ANNUAL REPORT 2009 √“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï 2552
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®ÿ¥‡¥àπ∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π ≥ 31 ∏—𫓧¡ 2552
As at December 31, 2009
(Àπ૬ : æ—π∫“∑) (Unit: Thousand Baht)
Operating Performance
√“¬‰¥â®“°°“√¢“¬ √“¬‰¥â√«¡ μâπ∑ÿπ¢“¬ §à“„™â®à“¬„π°“√¥Ì“‡π‘πß“π °Ì“‰√°àÕπ§à“„™â®à“¬∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π ·≈–¿“…’‡ß‘π‰¥âπ‘μ‘∫ÿ§§≈ °Ì“‰√ (¢“¥∑ÿπ) ÿ∑∏‘ ‘π∑√—æ¬å√«¡ Àπ’È ‘π√«¡ ∑ÿπ®¥∑–‡∫’¬π‡√’¬°™Ì“√–·≈â« à«π¢ÕߺŸâ∂◊ÕÀÿâπ ¡Ÿ≈§à“μ“¡∫—≠™’μàÕÀÿâπ °Ì“‰√ (¢“¥∑ÿπ) μàÕÀÿâπ (∫“∑) ‡ß‘πªíπº≈μàÕÀÿâπ (∫“∑) ‘π∑√—æ¬åÀ¡ÿπ‡«’¬πμàÕÀπ’È ‘πÀ¡ÿπ‡«’¬π (‡∑à“) Àπ’È ‘π√«¡μàÕ à«π¢ÕߺŸâ∂◊ÕÀÿâπ (‡∑à“) Õ—μ√“°Ì“‰√ (¢“¥∑ÿπ) ÿ∑∏‘μàÕ√“¬‰¥â√«¡ (√âÕ¬≈–) º≈μÕ∫·∑πμàÕ ‘π∑√—æ¬å√«¡ (√âÕ¬≈–) º≈μÕ∫·∑πμàÕ à«π¢ÕߺŸâ∂◊ÕÀÿâπ (√âÕ¬≈–)
Sales revenue 588,679 Total revenue 646,771 Cost of sales 389,756 Selling and administrative expenses 150,281 Income before finance cost and corporate income tax 102,723 Net profit (loss) 50,196 Total assets 2,273,873 Total liabilities 625,506 Issued and paid-up share capital 450,000 Shareholders' equity 1,648,367 Book value/share 3.66 Net profit (loss)/share (Baht) 0.11 Dividend/share (Baht) 0.06 Current ratio (times) 4.35 Debt to equity (times) 0.38 Profit (loss) margin (%) 7.76 Return on assets (%) 2.21 Return on equity (%) 3.05
2550/2007 2551/2008 2552/2009
√“¬‰¥â√«¡ ·≈–°”‰√ (¢“¥∑ÿπ) ÿ∑∏‘
(Àπ૬ : æ—π∫“∑)
(Àπ૬ : æ—π∫“∑)
(Unit: Thousand Baht)
(Unit: Thousand Baht)
Total revenue & Net profit (loss)
128,843 164,055 70,228 106,709 2,345,145 2,686,649 653,550 919,844 450,000 450,000 1,691,595 1,766,804 3.76 3.93 0.16 0.24 0.07 0.10 3.59 3.61 0.39 0.52 10.56 12.04 2.99 3.97 4.15 6.04
815,306 885,953 551,680 165,434
Total assets
2552 2009
603,141 664,925 389,244 141,145
√“¬‰¥â√«¡ / Total revenue °”‰√ (¢“¥∑ÿπ) ÿ∑∏‘ / Net profit (loss)
‘π∑√—æ¬å√«¡ / Total assets 03
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Major Shareholders as at December 30, 2009
No. of shares
æ√–∫“∑ ¡‡¥Á®æ√–ª√¡‘π∑√¡À“¿Ÿ¡‘æ≈Õ¥ÿ≈¬‡¥™
40,702,500 25,000,000
9.045 5.556
∫√‘…—∑ »Ÿπ¬å√—∫Ω“°À≈—°∑√—æ¬å (ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬) ®”°—¥ ‡æ◊ËÕºŸâΩ“° THAILAND SECURITIES DEPOSITORY CO., LTD FOR DEPOSITORS (Thai)
4 5
∫√‘…—∑ »√’ª«‘∏ ®”°—¥ SRIPAVIDH CO., LTD.
π“¬æß å “√ ‘π MR. PONG SARASIN
À¡“¬‡Àμÿ : * ºŸâ≈ß∑ÿπ “¡“√∂¥Ÿ¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈ºŸâ∂◊ÕÀÿâπ∑’ˇªìπªí®®ÿ∫—π‰¥â®“° Website ¢Õß∫√‘…—∑°àÕπ°“√ª√–™ÿ¡ “¡—≠ºŸâ∂◊ÕÀÿâπª√–®”ªï ** ºŸâ·∑πºŸâ∂◊ÕÀÿâπ„À≠à∑’Ë¥”√ßμ”·Àπàߪ√–∏“π°√√¡°“√„π∫√‘…—∑œ ‡ªî¥‡º¬‰«â „π ç°“√°”°—∫¥Ÿ·≈°‘®°“√é Àπâ“ 13
‚§√ß √â“ß°“√®—¥°“√ Management Structure
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Board of Directors
1 Admiral Mom Luang Usni Pramoj Chairman 2 Mr. Pong Sarasin Director 3 Mr. Paron Israsena Independent Director 4 Mr. Abhijai Chandrasen Independent Director 5 Police Major Genaral Chinnapat Sarasin Director 6 Mr. Anuthip Krairiksh Independent Director 7 Mr. Sitthichai Chantravadee Independent Director 8 Mr. Kavi Ansvananda Director 9 Mr. Somsak Kemarangsi Director 10 Mr. Bibit Bijaisoradat Director 11 Mr. Kittipol Pramoj Na Ayudhya Managing Director
§≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√ COMMITTEE
1 𓬰«’ Õ—ß»«“ππ∑å ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√ 2 𓬠¡»—°¥‘Ï ‡¢¡–√—ß…’ °√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√ ·≈–∑’˪√÷°…“ΩÉ“¬®—¥°“√ 3 π“¬æ‘æ‘∏ æ‘™—¬»√∑—μ °√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√ 4 𓬰‘μμ‘æ≈ ª√“‚¡™ ≥ Õ¬ÿ∏¬“ °√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√ ·≈–°√√¡°“√ºŸâ®—¥°“√ §≥–°√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫ ·≈– §≥–°√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√§«“¡‡ ’ˬß
Executive Committee
1 Mr. Kavi Ansvananda Executive Director Chairman 2 Mr. Somsak Kemarangsi Executive Director and Management Consultant 3 Mr. Bibit Bijaisoradat Executive Director 4 Mr. Kittipol Pramoj Na Ayudhya Executive Director and Managing Director
Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee
1 π“¬æ“√≥ Õ‘»√‡ π“ ≥ Õ¬ÿ∏¬“ 1 Mr. Paron Israsena ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫ ·≈– Audit Committee Chairman and ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√§«“¡‡ ’Ë¬ß Risk Management Chairman 2 ¥√. Õ¿‘™—¬ ®—π∑√‡ π 2 Dr. Abhijai Chandrasen °√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫ Audit Committee Member and ·≈–°√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√§«“¡‡ ’Ë¬ß Risk Management Member 3 𓬠‘∑∏‘™—¬ ®—π∑√“«¥’* 3 Mr. Sitthichai Chantravadee °√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫ Audit Committee Member and ·≈–°√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√§«“¡‡ ’Ë¬ß Risk Management Member * °√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫∑’Ë¡’§«“¡√Ÿâ ·≈–ª√– ∫°“√≥å „π°“√ Õ∫∑“𧫓¡πà“‡™◊ËÕ∂◊Õ¢Õßß∫°“√‡ß‘π §≥–°√√¡°“√∑√—欓°√∫ÿ§§≈ ·≈– °”Àπ¥º≈μÕ∫·∑π
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Nomination and Remuneration Committee
1 Dr. Abhijai Chandrasen Nomination and Remuneration Committee Chairman 2 Mr. Anuthip Krairiksh Nomination and Remuneration Committee Member 3 Police Major Genaral Chinnapat Sarasin Nomination and Remuneration Committee Member
1 𓬰‘μμ‘æ≈ ª√“‚¡™ ≥ Õ¬ÿ∏¬“ °√√¡°“√ºŸâ®—¥°“√ 2 π“ß “« ¡»√’ °¡≈“æ—π∏ÿå ºŸâ®—¥°“√ΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’·≈–°“√‡ß‘π 3 π“ߪ√–¿“»√’ ≈“¿‡«∑’ ºŸâ®—¥°“√ΩÉ“¬ß∫ª√–¡“≥·≈–·ºπß“π 4 π“߉¢à¡ÿ° æ√“À¡≥’¬å ºŸâ®—¥°“√ΩÉ“¬¢“¬·≈–°“√μ≈“¥ 5 π“¬∏’√©—μ√ ∏π–‚√®πå«‘∫Ÿ≈ ºŸâ®—¥°“√ΩÉ“¬∫√‘À“√‚§√ß°“√ 6 π“ß “«»‘√‘«√√≥ ÿ¢‰æ‡√“– ºŸâ®—¥°“√ΩÉ“¬μ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π ·≈–‡≈¢“πÿ°“√§≥–°√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫ 7 π“¬Õ¡√™—¬ Õ¡√‡®’¬√»—°¥‘Ï ºŸâ®—¥°“√ΩÉ“¬æ—≤π“√–∫∫ß“π 8 π“߬ÿ«¥’ πÿ™∂“«√ ºŸâ®—¥°“√ΩÉ“¬∫√‘À“√∑—Ë«‰ª ·≈–‡≈¢“πÿ°“√∫√‘…—∑
1 Mr. Kittipol Pramoj Na Ayudhya Managing Director 2 Miss Somsri Kamalapun Financial & Accounting Manager 3 Mrs. Prapasri Larbvetee Budgeting & Business Planning Manager 4 Mrs. Khaimook Prahmanee Sales & Marketing Manager 5 Mr. Teerachat Tanarojviboon Project Management Manager 6 Miss Siriwan Suhpairor Internal Audit & Secretary to the Audit Committee 7 Mr. Amornchai Amornchierasak System Development Manager 8 Mrs. Yuwadee Nuchtavorn Administrative Manager & Company Secretary
