RightCareIndex for Cornwall 2012-13

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ISBN - 978-0-9569220-6-9


Cornwall 2012/13

Learning Disabilities Find the assistance you need

NHS Cornwall Information about your NHS

Your Community

News from the Social & Independent Care Sectors


Motability & accessible recreation

Elder Care

Vital information about Home Care & Care Homes


Enable in Cornwall, Wheelchair Provision, Hearing Problems & Radar Keys

Activity and Therapy Free Cinema for Carers, Maps for Local Attractions & much more

Care choices at a loss?AND Call  CARE       SECTOR           -  PROFESSIONALS,     on 01872 321 327 PROVIDERS or see page 90 for more details CONSULTED BYhave THEyou HEALTH AND AUTHORITIES


One of Cornwall’s Finest Nursing Homes Penhellis Nursing Home Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ 01326 565840 info@penhellis.com www.penhellis.com This beautiful building offer the highest standards of care with modern facilities to make your stay here as enjoyable as possible. Penhellis has all the comfort of your own home with the additional peace of mind of 24 hour nursing care. Our excellent staff are hand picked from the very best available. Set in stunning grounds, Penhellis has the peace and tranquility of a countryside setting yet has the convenience of

being situated a very short walk from the centre of the historic town of Helston. Steeped in history Penhellis house holds the honour of playing host to Helston’s famous annual “Flora Dance”. The dance makes its way through the house and gardens and provides a spectacular procession for our residents to enjoy.

Private and Social Services clients welcomed If you would like to arrange an appointment to view Penhellis please call 01326 565840




Services provided for residents:

Age group 50+ Respite for individuals Respite for couples Nursing Care Recuperative post hospital/illness care Palliative Care Suite available from April Monthly in-house GP clinic

Packages include:

Long term residency Weekend taster breaks Tailor made care breaks Working towards the Gold Standard Framework for Care Homes.


Nestling in the beautiful coastal village of Gwithian, the perfect Cornish Idyll, Glencoe offers everything prospective clients and families could wish for -peaceful, quiet surroundings, security, comfort and 24 hour nursing care. We have an unsurpassed reputation for care. Our highly qualified staff are hand picked to ensure quality is maintained at the highest level. Tracey our registered manager has been in position for 15 years and has a wealth of experience and qualifications. We welcome and look forward to your enquiries. Services Provided for Residents: -Age Group 50+ -Respite for individuals and couples -Nursing Care -Outstanding Pallative Care -Recuperative and Post hospital/illness care

Packages Include: -Long term residency -Weekend taster breaks -Tailor made care breaks -Working within the Gold Standard Framework for care homes

If you are interested in a viewing or a brochure, please call on 01736 752216 23 Churchtown Road, Gwithian, Cornwall, TR27 5BX www.glencoenursinghome.co.uk


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Welcome... Listings in this publication are organised by areas North Cornwall Central Cornwall West Cornwall

Editor’s letter I am delighted to welcome you to Rightcareindex for Cornwall a directory of health and social care information for all.

These are challenging times particularly for these sectors our NHS continues to endeavour to deliver the ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardless of wealth based on three core principles: that it meet the needs of everyone, that it be free at the point of delivery, that it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay to provide free health care for all at the point of access. We are still regarded by many across the globe to have the best healthcare provision of all. Our local authority strive to fulfil its duty of care searching and sourcing quality professional services whilst maintaining the ever increasing pressures within our society. The independent and voluntary sectors valiantly twist and turn to fund services extending role and capacities.

All information in this publication is available via...

www.rightcareindex.com www.rightcareindex.com/ebooks mail@rightcareindex.com 01872 321 327 Please contact us with any enquiries about care services in Cornwall, or to obtain your FREE copy of RightCareIndex for Cornwall or other counties.

We have attempted to capture as much material information and image as we can within this limited space we could not ever determine this material to be conclusive health and social care changes constantly. We can however indicate our altruistic aim our vision is to inform and signpost giving individuals a easily accessed facility. Development of the directory and website remain comprehensive and independent offering opportunities to voluntary and charitable organisations freely. We would like to thank our advertisers and supporters for without such we would not be able to provide this valuable resource. If you found this publication helpful please let us know and share.

Christine Rowberry Editor, RightCareIndex 01872 321 327 All listings within the RightCareIndex for care homes and home care providers are sourced from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Neither Cornwall Council or RightCareIndex can be held accountable for any errors, omissions or if a home varies from the facilities listed or in an advertisement.

RightCareIndex Details

Advertisements do not act as endorsement or recommendation by any of the afore mentioned parties. Information within the directory is correct at time of

Published by: RightCareIndex, Unit 1 & 2, Mount Hawke Business Park, High Field Road, Truro, TR4 8DZ Tel: 01872 321327 Editor: Christine Rowberry Design & Production Manager: Jane Cassells Website Design: Martin Sanders Web Development: Dan Mitchell Advertising Manager: Derek Phillips Sales & Marketing: Jane Cassells IT Manager & Listings: Robert Rowberry Accounts Manager: Tracey Rowberry Distribution Manager: Kate Scott Images, unless otherwise stated, courtesy of Stock Exchange. Š RightCareIndex 2012. All rights reserved for RightCareIndex titles. Reproduction of any part of this publication in any form is

prohibited without prior permission from RightCareIndex. RightCareIndex has made every effort to ensure the information in this directory is accurate. The company cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. RightCareIndex does not endorse or support any institution listed. Distribution of this publication by any party does not constitute the support or recommendation of any of the products or services within the publication. RightCareIndex or any of its distributors can not be held responsible for any errors or omissions regarding listings in this publication. RightCareIndex can not be held responsible for the cost of phone calls made to phone numbers provided in this publication. Please be aware call charges may vary. Please contact your provider for pricing information.

print (December 2012).

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Contents As a directory of care, it is the aim of RightCareIndex to assist the public in their search for care and to enhance and individualise their lifestyles. Comprehensive listings are included in this publication and our website www.rightcareindex.com together with helpful information from appropriate sources. Keep RightCareIndex Free! Please mention us when contacting our advertisers.

Your County Single Access Service - Out-Of-Hours Service - CPIC - Adult Care and Support Directorate Plan Changing Lives - Reablement -Personalisation - Carer Emergency Card Scheme - Self Directed Support LGO

NHS in Cornwall NHS Services in Cornwall - PALS - New Health Watchdog - Out-of-Hours Services - Community Contacts Directory - Continuing Healthcare - NHS Funded Nursing Care - Leaving Hospital - Early Intervention Team Health & Wellbeing Board - Chaplaincy Services Department of Health Initiatives - LINks - Healthwatch

Care Homes Things to consider when choosing a care home - Leaving your Home - Is a care home right for you? Paying for Care - Care Home Listings for Cornwall

Care at Home Help at Home - Accessing Your Care and Support Needs - Assistive Technology - Telecare & Telehealth - Guide Dogs - Listings for providers in Cornwall - AskSARA -Domiciliary Care Monitoring

Nursing Agencies Registration Rules for Nursing Agencies - Nursing Agencies in Cornwall

Carers Carers Assessment and Carers Grants - Cornwall Carers Services - Carers Partnership Board Carers UK Advice Line - Useful Contacts

Legal Services Organising Your Affairs - Community Legal Advice - Mind’s Legal Advice Service - Brains Solicitors

Meal Provision Eat Well, Live Well - Meal Providers Cornwall - Age UK Eating opportunities


06 12 22 36 45 46 48 49

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Learning Disabilities Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - BILD - Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities Valuing People - Safeplace Scheme - ARC - Aspergers & The Autism Act - Mencap - LD Care Homes & Providers National Autistic Society

Mental Health Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) - Inpatient Mental Health Services Complex Care and Dementia Services - Addaction - Pentreath Ltd. - Singing for the Brain Alzheimer’s Society - Cornwall Eating Disorders Service - Outlook South West

Disabilities Enable in Cornwall - Radar Keys - Wheelchair Provision - Hearing problems - Accessible Britain

Day Services and Respite Day Services - Respite Care - List of Day & Respite Centres in Cornwall

Advocacy The Advocacy Charter - Counsel + Care - Action For Advocacy - OPAAL Care Aware - FirstStop - List of Advocates in Cornwall

SafeGuarding Adults Contacts for Cornwall

Motability The Motability Scheme - Motability Dealerships in Cornwall - Choosing the Right Car for You Ricability - Car Share Scheme - Shopmobility - Road Tax Exemptions

Sheltered Housing Sheltered Schemes and Options - Sheltered Housing Providers Assisted Living Homes & Extra Care Housing in Cornwall - Cornwall Mobility Centre

End of Life Cornwall Hospice Care

Activity and Therapy Royal Cornwall Museum - Accessible Britain - Free Cinema For Carers - Map of Local Attractions St Michael’s Spae -RDA -Green Gyms - Woodland Trust Woods - Alternative Therapists

Information Adult Social Care Contacts - Hospital Contacts - Age UK - Citizens Advice Bureau Local and National Contacts - Further Information & Advice Publications

52 60 64 66 68 71 72 76 79 80 84

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Your Cornwall Adult Care and Support’s Access and Assessment Service: Referrals, Requests and Enquiries Tel: 0300 1234 131 Adult Care and Support (ACS) has a single, countywide Access Service that deals with all referrals, requests, and enquiries. The vast majority of these are currently received by telephone. A multi disciplinary team is there to help identify how enquiries can be resolved at the point of referral. This includes an initial stage of information gathering, and an assessment of needs and risk using the government’s Fair Access to Care Services eligibility criteria (see blue box to the right). In situations where referrals do not appear to meet eligibility (currently set at Critical and Substantial), the service will signpost to other communitybased services, including the voluntary and independent sectors. Once it is identified that a person requires a full assessment or onward referral to a specialist service or worker, the referral will be allocated to the appropriate fieldwork team working with older people, people with physical or learning disabilities, or sight/hearing loss. More information can be found in ACS leaflets ‘Assessing your needs’ and ‘Self-directing your support’ (see page 10). You may also like to request “Looking for Social Care in Cornwall”, which is for people who are not eligible for local authority services, or who wish to pay for their own services. Copies of any leaflets can be obtained by calling 0300 1234 131. Assessing Your Needs If you require a face-to-face assessment, someone from ACS may visit you, usually at home or in hospital.. When ACS does come out to meet with you and any family members or representatives you may wish to have present, they will discuss your situation, and work out with you what help would be appropriate. ACS again use the FACS eligibility criteria (see blue box to the right) to assess people wishing to receive services, so that support is focussed on those people in greatest need. Should I Ask For An Assessment? Adult Care and Support will assess your need for services if you are a carer, an older person, or an adult with:»» A physical disability, or a long term illness »» A sight or hearing loss »» A learning disability


Fair Access to Care Services (FACS)

4 Bands: Critical, Substantial, Moderate, Low 5 Criteria: • Autonomy and freedom to make choices • Health and safety, including freedom from harm, abuse and neglect • The ability to manage personal and other daily routines • Involvement in family and wider community life • Carer’s circumstances You can ask a friend, relative or your GP to contact ACS on your behalf. If you are in hospital, the nursing staff can arrange for ACS to contact you, either during your stay in hospital, or on your return home. For further information on the support from Adult Care and Support, and the assessment process, please see page 10. © Crown Copyright

To contact the Adult Care and Support Access and Assessment Service call: 0300 1234 131

Out Of Hours Service, Adult Care & Support Tel: 01208 251300 The Out-of-Hours service is for: »» Older people »» People with physical disabilities or sight/hearing problems »» People with a learning disability »» People with a mental health problem »» Vulnerable children and families Non-urgent requests for services should always be referred to the appropriate local Adult Care and Support office during normal working hours, telephone 0300 1234 131. You can also find useful information about services on the Council’s website, and request help via the page called ‘On-line Forms for Adult Care and Support’. www.cornwall.gov.uk

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

When is it available? Normal office hours are: Mon- Fri 8.00am - 8.00pm, Saturday 9.00am - 4.00pm The Out-of-Hours service is available: Weekdays from 5.15pm each evening until 8.45am the following morning. Weekends from 4.45pm on Friday until 8.45am the following Monday and all public holidays Who will help me? Adult Care and Support emergencies will be dealt with by 3 out-of-hours duty workers across the county. Mental Health emergencies will be dealt with by the 24 hour Crisis Resolution Service. Children and Young People under 18 years emergencies will be dealt with by Children’s Service specialist officers. Anyone phoning the emergency number will be asked for their telephone number, location and which specialist out of hours service they think they need. The operator will then pass the call to the appropriate specialist worker for the area. If there is uncertainty about which specialist worker is required, one of the team will make contact and discuss the problem. Wrongly directed calls, e.g. Health, Social Security or Housing, will be referred back to the organisation best able to help. Emergency needs relating to Social Care will be fully assessed in partnership with other agencies, where appropriate. ©Crown Copyright

To contact the Cornwall Council Social Care Out-of-Hours Service line, call: 01208 251300

Your Cornwall

The Out-of-Hours team can only deal with the urgent needs of people requiring adult care and support services. Health emergencies, for example, will be dealt with by the medical services, and housing problems by Cornwall Council.

Cornwall Partners In Care Cornwall Partners in Care (CPIC) have been extremely busy over the last year. A procurement exercise for Domiciliary Care was initiated by the commissioning arm of the Directorate of Adult Social Care (DACS) towards the end of 2012. The pre-qualification process resulted in some providers not being selected, and CPIC has been able to initiate discussions on their behalf as to their future role. The actual Invitation to Tender is expected shortly, and again CPIC will be representing its membership as the procurement exercise progresses. On top of this major piece of work, providers have been expected to prepare for the introduction of Electronic Monitoring during 2013. This will require significant changes to working practices, and will involve major expenditure in introducing new systems which are compatible with CM2000. Again we will be at the forefront of these developments. In addition to ongoing discussions to ensure the smooth implementation of these initiatives, CPIC Committee members are present on a Domiciliary Care Liaison Forum with DACS to look at best practice and to address some capacity issues as supply and demand of Domiciliary Care Services are out of kilter in some parts of Cornwall. CPIC Committee members are also represented on a Residential Fees Working Party to provide information on the true cost of care. Work has been ongoing to provide the Council with robust information based on a resource allocation formula for Domiciliary Care which has been piloted in the County. As regards the commissioning of Health Services, CPIC is also looking to develop links with the newly formed Kernow Commissioning Group which is due to become fully operational in April 2013. In the light of the many changes which will affect the sector in the forthcoming year, it is more important than ever for CPIC to represent its membership. I therefore urge providers to consider joining us so that you are fully informed of the strategic changes which will affect us all.

Sector forums

Cornwall Council has 22 One Stop Shops located throughout the county, - from which a range of services may be accessed. Including Housing, Benefits, Council Tax, Business rates, Refuse and recycling. In any One Stop Shop you can get help to fill in forms, hand in documents and speak to a council specialist either in person or by phone.

Please turn to page 84 for a full list of addresses.

Opportunity for open dialogue and discussion with committee and other providers Domiciliary care and Learning disability care forums for providers last Tuesday every month 10.00 am start at the Rightcareindex office Highfield road Mount Hawke Truro TR4 8DZ Details if required mail@cornwallpartnersincare.org, crowberry@hotmail.co.uk Residential care home sector forums held quarterly details can be sourced by contacting mail@cornwallpartnersincare.org , maryanson@anson-care-services.co.uk, davidlesliesmith1@googlemail.com

R P Hasbrig-Hartley, Chair, Cornwall Partners in Care mail@cornwallpartnersincare.org

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Adult Care and Support Directorate Plan Our Vision and Focus for the directorate We support some of the most vulnerable people in Cornwall. Our work touches the lives of 47,000 people and their families and carers every day. We ensure that older people and people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties are supported to achieve the best quality of life they can and to play a full and active role in their communities. Our vision for Adult Care and Support is that by 2014: People are supported to live independently, they have real choice in the support they receive and maximum control over the way they live their lives. Everyone is treated fairly and with dignity and respect. This can be summed up as: Putting People First, Changing Lives What we do Cornwall Council provides a range of services to more than half a million residents. These include education, housing, leisure, environment, planning, health and social care, transport and community services. It is the biggest employer in Cornwall and spends a budget of more than £1billion every year. Adult Care and Support provides information, support and advice to help people get on with their lives. We have a duty to assess people and provide services for their eligible, unmet social care needs. We help older people, people with learning or physical disabilities or dementia, and carers. We fund people with eligible care needs by giving them a personal budget. This gives them the choice to find their own care and support to meet their needs, or ask us to arrange it. Here are some examples of the support we provide or arrange for people: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Information, advice and assessing people’s needs Day services and short break services for people with a learning or physical disability Short-term help to maintain people’s independence Employment, training and work experience opportunities Care at home Care homes and care homes with nursing. Social work services Services for people with mental ill health. Equipment to help with daily living Adaptations to the home Safeguarding adults

Achieving more in partnership People tell us it doesn’t matter to them where they go to find the support they need, and it shouldn’t matter to us either. We are working more closely with partners in Health services and the voluntary and community sector to untangle the complexity of our individual systems, and make it easier for people to find help and support. We have a vision of integrated health and social care support that puts people rather than process at the heart of what we do. We know our vision will only be achieved through working together with our partners. We want a relationship where our partners are proud to work with us and feel that we have shared values and aspirations to deliver the best outcomes for people. Changing Lives Changing Lives brings together Cornwall Council, NHS Cornwall and a range of voluntary sector organisations around a shared set of principles. These principles aim to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Cornwall by creating a society that encourages mutual aid, with communities taking control and responsibility, and celebrating diversity. For Adult Care and Support, this means making sure everything we do supports


people to take control, make decisions and find the right solutions for their care and support needs. This year the priorities and activities we are going to undertake was shaped by the people who are involved in our services and a range of partners from health, the police and voluntary sector. This is starting to change the relationship between the professional agencies and the people who use services, to one that is equal and where people have a voice and the ability to shape the priorities we set.  

Each directorate has identified how they will deliver their services and what they will be doing to support the business plan, as outlined in the following directorate plans. These plans directly link back to the business plan and are performance managed by the corporate directors, who in turn feed performance information into monthly reports that are ultimately discussed at cabinet Full report can be seen on http:// www.cornwall.gov.uk/default. aspx?page=20244 on Cornwall Council website

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©Cornwall Council 2012

Changing Lives The commissioning intentions included in all three commissioning strategies are underpinned by a set of principles pioneered by the voluntary and community sector in Cornwall with support from statutory organisations. Changing Lives - Shaping services around individuals and communities with a blue spiral logo. This is called ‘Changing Lives’ and is aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of the people in Cornwall by creating a culture where communities take control and responsibility. It encourages a shift away from ‘problem management’towards preventative activities. It aims to help with reducing health inequalities, tackling social exclusion, and improving community cohesion. The key principles are: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Place individuals at the centre of local commissioning and integrated service delivery. Develop services based on evidence of multiple outcomes and shared impact Build on what people can do through self-management and self-care. Create access points which make sense to local people. Don’t layer solutions but work to connect local services and people together. Provide individual brokerage and signposting. Mainstream prevention throughout. Create a shift towards mutual aid and people supporting each other.

By embedding these principles in the future strategic commissioning of services, Adult Care and Support will identify new opportunities to make the best use of our resources and improve outcomes for both individuals and local communities. You can review draft copies of the strategies by following the link below. http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=30592 ©Cornwall Council 2012

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What is Reablement? Providing personal care, help with daily living activities and other practical tasks, usually for up to six weeks, reablement encourages service users to develop the confidence and skills to carry out these activities themselves and continue to live at home.

Across Government, the shared ambition is to put people first through a radical reform of public services. It will mean that people are able to live their own lives as they wish; confident that services are of high quality, are safe and promote their own individual needs for independence, well-being, and dignity. This holistic approach is set out in ‘Putting people first: a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of adult social care’, the ministerial concordat launched on 10 December 2007.

It tends to be provided to people who have just been discharged from hospital or are otherwise entering the care system following a crisis. A 2007 study for the Department of Health’s care services efficiency delivery network found that up to 68% of people no longer needed a home care package after a period of reablement, and up to 48% continued not to need home care two years later. Services are often delivered by in-house council care teams, rather than the independent sector, and involve home care staff working in tandem with physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other health professionals. Almost all of England’s councils are planning, implementing or running a reablement service Cornwall Council STEP Service STEPS is one of the Adult Care and Support services run by Cornwall Council STEPS stands for Short Term Enablement and Planning Service, and used to be called the Internal homecare service. This Service can only be accessed following an assessment. To arrange for this to happen you need to contact our Access Service at http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=23417 The Service works with vulnerable adults over 18 years, who may be elderly, have physical or sensory impairment, or have a learning disability or mental health needs.

Personalisation of social care services Personalisation, including a strategic shift towards early intervention and prevention, will be the cornerstone of public services. This means that every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings. The work on direct payments and individual budgets, alongside that of In Control, are crucial to delivering greater personalisation, choice and improved quality. They are not separate initiatives or fleeting experiments, but fundamental components of a future social care system http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/www.dh.gov.uk/ en/SocialCare/Socialcarereform/Personalisation/index.htm

Carer emergency card scheme Would you like a safety net to support you in your caring role? »»

»» STEPS supports people for a limited period of time only, following some sort of health or social care crisis at home, where some temporary support at home may be required, or when someone is returning home from hospital and requires some additional support or reablement.

We aim to produce better outcomes for people through reablement, working with other health professionals as necessary to help regain maximum independence.

Your Cornwall



Do you worry about what would happen to the person you care for if you were prevented from getting home because of an unforeseen emergency? Do you avoid going to places because of fear that something may happen to you and the person you care for would suffer? If an unplanned incident should happen who would know your contingency plan?

The carer emergency card scheme is designed to provide you with peace of mind that your contingency plans be accessible to all should any unplanned emergency occur to you Contact details For more information and to request the emergency plan application form please contact the Emergency Card Administrator on 01872 324 369 or by email at eccs@cornwall.gov.uk

Where full independence is not possible, a review will take place before the service ends to help draw up a longer term support plan that will meet any ongoing support needs identified. ©Cornwall Council 2012

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Self Directing Your Support Leaflet

A guid e to Person al Budg ets Easy re ad

January 2013


This is a leafet provided by Cornwall Council in an easy read format. To get your copy go to: www.cornwall. gov.uk/default.aspx?page=4823 and download the pdf or call 0300 1234 131 to request a hard copy.

1. What is a Personal Budget? If your assessment from Adult Care and Support shows that you have eligible social care needs, we will give you a Personal Budget, to help you live at home. To see if you are eligible, we will assess each of your social care needs as low, moderate,substantial or critical. At the moment, the Council can only give Personal Budgets to people with substantial or critical care needs, to live at home. A Personal Budget is money you can use to organise and buy your own care and support. Adult Care and Support can still organise services for you if you prefer. It will give you more choice and control over the support you get. You can choose »» When and how you get support »» And who will provide it You are in charge of your Personal Budget – because you know best. If you are already getting services from Adult Care and Support, you can change your arrangements to a Personal Budget. You can ask your worker about this at any time.

2. Getting started If you are new to Adult Care and Support and need help to keep your independence and wellbeing, contact our Access Team on 0300 1234 131. We will talk over your situation with you, and ask you some questions. If we think your social care needs are substantial or critical, we will ask a member of staff to visit you to carry out a needs assessment. We may also tell you about other organisations that can help. The person who visits you will talk with you about your social care needs, your independence and wellbeing. They will listen carefully to what you say. If you have substantial or critica social care needs, we will tell you how much money you are likely to have to buy your care and support. This is called your Indicative Budget. You may need to pay something towards your support. Another member of staff will contact you to look at what money you have coming in and out. They will tell you if you need to pay something towards your support. They use rules from the Department of Health to work this out.

»» Practical help at home or in the community »» Help to go to a local club or sports group »» You can come up with ideas of your own. You cannot use your budget for: »Everyday » expenses like food, rent or mortgage »» Household bills »» Equipment and services that the Health Service should provide »» Gambling or buying lottery tickets »» Anything which is against the law Once you have created your Support Plan, Adult Care and Support will need to discuss and agree this with you. Then we will tell you the final amount of money you will get for your care and support. We call this your Personal Budget.

5. Help with employing a Personal Assistant If your budget is paid directly to you, you can use it to employ a Personal Assistant. This will mean you have the responsibility of becoming an employer, but there is help available to do this. T he Direct Payments Advice Team can help you to employ someone. 01872 324 357 or email: directpaymentsadvice team@cornwall.gov.uk You can also get lots of help, information and practical advice from: Disability Cornwall : 01736 759 500 Age UK Cornwall : 01872 266 388 Get a Plan in Cornwall : 07814 430203

6. Making sure things are going well Shortly after your Personal Budget has started, a member of staff will check with you that everything is going well, and your support plan is working for you. If your budget is paid direct, you will need to show us how you have used it to meet your eligible social care needs. We will plan regular reviews with you. But you can ask for a review at any time if you need to change your support. Just contact the Council on 0300 1234 100 and ask for your worker.

7. Tell us what you think We want your Personal Budget to work for you. Let us know – we’d love to hear from you! We also want to hear if things are not going well, or if you have a complaint This will give us the chance to put things right. To let us know what you think - good or bad contact: 01872 322 655 or email: acs.feedback@cornwall.gov.uk

For more information about personal budgets contact: Cornwall Council- 0300 1234 131 www.cornwall.gov.uk Disability Cornwall- 01736 759 500 www.disabilitycornwall.gov.uk Age UK Cornwall- 01872 266 388 www.ageuk.org.uk/cornwall ©Cornwall Council 2012

3. Managing your Personal Budget - your choices Your next step will be to create a Support Plan. This will show: »» What support you want to buy with your Indicative Budget »» How the support will meet your eligible social care needs »» Who will provide your support You can also think about the different ways to manage a Personal Budget. »» If your budget is paid direct to you, you can buy and arrange your own »» support, or ask someone else or another agency to manage your payment for you »» If you ask the Council to look after it, we arrange and pay for support on your behalf »» Or you can have a mixture of both.

4. Planning your support Here are some examples of what people use their budgets for: »» Employing a Personal Assistant


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Your Cornwall

Complained to the council?

Still not satisfied?

The Local Government Ombudsman > looks at complaints about councils

> is independent, impartial and free

> aims to put things right if they have gone wrong

You should normally complain to the council first

To find out more, call the LGO Advice Team on 0300 061 0614* or see our website at www.lgo.org.uk

Our advisers have access to a telephone interpreting service for languages other than English.

LGO 501 (07/12)

or text ‘call back’ on 0762 480 3014 * Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines. They will be included as part of any inclusive call minutes or discount schemes in the same way as geographic calls. We may record calls for training and quality purposes. Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details Photo courtesy of www.third-avenue.co.uk


The air ambulance is free at the point of emergency need, and is there to benefit children and adults who are unfortunate enough to need very fast and smooth emergency transport to hospital because of the severity of their condition. The helicopter covers all areas of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, and is able to land at a variety of locations, including beaches, moorland, on roads and community playing fields, in order to air lift a patient to hospital. The Cornwall Air Ambulance is not government funded, nor does it qualify for National Lottery Funding. It is purely down to the goodwill of the people of Cornwall who have kept the helicopter flying for 25 years.


medical emergencies, and trauma arising from road traffic collisions. The helicopter, an EC135-T2, always flies with a crew of three which includes the pilot and two paramedics, seconded from the South West Ambulance Service Trust. The charity, through your generosity and fundraising, aims to equip Cornwall’s air ambulance with up to the minute technology and life saving equipment, as well as meet the annual flying costs of this life changing and life saving helicopter. Your help in securing the future of the Cornwall Air Ambulance is important to us, so if you would like to make a donation, fund a mission, organise a fundraising event, book a talk, get your company involved, join our volunteer team, include the charity in your will, or donate household and clothing items to our charity shops, all the information you need is available within our website:

During that time the crews have attended thousands of incidents. Sadly almost half the incidents are to life threatening medical conditions, but the air ambulance also gets called out to horse riding and other sports injuries, www.cornwallairambulancetrust.org industrial and farm accidents, fires and Charity Headquarters: 01726 890444 Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

NHS in Cornwall

NHS in Cornwall Your nearest NHS Hospitals

PCH- Changing to Kernow Commissioning Group

There are many hospitals in Cornwall, several of which are community hospitals. These provide services such as Minor Injury Units and out-patient care but are not usually 24 hours or include an

Accident and Emergency department. Please check the map for MIU and A&E hospitals and opening hours before setting off. See page 85 for all hospital contacts.

What are NHS foundation trusts? NHS foundation trusts are not-for-profit, public benefit corporations. They are part of the NHS and provide over half of all NHS hospital and mental health services. NHS foundation trusts are a result of the Government’s drive to devolve decision making from central to local organisations and communities. They provide and develop healthcare according to core NHS principles - free care, based on need and not ability to pay. What makes NHS foundation trusts different from NHS trusts? »» they are not directed by Government so have greater freedom to decide their own strategy and the way services are run;

»» »»

they can retain their surpluses and borrow to invest in new and improved services for patients and service users; and they are accountable to their local communities through their members and governors, their commissioners through contracts, Parliament and to Monitor as their regulator.

NHS foundation trusts can be more responsive to the needs and wishes of their local communities – anyone who lives in the area, works for a foundation trust, or has been a patient or service user there, can become a member of the trust. These members elect the board of governors.

NHS Direct - 0845 4647 or 111

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Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) PALS is an accessible and confidential service for patients, relatives and carers. PALS acts independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with staff, managers and, where appropriate, relevant organisations to negotiate immediate or prompt solutions. If necessary we can refer patients and families to specific local or national-based support agencies. What will PALS do? PALS will help you if you: »» are unhappy with your hospital, GP or community services and need help to negotiate a solution; »» need advice, have concerns and suggestions but are unsure who to speak to; »» need to identify a problem; »» need to explore various options for sorting the problem out, including use of the formal complaints procedure; »» provide information and where necessary liaise with other staff and services on your behalf; »» would like to be put in touch with voluntary support, advocacy services or need information on other NHS services; »» feel the Trust could learn from your experiences of using its services. PALS will not: »» investigate complaints; »» deal with a problem that is currently being investigated under the NHS Complaints Procedure; »» pursue a concern that has already exhausted the NHS Complaints Procedure. PALS aims to: »» offer advice and support to patients »» provide information on NHS services »» listen and respond to queries »» help sort out problems on your behalf If you have been unable to resolve a problem by speaking with the healthcare staff directly involved, PALS can help you with your questions and concerns. What action will be taken? PALS can informally investigate issues you raise with us. We will ensure the matter is brought before the senior managers of the area concerned. We will contact you with an explanation of what has happened and let you know what has been done to rectify matters for the future. Who do I contact? In each trust and PCT there is a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) providing on-thespot help and information about health services. PALS is an NHS managed service designed to deal with queries and concerns quickly and to enable change within organisations based on the needs and experiences of patients, carers and the public. When raising a concern in the first instance talk to the staff involved who are providing the care e.g. ward nurse, receptionist, GP, matron or manager. In many cases problems and concerns can be sorted out locally straight away. If necesary and you wish to speak to anyone not involved with your care you can contact either the PALs officer or the Customer Care Manager. ©Crown Copyright

PALS Contacts in Cornwall Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Community Health Services, Helston Community Hospital, Meneage Street, Helston, TR13 8DR

Tel: 01326 435885 pals.community@cornwall.nhs.uk

Peninsula Community Health, PALS Office, Sedgemoor Centre, Priory Road, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 5AS

Tel: 01726 627967 palsteam@ciospct.cornwall.nhs.uk

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Headquarters, Porthpean Road, St Austell, PL26 6AD

Tel: 01726 29 1109 cftcustomersupport@cornwall.nhs.uk

Royal Cornwall Hospital, Gloweth, Truro, TR1 3LJ Tel: 01872 252793 pals.service@rcht.cornwall.nhs.uk Text: 07800 006479

Inside the new health watchdog A new NHS watchdog - the Healthcare Commission - started work on 1 April 2012. But what is it and what does it do? The Healthcare Commission is the new name for the new all-singing, all-dancing health watchdog. The name bestowed on it by politicians the Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection - was deemed too confusing by staff. The new watchdog replaces the Commission for Health Improvement and the National Care Standards Commission. It is responsible for inspecting NHS and private healthcare facilities. Its inspectors will visit hospitals and clinics across England and Wales, publish reports and compile the annual NHS star ratings. The watchdog will also carry out studies to ensure the health service is getting value for money in key areas - taking over some of the work currently done by the Audit Commission. The Healthcare Commission hopes to be more patient and staff-orientated than some of its predecessors. “We aim to focus on the issues of most concern to patients and those who work in health services,” says Anna Walker, its chief executive. To that end, it will have new powers to investigate patient complaints, where they feel unhappy with how their case has been dealt with at a local level. The most significant aspect of the new watchdog is that it brings the inspection of NHS and private healthcare facilities under the one roof for the first time. “There is a major opportunity in this to simplify the inspection regime and focus on the essentials; value-for-money, driving up clinical standards across all healthcare sectors and ensuring quality information to support patient choice,” says Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley ©BBC Copyright


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NHS in Cornwall

Cornwall Community Directory

Peninsula Community Health

The Directory will be available on-line and will help people to find out about, and compare, a wide rang of social care services in the region.

