2010 overview on transportation infrastructure sectors in kingdom of cambodia

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia

2010 Infrastructure and Regional Integration Technical Working Group (IRITWG)

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Contact address: IRITWG Secretariat 4th Floor, Eastern Building, Ministry of Public Works and Transport Tel. 855 23 724 565 E-mail: psovicheano@online.com.kh!


The Infrastructure and Regional Integration Technical Working Group (IRITWG) is proud to publish the 3'd edition of the "Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia."

The 1't and 2"d editions were published as of January 2008 and January 2009 respectively with

the following purpose:


To prepare a strong basis for the future planning in the transport

infrastructure sectors. (2) To share the basic information and the overall picture concerning the transport infrastructure sectors among the related organizations, development partners, etc.

Publication of the 1't and 2nd edition has achieved a huge step forward and has been appreciated by both public and private sectors as it were the only official documents that briefly illustrate the whole transport infrastructure sectors in Cambodia.

As the infrastructure development in Cambodia is so rapid that the IRITWG has been aware of the necessity of updating the "Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors," and thanks to the

effort of all stakeholders, the 3'd edition in 2010 is now available in your hand.

We hope that this new edition

will be useful for planning and implementation of


infrastructure development in Cambodia, and we will put forth our best endeavors to continue to provide and improve next updated versions.

Lead Facilitator of the IRITWG

Minister of Public Works and Transport

ive, JICA Cambodia Office


1. Roads .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Railway .................................................................................................................................................... 18 3. Maritime and Ports ................................................................................................................................... 23 4. Inland Waterway....................................................................................................................................... 35 5. Air Transportation .................................................................................................................................... 41 6. Cross Border Transport ............................................................................................................................ 46

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

1. ROADS 1.1. BACKGROUND During the 1980s the state had a monopoly on all commercial transport, including goods and passenger transport. The services were run by state enterprises. Some enterprises were national and supervised by the Ministry of Transport, Post and Tele-Communication (MTPT) or provincial government.

Figure 1-1: The evolution of MPWT

In late 1980s and early 1990s, the government policy evolved from planned to free market economy. Private company dealing with transport, infrastructure construction/rehabilitation emerged and state controlled enterprises lost out very fast and most have since been privatized or been dissolved. The change had also been seen at the ministry level both during the first general election in Cambodia in 1993 and also in the second general election in 1998. In this evolution, as shown in Figure 1-1 , the MTPT had been divided into four ministries: o Ministry of Post and Tele-Communication (MPTC): in charge of Mail and electronics communication o Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT): in charge of National & Provincial Road, Inland and Maritime transport, Railways and Airport 1 o Ministry of Rural Development (MRD): in charge rural road o Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. In conjunction with political stability and with the support from international community, Cambodia’s infrastructure has been seen growing rapidly: Numbers of National Roads have been rehabilitated/asphalted, Bridges have been constructed and similar development trend has been seen in other transport sectors. The negative outcome of this development could be seen in the increase of road accident and the abuse of overload transport, where the government had taken measure to tackle these problems seriously.


This task is shared with State Secretariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA) Page - 1 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

1.2. Asian Highway: Cambodia A Cambodian road network is part 2 of the Asian Highway (AH) No.1, No.11 and No.123. AH No.1 is the longest route of the Asian Highway Network, running 12,845 miles (20,557 km) from Tokyo, Japan via Korea, China, Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan and Iran to the border between Turkey and Bulgaria west of Istanbul.

Source: ESCAP Figure 1-2: Asian Highway

1) Roads, bridges and ferries The road network in Cambodia consist of 5,263km National Road (2,117km are 1st digit and 3,146km are 2nd digits), 6,441km provincial road and 33,005km rural road (as of September 2010).The National Road are mostly primary road network links Phnom Penh to provincial capitals and important centers of population and economic activity. Most roads were constructed in the 1920s and 1930s to serve light vehicular traffic. Originally about 2,400 km of the national road network was paved with asphalt or bituminous material, but over the years, through negligence (due to civil war from 1970 – 1998) and the effects of flooding and traffic, much of this pavement has disappeared. The maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) allowed on Cambodian roads at present is 20 tonnes. Ferries are operated by The Ministry of Public Works and Transport at key locations: NR 1: Neak Loeung, NR 6A: Prek Tamak, Prek Kdam (until April 2010). Other river crossing services are operated by local authorities/private. 2) Road traffic and transports a. Passenger transport Passenger transport suffers from a lack of adequate vehicles. Motor cycles with or without trailers carry significantly more passengers than private cars and pick- ups, although mainly for short distances. Most motor cycles are small, with cylinder volumes in the range 70-100 cc. Shared taxi is the predominant mode for public transport, with some 50% of the total number of passengers -km on the primary roads. Older, medium size saloon cars are used for the purpose and carry an average of no less than seven passengers. Most of the remaining such traffic is carried by converted pick-ups, with an average seating capacity of 12 and an average occupancy of 11 passengers. Regular buses are very few even though there is an obvious market. The state Passenger Transport Company has a de facto monopoly and provides some services along Roads 1 a 7, using mainly Soviet PAZ buses with 23 seats. The average occupancy rate for these buses is about 60%, very much less than for the private taxis.


Cambodia occupied 1,339 km out of 140,479 km of total AH (Source: Wikipedia, 2010) Page - 2 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

b. Goods transport Most vehicles for goods transport as observed on the primary roads were imported during 1980-1991 under a favourable trade agreement with former Soviet Union. The main types are MAZ, with two axles and an eight tonne nominal load capacity and KAMAZ with three axles and a ten tonne load capacity. On average for the main road network two-axle trucks constitute about half of the fleet and carry about one third of the goods volume in tonne-km. On Road 4, in particular, many three-axle trucks also pull trailers for an additional ten tonne capacity. The maximum size of trucks is formally restricted by the general 20 tonne limit for the gross vehicle weight, and further by the load restrictions for individual bridges. Larger trucks, such as articulated vehicles, are very few. There is still no organized import of new trucks, as there is for light vehicles. The legislation relating to commercial transport services was liberalized in 1990. Operators have to be registered as businesses, for tax purposes, and need a license issued by the transport department of MPWT. According to MPWT such licenses are normally granted to all applicants on payment of a small fee. c. Traffic volumes and characteristics There have been few systematic traffic studies in Cambodia since the 1960s. Traffic counts at some forty different sites, covering one day at each site, were conducted by MPWT in 1993. Few road sections outside the main urban areas have traffic volumes exceeding 1,000 vehicles per day and none more than about 3,000 (excluding motor cycles). The average for all primary roads is some 500 vehicles with four or more wheels, plus 1,600 motor cycles per day (weighted average for Roads 1- 7). However, this average includes long sections of Roads 6 and 7 which can hardly be passed at all at present. The composition of traffic is similar along most main roads, except where the road or bridge conditions limit the use of some vehicle types. The number of motor cycles with or without trailers is generally two to five times the number of vehicles with four or more wheels. Of the light vehicles, about half are shared taxis or public passenger vehicles. Heavy vehicles constitute 10-20, of the total traffic flow excluding motor cycles. d. Origins and destinations About 80% of all long distance (inter- provincial) transport of both goods and passengers, observed in the origindestination survey, was either to or from Phnom Penh. The aggregate figures for the whole country are likely to be somewhat lower, but the results clearly show Phnom Penh's dominating role in the economy. However, there are also substantial inter- provincial movements between the north- western provinces of Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey and Battambang. Many of these goods originate in Thailand. Most of the trade with Vietnam is either local or transshipped at the border, hence very little traffic to/from Vietnam was detected in the surveys. If traffic from Sihanoukville port is excluded, the volume of goods transported by road to Phnom Penh is the same order of magnitude as the volume from Phnom Penh. For most other provinces the volume of domestic exports is also the same order of magnitude as the domestic imports. The goods flows by road are thus quite well balanced, which helps explain the high load factors. There is almost no traffic al all through Phnom Penh, such as between Roads 4 and 5 or between Roads 1 and 5. e. Trip purposes and types of commodities The main reason for passenger trips is "personal business", accounting for more than half of all replies. Only some 10% of all passenger trips are duty trips, i.e. undertaken during paid working time. 1.3. The role of infrastructure in Cambodia’s Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction and Trade Integration The accessibility to the infrastructure by the Cambodian people remains the lowest in Asia (see Table 1-1). Table 1-1: Infrastructure Access Indicators in Selected ASEAN (% of total population) Infrastructure Cambodia Indonesia Myanmar Viet Nam Note Electricity 10.0 80.0 5.0 60.0 Electricity: Access to electricity network; Water: access to improved water sources; Sanitation: access to improved Water 34.0 78.0 80.0 73.0 sanitation; Teledensity: telephone subscribers per thousand Sanitation 16.0 52.0 73.0 41.0 population; Road density (population): road km/ 1,000 Teledensity 38.0 127.0 8.0 88.0 people; Road density (area): road km/ 1,000sq.km; -- where Road Density (population) 1.0 1.7 1.2 data is not available Road Density (area) 70.0 203.0 287.0 Source: Estache and Goicoechea 2005.

