MArch with Urban Planning
AR5 000 7
Sam Morman Architectural Design Research Project School of Architecture Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design of the University of Dundee MArch with Urban Planning Tutor / Helen O’Connor
Foreword / Preface
lairgowrie and Rattray is currently the largest town within the Perth and Kinross council area. The town is commonly recognised as the ‘Gateway to Glenshee’ situated at the foot of the Grampian Mountains. The cascading topography from the northern hills to the relatively flat landscape to the south, creates a strong visual relationship the Scottish landscape throughout the town. The twin burghs are separated by the River Ericht, an important natural asset with popular walking routes along the river-front. The town experienced rapid development from a small 18th century village with a population of 400 people, to a thriving industrial town of 4,000 in the 19th century. Today it has a population of over 10,000 people and is projected to grow exponentially. As a result the town is set to further expand into the surrounding productive landscape. The growth has captured headlines in several news outlets with increasing concerns from the community.
The growth rate was more than three times that of the rest of Scotland and was even compared to Mexico city (Crichton, 2018).
To accommodate this, there is a pressing demand for new infrastructure, housing, employment opportunities, leisure and entertainment facilities (Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Action Plan, 2018). The town has gained a reputation as a dormitory town, with the population reliant on nearby cities such as Perth and Dundee for these amenities. Blairgowrie & Rattray face challenges synonymous with towns and cities across Scotland such as; an ageing population, a decay of the high street and a rapid increase in suburban sprawl. As housing developers capitalise on the towns growing population, outlined plans are set to consume vast consumptions of agricultural land on the periphery of the town. Each new development promotes further dependence on the car and begins to detach the town centre from its edges. Blairgowrie & Rattray has the potential to prosper as a thriving tourist destination and become an exemplar liveable and sustainable town. The current developments outlined must be challenged to assess alternative regeneration opportunities that reinforce the distinct character of Blairgowrie & Rattray, building on the towns existing assets and heritage.
Figure 1. Blairgowrie & Ratrray, (Authors Own)
Perth & Kinross
Blairgowrie & Rattray
16 Miles
19 Miles
Foreward / Group Context This research forms part of a wider group strategy of ‘A Sewn Place - Repairing the fabric of Blairgowrie & Rattray’. We have used a set of textile analogies as a metaphorical approach to our vision for the town. The strategy consists of five key elements; patching, darning, stitching, hemming and embellishments. Patching – As it exists, the town can be read as a series of patches which are the distinct zones such as the historical centre, the industrial zone, the suburban housing area and the agricultural periphery. New patches will be created, referring to proposals where a new structure or pattern in the urban fabric is introduced. Darning - Under-performing areas requiring redevelopment are treated with the concept of darning; mending the urban fabric through a series of interventions embedded in the existing context. Hemming - Used in two ways, firstly the idea of creating a defined edge to the town. Secondly where patches or zones have become frayed. Stitching – These are the new or revitalised connections between the towns existing assets, the proposed interventions and the hemmed edge which ties the holistic strategy together. Embellishing - Landmarks are used to embellish the urban fabric. They will inform a series of urban strategies which reform and create new public routes connecting to the towns new and existing significant public buildings.
Figure 2. Group textiles map, (Authors Own)
Contents Chapter 01
Research Introduction Research Question ................................................... 10 Urban Sprawl ............................................................ 11 Suburbia .................................................................... 12 Planning Context ..................................................... 16 Research Focus ......................................................... 16
Chapter 02
Research Context Strategy Case Studies .............................................. 22 Edges ......................................................................... 24 Borders & Boundaries ............................................ 26 Walled Cities ............................................................ 28 Intensification & Densification ............................. 30 Identity ...................................................................... 33
Chapter 03
Method Existing Conditions ................................................. 38 Land Use .................................................................................. 38 Natural Edges .......................................................................... 40 Development Path .................................................................. 42
The Defined Settlement Edge ............................... 44 Design Elements & Principles .............................. 46 The Network ............................................................ 48 The Walled Town 2040 ........................................... 50 The Wider Network ..................................................52 Character Study ........................................................ 54 Urban Edge Typologies ............................................58 Edge Scenarios ......................................................... 60 01 Neighbourhood Block ....................................................... 60 02 Community Spaces ............................................................ 62 03 Public Buildings & Squares ............................................ 64 04 Urban Forest ...................................................................... 66
Conclusion ................................................................ 68 References ................................................................. 70 Image References ..................................................... 72 Bibliography .............................................................. 74
Figure 3. Blairgowrie to Dundee valley section (Scanlan, 2022)
Chapter 01 Research Introduction
Research Aim This research project explores a strategic response to urban sprawl by creating a defined settlement edge to the town of Blairgowrie and Rattray.
he town has a projected population increase of 2,000 people by 2028. Current developments and outline plans show over 1,000 new homes could be constructed to satisfy this growth (Perth & Kinross Council, 2017). This research project explores a change of direction for the growth of the town. The strategy proposes an alternative to urban sprawl to protect the towns valuable agricultural land. The key design principles are to increase the density of future developments, retain and build upon the towns distinct character, create new and improved pedestrian and cyclist networks and further integrate the natural landscape into the built environment.
urbia. Creating a defined edge to the town directly challenges the suburban paradigm, redirecting future growth inwards. Future developments within the proposed edge must be integrated with the towns existing assets, strengthening the towns sense of identity by providing valuable community spaces. A series of underlying questions have been identified to inform this research. Each question will be used to develop an understanding of the character of the edge and how it can be used to address a series of challenges the town currently faces. How can the edge •
Become a clear boundary but remain porous? Become an active place of exchange between different communities? Extend and define the existing natural, constructed and administrative boundary lines? Reinforce a distinct sense of identity?
“I don’t mind towns growing so long as they don’t merely spread like gravy over a tablecloth” • (George Orwell, 1939, cited by Stephen Proctor) • Existing proposals for new housing and commercial developments on the periphery of the town will require further in- • frastructure such as roads and car parks. They begin to consume large expanses of agricultural land, further blurring the The questions have inspired the research edges of the town. The result is an unde- context of this project, drawing on a range fined edge between the built environment of theoretical studies and built precedents and the productive landscape beyond, en- which collectively address the driving couraging the growth of problematic sub- questions of this study.