Tel: 0845 170 8000

What sort of information will be on the portal?

NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly is the primary care trust for the county of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Our job is to buy health and social care services for everyone that lives in the county and islands. To do this properly it’s important that we find out what local people need from the NHS and buy services in response to that need.

The information will be wide-ranging and will include health services, commercial and third sector providers, care homes, clubs, support groups and many more What if I don’t have a computer? We appreciate that not everyone is on-line. However, friends, relatives, neighbours, voluntary agencies, brokers, CABs, libraries, Council one stop shop, providers and the Access Team (our contact centre for referrals) will be able to access it on your behalf. ©Crown Copyright

Sedgemoor Centre, Priory Road, St Austell, PL25 5AS

We also have to make sure that we are following national priorities for health care and ensure that providers of health services are meeting important national targets. Providers of health services include GPs, pharmacists, optometrists, dentists, hospitals and mental health services. We also buy some social care, sometimes jointly with Cornwall Council. ©Crown Copyright

The Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust Tel: 01872 250000 Treliske, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3LJ The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust is the principal provider of acute care services in the county of Cornwall. It serves a population of around 450,000 people, a figure often doubled by holidaymakers during the busiest times of the year. The Trust employs approximately 5,200 staff and currently has a budget of approximately £290 million. The Trust is responsible for the provision of services at three sites (comprising approximately 750 beds): »» Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro »» West Cornwall Hospital, Penzance »» St Michael’s Hospital, Hayle. The Trust has teaching hospitals status as part of the Peninsula Medical School. Keeping at the forefront medical advances, the Trust has led developments in many clinical areas, and is committed to maximising the range of specialist care that can be offered locally. The opening of the Knowledge Spa on the Royal Cornwall Hospital site has further enhanced a strong reputation for training and education. This plays a vital part in attracting and retaining the Trust’s highly skilled teams of doctors, nurses and other health professionals who care for well over half a million patients each year.

Tel: 01726 291000 Head Office, Fairview House, Corporation Road, Bodmin, PL31 1FB Customer Support Team: 01726 291000 Wed Site: www.cornwallfoundationtrust.nhs.uk Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) provides community health services to children and young people. CFT also provide mental health and learning disability services for people of all ages in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. We are a specialist NHS Trust that offers: »» Community Mental Health Services »» Inpatient Mental Health Services »» Complex Care and Dementia Services »» Children and Young People’s Services »» Learning Disability Services These services include; alcohol and drug services and an eating disorders service for both adults and children.

Reflecting the high standards of care on offer, recent patient surveys have shown that 93 per cent of patients rated their overall experience of the services as excellent, very good or good.

As a Foundation Trust we work more closely with the people we serve and must have members. Our members have the right to have a say in the way the Trust is run. Membership is free and open to anyone over the age of 14. The Trust values feedback from the people who use its services, their family and carers. To comment on, compliment or raise a concern about the services we provide please contact our Patient Experience Team.

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Out of Hours Mental Health & Social Care Support for Adults Tel: 01208 251300

The Out-of-Hours service is for: • older people • people with physical disabilities or sight/hearing problems • people with a learning disability • people with a mental health problem • vulnerable children and families Services available: Weekdays - 5.15pm - 8.45am & Weekends 4.45pm Fri - 8.45am Monday and all public holidays.

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NHS Continuing Healthcare Continuing Care is described by the Department of Health in its National Framework as: “Care provided over an extended period of time to a person aged 18 or over to meet physical or mental health needs which have arisen as the result of disability, accident or illness” If you need continuing care, your care needs will be complex, substantial and ongoing, caused by a disability or chronic illness, or following hospital treatment. Continuing care is also commonly known as long-term care.

What Is NHS Continuing Healthcare? A package of services which is arranged and funded by the NHS for people outside hospital with ongoing health needs. An assessment is carried out to determine eligibility. Your primary health need will be assessed by looking at all of your care needs and relate them to four key indicators: »» nature - the type of condition or treatment required and its quality and quantity. »» complexity - symptoms that interact, making them difficult to manage or control. »» intensity - one or more needs which are so severe that they require regular interventions. »» unpredictability - unexpected changes in condition that are difficult to manage and present a risk to you or others.

Who Can Apply? Persons over 18 may apply for funding to meet physical or mental health needs that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness. Your needs will be assessed by a multidisciplinary team who will review your needs against twelve areas of care known as domains.

How To Apply? For current and ongoing funding you can request an assessment through your GP or District Nurse. Assessments for eligibility are also carried out by the multidisciplinary team on the ward or in a care home. Alternatively you can apply in writing for reimbursement for past payments

(retrospective applications) or current funding, to the Head of Continuing Healthcare based at Discovery Court Business Centre in Poole. You will be sent an application and consent form to complete and return. The assessment for eligibility will be made and a decision sent to you in writing. ©Crown Copyright

NHS Funded Nursing Care NHS funded nursing care is a contribution towards your registered nursing care made by your Primary Care Trust. You should received NHS funded nursing care if: »» You have been assessed as requiring the services of a registered nurse »» You do not qualify for NHS continuing healthcare (i.e. nursing and accommodation costs) but have been assessed as requiring the services of a registered nurse »» You are not receiving registered nursing care in any other way (e.g. directly from your primary care trust). Applying for Continuing Healthcare or NHS Funded Nursing Care in Cornwall If you feel you may be eligible for either Continuing Healthcare or NHS Funded Nursing Care and you are registered with a GP in the NHS Cornwall boundary, then you will need to contact the NHS Funded Continuing Healthcare Department, the details are below. Mrs Jenny Bladon, Residential Charging Team, Social Services Department, Unit 2 Riverside House, Heron Way, Newham, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2XN Tel: 01872 327171 | Fax: 01872 327172 Email: jbladon@cornwall.gov.uk

NHS 111 service NHS 111 is a new service that’s being introduced to make it easier for you to access local NHS healthcare services. You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help, whatever the time When to use it You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation. Call 111 if: »» You need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. »» You think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service. »» You don’t know who to call or you don’t have a GP to call. »» You need health information or reassurance about what to do next. For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist in the usual way. For immediate, life-threatening emergencies, continue to call 999

How does it work? The NHS 111 service is staffed by a team of fully trained advisers, supported by experienced nurses. They will ask you questions to assess your symptoms, then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you straightaway to the local service that can help you best. That could be A&E, an out-of-hours doctor, a walk-in centre or urgent care centre, a community nurse, an emergency dentist or a late-opening chemist. Where possible, the NHS 111 team will book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to. If you need an ambulance, one will be sent just as quickly as if you had dialled 999. If a health professional has given you a specific phone number to call when you are concerned about your condition, continue to use that number ©Crown Copyright


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NHS in Cornwall

Extra help at home when you leave hospital After a stay in hospital you may require extra help when you go home, especially if you live on your own. The following are options available to you and your carer. On discharge, hospital staff will arrange for a discussion with Adult Care and Support about what care you require at home. This is called an ‘assessment’. You may have your carer, a relative, or a friend to support you during the assessment, if you wish. See page 6 for more detailed information about Adult Care and Support assessments.

What help is available when I leave hospital? Following assessment, a range of services are available to you. To find out more, you can contact your nearest Adult Care and Support office. The person who carries out your assessment will also give you more information about services to suit your particular circumstances.

Promoting independence If you no longer need hospital care, but you are anxious about how you will cope at home, Adult Care and Support and the NHS in Cornwall have devised a range of schemes across the county. These include help from: »» therapists in the community, »» trained care workers who can assist you with managing daily living tasks, »» or, short term residential care for people leaving hospital, who do not feel confident about returning home straightaway, and would like more rehabilitation. Your assessor will discuss these options with you.

Community Nursing District nurses, and other healthcare staff attached to your Doctor’s surgery, will complete an assessment and will provide nursing care according to your needs. This may be either at the surgery or in your own home.

Rapid Assessment Team A worker from the Rapid Assessment Team may come and see you when you leave hospital and if you need it, they can offer you a rehabilitation service and/or care at home to get you going again. The service is usually available free of charge for 7 days following discharge from hospital.

Help at home with personal care This can help you with day to day personal care such as bathing and dressing. The service is available according to need, and where we can, we will aim to maintain your independence through rehabilitation. For more information contact Adult Care and Support on 0300 1234 131.

Rehabilitation Care Assistants Rehabilitation Care Assistants offer more specialist help at home, to help people to regain their skills, and so maintain their independence. They work to a therapist’s treatment plan for short-term periods, and may for example help people carry out physiotherapy exercises, or regain their confidence in daily living skills such as washing, dressing or cooking.

Care and Support Service A British Red Cross volunteer can give you short-term help with shopping, preparing light meals, escorting to appointments and befriending. The hospital should have details of the scheme, or alternatively contact the British Red Cross on 01872 272 878.

Meals at home Adult Care and Support can help you to arrange for hot or frozen meals to be delivered to your home. See page 49 for more information about meal provision.

Day care Day care in a day centre or residential care home in your area may sometimes be available to meet specific needs that you may have, for example for bathing facilities.

Equipment and adaptations to your home These can be arranged to help you on your return home. A specialist worker can advise you on equipment to help with daily living, such as items for the bathroom or kitchen, and minor adaptations, such as stair-rails or handrails.

Emergency communications systems The Lifeline system enables you to communicate in an emergency with staff that run a central alarm system 24 hours per day. The system is available for a small charge from Cornwall Council (0300 1234 100).

Wheelchair hire Some organisations offer wheelchairs for short and long term hire either for a small charge or a donation. Please see page 65

Transport A number of organisations run volunteer transport schemes, for which there is usually a small charge. For further information, please contact: Transport Access Pilot (TAP), a co-ordinated service to take patients to hospital or other appointments 01872 223 388.

What about the cost of services? Many services are free. There is no charge for an a by Adult Care and Support. Services supplied following a Rapid Assessment Team visit are not subject to financial charges for the first week. There are charges for other services, such as meals and personal care. Following assessment, Adult Care and Support workers will always advise about any charges before setting up a service.

Is there anything else I should know? Adult Care and Support have to keep records about the people who use their services. These records are securely kept and remain confidential. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your assessment, or the services provided to you, Adult Care and Support will always seek to fix the problem. If you are a carer, you are entitled to an assessment of your needs, regardless of whether the person you care for receives services from Adult Care and Support or not. If you are being discharged from one of the Royal Cornwall Hospitals (Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske), St Michael’s Hospital, or West Cornwall Hospital) ask a member of staff for a copy of ‘When Will I Go Home? Your Guide Through The Discharge Process’ for more information. ©Crown Copyright

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How to contact Mental Health Services Contact Mental Health Services Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5.15pm via: »» Your GP »» your Care Co-ordinator or »» the duty worker at your local Community Mental Health Team.

Contact details are available from Bodmin Hospital Switchboard: 01208 251300 NHS Direct offer general health advice 24 hours a day: 0845 46 47

Out of normal working hours advice & support can be obtained from: Samaritans (24/7)

08457 90 90 90

Out of Hours GP service:

0845 200 0227

Nightlink (5pm to Midnight)

0808 800 0306

Home Treatment Team (5.15pm to 8.45am) Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust North Cornwall, Caradon & Restormel areas

0845 230 3901

Kerrier, Penwith and Carrick areas

0845 230 3902

When you call the service: You will be asked for your name, address, date of birth, contact details and the reason for your call. We will access your electronic care plan if available. You may be offered telephone support or we may suggest that another service would better meet your needs. We will give you their contact details. When there is a clear need for face to face contact this will be arranged as soon as possible. Your Care Co-ordinator will be informed of your call on the next working day. If the line is engaged when you call you may be asked to leave your contact details with the Bodmin Hospital Switchboard. The team can be called away from the office. If you have not heard from us and still need to speak to someone, please call again after a reasonable interval. An interpreter can be arranged if needed. ©Crown Copyright

If you would like to make any comments or suggestions about these services please contact: Customer Support Team, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Headquarters, Porthpean Rd, St Austell, PL26 6AD

Tel: 01729 291109 Email: cftcustomersupport@cornwall.nhs.uk


Early Intervention Team Health and Adult Care and Support launch new early intervention service On the 17 September 2012 six new early intervention services (EIS) were launched in the following (old districts) areas: Caradon, North Cornwall, Restormel Carrick, Kerrier and Penwith. What does the early intervention service do? The early intervention service is made up of the following staff; physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, social workers and social care staff, who work in partnership with voluntary sector organisations to provide short term support to individuals following an episode of illness. When an individual is referred to the early intervention service a member of staff will contact them to arrange a visit as quickly as possible, so that an assessment of their needs can be carried out. A short term care plan will be agreed with them and if appropriate will include family members and/or friends. Following their assessment, support may include a short term package of care to assist with essential tasks such as washing and dressing or a period of rehabilitation this may involve therapists or support staff working alongside the individual. All of this support is designed to help the individual to become as independent as possible. Is there a cost? The initial service from the early intervention team is free. However, if an individual requires ongoing support services following their period of reablment, a charge may be applicable. This will mean that they will be referred to another team in order that their longer term needs are met. The financial implications including Personal Budgets will be explained. The team may also discuss introducing the individual to a local community group who may be able to give them ongoing support. For more information on the early intervention service go to: www.cornwall.gov.uk/earlyintervention

Health & Wellbeing Board The Cornwall Health & Wellbeing Board was formed as a result of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and currently exists in shadow form until April 2013 when it becomes statutory. Health & Wellbeing Boards will bring key leaders from the health and care system to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities. Health and Wellbeing boards will have strategic influence over commissioning decisions across health, public health and social care. Boards will strengthen democratic legitimacy by involving elected representatives and patient representatives in commissioning decisions alongside commissioners across health and social care. Health & wellbeing boards are required to produce a Health & Wellbeing strategy based on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. Cornwall’s Health & Wellbeing Board has produced a strategy in partnership with stakeholders and service users. The strategy is broken down into 3 areas: »» Helping people to live a longer, happier and healthier lives. »» Improving the Quality of Life. »» Fairer life choices for all. There are a number of priorities under each heading on which the Health & Wellbeing board will work with partners to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population and reduce health inequalities. The strategy can be found at: www.cornwall.gov.uk/transforminghealth For more information contact: hwb@cornwall.gov.uk

NHS Direct - 0845 4647 or 111

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details ( Call 111 From June 2013)

NHS in Cornwall

Urgent medical advice and support



Many common illnesses and injuries can be treated at home. Talk to your pharmacist about remedies. Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet.

Stock up with: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Anti-diarrhoeal medicine, Rehydration mixture, Indigestion remedy, Cold and flu remedies, First-aid kit with bandages, plasters, antiseptic wipes, and cream, eyewash, medical tape, sterile, dressing, thermometer. Always read the instructions.

Contact NHS Direct 24-hour answers to any health questions. Check symptoms by phone or online. Get phone numbers, addresses and opening times of GPs, hospitals and walk-in centres. Get advice on where to go or what to do next. Confidential advice 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Phone 0845 46 47 Website www.nhsdirect.uk

Call: 01872 354 375 Monday-Friday 6.30pm to 9.00am All day Bank Holidays and weekends.

Your local Emergency Department Only call 999 or go to the Emergency Department if you are seriously ill or badly injured or you could delay treatment for someone more seriously ill than you are. In a real emergency, don’t delay - call 999 for an ambulance.

Have a look at each section to match your urgent needs to the services provided.

Pharmacy The pharmacist is a qualified expert in medicines. They can advise on the best medicines for many common illnesses. You do not need an appointment. Get the help you need as quickly as possible. Find your pharmacy. To find opening times of the pharmacist nearest to you, visit www.nhs.uk Or call: NHS Direct on 0845 46 47

Calls cost a maximum of 5p per minute from a BT landline. Calls from mobiles and other networks vary. Your service provider may charge a minimum cost per call. A confidential interpretation service is available in many languages.




Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust 01872 250000 Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 01752 1558155 Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust 01271 322577


GP For illnesses and injuries which aren’t life-threatening. GPs provide medical advice, examinations and prescriptions If absolutely necessary, the GP can make a home visit out of hours to see you. Opening Hours Most GPs are open from 8am to 6pm on weekdays with others varying slightly on those times. The majority offer extended sessions, for example before 8am or in the evenings. Check with your surgery or go to: www.nhs.uk for your local times. If you need a GP when the surgery is closed, call Serco Health on 0845 2000 227

LARGER CUTS SPRAINS STRAINS MINOR INJURIES Minor Injury Units Walk-in centre treats urgent illnesses and injuries which are not life-threatening. You do not need an appointment. You will be seen by a nurse or the GP. Open 365 days a the year. Minor Injury Units are at community hospitals: Bodmin Community Hospital 01208 251577 Camborne/Redruth Community Hospital 01209 881650 Falmouth Hospital 01326 434739 Fowey Community Hospital 01726 832241 Helston Community Hospital 01326 435815 Launceston Hospital 01566 765653 Liskeard Community Hospital 01579 335278 Newquay Hospital 01637 893623 St Austell Community Hospital 01726 291199 St Barnabas Hospital, Saltash 01752 857400 St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly 01720 422392 Stratton Hospital, Bude 01288 287713 Stennack Surgery MIU, St Ives 01736 793333 (not provided by Community Health Services)

NHS Direct - 0845 4647 or 111

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details ( Call 111 From June 2013)


Meet the team

RCHT Chaplaincy Service In the West

The Chaplaincy Team based at the Kathy Royal Cornwall Hospital at offer care Smith based and support to over 3000 people a Longreach month in Cornwall’s House. Hospitals and Hospices. The chaplaincy team work as part of the team caring for you in your local hospital. They offer support toIn patients, visitors and staff. The the East Chaplains work with a large team ofChristopher volunteers visiting people Newell basedwho at are lonely or anxious and may be a Bodmin long wayHospital. from home. The team offer a listening ear, confidential counsel and support to all those who need someone to talk to – regardless of what they believe.

Caring for your Spiritual Needs The chaplains may be able to offer help and support. Why not contact us.

It is not about promoting religion, but about supporting people as they Co-ordinating the service journey through their time in hospital. Helping them to find a way through Deeley Elke their situation so that they can face the future and whatever it may hold. As well as their general ward visiting, Chaplains are involved in End of life Representatives fromwho diverse traditions can people care. Chaplains work with parents, face faith the loss of their child, also be contacted via the team. facing their own death, or the death of one they love. The Chaplains are also part of the team offering support to the families of those who die. gìåÉ=OMMV=«=`çêåï~ää=m~êíåÉêëÜáé=kep=qêìëí= mêçÇìÅÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ=`çããìåáÅ~íáçåë=aÉé~êíãÉåíI= `çêåï~ää=m~êíåÉêëÜáé=kep=cçìåÇ~íáçå=qêìëíI=qêìëí=eÉ~Çèì~êíÉêëI= mçêíÜéÉ~å=oç~ÇI=pí=^ìëíÉääI=`çêåï~ääI=miOS=S^a

Staff support The Chaplaincy team supports the staff working within the health community by offering a confidential, informed yet independent listening ear. Building links to, and liasing with, the wider community. The Chaplains work in a partnership of care with local faith communities. Every effort is made to ensure that everybody can access the spiritual, religious and cultural care they need wherever they are. There are a large number of people accredited by the NHS and their Faith Community, who can be called in at any time, to offer help, advice and support.

Spiritual, Religious and Pastoral Support for All Who is this for? »» All service users of Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, their families and carers. »» We also seek to be a resource and support for all staff and their families.

Working with Volunteers Our designated and honorary chaplains work with a large number of volunteers: Pastoral Visitors – visit patients in a ward or unit, visiting the same ward each week. Bedside Ministers – visit people who have requested a religious ministry

Spiritual and Pastoral Care is for everybody, for people of all religions and of none. You do not have to follow a particular faith to make use of this service, and any religious and spiritual tradition can be contacted via the Chaplaincy.

Chapel Volunteers – assist with services in the chapels

The chaplains will respond to everyone who asks to see them and respect the different faiths and beliefs they encounter.

Befrienders – visit patients who feel isolated and lonely whilst they are in hospital


Meal time Companions – assist patients and staff at mealtimes

How to contact the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Chaplaincy team: (East) Christopher Newell is based at Bodmin (West) Kathy Smith is based at Longreach House

To contact a RCHT Chaplain: Please contact the Chaplaincy Office on 01872 252883. The office is open between 8am until 4pm. If there is no Chaplain in the office please leave a message and the Chaplains will respond as soon as possible. In an emergency a Duty Chaplain can be contacted at any time through the main hospital switchboard 01872 2520000


Representatives from diverse faith traditons can also be contacted via the team. Christopher and Kathy are available Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. Please contact a member of staff if you need a chaplain out of hours. If you are a service user and would like to talk to a chaplain you can: »» ask a member of staff to request a visit on your behalf »» contact the chaplain yourself via the switchboard at Bodmin Hospital: 01208 251300 »» or email: smithkx@cft.cornwall.nhs.uk or christopher.newell@cft.cornwall.nhs.uk

NHS Direct - 0845 4647 or 111

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details ( Call 111 From June 2013)

NHS in Cornwall

LINk in Cornwall As a member of the public, you have a right to be involved in discussions and decisions about your health and social care services. By sharing your experiences and ideas with your Local Involvement Network (LINk), you can influence the way services are run.

Influence your own care LINk in Cornwall is made up of individuals and community groups who work to improve local health and social care services. It is independent and volunteer led. They aim to ensure that each community has services that reflect the needs and wishes of local people. LINk in Cornwall hopes to transition to Healthwatch Cornwall in shadow form early next year. You can still volunteer, get involved and have your say with LINk in Cornwall while this is being organised.

LINk in Cornwall 2 Princes Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2ES Tel: 01872 243 533 | linkincornwall@cornwallrcc.org.uk www.linkincornwall.org.uk

Healthwatch As part of the changes to the health service the Department of Health are requiring local Authorities to set up a Local HealthWatch by April 2013. The Department of Health White Paper states that: “HealthWatch will be an independent consumer champion for the public – locally and nationally – to promote better outcomes in health for all and in social care for adults... Patients and the public must be at the heart of everything our health and care services do.” What this means in practice is that, locally, HealthWatch will evolve from and continue the LINk function of: »» Capturing people’s views and experiences to influence policy, planning, commissioning and delivery of health and social care. And in addition it will: »» Provide information and advice to help people to access and make choices about services.

For more information about the transition from LINk in Cornwall to HealthWatch visit: www.linkincornwall.org.uk/HealthWatch http://healthwatch.co.uk/

Margaret, 75, living with cancer My day didn’t start too well. Everything had got on top of me and I felt really low. When I called the Macmillan Support Line, I didn’t know where to start. But somehow they helped me find the words. Just talking honestly about how I felt was such a relief. Now I don't have to cope with the bad days on my own. For cancer support at home, over the phone, call the Macmillan Support Line free

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macmillan.org.uk Macmillan Cancer Support, registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604).

NHS Direct - 0845 4647 or 111

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details ( Call 111 From June 2013)


Care Homes This section provides information and things to consider before moving to a Care Home. Homes are listed alphabetically by area. A care home is a residential setting where a number of older people live, usually in single rooms, and have access to on-site care services. Homes range in size from small family businesses for 3 residents to complexes with 100 or more. All meals are provided, either in residents’ own rooms or in the dining room, and communal facilities will usually include lounges, activity rooms, a kitchenette for snacks and a garden area. All inclusive costs range from around £300 to £1,000 a week. Hairdressing, chiropody and other services are generally available but charged for separately. For some older people, moving to a care home is a positive choice. Daily chores become a thing of the past, and care is always at hand. Many care homes offer an excellent service, and the range is wide. A philosophy of supporting frailer older people to regain and maintain independence is gaining ground. Many care homes specialise in caring for older people with dementia, and do so with great professionalism, skill and sensitivity. On the other hand, most care homes provide only limited private living space – usually a single room, though increasingly with ensuite bathroom. Their focus is on providing personal care, including help with moving around, toileting, bathing, or eating. Some also provide nursing care. In the main, care homes are for older people who need a high level of care, or more frequent attention than a visiting home carer can provide.

Who Provides Care? Care homes can be broken down into 3 main types. Private homes are owned by private individuals or companies, and are normally run as a businesses charging fees for accommodation. The fees charged by independent care homes vary and may depend on the area, type of home or accommodation provided, for example, the size of room may affect the fee. Local authority homes are run by the local authority’s social services department. Quite a few local authorities no longer own care homes having sold them to trusts to provide the care. Local authority homes are usually purpose-built for disabled or older people and they are often quite large but sometimes divided into smaller residential groups so it doesn’t feel like an institution. Voluntary homes are run by charities or, occasionally, organisations related to particular trades, professions or religions. Eligibility for places in some of these homes may be limited.

help when what you need to know is, ‘Which is the right one for me?’ It might be worth talking to your local Age Concern or any other organisation for elderly people that might have a local knowledge to get a feel about which might be the best care homes to look at. When you select a care home from the FirstStop database you can also download a copy of the care home’s inspection report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which regulates care homes to make sure they meet specific national standards. Similarly, the inspection reports for Wales are from Care Standards Inspectorate for Wales, and for Scotland from the regional offices of the Scottish Commission for Regulation of Care. These reports may help you decide which homes to look at. The contact details for the above are listed at the end of this guide. Once you have a shortlist of homes, it’s important to visit them to get a feel of what they are really like. Talk to their residents and staff or any visiting relatives. It may be a good idea to drop in unexpectedly to get a feel of the atmosphere, how well people are cared for and what activities they can take part in. Or, drop in at meal times to get an idea of the quality of food you can expect. Care homes will vary depending on size, price and their management. You should also ask to see a copy of their contract so that you know what sort of commitment you are making if you moved in.

Making the move Once you have chosen your care home and organised your affairs you will be ready to move in, but remember your comfort and happiness is the most important thing. Perhaps give yourself a trial period in your new environment and delay selling your own home until you are certain that you have made the right choice. ©Firststop 2012

When you select a care home you can request a copy of the care home’s inspectionreport from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which regulates care homes to make sure they meet specific national standards. Useful contacts: Care Quality Commission: 03000 616161 | www.cqc.org.uk FirstStop: 0800 377 70 70 www.housingcare.org/service/index.aspx

Choosing a Care Home? The care home you choose may, of course, depend on your assessed needs, whether you need just personal care, nursing care or specialist care or, how much you can afford. But, having a list of care homes is of little


Other information is available through • Age UK- www.ageuk.org.uk | 0800 169 6565 • Independent Age- www.independentage.org | 0845 262 1863

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Leaving your home to live in a care home environment can raise many questions in relation to finance, practical issues and concerns about independence. Independent Age have provided guides featuring key information to try and answer some of these questions for you: www.independentage.org/advice/guides-andfactsheets/all-guides-and-factsheets.aspx Alternatively you can call Independent Age: 0845 262 1863 for free impartial advice.

Stop Press, new care funding reform announced see page 88

Is a care home right for you? Before deciding to go into a care home, have you considered whether it is possible for you to stay in your own home? »» Have you contacted your local social services department and asked them to assess your needs for services such as home care, meals, day care or respite care? »» Have you been in touch with your GP to make sure a medical assessment of your needs has been carried out? »» Have you been in touch with organisations such as your local Age Concern to see if there is any way they can support you or perhaps tell you about social activities in your area? »» If you are finding your current home difficult to manage, have you considered a move to sheltered/ retirement housing or Extra Care Housing? »» If you are finding the stairs, bath or toilet hard to manage, have you asked your local social services department if they can provide useful equipment? »» If your house needs repairs or alterations, have you asked your local Home Improvement Agency or council housing department whether there are any grants available? »» If you are finding it difficult to manage financially, have you contacted the Pensions Service, the Housing Benefit section of your local authority or organisations such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or Age Concern to see whether you are receiving all the benefits to which you are entitled?

Types of Homes Care homes providing personal care vary in size and facilities. All are expected to provide a room, meals, help with personal care such as dressing, supervision of medication, companionship and someone on call at night. Care homes providing personal care give care during normal short illnesses but do not provide constant nursing care. Care homes providing nursing care also vary in size and facilities, but all provide personal and nursing care 24 hours a day for people who are bedridden, very frail or have a medical condition or illness that means they need regular attention from a nurse. There is always a qualified nurse on duty. Older people diagnosed with dementia may need a care home with an additional category of registration (DE). These were previously known as EMI homes.

Respite Care Short term care or intermediate care is usually available in a care home, but possibly at home with the assistance of professional carers. You may consider respite care for a number of reasons: »» to build up your strength after a stay in hospital, »» after a stay in hospital, while you are waiting to move somewhere permanent; »» to have a break, or to give your carers a break, or; »» to see whether you would like to live in the care home permanently. (See pg 66-67 for information on respite care & day services) ©EAC 2012

For further information go to www.eac.org.uk or read their guide: www.housingcare.org/guides/item-staying-at-home.aspx

Basic information on staying at home If you find it difficult to manage at home there may be ways in which your life can be made easier or safer. If you have recently been unwell, or are coming out of hospital, you may be concerned about coping in the future. A variety of organisations can advise or help you on a range of options, depending on your needs and circumstances. You may wish to approach social services to find out about receiving care at home, but there is a range of other or complementary options that may be of more direct assistance to you. The main issue may be the unsuitability of your present home in which you would like to stay. There are many ways the home may be made more suitable if you want to stay put - with repairs, adaptations, improved heating, security works, or telecare or an alarm

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Care Homes

Leaving your Home

system as appropriate, or with changes to the garden to reduce

Paying for care Adult Care and Support can sometimes help pay for the cost of your care in a care home, although you will always have to make a contribution as well. Trained Adult Care and Support staff will carry out a financial assessment of your circumstances to work out exactly what your contribution should be; this will be calculated according to strict legal guidelines. It is important to note also that Adult Care and Support will only fund you at the level of care your assessment has shown that you will need at the home.

Legal Framework Adult Care and Support departments are required under the National Assistance Act 1948 to provide, and/or fund, residential care for those persons who are ordinarily resident in their area, and who are assessed as requiring that form of care. The rules governing financial assessment are contained in the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations 1992, and are interpreted by the Charges for Residential Accommodation Guide (CRAG), which is guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Health. CRAG is a lengthy document which covers the treatment of all types of assets, and a person’s interest in those assets, in undertaking a financial assessment. The same charge calculation principles apply to nursing home care as residential home care.

The financial assessment for permanent residential or nursing home care How is a financial assessment arranged? Firstly a social worker will visit you to carry out an assessment of your care needs, and this will confirm if moving to a care home is the most appropriate course of action for you. If you think you will need help with care home fees, either straightaway or in the future, your social worker will arrange for a finance officer from Adult Care and Support to contact you, or someone acting on your behalf, to carry out a financial assessment. What financial details will I be asked for? When the finance officer contacts you, he/she may discuss your financial circumstances with you. All information that you give will be treated as strictly confidential, and all records of the conversation will be kept securely. You will be asked to give details of: »» Your National Insurance (NI) number »» Your income (eg retirement pension, private pension, Attendance Allowance etc) »» Your capital (eg details of any property you occupy or own, savings in a bank or building society, stock, shares or premium bonds etc) »» Any monies held jointly by you and your spouse or partner

What will happen during the assessment?

on how to make further claims for benefits and who to contact.