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Barrister-at-law, Gray's Inn, London, UK. Director Accreditation Program (DAP)
2512 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2516 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2521 - 2552 2527 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
ºŸâ®—¥°“√∑√—æ¬å ‘π à«πæ√–Õß§å ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√ ∫√‘…—∑‚√ß·√¡√“™¥”√‘ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ ‰∑¬øŸ®‘´’√ÁÕ°´å ®”°—¥ ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ ´‘߇°Õ√å ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π)
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2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2533 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2534 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π ªí®®ÿ∫—π
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2535 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2535 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ ‰∑¬§¡ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ª√–∏“π°√√¡°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ «‘™—¬¬ÿ∑∏ ®”°—¥
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2534 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2538 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2538 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2548 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
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ª√‘≠≠“‚∑ §≥–√—∞»“ μ√å ®ÿÓ≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Director Accreditation Program (DAP)
2541 - 2544 2544 - 15 ∏.§. 2545 16 ∏.§. - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
√Õß º°°.1 ∫°.ª .1 ”π—°ß“πμ”√«®·Ààß™“μ‘ ºŸâ°”°—∫°“√°≈ÿà¡ß“ππ—°«‘‡§√“–Àå¢à“« ∫°. Õ°. ª™. ª . º∫°.ª .3 ∫™. ª .
B.A.(Fine and Applied Art) Northeastern University, U.S.A Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Directors Certification Program (DCP)
2535 - 2544 2535 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2544 - 2548 2549 - 2552
ºŸâ®—¥°“√ à«π∫√‘°“√μ≈“¥ ΩÉ“¬ºŸâ·∑π®”Àπà“¬ ∫√‘…—∑ ªŸπ´‘‡¡πμå ‰∑¬ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) °√√¡°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ º≈‘μÕÿª°√≥å°àÕ √â“ß ®”°—¥ ºŸâ®—¥°“√≈Ÿ°§â“ —¡æ—π∏å ΩÉ“¬ª√– “πß“π·≈–°“√μ≈“¥ ∫√‘…—∑ ´‘‡¡πμå ‰∑¬°“√μ≈“¥ ®”°—¥ °√√¡°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ ¥√“°âÕπ «—π ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π)
ª√‘≠≠“‚∑∫—≠™’ (μâπ∑ÿπ) ®ÿÓ≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Fostering A Board and Management Team Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Directors Certification Program (DCP) Audit Committee Program (ACP) Board Performance Evaluation Raising The Awaveness of Corporate Fraud in Thailand Monitoring the Internal Audit Function (MIA) Monitoring the Quality of Financial Reporting (MFR) Monitoring the System of Internal Control and Risk Management (MIR) Monitoring Fraud Risk Management (MFM)
2538 - 2543 2544 - 2546 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√ΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’°≈“ß ∫√‘…—∑ ªŸπ´‘‡¡πμå ‰∑¬ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) 𓬰 ¡“§¡ºŸâμ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π·Ààߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√ ”π—°ß“πμ√«® Õ∫ ∫√‘…—∑ ªŸπ´‘‡¡πμå ‰∑¬ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π)
∫—≠™’∫—≥±‘μ ®ÿÓ≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Directors Certification Program (DCP) Audit Committee Program (ACP) Role of The Chairman Programp (RCP) Finance for Non - finance Director (FND) Improving Quality of Financial Reporting (QFR) Financial Statement for Directors (FSD)
2537 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2539 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2541 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2547 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 14 æ.§. 2552 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
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30 ∏.§.2552 30 ∏.§.2551
—¥ à«π °“√∂◊ÕÀÿâπ
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ª√‘≠≠“μ√’ §≥–‡»√…∞»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ μ√å Director Certification Program (DCP)
2535 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2544 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2547 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
ºŸâ™à«¬ºŸâ®—¥°“√∑√—æ¬å ‘π à«πæ√–Õß§å °√√¡°“√ºŸâ®—¥°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ »√’æ—≤πå ®”°—¥ ∑’˪√÷°…“ΩÉ“¬®—¥°“√ ∫√‘…—∑ —¡¡“°√ ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π)
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2539 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2544 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
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2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2543 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2548 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2551 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π 2552 - ªí®®ÿ∫—π
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30 ∏.§.2552 30 ∏.§.2551
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§≥–°√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫ Audit Committee
§≥–°√√¡°“√∫√‘À“√ Executive Committee
§≥–°√√¡°“√∑√—欓°√∫ÿ§§≈ ·≈–°”Àπ¥º≈μÕ∫·∑π Nomination and Remuneration Committee
√Õß°√√¡°“√ºŸâ®—¥°“√ Deputy Managing Director
°√√¡°“√ºŸâ®—¥°“√ Managing Director
ΩÉ“¬ß∫ª√–¡“≥ ·≈–·ºπß“π Budget & Business Planning Dept. ΩÉ“¬μ√«® Õ∫¿“¬„π·≈– ‡≈¢“πÿ°“√§≥–°√√¡°“√μ√«® Õ∫ Internal Audit Dept. & Secretary to The Audit Committee
ΩÉ“¬æ—≤π“√–∫∫ß“π System Development Dept.
ΩÉ“¬∫√‘À“√‚§√ß°“√ Project Management Dept.
ΩÉ“¬∫—≠™’·≈–°“√‡ß‘π Financial & Accounting Dept.
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ΩÉ“¬¢“¬·≈–°“√μ≈“¥ Sales & Marketing Dept.
