 600mm long and 350mm high. Cleaned bricks and stones should be stacked no more than 350mm high for spiders and insects.

substrate (Growing Medium)

roof deck

3 .4


F i l l i n g S t a t i o n | L owla n d Dr y Ac id G r a ssla n d The filling station’s green roofs will be covered with Lowland Dry Acid Grassland which is recommended in Sheffield’s Green Roof Action Plan due to its status as a UKBAP and regional priority habitat. 29 This habitat is mainly associated with lowland heaths, parklands and coastal cliffs and is great for invertebrates, solitary wasps and butterflies 28, 30 due to the superficial sand and gravel that is common in this habitat. Pipistrellus pipistrellus will benefit from this habitat and the introduction of Lotus cor niculatus to this mix will give added benefit for Erynnis tages. Species from this habitat type to include on this roof are: Galium saxatile (Heath Bedstraw), Festuca ovina (Sheep’s Fescue), Agrostis capillaris (Common Bent), Rumexa cetosella (Sheep’s Sorrel), Carex arena ria (Sand Sedge), Deschampia felxuosa (Wavyhair Grass), Agrostis curtisii (Bristle Bent) and Potentilla erecta (Tormentil). 28, 30 Lotus cor niculatus (Bird’s Foot Trefoil) should also be included within this mix. The substrate for Lowland Dry Acid Grassland should be nutrient poor, free draining soil of a pH in the range of 4-5.5. Superficial sand and gravel deposits are common in this habitat type and this beneficial for many organisms including invertebrates, solitary wasps, butterflies and grasshoppers. Birds of conservation concer n use acid grassland for breeding and wintering. 28, 30 However, due to the green roofs location this is not a priority. The topography may create sheltered zones which encourage these birds, however it also likely that traffic noise may deter them.

vegetation filter fabric drainage/reservoir root barrier layer

sand for insects a nd bees +300mm

+250mm +300mm

+250mm +300mm

substrate (Growing Medium)


roof deck +300mm

waterproof membrane

varying topography promotes diversity

1:20 @ A4 typical green roof section

+250mm +300mm 5m gravel sand stone/brick pile zone log pile zone

+250mm +300mm

1:500 @ A4 All roofs to be seeded with Lowland Dry Acid Grassland Mix. 200mm standard substrate depth except where stated otherwise. Brick/stone piles and log piles to be primarily composed of matter found on site. Individual logs should be no more than 600mm long and 350mm high. Cleaned bricks and stones should be stacked no more than 350mm high for spiders and insects.

Sustainable Drainage Features


Wa t e r M a n a g e m en t SuDS schemes on the site are designed with a range of habitat types due to the biodiverse, self sustaining and resilient ecosystems this creates. 31 The topography of the site falls from North to South and this creates a natural flow cycle for water on the site. As such, the SuDS scheme is designed to collect water in the car park s in the North, then filter and transport it to the reed beds in the south. A treatment channel in the HGV park serves to capture contaminated surface water that is likely to arise in this area of the site. This can then be emptied into the large retention pond outside the amenity building which will also capture surface run off from the roof. The planting design will focus on the the four key species aforementioned in this document. Lotus cor niculatus (Bird’s Foot Trefoil) will be common in the swales and will benefit Erynnis tages. Phragmites australis should be dominant in the reed beds to provide habitats for Acrocephalus scirpaceus . Whilst the wet swales should include stone/log piles to provide shelter and habitats for Lissotriton vulgaris . Naturally water will encourage insects and along with the strong linear features the swales create this will be highly beneficial to Pipistrellus pipistrellus.

treatment channel to serve HGV park

permanent or namental retention pond collecting run off from neighbouring green roofs

central swale transports water down site

secondary swales collect water from car park and feed into central swale

‘green car park’ with permeable grasscrete paving secondary swale feeds into reed bed permanent reed bed with capacity for excess water underground overflow to serve reed beds - to include filter units permanent reed bed with high water quality and ecological value