What will happen next? The finance officer will let your social worker know that the financial assessment has been completed, and the amount of contribution you will be asked to pay direct to the home. You and the social worker will then be in a position to discuss your move to an appropriate home in more detail.

What do I do if I am unhappy with the calculation of my contribution? If you disagree with your confirmed charge decision you can do one of the following: »» Request an explanation to get more information on the assessment and confirmed charge »» Ask us to reconsider the assessed confirmed charge »» Appeal against the confirmed charge. Explanations You can ask for an explanation of your financial assessment calculation and confirmed charge. You should make this request within one month of the date of your confirmed charge letter. Your request can be done in writing or by phone by contacting the Assessments (Charging) Team. You can ask for your confirmed charge to be reconsidered. You should make this request in writing within one month of the date of your confirmed charge letter. When you ask for a reconsideration, a different officer from the one who completed your original confirmation of charge will look at your financial assessment again and check whether the confirmed charge is correct. If we change your confirmed charge following the reconsideration, we will write to you to confirm this, detailing new appeal rights for this new decision. If we cannot change your confirmed charge, we will write to you to confirm this. This letter will also tell you if you can appeal. If you can appeal, you will have one month from the date of the letter to make your appeal. You have the right to make an appeal, where you have not received an explanation and/or a reconsideration. Your appeal will need to be in writing and signed by you. It should give the full reasons why you think that your confirmed charge is incorrect. Your appeal will be forwarded to an Assessment Appeal Officer for consideration. Following consideration by the Appeal Officer, you will receive a letter confirming the outcome.

When the finance officer contacts you, he/she will ask you to collate all relevant documents relating to your income and capital. The finance officer may arrange a time and date to call you back in order that you have time to collate all the relevant details. The finance officer will then record your financial details on a Financial Circumstances Form. When the form is complete, you will be asked to sign it and provide copies of the relevant supporting documents, and you will receive your own copy to keep.

More about the financial calculation Property Disregards

If all the relevant information is available at the time of the call, the finance officer may be able to calculate your contribution to the cost of your care there and then. However, where the situation is complex, or if all the necessary information is not available, a follow up call or a visit might be necessary, or you may be contacted later in writing with an explanation of your contribution.

The 12 week property disregard

During the assessment, the finance officer will also be able to give you guidance on any benefits that you are entitled to receive from the Department for Work and Pensions towards the cost of your residential or nursing care. The Finance Officer will provide guidance


Under certain circumstances your property will be ignored as capital for the financial assessment. Occasionally Adult Care and Support’s Director will use his/her discretion to disregard a property where it is felt the circumstances are exceptional. For more information about this please see Charging for Residential Accommodation Guide (CRAG).

This provides a form of limited state financial support to people who are about to be provided with accommodation under Part 3 of the National Assistance Act 1948. This would apply where a person entering longterm residential care does not have income or assets which will cover the fees. The value of the property the person has lived in as their main home is not included in the charge assessment for the first twelve weeks of care. However, the applicant would still be assessed for a contribution based on their income and any other capital. The twelve week property disregard is also applied to residents who have been funding the full cost of their care from their income and capital but whose total capital has now

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

After 12 weeks

After 12 weeks your property will be taken into account as capital for the purposes of the financial assessment.

Bridging If you have less than £3000 and the property is for sale you may be entitled to ‘bridging’ funding assistance. This means Adult Care and Support will pay towards your fees and a Legal Charge will be placed against your property so Adult Care and Support will reclaim the fees it has paid during this bridging period. This ‘loan’ is interest free but in certain circumstances this will change and the Finance Officer will discuss this with you.

Deferred Payment Arrangements A Deferred Payment is where the Local Authority pays some of the costs of a resident’s fees. A Legal Charge is placed against the property which will be recoverable upon the circumstances agreed at the time of arranging the Deferred Payment, e.g. when the house is sold or when the person in care dies. Local Authorities have the option of offering Deferred Payments but they are not required to do so. Adult Care and Support’s policy is to provide DPs in extenuating circumstances which prevents the resident’s property being sold at the time that permanent residential care has been provided. This is at the discretion of the Director.

Capital Thresholds The information below is valid from 9 April 2012. Capital thresholds apply to the Local Authority financial assessment for residential and nursing accommodation. The lower limit is £14,250 and the upper limit £23,250. The Government sets new limits each year. A service-user with capital of more than £23,250 is liable to pay the full amount for their residential or nursing care. Where a service-user is one of a couple, he/she is liable to pay the full fee if he/she has more than £23,250 in his/her own right or if his/her share of jointly-held capital is more than £23,250. Capital of £14,250 or less is fully disregarded; however, capital over £14,250 and up to £23,250 is taken into account for the purpose of calculating the service-user’s “tariff income” from capital. To calculate the level of tariff income, the finance officer will take into account, as weekly income, £1 for every complete £250 or part of £250 over £14,250.

Minimum fee rate payable to homes by Adult Care & Support Category of Care • • • • • •

Residential Care for Older People £390.00 High and Standard Residential / Dementia £399.00 Nursing Care for older people not including NHS Care Contribution £408.00 Nursing Care for older people including NHS Care Contribution £516.70 Nursing Care for older people with dementia not including NHS Care Contributions £432.00 Nursing Care for older people with dementia including NHS Care Contributions £540.70

These figures are correct on 6th December 2012

Contact the Financial assessment and benefits team Tel: 0300 1234 131

when she is resident in a nursing home, currently: Mrs Jones’ benefits entitlement


Mrs Jones’ actual income


Standard minimum guarantee


Retirement pension





Mrs Jones’ income is £107.45 per week which is less than the £142.70 the law says she needs. The Finance Officer will advise Mrs Jones to make a claim for Pension Credits. She will receive £35.25 Guarantee Credit. When Mrs Jones is residing in the nursing home, she will be entitled to retain £23.50 personal expenses allowance. This enables her to contribute £119.20 per week towards the cost of her care. Mrs Jones Contributions

£ amount

Retirement Pension


In assessing a service-user’s ability to pay for their accommodation, the local authority is required to ensure that they retain an amount for personal expenses: this is currently set at £23.50 weekly.

Pension Credit-Guarantee


Sub Total


Below is an example of how an individual client’s contribution may be calculated; please note, however, that this is intended to give guidance only, and is not meant to enable people to work out their own contribution. Each person’s case is different, and usually quite complex, which is why Adult Care and Support have trained finance officers to carry out the calculations on your behalf.

Less Personal Allowance




Example Mrs Jones is 82 years old and has been assessed by a social worker as requiring nursing home care. Mrs Jones lives in rented property and receives a state pension of £107.45. Mrs Jones has £7,500 in a building society account and shares valued at £2,000. Having had confirmation of the above financial details, the finance officer will firstly calculate the level of income the DWP will assess Mrs Jones as being entitled to

Care Homes

reduced to below the upper capital threshold for funding assistance. Please also see our 12 week property disregard fact sheet.

You can get more advice by calling 0300 1234 131 and asking for the Financial Assessments and Benefits Team. ©Crown Copyright 2012

Independent Financial Advice Cornwall Council advise all residents to take independent financial advice, as there may be several different ways of funding care available. The following are examples of independent advisors: Age UK Citizens Advice Bureau (see page 85 for local numbers)

0800 169 6565 www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Care Homes in Cornwall Nursing Home

Residential Home



Sensory Impairment

No. of beds

Physical Disability

Mental Health

Day Care

Terminally Ill

North Cornwall Central Cornwall West Cornwall

Nursing Homes in Cornwall King Charles Court CENTRAL CORNWALL

Falmouth TR11 3LR 01326 311155

Newquay TR7 3ND 01637 877508 36


Bodmin PL31 2AE 01208 72713


Alexandra Nursing Home

Newquay Nursing Home

Newquay TR7 1PD 01637 873314

Old Age


Beech Lawn

Liskeard PL14 3JX 01579 346460



Amberley House Care Home Truro TR1 3ES 01872 271921 30

North Hill House

St Austell PL25 4BJ 01726 72647

Belmont House

Bodmin PL31 2BL 01208 75057




St Austell PL25 5JG 01726 72956 28

Roseland Care Limited Truro TR2 5PD 01872 530665

Caritate Nursing Home

Bodmin PL30 5JU 01208 75628



Cathedral View Nursing Home Truro TR1 3DR 01872 222132 60

Sheldon House Nursing Home Falmouth TR11 4EF 01326 313411

Castle Hill House Home

Bodmin PL31 2DY 01208 73802



Clinton House Care Home St Austell PL25 5JQ 01726 63663 39

St Margaret’s Nursing Home St Columb TR9 6LX 01726 861497

Cedar Grange

Launceston PL15 8JN 01566 773049



Collamere Nursing Home

Lostwithiel PL22 0RA 01208 872810 46

The Old Roselyon Manor Par PL24 2LN 01726 814297 30


Callington PL17 7EF 01579 383104 40

Cowbridge Nursing Home

Lostwithiel PL22 0JW 01208 872227 30

Trefula House

Redruth TR16 5ET 01209 820215 38

Fore Dore Nursing Home

Wadebridge PL27 6SB 01208 863471 32

Elmsleigh Care Home

St Austell PL24 2LX 01726 812277 48


St Austell PL25 4LD 01726 75066 53

Eshcol House Nursing Home Truro TR2 5HR 01872 580291 31


Falmouth TR11 4DD 01326 312833 53

Holywell Bay Care Home

Newquay TR8 5PT 01637 830801 45


Asheborough House


Truro TR1 3EB 01872 223399

Saltash PL12 4AP 01752 845206



Hillcrest House

Looe PL13 1NN 01503 265151 88

Kernow House

Launceston PL15 9HP 01566 777841 98

Malvern House

Saltash PL12 4BG 01752 842463 22

Pendruccombe House

Launceston PL15 9HF 01566 776100 54


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Callington PL17 7QF 01579 383488

Trezela House

Wadebridge PL27 6PU 01208 863488



Care Homes

St Teresa’s Care Centre

Glencoe Nursing Home

(see advert on inside front cover) Hayle TR27 5BX 01736 752216 20

Tamar House Nursing Home Saltash PL12 6BN 01752 843579

Windmill Court

Wadebridge PL27 6RD 01208 863831



Millpond View Care Home Hayle TR27 4HX 01736 752759 32

The Elms Care Centre

Saltash PL12 4JE 01752 846335



Benoni Nursing Home Ltd Torpoint Nursing Centre





Ponsandane (see advert on page 32) Penzance TR18 3LT 01736 330063

Tremanse House Care Home Bodmin PL31 2HR 01208 74717



St Ives TR26 2BX 01736 796856 51


Porthgwara Nursing Home Helston TR12 6TG 01326 280307 32


Wadebridge PL27 6PU 01208 863488 32

Poldhu (see advert on page 32)

(see advert below) Hayle TR27 4NG 01736 752090


Trewiston Lodge


Helston TR12 7JG 01326 240977

Bonaer Bude EX23 9EL 01288 354613

(see advert on inside front cover) Helston TR13 8NQ 01326 565840

St Just TR19 7LW 01736 788433

Torpoint PL11 2BW 01752 813677


Penhellis Nursing Home

Camborne TR14 8DN 01209 714491 60

St Martin’s

Camborne TR14 7HJ 01209 713512 40

Bonaer Care Home is a well established, family run, clean, modern and comfortable nursing home. Located in the picturesque seaside resort of Hayle, Cornwall. The home offers very high standards of care by friendly staff. We aim to combine the finest professional care with luxury surroundings and excellent food. For further information please give us a call or come and visit. - Close to shops and other amenities - Minibus outings - Entertainment - Private library - Specialist equipment available - All rooms equipped with staff call bell - Nourishing meals from local produce - Special dietary needs catered for

Bonaer Care Home, Station Hill, Hayle, Cornwall TR27 4NG

Tel: 01736 752090 bonaercarehome@talktalkbusiness.net www.bonaercarehome.com ©RightCare Index

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Care Homes in Cornwall Nursing Home

Residential Home



Sensory Impairment

No. of beds

Physical Disability

Mental Health

Day Care

Terminally Ill

St Teresa’s

Penzance TR20 9BJ 01736 710336

Tregenna House

Camborne TR14 7QG 01209 718083

The Beeches Nursing Home Hayle TR27 4AH 01736 752725

Trevaylor Manor (see advert on page 32) Penzance TR20 8UR 01736 350856



Trengrouse House



Helston TR13 8BA 01326 573382

St Ives TR26 2TQ 01736 797183




North Cornwall Central Cornwall West Cornwall

Residential Homes in Cornwall CENTRAL CORNWALL


St Austell PL26 6NT 01726 843480

Antron Manor Care Home Penryn TR10 9HH 01326 376570 16

Newquay TR7 1JG 01637 850316


St Austell PL26 7BP 01726 66892 14

Newquay TR8 5PT 01637 831220 3



Lilena Residential Care Home

St Columb Minor TR7 3DZ 01637 877662

Cathedral View Res Home Truro TR1 3DR 01872 222132 60


Longview Care Home Limited (see advert on page 33) Truro TR4 9JX 01872 573378

Chy Koes

St Austell PL25 4RA 01726 76045

Perranporth TR6 0BH 01872 572275 34

Qumran Rest Home

Newquay TR7 1NJ 01637 876699 10


Falmouth TR11 3LD 01326 314512

Bigwig House

Perran Bay Care Home


Kimberley Court


Old Age


Truro TR1 2JP 01872 276889 40

Roscarrack House

Falmouth TR11 4SB 01326 312498 19

Rosehill House Residential Home

Par PL24 2LB 01726 812424 30


Clovelly House

Mount Pleasant Care Home

Newquay TR7 1RA 01637 876668

(see advert right) St Agnes TR5 0UD 01872 553165



Rosewyn House

Truro TR1 1JE 01872 279107 20

Rowans Residential Care Home Crantock Lodge

Newquay TR7 3AN 01637 872112 11

Ocean Hill Lodge

Newquay TR7 2DW 01637 874595

St Agnes TR5 0UY 01872 552147 9


St George’s Hotel Fistral House

Penberthy House

Newquay TR7 1PY 01637 878423

Newquay TR7 2BT 01637 873845



Truro TR1 3JE 01872 272554 22

Sunningdale House Hollybush Residential Home

Pentree Lodge

Newquay TR7 2RY 01637 874148

Newquay TR7 1PD 01637 877662




Perranporth TR6 0EP 01872 571151 36

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Mount Pleasant Residential Care Home, St. Agnes Enjoy high-class comfort and care in the beautiful village of St. Agnes, with scenic views and a good family atmosphere. Local amenities on the doorstep •













Mrs Sear’s primary objective is to make the residents feel at home, not in a home, whilst providing the highest possible standard of care in a warm friendly environment. At Mount Pleasant both staff and residents are understanding and caring and you will be amongst friends who will help in every way. All rooms are fully furnished, with washing facilities (some ensuites) and Nurse Call system. Bathrooms are fitted with bath seats and a hoist. .

If you are contemplating moving into a residential care home, make an appointment to go and see Mrs Sear at Mount Pleasant and receive friendly advice with no obligation. BROCHURE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST.


Contact Mrs Sear on (01872) 553165 REGISTERED WITH CQC

Email: gsear@btinternet.com



Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Care Homes in Cornwall Nursing Home

Residential Home



Sensory Impairment

No. of beds

Physical Disability

Mental Health

Day Care

Terminally Ill

The Brake Manor

St Austell PL25 5AG 01726 61518

Eventide Residential Home


St Austell PL25 4RA 01726 72903



Bude EX23 8RQ 01288 352602 18

Fairfield Country Rest Home

The Crescent Res Care Home Newquay TR7 1DZ 01637 874493

Old Age


Bude EX23 9NH 01288 381241 32


Appleby Lodge

Callington PL17 7JE 01579 383979

The Grove

St. Austell PL25 3NP 01726 76481


Fernleigh House

Gunnislake PL18 9AJ 01822 832926 11


Atlantis Care Home

Polperro PL31 2JP 01503 272243

The Hollies


St. Austell PL26 8JA 01726 890247

Highermead Care Home

Camelford PL32 9TL 01840 212528 22


Barnfield House

Liskeard PL14 4DT 01579 347617

The Manse

Newquay TR8 5LB 01872 510844


Beaumont Court

Launceston PL15 8LR 01566 785350

Falmouth TR11 2ER 01326 318318


Chyvarhas Tywardreath PL24 2TR 01726 813588

Callington PL17 7EF 01579 383104 40

Clann House Truro TR1 1XQ 01872 223330

Lanivet PL30 5HD 01208 831305 34


Coombe House Residential Home Tremethick House (see advert on the right) Redruth TR15 3AL 01209 215713

Liskeard PL14 4JU 01579 346819 16


Eirenikon Park Tresillian Residential Home St Austell PL24 2AJ 01726 814834

Callington PL17 7ER 01579 383138

Kilmar House

Liskeard PL14 3JU 01579 343066 15


Tregolls Manor

Hillsborough Residential Home 22


Trecarrel Care Home

Wadebridge PL27 7DS 01208 814525 11


The White House Falmouth

Highpoint Lodge

Tintagel PL34 0AE 01840 770252 12

Liskeard Eventide Home Ltd Liskeard PL14 3AU 01579 342676 24

Manor House

Liskeard PL14 5HJ 01579 343534 16

Marray House

Saltash PL12 4ED 01752 844488 23


Eldon House

Liskeard PL14 5AJ 01579 362686


St Columb Major TR9 6SD 01637 880 779


Old Vicarage Care Home

Torpoint PL11 3AQ 01752 812384 22


Wentworth Residential Home St Austell PL25 5BN 01726 729 41 20


Elmslea Care Home

Launceston PL15 9JQ 01566 777661 9

Pen Inney House

Lewannick PL15 7QD 01566 782318 18

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Care Homes

Anson Care Caring homes where every effort is made to respect the privacy, independence & dignity of each resident Tremethick House Meadowside Redruth TR15 3AL 01209 215713

The Old Manor House Regent Terrace Penzance TR18 4DW 01736 363742

Harbour House Penberthy Road, Portreath TR16 4LW 01209 843276

Harbour Lodge Penberthy Road, Portreath TR16 4LW 01209 843276

• Short & long term care • Mainly single rooms, • • • • •

• • Operations Manager, Sarah Eustice 01209 843001 •

mostly with en-suite Regular outings At-home events Day Care Hairdressing Dental, Chiropody & Optician services available Regular church services Delightful gardens Lifts to all floors

Now introducing Harbour Homecare and Support – Services in your home, Supported by our homes Support and Care in your own home, ranging from Live-in-Care to changing a lightbulb. For more information contact the Registered Manager Adrian Gray: Phone: 01209 843001 | Fax: 01209 844899 info@anson-care-services.co.uk

Anson Care Services31

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Managing Partner (Registered Provider) Mrs Mary Anson MSc RGN

Care Homes in Cornwall Nursing Home

Residential Home



Sensory Impairment

No. of beds

Physical Disability

Mental Health

Day Care

Terminally Ill


Liskeard PL14 3EN 01579 343397 40

Penmount Grange

Bodmin PL30 5JE 01208 831220 27


Polbathic PL11 3DX 01503 230256

(see advert on page 34) Saltash PL12 4BY 01752 843843


Springfield House Res Home North Hill PL15 7PQ 01566 782361 26

Red Gables

Bude EX23 8EU 01288 355250 32

St Anne’s Residential Home Holsworthy EX22 6QZ 01288 341355 36


Polperro PL13 2PW 01503 272016 36

St Anne’s, Saltash

Saltash PL12 PL12 6DJ 01752 847001 33


Liskeard PL14 4BY 01579 342308 16

St Breock

Wadebridge PL27 7NN 01208 812246 38


Porte Rouge

Torpoint PL11 2BW 01752 814469

St Anthonys Res Home Ltd


Rowan House Care Home

Old Age

St Hilary

Bude EX23 8DG 01288 352754 38

St Petroc’s Care Home Bude PL31 1AG 01208 76152 30

Tamara Care Home

Torpoint PL11 2RA 01752 813527 26

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Care Homes

Longview Care Home







)RU D IUHH EURFKXUH RU WR ÀQG RXW how we can help, please call the home manager on: 01872 573378

Longview committed to caring

/RQJYLHZ &DUH +RPH 5RVHKLOO *RRQKDYHUQ 7UXUR &RUQZDOO 75 -; Longview Care Home, Rosehill, Goonhavern, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 9JX

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Care Homes in Cornwall Nursing Home

Residential Home



Sensory Impairment

No. of beds

Physical Disability

Mental Health

Day Care

Terminally Ill

The White House Care Home Bodmin PL31 2DU 01208 72310

Little Trefewha

Camborne TR14 0JZ 01209 831566


Tremanse Care Home

Bodmin PL31 2HR 01208 74717

Penzance TR19 6BJ 01736 810233

Penzance TR18 2DH 01736 368585 26

St Mary’s Haven Respite

Penzance TR18 2DH 01736 367342 9




St Mary’s Haven


Menwinnion Country House

Morovahview Residential Home Hayle TR27 4AJ 01736 753772

The Downes Res Care Home Hayle TR27 4HW 01736 754400


Ar-lyn Residential Home

Old Age


St Ives TR26 3JZ 01736 753330 13

Mount Pleasant House

Camborne TR14 7RQ 01209 716424 19


The Green

Redruth TR15 1LU 01209 215250 42

Camborne TR14 8BA 01209 713498 46

Parc Vro Residential Home Helston TR12 6AY 01326 221275 15

Carrick Lodge

The Old Manor House (see ad page 31) Penzance TR18 4DW 01736 363742 14

St Ives TR26 2BZ 01736 794353 38

Pendarves Residential Care Home Camborne TR14 7QF 01209 714576

Chy Byghan Residential Home


Penzance TR19 7AX 01736 871459 19

Pendrea House

Bodmin PL31 1QH 01208 74338

Chypons Residential Home


Penzance TR18 5BU 01736 362492 27

Penzance TR18 4EP 01736 364102 22

Penzance TR20 9PN 01736 710476

Penmeneth House

Hayle TR27 4NQ 01736 752359

Garsewednack Residential Home


Tregertha Court

East Looe PL13 1HN 01503 262014 38

Rowan House for all you care needs

4 Lower Port View, Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 4BY


Redruth TR15 2HZ 01209 215798 21

Penzance TR20 8JQ 01736 710736


Courtlands Care Home 37

Tolverth House

Pine Trees

Hayle TR27 5DZ 01736 753249

Godolphin House

Helston TR13 8QF 01326 572609 31


Polventon House

Helston TR12 6NS 01326 280734

Harbour House

(see advert on page 31) Portreath TR16 4LW 01209 843276 20


St Clair House Care Home

Camborne TR14 8SL 01209 713273 25


A really comfortable, caring home. Most rooms en suite, some with estuary views. Plus Home Care, Day Care,Respite , Meal Delivery Service “ Come and see us to discuss your needs” Contact Sharon Smith (Reg Manager) Visit our website

Tel:01752 843843 www.rowanhousecare.co.uk

St Ives TR26 2NT 01736 795769 34


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Care at Home “When asked, many older people would prefer to remain in their own homes if they needed care and indeed, for some time now, it has been government policy to encourage and enable this to happen. Whatever the reason for needing it there is a myriad of help, care and support available if you know where to turn to get it.” -First Stop

Introduction from Age Uk Most of us want to live independently in our own homes for as long as possible. As we get older, we may need support and assistance to enable us to do so. This can take the form of personal care, making our home more suitable for our needs or financial assistance from benefits or elsewhere. Help you might be able to get includes: »» Personal care »» Help to manage and feel safe at home »» Financial assistance »» Health services »» The local authority social services department is the main state provider of assistance. As an older person you will almost certainly be entitled to an assessment to establish what your needs are and suggest how those needs can be taken care of. Each local authority sets eligibility criteria, which are rules identifying the services they will provide for different levels of need. Even if you do not want your authority to arrange services for you, the assessment is useful as a way of identifying what services might benefit you. Contact your local authority social services department and ask them to carry out an assessment of your needs. Their number should be in the phone book or your local Age UK partner can tell you how to contact them - call us free on 0800 169 6565 to find your nearest one.

Personal care Personal care means help with tasks like getting up and getting dressed, washing and bathing. Providers of this kind of care include social services, private care agencies and voluntary organisations. Across the UK, agencies that provide personal care workers have to be registered with the regulatory body for care services in that nation and are regularly inspected to ensure that minimum standards are met. If you need personal care or assistance with your essential daily tasks, you may be eligible for Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance. Information on living independently and employing care workers is available from the National Centre for Independent Living website: www.ncil.org.uk

Help with your house and garden You may require help with housework, gardening, shopping, laundry and other day-to-day tasks. Many local authorities only offer limited assistance with these. Local voluntary organisations, including Age UK and Age Concern groups, may run services or you can employ someone privately.


Local voluntary services Local voluntary organisations and charities operate in most areas. They may deliver services on behalf of the local authority but can be particularly useful in covering activities that your local authority does not provide. Examples include gardening and handyperson services, befriending schemes and social activities. There are around 400 local Age UK / Age Concern groups, each offering a range of services and activities to the communities in which they are based. Call Age UK advice free on 0800 169 6565 to find your nearest one.

Is there any help for people who look after me? You may be helped by a family member or friend rather than a paid care worker. That person is a carer even if they do not realise it. When looking at your needs, the local authority should not make assumptions about how much support your carer can provide. Nor should your carer feel pressured to do more than they can comfortably cope with. Your carer is also entitled to ask for their own needs assessment. Carers can receive services to help them carry out their caring role. Often what carers find most valuable is the opportunity to have a break from their responsibilities, even for a short time. Financial support for carers is not generous. There is a benefit called Carers Allowance paid to carers who provide more than 35 hours’ care for a disabled person but the amount payable is low and any other income your carer has may affect their eligibility. Carers can often benefit from sharing their experiences with other carers. There may be a group in your area where carers can support each other – Visit the Carers UK website: www.carersuk.org or call them free on 0808 808 7777 for information about help available to carers. ‘My befriender comes in for a chat, a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit. It is the highlight of my week.’

Short breaks for you or your carer You or your carer may need a break to recharge your batteries. Services provided to enable you to do this are known as respite care. It might involve a short stay in a care home or other residential establishment. Even a break for a short time, such as an afternoon to go to the cinema or attend a social club, can make a big difference to the person concerned. Ask your local authority for information about respite care, including how it is charged for. ©Age UK 2012

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

The ability to get around is vital in order to live a full life yet thousands of blind and partially sighted people never leave home alone. Guide Dogs empowers visually impaired people to do that and relies on the support of the public to fund its services.

We breed and train guide dogs which provide life changing mobility and there are currently 4,500 working guide dog partnerships in the UK. A guide dog is trained to guide its owner in a straight line unless told otherwise, avoiding obstacles. It will stop at kerbs and steps, find doors, crossings and places which are visited regularly; it will guide its owner across the road but cannot decide where and when to cross safely which is the responsibility of the owner.

We promise

to provide a guide dog for as long as it is a safe and suitable means of mobility for a blind or partially sighted person and depend entirely on voluntary and legacy income to fund our services. The full lifetime cost of a guide dog from birth to retirement is £49,800 but guide dog owners only have to pay a nominal 50p for their dog to ensure no-one is prevented from having one due to a lack of funds. To deliver the guide dog and other mobility services Guide Dogs relies on the skills and energy of around 10,000 volunteers who do everything from fundraising to boarding dogs in training. We also campaign passionately to break down barriers – both physical and legal – to enable blind and partially sighted people to get around on their own.

How to get in touch with Guide Dogs and find out more about … Volunteering: 0845 371 7771 Ownership: 0845 372 7499 Donating or fundraising: 0870 240 6993 Visit www.guidedogs.org.uk Email guidedogs@guidedogs.org.uk The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, Burghfield Common, Reading, RG7 3YG | Tel: 0118 983 5555

Assistive Technology

Assessing Your Care and Support Needs The need for care can arise for different reasons. It might be a permanent need as a result of a disability, illness or frailty in old age or, it might be just a temporary need to get over an accident or illness. Whatever the reason it is important to obtain a professional assessment of your needs. The first port of call for this is your local social services department which has a duty to assess the care needs of anyone who has been identified as possibly needing community care services that can be provided by them. These could include home care at home, meals on wheels, day care, equipment and alterations to your home, care in a care home or respite care. There is no charge for an assessment from the council. Alternatively, if you can afford it, there are also independent agencies that can do this privately. Professionals assessing your needs decide what services or support can be provided to meet your needs. These could range from home help to a live-in carer or from adapting your home to recommending alternative accommodation. Sadly, many local authorities on tight budgets can only provide care to those people who have substantial or critical needs so it is a good idea to ask them to describe what procedures, priorities, and rules they use to decide whether they will provide services, and if they will help to pay for them. Ask them to explain about how their rules apply to your situation. There are no national eligibility criteria for community care services, but there is government guidance, on which each council must base its services on. Details of the services that your council provides should be available from the local council offices or in most cases available on their website. Your GP’s surgery or local Age Concern / Age UK should also be able to help you understand the local eligibility criteria and how to access services. The assessment is the first stage in getting the help and support you might need and must be carried out by your local council before they can provide or arrange any services for you. Even if you will be arranging for and paying privately for your care it is still a good idea to have a proper assessment to help you understand and decide what sort of care and support you need and is available. To get an assessment you should contact your local social services department. If you are unable to do this your GP, community nurse, any other professional worker or a friend or relative, with your permission can contact social services on your behalf. ©First Stop 2012

First Stop Advice Line: 0800 377 7070 ISBN - 978-0-9569220-6-9

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Assistive Technology is equipment/technology which enables or promotes independent living and is as much about the philosophy of dignity and independence as it is about equipment and services. Cornwall Department of Adult Care and Support in partnership with Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Primary Care trust is one of only three sites nationally to be selected as a Whole System Demonstrator site. This project is the largest clinical trial of Telecare and Telehealth in the UK aimed at maintaining independence. From the telecare perspective our focus is with people who are at risk of a fall or have fallen, situations where carers may be struggling with their role as a carer and those with a cognitive impairment (ie. Dementia, learning disability). The basis of the system is a lifeline service. Most people know of the emergency pendants. but through this project we are using a wide range of sensors in addition to the pendant which all go back through the same lifeline system. Typical examples of sensors would include sensors which detect if someone leaves a bed and doesn’t return and smoke alarms and carbon monoxide sensors. People are identified to the project through Adult Care and Support staff based throughout the county, Primary Care Staff and self referrals. At this point we arrange to visit all potential participants to explain the project and demonstrate the equipment available. All equipment supplied through the project is free of charge for the duration of the project and participants are free to withdraw at any point. Only with the agreement of the participant and / or their carer will we proceed to install. Cornwall will continue to develop the assistive technology provision further, and is beginning to provide the service to people with a learning disability, hospital discharge services to support carers. At its core though the Assistive Technology service aims, remain the same: »» Promote safer independence »» Provide choice and control »» Maintain dignity »» Support carers

The following is a list of BHTA (British Healthcare Trades Association) and ISO9000 (an international quality standard) accredited providers in Cornwall:

West Cornwall HSC Mobility Mobility House, Marsh Lane Industrial Park, Hayle, TR27 5JR Tel: 01736 755 927 | Fax: 01736 756 263 info@hsc-mobility.co.uk | www.hsc-mobility.co.uk Open Mon - Fri 9 - 5.30 & Sat - 9 - 12 Pro-mobility Ltd The Old Fire Station, Trengrouse Way, Helston, TR13 8AG Tel/Fax: 01326 569 494 promobility@btopenworld.com

Motability & accessible recreation

Elder Care

Vital information about home Care & Care Homes

Contact us on:


Enable in Cornwall, Wheelchair Provision, Hearing Problems & Radar Keys

Activity and Therapy Free Cinema for Carers, Maps for Local Attractions & much more

Care choices at a loss?AND Call  CARE       SECTOR           -  PROFESSIONALS,     on 01872 321 327 PROVIDERS or see page 91 for more details CONSULTED BYhave THEyou HEALTH AND AUTHORITIES



01872 321 327 or mail@rightcareindex.com

Open Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30, Sat 9.30 - 12.30

Please turn the page for more contacts throughout Cornwall >>>

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Barnstaple Pluss Showroom

Tremorvah Industries

Riverside Road, Pottington Business Park, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1QN Tel: 01271 347 934

Threemilestone Industrial Estate, Threemilestone, Truro, TR4 9LD Tel: 01872 324 340 | Fax: 01872 324 372 Minicom: 01872 324 364 | www.tremorvah.co.uk Open Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm

Telecare & Telehealth In order to provide peice of mind many older people need extra support to stay in their homes or to maintain independence. Technological equipment and systems, known as Telecare, whilst not a replacement for one-to-one contact, can provide support and independence for older people. It may help them feel safer and it may help relieve some of the anxieties of their families and carers.