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Company Name Location
: Sammakorn PCL : 195 Phayathai Road, Patumwan Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel. (66) 0 2255 5740-50 Fax.(66) 0 2255 2806 E-mail : Website : Type of Business : Real Estate Development Accounting Period : January 1 - December 31 Registered Capital : Baht 530 Million Paid-up Capital : Baht 450 Million Issue Capital Shares : 450,000,000 Ordinary shares Par Value : Baht 1 per share Auditor : ERNST & YOUNG OFFICE LIMITED By Mr. Narong Puntawong Certified public accountant Registration no.3315 and/or Mr. Supachai Phanyawattano Certified public accountant Registration no.3930 33rd floor, Lake Rajada Office Complex, 193/136-137, Rajadapisek Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel. (66) 0 2264 0777, 0 2661 9190 Fax.(66) 0 2264 0789-90, 0 2661 9192 Securities Registrar : Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd. 62 The Stock Exchange of Thailand Building 4, 6-7 Floors, Rajadapisek Road, Klongtoey Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel. (66) 0 2359 1200-01 Fax.(66) 0 2359 1259 Banks : 1. Siam Commercial Bank PCL 2. TMB Bank PCL
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150,000,000 20,975,221 185,149,675
162,027,700 13,918,627 -
150,000,000 20,975,221 185,149,675
162,027,700 13,918,627 -
17,231,128 29,947,971 19,836,986 10,979,352 25,769,686 526,333,359
14,175,420 57,519,156 14,541,453 8,470,138 22,407,286 513,334,600
17,231,128 29,947,971 19,836,986 10,979,352 25,769,686 526,333,359
14,175,420 57,519,156 14,541,453 8,470,138 22,407,286 513,334,600
15 16
329,267,210 47,285,641
94,798,914 34,653,555
329,267,210 47,285,641
94,798,914 34,653,555
6,000,000 10,958,188 393,511,039
7,000,000 3,763,255 140,215,724
6,000,000 10,958,188 393,511,039
7,000,000 3,763,255 140,215,724
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450,000,000 468,966,000
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450,000,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 794,838,213 1,766,804,213
53,000,000 719,629,098 1,691,595,098
53,000,000 807,614,776 1,779,580,776
53,000,000 728,817,007 1,700,783,007
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815,305,524 30,877,497
603,140,752 29,135,922
815,305,524 30,877,497
603,140,752 29,135,922
34,116,551 5,653,646 885,953,218
29,185,829 3,462,013 664,924,516
34,116,551 5,653,646 885,953,218
29,185,829 3,462,013 664,924,516
551,679,798 5,981,884 61,861,583 88,993,780 8,596,732 717,113,777
389,244,017 6,001,922 58,013,116 69,543,986 7,585,795 530,388,836
551,679,798 5,981,884 61,861,583 88,993,780 8,596,732 717,113,777
389,244,017 6,001,922 58,013,116 69,543,986 7,585,795 530,388,836
168,839,441 (4,784,872)
134,535,680 (5,692,949)
168,839,441 -
134,535,680 -
164,054,569 (19,064,294) 144,990,275 (38,281,258) 106,709,017
128,842,731 (29,539,798) 99,302,933 (29,075,294) 70,227,639
168,839,441 (19,064,294) 149,775,147 (39,477,476) 110,297,671
134,535,680 (29,539,798) 104,995,882 (30,170,651) 74,825,231
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647,101,522 1,619,067,522
450,000,000 450,000,000
468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
676,401,375 1,648,367,375 70,227,639 70,227,639 (26,999,916) (26,999,916) 719,629,098 1,691,595,098
450,000,000 450,000,000
468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
719,629,098 1,691,595,098 106,709,017 106,709,017 (31,499,902) (31,499,902) 794,838,213 1,766,804,213
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468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
680,991,692 1,652,957,692 74,825,231 74,825,231 (26,999,916) (26,999,916) 728,817,007 1,700,783,007
450,000,000 450,000,000
468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
728,817,007 1,700,783,007 110,297,671 110,297,671 (31,499,902) (31,499,902) 807,614,776 1,779,580,776
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346,952 13,502,261 (1,112,149) 5,428,452 (3,956,827) 12,160,707 17,429,523
1,318,003 13,912,572 (4,357) 34,914 (3,941,441) 27,437,371
(160,644,440) (4,047,328) (3,070,812) -
(130,531,345) (459,801) 4,233,484 (209,231)
(160,644,440) (4,047,328) (3,070,812) -
1,730,027 536,570 29,078,821 2,441,343 (2,690,955) (3,984,738) 3,101,432 (28,198,668) (26,450,359) (51,547,595)
7,056,594 3,055,708 (27,571,185) 2,509,214 3,885,927 471,379 10,151,760 66,166,570 (29,055,015) (33,728,545) 3,383,010
1,730,027 536,570 29,078,821 2,441,343 (2,690,955) (3,984,738) 3,101,432 (28,198,668) (26,450,359) (51,547,595)
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82,027,700 (26,999,916) 3,014,494 (748,516) 57,293,762 (9,582,316) 28,379,357 18,797,041
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82,027,700 (26,999,916) 3,014,494 (748,516) 57,293,762 (9,582,316) 28,379,357 18,797,041
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REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITOR To the Shareholders of Sammakorn Public Company Limited
I have audited the balance sheets in which the equity method is applied of Sammakorn Public Company Limited as at 31 December 2009 and 2008, the related statements of income, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows for the years then ended, and the separate financial statements in which the cost method is applied of Sammakorn Public Company Limited for the same years. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management as to their correctness and the completeness of the presentation. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audits. I conducted my audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. I believe that my audits provide a reasonable basis for my opinion. In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Sammakorn Public Company Limited, as at 31 December 2009 and 2008, the results of its operations and cash flows for the years then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Narong Puntawong Certified Public Accountant (Thailand) No. 3315 Ernst & Young Office Limited Bangkok: 18 February 2010
BALANCE SHEETS Sammakorn Public Company Limited
As at 31 December 2009 and 2008 (Unit : Baht) Financial statements Separate financial statements in which equity method is applied in which cost method is applied
Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Inventories - net Other current assets Accrued income - net Others Total current assets Non-current assets Land held for development Investment in associated company Property, plant and equipment - net Other non-current assets Deferred tax assets Deposits Total non-current assets Total assets
26,257,968 1,864,384,791
18,797,041 1,811,294,218
26,257,968 1,864,384,791
18,797,041 1,811,294,218
7,649,709 3,491,665 1,901,784,133
7,536,860 7,725,149 1,845,353,268
7,649,709 3,491,665 1,901,784,133
7,536,860 7,725,149 1,845,353,268
9 10 12
436,585,515 32,332,083 289,508,805
166,930,625 12,249,455 295,126,050
436,585,515 49,367,500 289,508,805
166,930,625 24,500,000 295,126,050
24,645,425 1,792,650 784,864,478
23,902,605 1,583,419 499,792,154
20,386,571 1,792,650 797,641,041
20,839,969 1,583,419 508,980,063
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
BALANCE SHEETS (CONTINUED) Sammakorn Public Company Limited
As at 31 December 2009 and 2008 (Unit : Baht) Financial statements in which equity method is applied
Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied
150,000,000 20,975,221 185,149,675 66,443,340
162,027,700 13,918,627 220,274,820
150,000,000 20,975,221 185,149,675 66,443,340
162,027,700 13,918,627 220,274,820
17,231,128 29,947,971 19,836,986 10,979,352 25,769,686 526,333,359
14,175,420 57,519,156 14,541,453 8,470,138 22,407,286 513,334,600
17,231,128 29,947,971 19,836,986 10,979,352 25,769,686 526,333,359
14,175,420 57,519,156 14,541,453 8,470,138 22,407,286 513,334,600
15 16
329,267,210 47,285,641
94,798,914 34,653,555
329,267,210 47,285,641
94,798,914 34,653,555
6,000,000 10,958,188 393,511,039
7,000,000 3,763,255 140,215,724
6,000,000 10,958,188 393,511,039
7,000,000 3,763,255 140,215,724
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Current liabilities Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions Trade accounts payable Other payable - land purchase Current portion of long-term loans Other current liabilities Retention for construction Down payments received Accrued corporate income tax Unearned revenues Others Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term loans, net of current portion Provisions Other non-current liabilities Unearned leasehold compensation Others Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities
14 15
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
BALANCE SHEETS (CONTINUED) Sammakorn Public Company Limited
As at 31 December 2009 and 2008 (Unit : Baht) Financial statements in which equity method is applied
Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied
450,000,000 468,966,000
450,000,000 468,966,000
450,000,000 468,966,000
450,000,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 794,838,213 1,766,804,213
53,000,000 719,629,098 1,691,595,098
53,000,000 807,614,776 1,779,580,776
53,000,000 728,817,007 1,700,783,007
Shareholders' equity
Share capital Registered 530,000,000 ordinary shares of Baht 1 each Issued and fully paid 450,000,000 ordinary shares of Baht 1 each Share premium Retained earnings Appropriated-statutory reserve Unappropriated Total shareholders' equity
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
INCOME STATEMENTS Sammakorn Public Company Limited
For the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008 (Unit : Baht) Financial statements Separate financial statements in which equity method is applied in which cost method is applied
Note Revenues Sales of land and houses Rental income Other income Service income Others Total revenues Expenses Cost of sales - land and houses Cost of rental Selling and servicing expenses Administrative expenses Management benefit expenses Total expenses Income before share of loss from investments in associates and finance cost and corporate income tax Share of loss from investment in associated company 10 Income before finance cost and corporate income tax Finance cost Income before corporate income tax Corporate income tax 13 Net income for the year Earnings per share Basic earnings per share
