Hello, I’m Samia! I am a senior studying Interior Design with a minor in Sustainability at Iowa State University. I have a passion for design, art, and sustainability, and expressing said passions in the built environment. The following works showcase my dedication and love for the field of interior design, as well as my growth and development during my time studying Interior Design at Iowa State University.
Continuing Care Retirement Community Design
Microhome Residential Design
Higher Education Design
Workplace Design
Continuing Care Retirement Community
Revit, Enscape, Photoshop, Illustrator
Sierra Heights is a Continuing Care Retirement Community in Des Moines, Iowa. Sierra Heights resides in a re-purposed shopping mall in the Highland Park neighborhood of Des Moines. Park Fair Mall was once a highly popular shopping mall in the north-central section of Des Moines. However, Park Fair Mall is no longer reaching its full potential as a shopping mall. Inspired by the recent trend of turning shopping malls into senior housing, this project proposes to give Park Fair Mall a new way of life by redesigning it into a continuing care retirement community for residents across the Des Moines area.
This project was completed alongside my two teammates, Teionna Hanna and Kayla Sell. Together, we took the existing structure of Park Fair Mall and altered it to best fit the needs of our clients by adding two extra levels for living space. All work presented is completed by myself unless stated as collaboration with my teammates.
The concept of Sierra Heights derives from the inspiration of National Parks. As we consider our client, seniors grew up around the popularization of national parks during their adolescent years. Some clients have visited many national parks during their lifetime, while others have dreams of visiting. Our design draws inspiration from national parks by selecting natural materials, colors coordinating with national parks, artwork selection, and space planning.
Top of Mountain = Assisted Living
The assisted living zone correlates to the highest level of a mountain - this is where people require the most assistance in their hike.
Second Level of Mountain = Independent Living
The independent zone correlates to the second level of a mountain - this mountain is a bit higher than the first one, but people still remain independent in their hike.
First Level of Mountain = Interactive Spaces
The first level relates to the first level of a mountain - when people first start on their hike or journey, they require little to no assistance and they interact with one another as this is typically the busiest level of a mountain.
Bottom of Mountain = Recreational Spaces
This is the level where residents require the least assistance - similar to how people require the least assistance at the bottom of a mountain.
The main reception space of Sierra Heights offers a monumental experience with views of nature and natural light. Given the large space of the building, wayfinding is essential. As residents or guests enter the building, they will find the reception desk with seating towards their left. On either side of the main desk, there are two large waterfall walls with greenery on either side. Within the waterfall walls, one wall bears the words “Welcome to Sierra Heights,” while the other wall details the whereabouts of zones and spaces.
The Library offers residents areas to read, mingle with others, or utilize technology. As seniors age, it’s essential to keep their brains stimulated. The Library offers shelves upon shelves of books to choose from, with different types of seating for residents to sit and read or socialize with other residents. As our concept connects to national parks and the exploration and adventure national parks have to offer, the presence of computers allows users to continue to explore the new world of technology they may not be used to while continuously stimulating their brains.
The independent living apartments allow residents to live in their own space within the community. While independent living residents can customize their own space, the layout of the apartments remains the same throughout. The layout offers users spaces to relax, cook, eat, sleep, read, and an area that allows them to put their shoes on near the door. Each apartment has access to a balcony; the balconies are all connected but remain separate from their neighbor to maintain privacy in their own space.
Year: 2022 | Type: Continuing Care Retirement Community | Group Project
The Independent Living Apartments offer residents a “front porch - back porch” experience. Each apartment is mirrored with its neighbors’ apartment, and outside the front door of the two apartments is seating that allows residents to sit outside their door to enjoy their neighbors or look out towards the atrium with the large trees and natural light. On the opposite side, residents enjoy a back porch experience by having their own private outdoor balcony to enjoy the weather and spend time with their guests.
Microhome Residential Design
Revit, Enscape, Lumion, Photoshop, Illustrator
Microflex was completed as part of a design challenge to create an off-grid microhome with a maximum square footage of 270 square feet. The design of Microflex is focused on providing a sustainable and sufficient off-grid living experience for a young couple living in Giessbach, Switzerland. Given the small scale of the home, technology along with a hydraulic system is integrated to offer multiple and flexible arrangements of spaces for Microflex to reach its maximum potential for our clients.