Cornwall Mobility Centre Tehidy House, Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske), Truro, TR1 3LJ Tel: 01872 254 920 | Fax 01872 254 921 mobility@rcht.cornwall.nhs.uk | www.cornwallmobilitycentre.co.uk Open Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm. An OT is available

The use of Telecare is on the rise. Therefore it is important that older people have access to the right information about when it is appropriate and how to use Telecare to their advantage.

J&P Supplies 68 Victoria Rd, Mount Charles, St Austell, PL25 4QD Tel: 01726 624 060 | Fax: 01726 71618 sales@jandpsupplies.com

Telecare and Telehealth are popular with clients, families and professionals alike because they can allow people to stay living independently at home for longer, leading to reductions in hospital or residential care admissions along with offering security and confidence for older people and those with long term needs.

North Cornwall Launceston Mobility (Centre) 1 Merchant’s Quay, Pennygillam Industrial Estate, Launceston, PL15 7ED Tel/Fax: 01566 774 030 Open Mon - Fri 9 - 5 , Sat 9.30 - 12.30

Today, Telecare is available from local authorities and offers personalised solutions to suit people’s individual circumstances. Copies of Telecare and telehealth: ‘What it is and how to get it’ can be downloaded from: independentage.org Search: Telecare

West and North Devon Plymouth Pluss Showroom Mount Gould Hospital, 200 Mount Gould Road, Plymouth, PL4 7PX Tel: 01752 566 485 | Fax: 01752 269 891

We provide care and support in your own home, wherever you live in Cornwall. We offer personal care, support to attend health care and other appointments and enable you to do the things you enjoy, such as shopping, visiting the cinema, attending your favourite event or going for a meal!

lors-of-Grampound.indd 1

We provide personalised services to adults with dementia, mental health needs, physical disabilities, sensory impairment, or those who are in a period of convalescence, respite, or terminally ill. We also offer temporary cover for families or other carers to take a break, people requiring personalised services during their holiday in Cornwall or to those who might just need a little companionship, encouragement or reassurance. Unit 2a Grampound Road Ind Est. Grampound Road, Truro TR2 4TB

Tel: 01726 884 402


CARE VISITS AT HOME We care passionately

Call our professional team North Cornwall Mid Cornwall We offer everything from personal care to shopping, cleaning or social visits. In fact everything you need to stay in the comfort of your own home.

01840 212184 01872 276006


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details 18/11/2011 10:33


Care At Home

Central Cornwall

Care at Home in Cornwall CENTRAL CORNWALL

A Caring Touch

Truro TR2 4DS 01726 883366

Averlea Domiciliary Care

St Austell PL26 7BP 01726 66892

Alexandra`s Community Care Falmouth TR11 3PP 01326 314642

Bluebird Care (Mid Cornwall) (see advert pg 39) Truro TR1 2DP 01872 276006

Celtic Care (see advert on the right) Falmouth TR11 4SZ 01326 377779

Choice Care

St Austell PL26 8LG 01726 824367

Comfort Care Ltd

Truro TR1 2UL 01872 272577

Duchy Care

Falmouth, TR11 4EZ 01326 313342 www.helpathomecareservice.co.uk carol.helpathome@hotmail.co.uk

St Austell PL25 3EF 01208 815614

Truro TR1 2RP 01872 278807

(see advert below) Threemilestone TR4 9LD 01872 224004

Chacewater TR4 8GF 01872 561761

My Choice

Newcross Healthcare Solutions Truro TR1 2LS 01872 222525

North Hill Homecare

Truro TR1 2PN 01872 270999


Oasis Community Care Ltd


Friendly, Sympathetic & Reliable

Truro TR4 9NY 0845 5191192

Nursefinders Ltd (see advert pg 45)

Portreath TR16 4QQ 01209 843001

Private Independent Provider of Homecare

Live Life Care Ltd (see ad on right)

St Austell PL25 3EF 01726 72668

Harbour Home Care

Fax: 01326 377732

Home Instead Senior Care

European Lifestyles Ltd

St Austell PL25 4DS 01726 77212

Tel: 01326 377779 / 07790295440

Hillcrest Kernow

St Austell PL25 4BJ 01726 825041

Forget-Me-Not Homecare

Bickland Business Centre, Tregoniggie Ind Estate, Bickland Water Road, Falmouth, TR11 4RS

HF Trust

Newquay TR7 1QR 01637 878637

Falmouth TR11 2DA 01326 317580


Help At Home Care Services

St Austell PL26 8DW 01726 824611

Pentowan Home Care

Newquay TR7 1HJ 01637 851790

Purple Balm

Qura Brain Injury Services

celtic_care.indd 1

Truro TR1 2HD 01872 273613

18/11/2011 10:37

RightNurse Care Services (see advert pg 44) Mount Hawke TR4 8DZ 01872 274120

Rowans Domiciliary Agency St Agnes TR5 0UY 01872 553295

RV Care Services Ltd Cornwall Truro TR2 5PD 01872 530222

Scope Inclusion West Cornwall Truro TR4 9NY 01872 271721

Truro TR4 9LD 01392 350010

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Tel: 01872 561761

Agos Acres, Greenbottom, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 8GF


Live Life Care, formerly Night Owl Cornwall Ltd is one of the longest established providers of home care services in Cornwall. We are committed to delivering and maintaining the highest quality of home care provision in the Truro, Carnon Downs, Redruth and Camborne Area.

“Committed to delivering the highest quality of home care” • Our experienced team of caring managers and support workers are here to help with any requirements you may have to help you live well at home.

• Our services range from help with personal care needs to assistance with maintaining a varied social network.

• Our aim is to put people first, you decide what you want and we will do our utmost to accommodate.

We welcome people with personal budgets/ direct payments and can offer an extremely flexible service. Our services are all available to self funders, just give our friendly team a call to discuss your individual needs/ requests.

Live Life Care

is an approved provider of domiciliary support with the Cornwall County Council Department of Adult Social Care and Support. We have achieved the highest possible grading for quality of service. Home care visits can make all the difference to assisting our

Service Users to maintain their independence and maximise their quality of life.

General support,

• Our range of home care services includes:• Meal preparation. • Domestic tasks. • Shopping, Pensions, etc • Medication service including picking up prescriptions and assisting with administrating or prompting. • Recuperative care - perhaps upon discharge from hospital. • Transport to hospital, appointments, doctors clinics etc • Night sitting or sleep service

• • • •

Sitting service Social trips, days out Befriending One to one activity sessions.

Personal Care,

• Live Life Care can offer help with all personal care services

For specialist dementia services please go to our sister company advert, Reflections SW CIC, www.reflectionsouthwest.com

Care choices have you at|a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 see page 90 for more details Tel: 01872 561761 enquiries@livelifecare.co.uk | orwww.livelifecare.co.uk 41

Care At Home

Live Life Care


Nurse & Domicillary Care Agency T: 01326 375 949 E: enquiries@trewcare.co.uk W: www.trewcare.co.uk


to live your life the way you want to


With specially selected and trained carers to assist you whether it be a wish for personal, domestic or social care. You choose exactly what you need. We aim to assist you in living life to the full. HomeCare services in: Falmouth/Penryn/

Spectrum Domiciliary Care Service (see advert pg 59) Penryn TR10 8DB 01326 371000

St Austell Internal Home Care Agency St Austell PL25 5BZ 0300 1234131

St Margaret’s Community Care Ltd Fraddon TR9 6LX 01726 862825

Stayathome Limited

Truro TR2 5JT 01872 500052

Taylors of Grampound Ltd (see ad pg 39) Truro TR2 4TB 01726 884402

The Old Roselyon Manor Dom Care Par PL24 2LN 01726 814297


Ansom Home Care Ltd

Bodmin PL31 1AH 01208 368385

Bluebird Care (North) (see ad pg 39) Camelford PL32 9QX 01840 212184

Bodmin Internal Home Care Agency Bodmin PL31 2AD 01208 74491

Bowden-Derra Dom Support Services Launceston PL15 7PS 01566 86565

Brandon Supported Living

Bodmin PL31 1RB 01208 72142

Carers Break Service

Bodmin PL31 2HR 01208 73800


St Columb Mjr TR9 6ST 01637 889140

Trewcare Ltd (see advert above) Falmouth TR11 4SN 01326 375949

Truro Internal Home Care Agency Truro TR1 3HA 0300 1234131

United Response - Cornwall DCA Truro TR4 9LD 01872 250150

Victoria Community Care Ltd St Blazey PL24 2HY 01726 810101

Eldon House Domiciliary Care Liskeard PL14 5AJ 01579 362686

Fernleigh House Domiciliary Care Gunnislake PL18 9AJ 01822 832926

Four Seasons

Torpoint PL11 2NF 01752 815727

Greenbank Care

Liskeard PL14 3DP 01579 347794

Hartley Home Care (see ad on page 43) Camelford PL32 9QX 01840 213294

Hillsborough Care Dom Care Agency

Truro/Camborne/Redruth & surrounding areas. For Individual/Personal Budget Holders we offer: Employer support, payroll management, personal assistant employment checks, CRB, support planning and personal budget management.

HF Trust

Wadebridge PL27 6HB 01208 815614

Lanhydrock Care

Bodmin PL31 1AH 01208 73904

Liskeard Care Ltd

Liskeard PL14 3AG 01579 348777

Liskeard Internal Homecare Agency Liskeard PL14 4DA 0300 1234131

Mencap Support Service - Mid Cornwall Bodmin PL31 2DG 01726 891988

Mencap Support Service North & East Cornwall Bodmin PL31 2DG 01566 772299

Moorecare Home Care Services Liskeard PL14 3UT 01579324114

Morwenner Care Agency Bodmin PL31 2DX 01208 74339

Oasis Community Care

Saltash PL12 6LX 01752 847474

Pendennis Domiciliary Care Wadebridge PL27 7NE 01208 77577

Pendrea Home Care

Bodmin PL31 1QH 01208 74338

Restgarth Care Ltd

Liskeard PL14 6NN 01579 321758

Callington PL27 7ER 01579 383138


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Saltash PL12 4PG 01752 311625

Scope Inclusion South West Saltash PL12 6LE 01752 840059

Torcare Ltd. Dom Care Agency Torpoint 01752 813677

United Care Concepts Ltd Saltash PL12 6BA 01752 313021

United Response

Callington PL17 7SH 01579 559416

Westcountry Home Care Ltd Launceston PL15 9LR 01566 775960


A & D Community Care

Redruth TR15 3QX 01726 883763

Allied Healthcare Group - Penzance Helston TR13 0LW 01736 364530

Areta House

Redruth TR16 4AX 01209 203446

Calton House Ltd (see ad pg 58) Camborne TR14 8AZ 01209 611888

Camborne Internal Homecare Agency

Carers Break Service

Camborne TR14 8SU 01209 614767

Carol Spinks Homecare Saltash PL12 6JL 01752 845252

Coastline Care

Redruth TR15 3RQ 01209 200200

Green Light Personal Care Redruth TR15 1SS 01209 200544

Kernow Home Care Ltd

Penzance TR19 7HU 01736 787080

Kerrier Homecare

Redruth TR16 6SL 01209 214762

Miner Hub

Redruth TR15 1NJ 01209 200226

Penwith Care Ltd

St Ives TR26 2TL 01736 7979094

Penzance Internal Homecare Agency Penzance TR18 3QQ 0300 1234131

Phoenix Care Cornwall Ltd Penzance TR20 8UD 01736 360197

PRC Outreach Services

Penzance TR18 3PN 01736 360039

Premier Healthcare Solutions (see ad pg 58) Hayle TR27 4HD 01736 448263

Proper Care (Cornwall) Ltd

Mencap Support Service

Helston TR13 0QD 01326 560973

MSS Care

Prospects for People with Learning Disablities

Helston TR12 6NG 01326 281301

Camborne TR14 7DH 01209 719762

Pendeen Community Care Ltd

South Western Homecare

Penhellis Community Care Ltd

Tamarisk Care Agency

Hayle TR27 4HD 01736 753593

Redruth TR15 3RT 01209 313032

(see ad on inside front cover) Helston TR13 0LW 01326 572626

Camborne TR14 8SL 01872 327081

Helston TR13 9TS 01736 761899

Hayle TR27 4PH 01736 752187

The D O V E Project

Camborne TR14 8DY 01209 612494

Hartley Home Care l be cared l a l fo e’l

way his rt

One da yw

Care At Home

Regal Care

A discrete and affordable service provided at home by professional carers. Tel: 01840 213294 | Fax: 01840 211462 Penclease House, Clease Road, Camelford, Cornwall, PL32 9QX Email: ops@h-h-c.co.uk

AskSARA As part of the universal services that are available to the residents of Cornwall, Adult Care & Support has partnered with the Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) a national charity to make available AskSARA. Visit www.cornwall.gov.uk/asksara to access the site. AskSARA is a free quick and easy to use on-line tool that guides the individual (anonymously) through specific questions then offers them a range of solutions to choose from. The service is designed to assist those, where everyday activities such as bathing; walking; eating has become challenging and would like to purchase simple aids and equipment to maintain their independence. AskSARA works in three easy steps: 1. Individuals are invited to choose from a number of topics relating to their health, their home or daily living activities 2. They are then asked some questions about themselves and their environment and then, based on their answers 3. They are given advice and product suggestions through a personalised report As well as offering free and impartial advice the site will also guide people to local and national accredited (BHTA) equipment providers and Cornwall’s handyperson scheme if equipment needs to be installed. It is hoped by offering AskSARA this will give the residents of Cornwall who would like to self purchase simple aids and equipment to do so with confidence. ©Crown Copyright

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


RightNurse Care Services

Providers of specialist community care

Are you in a position when you or someone close children, please call for a FREE assessment with to you requires support to enable independent our trained nurse managers. We provide on living at home? going supervision and management. For peace of mind and to secure only the very best services available for both adults and

Approved and accredited provider with Cornwall Council. Competent staff always required.


01872 274120

Units 1 & 2, Mount Hawke Business Park, High Field Road, Mount Hawke,Cornwall, TR4 8DZ

Thyme Care Ltd

Penzance TR20 8TB 01736 369090

Trelawney Dom Care Agency Redruth TR14 0PU 01209 218377

West Cornwall Care

Penzance TR20 8HL 01736 333177

Help keep the RightCareIndex free - please mention us when contacting our advertisers. To advertise in our Cornwall, Devon, Dorset or Somerset Publications, or on our website www.RightCareIndex.com call us on 01872 321327 or email us mail@rightcareindex.com

Domiciliary Care Monitoring What is it? Domiciliary Care Monitoring provides a record of actual visit start and end times that are collected using people’s telephones. Calls are made to an 0800 number and do not need to connect for them to be recorded. There is therefore no charge for these calls during normal operation of the system. Who is the Supplier? The Council undertook a detailed procurement exercise to choose a supplier and this resulted in Care Monitoring 2000 being selected. Their system is used in over 80 Councils throughout the country. Why are we doing this? »» This is something our customers have told us they want – to have better control over the care they receive. »» The system will also support people and the Council who decide to manage their own personal budget and purchase care direct and where they ask the Council to arrange services for them.



It will allow the Council to operate more efficiently and for support brokers to find available care.

What are the benefits? Care Providers will have greater control. Peoples will know that they are getting the care that they need. The Council can be more efficient at organising care for people. What does this mean for people? »» This new system will make sure people get visits when they are planned and for the appropriate amount of time. »» There is no impact on the care people will receive. »» People should not be concerned that we are using their phone. It is simply the quickest and easiest way. When will it happen? The system is currently being piloted and will be rolled out during the year.

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Nursing Agencies

Nursing Agencies Registration rules for nursing agencies The registration rules for agencies supplying nursing services have changed The previous government, keen to be seen to address such concerns, introduced a tougher regulatory regime for nursing agencies in England through the Health and Social Care Act, which became law in 2008 but only took effect October 2012. The act gave extra powers to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the healthcare regulator, which has introduced a registration framework for all agencies that employ nurses. Midwives are also covered by the new rules. An organisation involved in the provision of any of 15 regulated activities is now legally obliged to register with the CQC and obtain a licence. A regulated agency can provide nursing and personal care to individuals within their own home or community setting Whilst an agency can supply nurses to care homes and hospitals without a CQC registration these agencies are regulated by the

Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Business Regulations. These regulations govern the conduct of the private recruitment industry and establish a framework of minimum standards that clients, both work-seekers and hirers, are entitled to expect. If in doubt ask the agency about their position. http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/media/ documents/20120621_100001_v4.0_scope_ of_registration_guidance_final_1.pdf Contact the CQC Tel: 03000 616161 enquiries@cqc.org.uk | www.cqc.org.uk

Nursing Agencies in Cornwall Newcross Healthcare Solutions Ltd 14-15 Lemon Street, Ground Floor, Truro, TR1 2LS Tel: 01872 222525 Trewcare Nursing & Home Care Trewcare House (see advert on page 42) Tregoniggie Ind Est, Bickland Water Rd, Falmouth, TR11 4SN Tel: 01326 375949

Nursefinders (see advert Below) 72 Lemon Street, Truro, TR1 2PN Tel: 01872 270999 Scope Inc Nurses Agency Unit 2, Bridge Court, Kingsmill Road, Saltash, PL12 6LE Tel: 01752 840059 RightNurse Care Services (see advert left) Unit 1 & 2, High Field Road, Mount Hawke, Truro,TR4 8DZ Tel: 01872 274120

Nursefinders PLUS

Providers of Registered Nurses and Care Assistants to local organisations and private clients in Cornwall for over 15 years Our range of support includes: • Supplying fully trained staff to Residential/ Nursing homes. • Home Care/Domiciliary Services • Early Intervention Support • Hospital Discharge/Aftercare Services • Live-in Care and Support • Supported Living Services including Personal Budget/PA support packages • Carer’s Break Cover Our local office at 72 Lemon Street Truro (next to Cinema) is open to the general public Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. Our on-call Manager is available during out of office hours on the same number. We operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year.

Tel : 01872 270999


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Carers From the census in 2001, in Carers Assessment & Cornwall alone, 55,000 people, Carers Grants 10% of the population are carers. Carers have a legal right to an assessment of their needs, a Carer’s Assessment. DACS have a legal responsibility to carry out this assessment Nationally, carers save the which gives the carer an opportunity to discuss their needs and the things government £87billion a year. Many that could help in their role as a carer. It could also influence the care provided to the “cared for”. It may also lead to a Carer’s Grant carers experience ill health, financial services which could provide, for example, a break. All the Carers Support Services listed, can assist carers in making a referral for a Carers Assessment. disadvantage and fatigue so it is Benefits for Carers essential that they can access The person you care for may qualify or be in receipt of Disability Living information, advice and support at Allowance or Attendance Allowance. As a carer you may be entitled to Carers Allowance or Carers Premium if the person you care for is the earliest opportunity to enable getting one of the benefits above. There are a number of agencies that can advise you on benefits as well as the Carers Support Services. them to get help at the right time and ease their caring role. Other Information for Carers

Do you look after someone? A carer helps to look after another person who is not able to look after themselves completely without help. The person you look after could be someone in your family, a partner or a friend. You might help them by getting them up from bed, making a meal, shopping or reminding them to take their tablets. Many people who look after someone do not realise they are carers and might feel they are just helping. You can get FREE help if you are a carer Cornwall Carers Service (CCS) is a collaborative partnership between four organisations and Cornwall Rural Community Council (CRCC) has been commissioned by Cornwall Council and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Health Authority as the lead organisation. Other partners are; »» Carers Rights bringing expertise in helping people dealing with learning disabilities »» Age UK Cornwall bringing expertise in running help lines, advocacy and support services »» Disability Cornwall bringing expertise in supporting all people disadvantaged through disability Cornwall Carers Service has been set up to offer support, information and guidance to informal and unpaid carers across Cornwall. Our website is useful and we will be working hard to ensure it is a valuable and meaningful resource for Carers across Cornwall. http://www.cornwallcarers.org.uk/ If you cannot find the information you need on this site please feel free to ring our helpline; 01872 266383 (Open Mon to Fri, 8:00am to 6:00pm - An out of hours answering service is available) If required the helpline can arrange for one of the Support Workers to contact you who can, if you wish, visit you at home. © cornwall carers service Copyright


A Carers Information Pack is produced by Dept Adult Care and Support (DACS) and Cornwall Rural Community Council (CRCC). This can be obtained by calling 01872 243531 or viewed on their website www.cornwallrcc.co.uk/carers.html

The Carers Register is held by DACS, CRCC and CCVS and keeps carers up to date on new developments and information on carer’s issues in Cornwall. Carers News is produced 3 times a year and is sent out to all carers on the register. Join the register by calling: 01872 323640/1 or contact one of the carers support services. Service for carers.

Freephone (UK landline) - 0808 802 02 02 Monica Thomas, Carers Support Manager, CRCC, Tel: 01872 243531

NHS Choices website The Department of Health is launching new online information on every registered care and support provider in April 2013, to help people choose and compare good quality care and support. People will be encouraged to use these new online care ‘provider profiles’ to help them make more informed, confident and personalised choices about care for themselves or family members. The profiles appear in a new care and support section of the NHS Choices website, which receives over 19 million visits a month. http://www.nhs.uk ©Crown Copyright

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Carers UK provides high quality advice and information to carers and the professionals who support carers. We do this through our website, information booklets, factsheets and through mailings to our members. We also have an advice line which is staffed by experts and has many years experience of dealing with the problems carers face. We provide free and confidential information and advice on: »» benefits and tax credits »» carers employment rights »» carers assessments »» the services available for carers, and how to complain effectively and challenge decisions. Our freephone number is 0808 808 7777 and we are open on Wednesday and Thursday 10am -12pm and 2pm - 4pm. You can email us at adviceline@carersuk.org Please note that we are a small expert team and are often very busy. We will try to answer your email as soon as possible but we may not be able to do so on the same day. If English is not your first language we can provide you with an interpreter and our advisers can also be contacted through typetalk. Alternatively, you can write to us or send us a fax: Carers UK, 20 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4LX Fax: 020 7378 9781 ©Crown Copyright

Carers UK Carers UK is the voice of the UK’s six million carers. That’s six million people who give up their time and energy to look after someone in need, quite often to the detriment of their own health. Carers give so much to society yet as a consequence of caring, they can experience ill health, poverty and discrimination. Carers UK is fighting to raise awareness of the true value of carers’ contribution to society and to ensure they get the practical, financial and emotional support they need. We are here to provide information and advice for carers, and we believe telecare could be a fantastic source of support for them. Telecare has been heralded as one of the key elements in modernising and transforming care services, harnessing technology to provide greater choice about services and supporting the right to live at home. Telecare has huge potential, and recently has been pushed to the forefront of the minds of government, service providers, service users and carers. Telecare services are transforming the lives of carers, by giving them 24 hour peace of mind and reassurance. It is this peace of mind that makes telecare so unique. Please see page 38-39 for more information about assistive technology, including telehealth and telecare.


Carers UK Advice Line

Contacts for Carers Carers Break Service Community Centre, South Terrace, Camborne, TR14 8SS Tel: 01209 612 521 carersbreak@ccvsonline.org.uk

Carers Partnership Board -made up of carers, representatives of organisations and agencies which have a stake in supporting carers. Carers are full and equal partners with every other member of the Board. The Carers Partnership Board has, over the last year, been working with carers and providers to develop and improve services and raise awareness of carers issues in Cornwall. c/o Naomi Wakeley, Old County Hall, Station Road, Truro, TR1 3AY Tel: 0300 1234 131 or 01872 322743 nwakeley@cornwall.gov.uk

Carers rights www.nhs.uk/CarersDirect/guide/rights/Pages/carers-rights.aspx

Carers & Service Users Unit 2, 22 Fore St, St. Stephen, St. Austell PL26 7NN Tel: 01726 823515

Carers support groups There are carers support groups throughout the county. These are variously supported by voluntary organisations such as Help and Care, or specialist agencies such as the Alzheimer’s Society, the Multiple Sclerosis Society and Age concern. Some are supported by national carers’ organisations such as Carers UK. These support groups are a valuable channel for communication with grass roots carers.

Carers’ Support Service in Cornwall CRCC Carers’ Support Service - The service provides advice, information and support to carers of people with a physical or learning disability, people with dementia and frail older people. They also support 20 carers support groups. Tel: 01872 243531  |  www.cornwallrcc.co.uk

CCVS Mental Health Carers’ Support Project The service provides support to carers of an adult (18-65) with a mental health condition and runs support groups for this group of carers. Tel: 01209 613456

ORIGO - Supports older carers (70+) of someone with a learning disability. Tel: 01872 264057

CRCC Young Carers Project – Offers support and activities for young people (up to 18 years) caring for an adult. Tel: 01209 614956

©Crown Copyright

Imelda Redmond, Chief Executive, Carers UK Carersline: 0808 808 7777 | www.carersuk.org

Dementia Carers Support Workers – Support for carers of a people with dementia in the west of Cornwall. Tel: 0300 1234 131

Carers Rights - Facilitating Carers Forums to enable all Carers to have a voice and be heard. Tel: 01872 274586

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Legal Services


It is difficult for all of us to face the possibility of growing old and being unable to manage our own lives but Department of Health figures tell us that 1 in 3 people over sixty five die with dementia with the number of sufferers likely to rise to 1 million over the next twenty years. This is a frightening statistic but not a surprising one. As life expectancy increases so does the likelihood of suffering some level of age related dementia. Whilst it is not unnatural to try avoid dwelling on this unhappy prospect it is neither realistic nor sensible to ignore the possibility that it might happen to us or someone we love. The question is not whether we choose to prepare for this but how and when we do so. The answer is to make Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) before we have lost our mental capacity. There are two types of LPA. Firstly a Property and Financial LPA and secondly Personal Welfare LPA. These documents allow you to appoint those people whom you trust to manage your finances and make crucial decisions on your health welfare in the event of you being unable to do so. Without them those people you wish to choose may well have to make an application to the Court of Protection to be formally appointed in order to unfreeze financial assets to pay for and decide on your care. This can prove expensive amounting to thousands of pounds in Court fees, medical reports and compulsory insurance and take valuable time that you may not have when you are at your most vulnerable. Furthermore you may find that those who apply are not for one reason or another the people you would naturally choose to represent your interests and may even be social care professionals who have no personal connection to you at all. The making of Lasting Powers of Attorneys should not be regarded as negative acts but on the contrary positive acts with the emphasis well and truly on the “Power”. These documents empower you to make choices now just in case you are not up to making them in the future. They give “Power” to those your trust who in turn will feel more confident in making decisions and fighting your corner with the backing of a legal document. If you feel that you would like further advice and help in deciding whether you or an elderly relative will benefit from a Lasting Power of Attorney call Julie Evans of brains solicitors, who is a member of the Solicitors for the Elderly a national organisation of lawyers committed to providing and promoting robust, comprehensive and independent advise for older vulnerable adults, their families and carers. It has been said that old age is like being punished for a crime you did not commit. The key to unlocking the jail door is to take control and seek specialist legal advice and make an LPA sooner rather than later. Sydney House 44 South Street St. Austell Cornwall PL25 5BN 01726 68111

29 Lemon Street Truro Cornwall TR1 2LS 01872 276363 www.brainssolicitors.co.uk email: info@brainssolicitors.co.uk For sound legal advice you need brains


This article was written by Julie Evans, a Solicitor and Partner in the firm of brains solicitors of Sydney House, 44 South Street, St Austell (01726 68111) and 29 Lemon Street, Truro (01872 276363) who is a member of Solicitors for the Elderly, Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners and Association of Contentious Trust & Probate Specialists, and who specialises in Taxation, Estate Planning and Trusts.

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Meal Provision

Meal Provision Eat Well, Live Well These practical tips can help you make healthier choices. The two keys to a healthy diet are eating the right amount of food for how active you are and eating a range of foods to make sure you’re getting a balanced diet.

5. Try to eat less salt – no more than 6g a day. Remember to check the label to find out the figure for salt per 100g. High is more than 1.5g salt per 100g (or 0.6g sodium) Low is 0.3g salt or less per 100g (or 0.1g sodium)


6. Get active and try to be a healthy weight –It’s not a good idea to be either underweight or overweight. If you’re worried about your weight, ask your GP or a dietitian for advice.

Base your meals on starchy foods – Starchy foods should make up about a third of the food we eat. They are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet. As well as starch, these foods contain fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins.

2. Eat lots of fruit and veg – Try to eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day. It might be easier than you think. You can choose from fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced, but remember potatoes count as a starchy food, not as portions of fruit and veg. 3. Eat more fish – Most of us should be eating more fish including a portion of oily fish each week. It’s an excellent source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim for at least two portions of fish a week, including a portion of oily fish. You can choose from fresh, frozen or canned - but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt.

Drink plenty of water – We should be drinking about 6 to 8 glasses (1.2 litres) of water, or other fluids, every day to stop us getting dehydrated.

8. Alcohol – Alcohol is also high in calories, so cutting down could help you control your weight. Women can drink up to 2 to 3 units of alcohol a day and men up to 3 to 4 units a day, without significant risk to their health. 9.

4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar – we need some fat in our diets. What is important is the kind of fat we are eating. Try to cut down on food that is high in saturated fat and have foods that are rich in unsaturated fat instead, such as vegetable oils, oily fish, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Delicious Meals


Don’t skip breakfast – Breakfast can help give us the energy we need to face the day, as well as some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. Missing meals doesn’t help us lose weight and it isn’t good for us, because we can miss out on essential nutrients. © gov.uk

For more please go to: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/ Goodfood/Pages/eight-tips-healthy-eating.aspx


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Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Age Concern

01736 788265

Penzance, St Just & Pendeen

Atlantis Care Home

01503 272243



01726 66892

Polgooth, St Austell

Cafe 7 Meals On Wheels

07502 365172

Cedar Grange

01566 773049


Fine Dining

01637 620128


Hillsborough Domiciliary Care

01579 383138


Nicols Meal Delivery Service

01637 850891

0845 257 1132

Tavistock, Delivers All Over Cornwall (see advert on page 49)

Pendrea Homecare Bodmin

01208 74338

01326 572626

Penny’s West Country Kitchen

01326 572626

Helston, Camborne, Redruth, Penzance


01326 373502


01752 843843

Saltash (see advert on page 34)

St Margarets Nursing Home

01726 861487


Supreme Cuisine

01752 813527


01752 813677


Wiltshire Farm Foods

0800 773773

Falmouth, Delivers All Over Cornwall (see advert left)


A warm welcome awaits you at each of the Care and Social Clubs where you can relax, meet new friends, enjoy a freshly prepared meal, have some fun and have a great day out in a home-from-home atmosphere. Located at Falmouth, Newquay, Truro, and St Austell the clubs pride themselves on striving to cater for everyone, there are new skills to be learned, a wide range of services to make you look and feel good. Here you can meet new friends and have fun. Transport is not problem as it is available if required.

01579 347346


Tamara Residential Home

Eating opportunities Open the door the rest of your life...


Torcare Ltd.


Oakhouse Foods

Penhellis Community Care Ltd

Rowan House

Hayle (West Cornwall only)

Meal Provision

Age Uk

Meal Providers

Among the services offered are: Nutritional home-cooked meals, Rehabilitation, Refreshments, Entertainment, Bathing facilities, and Personal care. The Care and Social Clubs are ideal for those people who wish to maintain an independent lifestyle living in their own home but also enjoying the benefit of a varied social life.