815,305,524 30,877,497
603,140,752 29,135,922
815,305,524 30,877,497
603,140,752 29,135,922
34,116,551 5,653,646 885,953,218
29,185,829 3,462,013 664,924,516
34,116,551 5,653,646 885,953,218
29,185,829 3,462,013 664,924,516
551,679,798 5,981,884 61,861,583 88,993,780 8,596,732 717,113,777
389,244,017 6,001,922 58,013,116 69,543,986 7,585,795 530,388,836
551,679,798 5,981,884 61,861,583 88,993,780 8,596,732 717,113,777
389,244,017 6,001,922 58,013,116 69,543,986 7,585,795 530,388,836
164,054,569 (19,064,294) 144,990,275 (38,281,258) 106,709,017
128,842,731 (29,539,798) 99,302,933 (29,075,294) 70,227,639
168,839,441 (19,064,294) 149,775,147 (39,477,476) 110,297,671
134,535,680 (29,539,798) 104,995,882 (30,170,651) 74,825,231
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
For the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008
(Unit : Baht)
Financial statements in which equity method is applied Retained earnings Issued Share premium Appropriated - Unappropriated Total and paid-up statutory reserve share capital
Balance as at 31 December 2007 as previously reported Cumulative effect of the change in accounting policy for income tax (Note 4) Balance as at 31 December 2007 as restated Net income for the year Dividend paid (Note 21) Balance as at 31 December 2008 Balance as at 31 December 2008 Net income for the year Dividend paid (Note 21) Balance as at 31 December 2009
647,101,522 1,619,067,522
450,000,000 450,000,000
468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
676,401,375 1,648,367,375 70,227,639 70,227,639 (26,999,916) (26,999,916) 719,629,098 1,691,595,098
450,000,000 450,000,000
468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
719,629,098 1,691,595,098 106,709,017 106,709,017 (31,499,902) (31,499,902) 794,838,213 1,766,804,213
(Unit : Baht)
Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied Retained earnings Issued Total and paid-up Share premium Appropriated - Unappropriated statutory reserve share capital
Balance as at 31 December 2007 as previously reported Cumulative effect of the change in accounting policy for income tax (Note 4) Balance as at 31 December 2007 as restated Net income for the year Dividend paid (Note 21) Balance as at 31 December 2008 Balance as at 31 December 2008 Net income for the year Dividend paid (Note 21) Balance as at 31 December 2009
656,469,516 1,628,435,516
450,000,000 450,000,000
468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
680,991,692 1,652,957,692 74,825,231 74,825,231 (26,999,916) (26,999,916) 728,817,007 1,700,783,007
450,000,000 450,000,000
468,966,000 468,966,000
53,000,000 53,000,000
728,817,007 1,700,783,007 110,297,671 110,297,671 (31,499,902) (31,499,902) 807,614,776 1,779,580,776
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 53
CASH FLOWS STATEMENTS Sammakorn Public Company Limited
For the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008 (Unit : Baht) Financial statements in which equity method is applied
2009 Cash flows from operating activities Net income before tax Adjustments to reconcile net income before tax to net cash provided by (paid from) operating activities : Allowance for doubtful accounts Depreciation Gain on sales of property, plant and equipment Loss from writing-off of assets Income from unearned leasehold compensation Accrual of provisions Share of loss from investment in associated company Interest expenses Income from operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities Operating assets (increase) decrease Inventories and land held for development Accrued income Other current assets - others Deposits Operating liabilities increase (decrease) Trade accounts payable Retention for construction Down payments received Unearned revenues Other current liabilities Provisions Other non-current liabilities Cash flows from operating activities Cash paid for interest expenses Cash paid for corporate income tax Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities
346,952 13,502,261 (1,112,149) 5,428,452 (3,956,827) 12,160,707 4,784,872 17,429,523
1,318,003 13,912,572 (4,357) 34,914 (3,941,441) 5,692,949 27,437,371
346,952 13,502,261 (1,112,149) 5,428,452 (3,956,827) 12,160,707 17,429,523
1,318,003 13,912,572 (4,357) 34,914 (3,941,441) 27,437,371
(130,531,345) (459,801) 4,233,484 (209,231)
(160,644,440) (4,047,328) (3,070,812) -
(130,531,345) (459,801) 4,233,484 (209,231)
(160,644,440) (4,047,328) (3,070,812) -
7,056,594 3,055,708 (27,571,185) 2,509,214 3,885,927 471,379 10,151,760 66,166,570 (29,055,015) (33,728,545) 3,383,010
1,730,027 536,570 29,078,821 2,441,343 (2,690,955) (3,984,738) 3,101,432 (28,198,668) (26,450,359) (51,547,595)
7,056,594 3,055,708 (27,571,185) 2,509,214 3,885,927 471,379 10,151,760 66,166,570 (29,055,015) (33,728,545) 3,383,010
1,730,027 536,570 29,078,821 2,441,343 (2,690,955) (3,984,738) 3,101,432 (28,198,668) (26,450,359) (51,547,595)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied
CASH FLOWS STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) Sammakorn Public Company Limited
For the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008 (Unit : Baht) Financial statements in which equity method is applied
2009 Cash flows from investing activities Decrease in restricted bank deposit Cash payment for investing in associated company Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment Net cash flows used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Increase (Decrease) in bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions Dividend paid Borrowing of long-term loans Repayment of finance lease liabilities Net cash flows from financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year
Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied
(24,867,500) (9,275,946) 1,112,149 (33,031,297)
326,891 (15,659,731) 4,357 (15,328,483)
(24,867,500) (9,275,946) 1,112,149 (33,031,297)
326,891 (15,659,731) 4,357 (15,328,483)
(12,027,700) (31,499,902) 80,636,816 37,109,214 7,460,927 18,797,041 26,257,968
82,027,700 (26,999,916) 3,014,494 (748,516) 57,293,762 (9,582,316) 28,379,357 18,797,041
(12,027,700) (31,499,902) 80,636,816 37,109,214 7,460,927 18,797,041 26,257,968
82,027,700 (26,999,916) 3,014,494 (748,516) 57,293,762 (9,582,316) 28,379,357 18,797,041
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Sammakorn Public Company Limited
For the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008
1. General information Sammakorn Public Company Limited ("the Company") is a public company incorporated and domiciled in Thailand. Its major shareholder is the Office of His Majesty's Private Property. The Company is principally engaged in the real estate development business and its registered address is 195 Phayathai Road, Patumwan, Bangkok. 2. Basis of preparation 2.1 The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting standards enunciated under the Accounting Professions Act B.E. 2547 and their presentation has been made in compliance with the stipulations of the Notification of the Department of Business Development dated 30 January 2009, issued under the Accounting Act B.E. 2543. The financial statements in Thai language are the official statutory financial statements of the Company. The financial statements in English language have been translated from the Thai language financial statements. The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except where otherwise disclosed in the accounting policies. 2.2 The separate financial statements, which present investment in associated company presented under the cost method, have been prepared solely for the benefit of the public. 3. Adoption of new accounting standards In June 2009, the Federation of Accounting Professions issued Notification No. 12/2552, assigning new numbers to Thai Accounting Standards that match the corresponding International Accounting Standards. The numbers of Thai Accounting Standards as referred to in these financial statements reflect such change. The Federation of Accounting Professions has issued Notification No. 86/2551 and 16/2552, mandating the use of new accounting standards, financial reporting standard and accounting treatment guidance as follows. 3.1 Accounting standards, financial reporting standard and accounting treatment guidance which are effective for the current year Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (revised 2007) TAS 36 (revised 2007) Impairment of Assets TFRS 5 (revised 2007) Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations Accounting Treatment Guidance for Leasehold Right Accounting Treatment Guidance for Business Combination under Common Control These accounting standards, financial reporting standard and accounting treatment guidance became effective for the financial statements for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2009. The management has assessed the effect of these standards and believes that TFRS 5 (revised 2007) and Accounting Treatment Guidance for Business Combination under Common Control are not relevant to the business of the Company, while Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (revised 2007), TAS 36 (revised 2007) and Accounting Treatment Guidance for Leasehold Right do not have any significant impact on the financial statements for the current year. 3.2 Accounting standards which are not effective for the current year Effective date TAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and 1 January 2012 Disclosure of Government Assistance TAS 24 (revised 2007) Related Party Disclosures 1 January 2011 TAS 40 Investment Property 1 January 2011 However, TAS 24 (revised 2007) and TAS 40 allow early adoption by the entity before the effective date. The management of the Company has assessed the effect of these standards and believes that TAS 20 and TAS 40 are not relevant to the business of the Company, while TAS 24 (revised 2007) will not have any significant impact on the financial statements for the year in which it is initially applied. 56