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

With less accessibility to infrastructure compounded with least infrastructure development (see Table 1-2) thus created the inequality in infrastructure development, which further implicated the reduction of poverty level, income inequality and development gap. Table 1-2: Ranking of ASEAN Countries According to the Level of Infrastructure Development 1991 2000 2005 Country Note Index Rank Index Rank Index Rank United 25.96 1 22.95 1 20.66 1 Index= Research and Information System for Developing Countries States Infrastructure Index (RII) where RIIit=RIS Infrastructure Index of the i-th country (104 countries) in t-th time (namely, 1991, 2000, Japan 16.28 5 18.65 4 18.58 2 2005), Wjt=weight of the j-th aspect of infrastructure in t-th time, Singapore 15.73 6 20.11 2 17.66 3 and Xjit=value of the j-th aspect of infrastructure for the i-th country Malaysia 5.10 37 8.65 27 9.21 29 in the –th time point. Each of the infrastructure variables is Thailand 4.17 43 5.48 38 5.89 42 normalized for the size of the economy so that it is not affected by Viet Nam 0.91 92 1.85 75 3.27 61 the scale. The Wjt are estimated with the help of principal Indonesia 2.23 69 2.74 63 3.21 62 component analysis (PCA). The aspects of infrastructure covered in Philippines 1.53 76 2.58 65 2.95 63 the construction of the composite index are transport infrastructure, Lao PDR 0.55 99 1.19 84 0.87 92 ICT infrastructure, Energy infrastructure and Financial Myanmar 0.97 90 0.79 91 0.76 95 Infrastructure. Detailed explanation is in Kumar and De (2008) Cambodia 0.45 100 0.66 93 0.55 98 Source: ADB

1.4. Present State of Roads in Cambodia The road network in Cambodia is composed of arterial roads that are managed by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and rural roads managed by the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD). Pavement and Bridge status are as below: Table 1-3: Road network length Road Classification Length (Percentage) No. of Bridges (Percentage) Bridge Length (Percentage) 1-digit national roads 2,117 km (4.7%) 589 (14.5%) 17,643 m (23.1%) 2-digit national roads 3,146 km (7.0%) 698 (17.2%) 15,710 m (20.6%) 3,4-digit Provincial roads 6,441 km (14.4%) 904 (22.3%) 16,309 m (21.4%) Rural roads 33,005 km (73.8%) 1,869 (46.0%) 26,559 m (34.8%) Total length 44,709 km (100%) 4,060 (100%) 76,221 m (100.0%) Note: MRD figures are as of September 2010; MPWT road figure as of 2009 and bridge figures is as of 2006

Management Authority MPWT MRD Source: MPWT and MRD

Source: MPWT Figure 1-3: National Road Network in Cambodia Page - 4 -

Road Pavement ratio / Bridge Pavement ratio

Pavement status by type of pavement

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

1-digid national road

2-digid national road

Provincia l Roads

Rural Roads

Earth (km)

Road Pavement ratio





Bridge Pavement ratio





Concrete or AC (km)

bridges (as of 2004)

Provincial roads




Laterite (km)




DBST (km)







Note: The section under construction is assumed to be finished. Source: MPWT & MRD Figure 1-4: Road pavement ratio (as of 2009) and ratio of permanent

1-digit national 2-digit national roads roads

Source: MPWT Figure 1-5: Pavement status by road classification (as of 2009)

Note: The section under construction is assumed to be finished Source: MPWT Figure 1-6: Pavement Status

Ratio of road width category

Road widths: 99% of 1-digit national roads have at least two lanes, while only 52% of 2-digit national roads and 15% of provincial roads have two or more lanes. 100% 80% 60%

Note: For 1-digit national roads, data for• P w LV actually that for w• P DQG P”Z” P WKDW IRU 6.5m”Z” P

40% 20% 0% 1-digit national 2-digit national roads roads w<4.5m



6.5m w 9.0m

Source: MPWT

Provincial roads w 9.0m

Page - 5 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Figure 1-7: Road lengths according to road widths (as of 2009)

1.5. International roads A portion of national roads No. 1 and No. 5 make up a part of Asian Highway 1; national roads No. 4, 6 and 7 make up a part of Asian Highway 11; national roads No. 48, 3 and 33 make up a part of Asian Highway 123; and national roads No. 66 and 78 make up a part of the arterial highway of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). Table 1-4: International roads in Cambodia Name of international road Transit Cities GMS Asian ASEAN roads Highway Highway Poipet-Sisophon (NR5) Central Sisophon - Phnom Penh (NR5) SubAH1 AH1 corridor Phnom Penh - Bavet (NR1) Sub-total Length (km) Phnom Penh - Sihanouk Ville (NR4) Phnom Penh - Skun (NR6) InterAH11 AH11 Corridor Skun-Kampong Cham (NR7) Kampong Cham - Trapengkreal (NR7) Sub-total Length (km) Cham Yeam - Koh Kong (NR48) Southern Koh Kong - Sre Ambel (NR48) Coastal AH123 Sre Ambel - Viel Rinh (NR4) SubViel Rinh - Kampot (NR3) corridor Kampot - Lork (NR33) Sub-total Length (km) Siem Reap - Talaborivath (NR66) Northern SubTalaborivath - O Pongmoan (NR7) corridor O Pongmoan - O Yadav border (NR78) Sub-total Length (km) Grand total length (km)

Length km 47.5 360.0 164.0 571.5 226.4 75.0 49.0 411.8 762.2 13.0 138.0 42.0 36.0 51.8 280.8 305.2 19.0 187.7 511.9 2,129.4

Note: International road classifications are as follows (ASEAN STANDARD): [Primary] Roads used exclusively by automobiles/AC or concrete pavement [Class I] Highways with 4 or more lanes/AC or concrete pavement [Class II] Roads with 2 or more lanes/AC or concrete pavement [Class III] Narrow 2-lane roads/DBST pavement

Page - 6 -

International Road Classification Class Class Class Below Primary I II III Class III 47.45 360 57 107 104.45 467 226.4 75 49 411.83 350.4 411.83 13 138 42 0 36 51.8 55 225.8 38.8 266.38 19 68.2 119.5 68.2 57.8 385.9 581.1 1,162.4 385.9 Source: MPWT

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

Table 1-5 illustrates the total population compared to the total road length and people living in rural area to the rural road length. Table 1-5: Population by Road Density

Road Network: o 1-digit NR: o 2-digit NR: o Provincial Road: o National and Provincial Road (L1): o Rural Road (L2): o Total Road length (L=L1+L2): Land areas (S)

2,117 3,146 6,441 11,704 33,005 44,709 181,035

Population in 2009 (Population in 2008 x 101.54%) o Total population (P=P1 + P2): o Rural population (P1): o Urban population (P2): o PxS o (PxS)^0.5

13,595 10,944 2,651 2,461,186,948 49,610

Road density and Road density index Road Density, RD = L/S (km/sq.km) o All roads (L/S): o National & Provincial roads (L1/S): o Rural roads (L2/S):

0.247 0.065 0.182

Road Density Index, RDI=L/(PxS)^0.5 o All road (L/(PxS)^0.5): o National & Provincial roads (L1/(PxS)^0.5): o Rural roads (L2/(PxS)^0.5):

0.901 0.236 0.665

Total population/Total road length Rural population/Rural road length

0.304 0.332

km km km km km km sq.km 1000 person 1000 person 1000 person 1000 Person.sq.km

km/sq.m km/sq.m km/sq.m

Person/km Person/km

Source: World Bank (Updated by MPWT)

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

Source: MPWT Figure 1-8: Road and Bridge in Cambodia Page - 8 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) No.







