Yesteryear Brand Guideline

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04 Company Overview 06 Logos & Usage 10 Color Palette 14 Typography 18 Icon Series 22 Imagery 26 Collateral


Unique. Stylish. Trending. Yesteryear is about bringing retro vibes to the modern world. Our mission is to give you an outlet to express yourself and be as unique as you wish.

Cookie cutter is boring. Barbie and Ken are overrated. You can make your life as exciting and vibrant as you want. It just might take a little push to get there. Yesteryear embraces your choices and applauds you for your individuality. We hope to be as unique and extraordinary as you are!


Logo Usage Yesteryear is simple, clean, and fun. Our logo represents us perfectly. Clean lines and simple typefaces come together to speak for our brand. The atomic icon illustrates our energy and personality. Our color palette refers to the nostalgic retro era our brand adores oh so much. Stylish and classy, our logo beautifully exemplifies our fun-loving, trendy brand.

The vertically stacked version is our primary logo and should be used whenever possible unless layout or sizing conflict with its usage. The secondary horizontal logo should be used whenever the primary logo is ill-fitting in the design environment. Our atomic icon is well-suited for smaller spaces and is great to use as a design element. The icon may also be converted to an all-white version when on a colored background.

RGB: 16, 56, 58

Nostalgic Navy

CMYK: 89, 59, 61, 54 HEX #: 0F373A

RGB: 120, 158, 138


CMYK: 56, 24, 50, 2 HEX #: 789E89

RGB: 226, 223, 200


CMYK: 11, 8, 22, 0 HEX #: E2DEC7

RGB: 227, 106, 79


CMYK: 7, 72, 73, 0 HEX #: E36A4E

RGB: 224, 184, 82


CMYK: 13, 26, 80, 0 HEX #: DFB752



TYPOGRAPHY Words have power. So do fonts. Yesteryear’s typography is simple yet stylish, just like our brand. Bebas Neue is a perfect headline font — bold and eye-catching, yet easy to read. Stymie Medium is our secondary headline font and used when emphasis is needed in regular body copy. The slab serif references the classic serifs of the past while putting a modern twist on them. Stymie Light is easy to read, stylish, and just a touch feminine. The Stymie family compliments the simplicity of Bebas Neue and they come together to form an unstoppable typographic partnership.

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ICON SERIES Icons are an integral part of today’s fast-paced society. With one glance viewers understand what each represents. It is a fast, intuitive communication system that Yesteryear (even though we love the vintage way of the world) fully embraces. The simple line style works well with our thin typeface — Stymie Light. Our color palette is fully-immersed in the icons and can be paired with any one of them. Simple and effective design is our goal and our icon series perfectly represents that.


IMAGERY If you couldn’t tell by now, Yesteryear is all about simple, clean design. Our imagery tips its hat to our modern, straightforward side as well as our retro, timeless side. The images represent an at-ease, trendy environment. A slight worn overlay takes us back to the retro time we inspire to breathe new life into. Angles may be used to create visual interest as long as they are accompanies by our yesteryellow line.

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