Figure 4. Historical Development of Blairgowrie & Ratrray, (Authors own)
Urban Sprawl “The rapid expansion of the geographic extent of cities and towns, often characterized by low-density residential housing, single-use zoning, and increased reliance on the private automobile for transportation.” (Rafferty, 2021) The town centre is becoming increasingly disconnected from its edges, the low-density developments branching out from the historical core do not reflect the local vernacular and may become detrimental to the character of the town. This disconnect is a scalable issue from small towns such as Blairgowrie to larger cities. Cedric Prices analogy of the city as an egg shown in figure 5, articulates the issues associated with an expanding town or city. The ‘boiled egg’ represents ancient walled cities with a distinct, dense urban centre. The ‘fried egg’, still maintains a clear centre however the boundaries become increasingly less defined due to population and industry growth. The modern, ‘scrambled’ city begins to lose a clearly defined urban centre due to the incremental sprawling developments. Figure 4 demonstrates the scale of the expansion over the last century in Blairgowrie and Rattray.
Figure 5. The city as an egg by Cedric Price, (Jacobs, 2011)
Suburbia The suburban family lifestyle is seen to be desirable; a detached house, a private garden, driveway and garage for several vehicles. This has become the status-quo in new housing developments. “One in 10 UK adults - equivalent to around five million people - don’t know any of their neighbours by name. This increases to one in six people aged under 25 (17%) and one in eight aged 25-34 (13%) (Aviva, 2019)”. The low density, detached housing typologies that dominate suburbia constitute to these statistics. They consume large expanses of land and disperse activity which can begin to fragment communities. The urban form often lacks permeability created by pedestrian routes.
Another issue is the little consideration given to valuable community spaces that create opportunities for social interactions and provide a sense of belonging. The result is a loss of community identity. This typology has a fundamentally opposite approach to the medieval city. The design of the streets do not concentrate activity, instead giving priority to and increasing the dependency on the car. This further promotes the idea that Blairgowrie & Rattray is simply a dormitory town. The characteristics of a medieval city with intimately scaled streets and public squares, encouraged exploration and interaction, suburbia instead, removes life between buildings (Gehl, 2010).
Figure 6. Proposed expansion of suburban housing and retail park to the west of Blairgowrie (The Courier, 2020).
approaches to housing by volume builders and most housing associations is resulting in suburban development to the detriment of our cities and, just as importantly, to our countryside too. Building on marginal sites and in close proximity to what has for so long been considered incompatible uses could restore the complex pattern of human exchanges which characterise our best loved urban places. - (URBED, 1997, p.7).
The suburban typologies became popular in the 1900’s where an alternative to the crowded urban life was attractive to many middle class citizens. The suburban lifestyle removed the need for the shared facilities commonly found in dense urban environments such as staircases, garden space and water taps. This new sense of privacy immediately depleted the number of daily social interactions within a neighbourhood (Scott, 2010). The suburban streets shown in figure 8 create a series of cul-de-sacs lined by non-distinctive building typologies. The monotony of suburbia in its architectural characteristics, building uses and the relative consistency of socio-economic statuses, is absent of the elements required to create, as Jane Jacobs states ‘exuberant diversity’ that could have profound economic and social benefits to both cities and towns alike (Jacobs, 1993). Introducing this diversity into a town such as Blairgowrie is a complex and challenging prospect. The progressive vision of ‘hemming’ the town with a defined edge, contradicts the contemporary model of expanding Scottish towns with a more resourceful approach. New developments should facilitate greater diversity, introduce mixed use typologies, embrace higher density living and support the increase of remote workers. Similarly supporting live-work units to allow for a greater diversity of skills in the local economy. This research project promotes the need for a new form of development pattern. Neighbourhoods with these characteristics can be used to define the urban edges of the town, taking a more sensitive approach to development to preserve the towns natural surroundings.
figure 7. Town centre street pattern, (Authors own)
Figure 8. Suburban street pattern, (Authors own)
The district, and indeed as many of its internal parts as possible, must serve more than one primary function; preferably more than two. These must insure the presence of people who go outdoors on different schedules and are in the place for different purposes, but who are able to use many facilities in common. - (Jacobs, 1993, p.152)
Figure 9. road domintated public realm, (Authors own)
The themes of isolation, car dependency and disconnect are exacerbated by the lack of existing physical connections provided by the public realm in Blairgowrie & Ratrray. The suburban expansions demonstrated in figure 11 are fragmented from the town centre, which is no further than a 20 minute walk from the edges of the town. The lack of pedestrian routes means the car is the priority and the primary way to access amenities such as local shops and community facilities. This only encourages the development of commuter focused services such as retail parks, allowing the town to further expand. (Urban Task Force, 1999). The ‘Open Edge’ will form part of a wider network that begins to improve these physical connections. The public realm poses challenges with a lack of safe pedestrian paths and quality stop and rest spaces. The process of revitalising key routes from the towns edges to the town centre and giving priority back to the pedestrian, can transform the nature of the urban environment. It has the potential to create opportunities for social interactions, integrate nature into the built environment and promote methods of active travel. ‘Stitching’ connections through the public realm works towards repairing the sense of community cohesion currently lost in suburbia.
Figure 10. Town centre public space, (Authors own)
“At its best, the sustainable city therefore operates as a series of interconnected networks of places and spaces devoted to making the most of human interaction. To do this most effectively means putting the pedestrian first, and ensuring that walking is the preferred option in accessing different facilities within an area (Urban Task Force, 1999, p.33).”
figure 11. Suburban Expansion, (Authors own)
Planning Context This project has been developed in the context of global, national and local initiatives for sustainable growth in our towns and cities. The Scotland 2045 - fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) is the most recent framework developed to “embrace and deliver radical change so we can tackle and adapt to climate change, restore biodiversity loss, improve health and wellbeing, build a wellbeing economy and create great places” (Scottish Government, 2021) As the document explicitly states the need to accept radical change to achieve global sustainability targets, this ethos is at the forefront of this research project. At a global level the objectives outlined by the United Nations in their 17 Sustainable Development Goals are reinforced at a national and local level through the National Planning Framework and the Perth and Kinross Local Development plan. The ambitions of the ‘Open Edge’ directly align with several overarching principles and policies outlined in NPF4. The principle of ‘Compact Growth’ is a driver for this research; limiting urban expansion, promoting the use of vacant land and buildings and protecting green infrastructure. NPF4 also references the need to increase density to promote the concept of living local. The most notable policies which relate to the themes of this research project are highlighted.