4. Changes in accounting policy for income tax During the first quarter of the year 2008, the Company changed its accounting policy for income tax. The amended policy now recognises deferred income tax assets relating to temporary differences. The Company recorded the effect of the change in accounting policy against the beginning balance of retained earnings of 2007 as though deferred tax assets were originally recorded. The cumulative effect of the change in accounting policy has been presented under the heading of "Cumulative effect of the change in accounting policy for income tax" in the statements of changes in shareholders' equity. The change has the affects to net income for the year ended 31 December 2008 in the financial statements in which equity method is applied to decrease by Baht 2.59 million (Baht 0.006 per share) and made the net income in separate financial statements decreased by Baht 3.68 million (Baht 0.008 per share). 5. Significant accounting policies 5.1 Revenue recognition Sales of land and houses Sales of land and houses are recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the land and houses have passed to the buyer. Rental income Rental income of real estate is recognised on an accrual basis in accordance with the rental period. Rendering of services Service income is recognised when services have been rendered taking into account the stage of completion. 5.2 Cost of sales Cost of sales of land and houses In determining the cost of sales of land and houses, the anticipated total development costs (after recognising the costs incurred to date) are attributed to units already sold on the saleable area and then recognised as cost in the income statement. 5.3 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and at banks, and all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less and not subject to withdrawal restrictions. 5.4 Inventories Inventories, which consist of land available for sale, land under development, costs of land development, and housing construction at various stages of completion available for sale. Inventories are valued at the lower of the cost of each project and its net realisable value. The cost consists of the cost of land, cost of land development, cost of utility development, cost of construction, interest capitalised to cost of projects and related expenses. Costs of inventories are determined as follows: a) Cost of land in each project is allocated to each plot of land in the project on the basis of area and the cost of the land of the project. b) Cost of land development in each project is allocated to each plot of land on the basis of the location and the area of the plot of land. c) Costs of utility development are allocated to each plot of land on the basis of the area of the plot of land. d) Costs of individual houses are stated at the actual construction cost of the individual unit. Construction materials are valued at the lower of average cost and net realisable value. 5.5 Borrowing costs Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale are capitalised as part of the cost of the respective assets. All other borrowing costs are expensed in the period they are incurred. Borrowing costs consist of interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds.
5.6 Land held for development Land held for development represents the parts of the land in the real estate projects for which the Company has not yet applied for development licenses and will be developed in the future. It is valued at the lower of the cost of the project and net realisable value. 5.7 Investments a) Investment in associated company is accounted for in the financial statements in which equity method is applied using the equity method. Under this method, the investment is initially recorded at cost and each subsequent year the Company adjusts the value of investment to incorporate the Company's proportionate share of the operating results of the associated company. Investment in associated company is accounted for in the separate financial statements using the cost method. b) Investment in related company is stated at cost net of allowance for loss on diminution in value. 5.8 Property, plant and equipment / Depreciation Land is stated at cost. Buildings and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and allowance for loss on impairment of assets (if any). Depreciation of buildings and equipment, except motor vehicles, is calculated by reference to their costs on the straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: Buildings 20 years Building improvement 5 years Equipment and tools 5 years Motor vehicles are depreciated by the sum-of-the-year's digits method over 5 years. Depreciation is included in determining income. No depreciation is provided on land and assets under construction. 5.9 Related party transactions Related parties comprise enterprises and individuals that control, or are controlled by, the Company, whether directly or indirectly, or which are under common control with the Company. They also include associated companies and individuals which directly or indirectly own a voting interest in the Company that gives them significant influence over the Company, key management personnel, directors, and officers with authority in the planning and direction of the Company's operations. 5.10 Impairment of assets At each reporting date, the Company performs impairment reviews in respect of the property, plant and equipment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that an asset may be impaired. An impairment loss is recognised when the recoverable amount of an asset, which is the higher of the asset's fair value less costs to sell and its value in use, is less than the carrying amount. In determining value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used. These calculations are corroborated by a valuation model that, based on information available, reflects the amount that the Company could obtain from the disposal of the asset in an arm's length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties, after deducting the costs of disposal. An impairment loss is recognised in the income statement. 5.11 Employee benefits Salaries, wages, bonuses and contributions to the social security fund and provident fund are recognised as expenses when incurred. Provision for employees' pension was recorded in accordance with the Company's regulation relating to pension payment, such as when their consecutive service years are not less than ten years. The Company will pay the pension to the eligible employees upon their resignation. The Company records provision for employee severance pay based on actuarial valuation made by an independent actuary, taking into account salary rates, length of services and the likelihood of employees working until retirement.
5.12 Provisions Provisions are recognised when the Company has a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. 5.13 Income tax Income tax expense represents the sum of corporate income tax currently payable and deferred tax. Tax currently payable is provided for in the accounts based on the taxable income for the year determined in accordance with tax legislation, using the tax rate enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax asset is provided on temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts. Tax rates enacted, or substantially enacted, by the balance sheet date are used to determine deferred income tax. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. 5.14 Earnings per share Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net income for the year by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 6. Significant accounting judgments and estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles at times requires management to make subjective judgments and estimates regarding matters that are inherently uncertain. These judgments and estimates affect reported amounts and disclosures and actual results could differ. Significant judgments and estimates are as follows: Estimation of project development costs In recognising cost of real estate's sales, the Company needs to estimate all project development costs, including land costs, land development costs, costs of utility development, design and construction costs and borrowing costs for constructions. The management estimates these costs based on their business experience and revisit the estimation on a periodical basis or when the actual costs incurred significantly vary from the estimation. Impairment of equity investments The Company treats other investments as impaired when the management judgment that there has been a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value below their cost or where other objective evidence of impairment exists. The determination of what is "significant" or "prolonged" requires judgment. Property plant and equipment /Depreciation In determining depreciation of plant and equipment, the management is required to make estimates of the useful lives and salvage values of the Company's plant and equipment and to review estimate useful lives and salvage values when there are any changes. In addition, the management is required to review property, plant and equipment for impairment on a periodical basis and record impairment losses in the period when it is determined that their recoverable amount is lower than the carrying amount. This requires judgments regarding forecast of future revenues and expenses relating to the assets subject to the review. Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets are recognised in respect of temporary differences only to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which these differences can be utilised. Significant management judgment is required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognised, based upon the likely timing and level of estimate future profits. Provision for employee severance pay Provision for employee severance pay costs are based on actuarial calculations. Inherent within these calculations are assumptions as to salary increases and discount rate, among others.