Call: 01872 266388

01209 218179


A healthy balanced diet contain a variety of foods including plenty of fruit and vegetables, plenty of starchy foods such as wholegrain bread, wholegrain cereals, pasta rice, some protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs and lentils and some dairy foods. It should also be low in fat (especially saturated fat), salt and sugar.

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Learning Disabilities Included is information about life enhancing opportunities for training in Cornwall. Information on accessing service and listings for learning disability providers, supported living and Care Homes. Valuing People Now NHS Learning Disabilities Services

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) provides a range of specialist learning disabilities services across the county. These include: »» Specialist Adult Learning Disability Service »» Intensive Support Team »» Neuropsychiatry, Epilepsy and Memory Services The Specialist Adult Learning Disability Service is a community based service that provides assessment, treatment and support for people with a learning disability. There are two teams, one in the East and one in the West of Cornwall. The services are provided by health professionals including; speech and language therapists, dieticians, doctors, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurses and support workers, art and music therapists. Support, advice and training is also provided to families, care providers and other health services so they can work better with people with a learning disability. Referral to Specialist Adult Learning Disabilities Services is via the Access Team on 0300 1234 131 The Intensive Support Team provides extra support for adults with learning disabilities (aged 18 and over) at home during a crisis, for a limited period. They may also have complex or severe behavioural issues, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, mental health issues or their circumstances may require an urgent response. Referral to the Intensive Support Team is via Specialist Adult Learning Disabilities Services. The Neuropsychiatry, Epilepsy and Memory Services work with both the East and West adult teams, Intensive Support Team, general and specialist health services, families and other care providers.

Contact Information The Neuropsychiatry, Epilepsy and Memory Services work with both the East and West adult teams, Intensive Support Team, general and specialist health services, families and other care providers. East Specialist Adult Learning Disability Service, Unit 10, Bodmin Business Centre, Harleigh Rd, Bodmin, PL31 1AH Tel: 01208 79525 West Specialist Adult Learning Disability Service, Trengweath, Penryn Street, Redruth, TR15 2SP Tel: 01209 219251 Intensive Support Team / Neuropsychiatry, Epilepsy and Memory Services, Chy Govenek, Threemilestone Industrial Estate, Threemilestone, Truro, TR4 9LD Tel: 01872 221555


Valuing People Now is the Government’s 3-year strategy (big plan) to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities and their families. It covers all aspects of life, including health, housing, getting a paid job, personalisation, transition, advocacy, hate crime and relationships. The vision remains in Valuing People Now is that all people with a learning disability are people first with the right to lead their lives like any others, with the same opportunities and responsibilities, with the same dignity and respect. This strategy is inclusive of those groups who are least often heard and most often excluded. These groups include: »» people with more complex needs »» people from black, and minority ethnic groups and newly arrived communities. »» people with autistic spectrum conditions; and »» people who are offenders in custody and in the community. Making it happen requires leadership at all levels. The Valuing People Now team below is working to support the implementation of Valuing People Now, nationally, regionally and locally. DH Publications Orderline, PO BOX 777, London SE1 6XH www.orderline.dh.gov.uk

Partnership Board Who is on the Partnership Board Following the launch of Valuing People, all Partnership Boards across the country have more formal work to do. To find out more please look at Partnership Board on Cornwall Council’s website. We want to make sure we get the work done and reach more people where they live. These are the kinds of meetings we have: »» Cornwall Learning Disability Partnership Board – 4 meetings a year (i.e. every three months) »» Leadership Group – monthly meetings

For more information contact: Liz Nichols, Senior Manager Strategic Commissioning, Adult Care and Support, Old County Hall, Truro, TR1 3AY. Tel: 01872 322676 or call 0300 1234 131 and ask for the Learning Disability Partnership Board. Email: ldnetwork@cornwall.gov.uk Website: www.cornwall.gov.uk/ldpbcornwall

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

The British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) is a national charity committed to improving the quality of life for the 1.2 million people in the UK with a learning disability. We work with government agencies and other organisations to help shape UK policy and strategic thinking, contributing to a shared vision of better services. We also carry out research on topics of national interest and publish our findings through conferences and workshops, publications and policy development.

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities works to promote the rights, quality of life and opportunities of people with learning disabilities and their families. We do this by working with people with learning disabilities, their families and the people who support them. We carry out research, promote the rights of people with learning disabilities, improve services and spread knowledge and information.

Learning Disabilities


All about people – books from BILD

We encourage the development of advocacy for people with learning disabilities by supporting local advocacy groups and carrying out reviews and evaluations of advocacy provision.

We provide education and training for care staff and managers, professionals, family carers and people with a learning disability. Many of our resources and services are mapped to the Learning Disability Awards Framework (LDAF). Our Quality Network helps commissioners and providers to measure outcomes – what life is really like for people who use services – and to use their findings to improve services. People with learning disabilities take part in assessing the services they use.

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities is part of the Mental Health Foundation, a national charity, and operates as a directorate within the charity. 2009 marked the 60th anniversary of the Mental Health Foundation. We are a member of the Learning Disability Coalition with 14 other leading disability charities. The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities believes it is important that people with learning disabilities can take part in daily life where they live. We are working to make sure that they have interesting things to do during the day.

Current projects: Community Connecting: this programme is about working with

We publish books, training materials and journals to improve practice among professionals and to help adults and children with a learning disability achieve a better quality of life. We also offer information and resources on all aspects of learning disability policy and practice.

individuals and the people close to them to find out their strengths, talents and interests. It goes beyond simply helping people to be in the community and aims to make people part of their community.

©Crown Copyright

comprehensive framework for participants to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviour to become innovative leaders. People with Positive behaviour support learning disabilities are increasingly taking on leadership roles and positions where they create and influence change.

‘Welcome to BILD’ We have an leaflet, ‘Welcome to BILD’ which gives an introduction to our work, you can download it as a pdf document. Available from: www.bild.org.uk/ docs/02introduction/This%20is%20 BILD.pdf




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me to



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British Institute of Learning Disabilities Campion House, Green Street, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 1JL Tel: 01562 723 010 enquiries@bild.org.uk | www.bild.org.uk

Learning for Leadership: this programme will provide a Understanding autism

Health and well-being

Life in the Community: a project focusing on community inclusion for people with high support needs. This project looks at Developing the workforce new approaches to day activities and community participation. National Advisory Group on Learning Disabilities People’s life on stories and Ethnicity: a national group which focuses policy development, working closely with other organisations and bringing together people who areCommunication leading work in this area. is a ©Crown Copyright

human right

Practical support for www.learningdisabilities.org.uk/our-work/communityand-inclusion/community-connecting/

better lives

The BILD Guides


Acorn Park Lodge

22 Park Road Redruth Cornwall TR15 2JG

A specialist residential care home for adults with learning disabilities. Our aim is to provide not only the very best in care, but also to ensure our residents live a full and active life by helping each person achieve their aspirations and goals. For more information please contact us on 01209 698595 or visit our website at www.solarcarehomes.com

• residential care

• large communal areas

• respite opportunities

• sensory gardens

• large rooms with en-suite facilities

• decking area

• 2 supported living flats

Solarcare homes

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


News about Autism Asperger’s support and information group In 2013 Spectrum will be hosting a 6 month rolling programme offering residents of Cornwall with Asperger’s a support and information group, at the newly opened resource hub, The Pearl Centre, Truro. The programme, run by several professional individuals within Cornwall, can offer support and advice to those on the Spectrum about improving and devising coping mechanisms for everyday life and eventualities. This will be inclusive of, but not limited to diagnosis, employment, relationships, benefits, healthcare and education. The sessions are not to be used as a therapeutic tool, but to enhance skill sets and confidence. This will also be an excellent opportunity for those who have been diagnosed, or going through the diagnostic process to share their experiences and offer support to one another. The programme will offer an opportunity to those on the spectrum in Cornwall to meet representatives of larger supportive bodies, who can direct and encourage interaction with those charities and organisations who are able to offer support and information for somebody with Asperger’s. Likewise there will be the chance for the individuals in attendance to meet with peers. The Pearl Centre would like to invite anyone living in Cornwall, aged over 16 to a coffee hour, offering you the chance to tell them what you would like to be discussed within the support groups, so that they can provide services that are specific to the needs of the autism community and families in Cornwall. This meeting will provide you with the opportunity to express what you feel needs broaching in the sessions and find out more information.

These sessions are open to carers, as well as those on the Spectrum. We understand that for many obtaining a diagnosis can be incredibly difficult so if you feel that you or someone you know may be on the spectrum, but have not yet been diagnosed, then please still go along. Likewise, if you feel that you may be able to offer services in a professional capacity, then they would be delighted to hear from you. ©Crown Copyright

Contact: Spectrum Support Service, Penryn, TR10 8DB | 01326 371000

ARC- The

Association for Real Change ARC is a national umbrella organisation for learning disability service providers. RC supports services to promote real change.Our members’ services include daytime and leisure activities, support to people in their own homes, residential services, training for employment, special schools and colleges, staff training and information and advice. We: »» campaign on behalf of members »» promote best practice in services »» provide information and support to our members If you want to know more about ARC in the far South West call Rod Landman on 01237 441786 | rod.landman@arcuk.org.uk If you would like to know more about ARC or how you can become a member contact: 01246 555 043 | www.arcuk.org.uk.

Learning Disability Care Providers (Care at home, please turn over for Care Homes specialising in Learning Disabilities) Able Community Care

Falcare CIC Ltd

Allied Healthcare

Hillcrest Kernow

NR14 8TZ 01752 823133

TR18 4BN 01736 364530

TR11 2DA 01326 317580 TR1 2RP 01872 278807

At Home Pendennis Care Home Farm Trust PL27 7NE 01208 816091 Dom Care Bowden-Derra Dom Support Services

PL27 6HB 01208 815614

Lifeways Community Care

PL15 7PS 01566 880340

PL21 9FE 01752 777222

Brandon Trust

Livability Lifestyle Choices

PL31 1RB 01208 72142

Calton House Ltd

(see ad pg 58) TR14 8AZ 01209 611888

My Choice Homecare TR9 6TL 08455 191192

The D.O.V.E Project TR14 8DY 01209 612494

European Lifestyles PL25 3EF 01726 72668

PL4 0EG 01752 264450

Mencap Support Service TR27 4HD 01736 753593

NAS (National Autistic Society) BS34 7BD 0117 9748400

Newcross Healthcare Solutions TR1 2LS 01872 222525

Next Generation Staffing Group PL1 3AB 01252 669990


Nursefinders Ltd

(see ad on pg45) TR1 2PN 01872 270999

Premier Healthcare

Solutions (see ad on pg58) TR27 4HD 01736 448263


Stayathome Ltd

TR2 5JT 01872 500052

Steps Ahead Care & Support PL3 4BB 01872 888561

Taylors of Grampound Ltd

TR14 7DH 01209 719762

(see ad on pg39) TR2 4TB 01726 884402

The Regard Partnership

Turning Point

PL5 1LX 07912 540424

SP1 3JN 01722 820950

Rightnurse Care Services

United Care Concepts

(see ad on pg56) TR4 8DZ 01872 274120

PL12 6BA 01392 826071

Scope Inclusion Team

TR4 9LD 01872 250150

PL12 6LE 01752 840059


EX4 8DY 01392 464348

Spectrum Support Service

United Response

Valuing Independence PL4 9QJ 01752 224144

Yourway Support Service PL4 0EG 01752 264434

(see ad on pg59) TR10 8DB 01326 371000

Please turn the page for Care Homes specialising in Learning Disability >>>>

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Learning Disabilities

Adapted with kind permission from a poster provided by the Estia Centre

How to support people with autism ● Explain at every stage what you are about to do, what will happen next and why. ● Give the person enough time to understand the information you are sharing and wait a few seconds for a response if it is not given immediately. ● Questions should be clear and direct using language that is easy to understand and pictures where necessary – do not rely on the person to pick up on the meaning of your questions or body language. ● People with autism might take what you say literally so avoid words with a double meaning and humour that could be misunderstood. ● Maintain a routine – familiarity is often important to some people with autism. ● Social difficulties may include lack of eye contact and unusual body language, talking at inappropriate moments or about inappropriate topics. ● Repetitive behaviours might be a coping mechanism and therefore should be respected. ● The environment is important – some people with autism are particularly sensitive to light, movement, sounds, smell and touch. Try to keep the immediate environment as calm as possible to help alleviate any anxiety. ● Always consider the person’s behaviour in terms of his or her autism, even if it becomes challenging. ● Ask the person and/or parent, carer or advocate what support they might need. Produced by RCN Publishing in partnership with: British Psychological Society, Department of Health, National Autistic Society, Royal College of General Practitioners, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Skills forCare Care,choices Skills forhave Health, Care Institute Oxford youSocial at a loss? Call    for   Excellence,          University        of on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


‘Safe Place’ scheme in Cornwall A new project to help thousands of people with a learning disability in Cornwall feel safer launched in spring 2010. ‘Safe Places’ is a national initiative that is coming to Kernow thanks to funding from Cornwall Council’s Adult Care and Support department, Devon and Cornwall Policy and Diversity Action Groups across the region and also has the backing of Self Advocacy Group Cornwall People First. The scheme which originated from Hertfordshire, aims to help people with learning disabilities deal with any incident that takes place while they are out and about in the community. Establishments in towns across the county are being invited to join up to the scheme and will be issued with stickers displaying the ‘Safe Places’ logo indicating that their premises are a safe haven. Cornwall Council’s cabinet member for adult care, Armand Toms, says: “This is a great new initiative for Cornwall which will help to ensure people with a learning disability feel safe whilst out and about in their local communities”. “We’re really pleased with the take up we’ve already had from local organisations, including pubs, garages, leisure centres, shops and restaurants, but would be delighted to welcome other establishments”. In preparation for the scheme’s launch, representatives from establishments who have already signed up will be attending training sessions at which they will get to hear stories from people with a learning disability on their experiences of being out in Cornwall, explaining why this scheme will help them socialise with more confidence and feel part of their local community.

The Council have made some plastic stickers and they are being placed in shop windows all over Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. These are being offered to every person with a learning disability in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. For more details please contact: Magi Omlo-Coad T: 01872 323641 E: momlocoad@cornwall.gov.uk

RightNurse Care Services Providers of specialist community care

In a position when you or someone close to you requires support to enable independent living at home? To secure only the very best services available for both adults and children, please call for a free assessment with our trained nurse managers with on going supervision and management. Mount Hawke Business Centre, Highfield rd. Mount Hawke, Truro TR4 8DZ rightnurse@hotmail.co.uk www.rightnurse.co.uk

01872 274120

Approved and accredited provider with Cornwall Council Competent staff always required


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Learning Disabilities

National Autistic Society

– Getting it right Charter,

See the person, Not the disability

All people with a learning disability have an equal right to healthcare. All healthcare professionals have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to the treatment they provide to people with a learning disability. All healthcare professionals should provide a high standard of care and treatment and value the lives of people with a learning disability. By signing this charter, we pledge to: »» Make sure that hospital passports are available and used »» make sure that all our staff understand and apply the principles of mental capacity laws »» appoint a learning disability liason nurse in our hospitals »» make sure every eligible person with a learning disability can have an annual health check »» provide ongoing learning disability awareness training for all staff »» listen to, respect and involve families and carers »» Provide practical support and information to families and carers »» provide information that is accessible for people with a learning disability »» display the ‘Getting it right’ principles for everyone to see For guidance on implementing this pledge, please see: www.mencap.org.uk/gettingitright

NAS branches in England provide a local hub where parents, carers and people with autism can get help, access services, support each other and meet other people and families in similar situations. The West Cornwall Branch does this through: »» Open meetings with guest speakers where people have the opportunity to meet and support each other. »» Providing information and ideas in regular newsletters and through access to the branch library. »» Arranging social events and family trips out. These include a young adults group which runs on a weekly basis and a regular swimming group which has private use of a pool. »» Helping to raise autism awareness in the area by organising public events and generating press reports. For more information about autism, Asperger syndrome and related diagnoses visit the National Autistic Society main website: www.autism.org.uk Branch Officer, The National Autistic Society, Prince Croft, Mount Hawke, Truro TR4 8EE westcornwall@nas.org

07901 103351 www.naswestcornwall.co.uk

Learning Disability Care Homes Mental Health

Number of places


Bawden Manor Farm

(see ad pg 59) St Agnes TR5 0ST 01326 371000

Sensory Impairment 6 (see ad pg 59) Truro TR4 9QF 01326 371000

HF Trust - Trelawney

6 St Austell PL25 4HL 01726 69735

Penrose Farm

7 St Austell PL25 5AT 01726 65366


3 (see ad pg 59) Newquay TR7 1PU 01637 879589

Kernou Residential Home


Porthtowan TR4 8AE 01209 890386

4 St Austell PL25 5AG 01726 74629

Bos Y’n Dre

3 Newquay TR8 5PT 01209 200544


5 (see ad pg 59) Truro TR3 6EU 01326 371000




Truro TR1 1JX 01872 270013

5 (see ad pg 59) Truro TR3 6LP 01326 371000



St Austell PL25 5JJ 01726 74024 9 (see ad pg32) Penryn TR10 8DA 01326 372979

Cross Keys

East Wheal Rose

Physical Disability

HF Trust - Trelowen


Copper Beeches Lodge

Old Age


32 St Columb Major TR9 6BX 01637 880520


Sansigra Care Home

5 Truro TR4 9QJ 01209 200544

September Lodge

5 (see ad pg 59) Perranporth TR6 0JA 01326 371000

Lowenva Care

Springfield House

5 (see ad pg 59) Truro TR2 4HA 01326 371000

St Erme

2 St Agnes TR5 0QE 01872 553059


5 St. Blazey PL24 2NJ 01726 813806


6 St Austell PL26 8YT 01726 850823

Menna House

Montrose Barn

(see ad pg 59) Newquay TR8 5JD 01326 371000

Myrtle Cottage

Heightlea 3 (see ad pg 59) Truro TR1 2HN 01326 371000

Nak Centre

6 Truro TR4 9EA 01872 241878


Truro TR4 9HN 01872 540363

20 (see ad pg 59) Truro TR4 9BW 01326 371000 8 Lostwithiel PL22 0HB 01208 872602 3 (see ad pg 59) St Austell PL26 7TF 01326 371000

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Learning Disability Care Homes Mental Health

The Beech

Number of places

Old Age


(see ad on page 59) St Agnes TR7 3NB 01326 371000 10 Truro TR4 9QD 01872 571030

The Gables, Truro

3 (see ad on page 59) Truro TR3 6HE 01326 371000

The Willows

8 Newquay TR7 1DX 01637 874418


15 St Austell PL25 5QE 01726 72429


8 Truro TR1 1BP 01872 274172

Treseder House

5 (see advert on page 59) Truro TR2 4DU 01326 371000


8 St Mawes TR2 5AE 01326 270570

Waterloo House

6 St Austell PL25 5SW 01726 77401

Woodside Farm House

8 St Agnes TR5 0XS 01872 552650

Zion House

Physical Disability

Sensory Impairment

18 Saltash PL12 6BE 01752 846822

Boisdale House

46 Launceston PL15 7PU 01566 86230

Bowden Derra Park

2 Launceston PL15 8NZ 01566 785435

Clubworthy House

6 Bodmin PL31 2AF 01208 78607

Cromarty House


6 Bodmin PL31 2AF 01566 86230

Garden House

What We Do We provide domiciliary care and supported housing for adults with learning disabilities, challenging behaviour & associated disabilities. Our Aims We aim to ensure there is assistance available in the community for those with learning disabilities.

6 Bude EX23 0JB 01288 361310

Helebridge House

6 Launceston PL15 7EU 01566 779805

HF Trust - Chy Keres

HF Trust - St Teath Site


Bodmin PL30 3LQ 01208 851462

Higher Keason Care Home


Liskeard PL14 3NE 01579 383137

Kilkhampton Lodge

8 Bude EX23 9PA 01288 321129

Udal Garth

16 Saltash PL12 4DP 01752 848913


8 Torpoint PL11 2DH 01752 815999

Kingsleigh House NORTH CORNWALL 1 Saltash PL12 6DW 01752 310531

13 Longmeadow Road

2 Launceston PL15 7PR 01566 86230

18 Serpells Meadow

Providers of quality care, promoters of independence & choice.

Our services are aimed at adults (18+) & we offer our services to a wide range of care needs including: Physical Disabilities, The Elderly, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Care Visits, Live In Care, Personal Care, Domestic Support, Nutritional Care & Practical Support

Tel: 01736 448 263

Email: careteam@phcs.me.uk Unit 9, Dowren House, Foundry Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4HD

6 Gunnislake PL18 9ED 01822 832451

Kingston House

3 Liskeard PL14 3ET 01579 346993


New Witheven

8 Bude EX23 0BX 01566 781285

Acorn Park Lodge

Penbownder House

29 Launceston PL15 7ES 01566 774752

Albany House

Penkelly House

6 Saltash PL12 6BE 01752 840458


7 Launceston PL15 9JE 01566 775943

Breage House

3 (see ad on pg53) Redruth TR15 2JG 01209 698595


RNID 16 Pendean Court

4 Redruth TR15 2JB 01209 210526 3 Hayle TR27 6NG 01736 740552


Liskeard PL14 6DZ 01579 340201

16 (see ad pg32) Helston TR13 9PW 01326 565805 11 Hayle TR27 5BJ 01736 754152

Chy An Towans


22 Torpoint PL11 3DX 01503 230256

Cornwall Care Respite

Rosewood House

12 Polyphant PL15 7PU 01566 86230

Fair View

St Bridget’s

5 Bodmin PL31 1AG 01208 78170

Fairfield House

Stoneybridge Cottage

2 Liskeard PL14 3NH 01579 348774

HF Trust - Roslyn House

Trevanion House Holidays Ltd 14

Highdowns Res Home

Wadebridge PL27 7PA 01208 814903


T: 01209 611 888 / 0777 188 25 24 E: penirapo@gmail.com P: Calton House ltd, 32 Fore Street, Camborne, Cornwall, tr14 8az

10 Penzance TR18 3PN 01736 330638 2 Camborne TR14 9JH 01209 831662 4 Redruth TR16 4QG 01209 200544 8 Wadebridge PL27 7DS 01208 815489 14 Camborne TR14 9PD 01209 832261

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disability Care Homes Mental Health

Number of places

Old Age

Physical Disability

5 Camborne TR14 8FD 01209 713729

Huthnance Park

5 Helston TR13 0AZ 01209 200544



5 Penzance TR18 3HB 01736 331008

Rosewarne Care

Misty Falls Care Home

2 Penzance TR18 2AJ 01736 360042



4 (see advert on 59) Camborne TR14 8QB 01209 610827

Station Villa

5 Penzance TR18 3ET 01736 331005

The Coach House

Richmond House

12 Camborne TR14 7RJ 01209 710799


4 Redruth TR15 2SP 01209 217585 16 (see ad pg32) Hayle TR27 4NG 01736 755251

Trevean Gardens

3 (see ad on pg59) Camborne TR14 7RS 01326 371000


12 Camborne TR14 8BE 01209 714238

Rosedene House

Use Right Care Index Directory online to keep up to date with all latest health and care services.

Trefusis 3 (see ad pg59) Redruth TR15 2JH 01326 371000

5 Camborne TR14 8BE 01209 714238


The Health & Social Care Directory

9 (see advert on pg32) Penzance TR20 8UR 01736 332133

Trelawney House

Rosedene House

8 Wadebridge PL27 6AD 01208 813756

Trezela House

6 Camborne TR14 8LL 01209 712854

5 Camborne TR14 8DQ 01209 714032

Ridgewood Lodge

Sensory Impairment

6 (see ad pg59) Helston TR13 9NT 01326 371000 11 Penzance TR18 4JD 01736 361369 5 (see ad pg59) Camborne TR14 9LP 01326 371000

www.RightCareIndex.com Care Homes - Home Care - News - eBooks - Charities Authorities - Motability & More

A specialist provider of autism services offering the best in person-centred support according to individual needs Please call for a free assessment with our trained staff Tel: 01326 371 000 www.spectrumasd.org

Spectrum provides education, residential, domiciliary care and supported living primarily for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. With 30 years’ experience we have developed expertise in empowering the service users we are supporting to help manage their conditions and behaviours themselves, so living productive and fulfilling lives. We promote the rights of those with learning disabilities, autism or similar conditions to lead full lives in society. Our specialist education centre, Three Bridges, has been judged by Ofsted as “outstanding” in all 7 areas at its last inspection. Spectrum is an accredited and approved provider with Cornwall Council. We encourage our service users to participate within their community, to make positive choices in their lives and realise their full potential.

We have 25 homes throughout Cornwall with service users living in varying environments suited to their needs and aspirations. Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Mental Health At least one in four of us will experience a mental health problem at some point in our life. Depression and anxiety are the most common. However, help and support is available for all types of mental health problems. Although GP’s are able to help most people to manage depression, for some patients, particularly those with more severe depression or where treatment is not successful, more specialised care may be needed. Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) provides a range of specialist mental health services across the county to meet these needs.

Home Treatment Team

The Home Treatment Teams provide a high level of support to people who are in mental health crisis or relapse, in their own home. They offer a real alternative to a hospital admission or can enable a person to return home more quickly after a stay in hospital. The teams are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year.

Community Mental Health Team (CMHTs)

Referral to the Home Treatment Team is via a GP, Accident & Emergency Dept (A&E), the Police, CMHTs, an inpatient unit, relative or self-referral.

CMHTs provide one-to-one, individualised support to adults suffering from a severe mental illness. The support is needs led and may take the form of visits to the client’s home, or a community setting such as a GP surgery. This supports recovery and allows them to retain their social status, wellbeing and their place in the community.

Contact Information Out of normal working hours, between 5.15pm and 8.45am the Home Treatment Team provides an emergency mental health service:

Support may be provided on a short or long term basis depending on individual need. We work closely with other teams within Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT), some of which may be able to make a valuable contribution to the client’s care, these include: »» Home Treatment Team (and out of hours mental health services) »» Home Treatment Team (and access to crises/ emergency mental health services) »» Early Intervention in Psychosis »» Cornwall Eating Disorders Services »» Family Intervention Services »» Community Veterans Services Referral to adult mental health services is via a GP, other health professional or self-referral by calling: 0845 207 7711.

CMHTs are available Monday to Friday, 8.45am-5.15pm. Caradon CMHT 01579 373737 North Cornwall CMHT 01208 251446 Restormel CMHT 01726 873377 Carrick CMHT 01872 356000 Kerrier CMHT 01209 881888 Penwith CMHT 01736 575555

To find out which CMHT covers the area in which you live, please contact Bodmin Hospital switchboard on 01208 251300.


East Team North Cornwall, Caradon and Restormel areas:

0845 230 3901

West Team Kerrier, Penwith and Carrick areas:

0845 230 3902

Inpatient Mental Health Services The majority of people with mental health problems receive support at home, but some will need the extra level of care & treatment that can only be provided in hospital.

Acute Inpatient Units When a person’s care cannot be safely managed at home, we have 2 acute units; Fletcher ward at Bodmin Hospital and Bay Unit at Longreach House in Redruth, for the assessment and treatment of people over 16 with a mental health condition. All patients have their own room with an en-suite bathroom and access to a communal garden & lounge areas. Therapeutic treatment is provided alongside activities to support & encourage recovery. Referrals to the acute inpatient units are made via the Home Treatment Team. Bay Unit, Longreach House, Camborne/Redruth Community Hospital site, Barncoose Terrace, Redruth, TR15 3ER. Unit Office: 01209 881900. Patient phone: 01209 211014 Fletcher Ward, Bodmin Hospital, Boundary Road, Bodmin PL31 2QT Unit Office: 01208 251377. Patient phone: 01208 73056

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Harvest Ward (PICU) at Bodmin Hospital provides concentrated treatment to those who are most unwell. We support anyone over of 16 who, because they are very unwell need a higher level of nursing input. We aim to help people to recover to a point where they can return to a normal psychiatric unit or home with support. All patients on this unit receive treatment under the Mental Health Act. Referrals can be made by any mental health team, acute, forensic or prison services in and out of the county. Harvest Ward, Bodmin Hospital, Boundary Road, Bodmin PL31 2QT Unit Office: 01208 251450. Patient phone: 01208 269478

Rehabilitation - Bowman Unit & Fettle House (Bodmin Hospital) Bowman Unit is a low secure unit that focuses on the rehabilitation and recovery of up to 14 men over 18 with severe and enduring mental health problems. The men can be residents for up to 2 yrs. Referrals are made by a professional within the inpatient service. Unit Office: 01208 251439. Patient phone: 01208 77012 Fettle House provides rehabilitation for men and women over 16, with a long term mental illness. It aims to give them the skills they need to live more independently, with support if needed. Unit Office: 01208 251366. Patient phone: 01208 75266

Mental Health

Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Complex Care & Dementia Liaison Service The Complex Care & Dementia Liaison Service consists of two teams: »» Psychiatric Liaison Team Based at Royal Cornwall Hospital, the team provides assessment for people with dementia or suspected dementia, and people with complex mental health needs who require specialist assessment. The team delivers advice and education to staff and carers around managing behaviours that challenge care givers in the acute setting. They also give guidance on the use of the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act, and assist with person centred care planning to support timely and appropriate discharges from the acute hospital setting. Referral to the Psychiatric Liaison Team is usually made directly by the medical team looking after the person at the Royal Cornwall Hospital. The team can also be contacted via Bodmin Hospital switchboard on 01208 251300. »» Countywide Dementia Liaison Team Support a number of care homes and 12 community hospitals countywide for people with suspected dementia and those who have a diagnosis of dementia.

Complex Care & Dementia Services

By providing support, advice and education to staff, carers and other key professionals, the team aims to prevent unnecessary transfers of care to the acute hospital.

The Complex Care and Dementia Services provide specialist assessments and treatments for people with complex mental health needs and/or dementia. We support people to optimise their health and wellbeing and achieve the best quality of life for both the individual and their family/carers.

The team also supports annual health checks for people that are registered on the GP’s dementia Quality Outcome Framework Register and in care, along with supporting people with suspected dementia to be given a diagnosis.

Memory Service The Memory Service offers a specialist assessment for people who are concerned they may have dementia. The assessment enables us clarify the cause of any memory problems so we can provide guidance, support and access to the right service at the right time.

Referral to the Countywide Dementia Liaison Team is via a GP, other health or social care provider, or through a carer or self-referral. Alternatively, the local Dementia Liaison Nurse can be contacted via Bodmin Hospital switchboard on 01208 251300. ©Crown Copyright

Early detection and diagnosis of dementia means that effective treatment, targeted education and appropriate support can be delivered to help the person live well with dementia. Memory assessments may take place at one of the local memory clinics across Cornwall or if needed at a person’s home. Referral to the Memory Service is via a GP, other health or social care provider, or self-referral. Alternatively, the service can be contacted via your local Community Mental Health Team or Bodmin Hospital switchboard on 01208 251300.

Inpatient Units for people with Dementia

Find the care you need with RightCareSolutions

Cove Unit, Redruth and Garner Ward, Bodmin undertake the assessment and treatment of people with dementia. They provide care and treatment through a person centred approach involving family and carers with the ultimate aim of supporting the person to regain their independence and to manage their dementia effectively. All patients have their own room with en-suite facilities.

RightCareSolutions is a free service.