Policy 7: Local living “20 Minute Neighbourhoods are a method of achieving connected and compact neighbourhoods designed in such a way that all people can meet the majority of their daily needs within a reasonable walk, wheel or cycle (within approx. 800m) of their home” (Scottish Gov, 2021). Blairgworie has a strong potential to conform to the 20 minute neighbourhood agenda due to the size of the town. It is large enough to provide the necessary services for a fully functioning community and small enough to maintain reasonable walking distances to the centre of the town. Policy 10: Sustainable travel & transport Reducing the need for private cars with improved public transport services and the provision of new active travel based infrastructure. This also works to promote active lifestyles and improve the health and well-being of the community. Policy 12: Blue and green infrastructure Building climate and social resilience with improved community green spaces. Secondly, creating a better relationship between the town and the River Ericht. A strategy to achieve this involves creating new pedestrian connections between Blairgowrie and Rattray with bridges across the river. Policy 29: Urban edges and the green belt Expanding and reinforcing the existing green belts will provide environmental and ecological benefits. The natural boundaries which partially define the edges of the town will restrict sprawling developments.
Heirarchy of Targets Global
UN Relevant Sustainable Development Goals • • • • • •
03. Health and Wellbeing - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages 08. Decent Work and Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all 09. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation 10. Reduced Inequalities - Reduce inequality within and among countries 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 13. Climate Change - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
SPF4 four targets • • • •
Sustainable places - where we reduce emissions and restore and better connect biodiversity Liveable places - Our future places, homes and neighbourhoods will be better, healthier and more vibrant places to live Productive places - Our future places will attract new investment, build business confidence, stimulate entrepreneurship and facilitate future ways of working – improving economic, social and environmental wellbeing. Distinctive places - Our future places will be distinctive, safe and pleasant, easy to move around, welcoming, nature-positive and resource efficient.
Perth and Kinross Local Development Plan • • • •
Successful, Sustainable Place Low Carbon Place Natural Resilient Place Connected Place
For Blairgowrie & Rattray to achieve global and national sustainability goals this project challenges the current Perth & Kinross LDP, developing an argument for a more sustainable solution for growing towns and cities. Blairgowrie has recently earned the title as Scotland’s first biodiversity town (Damodaran, 2021), a title that the defined edge looks to build on using the strategies outlined under policy 12 and 29 of the NPF4.
Figure 12. Remote working in the countryside, (Authors Own)
Post Pandemic There is an opportunity for towns and villages to capitalise on a recent change in perspective on city living with the pandemic creating a ‘race for space’. There has been a significant increase in remote working due to Covid-19 restrictions, reports from 2021 indicated that roughly half of British workers were still working from home, a 37% increase from before the pandemic (Nolsoe, 2021). This has inspired many people to move out of the city to homes with more space. Research demonstrated that in some cities there was an “increase in the proportion of city dwellers looking to move out of cities from 40 per cent to 50 per cent between October 2019 and October 2021 (Lalic, 2021)”. The pandemic highlighted the benefits of home offices, gardens, balconies and
access to green space, these are now driving forces for people to move out of the city. This projected influx of people moving into towns and villages has the potential to completely transform Blairgowrie & Rattray, bringing social and economic prosperity. Exploiting the recent remote working trends creates new possibilities such as the potential to retain younger demographics within the community who may otherwise leave the town for greater job opportunities in the city. This is important for tackling the growing ageing population identified in the Perth and Kinross Local Development Plan as a threat synonymous with many of their towns and cities such as Perth (Perth and Kinross Council, 2019).
Research Focus
he design research contextualises the methods used to define the character of the ‘Open Edge’. The MArch and Urban Planning group strategy and individual projects use both landscape and building interventions to tackle the significant challenges the town currently faces. The ‘hemming’ of the towns edge promotes a more compact urban form which restricts sprawling expansions, promotes proximity and preserves the valuable productive landscape. The ambition is for a place that does not solely rely on international supplies for energy and food, national connections for education and work, or a private car to reach and venture through the town. We envision a more connected, self-sustainable place that is attractive for people from all demographics to live comfortably and feel part of a community. Tourism also plays an important role in the economy of the town and therefore presents a great opportunity for both employment and economic growth. Our vision aligns with the generic aspirations stated in the Perth and Kinross Local Development Plan for a more “A Successful, Sustainable Place, A Low Carbon Place, A Natural Resilient Place, A Connected Place” However, their approach towards future developments is challenged. The ‘Open Edge’ alludes to the way in which the defined edge is not a rigorous closed structure, but an open system. It looks to set boundaries while ensuring they remain porous. It must provide a sense of enclosure and belonging, creating visual and physical connections to the landscape beyond, the townscape within and to a wider network of communities.
Figure 13. Interrelated group themes, (Mckracken, 2022)
Chapter 02 Research Context
Strategy Case Studies
Fig 14. VeloCity, The Imagined Village (VeloCity, 2021)
The project VeloCity advocates the need for ‘growing villages differently’. Several existing villages form a series of clusters situated around essential infrastructure, such as local centres and major transport links. The strategy creates a dispersed model of a city encouraging the growth of villages as attractive and inclusive places to live. VeloCity promotes higher density developments, the removal of the car from village centres and promotes active travel as the primary method of transport. The villages within each of the clusters are interconnected by re-purposed roads that become ‘Slow Lane’ cycle paths. The interdependency of each village is created by providing each with a unique service, from schools and workplaces to cultural facilities or markets (Architecture Foundation, 2020). Developments are concentrated on the edge of each village to preserve their historical centres allowing the rural character to be retained. The high density developments on the edge introduce diversity into villages with mixed use typologies.