This project was completed as a group project with Amy Nguyen and Nan Xiao. Together, we developed the concept, design development, and renderings. All work presented is completed by myself unless stated otherwise.
Located in Giessbach, Switzerland, Microflex draws inspiration from the minimal and sustainable Swiss style by using locally sourced materials and focusing on the beauty of simplicity. To curate for our active couple client, technological designs will be implemented within the home for a multi-use area. While the bathroom and kitchen shall remain as fixed elements in the home, a hydraulic system will be integrated within the lower first floor to raise the bed when needed. Microflex will maximize its wall for storage and controlled furniture. Earthy tones, raw materials, and large windows will create a luminous home that reflects the essence of Switzerland’s beauty for our client.
Solar Panels
Locally Sourced Stone
Locally Sourced Wood
Raised First Floor
First Floor
Bed on Platform
Hydraulic System
Rendering by Nan XiaoYear: 2022 | Type: Microhome Residential Design | Group Project
When the users desire to use the dining area function in Microflex, the hydraulic system will push the bed down, and the floor will close so that the dining table will fold out of the wall. The young couple can then bring out the stools from storage to sit and enjoy their meal. This layout offers flexibility to the users as they can easily store or retrieve the dining table at mealtime.
Year: 2022 | Type: Microhome Residential Design | Group Project
When it is time for bed, users fold the table into the wall and use the hydraulic system to push the bed to the main floor to prepare for sleeping or relaxation. Pillows can be stored in the storage closet in the Microflex microhome, and they can customize their bedding as they see fit each night, aiding in the most flexibility for the space.
Year: 2022 | Type: Microhome Residential Design | Group Project
When the users want to maximize their space and put both the bed and the dining table away, they are able to. They can put the bed underground via the hydraulic system and fold the table into the wall and use the space as a flex area. In this rendering, the active young couple is using the space for morning yoga.
Bed lies under the raised floor, on a platform on the ground level via a hydraulic system, the table folds into the wall, and the space is used for a flex area, in this case, yoga.
Higher Education Design
Revit, Enscape, Photoshop, Illustrator
Flow is designed with International Students and their needs in mind. This project aims to create an evolving learning environment for international students at Iowa State University. The space shall promote active learning, student wellbeing, blended learning, and team collaboration. The building envelope of the current Landscape Architecture Building used to house international students shall be preserved, while a new interior space will be created that addresses design considerations that will better the users’ needs while surpassing their experience at Iowa State University.
This project was done in collaboration with Amy Nguyen and Hanieh Baktash. Together, we developed the concept, design development, and FF&E selections. We then each focused on one floor to design. My work was on the second level, which is the design shown. All work presented is completed by myself unless stated as collaboration with my teammates.
The second floor correlates to the ocean’s top; this is where the most movement occurs - people are snorkeling, swimming, and interacting with one another and the fish. Similarly, the second level is the interactive level - where the cafe and lounge are located.
The first level correlates to the middle of the ocean - this is where there is more movement and interaction among fish and aquatic creatures, and also where fish spend most of their time learning and experiencing things in the ocean; the first level is the learning zone - where classrooms are located.
The ground level is correlated to the bottom of the ocean - this is the quietest part of the ocean, where fish and aquatic creatures are in their own zone and independent - similar to how the ground level is the work zone, with more quiet, focus spaces and offices.
Considering that our users of the space are international students from all over the world, our goal is to create a sense of belonging for the users in their new environment. Thinking of the ocean and how expansive it is as it connects different continents worldwide, our space strives to emulate the expansiveness of the ocean by connecting the users to each other through the intermixing of cultures, as well as connecting the users to the building and Iowa State as a whole, so they feel as though they belong and have a home away from home. The different levels also shall correlate to the different levels of the ocean.
Year: 2022 | Type: Higher Education Design | Group Project
The Oasis Cafe allows students to mingle, order a beverage or a pastry and take a break from studying. As the second level acts as an interactive space, users will travel up to the second level from the ground and first levels to rejuvenate and give themselves a break from working or learning.