7. Related party transactions During the years, the Company had certain business transactions with related parties. These transactions, which have been concluded on commercial terms and bases agreed upon in the ordinary course of business between the Company and those related parties, are summarized below. (Unit: Million Baht) For the years ended Relationship 31 December Pricing policy 2009 2008 Rental income Associated company Pure Sammakorn Development Co., Ltd. Shareholding and 2.1 1.8 Contract price common directors Related companies Premier Sammakorn Company Limited Shareholding 1.0 1.0 Contract price Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited Common director 0.5 0.4 Contract price As at the balance sheet date, the balances of the accounts between the Company and those related parties are as follows: (Unit: Baht) 31 December 31 December 2009 2008 Unearned leasehold compensation (see Note 7.1) Related company Premier Sammakorn Co., Ltd. Balance brought forward 7,000,000 8,000,000 Less: Recognised as rental income for the year (1,000,000) (1,000,000) Balance carried forward 6,000,000 7,000,000 Directors and management's remuneration In 2009 the Company paid salaries, bonus, meeting allowances and gratuities to their directors and management totaling Baht 8.6 million (2008: Baht 7.6 million). 7.1 Unearned leasehold compensation On 1 December 1994, the Company entered into a land lease agreement with Premier Sammakorn Co., Ltd. The term of the lease agreement is 20 years, from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2015, and total rental fees of Baht 132.64 million are payable on a monthly basis. Subsequently, on 1 November 2001, the Company entered into a supplemental land lease agreement with Premier Sammakorn Co., Ltd. to cancel the rental rate under the conditions of the original agreement and establish new rental rates as follows: Year Million Baht per year 2001 - 2006 1.1 2007 - 2011 1.2 2012 - 2015 1.3 On the date of the agreement (1 December 1994), the lessee agreed to pay leasehold compensation of Baht 20 million which was considered as a part of the above annual rental fee under the supplemental agreement.
7.2 Rental income a) On 13 September 2006, the Company entered into a land lease agreement with Pure Sammakorn Development Company Limited. The period of the lease agreement is 25 years, from 1 May 2007 to 30 April 2032. Rental is payable on a month basis at the following rates: Year Baht per month 1-5 158,875 6 - 10 174,763 11 - 15 192,239 16 - 20 211,463 21 - 25 232,609 Subsequently, on 24 August 2007, the Company entered into a supplemental land lease agreement with Pure Sammakorn Development Company Limited. The period of the lease agreement is 3 years from 1 December 2007 to 30 November 2010, with the rental fee of Baht 10,000 per month. In addition, on 1 January 2009, the Company entered into office buildings lease agreement with Pure Sammakorn Development Company Limited. The period of the lease agreement is 1 year from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009, with the rental fee of Baht 10,000 per month. b) On 30 December 2005, the Company entered into an agreement to lease its land with the gas station thereon to Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited for a period of 6 years. The total minimum rental fee under this agreement is Baht 2.16 million, which is subject to upward adjustment based on the rates stipulated in the agreement. 8. Inventories As at the balance sheet date, the balance of inventories consists of the following (Unit: Baht) 31 December 2009 31 December 2008 Land under development - Bangkapi Project 6,567,194 6,784,116 - Minburi 1 Project 8,483,440 9,386,704 - Minburi 2 Project 90,241,480 96,812,753 - Nimithmai Project 70,827,067 80,603,626 - Rangsit Klong 2 Project 111,169,498 124,876,759 - Rangsit Klong 7 Project 393,621,184 401,483,037 - Nakorn-Intr Project 79,399,715 106,879,265 - Rajapruek Project 45,604,874 75,529,176 - Ramkhamhaeng 1 Project 154,796,112 228,106,159 - Hat Ta Waen Ron Project (Chonburi Province) 99,340,080 96,949,355 - Rajapruek 2 Project 320,948,057 1,380,998,701 1,227,410,950 Housing and land development cost - Bangkapi Project 9,744,106 11,121,696 - Minburi 1 Project 30,308,423 26,774,785 - Minburi 2 Project 19,772,003 22,852,823 - Nimithmai Project 29,862,043 46,263,706 - Rangsit Klong 2 Project 44,635,504 57,250,894 - Rangsit Klong 7 Project 152,917,487 160,488,535 - Nakorn-Intr Project 63,945,023 86,429,161 - Rajapruek Project 73,793,166 98,116,407 - Ramkhamhaeng 1 Project 57,141,656 77,390,487 482,119,411 586,688,494 Construction materials 1,266,679 1,270,993 Total inventories 1,864,384,791 1,815,370,437 Less: Provision for diminution in value of inventories (4,076,219) Total inventories - net 1,864,384,791 1,811,294,218 61
All lands under development with constructions thereon of Rangsit Klong 7 Project, Rajapruek Project, Ramkhamhaeng 1 and Ramkhamhaeng 2 Projects have been mortgaged as collateral for credit facilities and loans from financial institutions (see Notes 14 and 15). The Company had an outstanding balance approximately Baht 420 million of lands under development in Hat Ta Waen Ron Project, Chonburi Province, and Ramkhamhaeng 2 Project. Acquisitions of these lands have been financed with loans from local financial institutions. As at 31 December 2009, borrowing costs totaling approximately Baht 13.8 million were capitalised with the average rate used to determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation was 4.5% per annum (31 December 2008: Baht 2.8 million at the capitalization rate of 7.7% per annum). 9. Land held for development The balance of land held for development consists of costs of the land in projects as follows: Project
31 December 2009 166,930,625 269,654,890 436,585,515
Nimithmai Project Rajapruek 2 Project Total
(Unit: Baht) 31 December 2008 166,930,625 166,930,625
Lands held for development of Nimithmai Project, and Rajapruek 2 Project have been mortgaged as collateral for loans from a financial institution (see Note 15). 10. Investment in associated company 10.1 Details of associated company On 15 June 2006, the Company entered into a joint venture agreement with Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited to form a new company called Pure Sammakorn Development Company Limited ("the associated company"), with registered capital of Baht 50 million (fully paid-up). The Company holds 49 percent of the ordinary shares of Pure Sammakorn Development Company Limited, which will engage in developing land in Bangkok and its environs into community malls. Subsequently, on 19 March 2009, a meeting of the Board of Directors No. 2/2009 passed a resolution to pay for a portion of the additional capital of Baht 175 million (29% paid-up) issued by the associated company, in proportion to its existing holding in the associated company. During the year 2009, the Company paid in the called portion, Baht 24.9 million, and the associated company registered with the Ministry of Commerce on 16 April 2009. As at the balance sheet date, the balance of investment in associated company comprises the following: (Unit: Baht) Cumulative loss sharing from investment in Carrying amounts based on Company's name Cost associated company equity method 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 Pure Sammakorn Development Co., Ltd. 49,367,500 24,500,000 (17,035,417) (12,250,545) 32,332,083 12,249,455 10.2 Summarised financial information of associated company Significant financial information of the associated company is summarised below.
Company's name Pure Sammakorn Development Co., Ltd.