Cost (Mill$)

Major Road Improvement Projects in Cambodia length Year Section (km) Start End






WB ADB Korea Korea Japan Korea Korea WB USA

Phnom Penh - Neak Loeung





Neak Loeung - Bavet






Neak Loeung - Bavet




12.50 36.90 17.05 47.60 50.50

63.0 63.0 51.7 137.5 32.7 32.5 217.0

Kbal Thnal - Takeo Kbal Thnal - Takeo Takeo - Ang Tasaom (NR3) Takeo - Phnum Den Chom Chao - Kampot Kampot - Trapang Ropaou Trapang Ropaou - Veal Renh Chaom Chao - Sihanouk Ville

2001 2003 2008 2004 1999


Chaom Chao - Sihanouk Ville




Phnom Penh - Kampong Chhnang PK:6+00 - Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang - Sisophon Sisophon - Poipet

2010 2000 2006

2003 2011 2004 2008

Treasury Loan Loan Loan

Phnom Penh - Chealea




Chealea - Cheung Prey




Cheung Prey Kampong Thom - Ro Lous Siem Reap - Bakong temple Sisophon - Siem Reap Cheung Prey - Kompong Cham Kompong Cham - Chob Chob - Kratie Kratie - Trapeang Kriel Preak Ta Mak - Anlong Chrey Anlong Chrey - Krek Krek - Moeun Chey

2000 1999 2000 2006 1996 2001 2000 2004 2007 2001

2004 2006 2001 2008 1999 2003 2004 2007 2010 2004

Loan Loan Grant Loan Grant Grant Loan Loan Loan Loan Loan Loan






Cambodia ADB ADB ADB

>1 68.00 77.50

91.0 85.0 261.0 48.0




16.10 12.00

112.0 73.0 15.0 100.0

Japan 6


8 11 13

ADB WB Japan ADB Japan Japan ADB China China China China ADB Japan ADB ADB

19.00 62.80 71.50 14.80 -




Korea WB WB

57.00 12.90



33 41 44 + 151

205.0 192.8 109.0 14.8 14.6 90.4

Bridges Svay Rieng - Anlong Chey

77.5 0.4 25.0 51.7 39.8 17.0

2007 2010 2008 2006 1996

Chhrey Thom

Loan Grant Loan Loan Loan

Loan 2010 2003 2002

2005 2005

Loan Loan

Status AC (2010: Korki to Neak Loeung) DBST Road Maintenance (Upgrading) DBST DBST AC DBST DBST DBST AC Operate transfer (periodic maintenance) DBST Maintenance DBST AC AC (deteriorated condition) AC (deteriorated condition) DBST DBST AC AC AC AC DBST DBST AC DBST DBST Bridge (50%-50% share with RGC) DBST

Takeo - Kampong Trach - Kampot Kompong Trach - Lork (Vietnam border) National Road 4 - Prek Thnout River Kg. Speu town - Oral - U dong Koh Kong - Sre Ambel







Udong - Thnal Torteng



Loan Loan Loan Grant Loan



Sisophon - Samrong




56-68 57 57B

Korea ADB China China

29.90 12.50 41.80 176.40

84.0 185.0 103.0 90.0

2005 2008 -

2009 2007 2011 -

Loan Loan Loan

















WB China


16.0 16.0

29km from Sisophon to Samrong Sisophon - Smarong - Kralanh Batambang - Thai Border Tmor Kol - Bovel - Sampov Luun National Road 59 (Koun Damrey Malay - Sampov Luun) National Road 5 - Thai border (through Chay Chay investment) Thnal Keng - Prek Kdam Thnal Keng - Prek Kdam

DBST DBST DBST 4 Bridges DBST Road only not structure Road improvement Structure only DBST -

2002 -

2005 -

Loan Loan

K.P. Thum - Provincial border




Provincial border - Meanchey Meanchey - Preah Vihear Kampong thom - Tbaeng Meanchey Dam Dek Phnom Dek - Rovieng Rovieng - River Stung Sen

2008 2008 2005 2004

2011 2011 2006

Loan Loan Loan Loan Loan

48 51 56

WB ADB Thai Thai WB



WB 62

65 66

Seeking China China WB WB WB

21.69 7.20 5.80

124.0 151.3 1.6 38.9

57.80 52.00 1.40 3.20

157.0 128.0 18.5 18

Page - 9 -

DBST (not yet started) Maintenance AC (not yet started) Laterite (Not compelet) DBST DBST DBST DBST DBST (not yet

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) 67 68 71

Thai Thai Thai Cambodia

3.06 32.50 35.00 -


18.0 131.0 113.0 -



ADB China VN China

51.90 25.80 73.30

14.0 127.0 70.0 123.1





181 207 210

WB WB Private

2.00 1.00 21.50

Prek Phnov



72 76 78

Name of Bridge


Kizuna Churoy Changvar Neak Loeung Preaek Ta Meak Preaek Kdam Kompong Bai Se Kong Koh Kong Stung Meanchey New 2nd Churoy Changvar Prek Phnov Tek Thla

Japan Japan Japan China China Korea China Private Private China Private -

Choam Sa Ngam - Anlong Veng Anlong Veng - Siem Reap O Smach - Kralagn Chomkarleu - Kampong Cham Traueng (NR7) - Kampong Thmar (NR6)

28 1 8.17

2006 2006 2007 -

2007 2009 2009 -

Grant Loan Loan -




Snoul - Sen Monorom Bang Lung - O Yadav O Pong Moan - Bang Lung

2007 2007 2007 -

2009 2010 2008 -

Loan Loan Loan Loan

Ban Lung - Bou Sra (waterfall)



Samraong - Chong Kal Sautr Nikom - Beong Tonle Sap Siem Reap - Koh Ke

2004 2004 2003

2006 2006 -

Loan Loan BOT



Phnom Penh (Prek Phnov) - NR6A

Cost (Mill$) $60.00 $27.00 $134.00 $43.50 $28.90

length (km) 1.3 2.2 1.1 1.0 0.3 -

$7.00 $5.00 $89.87 $42.00

1.543 -


Location Kompong Cham, NR7 Phnom Penh, NR6A Kandal, Svay Rieng, NR1 Prey Veng, NR8 & NR6A Phnom Penh, NR5 & NR61 Kampot, as a part of NR3 Stoeng Treng, as a part of NR7 Koh Kong, NR48 Phnom Penh - Chaom Chao Phnom Penh - NR6A Phnom Penh - NR6A Phnom Penh (along NR3)


Year Start End 1996 2001 1992 1993 2011 2015 2007 2011 2007 2011 2005 2007 2005 2008 2001 1999 2010 2009 2010

started) DBST DBST DBST DBST DBST AC DBST DBST (not yet started) DBST DBST DBST DBST (Including bridge cost)

Fund Grant Grant Grant Loan Loan Loan Loan BOT BOT Loan BOT -

1.6. Present State of Road Traffic





1.2 1.0

Motor Cycles


80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


eh icl




Heavy Vehicle

gh t





Figure 1-9: Number of registered automobiles

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Year -on-Year increase (%)


Number of autombiles

The number of registered automobiles has been increasing at a rate of about 19% each year, and has reached almost 1,400,000 automobiles in 2009 (accounted about 82% of all registered automobiles).

Motor Cycle %

Light Vehicle %

Heavy Vehicle %

Source: MPWT Figure 1-10: Year-on-year increase in number of registered automobiles

1.7. Road Maintenance The routine maintenance budget for 2009 was 35% increase from the previous year, in contrast periodic maintenance budget for 2009 was 11% decreased. In general, road maintenance budget for 2009 was 13% higher compare to the budget in 2008.