5 Principles 1. People over cars 2. Connected not isolated 3. Compact not sprawl 4. Resilient not Fragile 5. Opportunity over decline
The five overarching strategy principles reflect a progressive vision for the future of small villages. Each principle is applicable to Blairgowrie & Rattray. The rural setting of the town has the visual qualities of countryside living with a potential to provide the socio-economic opportunities of larger towns. Increasing density and introducing mixed use development can begin to restrict urban sprawl, introduce greater diversity and create more ‘connected’ and ‘compact’ settlement (Riches, 2021).
The Compact City Transformator planning group developed a proposal for a growing population in Oslo. The proposal defines fixed city limits to clearly define the boundary between the city and countryside. The proposal accommodates an additional 100,000 people moving into the city. The strategy is similarly broken down into five principles that can be applied at both a city or town scale (Munchen, 2001). Their approach draws many parallels to our collective ambition of ‘A Sewn Place’. 01 1. Using brownfield sites and re-purposing vacant build-
ings within the town centre
Promoting restoration and retrofitting of vacant buildings in the town centre. Improving public transport connections and phasing out the need for the car also presents opportunities; vacant car parks and roads can be given back to the public realm or provide new development sites within the town centre.
2. Selecting a new set of localities close to core for con-
centrated urban development
Developments along the newly defined edge are all within a 20 minute walking distance of the centre, aligning with the concept of living locally and the 20 minute neighbourhood. 3. Zoning brownfield sites along the waterfront and
ensuring they are not used for private development
Reclaiming parts of the industrial area as part of the group strategy begins to repair the disconnect between Blairgowrie, the river front and Rattray through new pedestrian networks, public buildings and community green spaces. 4. New housing combined with green structures The ‘Open Edge’ promotes a new denser form of housing on the edge of the town that provides outdoor spaces suitable for private productive gardens or community allotments. Introducing green elements into the urban environment and promoting better building standards such as passive house to help reduce carbon emissions.
5. Using new built up areas to define the boundary
between the city and nature
Development sites within Blairgowrie & Rattrays newly defined edge are identified. Higher density mixed use developments define the end of the urban environment and protect the natural landscape beyond. Fig 15. Blairgowrie Strategy Diagrams (Authors Own)
he ‘hemming’ of the town defines the edge between the urban and natural environments. Beyond the protection of the productive landscape, edges are important in providing a sense of place. “The edges of a city limit the visual field and define individual space as a place. Just as the walls of a home support activities and communicate a sense of well-being, the city’s edges offer a feeling of organization, comfort and security (Gehl, 2010, p.75) The edges of Blairgworie & Rattray cannot be determined by a single form. There is a series of existing edge conditions such as the suburban housing areas, green belts, changes in topography and the River Ericht. Retaining and expanding the towns green edges will further enhance the towns biodiversity, create natural shelter belts and improve the air quality. Densifying the built edges of the town will reduce the amount of land consumed by developments and create more active urban environments that better support daily interactions.
HEMMING Urban Forrest
The edges of the town become a metamorphosis of buildings and landscape, both of which can provide a sense of enclosure and organisation. Reinforcing these existing edges will be used to form boundaries to prohibit expansion. The towns edge should be distinct and clear, marking the act of passage from inside to outside of the town. It must also become an extension of the public realm, forming part of a wider network of accessible community spaces. By inhabiting the edge with walking and cycling routes that connect to a range of community amenities, it can begin to inherit some of the characteristics of a medieval city wall. The contemporary interpretation is a more fluid form, changing character in response to the immediate context it borders. 3 elements will be used to define the edge of Blairgowrie & Rattray; - Urban Forrest - Neighbourhoods - Landmarks
PAT C H I N G Mixed Use / Higher Density Neighbourhoods
Fig 16. Metaphor Diagrams (Authors Own)
Fig 17. Meikleour Beech Hedge, (TuckDB, 1960)
Four miles south of Blairgowrie stands the Meikleour Beech Hedge, recognised as the highest hedge in the world. Situated on the road from Perth to Blairgowrie, the phenomenon acts as both a landmark and an edge. Building into this concept of creating edges defined by nature is fundamental to preserving the character of the town.
Borders & Boundaries Richard Sennet discusses in his essay ‘The Open City’ the idea of borders and boundaries. A boundary being where something ends whereas a border is a place that different groups can interact (Sennet, 2008). Boundaries may be used to segregate different functions of a place, for instance the single use zoning of industry from housing in Blairgowrie. The act of diffusing boundaries in this context has the potential to create an interesting paradox. More definitive boundaries can be used to separate the built and natural environments. The landscape inexplicitly forms natural boundaries with its topography, mature tree lines or where land meets the river. Boundaries serve a valuable purpose in preserving the identity of a place. The further these boundaries are extended the more the sense of place becomes diluted. Protecting the natural boundaries of the town is critical to retaining the towns character and resisting urban sprawl. There are however, instances where a boundary becomes a border, something porous; a place of exchange between different communities.
Borders distinguish inside from outside. If they are simple, they make it clear where we are; if they are complex, encompassing distinct pockets of space, they affords choices or the chance of change…one of humankind’s most potent devices for achieving mystery, distance, and the setting apart of a special place has been to build layers of walls architecture, as in thought, simple tight boundaries are most often too confining. (Lyndon and Moore, 1994, p.81)
Whenever we construct a barrier, we have to equally make the barrier porous; the distinction between inside and outside has to be breachable, if not ambiguous. (Sennet, 2008)
Borders relate back to the defensive walls of a medieval city, providing enclosure and protection, clearly establishing the edge of the settlement. The walls contain a series of borders where a person is made aware they are entering a different environment. This historical typology has progressed from a defence mechanism to something which characterises a place. Over time, many city walls were partially or fully demolished. Cities such as Edinburgh still have the remnants of their city walls. The old town of Dubrovnik has retained its historical silhouette, formed by its towering city walls enclosing the old town. Today they embellish the city in its picturesque landscape, generating economic growth as a huge part of their tourist economy. Entering the city through the medieval walls clearly defines the passage from one place to another, fortifying a distinct sense of place.