Cove Unit- Longreach House, Camborne & Redruth Hospital site, Barncoose Terrace, Redruth, TR15 3ER Unit Office: 01209 881950


Its a great way to identify suitable services as listed by CQC*. Be specific about the kind of care services you require, and we’ll deliver appropriate results suiting your needs. See pg90 to fill out our written request form or... 01872 321327

*Results provided from The Care Quality Commision Listings

Garner Ward- Bodmin Hospital, Boundary Road, Bodmin, PL31 2QT Ward Office: 01208 251580

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Addaction Addaction is one of the UK’s largest specialist drug and alcohol treatment charities. Recovery for all our service users is our ultimate ambition. But we recognise that the path to this recovery requires a range of different interventions to meet individuals’ needs. Our treatment services can and do work, particularly when they are: »» delivered in partnership »» provided locally, supported nationally »» family focused »» designed to offer a range of treatment options. The services offered by Addaction are completely free of charge to those attending, and are tailored to their specific needs. Typical services can include: »» behavioural therapy, such as counselling »» cognitive therapy »» psychotherapy »» substitute prescriptions for medications such as methadone or naltrexone »» support for other problems such as housing or debt. Treatment can be for different lengths of time depending on the individual. Because drug addiction is typically a chronic problem characterised by occasional relapses, short-term treatment is often not sufficient for most individuals. For many people treatment is a long-term process that involves multiple interventions and attempts at abstinence Contact information: Chy Colom, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1JU Tel: 01872 262 414 6 Church Street, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 3AG Tel: 01579 340616 23-24 Market Place,Penzance, Cornwall TR18 2JD Tel: 01736 365467 Trevint House, Strangeways Terrace, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2PA Tel: 01872 263001

Pentreath Ltd.

– Providing a fresh and continually changing service Pentreath is an award winning mental health charity working throughout the whole of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. We inspire and support our clients through a journey of both personal and vocational (work) development with the aim of securing future employment, education or training. As well as delivering tailor-made Information, Advice and Guidance sessions to our clients we also work to raise awareness and challenge any misunderstandings that society has about mental health. Pentreath recognises that supporting people to access facilities within their local community can help them to develop skills, self confidence and raise their future prospects and aspirations. Our clients are at the very centre of our projects and these are developed to meet their needs. This means we are always providing a fresh and continually changing service. The people we work with come from all kinds of backgrounds and have access to various programmes including vocational and recreational (leisure related) activities through us. We work in partnership with various organisations including Outlook South West, the NHS, JobCentre Plus and Connexions. We also work closely with other mental health charities such as Mind and Rethink. We accept self referrals from individuals as well as those from professionals such as GPs, Jobcentre Plus and many other organisations. ©Crown

Contact information: Pentreath Ltd, St Enoder Barns, Glebe Farm, Narrow Lane, Summercourt, Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 5EE Tel: 01726 862727 | info@pentreath.co.uk www.pentreath.co.uk

Alzheimer’s Society Singing for the Brain launched in Cornwall by Alzheimer’s Society

Alzheimer’s Society for Cornwall have launched ‘Singing for the Brain’ groups which are designed to be a fun, stimulating and social activity for people in the early to moderate stages of dementia and their carers. Sessions are led by a trained ‘Singing for the Brain’ leader and involve a wide variety of music including familiar favourites as well as simple songs that may enable harmonies and rounds, with participants joining as much or as little as they wish. How can the session help? »» People with dementia who have language and communication difficulties may find that well known songs can evoke verbal and emotional memories. New songs can help to challenge and extend skills. »» Music helps to create environments in which people with dementia can express positive feelings and emotions. »» Singing helps to stimulate more conscious breathing and combined with hand percussion and actions gives opportunities for gentle exercise. »» Families and carers can strengthen existing relationships and build new friendships, share experiences and find support and inclusion. The Penzance singing group runs every Monday from 2pm – 4pm and takes place at The One Stop Shop, Cornwall Council, Committee Room 1, St Claire, Penzance, TR18 3QW The Truro singing group runs every Tueday from 2pm- 4pm and takes place at All Saints Church, Highertown, Truro If you would like to book a place, please call 01872 277963.


Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting around 465,000 people in the UK. The term ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms which can include loss of memory, mood changes, and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain diseases and conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease Services offered in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly: »» Camborne, Redruth & Saltash Memory Cafe’s each provide an opportunity for people with dementia or memory problems and for those who care for someone with memory problems or dementia to drop in for a chat and a coffee. Also offer information, advice and social activities. »» Information Line- Provision of support and information to people affected by dementia and their carers. »» Cornwall Telephone Befriending Service aims to improve quality of life for people with dementia, carers, families and friends by supporting them to manage at home for as long as possible. This may be by providing information, sign posting to other organisations or offering telephone befriending support. The service is run by dedicated, trained volunteers. »» Dementia Support Workers- For people who require further information and/or support. A dementia support worker can provide home visits. »» Singing for the Brain Penzance & Truro, Singing groups for people with dementia and their carers held weekly on a Monday in Penzance and on a Tuesday in Truro. Contact Information: Woodbine Farm Business Centre, Truro Business Park, Threemilestone, Truro, TR3 6BW Helpline: 0845 300 0336 | enquiries@alzheimers.org.uk www.alzheimers.org.uk

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Mental Health

Cornwall Eating Disorders Service Eating disorders are a mental health illness associated with high mortality; they can affect women and men of all ages. They are often more about feelings and emotions than they are about food. Cornwall Eating Disorders Service offers a comprehensive range of treatment and support for individuals of all ages who have a clinical diagnosis of an eating disorder. We are community based and work closely with patients, carers, local health services and other agencies, such as; Child and Family Services, GP’s, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) and inpatient facilities where relevant. We access a specialist inpatient unit in Exeter; the Haldon unit and occasionally use the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro for patients who are at serious physical risk. Initial referral to the service is by a GP to the local CMHT or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).

Contact Information Cornwall Eating Disorders Service, Truro Health Park, Infirmary Hill, Truro, TR1 2JA Tel: 01872 354340 | Fax: 01872 354339 Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm Anyone who needs urgent support outside of these hours should contact out of hours mental health services via Bodmin Hospital switchboard on 01208 251300. ©Crown Copyright

Informative & Supportive Websites: www.b-eat.co.uk www.bodywhys.ie www.i-eat.org.uk

www.caraline.com www.disordered-eating.co.uk www.something-fishy.org/

More Choice In Mental Health For the first time, people who use mental health services will get more choice about where and how they get their condition treated in the NHS. This is a part of a number of measures put forward by the Department of Health to give more patients more involvement, greater control and choice over their care. Currently people who need mental health services are not able to make the same choices about their care and treatment as those who use other health services. But the response to the No Decision About Me, Without Me consultation outlines how they will are able to choose from any provider in England when they are referred for treatment from April 2014. The Government’s Mandate to the NHS Commissioning Board makes clear the commitment to giving mental health equal importance with physical health, in all relevant aspects of the NHS. Giving people more choice over who provides their mental health care is a step towards this. Care Minister Norman Lamb said: “If any group of patients could benefit from being empowered by taking control of their own care, it is people with mental illness. Today’s announcement is a further step to make sure they have more choice, more control and more information about their care. “We’ve made it clear in the past that their can be no health without mental health, and that we expect the NHS to place as much emphasis on people’s mental health as on their physical health needs. By giving patients more choice in their care, we are making sure they get the right type of high quality mental health care at the right time, which suits them and their needs.” Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, the mental health charity, said: “We welcome today’s announcement that people with mental health problems will be given the same right to choose who provides their care as those with physical health problems. This is a real step forward in making the Government’s commitment to giving mental health parity of esteem with physical health in the NHS a reality. “Many people tell Mind that too often they feel they aren’t listened to or respected by their mental health professional, so allowing people to choose their consultant should improve quality of care. However, we know that choice over the type of treatment you receive and involvement in joint

care planning are also critical to a person’s recovery, so we need to see these become common practice to improve people’s experience of care. “We are pleased to see the Government has pledged to look at access standards for mental health, acknowledging that people are still waiting far too long for essential mental health treatments. We look forward to working with the Government to address this.” Today’s announcement also outlines more steps to inform patients about the choices they have in their health care, including: Individual care plans – which will act as a written agreement between patients and their GP on what decisions were made about their care. Patients will be able to hold their doctor to account if they don’t receive the care they agreed to. Introduction of a Choice Framework – which will set out simply for patients the different choices they have around their care, including choosing GP practice, choosing where to go for your first appointment as an outpatient and a choice of consultant who will be in charge of their treatment A digital map showing the community services where there will be a choice of provider locally, and a list of organisations that have qualified to provide these services to date. The map shows the community and mental health services that have been selected to extend choice following local engagement with patients and doctors, having met rigorous standards. Health Minister Lord Howe said: “Giving patients more choice and more control in their healthcare is an essential part of the Government’s work to put the NHS on the side of patients. “No two people are the same, which is why our plans offer patients more personalised care, ensuring that no decision about me is made without me. I would like to thank the people who took part in the consultation, to help us build a strong set of proposals to give more involvement and more choice to patients.” ©Crown Copyright

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details



Disabilities Information about Disability in Cornwall and listings are provided for wheelchair and equipment provision. For physical disabilities in care homes please see our care homes section page 26.

Enable in Cornwall Enable in Cornwall is a registered charity that works with people aged 16 and above who have a physical disability and/or sensory impairment and live in Cornwall. The organisation offers free information, advice, guidance and support to assist clients in overcoming barriers they may face in accessing training, education, voluntary work or paid employment. Moreover, the organization devotes the time and resources necessary to empower disabled citizens to assume active and purposeful roles in their communities. Thus, Enable is part of a vision that is committed to the transformation of Adult Social Care so that the phrase “putting people first” can become a reality. Enable in Cornwall Ltd is an organisation with a mission. We freely facilitate people who are disabled by their environment to gain more power and control over their lives. Thus self-help is enabled through clients identifying their own goals and deciding what support they need to gain employment, undertake a voluntary activity or attend a training course/educational programme. Our project is managed by a Board of Directors, of which a majority are disabled people. This is of fundamental importance to our work, as we believe that only disabled people can fully understand the barriers that disabled people face when trying to access training and work. Thus, today, Enable in Cornwall Ltd offers information, advice, guidance and support to people aged 16 and above who have a physical disability and/or sensory impairment and live in Cornwall. »» We offer a free service, to which people can self-refer or be referred by other organisations. »» Some clients are disabled from birth while others have suffered accidents or strokes in later life that have forced life changing circumstances on individuals and their family’s »» Each client has an advisor who develops a relationship that is suited to the needs and aspirations of the disabled person. »» Advisors visit clients in their own homes, an informal discussion then takes place as to what they would like to achieve and an action plan is completed. »» Advisors research the available options, addressing issues like transport and funding where necessary. »» Assistance is available, if required, in compiling a CV. »» Job searches are undertaken by Advisors to ensure that no opportunities are overlooked. »» If required Advisors will accompany clients to interviews or support them during their first day at training courses to help with the paperwork etc. When clients have been placed in work or training the staff at Enable continue to keep in regular contact until clients decide that they no longer need support. Therefore, the organisation provides a


comprehensive service that is geared to the priorities of individuals with the intent of making permanent and positive changes to their lives. In this scenario Enable takes a person centred approach that recognises the benefit of individual autonomy, thus, advisors consciously looks to boost clients’ confidence and self-esteem. This strategy can transform lives with disabled people, who may have rarely left their homes, becoming active members of their local communities. If you would like more information about Enable in Cornwall please either telephone us on (01208) 77711 or email us at enableincornwall@aol.com. You may also find it useful to check out our website: www.enableincornwall.co.uk and we are also on Facebook, just type in “Enable in Cornwall Ltd” in the Search box and please click “like”!


Accessible toilets RADAR is a national network of disability organisations and disabled people. We represent our members by fasttracking your opinions and concerns to policy-makers and legislators in Westminster and Whitehall, and launching our own campaigns to promote equality for all disabled people. Are All The Public Toilets On Your RADAR? For a list of all the RADAR toilets in your area, please see the section on the Cornish Links website: www.cornishlinks.co.uk/disabled.htm RADAR KEYS available from Tourist Information centres (or NCD Council offices) price £3

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Wheelchair Provision

(For Shopmobility listings please see page 75 for more details) British Red Cross Truro,

01872 272 878

Cornwall Mobility Centre, Truro,

01872 254920

Horizon Mobility Ltd, Penryn,

0870 458 1500

H.S.C Mobility, Hayle, www.hsc-mobility.co.uk

01736 755927

Launceston Mobility, Launceston, www.launcestonmobility.co.uk

01566 774030

Mobility Scooters, Portreath,

01209 842700

Pro Mobility Ltd, Helston, www.promobility.co.uk

01326 569494

St John Ambulance

01726 815 967

Tremorvah Industries, Truro, www.tremorvah.co.uk

01872 324340

at no extra cost to carehomes, residential & private homes with a selection of comfortable shoes and slippers.

quality shoes, sandals & slippers extra - wide fittings no obligation or extra cost no high street hassle when comfort comes first. we deliver

Hearing problems There are a number of organisations providing specialist services to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Cornwall Council Adult Care and Support can also provide services and advice on equipment to help people with hearing difficulties. Hearing Loss Cornwall, 3 Walsingham Place, Truro, Cornwall , TR1 2RP www.hearinglosscornwall.org Textphone 01872 263 664

We come to you!

Covering all of Cornwall

01326 317921


01872 225 868

Holifield Farm Project Holifield Farm Project is a day care facility for adults with special needs and learning disabilities. Here trainees can safely experience life and work on an organic farm and a friendly community project. We are committed to giving trainees the opportunity to develop life skills and to reach their full potential as valued individuals. We agree an individual and varied programme of activities with each trainee that meets their needs.

Book your FREE taster day!

Holifield Farm, Gweek, Helston, Cornwall TR12 6UJ Tel: 01326 221017 holifieldfarmproject@yahoo.co.uk


Accessible Britain Packed with 180 inspiring days out, all reviewed by an enthusiastic and dedicated team of disabled visitors, the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain is an invaluable travel guide for anyone with accessibility needs. New for 2010 are the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain Awards. Comprising 5 categories, including Best Family Venue and Readers’ Choice Venue, they showcase the exceptional attractions that make a day out as easy and enjoyable as it should be. Highlights of the new edition of the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain include: »» Over 180 attractions and ideas for days out covered, including festivals, markets, bars, restaurants, sports arenas and events that are disability friendly. »» Reader Reviews by readers of the first edition of the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain. »» Things Not To Miss section highlighting the top five attractions in categories such as free, heritage, hidden, families and outdoors. »» Listings of useful organisations to make getting out and about even easier. The book is FREE to Blue Badge holders by calling 0800 953 7070 or visiting www.accessibleguide.co.uk – not available in the shops. Produced in association with Motability.

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Day & Respite Care Caring for someone at home can feel like having a full time job, it is natural that you need to take a break. This section gives information about where to find this sort of help & support.

Day Services Day Services offer help and support to older people and to people with disabilities. They offer social contact and stimulating activities for people who are finding difficulty living at home. Day care also enables carers to have a break from their caring. Centres are run by local authorities, the NHS, voluntary organisations and commercial businesses such as care homes (see page 13). Day Services offer care for adults with physical and/or learning disabilities and people recovering from mental illness. Day Services aim to give them the skills they need to live as independently as possible. Most are run by the Adult Services department and are for people who have been assessed as needing this kind of help.

Respite Care When you are taking care of somebody you also need to think about caring for yourself. Depending on the type and intensity of care needed, your own health and well-being can be compromised by looking after someone else. In most jobs you get paid holidays - you should try to take some time off from caring too! You can get some respite from your caring role in a number of different ways: 1. Residential respite: The Person you care for goes away to be looked after by someone else for a while – residential or nursing care or on holiday. 2. Domiciliary care: Someone comes into your home and takes over care for a while (a few hours or sometimes overnight) so you can go out or have some time to yourself. 3. You can sometimes get a break when the person you care for is involved in other activities – for instance at school, at a Day Centre. Assessment of needs by the Local Authority The first step is usually to approach the local authority to ask for an assessment for the person you care for – and for you as his/her carer. The Local Authority social worker doing the assessments will consider the needs of the person you care for, and your needs as their carer, and consider what services they may be able to provide (bearing in mind local priorities and availability of services). They will also do a Financial assessment under their Charging Policy which means that you (or – more usually – the person you care for) may be charged for the services according to means. © The Princess Royal Trust for Carers

Gold Standard Dementia Services Our services include : • Personalised Day Care • Activity Club Days • Carer Respite Days • Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Sessions People with memory loss benefit from being part of a family group, hence Reflections deliver their services in “family homes”. From its centre in Redruth, the beautiful grade 2 listed house known as Parkhehnver, Reflections provides day care services for people living with dementia of all ages and at most stages of the dementia journey. The activities and therapies we provide have been proven to help people live well for longer and it is important that people reach us as early as possible from diagnosis. There are charges for most of our services but there may be help available from the council for people who have little finances and meet their assessment criteria. People who are able to pay privately can call us anytime to have a look around. Some of our therapy groups are free of charge for people newly diagnosed with dementia.

Tel: 01209 215790 | 01209 218004 | Web: www.reflectionsouthwest.com | Email: enquiries@reflectionsouthwest.com Reflections are a Community Interest Company (Non-Profit) and are part of LiveLife Care Ltd which is registered with the Care Quality Commission.


Reflections SW CIC,Parkhenver, West End, Redruth, TR15 3AA

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Day Care & Respite

Day & Respite Centres Learning Disability

Day Care


Physical Disability

Sensory Impairment

Outdoor Activity


Old Age

Mental Health

Respite Care

These listings include Day Care and Respite Centres throughout Cornwall. Some home care agencies (see page 40) and care homes (page 26) also provide these services. WEST CORNWALL


Age Concern

Age Concern Dayclub

Penzance TR19 7LJ 01736 788265 St. Ives TR26 2DY 01736 798182

Fowey 01872 266388 Newquay 01637 876150 St Austell 01872 266388 Truro 01872 279279

Boundervean Day Centre Camborne TR14 7QE 01209 613006

Carleen Community Church Care Centre Helston TR13 9NP 01736 763604

Cornwall Care Ltd Penzance 01736 330638

Drym Valley Centre Camborne TR14 0NU 01736 850707

Duchy College - West Cornwall Centre Camborne TR14 0AB 01209 722100

Frank Johns Centre Hayle 01736 754 545

Holifield Farm Project (see advert on page 65) Gweek TR12 6UL 01326 221017

John Daniel Centre

Anchor Project Falmouth TR11 3PT 01326 315822

Blantyre Centre St Austell 01726 7258

Fountain House Day Resource Centre St Austell PL25 4SZ 01726 76299

Gables Day Care Activity Centre Truro TR4 9QD 01872 571030

Lowena Hostel Truro TR1 1JX 01872 270 013

Mountford Truro TR1 3TB 01872 274097

Roswyth Mental Health Centre

Penzance 01736 368 531

Newquay TR7 1BA 01637 873122

Kehelland Horticultural Centre

Stepping Stones

Camborne TR14 0DD 01209 718975

Tregarne Hostel

Murdoch & Trevithick

St Austell PL25 5QE 01726 724 29

Redruth 01209 218139

Tremorvah Industries


Threemilestone 01872 324 340

Truro TR1 3JG 01872 241783

Bude 01288 356235

Pengarth Day Centre Penzance TR18 4DA 01736 350337

Reflections (see advert left)


Age Concern

St. Day 01209 822300

Bodmin 01726 822646 Launceston 01566 880066

Richmond House


Penzance TR18 2AB 01736 350752

St Mary’s Haven Day Care Centre Penzance TR18 2DH 01736 367342

Bodmin PL31 2AE 01208 72713

Bude Mental Health Resource Centre

Caradon Mental Health Resource Centre Liskeard PL14 4EJ 01579 347651

Carol Spinks Homecare Saltash PL12 6JL 01752 844832

Echo Centre Liskeard PL14 6AY 01579 347 836

Eldfordleigh Resource Service Launceston PL15 8HW 01566 761155

Launceston Day Centre Launceston PL15 8EX 01566 776422

Morley Tamblyn Lodge Liskeard 01579 345 858

Priory Centre Bodmin PL31 2BT 01208 73623

Torcare Ltd Torpoint PL11 2BW 01752 813677

Trelil Court Day Resource Centre Bodmin PL31 2JW 01208 76899

Wadebridge Concern for the Aged Wadebridge PL27 7BX 01208 812392

Westgate Centre Launceston PL15 7AE 01566 777344

For further information about accessing services or assessment of needs from the local authority see page 6 For Adult Care and Support or PALS see page 14 Alternatively call the single access number 0300 1234 131

Bude EX23 8DW 01288 355695

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Advocacy Advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain services they need. Advocates and advocacy schemes work in partnership with the people they support and take their side. Advocacy promotes social inclusion, equality and social justice. (Action for Advocacy)

Advocacy can help people become more aware of their own rights, to exercise those rights and be involved in and influence decisions that are being made about their future. Crucially advocacy can empower people to speak up for themselves. Independent or impartial? People feel more able to speak to someone who does not have any control over their care or access to services. This makes it important that advocates are independent of those services. Advocates are not impartial. They are there to express their client’s wishes as if they were their own. An advocate’s first duty is to support their client. It is important those advocates stay, and are seen to be, independent of those services.

Clarity Of Purpose The advocacy scheme will have clearly stated aims and objectives and be able to demonstrate how it meets the principles contained in this Charter. Advocacy schemes will ensure that people they advocate for, service providers and funding agencies have information on the scope and limitations of the schemes’ role.

Putting People First The advocacy scheme will ensure that the wishes and interests of the people they advocate for direct advocates’ work. Advocates should be non-judgmental and respectful of peoples’ needs, views and experiences. Advocates will ensure that information concerning the people they advocate for is shared with these individuals.

Empowerment The advocacy scheme will support self-advocacy and empowerment through its work. People who use the scheme should have a say in the level of involvement and style of advocacy support they want. Schemes will ensure that people who want to, can influence and be involved in the running and management of the scheme.

Accountability The advocacy scheme will have in place systems for the effective monitoring and evaluation of its work. All those who use the scheme will have a named advocate and a means of contacting them.

Accessibility Advocacy will be provided free of charge to eligible people. The advocacy scheme will aim to ensure that its premises, policies, procedures and publicity materials promote access for the whole community.

Confidentiality The advocacy scheme will have a written policy on confidentiality, stating that information known about a person using the scheme is confidential to the scheme and any circumstances under which confidentiality might be breached. The advocacy scheme will be structurally independent from statutory organisations and preferably from all service provider agencies. The advocacy scheme will be as free from conflict of interest as possible both in design and operation, and actively seek to reduce conflicting interests.

Supporting Advocates The advocacy scheme will ensure advocates are prepared, trained and supported in their role and provided with opportunities to develop their skills and experience.

Complaints The advocacy scheme will have a written policy describing how to make complaints or give feedback about the scheme or about individual advocates. Where necessary, the scheme will enable people who use its services to access external independent support to make or pursue a complaint. Editorial from: The Advocacy Charter. Developed in 2002 by Advocacy Across London (AAL). An accessable leaflet is available from the publication section of Action for Advocacy’s website: www.actionforadvocacy.org.uk/

Equal Opportunity The advocacy scheme will have a written equal opportunities policy that recognises the need to be proactive in tackling all forms of inequality, discrimination and social exclusion. The scheme will have in place systems for the fair and equitable allocation of advocates’ time.


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


OPAAL DVD - Voices for Older People’s Advocacy

Counsel + Care Counsel and Care is the national charity working with older people, their families and carers to get the best care and support. The Elderly Invalids Fund, as it was then known, was established in 1954 by Bob and Joceline Graham in response to the poor levels of care experienced by many frail older people. Today, with an ageing population where 3 out of 5 people aged 65 and over will need care, Counsel and Care is needed more than ever.

Advice and information > Counsel and Care’s independent, dedicated and sympathetic Advice Service offers information and support to around 250,000 older people, their families and carers a year. We can advise on a range of community care issues, including finding and paying for care, welfare benefits, and hospital discharge.

Policy Influencing and Campaigning > The Policy and Communications Team at Counsel and Care works to influence government, the media and other stakeholders to get the best care and support for older people. Older people’s concerns and experiences reported to our advice service inform our campaigning work. Our independence means that we are able to campaign and lobby on more controversial issues.

OPAAL UK has launched a DVD called Voices for Older Peoples Advocacy. The DVD can be used to: »» Introduce advocacy to older people who know nothing about it, including those who are considering whether an advocate could benefit them »» Introduce advocacy to people who are considering training as citizen advocates themselves »» To provide information to groups for example, with a group of social work students, a tenants association, or a neighbourhood planning group where there is a good opportunity to promote independent advocacy. OPAAL UK are keen to ensure a wide audience for this work so do not make a charge for the DVD. However as they are hoping to further their Multi-Media work with older people they would welcome donations. Postage and packing costs £1.50 for one DVD. If you require multiple copies please contact the administrator Jo Swinswood at jo@bjf.org.uk to obtain the correct price to meet your request. Tel: 01782 844036.

Fundraising > Counsel and Care relies entirely on the generosity of the public for income, as we receive very little statutory funding. Without your generous donations and legacies we would be unable to continue our valuable work. You can help ensure that no older person has to live in poverty, social isolation and difficulty by supporting Counsel and Care with a donation or remembering us in your will.

Working in Partnership > Counsel and Care’s expert advice and information service can partner with other organisations including local authorities, healthcare providers, housing associations and employers to help them meet the care and support needs of residents, patients, tenants and employees. Advice Line: 0845 300 7585

Action For Advocacy

aa 4


Since its launch in 2002, advocacy organisations from across the country have adopted the Advocacy Charter. In total over 75 organisations contributed to its development and many more advocacy organisations use it regularly as a tool to focus on key advocacy issues and guide their work. Developed as a set of core principles for advocacy, the Charter is designed: »» To inform advocacy practice and training »» To raise awareness of the value of Advocacy »» As a tool for negotiating with funding and commissioning bodies »» As a quality assurance mechanism To receive more information access us at: Tel: 020 7820 7868 Email: info@actionforadvocacy.org.uk Web: www.actionforadvocacy.org.uk

The CareAware Advocacy Service provides a ‘one stop’ facility to answer all of your care funding questions. The Advocacy service can provide information, advice and guidance on: »» Understanding social services assessment procedures »» Sourcing appropriate home care services and support »» Finding and selecting a suitable care home »» Establishing entitlement to state benefits »» Maximising support from the local authority »» Paying care fees, protecting assets »» Ensuring your wishes are respected and using Enduring/Lasting Power of Attorney or equivalent Tel: 0161 707 1107  |  www.careaware.co.uk

In response to demand, four of the UK’s leading advice services have come together to launch the first ever joined up advisory service to provide through a single telephone number and website, a free, independent and good quality advice and information service about housing and care options for older people, their families and carers.

for advocacy

FirstStop provided jointly by Help the Aged, Elderly Accommodation Counsel, Counsel and Care and NHFA Care Fees Advice will be able to deliver advice and information in the areas which most older people will need advice about: Money and benefits, Care in any setting, from your own home to a care home, Housing options from adapting your own home or choosing retirement housing to care homes. 0800 377 7070 | www.firststopcareadvice.org.uk

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Advocacy Listings for Cornwall

Eating Disorders Group

Newquay 01637 873122

Enable in Cornwall Ltd. Anchor Project

Falmouth 01326 315822 Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Special Needs

Bodmin Share 01208 79252 Young people Breast Cancer Care

Truro 0500 241952 Drugs & Alcohol

01872 571496 Counselling and Support

01326 315822

Camborne Live at Home Scheme

Camborne 01209 719062 Befriending, coffee morning, outings, advocacy, activities groups

Carer’s Break Service - Carer’s Support Worker Project Camborne 01209 614767 Mental Health

Hear Our Voice

Truro 01872 261989 11 - 25 year olds experiencing, or at risk of mental health difficulties

Hearing Loss Cornwall Truro

01872 225868

Huntington’s Disease Ass. Camelford 01840 213004 Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support Group Truro 01872 277114

Carer’s Link

Torpoint 01752 812743 Carers of physically, mentally or emotionally disturbed

Carers Rights Truro 01872

274586 Advocacy for Carers of People with Learning Disability

Carrick care and Repair

Truro 01872 260777 Elderly persons housing repair and adaptations

Citizens Advice Bureau’s

Freshfield Service

G.A.I.N. (Gain Acceptance In Nurturing)

01736 731940

Breathe Easy Cornwall Falmouth

Bodmin 01208 77711 Aged 16 - 64 with physical disability

See page 85

Connexions Cornwall and Devon

Kerrier District Council Housing Advice Centre Redruth 01209 614240 / 614180

Lizard Pathways Plus Helston

01326 241644

Work and Employment

Marie Curie Cancer Care

01872 260500 Provides a free independent advocacy service

Multiple Sclerosis Society

Truro 01872 274911

Truro 0800 9755111 Information, advice and support to all 13 to 19 year olds

Over Eaters Anonymous

Cornwall Advocacy

OPAAL (Older People’s Advocacy Alliance)

01872 242478 Provides a free independent advocacy service

Cornwall Blind Association

01782 844036

Truro 01872 261110

Cornwall Centre for Volunteers

Liskeard 01579 344818

Cornwall Dyslexia Ass. Perranporth 01872 274827 Cornwall Dysphasia Support Penryn

01326 259848

The Stroke Association

Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) see page 14 Penwith and Kerrier Mind Befriending Scheme 01209 714550 Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Special Needs

Relate Cornwall

St Austell 01726 74128 Individuals and couple counselling


Cornwall Mental Health Forum Cornwall People First

01736 757798

Truro 01872 261037

St Austell / Bodmin / Camborne / Penzance 0800 181 033 Young People’s Advice, Information & Support



Penryn 01326 372444 Adults over 16 with physical, emotional and/or psychiatric disabilities.

Cornwall Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre 01872 262100

Self Direction Community Project

01736 334857 / 01579 324150

Cornwall Support Group, National Osteoporosis Society Penryn 01326 375615 Cornwall Women’s Refuge Trust 01872 225629 Rape, Abuse and Violence

Cornwall Works

http://www.selfdirection.org Advice and information for anyone who is homeless or has a housing related problem

Special Parenting Service

01209 881845 Serves Parents with learning disabilities

The Salvation Army 01872 225734

01872 355015 Work and Employment

Coverack Christmas Tree Committee

Signposting, Listening ear, Spiritual Support

Victim Support Cornwall

Helston 01872 242478 Children and Young People

Redruth 0845 0567999 Serve ‘Disadvantaged’ Adult Learners

DIAL Cornwall (Disability Information Advice Line)

Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre Bodmin

Penzance 01736 757500 Disability information see page 64

01208 77099 / 01208 79992

YMCA Cornwall Ltd.

DiVA (Domestic Violence & Abuse) Hayle 01736 759687

Penzance 01736 365016 Housing and Accommodation aged 16-25 years

Devon & Cornwall Lupus Group



01803 203318

Truro 01872 263 860 - Support for people between 11-21 for sexuality, bullying, racism, & more

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Safeguarding Adults


Say no to abuse Protecting vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Sexual Abuse

Financial Abuse Neglect Discrimination

Adult Care and Support Large print as standard Tel: 0300 1234 131

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Motability Telephone: 0845 456 4566 (8.30am till 5.30pm Monday to Friday)

Website: www.motability.co.uk

Motability, a national charity (registered charity no: 299745), has overall responsibility for the Motability Scheme: »» »»



We direct and oversee the Scheme. We raise funds to provide financial help to Scheme customers who would otherwise be unable to afford the type of car and any adaptations that they need. We administer the Government's Specialised Vehicles Fund which provides financial assistance for customers who need to travel in their wheelchairs. We provide technical support to customers and the adaptation and conversion industry.

The Motability Car Scheme is administered on a contract basis by Motability Operations, a not-for-profit private company owned by the major banks. The Wheelchair and Scooter Scheme is operated by Route2mobility, a limited company, under contract to Motability. The Motability Scheme enables disabled people to obtain a car, powered wheelchair or scooter simply by using their government-funded mobility allowances. Customers exchange their allowance for a worry-free mobility package, including: »» Car, powered wheelchair or scooter »» Insurance »» Servicing »» Tyres »» Breakdown cover »» Adaptations and wheelchair accessible vehicles are also available. The Scheme is open to anyone who receives one of the following benefits, and has at least 12 months’ award length remaining when they apply: »» Higher Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance »» War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement. »» Around two-thirds of our customers drive, but nondrivers can get a car as a passenger. Similarly, parents and carers can also apply on behalf of a child. Images courtesy of Motability



Over 530,000 disabled people currently use the Motability Scheme Thanks to Motability I now have and 97% of them would recommend it to their friends. A further independence 1.3 million are eligible to join but have not taken my advantage of to travel doing so, simply because they may be unawareMrs that they can. Lockyer, Hampshire 95% of our customers choose to lease a car through Motability’s Contract Hire agreement, which gives you: »» A new car of your choice every 3 years »» Insurance and personal accident cover »» Servicing and maintenance »» Full breakdown assistance from RAC »» Replacement tyres fitted by Kwik-Fit »» Window or windscreen replacement at no extra cost. Our worry-free policy continues right to the end of your threeyear lease with a seamless transfer to your new car. What’s more, you can choose from over 4,000 cars - no wonder 97% of our customers would be happy to recommend us.