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) 20,000

70,000 60,000



14,000 12,000


10,000 30,000

8,000 6,000

Maintenance Cost (mil. Riel)

Routine Maintenanced Road Length












Year Total Length (km)

Total Cost (mil. riels)

Table 1-6: Road Maintenance Budget for 2009 No Type of Maintenance Length, km 1 Routine Maintenance 17,203 1.1 Regular Inspection 13,821 1.2 A/C road 2,350 1.3 Laterite road 992 1.4 Routine Bridge 25.052 Maintenance (concrete bridge, wooden, steel) 1.5 Culvert maintenance 2.435 (All type) 1.6 Channel works 12.235 Periodic maintenance 3 168.324 2 2.1 A/C road 4.2 2.2 DBST road 62 2.3 Macadam road 21 2.4 Laterite road 81 2.5 Reinforced Bridge 0.124 2.6 Culvert 42 places Emergency 3 3.1 A/C 5 sections 3.2 Laterite 17 sections 3.3 Wooden bridge (repair) 7 bridges 3.4 Baley Bridge (repair) 36 Bridges 3.5 Culvert (repair) 12,200 m

Source: MPWT Figure 1-11: Trends in routine maintenance programs

2009 Budget Allocated 60,185 Million Riels 203 Million Riels 51,306 Million Riels 1,343 Million Riels 284 Million Riels 7,049 Million Riels 57,000 Million Riels

Budget: 10,000 Million Riels Spent: 5,254 Million Riels

Source: MPWT

In 2010, maintenance budget will be increased from 136.5 Bill Riels in 2009 to 150 Bill. Riels (10% increased). This budget will be allocated for the maintenance of the following structures: Table 1-7: Road maintenance budget for 2010 Description 1. Routine Maintenance 1.1 National and provincial road (A/C) 1.2 National and provincial road (Laterite) 1.3 Traffic inspection 1.4 Culvert construction at key infrastructure 2. Periodic Maintenance


24.325 km 35 projects

Cost 74,570 Million Riels 32,737 Million Riels 24,866 Million Riels 304 Million Riels 16,663 Million Riels 63,000 Million Riels


12,000 Million Riels 150,000 Million Riels

2,6824 km 1,211 km

3. Emergency maintenance

Remark One or two digits One or two digits (excluding National Road 68)

MPWT and Ministry of Economy and Finance agreed that from year 2011: - Provide high priority on periodic maintenance on existing structure - Provide Very low priority on a) road-width expansion, b) upgrade from laterite to A/C Exchange rate 1USD=4,200 Riels (as of March 2010) Source: MPWT

1.8. Road Safety While the number of all type of automobiles is increasing, the number of road accidents is also increasing. In average, per day in 2009, there were 34.4 accident cases, out of which 4.7 persons were killed and 54.3 injured. In comparison, there were 12.3 and 12.6 fatalities per 10,000 registered automobiles and 100,000 populations (far above the road accident target set by ASEAN) 5, respectively.

3 33 projects had been planned for 2009. By 16th Dec. 2009, 90% of them had been achieved. 4 332 km longer than those in 2009. 5 Road accident target in ASEAN by 2010 is 07 fatalities per 10,000 vehicles. Page - 11 -

Injures (person)


10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000

20,000 15,000 10,000










Accidents (case)












5,000 2001

2,000 0


2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

Fatalities (person)

14,000 12,000


Accidents (Case)

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)


Source: Cambodia Road Traffic Accident and Victim Information System Semester Report 2009 6 Figure 1-12: Trends in traffic accidents (case) in Cambodia Figure 1-13: Trends in traffic injuries & fatalities in Cambodia

Asian Highways: 47% of fatalities occurred along the ASEAN highway network in 2009. Compared to 2008, the number of fatalities increased almost on all road networks except NR4 (from 155 fatalities to 97 fatalities). The highest fatality rate was observed on national road number 5 (239 fatalities in 2009). More than 90% of the accidents were caused by human errors (see Table 1-8). Fatalities (Person)

300 250 200 150 100 50 0







2008 fatalities







2009 fatalities







Table 1-8: Causes of traffic accident in 2009 Human Road Error Environment Human Error 94.94% 0.92% Road 0.92% 1.07% Environment Vehicle 0.81% 0.02% All 3 factors 0.34%

Source: Cambodia Road Traffic Accident and Victim Information System Monthly Report 2008 & 2009 Figure 1-14: Fatalities in Asian Highway in 2008 & 2009

Vehicle 0.81% 0.02%

All factors



2.29% Source: HIB, MPWT

Important noticed factors observed in traffic accident (and need to be improved): 1. Land traffic implementing officers do not permanent implement their jobs 2. Road user do not wear helmet 100% 3. Over speed limit is still the main problem 4. Some vehicles do not register correctly, use fake number tag, fake document, and do not have registration document that issued by vehicle number tag company (article 91) 5. Vehicles without number tag and ID card or other permission documents always detour their trip from police officers that some time cause accidence (article 79 of traffic law). 6. There are overlapping motorcycle registration in Phnom Penh and provinces. 7. Sometime overload is also a cause of accident 8. Modified vehicle can also cause accidence and damages road infrastructure 9. Some vehicle did not have technical check and use fake document, which further abet the management problem Corrective action taken by the Royal Government of Cambodia through national committee for land traffic safety: 1) Tactical approach 1. Traffic safety education via advertisement (supported by ADB, AUSAID, and WHO) 2. Establishment of helmet standard in Cambodia 3. Prepared traffic accidence victims information system 4. Strengthen vehicle registration and technical check 5. Train drivers 6. Try to respond to the emergency aid 7. Manage and coordinate land traffic safety 8. Celebrate land traffic safety’s week every early April every year 6

This figure is obtained from yearly report, which is subjected to increase upon the publication of 2009 yearly report. Page - 12 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

2) Strategic approach With cooperation of ADB, Ministry of interior and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport had proposed 15 action plans, which had been approved by Prime Minister: 1. Creation National Road Safety Committee. 8. Law Enforcement. 2. Road Accident Data Systems. 9. Technical Inspection. 3. Road Safety Funding. 10. Drivers Training. 4. Road Safety Audit and Hazardous Locations. 11. Emergency Assistance to Traffic Victims. 5. Road Environment and Road Design. 12. Road Safety Public Campaigns. 6. Road Safety Education for Children. 13. Partnerships with Private and NGOs. 7. Traffic Law and Regulations. 14. Road Accident Costing Evaluation. 15. Road Safety Research Institution. 3) National Target It is estimated that unless additional actions are taken, the number of fatalities in Cambodia will increase every year up to 3,200 by 2020 7. Therefore, the Royal Government of Cambodia has committed to reducing the number of road fatalities in 2020 by 30% (or reducing to 2,240 fatalities) (Figure 1-15). x x

National Target 1: To reduce number of fatality by 30% by 2020; National Target 2: To reduce fatality rate (against 10,000 registered vehicles) by 30% by 2020.

When this target is achieved, it will result in 4,700 lives saved over 10 years. 3500


3000 2500




1500 1000 500

Fatalities: reality

Fatalities: without additional actions




























Fatalities: National Target 1

Source: MPWT Figure 1-15: Estimated number of fatalities in Cambodia 2010-2020

To achieve the above plan, a total of $108.738 Million is required: Table 1-9: Budget required to achieve the plan (x$1,000) Action Year 2011 2012 Action Plan 1: Road Safety Management 316 764 Action Plan 2: Infrastructure 1,125 1,125 Action Plan 3: Safe Vehicles 820 820 Action Plan 4: Safe road user behaviour 1,240 1,750 Action Plan 5: Post Crash Care 1,630 1,440 Action Plan 6: Traffic Law Legislation and Enforcement 3,640 3,310 Action Plan 7: Driver’s Licensing 332 362 Total Budget 9,103 9,571











332 1,205 520

354 1,125 520

332 1,085 520

430 1,165 445

452 1,085 445

430 1,085 450

430 1,165 450

452 1,085 450

4,292 11,250 5,440

2,140 1,440

2,080 1,540

2,583 1,723

2,583 1,903

2,583 1,903

2,583 1,903

2,583 1,903

2,583 1,903

22,708 17,288

3,310 332 9,279

3,640 332 9,591

4,335 372 10,950

4,335 440 11,301

4,775 440 11,683

4,335 440 11,226

4,335 440 11,306

Number of vehicles is estimated to be increased by 4 Millions in 2020 (compared to 2009) Page - 13 -