Fig 18. Crossing a border - the urban portal, (Authors Own)
Fig 19. Edinburgh’s Medeival Wall, Early 17th century, (fineartamerica, 2020)
Portals To define the passing of a border, a gesture can be made to signify and celebrate this entrance. These ‘portals’ between different communities can be articulated in various ways; a change in surface texture or building scales, through an artefact such as a sculpture or through a simple opening in a wall. A portal - “bids us welcome and draw us
through them. Doorways and gates cultivate expectations of the places that lie beyond (Lyndon and Moore, 1994, p.101).” Gordon Cullen similarly describes the na-
ture of a pedestrian route passing between two walls with “The difference between
outside and inside arousing curiosity and anticipation (Cullen, 1966, p.165)”. Por-
tals are important to define the entrance points within the towns edge. The passing through a ‘portal’ can be reinforced with policy actions such as reduced speed limits. This provides a distinction between inside and outside the edge. The internal character of Blairgowrie should become a place for people, giving greater priority to pedestrians as opposed to championing the accessiblity of commmuters.
Walled Cities Inhabited city walls were historically a hive of heterogeneous activities. Their purpose began to take on a more cultural role by the end of the medieval period. Peter Barber discusses Djemaa el Fna the public square in the city walls of Marrakesh. He describes how the relatively ordinary square has an extraordinary impact as it; “exemplifies what public space is or at least what it can be. Like all public space, it is unique because it belongs at the same time to no one and to everyone – to old and young, rich and poor, tourists and locals alike. It’s a place where people can express themselves with relative freedom (Barber, et al, 2018, p.58)”. The space is not defined by a set of programmes, monuments nor treasured architecture. The quality of the space is in its natural occupation. The alleyways of the old town feed into it, creating a vibrant scene in the evenings full of culture and expression. The unprescribed nature of the space and the diversity of events as a result is particularly relevant to the idea of harnessing a towns identity. This is not something that can be simply imposed on a place through dictatorial architecture or by aesthetic continuity of the built environment, it is embedded in, and expressed by the people through celebrations of culture and tradition. Hisham Matar describes his experiences in Siena, another enclosed medieval city of a smaller scale with a population of 55,000. It’s boundaries help solidify a sense of place; the dense urban environment and narrow streets retain their historical integrity as a place for people and not the vehicle. In the 1960’s it was the first Italian city to restrict access to motor vehicles. There is a sense of freedom attached to this, something also reflected in the architecture of the city (Matar, 2019).
Fig 20. Djemaa el Fna, Marrakesh, (Hadyniak, 2018)
we have come to underestimate architecture by exaggerating its utility. We often think of buildings not as spaces where human life takes shape, but rather as sites for certain functions and activities. Siena resits this. It is as though the wall that encircles the city like a ribbon is much a physical boundary as it is a spiritual veil. It is there to keep out invading armies but also to keep in and intensify Siena’s sense of itself. Independence here is not merely a political concern, but a spiritual and philosophical one, aligned with the sovereignty of spirit, with the right to exist in accordance with one’s own nature as well as the need not to lose sight of its self. (Matar, 2019, P.23)
Fig 21. The walled city of Siena, (Kuilman, 2022)
The Inhabited Wall The qualities of Siena’s urban environment are exemplified in the public square of Piazza Del Campo. Described by Jan Gehl as “A meeting place and public living room for its citizens, both then and now (Gehl, 1971, p.41)”. The streets of the dense urban blocks feed into the piazza which reveals itself as a celebrated public space used for markets and events. A series of fountains and bollards are carefully placed to define the spaces within.
Figure 23. The edge of Blairgowrie & Rattray as an inhabited wall, made up from a series of borders and boundaries, (Authors Own, 2022)
Figure 22. Piazza Del Campo, (Authors Own, 2022)
The inheret qualities of the medieval city walls can be abstracted to inform the narrative for what the edge of a contemporary town or city could be; an inhabited wall. As Hasham Matar refers to the wall surrounding Siena as a ‘ribbon’, the current edges of Blairgowrie form a partial green ribbon around the built environment with the existing green belts and the agricultural land. Where this edge intersects with the key entrance nodes to the town is where the boundary has the potential to become a border. Embedded in the existing grain of the place, the inhabited wall of Blairgworie & Ratrray will fuse buildings and landscape, pedestrian passages with public squares and form connections between existing landmarks and proposed developments. Figure 23 conceptualises the borders and boundaries used to define the edge of the town. Active and densely populated borders intersect with the primary roads into the town, used to mark the points of entrance. Connecting the borders are the natural boundaries formed by the existing green belts and the proposed urban forrest trail. The edge begins to create a state of equilibrium, rejecting the notion that the town will inevitably succumb to the spread of suburbia.
Intensification & Densification Rural areas account for 95% of Scotland’s land mass however just 21% of the population are living in rural areas. With the effects of the pandemic and growing housing demands in cities, rural areas can play a key role in partially absorbing the housing pressures created by an increasing population. To ensure the growth of towns align with the 20 minute neighbourhood concept outlined by the Scottish Government, as a way to building resilient communities, the intensification of activities and densification of the built environment is essential.
smaller settlements however there are examples such as Dent in Cumbria. With a population of less than 1,000 people, it has an average of density of 68 dwellings per hectare. The cars are pushed to the edge of the village allowing the historical character of the intimately scaled streets to be retained, making it a popular tourist destination and desirable place to live.