(Unit: Million Baht) Paid-up capital Total assets Total liabilities Total revenues Net loss for the as at as at as at for the year ended year ended 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 101
11. Investment in a related company The Company holds 19 percent of the ordinary shares of Premier Sammakorn Company Limited, which has a registered capital of Baht 40 million (fully paid-up) and is engaged in real estate rental. Because this company has suffered recurring operating losses, the Company has recorded full provision for impairment of this investment. As at the balance sheet date, the balance of investment in a related company comprises the following: (Unit: Baht) Provision for impairment Carrying amounts based on Company's name Cost of investment cost method - net 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 Premier Sammakorn Co., Ltd. 7,600,000 7,600,000 (7,600,000) (7,600,000) 12. Property, plant and equipment
(Unit: Baht) Land
Buildings and Equipment building Assets under improvement and tools Motor vehicles construction
Cost: As at 31 December 2008 231,669,153 107,206,342 24,566,307 Additions 44,840 1,571,231 Disposals/ write-off - (4,747,561) (567,204) Transfers - 7,810,933 As at 31 December 2009 231,669,153 110,314,554 25,570,334 Accumulated depreciation: As at 31 December 2008 - 53,928,996 15,539,514 Depreciation for the year - 9,639,595 3,627,628 Depreciation on disposals /write-off - (3,401,082) (522,769) As at 31 December 2009 - 60,167,509 18,644,373 Net book value: 31 December 2008 31 December 2009
231,669,153 231,669,153
53,277,346 50,147,045
17,289,570 739,965 381,471,337 - 7,659,875 9,275,946 (7,042,668) - (12,357,433) - (7,810,933) 10,246,902 588,907 378,389,850 16,876,777 235,038 (7,042,652) 10,069,163
9,026,793 6,925,961
412,793 177,739
Depreciation for the year: 2008 (Baht 3.97 million included in costs of rental, and the balance in administrative expenses) 2009 (Baht 4.00 million included in costs of rental, and the balance in administrative expenses)
- 86,345,287 - 13,502,261 - (10,966,503) - 88,881,045 739,965 588,907
295,126,050 289,508,805
13,912,572 13,502,261
As at 31 December 2009, certain plant and equipment with acquisition costs of Baht 23.5 million (31 December 2008: Baht 24.4 million) were fully depreciated but are still in use by the Company. Land for lease with structures thereon with a total net book value of Baht 194 million have been mortgaged as collateral for bank overdrafts, loans and credit facilities granted by a financial institution (see Notes 14 and 15). 13. Income tax The income tax expenses for the years 2009 and 2008 are as follows: Financial statements in which equity method is applied 2009 2008 Current income tax 39,024,078 26,488,444 Decrease (increase) in deferred tax assets (742,820) 2,586,850 Income tax as shown in income statements 38,281,258 29,075,294
(Unit: Baht) Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied 2009 2008 39,024,078 26,488,444 453,398 3,682,207 39,477,476 30,170,651
Reconciliation between tax expense and the product of accounting profit multiplied by the applicable tax rate for the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008 is as follows: (Unit: Baht) Financial statements in which Separate financial statements in equity method is applied which cost method is applied 2009 2008 2009 2008 Accounting profit 144,990,275 99,302,933 149,775,147 104,995,882 Applicable tax rate 25% per annum 25% per annum 25% per annum 25% per annum Corporate income tax 36,247,569 24,825,733 37,443,787 26,248,971 Tax effect of non-deductible expenses Depreciation of motor vehicle under lease agreements 21,263 78,068 21,263 78,068 Non-deductible expenses 617,548 322,010 617,548 322,010 Write-off of deferred tax assets due to decrease in corporate income tax rate 4,414,909 4,087,028 Write-off of assets 1,351,553 1,351,553 Others 43,325 (565,426) 43,325 (565,426) Total 2,033,689 4,249,561 2,033,689 3,921,680 Income tax as shown in income statements 38,281,258 29,075,294 39,477,476 30,170,651 As at 31 December 2009 and 2008 the components of deferred tax assets can be summarised as follows:
Deferred tax assets Provision for employees' pension Provision for employee severance pay Provision for establishing the Justice Persons for housing estate in projects of the Company Allowance for doubtful accounts Down payments received Interest expenses, unclaimed as taxable expenses Share of loss from investment in associated company Total
Financial statements in which equity method is applied 2009 2008
(Unit: Baht) Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied 2009 2008
8,781,234 2,500,000
8,663,389 -
8,781,234 2,500,000
8,663,389 -
540,177 1,974,149 2,989,084
1,887,411 5,785,562
540,177 1,974,149 2,989,084
1,887,411 5,785,562
4,258,854 24,645,425
3,062,636 23,902,605
14. Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions As at the balance sheet date, the balance of bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions comprises the following: (Unit: Baht) Interest rate 31 December 2009 31 December 2008 p.a. (%) Bank overdrafts MOR 32,027,700 Short-term loans from financial institutions 2.95% - 4.5% 150,000,000 130,000,000 Total 150,000,000 162,027,700 Bank overdrafts and short-term loans in the form of promissory notes from financial institutions are secured by the mortgage of parts of lands under development with constructions thereon of Rangsit Klong 7 Project, and lands for lease with constructions thereon of the Company. 64
15. Long-term loans Long-term loans are the secured loans from local commercial banks. As at the balance sheet date, the balance of long-term loans facilities consists of loans as follow: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Loans
Principal repayment
1 Repayment in installments every 6 months as from January 2010 to December 2012 (See Notes 1 and 3 below). 2 Repayment of Baht 20 million as from January 2013 to June 2013. The rest of the principal will be fully repaid within December 2013 (See Notes 2 and 3 below). 3 Repayment 60% of selling price of land and houses at the time the land mortgage is released and will be fully repaid within 18 July 2010 (See Note 4 below). 4 Repayment 60% of selling price of land and houses at the time the land mortgage is released and will be fully repaid within 28 October 2011 (See Note 4 below). 5 Repayment 65% of selling price of land and houses at the time the land mortgage is released and will be fully repaid within 26 September 2011 (See Note 5 below). 6 Repayment 65% of selling price of land and houses at the time the land mortgage is released and will be fully repaid within 4 September 2012 (See Note 5 below). 7 Repayment 65% of selling price of land and houses at the time the land mortgage is released and will be fully repaid within 3 October 2013 (See Note 6 below). 8 Repayment in installments monthly as from July 2010 to July 2013 (See Note 7 below). Total Less: Current portion of long-term loans Long-term loans, net current portion
31 December 2009 31 December 2008 Date on agreement Facilities Interest rate Amount Interest rate Amount p.a. (%) p.a. (%) 11 May 1995
24 June 2004
2 March 2006
2 March 2006
24 September 2007 170,000 MLR-0.75
- MLR-0.75
24 September 2007 125,000 MLR-0.75
50,306 MLR-0.75
4 February 2009 18 May 2009
447,000 MLR-0.75 164,500
315,074 (220,275) 94,799
60,000 395,710 (66,443) 329,267
Notes (1) On 20 May 2009, the Company entered into an amendment of loan contract with the lender to change the principal repayment, from repayment at 70% of selling price of the land and houses at the time the land mortgage is released to repayment in installments every 6 months as from January 2010 to December 2012. The Company is to pay a minimum of Baht 13 million in each payment. The other conditions of the original loan agreement are to in force. (2) On 20 May 2009, the Company entered into an amendment of loan contract with the lender to change the principal repayment, from repayment at 70% of selling price of the land and houses at the time the land mortgage is released to repayment of Baht 20 million as from January 2013 to June 2013. The rest of the principal will be fully repaid within December 2013. The other conditions of the original loan agreement are to remain in force. (3) The Company has mortgaged all land under development with constructions thereon of Rangsit Klong 7 Project as collateral for such loan. (4) The Company has mortgaged all land under development with constructions thereon and all lands for lease of Rajapruek Project as collateral for such loan. (5) The Company has mortgaged all land under development with constructions thereon of Ramkhamhaeng 1 Project as collateral for such loan. (6) The Company has mortgaged all land under development with existing and future developed constructions thereon of Ramkhamhaeng 2 Project as collateral for such loan. (7) The Company has mortgaged all land held for development of Nimithmai Project and a part of land for lease in Bangkapi Project as collateral for such loan. 65
As at 31 December 2009, the long-term credit facilities of the Company which have not yet been drawn down amounted to Baht 1,400 million. The Company has mortgaged all land under development with constructions thereon of the Rajapruek 2 Project as collateral. The majority of loan agreements contain covenants relating the following matters: maintenance of certain debt-to-equity ratio, changes of directors, incurrence of additional indebtedness and company amalgamation, etc. The Company estimated the current portion of long-term loans, based on the amount to be due within one year as stipulated in the contracts and the estimate cash to be received from transfers of land and houses to its customers over the next one year. 16. Provisions As at the balance sheet date, the balances of provisions comprise the following: (Unit: Baht) 31 December 2009 35,124,934 10,000,000
Provision for employees' pension Provision for employee severance pay Provision for establishing the Justice Persons for housing estate in projects of the Company Total provisions
31 December 2008 34,653,555 -
2,160,707 47,285,641
17. Statutory reserve Pursuant to Section 116 of the Public Limited Companies Act B.E. 2535, the Company is required to set aside to a statutory reserve at least 5 percent of its net income after deducting accumulated deficit brought forward (if any), until the reserve reaches 10 percent of the registered capital. The statutory reserve is not available for dividend distribution. 18. Expenses by nature Significant expenses by nature are summarised below. (Unit: Baht) 2009 239,442,827 304,745,202 80,302,906 13,502,938 12,695,356 7,433,571 23,484,786