4,775 40,790 3,480 6,970 14,728 108,738 Source: MPWT

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

1.9. Overload transport A major factor to destroy road condition had been observed to be caused by overload transport. To tackle this problem, 3 levels of management had been established: o Level 1: Leading committee of overload control o Level 2: Permanent coordinating committee whose role and responsibilities are: x Organize general controller at 7 weigh station and increase works shift x Train and build the officers capacity x Seeking supporting fund from development partner and national fund package x Prepare implementing plan to manage overload control The task to manage overload control faces many difficulties: x Lack of weigh station in on all National Road and provinces x Lack of budget to enforce truck not to put off their goods before arriving at the weigh station x Lack of mobility to travel from one place to monitor at another place x Having limited cooperation from authority x Having poor cooperation from truck driver x In rainy season, cannot enforce the truck to stop and weight. o Level 3: Weigh station unit to be established and the structure is installed at key strategic locations through the Kingdom of Cambodia (see Figure 1-15). The location of weight station are: Table 1-10: Locations of weight station in Cambodia



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 Total

1 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 21

Location name (Province) Kien Svay (Kandal) Takouk-Lovea (Prey Veng) Bavet (Svay Rieng) Thnal Dei Krohom (Kandal) Roka Knong (Takeo) Sre Ronoug (Takeo) Trapaing Ropeou (Kampot) Lung Vek (Kampong Chhnang) Kleang Moeung (Pursat) Anlung Vil (Battambang) Koun Domrei (B. Meanchey) Pourk (Siem Reap) Svay Kal (Kampong Thom) Thal Keng (Kampong Cham) Thnal Totung (Kampong Cham) Chhung Leap (kandal) 17 Locations

PK (approx) 025+000 076+900 194+100 020+300 074+300 080+000 179+000 048+000 191+800 282+000 389+000 331+840 147+000 046+300 137+000 031+000


Proposal 9 9

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 07

9 9 10 Source: MPWT

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

Source: MPWT Figure 1-16: Location maps of weight stations

1.10. Future Road Development To further strengthen the flow of the traffic and improve the economic development, the Royal Government of Cambodia has adopted 6 keys strategies dealing with road sector: o Strategy I: Strengthen and improve the multi growth poles 8 development x Completed projects: Enlarge NR 6 to 4 lanes: Phnom Penh-Th’Nal Kaeng Enlarge NR 5 to 4 lanes: Phnom Penh-Prek Phnau Enlarge NR 4 to 4 lanes: Phnom Penh-Sihanouk Ville 8 Multi-growth poles development areas are: Phnom Penh, Sihanouk Ville, Svay Rieng, Kampong Cham, Stung Trenh, Ratanakiri, Siem Reap, Poi Pet and Battambang provinces.

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x Future projects: Upgrade road and try to enlarge them to 4 lanes to connect to potential development poles Improve the road network in development pole Detouring road and sky bridge to solve traffic congestion at development poles Construct express way Phnom Penh-Sihanouk Ville Construct high way Phnom Penh-Chrey Thom Construct express way Phnom Penh-Siem Reap-Poi Pet x Detouring roads and ring roads at important cities: Construct detouring road, Siem Reap Construct detouring road, Battambang Construct ring road of Phnom Penh Construct detouring road, Kampong Chhnang Strategy II: Strengthen and improve road network to serve important social economic development region x Enlarge NR 4 and NR 1 to 4 lanes x Construct second Neak Loeung Bridge x Prepare plan and develop road network connecting to NR 4 and NR 1 x Improve quality and traffic safety of economic development corridor road Strategy III: Push the development of tourism x Enhance road in tourism region in order to offer convenient, good environment, create opportunity to public x Establish administrative office at international gates to offer tourists convenient, enhance the connecting road x Construct convenient airport, upgrade and enhance the connecting road x Construct tourist port, upgrade and enhance the connecting road x Construct sewage treatment station

Source: MPWT Figure 1-17: Bypass and Ring Road Development

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)




Strategy IV: National and regional integration x Construct and upgrade national road 1 and 2 digit x Construct and upgrade provincial road 3 digit (inter-provincial road) and in province road x Construct and upgrade district road x Construct and upgrade rural road Strategy V: Develop international corridor x Develop international corridor (1) GMS International Highway ƒ Strengthen the function of national road 1 digit and enhance national road 2 digits that defined to be GMS highway ƒ Construct nation-wide road connecting to all international gates: i. Vietnam: NR33, NR2, NR21, NR1, NR8, NR72, NR74, NR3762 and NR78 ii. Lao P.D.R: NR7 iii. Thailand: NR62, NR64, NR66, NR5, NR59, NR57, NR55 and NR58 iv. Others: NR4 (through Sihanouk Ville seaport) Strategy VI: Praise the development of social economy at rural and along border in order to reduce poverty x Strengthen national road 2 digits, provincial road 3 digits, road in province, district road connecting to rural area and road along border that have high agriculture, industry, and tourism potential x Construct road at triangle development (Cambodia, Lao P.D.R, Vietnam) x Construct road at emerald triangle development (Cambodia, Lao P.D.R ,Thai)

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

2. RAILWAY 2.1. Background French Colonial Government in Cambodia built the first railway of 1 meter gauge linking Phnom Penh to Poi Pet (through Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang and Sisophon) on the Thai border in 1930s. This line is running across Cambodia’s greatest rice producing province – Battambang. The Phnom Penh Railway Station inaugurated in 1932 whereas the connection with Thailand Railway was made in 1942, whose service later interrupted in late 1940s due to political and security reasons1. In 1960s in order to reduce the reliance on ports in then Australia2, South Vietnam (Saigon) and Thailand (Khlong Toei), Cambodia, with support from France, West Germany and People’s Republic of China, began to construct second 1 meter gauge railway line linking capital Phnom Penh to Sihanouk Ville port. Rail service ceased during the civil war in 1970s and it started to provide limited service from 1980s despite limited funding, scare resource, poor structure and security threat from the Khmer Rouge and other armed group. In compound with poor rail infrastructure and the improvement of road, bridge and the improvement of security (civil war ended in 1998), there was a decline of rail usage by the public particularly passenger service. It was declined over the year and regular service ended in 2009. Derailment of train in operation was not infrequent. Without adequate fund to maintain track, even though the new diesel-electric locomotive imported from China could not run due to dilapidated condition of the tracks. To improve rail service in Cambodia, the government had awarded a contract to Toll Holdings to manage the rail service once the reconstruction of the tracks is completed. Both North and Southern line (links to Poi Pet and Sihanouk Ville respectively) will be re-opened in 2013. 2.2. Railway infrastructure Railway in Cambodia consists of Northern, Southern and others lines: 1) Northern line As built, the track on the Northern Line was laid with 30 kg/m rails on steel sleepers, and except where damage repairs have been carried out, the original track remains. The line has never been renewed and is designed for an axle load limit of only 10 tons. Most of the track is 60 years old or more, with the last 56 - at the western end being some 50 years old. There are 167 bridges on the line, of which 46 have suffered mine or other war damage, and received temporary repairs. The speeds are restricted to 5-10 km/h at 30 bridge sites. 2) Southern line The Southern Line was built with 43 kg/m rails on untreated wooden sleepers. Due to only light traffic on the line since it was built, and the weight of the rails, the rails themselves are in very good condition. There are 94 bridges, of which 15 are badly damaged. These have received temporary repairs. The line was built to accommodate axle loads up to 20 tons, but in present conditions a limit of 15 tons is practical. 3) Other lines and facilities There is a 6 km branch line from Phnom Penh, close to the station, to a port on the River Sap. It was intended for river-rail transshipment but this function had ceased. The branch line' is still used by occasional freight trains that serve the oil terminal at Km 4.5 and the warehouses by the river at Km 6. 4) Stations Stations are classified into three main types: o 14 gares (main: stations), equipped with passing loops for the crossing of trains, and with sidings and/or other facilities for the handling of goods; o 19 stations, with facilities for goods but no longer used for the crossing of trains; o 3 halts, four of which are staffed. The halts are for passengers and luggage only. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1