The densities found in cities may not be applicable to towns such as Blairgowrie however a signifcant increase is required from the density of existing and ongoing developments. Doubling the existing densities and introducing a mix of building types would reduce land consumption, provide walkable community facilities and justify im“A hypothetical low density neighbourhood proved public transport connections could extend to nearly 1.5 kilometres in diam- as a sustainable travel alternative. eter, pushing over 60% of the houses beyond the acceptable 500-metre or five-minute walking limit.” (Urban Task Force, 1999, p.32) No real benefit comes from being The density of Blairgowrie & Rattrays suburban housing areas are particularly low and unsustainable, between 10 and 30 dwellings per hectare. Many of the worlds most attractive cities and towns have highly dense urban environments. Barcelona has an average density of 400 dph, London’s popular boroughs such as Islington and Bloomsbury both with an average of over 100 dph (Urban Task Force, 1999). This is less frequent in
stacked on top of one another just because it is more spatially efficient. True urban quality comes from accommodating density and diversity of building types and uses in the same place. I believe that different, even conflicting, uses and users can coexist and enjoy the convenience of colocation if they are accommodated in an urban framework that lets them be good neighbours to each other (Sim and Gehl, 2019, p.17).
Figure 24. The urban structure of dispersed cities, (Urban Task Force, 1999)
Figure 25. Compact urban areas with an urban district and distinct neighbourhoods, (Urban Task Force, 1999)
Peter Barber, 100 Mile City Occupying the boundary of London, the 100 mile city confronts the city’s suburban edges proposing mixed use, high density back to back housing. Intimately scaled streets and public squares are carved out from the blocks, providing respite from the dense urban edge and encouraging public life to spill out onto the street. “watch our city grow inwards, spreading like a wildfire through wasteful, anti-social, car choked suburbia. (Barber 2018)” This exploratory and provocative project conforms to the idea of ‘hemming’ the frayed edges of a town and creating a lively, definitive urban edge as oppossed to the ambigous suburban. In the context of Blairgowrie and Rattray, this concept of an urban edge will inform the approach of defining the edges character by creating a ‘purposeful’ boundary. The 100 mile city’s monorail provokes the idea of a connected place. At a town scale, this can be reimagined as a pedestrian and cyclist friendly loop meandering through an urban forest trail. The trail forms part of a larger network that intersects with the public realm and branches out towards neighbouring villages and towns.
Fig 26. 100 mile city model, (Barber, 2018)
a confident purposeful boundary fronting a revitalised productive countryside. (Barber, 2018)
Fig 27. The 100 Mile City’s relationship with the agricultural edges of London (Barber, 2018)
Figure 28 Gordon Cullens sketches of Redgrave road, (Cullen, 1966)
To strengthen the character of Blairgowrie & Rattrays new neighbourhoods embedded within the towns edge, they should have “distinctive characteristics of locality in terms of scale, grain and the relationship of built form to landscape (Proctor Matthews et al, 2019, p.9).”
The work of Gordon Cullen illustrated in his book ‘Townscape’ provides a visual analysis of several towns with clear identities. His study of Redgrave road in Basildon directly compares the typical suburban layout against the architect Noel Teweddels proposal. Both projects are adjacent to one another with similar parameters. The key difference was the orthogonal, repetitive nature of the builders standard suburban proposal in contrast to the staggered form of the architects. Tewedells design created a series of meandering pedestrian routes which are given a sense of enclosure through projecting buildings and varying degrees of landscaping. Colour is also used to distinguish the different building types all of which begin to provide a unique sense of place (Cullen, 1966).
Proctor Matthews medium density, mixed use neighbourhood proposal in the Scottish borders has a strong sense of identity. The project uses several important design moves that embed the neighbourhood clusters in the existing fabric of the place. Firstly the use of landscape; using the ancient river bed topography as a new pedestrian and cycle route, connecting to Tweedbanks existing amenities such as the towns community centre. The site is also enclosed and protected by the “retained and reinforced deciduous tree belts (Proctor Matthews, 2018)”. The clusters of housing are unique in form and range in typologies. Each cluster contains a flexible space at their core providing a range of amenities with retail units, studios and workshops. The fundamentals of the proposal are to protect and enhance the character of the place with a distinctive development.
Figure 29, Proctor & Matthews Architects, Tweedbank, Scottish Borders, (Mathews, 2018)
Blairgowrie & Rattray’s Identity The towns historical character as a small market town developed into a bustling scene due to the success of the textiles industry. The town is also renowned for its seasonal workers as Perthshire’s soft fruit capital, earning the name the ‘Berry Town’. The focal point of the town centre is the Wellmeadow, a central public square. This is the starting point of the 64 mile popular walking route ‘The Cateran Trail’. Today it is enclosed on all sides by busy roads, losing its historical character as a vibrant ‘public living room’ where it once hosted massive community events. Braemar night in 1962 was reported to host 10,000 people for a three hour show. (Cateran Ecomuseum, 2020)
strictions within the edge such as vehicle access, allows for integral parts of the public realm to be reclaimed. Together this begins to restore the towns identity as an attractive cultural destination allowing life to spill out onto the streets.
“The motor-car has penetrated every crack and crevice of our cities, lanes, yards and courts. All the richness and variety of the floor has been submerged in the traffic flood and inhabitants of buildings venture out at their peril, making their way be means of islands, refuges, safety zones and beacons. When we consider that in the normal urban block streets occupy about one-third of Using the edge to concentrate growth in- the total area we get some idea of the loss cludes the regeneration of vacant build- which this mechanized age is sustaining.” ings and sites within the town centre. (Cullen, 1966, p.121) Secondly, the gradual introduction of re-
Fig 30. The Wellmeadow in 1935, (Cateran Ecomuseum, 2020)
Fig 31. Identity Study, (Authors own, 2022)
Today the town currently has a series of separate zones or ‘patches’. This character study portrays the disconnect between the town centre and the expanding edges. Secondly, the industrial area is highlighted as it creates an impenetrable edge between the public realm and the River Ericht. The result is a widening of the existing divide created by the river between the two burghs. The ‘Open Edge’ and the MArch group projects propose a sequence of reformed spaces within the industrial area to repair this disconnect. The interventions introduce alternative building typologies, soft landscaping, new pedestrian through routes and pedestrian bridges to re-establish this fragmented relationship with the river. This repair is essential for building on the existing sense of identity as a biodiversity town characterised by its relationship with the surrounding landscape.