Costs of land Construction costs Salary and wages and other employee benefits Depreciation Advertising and promotion expenses Specific business tax and transferring fee Security service expenses
2008 172,242,796 209,994,089 64,604,750 13,912,572 11,787,914 6,809,314 22,289,282
19. Financial information by segment The Company is engaged in three major business segments, namely, sales of land and house, rental, and other segments, including utility services. The financial information by business segments for the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008 are as follows: (Unit: Million Baht) Financial statements in which equity method is applied for the years ended 31 December Revenues from external customers Inter-segment revenues Total revenues Segment income Unallocated income and expenses Other income Selling and servicing expenses Administrative expenses Management benefit expenses Share of loss from investment in associated company Finance cost Corporate income tax Net income for the year
Revenues from external customers Inter-segment revenues Total revenues Segment income 66
Sales of land and house segmen 2009 2008 815 603 815 603 264 214
Rental segment 2009 2008 31 29 31 29 25 23
Other segments 2009 2008 34 29 34 29 34 29
Total 2009 880 880 323
2008 661 661 266
6 (62) (89) (9) (5) (19) (38) 107
4 (60) (67) (8) (6) (30) (29) 70
(Unit: Million Baht) Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied for the years ended 31 December Sales of land and house segmen Rental segment Other segments Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 815 603 31 29 34 29 880 661 815 603 31 29 34 29 880 661 264 214 25 23 34 29 323 266
(Unit: Million Baht)
Separate financial statements in which cost method is applied for the years ended 31 December (Continued) Sales of land and house segmen 2009 2008
Rental segment 2009 2008
Other segments 2009 2008
Total 2009 2008
Unallocated income and expenses Other income Selling and servicing expenses Administrative expenses Management benefit expenses Finance cost Corporate income tax Net income for the year
6 (62) (89) (9) (19) (40) 110
Operating assets of the Company by business segments as at balance sheet date are as follows: As at 31 December
(Unit: Million Baht)
Sales of land and house segmen 2009 2008 Inventories - net 1,864 1,811 Land held for development 437 167 Property, plant and equipment - net 59 60 Investment in associated company Deferred tax assets Other assets 1 Total assets per separate financial statements 2,360 2,039 Less: Deferred tax assets per separate financial statements Add: Deferred tax assets per financial statements in which the equity method is applied Less: Cumulative loss sharing from investment in associated company Total assets per financial statements in which the equity method is applied 2,360 2,039
Rental segment 2009 2008 230 235 8 7 238 242 -
Other segments 2009 2008 49 25 20 21 32 27 101 73 (20) (21)
Total 2009 1,864 437 289 49 20 40 2,699 (20)
4 (60) (67) (8) (30) (30) 75
2008 1,811 167 295 25 21 35 2,354 (21)
20. Provident fund The Company and its employees have jointly established a provident fund in accordance with the Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530. Both employees and the Company contribute to the fund monthly at the rate of 5 percent of basic salary. The fund, which is managed by BT Asset Management Company Limited, will be paid to employees upon termination in accordance with the fund rules. During the year 2009, the Company contributed Baht 1.5 million (2008: Baht 1.3 million) to the fund. 21. Dividend payment On 2 April 2009, a meeting of the shareholders passed a resolution to pay dividends in respect of the 2008 operating results to the holders of its 450 million shares, at a rate of Baht 0.07 per share. Dividends totaling Baht 31.5 million were paid on 30 April 2009. On 3 April 2008, a meeting of the shareholders passed a resolution to pay dividends in respect of the 2007 operating results to the holders of its 450 million shares, at a rate of Baht 0.06 per share. Dividends totaling Baht 27.0 million were paid on 2 May 2008. 22. Commitment and contingent liabilities 22.1 Guarantees As at 31 December 2009, there were outstanding letters of guarantee for a total of Baht 100.4 million (31 December 2008: Baht 111.0 million) issued by banks to guarantee electricity use and commitment to make available public utilities and to improve the land in accordance with real estate project plans. 22.2 Obligation and commitment to complete projects on hand As at 31 December 2009, the Company has 10 projects on hand (31 December 2008: 9 projects). The aggregate sales value of land and houses contracted, which the ownership has not yet been transferred to the customers, are amounting to Baht 351.3 million (31 December 2008: Baht 411.2 million). Pertinent information about the above-mentioned projects is summarised below. For the years ended 31 December 2009 2008 Value of sales contracted during the year (Million Baht) 779.0 712.0 Accumulated value of sales contracted to date (Million Baht) 8,958.0 8,179.0 - As percentage of the total project value (%) 75.5 68.9 Value of sales already contracted pending transfer of ownership (Million Baht) 351.3 411.2 - As percentage of total sales for the year (%) 43.1 68.2 As at 31 December 2009, the Company had outstanding commitments amounting to Baht 119.6 million in respect of its obligations to develop to completion land and houses for which contracts have been executed (31 December 2008: Baht 77.2 million). 67
22.3 Other commitments a) As at 31 December 2009, the Company had outstanding commitments which future payments are required amounting to Baht 13.0 million in respect of land and motor vehicle rental agreements and security service agreements provided in real estate projects of the Company (31 December 2008: Baht 13.6 million). b) From 2006 to 31 December 2009, the Company sold 17 houses with a total sales value of Baht 61.41 million to various home buyers, who obtained mortgage loans from a commercial bank to fund their purchases. Since the houses are located outside the area covered by a land development license, as a condition of providing mortgage loans to the home buyers, the bank requires that the Company provide it with undertakings to buy the houses back from the home buyers in the event they default on payment of their debts or their access is blocked. The buyback price is the higher of the market value of the house and the home buyer's outstanding debt to the bank. c) As at 31 December 2009, the Company had outstanding commitment of Baht 60.9 million in respect of uncalled portion of investments in the associated company. d) As at 31 December 2009, the Company had outstanding commitments amounting to Baht 18.5 million in respect of a land purchase agreement. 23. Financial instruments 23.1 Financial risk management The Company's financial instruments, as defined under Thai Accounting Standard No.32 "Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentations", principally comprise cash and cash equivalents, investments, accounts payable, and short-term and long-term loans. The financial risks associated with these financial instruments and how they are managed is described below. Credit risk Credit risk and concentrations of the credit risk are expected to be minimal because the Company's customers have no repayment problems and are diversified. The financial assets presented in the balance sheet, the carrying amount of the assets recorded in the balance sheet, represents the Company maximum exposure to credit risk. Interest rate risk The Company's exposure to interest rate risk relates primarily to its cash at banks, bank overdrafts, and borrowings. However, since most of the Company's financial assets and liabilities bear floating interest rates or fixed interest rates which are close to the market rate, the interest rate risk is expected to be minimal. Foreign currency risk The Company considers itself not to be exposed to foreign currency risk because the majority of financial transactions are in Baht currency. 23.2 Fair values of financial instruments Since the majority of the Company's financial instruments are short-term in nature or bear floating interest rates, their fair value is not expected to be materially different from the amounts presented in the balance sheets. A fair value is the amount for which an asset can be exchanged or a liability settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. The fair value is determined by reference to the market price of the financial instrument or by using an appropriate valuation technique, depending on the nature of the instrument. 24. Capital management The primary objective of the Company's capital management is to ensure that it has an appropriate financial structure and preserves the ability to continue its business as a going concern. According to the balance sheet as at 31 December 2009, the Company had a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.5:1 (2008: 0.4:1). 25. Reclassification In addition to the change in accounting policy as mentioned in Note 4, which affects the previously reported shareholder's equity and net income for the year ended 31 December 2008, certain amounts in the financial statements for the year of 2008 have been reclassified to conform to the current year's classification but with no effect to previously reported net income or shareholders' equity. The significant reclassifications are as follows: (Unit: Baht) As reclassified As previously reported Inventories - net 1,811,294,218 1,714,344,863 Land held for development 166,930,625 263,879,980 In the past, the Company classified the parts of the lands in the real estate projects for which the Company has not yet applied for development licenses as land held for development, even some parts of them were under development. In 2009, the Company has considered the actual activities on each plot of land and classified the land which a development started as land under development under the heading of inventory account. The previously reported numbers for the year 2008 have been reclassified accordingly. 26. Approval of financial statements These financial statements were authorised for issue by the Company's Board of Directors on 18 February 2010.
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: 02-251-9817-8 : 02-540-1777 : 02-924-3668 : 02-459-5614-5 : 02-957-0930-1 : 02-996-0922-3 : 02-915-6700-1 : 02-956-8382-3 : 02-373-9321, 24
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www.sammakor ISO 9001 : 2000