Thailand had been viewed to support anti-government movement: the Khmer Issarak


Australia provided four 3rd class passenger carriages under Colombo plan. Page - 18 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

2.3. Legal framework of railway management The Establishment of Railway Department: Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) issued sub-decree No. 163 dated 01st October 2009 to establish Railway Department. This department will be under the supervision and management of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. The Privatization of Railway: The 30-year concession to manage and upgrade Royal Cambodian Railways (RCR) has been awarded to the joint venture Toll Holdings, Australia (55 percent share) and the Royal Group (45 percent share). Revenues will be shared between the government and Toll when the railway becomes profitable. Toll will be responsible for upgrading and extending the network. Table 2-1: Situation of Railway Facilities Item Length (km)

Northern Line (NL) 336km (to Sisophon) plus 48 missing links Phnom Penh – Kampong Chhnang - Pursat Battambang – Sisophon - Poipet 49 (Current Operation 7) 1929 - 1942

Section Station (number) Construction Year

Southern Line (SL) 264km Takeo – Kampot – Sihanouk Ville 27 (Current operation 7) 1960 - 1969 Source: MPWT

2.4. Present State of Railway Use


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2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009



567 1,202 216






































㻡㻜㻜 㻠㻡㻜 㻠㻜㻜 㻟㻡㻜 㻟㻜㻜 㻞㻡㻜 㻞㻜㻜 㻝㻡㻜 㻝㻜㻜 㻡㻜 㻜


Locomotive and Rolling stocks: o Locomotives: 22 sets (8 are operating) o Wagons: 248 sets Train Service: Train service has begun to decrease in 2002. Northern and Southern Lines passenger service ceased operation in June 2008 and in 2009, averages of 0.4 freight trains per day were operated on both the Northern Line (NL) and the Southern Line (SL).

Source: MPWT Figure 2-1: Number of trains operated in a year

The volume of rail cargo transport began to decrease after reaching 557,000 tons in 2002. The NL mainly carries cement, while the SL carries both cement and petroleum products.

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㻜 㻿㼛㼡㼠㼔㼑㼞㼚㻌㻸㼕㼚㼑 㻺㼛㼞㼠㼔㼑㼞㼚㻌㻸㼕㼚㼑












㻤㻢㻘㻝㻡㻝㻌 㻞㻜㻤㻘㻜㻝㻜㻌

㻣㻥㻘㻝㻞㻞㻌 㻝㻤㻥㻘㻞㻢㻤㻌

㻞㻜㻞㻘㻢㻣㻞㻌 㻝㻟㻣㻘㻠㻤㻠㻌

㻞㻜㻤㻘㻞㻡㻝㻌 㻞㻜㻝㻘㻠㻡㻞㻌

㻞㻜㻟㻘㻢㻡㻟㻌 㻟㻡㻟㻘㻢㻡㻠㻌

㻟㻜㻜㻘㻢㻥㻞㻌 㻝㻞㻞㻘㻡㻜㻤㻌

㻞㻝㻝㻘㻤㻢㻡㻌 㻤㻡㻘㻟㻡㻞㻌

㻥㻠㻘㻣㻥㻡㻌 㻝㻣㻠㻘㻜㻜㻡㻌

㻝㻝㻠㻘㻟㻠㻜 㻞㻜㻟㻘㻝㻟㻜

㻝㻞㻝㻘㻣㻜㻡 㻝㻥㻟㻘㻢㻢㻞

㻝㻤㻝㻘㻢㻢㻣 㻡㻞㻘㻝㻤㻣


Source: MPWT Figure 2-2: Trends in rail cargo transport volume


㻞㻡㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜 㻺㻸㻚㻌㻯㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠 㻞㻜㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜 㻿㻸㻚㻌㻯㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠 㻝㻡㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜



㻡㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜 㻜 㻺㻸㻚㻌㻼㻚㻼㻚

㻿㻸㻚㻌㻯㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠 㻺㻸㻚㻌㻼㻚㻼㻚 㻝㻥㻥㻤







㻝㻤㻘㻣㻤㻡㻌 㻝㻞㻘㻥㻡㻜㻌 㻝㻝㻘㻡㻥㻟㻌 㻞㻣㻘㻞㻞㻣㻌 㻞㻟㻘㻠㻣㻡㻌 㻝㻤㻘㻥㻠㻡㻌 㻝㻡㻘㻝㻢㻜㻌









㻺㻸㻚㻌㻯㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠 㻝㻤㻠㻘㻜㻢㻡㻌 㻝㻡㻣㻘㻜㻤㻜㻌 㻞㻢㻘㻢㻞㻡㻌 㻣㻤㻘㻡㻞㻡㻌 㻞㻟㻜㻘㻡㻢㻢㻌 㻠㻟㻘㻢㻣㻠㻌 㻠㻤㻘㻝㻠㻜㻌 㻝㻡㻥㻘㻠㻟㻜㻌 㻝㻤㻘㻠㻜㻡 㻝㻣㻝㻘㻢㻟㻜 㻟㻟㻘㻤㻣㻡 㻞㻜㻘㻜㻤㻜㻌 㻝㻠㻘㻜㻜㻜㻌 㻝㻞㻘㻤㻣㻠㻌 㻟㻡㻘㻜㻥㻡㻌 㻤㻜㻘㻤㻝㻡㻌 㻝㻝㻠㻘㻤㻥㻠㻌 㻝㻝㻣㻘㻥㻣㻝㻌 㻢㻥㻘㻤㻤㻜㻌 㻢㻞㻘㻢㻠㻜 㻢㻝㻘㻠㻜㻜 㻠㻞㻘㻤㻣㻞 㻌㻿㻸㻚㻌㻼㻚㻼㻚 㻿㻸㻚㻌㻯㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠 㻠㻜㻘㻣㻠㻢㻌 㻡㻞㻘㻟㻢㻜㻌 㻝㻢㻝㻘㻠㻥㻜㻌 㻝㻡㻢㻘㻡㻡㻟㻌 㻥㻢㻘㻥㻣㻡㻌 㻝㻣㻡㻘㻢㻢㻞㻌 㻤㻣㻘㻤㻟㻢㻌 㻞㻠㻘㻥㻝㻡㻌 㻡㻝㻘㻡㻡㻜


㻞㻜㻜㻥 㻤㻘㻝㻞㻜㻌

㻥㻤㻘㻟㻥㻡 㻠㻝㻘㻠㻠㻜㻌

Source: MPWT Figure 2-3: Trends in transport volume by product

The number of railway passengers has drastically decreased after 2000. The Southern Line has even terminated the operation of passenger trains in 2004. On the Northern Line, the number of round-trip services has been reduced from once a day to once a week, due to the decrease in the number of passengers. Today, a train composed of both cargo and passenger cars operate between Phnom Penh and Battambang.

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㻝㻠㻜 㻞㻡㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜 㻝㻞㻜 㻞㻜㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜



㻤㻜 㻢㻜

㻝㻜㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜 㻠㻜 㻡㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜











㻺㻸㻙㻼㼍㼟㼟㼑㼚㼓㼑㼞㼟 㻟㻞㻜㻘㻜㻟㻤㻌㻟㻜㻞㻘㻜㻠㻜㻌㻞㻡㻟㻘㻞㻞㻢㻌㻝 㻤㻞㻘㻤㻥㻞㻌㻝㻝㻜㻘㻥㻥㻥㻌㻤㻝㻘㻥㻜㻥㻌 㻿㻸㻙㻼㼍㼟㼟㼑㼚㼓㼑㼞㼟 㻝㻝㻣㻘㻡㻢㻟㻌㻝㻞㻣㻘㻝㻣㻝㻌㻤㻞㻘㻥㻝㻥㻌 㻠㻝㻘㻜㻞㻟㻌 㻞㻞㻘㻜㻢㻝㻌 㻝㻝㻘㻤㻞㻡㻌 㻺㻸㻙㼀㼞㼕㼜㻌㻰㼕㼟㼠㼍㼚㼏㼑 㻝㻜㻟㻚㻤㻌 㻝㻞㻢㻚㻡㻌 㻝㻠㻣㻚㻠㻌 㻝㻡㻥㻚㻜㻌 㻝㻡㻤㻚㻠㻌 㻝㻡㻜㻚㻣㻌 㻿㻸㻙㼀㼞㼕㼜㻌㻰㼕㼟㼠㼍㼚㼏㼑 㻥㻜㻚㻡㻌 㻥㻠㻚㻟㻌 㻥㻣㻚㻣㻌 㻥㻡㻚㻟㻌 㻥㻠㻚㻟㻌 㻥㻟㻚㻥㻌