Chapter 03 Method
Existing Conditions Land Use The town is formed by three administrative zones; Blairgowrie, Rattray and Rosemount. Rattray’s history precedes Blairgowrie’s tracing back to the 12th Century. The twin burghs have been formally united since 1928 however they are physically disconnected due to the issues highlighted within the industrial zone and the public realm. There are also notable inequalities with Rattray suffering from greater deprivation than Blairgworie which is relatively affluent in comparison, see figure 32. Rosemount was formed in the late 19th century consisting of a small number of dwellings, a mill and Blairgowries golf course. Rosemount has incrementally expanded, now directly bordering Blairgowrie. It can be characterised by it’s high proportion of elderly retired citizens.
Figure 32, Dark shades of grey representing higher levels of deprivation, (Authors own, 2022)
The land use map shown in Figure 34 demonstrates the distinct zones currently dividing the town. The isolated suburban neighbourhoods do not contain smaller centres for basic amenities which promotes further car dependency. The ‘Open Edge’ looks to reform the pedestrian connections between the fragmented zones and repair this reduction of diversity and identity towards the edges of the town. The analysis highlighted the towns current assets with several valuable landmarks, good access to recreational space and community green spaces. Building on the towns existing heritage and assets is important for retaining the historical character of the place. Fig 33. Increasing physical connections between zones, (Authors own, 2022)
Fig 34. Land Use, (Authors own, 2022)
Natural Edges The sloping topography creates a distinct sense of place, providing visual connections with the surrounding hills throughout the town. However it also poses a threat, creating flood zones along the river front shown in figure 35. The concept of an ‘urban forest’ is used to mitigate future environmental challenges such as flooding. The urban forest should expand the existing green belts identified in figure 37. They can be used to define the natural edges of the town with many practical benefits. Studies have demonstrated that tree shelter belts on the hills of the town and along river-fronts “could significantly reduce flooding, soil erosion and water pollution (Rewilding Britain, 2022)”. They also provide agricultural benefits such as field drainage and biosecurity (Asher, 2019).
Figure 36. Copenhagens five finger plan
Figure 35. Flood Zones by 2080, (Authors own, 2022)
Copenhagen’s ‘five finger plan’ was influential in the development of a strategy to protect the natural assets of a place. The city promotes urban growth along 5 major transport routes, protecting the landscape in-between the ‘five fingers’ of the built environment. The preservation of this valuable landscape provides the necessary space for agricultural land and public green spaces. Blairgowrie & Ratrray’s ‘fingers’ of landscape partially extend towards the town centre. The urban forest aims to extend and protext these existing tree belts, introducing natural elements into the built environment. With the gradual reduction of the car, the main road connections can be maintained, secondary streets can be repurposed and used as part of this urban forest language. The removal of the car and implementation of green elements into the street scape provides social and environmental benefits.
Fig 37. Existing natural edges, (Authors own, 2022)
Development Path The Perth & Kinross LDP outlines several sites for development. Figure 38 demonstrates the extensive land consumption and further detachment from the core of the town. The most notable is the large scale mixed use proposal bordering Rosemount. Figure 40 maps six portals into the town; the entrance points where the primary roads intersect with the existing partially defined edges of Blairgowrie & Rattray. Each intersection is situated within a 20 minute walking distance from the town centre. These intersection points are the opportunities to mark the passing of a border into the urban environment. Figure 38. Perth & Kinross, Local Development Plan Proposal ( Perth & Kinross Council 2019)
Figure 40 identifies alternative development sites to the LDP’s proposal. Gap sites and vacant buildings are also mapped to show the opportunities for densifying the town centre. Working with existing buildings is significant in the preservation of the towns identity. It is also important for restoring the vibrancy of the town centre.
Figure 39. Vacant building on the waterfront, (Authors own, 2022)
The alternative development sites take a more sensitive approach to land consumption. They are strategically placed in close proximity to the portals; where the urban edges should be defined with distinctive developments. For the defined edge of the town to become porous, the borders must create an active place of exchange between different communities. The sites should facilitate higher density, mixed use developments that must provide suitable and varying amenities.
Fig 40. Alternative development opportunities, (Authors own, 2022)
This mapping exercise identifies the gateways into the town; the entrance points where the primary roads intersect with the existing partially defined edges of the town. Each intersection is located within a 20 minute walking distance from the town centre. This begins to define where the edges of the town should be should be better defined. Several alternative development sites have been identified to cre-
ate a defined edge through higher density developments. The alternative development sites take a more sensitive approach to land consumption and further preserve the existing natural edges of the town in contrast to the local development plan. Gap sites and vacant buildings have also been identified as key elements of densifying the town centre and promoting internal developments
The Defined Settlement Edge
he defined ‘Open edge’ was determined by layering up and assessing each of the analytical studies of the towns existing conditions. The defined edge highlights opportunities for future growth while restricting further sprawling of the town. The edge divides Blairgowie and Rosemount along the existing administrative boundary. By distinguishing these two communities it looks to retain their historically distinct identities. The reference to ‘openness’ is key in this instance as the edge will act as a border between the two communities. The current large scale developments of Blairgowrie would begin to consume the small community of Rosemount.
Fig 41. Overlayed maps used to define the edge, (Authors own, 2022)
Design Elements & Principles The edge will be composed of three primary elements; 1. The urban forrest (Hemming) 2. Mixed use neighbourhoods (Patching) 3. Landmarks (Embelishing) The design research has informed a list of design principles that must be considered for future developments within the towns defined edge.
Clearly defined boundaries
Enhancement of biodiversity
Spatial hierarchy of parks, streets, squares & lanes
Mixed tenure, medium / high density
Access to public / community space
Safe and attractive public realm
Appropriate mix of uses
Fig 42. Design principles, (Authors own, 2022)
The Network The ‘Open Edge’ forms part of a wider network of existing assets and proposed developments in the town. On the periphery it creates a continuous walking and cycling route. Internally, several important routes in the public realm connect into the pedestrian loop around the edge. These become the ‘stitches’ between the MArch individual intervention projects, the existing landmarks and green spaces and the ‘Open Edge’. A series of proposed bridges are similarly used to ‘stitch’ connections between Blairgowrie & Rattray.