Tre a t m e n t C h a nn el To the North of the site there is the HGV park which will include numerous vehicles that are likely to pollute and contaminate water courses on the site. A treatment channel placed at the South of this area will catch any surface water run off and aim to treat this before it flows into neighbouring SuDS features or woodland. Once treated, water can be piped to the large retention pond surrounding the amenity building. Treatment channels work with gravity to separate particulate pollutants by gravity separation (settling) and floatables such as oils, by physical separation using weir and baffle plates. Treatment channels require routine maintenance to remove accumulated silt build-up. However the frequency of this can vary from 6 months to 10 years. Standard design causes visible signs on the surface to indicate a build up of silt. Treatment channels will reduce maintenance on downstream SuDS features. 31

channel collection system run off from HGV park

run off from HGV park

oil and silt separator/trap using baffle and weir

geocel lular box storage drained to retention pond 1:5 @ A4 HGV park treatment channel detail


Swales On site swales work to convey run off from the car park areas, feeding this into a central swale that ultimately drains into the reed beds at the South of the site. The standard swale will be covered in vegetation, which serves to slow water and increase the ecological value. Swales also serve to facilitate sedimentation and filtration through the root zone and soil matrix. In the event of severe rainfall these swales have the capacity to take on the excess run off and help manage water on site. 31 Regular inspection and maintenance should be carried out on the swales to ensure they are functioning to their maximum capacity. This requires little effort with key aims being the removal of litter and debris as well as sediment removal in the event of a large build up. 31

excess run off draining to central swale

interpretation board

captured run-off

infiltration through soil woodland finger

car park


1:50 @ A4 typical car park swale detail

planting to include mainly amenity mown grass mix interspersed with Chamomile nobile (Chamomile) and Thymus serpyllum ‘Pink Chitz’ (Thyme ‘Pink Chintz’) - both plants are pollen rich, low, colourful groundcover which are resistant to foot and vehicle damage

Bi bl iogra p hy 1 Bat C o ns er v atio n Tr us t, ‘C o m m o n P ip is trelle,’ Mo nito r ing Bats (2 0 1 6 ) < h t t p : / / www.b ats .o r g .uk/ p ag es / -co m m o n_p ip is trelle-8 2 1 .htm l> [acces s ed 1 8 January 2016] 2 Univ er s ity o f Br is to l, ‘C o m m o n P ip is trelle,’ S cho o l o f Bio lo g ical Sc ie n c e s (2 0 0 5 ) < http :/ / www.b io .b r is res earch/ b ats / b r itis hb ats / b a t p a g e s / co m m o np ip i.htm > [acces s ed 1 8 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ] 3 I nter natio nal Unio n fo r C o ns er v atio n o f N ature and N atur al Res o urces , ‘ Pip is t rellus p ip is trellus (C o m m o n P ip is trelle),’ I U C N R ed Lis t (2 0 0 8 ) < http :/ / w w w. iucnred lis t.o r g / d etails / 1 7 3 1 7 / 0 > [acces s ed 1 8 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ] 4 Entwis tle, A b ig ail, H ar r is , S tep hen, H uts o n, A ntho ny, Racey, P aul, Wa ls h , A lly s o n, Gib s o n, S tep hen, H ep b ur n, I an and Jo hns to n, Jackly n, H ab itat M a n a g e m ent fo r Bats (P eter b o ro ug h: JN C C , 2 0 0 1 ) 5 A m p hib ian A r k, ‘A m p hib ians as ind icato r s o f env iro nm ental health a n d t h e ir co ntr ib utio n to hum anity,’ A m p hib ian Declines (2 0 1 5 ) < http :/ / www. a m p h ib ianar k.o r g / the-cr is is / am p hib ians -as -ind icato r s / > [acces s ed 1 5 Januar y 2016] 6 RS P B, ‘Reed War b ler,’ Bird Guid e (2 0 1 6 ) < http s :/ / www.r s p b .o r g .uk/ discoverandenjoynature/discoverandlear n/birdguide/name/r/reedwarbler/> [ a c c e s sed 1 9 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ] 7 Brereto n, To m , Fo x , Richard and War ren, M ar tin, T he Butter fly R ed L is t f o r Great Br itain (P eter b o ro ug h: JN C C , 2 0 1 0 ) 8 Ward ell-A r m s tro ng , E nv iro nm ental S tatem ent S heffield MS A, (Online: < h t t p : / / p u b l i c a c c e s s . s h e ff i e l d . g o v. u k / o n l i n e - a p p l i c a t i o n s / a p p l i c a t i o n D e t a i l s . d o ? a c t i v e Ta b = d o c u m e n t s & k e y Va l = N 2 Z W W H N Y 0 9 N 0 0 & d o c u m e n t O r d e r i n g . o r d e r B y = d o c u m e n t Ty p e & d o c u m e n t O r d e r i n g . o r d e r D i r e c t i o n = a s c e n d i n g > [ a c c e s sed 1 5 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ], S heffield C ity C o uncil, 2 0 1 5 ) 9 Fro g life, ‘S m o o th N ewt,’ A m p hib ians and R ep tiles (2 0 1 6 ) < http :/ / w w w. f rog life.o r g / am p hib ians -and -rep tiles / s m o o th-newt/ > [acces s ed 19 January 2016] 10 P ilking to n, Geo r g e, ‘N ewts - what d o they eat? what eats them ?,’ N u r t u r ing N ature - env iro nm ental ed ucatio n and co ns ultancy (2 0 1 0 ) < http :/ / n u r t u r i n g - n a t u re . c o . u k / g a rd e n i n g - f o r- w i l d l i f e / n e w t s - w h a t - d o - t h e y - e a t - w h a t e a t s - t h em / > [acces s ed 2 0 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ] 11 I nter natio nal Unio n fo r C o ns er v atio n o f N ature and N atur al Res o urces , ‘ L is s o t rito n v ulg ar is (S m o o th N ewt),’ I U C N R ed Lis t (2 0 0 9 ) < http :/ / www. iu c n re d lis t.o r g / d etails / 1 7 3 1 7 / 0 > [acces s ed 1 8 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ]