㻣㻤㻘㻡㻢㻣㻌 㻠㻣㻘㻣㻢㻤㻌 㻝㻠㻘㻜㻜㻟 㻝㻜㻘㻢㻞㻤 㻟㻘㻞㻤㻢㻌 㻝㻝㻌 㻜 㻜 㻝㻞㻤㻚㻢㻌 㻝㻜㻤㻚㻞㻌 㻝㻜㻝 㻥㻜 㻤㻞㻚㻞㻌 㻜㻚㻜㻌 㻜 㻜



㻠㻘㻥㻞㻥 㻜 㻤㻠 㻜

㻜 㻜 㻜 㻜

Source: MPWT Figure 2-4: Trends in the number of railway passengers and the average length of their trips

2.5. Rehabilitation of Railway

Source: MPWT Figure 2-5: Cambodia Railways Network Page - 21 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

Cambodia railway network is part of the Trans-Asia Rail Link, which also known as Singapore-Kunming Rail Link (SKRL), that run through countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao P.D.R and Myanmar before ending at Kunming in China. The link will be completed in 2015. To link with this network, Cambodia has to rehabilitated the existing railway system, fix the missing link and construct the newly proposed line from Batdeng to Loc Ninh, Vietnam. The rehabilitation works, carried out by TSO, are separated into 3 packages: o Missing link from Sisophon – Poi Pet (48 km): Reconstruction of the link to the border with Thailand, including earthwork, ballasting, track laying, station, and repairs to bridges and culverts (to be completed by end of 2012). The rail track will be donated by Malaysia and the construction work will be funded by ADB. Once the work is completed, it enable the movement of train from Singapore to Phnom Penh. o Northern Line from Phnom Penh – Sisophon (336km): Rehabilitation and partial upgrade of the northern line, including embankment repairs, ballasting, providing, missing fittings, and replacement of track to improve the riding quality for a minimum operational speed of 50km/hour (to be completed by end of 2012). o Southern Line from Phnom Penh – Sihanouk Ville (264km): Rehabilitation of Southern line, including repairs to embankments, renewal of track with concrete sleepers, rehabilitation of bridges and culverts (to be completed by end of 2012). o For the 225-kilometer missing link between Phnom Penh and Loc Ninh, a border town between Cambodia and Vietnam, feasibility study on the missing link, funded and conducted by China, has been completed. 2.6. Future Development Plan The Royal Government of Cambodia is also considering a supplementary financing arrangement with the ADB and a Grant from AusAID, which will provide funding for new station construction in Samrong (9km from Phnom Penh) and additional upgrading of the railway including branch line to Green Trade Warehouse (6km from Phnom Penh) and Northern line. According to the plan, the rehabilitation work will be completed in 2013: o Updating and implementation of the resettlement plan for Samrong (to be completed in mid 2010) o Design and construction of new freight facility in Samrong (to be completed in March 2013) o Design and construction of the new spur lines to freight terminals in Phnom Penh (to be completed in March 2013). Another railways line had also been envisioned: o Tbaeng Meanchey (Preah Vihear) to Sihanouk Ville (through Kampong Thom, Skun, Batdeung and Phnom Penh). The primary purpose of this road is to export mine particularly iron ore from mineral rich province of Preah Vihear to the world through Sihanouk Ville port. o Sisophon to Siem Reap. The total length of this line is 105km o Siem Reap to Skun through Kampong Thom. The total length of this line is 239km o Snuol to Lao P.D.R border through Kratie and Thalaborivat (Stung Treng) provinces. The total length of this line is 273km

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

3. Maritime and Ports 3.1.


During the period of the French Protectorate and earlier Cambodia, there was no deep water port to facilitate international trade. The small port on the river at Phnom Penh was only able to handle ships of up to 3,000 tons in the dry season and 4,000 tons in the wet season. Kampot was Cambodia’s only ocean port and deep-water access was impossible due to the need to navigate the Tuk Chhou River to access the port. The French colonial administration preferred to use Saigon (Ho Chi Minh) for international trade and thus Cambodia’s access to the ocean was via the Mekong and necessitated passage through Vietnamese territory. Independence from France for both Vietnam and Cambodia in 1953 highlighted the need for Cambodia’s own deep-water port. A number of sites were initially considered for the new facility including – Kampot, the small outpost at Ream and Sre Ambel. However, the deep waters off a rocky promontory near Koh Pos in Kampong Som Bay were finally chosen as the site for Cambodia’s first ocean port. Construction began in 1955 with $12 million in funding from the French government and was completed in late 1959. The port was inaugurated in April 1960 by Louis Jacquinot, the French Minister of State. 3.2.

Present State of Ports

Among the ports in Cambodia, only Sihanouk Ville Port and Phnom Penh Port handle international container goes. Other ports besides the two autonomous ports are extremely small sea or river ports, such as Koh Kong port, Sre Ambel Port and Kampot Port, with the exclusion of the petroleum jetty in Sihanouk Ville city and Oknha Mong Port (private).

Figure 3-1:Local sea port in Cambodia Source: MPWT

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

1). Phnom Penh port The Phnom Penh port is the country's traditional river port, accessible to vessels from the South China Sea through Vietnam. Phnom Penh port is located in the city, on the Sap river some 3-4 km from its junction with the Mekong. It is some 348 km from the mouth of the Mekong of which about 102 km is in Cambodia and the rest in Vietnam. The distance from Singapore is about 1,450 km. Vessels of up to 2,000 DWT-can use the route without difficulty, and 5,000 DWT boats can pass the entrance to the Mekong (the 'Main bottleneck) on favourable tides. Regular dredging is necessary at three points in Cambodia for the 5,000.DWT vessels to reach Phnom Penh. The port serves up to 150 ships per year, including 3 Singapore- based cargo vessels which take 10-12 days for the return voyage. Phnom Penh Port is under the management of state enterprise supervised by MPWT and Ministry of Economy and Finance. This autonomous enterprise was established by Sub-Decree 51, dated 17 July 1998. a. Phnom Penh Port’s Infrastructure There are three Phnom Penh Ports: two main-cargo operational ports (Port No. 1 and Port No. 2) and another one is in the construction stage (Port No. 3): o Port No. 1 (the main port) consists of a 184-m long pier built in reinforced concrete, plus three pontoons for sea-going vessels. There are two berths, known as Berths 4 and 5, which can accommodate ships up to 2,000 DWT and 4,000 DWT, respectively. Some 540 m of domestic pontoon capacity is available for riverine ships and barges of up to 100 m or 1,800-2,000 tonnes. The pontoons are served by lighters and junks. There are other berths available for small craft. There are 12 depots of 2,700 sq m and 5,910 tonnes storage capacity within some 180 m of the berths, plus open storage of some 4,300 sq. m. There is another warehouse complex at Kilometer 6 (Phnom Penh) having 15 sheds with a total capacity of 70,000 tonnes and 8 sheds of nearly 4,000 tonnes. Although actual crane capacity is not dear, there are 12 cranes- i.e. 2- 25 tonne units, 4-16 tonne and 6-6.5 tonne cranes. x Container Terminal: x ICD: Quay: 20m x 300m Area: 92 000m2 Berthing Capacity: 3 vessels at x Domestic Port: one time Length 333m x Passenger Terminal: Inter Provinces: PP - Kg. Cham, 2 Pontoons of 15m x 45m each Phnom Penh - Siem Reap, & others o Port No. 2, about 1 km south of the main area, consists of two 45 m by 10 m steel pontoons. Due to the long and narrow bridges and the seasonal variation in water levels, these two berths cannot be reached by equipment and are limited to bagged or other light traffic. The capacity of the main port (No. 1) has been estimated at about 150,000 tonnes per year, a figure already exceeded. This port is now to be rebuilt with the aid of a Japanese grant. The improvements are expected to increase the capacity to some 566,000 tonnes per year. As an interim measure, Port No. 2 will be rehabilitated under a World Bank credit. -When the improvements to Port No. 1 are completed, Port No. 2 could perhaps revert to domestic use (up to 1991, Port No. 2 was for domestic use only). o Port No. 3: Because of several restriction to run 1st and 2nd ports, as well as their capacities are getting full, the third port is being constructed: x Location: 25km downsteam from the 2nd ports in Phnom Penh (Along NR1 along Mekong River) x Funding : Chinese softloan of 28 million USD x Contractor: Shanghai Construction (Group) General Company x Construction Period: 30 months (Construction of infrastrastructure) x Request further budget to finance superstructure x Initial capacity: 120,000 ETUs/Year, Total Capacity = 300,000 TEUs/year x Berth = 22m x 300m x Port Area = 12 ha x To be operational by 2012 b. Phnom Penh Port’s Equipment Virtually all equipment at Ports 1 and 2 will be repaired or renewed under the two projects now getting under way. Port No. 1 will have adequate container handling equipment for the first time, and a new workshop.

