Sam Horwood Out and About

Page 1

o u t

a n d

a b o u t

workshop and introduction to case study

sam horwood

| 637533

w o r k s h o p sam






3x pine | softwood used heavily in the building industry | used because it is very strong yet soft enough to work with for carpentry

| 1200x35x35mm

1x ply | manufactured wood panel made from thin sheets of wood (vaneers) | glued together with grains at right angles from the adjacent layer to produce a strong panelling material


claw hammer

hand saw

| bench hook



| serated hand saw for cutting wood hammer | claw hammer for nailing tape measure | construction tape for measuring lengths cordless drill | cordless drill for screwing sliding bevel | angular ruller for making markings clamp | aparatus for holding wood bench hook | board to make cutting easier saw

tape measure

| sliding bevel | clamp

sam horwood

| 637533


w o r k s h o p our design

the task was to design a beam that spanned a we used


40mm 1 meter gap

2 pieces of pine timber that we cut down to 1100mm



we used smaller cut pieces of timber to connect the two longer pieces together using screws we then nailed the piece of ply to the top of the wood to add lateral support and added strength


our design





sam horwood

| 637533

w o r k s h o p structual performance

our design as the presseure was placed onto the middle our member the pine began to buckle

| as more presseure was added the beam was being |

our design

compressed on the top and pulled with tension on the bottom

this eventually split the pine timber at the bottom due to the large amount of tension occuring

| the piece also broke in this specific

place due to the screws that were used weaking the piece of timber group


as the pressure was first added the pine began to bend quite

| as more pressure was added the ply began to buckle out resisting the compression of the mallet | this showed how flexible the ply was | eventually the pine sheard at the bottom dramtically

however the ply did not split group






as the pressure was first initiated the pine started to buck much like the other designs

| as more pressure was added the piece was able

to bend more due to the use of ply wood on the bottom and top

| in the end both the pine and the ply were sheared at the bottom showing the limitations of ply panelling

sam horwood

| 637533

w o r k s h o p definitions cross section




| span is the horizontal distance between the two vertical

supports that hold up a beam cross section

| a cross section is a 2d drawing of a structure

that has been cut through strength

| strength is the capacity of any given material to

withstand any form of stress or strain compression

| compression is a type of stress in a structure that

leads to downward forces and load paths tension




| tension occurs when a stucture is pulled where the load

paths move outwards from the centre of the structure flexion shear

| flexion is the act of a structure bending or being bent

| shear is the srain or stress on a sctructure resulting in the

lateral movement of the material

| deflection is the degree or amount a structual element is displaced under a load, measured in distance or angle


| buckling is when a structual element is bended, warped or crumpled under pressure and/or heat buckling



sam horwood

| 637533

c a s e site one

s t u d y

| eastern precint student centre

| had to house new student centre | ease of access to erc library | sound proofing from potential construction constraints outside noise

| links erc and doug mcdonnel buildings | large scale project | pre fabricated steele

links to other buildings construction type beams

| compression | framed structure | steele framework | glass | aluminium | plywood | polished concrete | timber planks structual systems materials

site two

| msle building

| had to have ease of access to both buildings whilst keeping compact | had to safely connect two buildings with fire protection, sprnklers links to other buildings | links the two buildings that make up msle construction type |small scale project | pre fabricated steele beams | pre fabricated steele pannels structual systems | compression | framed structure materials | steele framework | glass | aluminium | plywood |pressed bricks

potential construction constraints

sam horwood

| 637533

c a s e site three

s t u d y

| queens college extension

potential construction constraints

| limited space |cost effective

| quick construction procces | links to queens college building construction type | small scale project | pre casted reinforced

links to other buildings concrete

| compressive structure materials | reinforce concrete | glass panels | steele downpipes |glass blocks | stainless steele rails structual systems

site four

| ormond theology centre reception

| accomidate for the large amount of sunlight hitting the building | links to other buildings | entrence to the ormond theology centre construction type |medium scale project | pre casted cement | potential construction constraints

pre fabricated steele mesh structual systems

| compression in concrete | tension in stelle

poles materials

| pre casted cement | glass blocks | galvinised steel

sam horwood

| 637533

r e f e r e nces

Area Guides “” Accessed: 22.08.2013 Dobelol “” Dummies “” Encyclopedia “ Strength+of+Materials” The Free Dictionary “” The Free Dictionary “” Plyborad “” Wagner Meters “” Wikipedia “” sam horwood

| 637533

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