Some customers may prefer to buy their own car, in which case our Hire Purchase scheme might be for you. If you choose Hire Purchase, you negotiate the actual purchase price with your Motability dealer. With Hire Purchase, you will also be responsible for organising and paying for comprehensive insurance, breakdown recovery, your car tax disc, servicing and repairs. (If you choose to buy a car with a Hire Purchase agreement, you will need to be receiving the allowance for the full length of your agreement.)

For more information call our general enquiries phone number: 0845 456 4566, or go to www.motability.co.uk

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Mazda Vospers of Liskeard/Truro

Alfa Romeo St. Erth Services


Dealerships in your area 01209 821911

Mercedes Benz / Smart Mercedes-Benz of Truro

Audi Truro Audi

01872 520801

BMW / Mini Ocean Falmouth Ltd

01326 375960

Falmouth Garages Ltd

01326 377246

Chrysler Carrs Indian Queens/Truro

01726 862360

Citroen Hawkins Motors Blackwater Trelawny Citroen Ltd Penzance P C Tonkin and Son St Austell

01872 560987 01202 893589 01726 850241

Daihatsu Claude Holman Cars Ltd Truro

01872 560561

Dodge Carrs Indian Queens

01726 862360

Fiat St Erth Services Hayle Vospers of St Austell/Poole

01736 752028 01726 874070

Ford Vospers of Penzance/Truro/St Austell/Falmouth/ Liskeard/Poole Tregoning Ford Wadebridge Flora Motors Ltd Helston

01872 226226 01208 812026 01326 563416

Honda Rowes Honda Truro

01872 279631

01326 377206

Nissan 01872 540585 01208 261111

Peugeot Hawkins Motors Ltd Penryn/Hayle/St Austell Truscotts Launceston/Helston

01726 828100 01326 573001

Proton Penwyn Garage St Austell

01726 822329

Renault Dales Newquay/Scorrier Millers Garages Falmouth R & S Motors Ltd Saltash

01202 510888 01326 373825 01752 845000

Saab Riders Saab Falmouth

01326 213399

Seat Dales Central Motors Redruth West End Motors Bodmin

01209 821144 01208 261111

Skoda Carrs Skoda Indian Queens Falmouth Garages Ltd Penryn

01726 862360 01326 377246

Sukuki Dales Central Motors Newquay

01872 511600

Parklands Newquay

01872 511262

Vauxhall 01872 560987

Jeep Carrs Truro/ Indian Queens

Hawkins Motors Penryn


Hyundai Hawkins Motors Blackwater

01872 520900


Town & Country Motor Truro West End Motors Bodmin


01872 226231

01872 520790


Ward of Truro/Helston Maynes Garage Redruth West End Motors Bodmin Evans Halshaw Saltash PC Tonkin & Son St.Austell

01872 226500 01209 215502 01208 261111 01752 848411 01726 850241


Hawkins Motors St Austell

01726 421136

Land Rover RogerYoung Saltash Riders Truro

01752 849999 01872 263377

Carrs Indian Queens Helston Garage Ltd Helston

01726 862333 01326 555666

Volvo Riders Truro

01872 326161

Please turn the page for Shopmobility listing, or for wheelchair provision please see page 75. choice: a brand new car that’s just your style!

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details We’re delighted you’re interested in the Motability Car Scheme and because Motability takes away the hassle of car ownership, you can concentrate on choosing a brand new car that suits the life you lead. Your new Motability car will be an integral part of your life for the next three


The treatment and service from [my dealer] is second to none

73 ’’

Mr Hussey, Milton Keynes

instincts. If you are less than comfortable when trying out a new vehicle, there could be a simple solution to the problem – or you may need to try a different vehicle.

Measuring Up measuring up

Some cars just don’t feel right...

Being able to compare key measurements, either between your existing car and any potential new car, orable between cars key thatmeasurements, you are considering, Being to compare either between your existing and any potential new car, can be a great help. Motability has worked withcar Ricability, an independent between cars that are considering, be a consumer research charity,orand their panel of you disabled people, tocan take great help. Motability has worked with Ricability, an over 65 measurements of our most popular cars to help you find out independent consumer research charity, and their more about car accessibility. Below are thepeople, considering new car: panel of disabled to take your over 65

That might just be because they are ‘different’ from your present car. Or it could vehicle isn’t measurements of be our that mostthe popular carsreally to help yousuited to your needs. find outignore more about accessibility. Don’t thosecar first instincts. Below If you are arethe less than comfortable top fivetrying measurements youvehicle, could use when when out a new there could be a simple solution considering your new car: to the problem - or you may need to try different vehicle. Make sure your ‘new car feeling’ is a good one. Don’t settle for a car which has inconvenience or discomfort built in!

Carrying a w heelchair: Does your wheelchair fit? Test with the wheelchair folded and the car seats upright; and with the wheelchair partially folded and the rear car seats folded down.


Entry space: Can you easily and comfortably get into the car?

Seat Height:

Head room (door):

Door opening angle:

Are the seats at the right height to reach the controls and have good all-round vision?

When your seat is in the right position, is there comfortably enough headroom for you and for any passengers?

Does the door open wide enough for you to get in, but not so wide that you can’t then close the door?

assess: start with a car you know

research and information for older and disabled people

Ricability is the trading name of the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs (RICA). We are a national research charity dedicated to providing independent information of value to disabled and older consumers. Under our trading name of Ricability, we research and publish consumer reports. They are all based on rigorous research and provide practical information needed by disabled and older consumers. As the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs we also work with manufacturers, service providers, regulators and policy makers to improve products and services. Our aim is to increase their awareness of the needs of disabled and older consumers through specialist research. Find a car -car measurement database. This car measurement database can help you draw up a shortlist of cars if you have a disability. It helps you find the car models that are easiest for you to get in and out of and stow a wheelchair or other equipment. It includes detailed measurement data on over 500 cars. New ones are added continuously. »» Car measurement database search for cars with particular dimensions e.g low sill, high seat, wide door »» List of cars measured to see all the 500 + car models and print a factsheet that has measurements and photos »» Things to look for tells you what dimensions are important »» Explanation of ratings used by Motability Mobility address list -Address information for companies and organisations that provide mobility services and products.


Car controls -This guide is for disabled and older drivers who need to adapt the controls in their car. The range of controls is now so wide that almost anyone can drive, providing they meet DVLA requirements. It will give you a starting point to think about what type of adaptation you might need and to help you explore what is possible. Getting a wheelchair into a car -This guide describes what equipment is available to help get a wheelchair into a car and transport it safely. It includes information about different types of hoists, racks and trailers. Getting in and out of a car -Whether you’re in a wheelchair, or just find it difficult to get in and out of a car, this guide can help. It starts with advice on techniques you may find useful, and then covers aids for those who need more help getting from a wheelchair and into a car. Motoring if you have a particular disability -Series of seven guides for people with particular disabilities with tips, information about adaptations and where to go for further help: Motoring after amputation, Motoring with arthritis, Motoring after brain injury, Motoring with cerebral palsy, Motoring with multiple sclerosis, Motoring after a stroke, Motoring with restricted growth.

Ricability, Unit G03, The Wenlock Business Centre, 50 - 52 Wharf Road, London, N1 7EU www.ricability.org.uk 020 7427 2460

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Motability Shopmobility is a scheme which provides electrically powered wheelchairs, scooters and manual wheelchairs to help people who have limited mobility to shop and use the facilities/amenities of the area or shopping centre.

Falmouth Shopmobility 34 Church Street, Falmouth, TR11 3EF Contact: Ruth Abraham (Day): 01326 313553 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9.30am to 4.30pm ruth@falmouth.co.uk

help: your questions answered Blue Badge Scheme The blue badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions Q. I know for that Idisabled can get in and people out of my with severe Q. Will I getmobility my advance problems payment back atwho the present car in a way that suits me. Should I end of my car lease? have difficulty public transport. You are automatically eligible get anotherusing one just like it? A. No you won’t. The advance payment covers the the amount your allowance will A.for You could do – but be manufacturers to applydo a badge if aware youthat are over two difference years between old and either: cover over the three year agreement and the overall make changes to the size and shape of models. cost of the car you choose. It’s payable in one lump Always spend some time in the dealer’s showroom »» receive the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component sum to your dealer at the start of your lease. There getting in and out of any car which interests you to sure it’s suitable. You don’t even need to involve are around 250 cars at nil advance payment on the of make the Disability Allowance Scheme. If you pay a little more up front, this choice the dealer at this stage – Living take your time and make expands to include a huge selection of makes and sure you are comfortable right from the very start. »» are registered blind models to suit all pockets. Q. I usually drive with a couple of old cushions Our small hatchback car is fine for me and »» receive a War MobilityQ.Supplement on the seat. Surely IPensioner’s don’t have to take them my son now, but how will I manage in a year or into the showroom? You may also be eligible for a badge if you two when he has a wheelchair? A. It’s a good idea to take anything which is part A. Planning for change is never easy, but now that of the way you travel and drive on a test drive. But are overideally two years old and either: you are aware of this issue, why not discuss it with your new car should suit you well enough »»

your dealer? Getting a car now with a large enough

and be able to be adjusted so that you don’t need have a permanent and sustainablebootdisability could prevent awhich problem later. extra cushions. means you cannot walk, or if walking is very difficult »» drive a motor vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms, and are unable to operate all or some types of parking meter »» 20 Ifhelp: you are a parent of a child who is less than two years old, you may your questions answered apply for a badge for your child must be accompanied by bulky medical equipment or needs to be kept near a vehicle at all times. The concessions provided under the scheme apply to on-street parking only. Badge holders may park for free and for as long as they need to at on-street parking meters and pay-and-display machines, unless there is a traffic sign specifying a time limit for holders of Blue Badges. Where a time limit is in force you must also display the special blue parking disc showing time of arrival.

Car/Road Tax Exemptions You may claim exemption from vehicle excise duty (road tax) if you’re receiving one of the following: »» The higher rate mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance »» The War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement If you’re not the driver, you can nominate someone else (a nominee) to drive the car for you. But the car must: 1. Be registered either to you or your nominee 2. Only be used for your benefit 3. Be insured for the nominee to drive If you don’t own a car, you can nominate someone else’s vehicle but it must be used only for your purposes for example shopping or getting prescriptions. Vehicle excise duty (road tax) exemption can only apply to one vehicle. Once you get your tax exemption status and once you have your tax exemption disc, you can apply for a refund for any whole months remaining on your existing tax disc at the day the DVLA gets your application.

Manual / powered wheelchairs and powered scooters are available but must be booked in advance.

Go! Newquay Newquay Disabled Club, Tolcarne Road, Newquay Contact: (Day) 01637 854020 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri. For more information or to make a booking, please call Newquay Tourist Information on 01637 854020. info@newquayshopmobility.co.uk Manual wheelchairs and powered scooters available but must be booked in advance. Parking is available within 40 meters and there is an accessible toilet facility, a charge will be made for hiring the equipment.

Go! Penzance The Light and Life Centre, Wharfside Shopping Centre, Market Jew Street, Penzance, TR18 2GB Contact: Simon Jones (Day): 01736 351792 Opening Hours: Mon - Sat: 10am - 4pm simonjones@gopenzance.com | www.gopenzance.com The scheme meets the criteria set down by the Department of Transport. Manual wheelchairs and powered scooters available, escorts are normally available, and loans can be taken for more than one day. There is parking within 40 meters and parking for blue badge holders. An accessible toilet facility is available on site and a charge will be made for the hiring of equipment.

Go! Truro Moorfield Car Park office (by entrance to Car Park), Callenick Street, Truro, TR1 2QD Contact: Emily Dunford (Day): 01872 241813, (Mobile): 07966 560371 (Fax): 01872 264264 info@gotruro.co.uk | www.gotruro.co.uk The scheme meets the criteria set down by the Department of Transport. Manual / powered wheelchairs and powered scooters are available but must be booked in advance. Parking is available within 40 meters and there is an accessible toilet facility, a charge will be made for hiring the equipment.

For DLA exemption call 0845 712 3456 For War Pensioners Scheme call 0800 1692 277 Information courtesy of www.disabledinfo.co.uk/

Visit: www.carsharecornwall.com for more info

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Sheltered Housing Sheltered Housing (Retirement Housing) in Cornwall is listed in this section. It is likely that there will be a waiting list for rents and purchasing, it is advisable to contact the preferred scheme early. Schemes and options

Sheltered housing is often called retirement housing or warden-assisted housing. There are many different types of sheltered or retirement housing schemes, both to rent and to buy. Schemes usually consist of between 15 and 60 dwellings which may be bedsits, self contained flats, bungalows or luxury apartments. Usually they are designed with older people in mind and to mobility standards, for wheelchair access for example.


Some schemes are simply housing designed to meet the needs of older people and linked to a community alarm. But the majority of schemes have a Scheme Manager (or ‘Warden’) as well as a community alarm service. There are often communal facilities such as a lounge, laundry, guest flat and garden. Meals are not normally provided but a very few schemes include a restaurant, and quite a number arrange one hot meal a day. There is usually a minimum age, often 55 or 60, but occasionally 50. Sheltered or retirement housing appeals to people who like living independently but want the reassurance of knowing that assistance is on hand if there is an emergency.


Scheme Manager (Warden) The scheme manager/warden is usually expected to: »» Get to know older people living in their scheme; giving them information on availability and access to services and encouraging them to ask for additional support from statutory and voluntary organisations when appropriate. When in the building the scheme manager will also respond to the emergency alarm. »» Manage the scheme, e.g. Looks after the maintenance of the communal areas. However, the scheme manager is employed by the management organisation and the duties vary considerably between schemes. Some have a resident manager/warden and a 24- hour service; others have visiting or part time staff. The scheme manager/warden is NOT expected to provide personal care for residents, nor to carry out tasks like shopping or cleaning. The scheme manager/warden’s salary and overheads account for a large part of the service support charges paid by both tenants and owner-occupiers.

Community alarms »» »» »» »»

Offer reassurance that help is at hand if needed By pressing a button on a pendant or pulling a cord, a message is relayed to a monitoring centre, staffed 24 hours a day If help is needed the centre will alert relatives or friends, or contact your doctor or the emergency services. Alarm Systems are often used to provide assistance when the scheme manager/warden is not on duty or not in the scheme.

Is It Right For You? There are some important issues to consider when deciding whether sheltered or retirement housing is right for you. These included: »» if you need additional support or services, is it possible to organise them in your current home?


»» »»

how do you feel about moving into smaller accommodation, the possibility of having to buy smaller furniture, getting rid of possessions and the loss of a private garden? how do you feel about living in accommodation exclusively occupied by older people? if you are considering moving to a new area, are you moving away from friends, family and surroundings you know well? although you will want to discuss this with loved ones, make sure the final decision is yours. Moving to please someone else is not a good idea.

Choosing a scheme Once you have decided to move to sheltered/retirement housing, you will need to consider which features are important to you. It is advised to visit several schemes and meet the scheme manager/warden and other residents. You may want to consider: location, local facilities and transport, communal facilities, whether pets are allowed, design and accessibility of the building, noise, security, whether there is a residents/ tenants association, cost of rent/service/support charge, whether the cooker and fridge is provided, what kind of heating system is there and how it is controlled and what will happen if you become frail and need help with domestic tasks and personal care.

Finding a scheme Phone EAC’s free Advice Line on 020 7820 1343, search directly on-line at www.housingcare.org or email at enquiries@eac.org.uk

Renting Most housing for rent is provided by local councils or nonprofit making housing associations (often called Registered Social Landlords or RSL’s). Local councils and RSL’s generally aim to offer their housing to people in the greatest housing need, at rents which are affordable - perhaps with the help of housing benefits. The criteria that applicants are generally expected to show include: »» Some degree of housing need because of the physical condition of their present home; »» Medical and/or social reasons for wanting to move, e.g. poor health, disabilities, loneliness, fear or isolation from friends & family; »» That they are not easily able, for whatever reason, to buy rather than rent; »» That (if they are not local already) they have good reason for wanting to move to the area they apply for. In most parts of the country, councils and RSL’s receive applications from more people than they can assist. The cost of renting will be made up of a rent plus service, a charge to cover the services provided. Service charges in the majority of ordinary sheltered or retirement schemes is in the range of £20 to £40 a week. People wanting to

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Buying You may also consider purchasing property. Prices and types of property vary enormously. A small second-hand flat may be found for under £70,000 in parts of the country. Brand new properties cost more. Luxurious homes on sites with every amenity - swimming

pools, golf courses and restaurants - can cost well into six figures. Service charges are likely to apply as will ground rent which could vary from £50 per year to £300. Optional home care and meal services will normally be charged for separately if they are privately provided. Information Sourced from the Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC). Visit www.housingcare.org or call 020 7820 1343.

Companies offering sheltered housing for rent Abbeyfield Camborne Society Ltd

Council of The Isles of Scilly

TR14 7QE  Tel: 01209 713 456

Housing Department, Town Hall, St Marys, Isles of Scilly TR21 0JL Tel: 01720 422 537

Abbeyfield Saltash Society Ltd PL12 6DY  Tel: 01752 845 413

Abbeyfield Scott House Falmouth, TR11 5ER Contact: Valerie Odling, on 01326 250 796

Devon & Cornwall Housing Association 5 Heathlands Business Park, Heathlands Road, Liskeard, PL14 4DH Tel: 0300 123 8080

Devon & Cornwall Leasehold Solutions Kenwyn Street, Truro,

Abbeyfield SouthWest

Cornwall TR1 3BA Tel: 01872 260 621

Area Housing Manager Tel: 07733 890 200

Earle’s Retreat 7 Kimberley Place, Falmouth, TR11 3QL Tel: 01326 318 143

Abbeyfield Torpoint Society Ltd PL11 2LG Tel: 01752 813 713

Liskeard Society

Girlings Retirement Options Glanville House, Frobisher Way, Taunton, Somerset TA2 6BB Freephone: 0800 525 184

PL14 1DW  Tel: 01579 346 569

Anchor Trust Milestone Place, 100 Bolton Road, Bradford BD1 4DH Tel: 08457 75 85 95

Calstock Wesley Housing Association Ltd 4 Wesley Flats, Harewood Road, Calstock, PL18 9QN Tel: 01822 834 619

Caradon District Council

Guinness Care and Support Ltd Estune Business Park, Wild Country Lane, Lond Ashton, Bristol BS41 9AF Tel: 01275 395 300

Hanover Housing Association Gateway House, Cornbrash Park, Bumpers Way, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 6RA Tel: 0800 280 2575

Hanover Property Management

Municipal & Owen Newton Farm Partnership, Sclerder Lane, Talland, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2JD Tel: 01503 272 391/044/395

Ocean Housing, Dowrglann, Stennack Road, Holmbush, St Austell, PL25 3SW Tel: 01726 874 450

One Cornwall, Housing & Environmental Services Dept. Trevanion Road, Wadebridge, PL27 7NU Tel: 0300 1234 161

Osprey Management, 112 Mill Plat, Old Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 6BZ Tel: (020) 8569 8364

Penwith Housing Association Ltd, 67 Morrab Road, Penzance, TR18 3QT Tel: 01736 331 799

Peverel Retirement, 12 Centre Court, Vine Lane, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 3EB Tel: 0845 450 1809

Retirement Villages Ltd, 28 Church St, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4QB Tel: 01372 731 888

Luxstowe House, Liskeard, PL14 3DZ Tel: 0300 1234 100

Nelson House, Alington Road, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 6RE Tel: 0800 280 2575

Sanctuary Shaftesbury Estuary House,

Carrick District Council, Carrick Housing Ltd Carrick

Henry Poad Trust Fuschia Cottage,

Sarsen Housing Association,

5 The Rodings, Menlot, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 3SS Tel: 01579 346 419

Sarsen Court, Horton Avenue, Canning Hill, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 2AZ Tel: 01380 720 027

House, Pydar Street, Truro, TR1 1EB Tel: 0800 138 5552

Church of England Soldiers’ Sailors’ & Airmen’s Clubs 1 Shakespeare Terrace, 126 High Street, Portsmouth PO1 2RH Tel: 023 9282 9319

Coastline Housing Ltd Ferris House, Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne, TR14 8SD Tel: 08082 027 728

Housing 21 The Triangle ,Baring Road Beckensfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2NA Tel: 0370 192 4000

Peninsula Park, Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon EX2 7XE Tel: 0800 131 3348/ 0300 123 3511

Sovereign Housing Association,

Johnson Cooper Limited Phoenix

Unit 2, Orchard Court, Heron Road, Sowton industrial Estate, Exeter, Devon EX2 7LL Tel: 0845 712 5577

House, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon, Essex SS14 3EZ Tel: 0845 002 4444

Westcountry Housing Association Ltd,

MHA, Lyon Court Walsworth Road,

Hatfield House, Hatfield Road, Torquay, Devon TQ1 3HF Tel: 01803 200 300

Hitchin, Herts SG4 9SX Tel: 0113 271 5805

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Sheltered Housing

rent sheltered housing and who have a low income should contact local authority to check their eligibility for housing benefit.

What is Extra Care Housing? If you feel you need more support than sheltered housing but do not want to go into a care home, there are other options available to you. Below is a list of existing terminology in use for Housing with Care. Note: ‘Housing’ means a self contained home with its own front door and a legal right to occupy the property.

The term ‘extra care’ housing is used to describe developments that comprise self-contained homes with design features and support services available to enable self- care and independent living. Extra care housing is popular with people whose disabilities, frailty or health needs make ordinary housing unsuitable but who do not need or want to move to long term care (residential or nursing homes).

Integrated Care and Housing (ICH)

Although older people make up the majority of users of extra care, people with disabilities that are not age related are increasingly making use of this type of housing. Extra care provision comes in a huge variety of forms and may be described in different ways, for example ‘very sheltered housing’, ‘housing with care’, ‘retirement communities’ or ‘villages’.


Used in the private sector, refers primarily to the size of a development (say above 100 housing units) offering a variety of housing types and communal facilities, but not necessarily meals or personal care services.


Used in the voluntary and public sector to refer to a large developments offering a variety of housing types, communal facilities, meals and personal care services.

Extra care housing is expanding and is now offered by local authorities, housing associations and private providers. Occupants of extra care may be owners, part owners or tenants and all have legal rights to occupy underpinned by housing law (in contrast to residents in care homes). Increasingly extra care housing is recognised as an essential component of joint commissioning by health and social care. Extra care is now being used for intermediate care and rehabilitation as well as longer term housing. Extra care developments provide a focus for integrated working to meet housing, health and social care needs.

Assisted Living »»

Used in the private sector to differentiate a more serviced model from standard retirement housing. Personal care services may be available on site or simply ‘facilitated’


Used in the private sector for a top of the range brand of licensed accommodation with care services

Close Care »»

Independent flats or bungalows built on the same site as a care home. Services, including personal care, are often provided by the care home to the residents.

Enhanced Sheltered Housing »»

Used by some local authorities to describe schemes where personal care and support services are available but not 24/7, and therefore do not meet the extra care criteria or standards used by the Housing Corporation and the Department of Health

Extra Care Housing »»

A model of retirement housing with meals and personal care services, and considered as an alternative to residential care.


Housing designed with the needs of frailer older people in mind, which meets the extra care criteria or standards used by the Housing Corporation and the Department of Health.


One Registered Social Landlord’s definition of their high quality housing product and housing related services, with access to a separate registered 24-hour on-site domiciliary care team.

Retirement Village / Retirement Community

Very sheltered »»

Used by some local authorities and housing associations to indicate that design standards and staffing levels are higher than for sheltered housing, but not necessarily indicating that personal care is available on site 24/7.


Used in the private sector for a brand of retirement housing aiming to enable retired people to retain their independence in their own home for as long as possible through the provision of meals, domestic assistance and 24/7 housekeeping staff cover. © EAC www.extracarehousing.org.uk

Assisted living homes & Extra care housing in Cornwall Miners Court, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 1NJ. Managed by Coastline Housing Ltd, Ferris House, Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne, Cornwall TR14 8SD Tel: 08082 027 728

Passmore Edwards Court, Barras Place, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 6AY. Managed by Sarsen Housing Association, Sarsen Court, Horton Avenue, Canning Hill, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 2AZ Tel: 01380 720 027

Roseland Parc, Tregony, Truro, Cornwall TR2 5RN. Managed by Retirement Villages Ltd, 57 Church Street, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4PX Tel: 01372 731 888

Housing with care »»


A term not yet identified with a specific model, but implying retirement housing offering a range of services not available in standard retirement (or sheltered) housing

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

End of Life

Cornwall Hospice Care runs the county’s only adult hospice service, providing specialist medical care to patients with life limiting conditions and offering practical, emotional and spiritual support to them and their families. There are a total of 24 in-patient beds, as well as day treatments and therapy services provided within the hospices and specialist medical input in hospitals and nursing homes throughout Cornwall. The clinical team includes doctors and nurses; occupational, complementary and physiotherapists; Lymphoedema nurse specialist; social worker and bereavement counsellors, offering an all-encompassing care to improve the quality of life of patients. Nearly 600 adults stayed at the hospices last year and there were around 2000 patient admissions for day treatments and therapies. Specialist equipment plus staff costs add up to around £5.6 million annually – equivalent to nearly £11 a minute. Around 80 pence in every pound has to be met from public support.

Mount Edgcumbe Hospice Porthpean Road St Austell Cornwall PL26 6AB 01726 65711 St. Julia’s Hospice Foundry Hill, Hayle Cornwall TR27 4HW 01736 759070 www.cornwallhospicecare.co.uk If you wish to make a donation or fundraise please call 01726 66869

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Activity & Therapy Leisure facilities, recreation, rehabilitation and attractions are there to be enjoyed by everybody, regardless of impairment or age. Royal Cornwall Museum Caring For Older Communities Behind every person and every object is a story For the last few years the Royal Cornwall Museum reminiscence service has been tackling health and wellbeing issues for older people throughout Cornwall. Experienced museum staff have delivered reminiscence sessions to over 2000 people in community locations. These enjoyable activities stimulate groups’ conversations about the past, building relationships between people of different backgrounds or ages and bringing normally quiet individuals out of their shells. Reminiscence is particularly effective within care home settings, especially with people suffering from dementia, as it provides participants with both mental and physical stimulation as well as meaning. It also has the potential to lift depression. Each reminiscence session is themed around a Memory Box which is packed with stimulating social history objects, photographs and other resources from the 1930s onwards. The themes include: Beside the Seaside, Childhood, Entertainment, Health, Home Cooking, Home Sweet Home, Looking Good, Make Do & Mend, School Days, The Great Outdoors, and Work, and the museum is working hard to develop more. To book a session or to sign up for training in reminiscence contact Louise McDermott, Community Engagement Officer by email: louise.mcdermott@ royalcornwallmuseum.org.uk or call: 01872 242784.

The Guide to Getting Out! The new Rough Guide to Accessible Britain contains details of over 175 of the UK’s best attractions catering for disabled people. Now in its second year, the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain was compiled by an army of disabled writers across the country, as well as readers of the first edition of the guide who answered a call from the publishers to give details of their favourite days out. It includes more hidden and off-the-beaten track attractions, and features additional ideas such as bars and restaurants to make the most of a day out. Highlights of the new edition of the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain include: »» Over 175 attractions and ideas for days out covered, including festivals, markets, bars, restaurants, sports arenas and events that are disability friendly. »» Reader Reviews by readers of the first edition of the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain. »» Things Not To Miss section highlighting the top five attractions in categories such as free, heritage, hidden, families and outdoors. »» Listings of useful organisations to make getting out and about even easier. The book is FREE to Blue Badge holders by calling 0800 953 7070 or visiting www.accessibleguide.co.uk –not available in the shops.

Free Cinema for Carers Carers who look after a disabled person may be entitled to go to the cinema for free. The Cinema Exhibitors’ Association card (CEA) is a national scheme, however not all cinemas subscribe. To qualify for the card the person must be getting DLA and AA or registered blind, or the holder of a disabled persons rail card. Application forms are available from participating cinemas (see page map to the right) or can be downloaded from www.ceacard.co.uk, or by calling 0845 123 1292.


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Cinemas Participating in CEA

(Please check details/services/times before visiting) 1 Penzance Leisure Centre, 01736 874744 2 St Ives Leisure Centre, 01736 797006 3 Carn Brea Leisure Centre, 01209 714766 4 Helston Sports Centre, 01326 563320 5 Stithians Watersports, 01209 614076 6 Truro Leisure Centre, 01872 261628 7 Ships & Castles, 01326 212129 8 Water World, 01637 853828 9 Newquay Sports Centre, 01637 875533 10 Heron Tennis Centre, 01637 87755 11 Polkyth Leisure Centre, 01726 223344 12 Dragon Leisure Centre, 01208 75715 13 Par Sports and Recreation Ground, 01726 223691 14 Fowey Community Leisure Centre, 01726 833931 15 Wadebridge Leisure Centre, 01208 814980 16 Camelford Leisure Centre, 01840 213188 17 Lux Park Leisure Centre, 01579 342544 18 Saltash Leisure Centre, 01752 840940 19 Phoenix Leisure Centre, 01566 772551 20 Budehaven Leisure Centre, 01288 353714 21 Splash Leisure Pool, 01288 356191 * = Outdoor

(see free cinema for carers) 1 WTW Cinemas Truro 01872 27289 2 WTW Cinemas Padstow 01841 532344 3 WTW Cinemas St.Austell 0871 2003304 4 WTW Cinemas Wadebridge 01208 812791 5 WTW Cinemas Newquay 01637 878650 6 UCI/Odeon Plymouth 0871 22 44 007 7 VUE Plymouth 08710 240 240 8 Plymouth Arts Centre 01752 206 114 9 Merlin Cin., Phoenix, Falmouth 01326 313072 10 Merlin Cin., Flora, Helston 01326 569977 11 Merlin Cin., Savoy, Penzance 01736 363330 12 Merlin Cin., Regal, Redruth 01209 216278 13 Merlin Cin., Royal, St. Ives 01736 796843

Activity & Therapy

Leisure Centres in Cornwall

Riding Stables

(Please check services with stables before visiting) 1 Chiverton R&D Grp- 0845 241 4330 2 Duchy College Grp- 0845 241 4366 3 Mid-Cornwall Grp- 01872 501574 4 North Cornwall Grp- 0845 241 6377 5 SW Cornwall Grp- 0845 450 6820

Tourist Information Centre 21 BUDE 20


Tintagel Castle

4 16


Crealy Great Adventure Park





Jamaica Inn


Holywell Bay Fun Park Newquay Zoo Blue Reef

Lappa Valley Steam Railway

Courtroom Experience Bodmin & 17 BODMIN Wenford Railway


8 5 10 NEWQUAY 9


Dairyland Trerice China Clay Park

Eden Project 13


11 ST. AUSTELL 3 Cornish Cyder Farm The Tate St. Ives Geevor Tin Mine

Paradise Park

13 ST. IVES 2


1 REDRUTH TRURO 12 Royal Cornwall Museum 3 CAMBORNE 6 1 Hall for Cornwall 5 Poldark Mine


11 1 PENZANCE Lands End

St. Michael’s Mount

The Minack Theatre






SALTASH Mount Edgecumbe House


8 7

Charlestown Shipwreck Centre World of Model Railways

Trelissick House & Gardens

3 National Maritime Museum Pendennis Castle Glendurgan Gardens Trebah Gardens

Flambards National Seal Sanctuary

Porthcurno Telegraph Museum

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


St Michael’s Spa St Michael’s Hotel & Spa does all it can to look after and provide a warm welcome to guests whether able-bodied or with some disability. Our staff provide every possible assistance. There is disabled parking space and wheelchair access into the hotel via our Regatta Suite. The restaurant, lounge and some bedrooms are all situated on this ground floor level. There is a full wheelchair user/ disabled toilet on the ground floor. The Spa and gardens are one floor below - these facilities are suitable for the ambulant disabled. We currently have one bedroom especially built and equipped with the wheelchair user in mind: “After providing advice on the design of an accessible bathroom, including

Green Gyms The BTCV in Cornwall have a wide variety of projects to get involved with. These include: »» PACT - Practical conservation day projects on Tues, Weds, Fri’s and some Saturdays. »» Saturday projects for students at the Combined Universities, providing practical volunteering opportunities in conservation and horticulture for adults with learning difficulties »» Youth Projects - Introducing young people to practical conservation work and employment opportunities »» Community Projects - Working with and supporting community groups managing local sites & projects »» NVQ - Training courses in countryside management, wildlife ID and other skills and the NVQ in Environmental Conservation »» Volunteer Officers - You could help lead BTCVs projects by becoming a VO. You will gain valuable experience and we provide free training in practical conservation skills as well as training in first aid, leadership, driving our minibus, and the opportunity to complete a free Diploma in Environmental Conservation etc. Becoming a VO has helped many people go on to full time employment. »» Conservation holidays For more information please contact us: BTCV, Conservation Centre, Tuckingmill Valley Park, Tolgarrick Road, Tuckingmill, Camborne, Cornwall, TR14 8NH Tel & Fax: 01209 610 610 | B.Levene@btcv.org.uk


a wet room space, Room 53 now works superbly for me, but also for many non-disabled, often elderly guests who’ve also become repeat customers ensuring high annual occupancy. Recognised in 2006 Cornwall Tourism Awards by VisitCornwall, St Michael’s has been transformed into one of the finest contemporary hotels in the region . . .” Michael McGrath, specialist advisor to the hotel industry on disability & a wheel chair user with muscular dystrophy. Contact Us: St Michaels Hotel and Spa Gyllyngvase Beach Falmouth TR11 4NB Tel: 01326 312707 | info@stmichaelshotel.co.uk

Get Active Cornwall Get Active Cornwall has been developed with funding from the Department of Health, and is being coordinated by the Cornwall Sports Partnership; in collaboration with the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust, LEAP Active and Cornwall Council, amongst a number of other national bodies and Cornish organisations. A full list of every organisation involved in Get Active Cornwall can be found on our Partners’ page. Primarily a resource for Cornish residents to get involved in a physical activity, the website is also a key tool for organisations to promote themselves and what they do, and we are always looking for more partners to come on board to deliver an even stronger sport and physical activity community for the county. www.getactivecornwall.co.uk

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

The Woodland Trust has over 1,000 woods across the UK covering more than 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres). Why not pack up a picnic and explore your local Woodland Trust wood? They are free to visit.