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26 UC R e g e n t s , ‘ L o t u s c or niculatus ,’ Dis co v er Life (2 0 1 6 ) < http :/ / www. d is c o v e r lif e . o r g / 2 0 / q ? s e a rc h = Lo tus + co r niculatus > [acces s ed 2 5 Januar y 2016] 27 N a t u r a l E n g la n d , ‘ N a t i o nal Veg etatio n C las s ificatio n: M G5 g r as s land ( T I N 1 4 7 ) , ’ N a t u r a l E n g la n d Ac c es s to E v id ence (2 0 1 3 ) < http :/ / p ub licatio ns . n a t u r a le n g la n d . o r g . u k / p u b lic a t io n/ 6 6 2 6 0 5 2 > [acces s ed 1 2 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ] 28 M a d d o c k , An t , U K B io d iv er s ity A ctio n P lan P r io r ity H ab itat Des cr ip tio ns ( O n lin e : < h t t p : / / w w w. jn c c . g o v. uk/ p ag e-5 1 5 5 > [acces s ed 2 6 Januar y 2 0 1 6 ]: J o in t N a t u re C o n s e r v a t io n C o mm ittee, 2 0 0 8 ) 29 Sh e ff ie ld L o c a l B io d iv er s ity A ctio n P ar tner s hip , H ab itat A ctio n P lan G re e n Ro o f s , ( O n lin e < h t t p :/ / www.theg reenro o .uk/ g reen_ro o fs / d o w n lo a d s > [ a c c e s s e d 1 7 J a n uar y 2 0 1 6 ]: T he Green Ro o f C entre, 2 0 1 0 ) 30 N a t u r a l En g la n d , C lim ate C hang e A d ap tatio n Manual, p p . 1 4 9 1 5 4 ( O n lin e < p u b lic a t io n s . n atur aleng land .o r g .uk/ file/ 6 2 6 1 9 1 3 9 1 4 7 0 3 8 7 2 > [ a c c e s s e d 2 5 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 ] : Natur al Eng land , 2 0 1 4 ) 31 As h le y, R , I llm a n , S, K ellag her, R, S co tt, T, Ud ale-C lar ke, H , W ils o n, S a n d Wo o d s B a lla rd , B , T h e S uDS Manual (Lo nd o n: C I RI A , 2 0 1 5 )

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