Fig 43. Proposed network of new developments and the towns existing assets, (Authors own, 2022)
The Walled Town 2040 The town is ‘hemmed’ by an inhabited wall. The natural wall consists of an urban forest enveloping the built environment. This is an extension of the towns existing tree belts. The dense forest clearly defines the natural boundaries of the defined edge. Internally, it characterises a series of stitches. The revitalised pedestrian ‘green routes’ improve the pedestrian connections between the towns previously identified assets such as the newly densified town centre and the suburban neighbourhoods. By extending the urban forest into the town and along the river-front it becomes the key driver in Blairgowries ambitions to become a biodiversity centre. Practicalities include protection against flooding by increasing water infiltration, better air quality by naturally removing air pollutants and creating new habitats for a variety of ecosystems to thrive. The constructed inhabited wall is defined by new patches; dense urban neighbourhoods defining the crossing of a border into the town. Embellishing these neighbourhoods with public buildings and spaces provides them with a focal point and a sense of selfhood. Public buildings provide a place for people to interact and form relationships, helping to build social resilience into their community. To ensure these neighbourhoods are not isolated entities they must create public destinations that attract people with varying interests, stimulating diversity and vitality within the urban environment.
Fig 44. The Inhabited Wall, (Authors own, 2022)
The Wider Network
Fig 45. Surrounding landscape study (Mckracken, 2022)
The walled town of Blairgowrie & Rattray forms part of a wider network of communities. The smaller towns of Coupar Angus and Aylth are situated roughly four miles away. Blairgowrie & Rattray has the potential to serve as a vibrant centre to these neighbouring towns. Several quiet roads service connect the towns demonstrated in figure 46. There is a potential for these routes to become active travel corridors between the ‘Open Edge’ and the surrounding towns.
Fig 46. Connections with surrounding towns of Aylth & Coupar Angus, (Authors own, 2022)
Character Study
03 06
Fig 47. Sketch study, (Authors own, 2022)
To determine the character of the constructed inhabited wall, analytical studies of the existing urban environment were used. Figure 47 distinguishes the nature of the different zones within the towns edge. 01. Blairgowries suburban housing 02. Industrial area 03. Rattray’s mixed use street 04. Bridge entrance from Rattray to Blairgowrie 05. Rattray’s suburban housing These areas are currently absent of a distinct identity. To create hypothetical typologies for the inhabited edge, several existing buildings with strong characteristics were used as precedents to build on the towns current sense of individuality. As the inhabited wall contracts and expands into the urban environment, it is important to understand the changes in character from inside to outside of the edge.
Inside the Edge
Fig 48. Town Centre - Tenement (Authors own, 2022)
Fig 49. Town Centre - Mixed Use (Authors own, 2022)
Fig 50. Abandoned Industrial Building (Authors own, 2022)
On the Edge
Fig 51. Farm House (Authors own, 2022)
Fig 52. Farm Shed (Authors own, 2022)
Fig 53. Walled House (Authors own, 2022)
Outside the Edge
Fig 54. Farmstead (Authors own, 2022)
Fig 55. Mill (Authors own, 2022)
Fig 56. Hilltop House (Authors own, 2022)
Urban Edge Typologies The hypothetical typologies have been created to illustrate the design elements and principles in practise, using a series of scenarios situated within the inhabited wall of Blairgowrie & Rattray.
01 Mixed Use / Live Work Units
02 Flats / Maisonettes
03 Terraced House
04 Walled Garden House
05 Community Landmark Building
01 Neighbourhood Block
Design Element
Design Principles
Patching / Mixed Use Neighbourhoods
Safe & attractive public realm
Mixed tenure, medium density
Acceess to community space
Appropriate mix of uses
Spatial heirarchy
02 Community Space
Design Element
Design Principles
Patching / Mixed Use Neighbourhoods
Safe & attractive public realm
Acceess to community space
Spatial heirarchy
Mixed tenure, medium density
03 Public Buildings & Squares
Design Element
Design Principles
Embellishing / Landmark
Safe & attractive public realm
Spatial heirarchy
Acceess to community space
Clearly defined boundaries
Appropriate mix of uses
04 Natural Boundaries
Design Element
Design Principles
Hemming / Urban Forest
Safe & attractive public realm
Enhancement of biodiversity
Acceess to community space
Clearly defined boundaries
Appropriate mix of uses
The Inhabited Wall Fragment A fragment of the edge was studied in greater detail, containing each of the 3 design elements. This portion of the edge marks the entrance point to the town from Dundee. This transition is celebrated with a community landmark building. This is used to create an active border between Rosemount and Blairgowrie. The urban forest trail and neighbourhood segment reinforce the towns wall on either side of the community centre. This sketch study highlights the direct contrast in density and character between the existing suburban housing areas and the proposed neighbourhoods. The wall continues into the industrial area where the urban forest trail continues along the water-front towards the town centre.
The Community Landmark
The Neighbourhood Street
The Urban Forest Trail
The Inhabited Wall of Blairgowire & Rattray
n the wake of a climate emergency it is clear imminent change is required to move towards a more sustainable future for our growing towns and cities. Creating a defined settlement edge to the town of Blairgowrie & Rattray is the first step towards rejecting the typical development patterns of towns across the country. The pillars of this project are the protection of our natural environment and creating better quality urban environments. The ‘Open Edge’ has the potential to be the beginning of the future for Blairgowrie & Rattray. Changes to the way we live, work and travel can be exploited by towns and villages, however a new type of growth is vital to ensure the sense of place is not lost as a result of urban sprawl. The strategy anticipates and embraces the phasing out of the car as alternative sustainable transport methods become viable. This presents a significant opportunity to grow the principles of the ‘Open Edge’ into the existing urban fabric as part of the incremental revival of the towns public realm. The rejection of the towns identity as a dormitory town to the contrary as an attractive liveable, sustainable and biodiverse place should be at the heart of future decision making regarding further developments within the town. The methods proposed in this research project would likely face many challenges. For instance changing the perception of higher density living is perhaps onerous, however short term planning is no longer acceptable and therefore tackling issues such as urban sprawl must be promptly addressed and reinforced at local, regional and national levels.
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