The atrium overlooks the first level and the circular glass elevator, surrounded by a waterfall feature and spiral staircase. Shades of blue fill the area, and the addition of the waterfall feature surrounding the elevator adds to the ocean concept. Not only does the ocean connect us all, but it is also soothing. The waterfall feature and the different feature walls provide a soothing experience to the users as they spend time on the interactive level of the building.
The “Hello Wall” features the word “Hello” written in many languages to bring representation to the space. Given that the space is designed for international students from all over the world, the design strives to be inclusive by incorporating multiple languages so the international students feel welcomed and feel a sense of belonging within the space.
Workplace Design
Revit, Enscape, Photoshop
NEXT Cosmetics is a clean start-up makeup brand based in New York City. NEXT Cosmetics was founded by a Korean woman who migrated to the US at nine years old. As she began experimenting with makeup, she found that many products caused skin irritation due to unclean ingredients within the products. Not only were the products harsh, but she also found that makeup brands did not cater to a diverse range of skin tones as she had trouble finding products to match her skin tone. Her struggles with makeup led to the development of NEXT Cosmetics
For this project, the task was to create an office space for the NEXT Cosmetics makeup brand in New York City that reflects the company’s overall brand and culture. NEXT Cosmetics is an inclusive and diverse company that accepts, embraces, and celebrates all walks of life while being vegan, cruelty-free, and sustainable. NEXT Cosmetics is inspired by the deep-rooted culture of New York City and the diversity and variety the city holds while also connecting to the owner’s Korean culture by pulling inspiration and aspects from design trends found in Korea. This project was completed individually, and all work shown is my own.
Series of differing sizes and shapes to connect to the diversity of the company.
Type Arrow
Font includes horizontal lines within the letters, creating movement, connecting to the values of the company of being a progressive brand.
Inclusion of arrow connects to the progressive brand as it strives to create a sustainable and diverse brand moving forward.
Addition of faces to the different shapes to connect to the diversity of the brand, as well as diversity within makeup and makeup users.
Further connect to the idea of diversity and inclusivity by developing the faces to appear more unique and diverse from one another.
7th level contains offices, meeting rooms, and work rooms, offering a space for head down work and collaborative work with an overall productive environment.
8th level contains rejuvenation rooms, an open plan work cafe, lounge space, and access to the outdoor terrace to allow for socializing, flexibility, and user control in the workplace.
Open Office Area
Marketing Project Room
Large Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
Small Meeting Room
CEO/Founder Office
Chief Marketing Officer Office
Vice President of Sales Office
Human Resource Manager Office
Controller & Finance Manger
Shared Office
Chief Financial Officer Office
Chief Operations Officer Office
Intellectual Property Leader Office
Photo Studio
Retail Mock-Up
Celebration Boards
Video Studio
Medium Meeting Room
Product Development Project Room
Product & Swag Storage
Resource Room
Medium Meeting Room
Medium Meeting Room
Wellness Room
Wellness Room
Mother’s Room
Open Lounge
Work Cafe
Resource Room
Outdoor Terrace
Reception / Monumental Staircase
Reception / Monumental Staircase
Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa
BFA Interior Design, Minor in Sustainability
CIDA Accredited Program
Expected graduation: May 2023
GPA: 3.97
Valley High School - West Des Moines, Iowa
Class of 2019
GPA: 4.19
Top 15% of graduating class
Dunkin’ Donuts
Ames, IA
Crew Member
October 2022 - Present
Chipman Design Architecture
Des Plaines, IL
Design Intern
May 2022 - August 2022
Fernando’s Mexican Grill
Des Moines, IA
Cashier, Dishwasher
June 2015 - August 2019
Interior Design Student Association
Student Member
2021 - Present
Native Speaker
Arabic Intermediate Speaker
Dean’s List
Fall 2019 - Present
Forever Scholar
Fall 2019 - Present
Steelcase Next Competition 2021 ISU Nominee
Fall 2021
I+E Exhibition: Ecology of Care ISU Nominee
Spring 2023
JPA Medallion Award ISU Nominee
Spring 2023
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Acrobat
Microsoft Office
Personal Design Skills
Graphic Communication
Space Planning
Detail Oriented
Research Development
Concept Development
Materials and Finishes
Yongyeon Cho
Assistant Professor, Interior Design
Diane Al Shihabi
Associate Professor, Interior Design