Woodland guides The Woodland Trust’s Exploring Woodland guides, in association with publisher Frances Lincoln, describe beautiful woods to visit in different regions and countries of the UK. Fully illustrated with maps and photographs, these are essential for anyone who enjoys kicking up autumn leaves, likes to relax in the dappled shade of an ancient tree or loves catching the spring glory of carpets of bluebells. Both public and privately-owned woods are featured and all are accessible. Colourfully written entries capture the wood’s atmosphere, describing historical features, seasonal interest, setting and wildlife to spot on your adventures.

Activity & Therapy

Woodland Trust Woods

Treatments & Therapies St. George’s Natural Health Centre, Alexandra House, 17 St George’s Rd, Truro, TR1 3JD Tel: 01872 272800, www.naturaltherapy cornwall.co.uk Lanner Natural Health Clinic, www.poinfre.com Cleveland House The Square, Lanner, Redruth Tel: 01209 314300, Fax: 01209 213201 healthclinic@anson-care-services.co.uk www.anson-care-services.co.uk/healthclinic.html The Hypnotherapy Clinic, Lower Venn, St. Ive, Liskeard PL14 3NB. Tel: 01579 363802 North Cornwall Hypnotherapy, St.Breward, Bodmin PL30 4LU, Tel: 0845 3951923 / 0779 251 0291 www.northcornwallhypnotherapy.co.uk Camborne Complimentary Healing Centre Camborne TR14 8SH, Tel: 01209 711504 / 07773 714968 Movement Solutions, Tinners Court, Back Quay, Truro TR1 2LL, Tel: 01872 241956, www.thetreatmentcentre.org

Riding for the Disabled Association Woodland Trust membership The Woodland Trust is the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity. We own and care for over 1,000 woods, covering 50,000 acres (20,000 hectares), virtually all of which are open for all to visit. We have the support of 194,000 members who are crucial to our work. Their support helps us acquire and restore ancient woodland sites, fight to save woods under threat, campaign on important issues such as climate change, and create new woodland for wildlife and people to enjoy. Membership of the Woodland Trust costs from as little as £2.75 a month and every new member will receive a free tree dedicated in their name. Joining us is easy! For every new member who joins, we can care for and protect half an acre of native woodland. Membership Sign up: Freephone: 0800 026 9650 Email: membership@woodlandtrust.org.uk

RDA is proud to be celebrating 40 years of delivering opportunities for therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities. Founded as a National organisation in 1969, RDA now has 500 Member Groups across the UK – together, these Groups help 23,000 people to take part in riding, carriage driving and vaulting activities. RDA gives individuals the opportunity to: »» Reach therapeutic goals »» Achieve their personal ambitions »» Combat social isolation »» Develop life skills »» Experience the outdoors »» Connect with animals We recommend that you phone your Local County Chairman on 0845 450 7027 for further details on the groups in your area, volunteering or riding. Please remember that our County Chairmen are also volunteers so if you can not contact them immediately please do try again.

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Information This section includes general information and advice regarding care, further information can and should be obtained. Useful local and national contacts are also listed. Contact Adult Social Care Adult Care and Support offices are open 8.45am - 5.15pm Mondays to Thursdays, and 8.45am - 4.45pm on Fridays. Adult Care and Support Headquarters, Old County Hall, Station Road, Truro TR1 3AY Email: adultcareandsupport@cornwall.gov.uk Central Cornwall Truro Cathedral Close, Wilkes Walk, TR1 2TE St Austell Sedgemoor Centre, Priory Road, PL25 5AB East Cornwall Bodmin Priory House, Priory Road, PL31 2AD Liskeard Westbourne House, West Street, PL14 6BY Launceston Hendra House, Dunheved Road, PL15 9JG West Cornwall Camborne The White House, 24 Basset Road, TR14 8SL Penzance Roscadghill Parc, Heamoor, TR18 3QX

0300 1234 131

0300 1234 131 0300 1234 13116

0300 1234 131 0300 1234 131 0300 1234 131

0300 1234 131 0300 1234 131

When Adult Care and Support offices are closed you can call 01208 251 300 for emergencies only.

Hospital Trusts NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 0845 170 8000 (Peninsula Community Health) Sedgemoor Centre, Priory Road, St Austell, PL25 5AS enquiries@ciospct.cornwall.nhs.uk PALS 01726 627967 Cornwall Partnership NHS 01726 291000 Foundation Trust Customer Support Team: 01726 291109 Headquarters, Porthpean Road, St Austell, PL26 6AD www.cornwallfoundationtrust.nhs.uk PALS 01726 29 1109 The Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust Treliske, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3LJ PALS


Cornwall Council One Stop Shops: Our 22 One Stop Shops bring advice and information on all council services closer to where you live, including Housing, Benefits, Council Tax, Business rates, Refuse and recycling. In any One Stop Shop you can get help to fill in forms, hand in documents and speak to a council specialist either in person or by phone. Each One Stop Shop has a wide range of information available and the friendly staff can answer many questions about council services. Where we can’t answer your enquiry straight away we’ll provide you with a free phone service to the appropriate team. We have confidential meeting rooms available for appointments with council staff and our partners. Benefits and Housing specialists visit a number of the One Stop Shops regularly, as do advisors from a range of non-council help organisations.

Call Cornwall Council on 0300 1234 100 for contact telephone numbers Bodmin, Bude, Callington, Camborne, Camelford, Falmouth, Fowey, Hayle, Helston, Launceston, Liskeard, Looe, Newquay, Penryn, Penzance, Redruth, St Austell, St Ives, Saltash, Torpoint, Truro, Wadebridge,

3 - 5 Barn Lane, PL31 1LZ The Library, The Wharf, EX23 8LG The Town Hall, New Road, PL17 7BE Dolcoath Avenue, TR14 8SX College Road, PL32 9TL 34 Church Street, TR11 3EF The Library, Caffa Mill House, 2 Passage Lane, PL23 1JS Frank Johns Centre, 56 Queens Way, TR27 4NL Isaac House, Tyacke Road, TR13 8RR Market House Arcade, Market St, PL15 8EP Luxstowe House, Greenbank Road, PL14 3DZ The Library, Millpool, PL13 2AF Marcus Hill, TR7 1AF Saracen House, Higher Market St, TR10 8HU St Clare, TR18 3QW Chi Resrudh, Station Road, TR15 2FE 39 Penwinnick Road, PL25 5DR The Guildhall, Street-an-Pol, TR26 2DS The Library, Callington Road, PL12 6DX The Library, Fore Street, PL11 2AG Carrick House, Pydar Street, TR1 1EB Higher Trenant Road, PL27 6TW

01872 250000 01872 252793

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Bodmin Hospital

01208 251300

Boundary Road, Bodmin, PL31 2QT

Bodmin NHS Treatment Centre

01208 262520

Boundary Road, Bodmin, PL31 2QT

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital

01209 881688

Barncoose Terrace, Redruth, TR15 3ER

Duchy Hospital

0800 917 0022

Penventinnie Lane, Truro, TR1 3UP

Edward Hain Community Hospital

Boscawen House, Chapel Hill, Truro, TR1 3BN www.ageconcerncornwall.org.uk acc@ageconcerncornwall.org.uk

British Red Cross

Information and advice to carers, details of local support groups, advocacy, carers’ support, and young carers’ support throughout the county.

Citizens Advice Bureau’s in Cornwall 01326 435800

Meneage Road, Helston, TR13 8DR


Launceston General Hospital

01566 765650

(Appointments only tel.) Shire Hall, Mount Folly Square, Bodmin, PL31 2DQ

01579 335600

Neetside, Bude, EX23 8LB

College Road, Launceston, PL15 9JD

Liskeard Community Hospital Clemo Road, Liskeard, PL14 3XD

Longreach House

01209 881879

Barncoose Terrace, Barncoose, Redruth, TR15 3ER

01637 893600

St. Thomas Road, Newquay, TR7 1RQ

St Austell Community Hospital St Barnabas Hospital


01726 291100


01752 857400

Launceston (Appointments only tel.)

01720 422392

08444 994188

Mulberry Passage, Market Strand, Falmouth, TR11 3DB

01736 365438

Hayle Community Centre, Queenway, Hayle, TR27 4NS

08444 994188

Trengrouse Way Community Centre, Trengrouse Way, Helston, TR13 8AF

01208 264691


08444 994188

Duchy House, 21 Dean Street, Liskeard, PL14 4AB

01736 753234

Trelissick Road, Hayle, TR27 4JA

West Cornwall Hospital (Penzance)

College Road, Camelford, Pl32 9PL

Cornwall Council One Stop Shop, Launceston, PL15 8EP

Belmont, St. Mary’s, Isles Of Scilly TR21 0LE

St Michael’s Hospital

08444 994188

The Community Centre, South Terrace, Camborne, TR14 8SU

0845 155 8094

Higher Port View, Saltash, PL12 4BU

St Mary’s Hospital

Camborne (Kerrier) CAB,


Porthpean Road, St. Austell, PL26 6AA

01288 354531

Callington Library, Coronation Road, Callington, PL17 7DR

01872 250000

Apsley Road, Plymouth, PL4 6PL

08444 994188 01208 264691



Treliske, Truro, TR1 3LJ

Royal Eye Infirmary


01736 575570

Madron, Penzance, TR20 8SR

Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske)

01872 243531

Cornwall Rural Community Council, 2 Princes Street, Truro TR1 2ES

01726 832241

Helston Community Hospital

Poltair Hospital

01872 267 950

Lighterage Hill, Newham, Truro TR1 2XR Short-term help at home, following discharge from hospital; support & practical help to people faced with an unexpected crisis (accident or illness); transport service.

01326 434700

Park Road, Fowey, PL23 1EE

Newquay Hospital

01872 266388

Carers’ Support Service

Trescobeas Road, Falmouth, TR11 2JA

Fowey Hospital

Age Concern in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

01736 576100

Albany Terrace, St. Ives, TR26 2BS

Falmouth Hospital

Local and Regional Contacts

Looe (Appointments only tel.)

01579 349513

Looe Library & One Stop Shop, Millpool, W. Looe, Looe, PL13 2AF

01736 874000

St Clare Street, Penzance, TR18 2PF

Newquay, Penwith

Out Of Hours Service, Adult Care & Support Tel: 01208 251300

08444 994188

The Public Library, Marcus Hill, Newquay, TR7 1BD

08444 994188

The Guildhall, St Johns Road, Penzance, TR18 2QR


08444 994188

3 & 4 Station Hill, Redruth, TR15 2PP


08444 994188 843832

(Appointments only tel.) 01752 Ground Floor, 18 Belle Vue Road, Saltash, PL12 6ES

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details



Hospital Contacts

St Austell,

08444 994188

Memory Cafes

01736 365438

A Memory Café is somewhere where people with dementia and their carers can visit to support each other and share information. The groups usually offer reminiscence-based activities. Health and social care professionals are also on hand to answer questions and offer advice in an informal setting. Below is a list of the Memory Cafés in Cornwall. We are trying to keep this list up to date but if you know of a Memory Cafe which is opening, or one that we have missed, please let me know - ssquire@cornwall.gov.uk

39 Penwinnick Road, St Austell, PL25 5DR

St Ives, The Library, Gabriel Street, St. Ives, TR26 2LU


01752 845515

CHATLINK, Old School House, Macey Street, Torpoint, PL11 2AJ


08444 994188

The Library, Union Place, Truro, TR1 1EP www.cabcornwall.org.uk


01208 264691

Wadebridge Town Hall, The Platt, Wadebridge, PL27 7AG

Connexions Centres Bodmin

01208 77999

Chestnuts Young People’s Centre, 83 Fore Street, Bodmin, PL31 2JB Fax: 01208 265545 bodminconnexions@careerssw.org


01209 713530

Camborne Young People’s Centre, Old Magistrate Court,Adelaide Street, Camborne, TR14 8HH poolconnexions@careerssw.org


01736 362244

Impact (Penzance Young People’s Centre), 2 Alverton Street, Penzance, TR18 2QW Fax: 01736 330357 poolconnexions@careerssw.org

St Austell

01726 61833

St Austell Young People’s Centre, 1 Biddicks Court, St Austell, PL25 5EW bodminconnexions@careerssw.org


Cornwall Memory Café Network Newsletter Cornwall Memory Cafe Network Newsletter, Sue McDermott, Memory Cafe Network Project Manager, sends us the Memory Cafe newsletter, Weekly Sparkle with Carers Notes for each issue www.cornwall.gov.uk/default. aspx?page=20305

Every 1st & 3rd Fri, 2pm-4pm Mrs. Lillian Watson, Tel: 01326 240709

Bude Memory Café Every other Fri 2pm-4pm Kim Tressider, Tel: 01288 356060 Jan Dickerson, Tel: 01288 352099

Penzance Memory Café

Camborne Memory Café

Polperro Memory Café

Every 1st & 3rd Wed, 1.30-3.30pm Lisa Johnson, Tel: 01209 713980 WestCornwall@alzheimers.org.uk

Every 3rd Fri, 2pm-4pm Katy Mort, Tel: 01579 344 671 katymort@btinternet.com Pat, Tel: 01503 272424

Transport Access People - TAP

Falmouth Memory Café

Boscawen House, Chapel Hill, Truro, TR1 3BN tap.ageconcern@cornwall.nhs.uk Cornwall tel: 01872 223388 Devon tel: 0845 0539100 Mini Buses: 01872 223388

Every 2nd & 4th Tues, 2pm-4pm Tel: 0845 475 3319

The Out of Hours service is available: Weekdays - 5.15pm - 8.45am Weekends - 4.45pm Friday until 8.45am the following Monday All public holidays


Every 2nd & 4th Thurs 2pm-4pm Keith Dynan, Tel: 07968 960 694

Mullion Memory Café

Truro Young People’s Centre, The Leats, Truro, TR1 3AG truroconnexions@careerssw.org

The Out-of-Hours service is for: • Older people • People with physical disabilities or sight/hearing problems • People with a learning disability • People with a mental health problem • Vulnerable children and families

Newquay Memory Café

Alternate Mon, 10am-12pm Kerry Banbury, Tel: 07771 980181

Every 2nd & 4th Mon, 2pm-4pm Betty, Tel: 07960 599 430 Margaret, Tel:07867 783728.

Out of Hours Mental Health & Social Care Support for Adults Tel: 01208 251300

Every alternate Thurs 2pm-4pm Jo Hague, Tel: 01208 871196 Email jo.hague@homecall.co.uk Laura Michael, Tel: 01208 871683 laura_michael@btinternet.com

Bodmin Memory Café

Camelford Memory Café 01872 274865

Lostwithiel Memory Café

Helston Memory Café Every 1st & 3rd Tues, 2pm4pm from 16 March 2010 Margaret, Tel: 07974 728435 Chris, Tel: 07867 783728.

Isles of Scilly Memory Café Every Fri, 2pm-4pm Rowan, Tel: 01720 422148 Jane, Tel: 01720 422002.

Launceston Memory Café Every other Sat 2pm-4pm Cym Downing, Tel: 01566 774425 enqs@memorycafelaunceston. org.uk

Liskeard Memory Café First Fri of every month, 2pm-4pm Katy Mort, Tel: 01579 344 671 katymort@btinternet.com Pat, Tel: 01503 272424

Every 2nd & 4th Thurs, 2pm-4pm Margaret Ford, Tel: 07974 728435

Saltash Memory Café Every 2nd Wed, 2pm-4pm Theresa Parsons, Tel: 07540 920302

St Austell Memory Café Members Room, Council Building, Penwinnick Rd, St Austell. Every 1st & 3rd Mon, 2pm-4pm,

St Ives Memory Café Memorial Hall, Trencrom Lane, Carbis Bay. Every 1st & 3rd Thurs, 2pm-4pm Chris Muxlow, Tel: 07867 783728 Margaret Ford, Tel: 07974 728 435

Truro Memory Café Every 1st & 3rd Thurs, 1.45pm-3.45pm Wendy Grose and Julian Balsham, Tel: 01872 324 333

Wadebridge Memory Café Every 2nd & 4th Sat, 2pm-4pm Margaret, Tel: 07867 783728 Wendy, Tel: 07891 840219 tim.jones@cpt.cornwall.nhs.uk

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details

Royal Cornwall Museum River Street, Truro, TR1 2SJ Louise McDermott, Tel: 01872 242784

Arthritis Care

Reflections Little Beside House, St Day Tel: 01209 822300


Words and Minds - reading for well being Words and Minds is a weekly reading group happening at a library near you. The group is open to everybody, and you can join in as much or as little as you like. A good book can make you feel better, or take you anywhere in the world. It takes place Thursdays 10 am - 12 noon at St Ives Library and Truro Library. Tel: 0300 1234 111.

National Contacts 0845 257 9406

The Admiral Nursing Direct Helpline, has been set up to provide people with an opportunity to talk through their worries and concerns about themselves, friends or relatives with dementia. Lines are manned by experienced Admiral Nurses and responds to requests for help with diagnosis, medication, support and care at home, professional carer support, and finance. The lines are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11am and 9pm. Callers can leave messages any time and request a call back, or email questions to us direct@fordementia.org.uk.

020 8835 9280

Action on Elder Abuse, PO Box 60001, Streatham, SW16 9BY www.elderabuse.org.uk | enquiries@elderabuse.org.uk

0161 707 1107

A non profit making public information, advisory and advocacy service elderly care funding advice. www.careaware.co.uk | enquiries@careaware.co.uk

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

03000 616161

Care Quality Commission National Correspondence, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA www.cqc.org.uk

Carers UK

0808 808 7777

Prevent carers from becoming emotionally drained, and from forgetting to take care of themselves. Fax: 020 7490 8824 | www.carersuk.org | info@carersuk.org

Cruse Bereavement Care Cornwall Area

Reflections offers the following services: »» Day care for people with dementia/memory problems - currently open Monday-Friday »» Respite day breaks for carers, with flexible hours to cater for carers who may work »» Carers support group running every Friday, 10am - 12noon - all carers more than welcome »» A cognitive stimulation group running every Fri 10am - 12noon, in partnership with Age Concern and supported by the PCT. »» An evening memory cafe, every Wednesday 6.308.30pm. All welcome no matter where you live.

Action on Elder Abuse,

0844 888 2111

Working with and for all people with arthritis to put them in control of their arthritis, and their lives.

louise.mcdermott@royalcornwallmuseum.org.uk »» Open 10.00am to 4.45pm Mon-Sat »» Reminiscence sessions for groups of older people across Cornwall. »» Reminiscence training for people working with older people. »» Loans service of Memory Boxes for reminiscing and other activities (available for loan post-training). The boxes are packed with stimulating social history objects, photographs and other resources from the 1930s onwards. The Pictures to Share collection is now available as part of the Memory boxes, and photos from the past are also available from the Cornwall Photo Image Bank website.

Admiral Nursing DIRECT

0300 222 1122

The UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. Fax: 020 7306 0808 www.alzheimers.org.uk | enquiries@alzheimers.org.uk

0844 477 9400 0172 676 100


DIAL (Disability Information Advice Line)

01736 759 500

Department of Health

0870 600 55 22

Department of Health, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS Tel: 0207 210 4850 | Fax: 0207 210 5952 Textphone: 0207 210 5025 | dhmail@dh.gsi.gov.uk | www.dh.gov.uk DIAL (Disability Information Advice Line) 01736 759 500



Gov.uk is the new government information service incorporating direct.gov and Business Link. From 17 October 2012 you’ll be able to find information and services for citizens and businesses on GOV.UK. Over time, more information will be added to the website, including detailed guidance for professionals and comprehensive information on government policy. You can find out more about what is being added to GOV.UK at http://digital.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/.

Elderly Accommodation Council

020 7820 1343

Elderly Accommodation Counsel’s aim is to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs. It was founded in 1984, and became registered as a charity in 1985. It is now more commonly known as EAC. www.eac.org.uk

First Stop

0800 377 7070

www.firststopcareadvice.org.uk | info@firststopadvice.org.uk

Hearing Dogs for the Deaf

01844 348100


Help the Aged/Age UK

020 7278 1114

www.helptheaged.org.uk | info@helptheaged.org.uk

Independent Age

0845 262 1863

National charity getting the best care and support for older people, their families and carers. 6 Avonmore Road London, W14 8RL Advice line open: Mon - Fri, 10am-4pm, www.independentage.org advice@independentage.org

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details



The Alzheimers Society,

Other groups for people with dementia and their carers include:

Leonard Cheshire Disability

020 3242 0200

66 South Lambeth Road, London, SW8 1RL info@LCDisability.org


0808 808 1111

The Learning Disability Helpline is a free, confidential service. Information on anything from money and benefits to services and support groups. helpline@mencap.org.uk

Mind (National Association for Mental Health) Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. We work to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.

Tel: 020 8519 2122 | Fax: 020 8522 1725 www.mind.org.uk | contact@mind.org.uk

The National Homecare Council

01379 678243

is a representative of public sector organisations concerned with the commissioning and direct provision of homecare services, supporting people in their own homes mary.humphrey@nationalhomecarecouncil.co.uk

National Osteoporosis Society

0845 450 0230

Advice & information, support group for people with osteoporosis

NHS Direct

0845 46 47 111


0808 8000 306

Free phone out-of-hours listening service for emotional distress and mental health. 8pm-1pm Fri-Mon

Parkinson’s Disease Society

0800 800 0303


Police Enquiries Emergencies SANEline

01202/01305 222222 999 0845 767 8000

SANEline volunteers currently handle an average of over 2000 calls every month from men, women and children affected by mental health problems as well as their carers and health professionals. The lines are open 6pm to 11pm every day. Help includes practical information, crisis care and emotional support to anybody affected by mental health problems, including family and carers.

Stroke Association

0845 303 3100

Advice & information for stroke patients & their families. Bradley House, Harrier Way, Exeter EX2 7NY www.stroke.org.uk | southwest@stroke.org.uk


0300 123 2000

If you’re feeling stressed because of job insecurity, redundancy, debt or financial problems, don’t wait for things to get really bad before you seek help. Lines are open daily, 8am-10pm

Willow Foundation

01707 259 777

The only charity of its kind providing special days for seriously ill 16 to 40 year olds throughout the UK. www.willowfoundation.org.uk

New Funding reforms announced for care and support The Government has announced new measures for funding care to ensure that the elderly and those with disabilities get the care they need without facing unlimited costs. The new measures are based on the recommendations made in 2011 by the Dilnot Commission, an independent panel set up to look at the fairest and most sustainable way to fund care and support in England. The new measures include, from April 2017: »» A cap on care costs, which gives everyone the reassurance that they will have a level of protection, if they have the most serious needs and incur very high care costs. »» If someone is assessed by their local authority as having eligible care needs, they will be told how much it will cost the local authority to meet those needs with local services. These costs count towards their cap. So, however great a person’s costs become, once they have reached the cap the state will step in and provide financial support. »» Due to the economic circumstances, we are introducing a cap that is equivalent to around £61,000 in 2010/11 prices – slightly above the £25,000-£50,000 range originally recommended by Andrew Dilnot. This is equivalent to £75,000 in 2017/18 prices. We expect up to 16% of older people to face costs of £75,000 or more. »» People of working age who develop care needs before retirement age will benefit from a cap that’s lower than £75,000. People who have care needs before they turn 18 will effectively have their cap set at zero. New financial protection for those with modest wealth. People with the least will get the most support. »» Currently only those with assets of less than £23,250 get help with paying for their care costs. Our changes will mean that those with property value and savings of £100,000 (in 2010/11 prices) or less will start to receive financial support, with the Government paying a proportion of their residential care costs on a sliding scale. £100,000 was the amount recommended by Andrew Dilnot, and is equivalent to around £123,000 in 2017/18 prices. The most financial support will go to those with the greatest care needs and the least in savings or home value, and the poorest people will continue to have the majority of their care costs paid. And from April 2015: »» No-one will have to sell their home in their lifetime to pay for residential care. If people cannot afford their fees without selling their home, they will have the right to defer paying during their lifetime. »» People will have clearer entitlements. A national minimum eligibility will make access to care more consistent around the country, and carers will have a legal right to an assessment for care for the first time. The Government will legislate for these proposals. Subject to the passage of legislation, the changes above will take effect from April 2017 and will provide people with a new legal right to financial protection from very high care costs , from the state, which has not existed previously. The 2017 timing will ensure that these changes are affordable and sustainable for the long term. http://www.dh.gov.uk/health/2013/02/funding-socialcare/


029 2023 2668

©Crown Copyright

A volunteering service which offers a range of practical services to help and support older people to live well, maintain their independence and play a part in their local community.


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Information & Advice Publications Listed here different publications produced by Cornwall County Council and other bodies which you might find helpful Information Guides

Cornwall County Council Public Information Officers, Adult Care & Support Information Team Old County Hall, Truro TR1 3AY Tel: 01872 322 532 adultcareandsupport@cornwall.gov.uk www.cornwall.gov.uk You can order copies in three ways: »» By using the printable Publications order form. This form should be returned to the Public Information Officers, whose details are at the bottom of the page. »» You can also order publications on-line using our Online Publications Order form. »» These leaflets are also available at Cornwall One Stop Shops.

Adult Care and Support Services - General Guides Access to personal records Alerters Guide (a guide to Safeguarding Adults for Professionals) Assessing your needs Bereavement guide Care and Support Services - British Red Cross Charter for people with care needs in Cornwall Direct Payments Scheme Information about Direct Payments in easy read format Employability Cornwall - information for local employers Employability Cornwall - information for people with learning disabilities Extra help at home when you leave hospital Have your say! How to make a compliment, comment or complaint about Adult Care and Support

Age UK Advice line: 0800 169 6565 www.ageuk.org.uk/publications

Information Factsheets Moving back to the UK Planning a Holiday


Help with care in your own home Planning your retirement income Help with legal advice Your employment choices Your guide to healthy living Planning to live abroad Make the most of the Internet: Save time and money Care home checklist Staying Safe Lesbian, gay or bisexual When someone dies Going solo Avoiding scams Care homes Going into hospital Housing options Health services Useful contacts Claiming benefits: a guide for people over State Pension age Claiming benefits: a guide for people of working age Advice for carers Staying Steady Managing incontinence Tax Guide Adapting your home Managing your money Money matters Winter wrapped up Save energy, pay less Staying cool in a heat wave Tracing lost money Flu prevention Healthy eating Bereavement Home Safety Checker An introduction to scanners Better hearing Better sight Buying a computer Chat sites Digital cameras Fitter feet Healthy bones Make surfing easier Setting up an email account Strength and balance exercises for healthy ageing Ten hints for silver surfers

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380 0309

Solutions >>>>

Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


Soluti ns N

Pointing you in the Right Direction


Find the care you need with RightCareSolutions RightCareSolutions is a free service. Available online, over the phone, and via email, its a great way to identify suitable services as listed by CQC*. Be specific about the kind of care services you require, and we’ll deliver appropriate results suiting your needs. Fill out the form below if you are looking for Care Homes, Nursing Agencies, or Domicillary/Home Care.

Enquirers Details (if applicable)

Care Required


Care Home with Nursing


Care Home without Nursing


Home Care


Domicilary Care


Learning Disabilities Supported Living

Post Code

Adult Placement Services

Telephone Number

Nursing Agency

Where did you hear about us?

Further Requirements Details of person requiring care Long Stay Title

Day Care





Relationship to enquirer

Respite Nursing Care

County of Residence



Preferred Areas


Further information

Please photocopy and send this form to; RightCareindex, Unit 1 & 2 Mount Hawke Business Park, Highfield Rd, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 8DZ. Or contact us below...


01872 321 327

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*Results provided from The Care Quality Commision Listings


Care choices have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details


ALL shifts are

4 hours minimum

Looking for work in Health & Social care? RightNurse Care Services

01872 274120 R IGH T N U R S E@H OT M A I L .CO .U K W WW. R IGH T N U R S E .CO . U K

RightNurse Care Services is one of Cornwall’s leading healthcare agencies, covering the whole county. We recruit Registered Nurses, Carers, Support Workers and Domiciliary Care Workers and pride ourselves on our level of service to both our candidates and our clients. + Domiciliary Care + Learning Disabilities and Mental Health + Nursing and Residential Homes + Hospitals

+ All shifts minimum 4 hours + Excellent rates of pay including holiday pay + Flexible hours to suit your lifestyle + Free Uniform support 7 days a week.

have you at a loss? Call                        on 01872 321 327 or see page 90 for more details 91 Units 1 &Care 2, choices Mount Hawke Business Park, High Field Road, Mount Hawke,Cornwall, TR4 8DZ


Follow the infographic to help identify key steps into care.






You need to refer yourself to the Council or have a referal from your Gp or a Healthcare professional. Call Cornwall Adult Social Care now: 0300 123 131

FACS- Fair access to Care Services Substantial or Critical

36 60


Indicative Budget

Find all the Agencies in your area



It’s your choice, you are in control


How much money do you have and who will pay for what?

RECOMMENDATION Use of specialist services for your needs

66 76 46



3rd Party Organisation or family & friends recommendation 48 68


Find all the Care Homes in your area










Use RightCareIndex to find all the companies in your local area

Compare at least 5 Care Homes/Care at Home companies to see if the suit your circumstances and you or the person in need of care


CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING: MEAL PROVISION Provided meals to live independently



To provide transport and access



Should be looked at by this stage. Including issues such as: Powers of Attorney, Wills, Probate etc


To lead an enjoyable life 80



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