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Table 3-1: Status of equipments at Phnom Penh Port

Handling Equipments

Specification and quantity 6.5Ton: 03 units, 16Ton: 01 units, 25Ton: 03 units, 50Ton: 1 unit, 70Ton: 1 unit, 80Ton: 1 unit, 100Ton: 1 unit 3.5Ton: 5 units, 6Ton: 3 units, 25Ton: 1 unit 45Ton: 2 units 18Ton: 1 unit 08 units for 20' container: 6 units 550HP 1 unit, 680HP: 1 unit Main engine: 840HP, Auxiliary engine: 150HP, Built: 1966, Dredging depth: 12m Main engine: 1,200HP, Auxiliary engine: 400HP, Built:1989, Dredging depth: 15m

Crane Forklift Con-stacker Sky-stacker Truck Trailer Tugboat Dredger Nº1 Dredger Nº2

Sourse PAS

c. Shipping companies Several shipping companies made called at Phnom Penh Port: o Sovereign base logistics company x 03 vessles (100 TEUs) x 02 Calls per weeks x 02 floating cranes and some trucks o Gemadept Company x 03 Vessels (40 TEUs) x 02 Calls per weeks o Hai Minh Company o Other companies do not have own vessel (MOL, Hyundai, Hanjin) d. Phnom Penh Port’s Oil terminals Oil is handled at separate terminals, at Km 4 and Km 13 north of the city on the Tonle Sap river. These are served by 600-1,000 DWT boats and also by Road 5. Table 3-2: Status of facilities at Phnom Penh Port Port Name

Phnom Penh Port

Channel Maintenance dredging (at Chaktomok) Depth: 7m Width: 60m Length: 1,290m Volume: 159,648m3

Name Port No.1 No.1 No.2 No.3

Structure Jetty, apron width 20m

Berth Length Total 300m



5.0m 5.0m 5.0m


Other Facilities & Remarks [Container Yards] 2 yards for laden containers, 1 yards for empty containers

Port No.2 (for passengers)

1km downstream from Port No.5b Pontoon 15x45 3.5m No.1 No.5c Pontoon 15x45 3.5m (Private Facilities) Between 4 and 13km upstream 8 facilities for Ship size from from Phnom Penh oil berges 600-1,000DWT Source: Prepared based on the Study on the Master Plan for Maritime and Port Sectors in Cambodia, March 2007 JICA (Updated by PAS)

2) Sihanouk ville port The Port of Sihanouk Ville, situated in mouth of the Bay of Kompong Som, is the principal and only deep-water maritime port of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Kompong Som's natural advantages include deep water inshore and a degree of natural protection from storms provided by a string of islands across the mouth of the bay. The port was built in 1959 with a total capacity of 1.2 million encompassing the old French-built wharf and adjacent new facilities. The capacity of Sihanouk Ville port, in its present condition, is estimated at about 950,000 tonnes per year, excluding POL which has separate facilities. This is about twice its present traffic. The port can accommodate ships of 10,000 Dead Weight Ton (DWT). The main access to the port is via a 5 km fairway channel, marked by buoys and leading lights for daylight navigation only. Due to rocky outcrops in the channel, the entrance to the port is restricted to vessels with a draft of less than 8.5 m. In practice boats of up to about 10,000 DWT can use the port. The port is located 540 nautical miles (1000 km) from Singapore. On the land side, the port is served by NR4, NR3 (To Phnom Penh) and NR48 (To Koh Kong) and the railway Page - 25 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

SL, completed in 1969, which takes a more southerly route via Kampot. Roads within Sihanouk Ville municipality itself are all hard surfaced, albeit of somewhat lesser quality and poorer condition than NR4. The development of Sihanouk Ville port has been taking places several occasions: o 1956-1959: Construction of Old Jetty with 290m long by 28m width and 9m draft (Donated by French Government) o 1967- 1970: Construction of New Quay with 350m long by -10.5m draft o 1986-1987: Conducted a Feasibility Study on the Development of Sihanouk Ville Port and Rehabilitation of Old Jetty with Technical Assistance of the former Union Society Soviet Republic (USSR) by using the National Budget. o 1993: Adapted Cargo Transport Facilities from General Cargo to Containerized Cargo Transport System. o 1996: Rehabilitation of Old Jetty by using ADB’s fund. o 1997- Present: PAS’s Development by using Japanese ODA Loans. x Sihanoukville Port Urgent Rehabilitation Project, JBIC Loan Nº CP-P3 Loan Amount: JP¥ 4,142,000,000 Consulting Services: Pacific Consultants International (PCI) Civil Works: (February 2000) Contractor: Penta-Ocean/Italian-Thai JV (March 2002- March 2005) Scope of Works: Dredging of Port Basin & Approach Channel : 758,800m! (-9m) Construction of Container Berth with 240m long (-11.5m) Container Yard Pavement : 54,000m" Access Road & Diversion Road : 16,800m" Navigation Aid (Buoy) : 7 sets Generator Houses & Generator Sets (800KW x 3) : 03 Sets Weighing Bridge (60ton Capacity) : 01 Set Gate Facilities (5 lanes) & Yard Fence : 928m .etc. x Sihanoukville Port Urgent Expansion Project, JBIC Loan Nº CP-P4 Loan Amount: JP¥ 4,313,000,000. Consulting Services: Pacific Consultants International (PCI) Civil Works: March 2005 Contractor: Penta-Ocean/Italian-Thai JV (October 2005- June 2007) Scope of Works: Dredging of Port Basin & Approach Channel: 622,000m! (-10m) Construction of Container Berth with 160m long (-11.5m) Reclamation Works : 95,000m! Administration One-Stop Service Building ……etc. Procurement of Equipment: Supplier: Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd (June 2007- March 2010) Project Cost: JP¥ 2,381,197,360. QGC : 02 Units; RTG : 05 Units; Terminal Tractor & Chassis: 08 Units; and Container Terminal Computer Systems : 01 Set x Sihanoukville Port SEZ Development Project, JBIC Loan Nº CP-P6 Loan Amount: JP¥ 318,000,000 Consulting Services: PCI in association with NK & KCEC (May 2007-July 2009) Scope of Works: Development Strategy Study Services Engineering Services: Review on Previous Report of the Feasibility Study Investigation of Site Conditions Stage Detailed Design Stage Tender Assistance Stage Operation and Management Study Services x Sihanoukville Port SEZ Development Project, Loan Nº CP-P8 (Phase II) Loan Amount: JP¥ 3,651,000,000 Consulting Services: Nippon Koei Co., Ltd in association with KRI Corp. (Promotion & Operation): Estimated Feb. 2009 Consulting Services: Nippon Koei Co., Ltd in association with KCC Co., Ltd Page - 26 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)


(Construction Supervision): Estimated March 2009 Civil Works: Under Processes of Contractor Selection Issuance of Final Registration Certificate by CSEZB: September 2000 Estimated Construction Works: July 2009-April 2011 Marketing Promotion (Sale of Lots): May 2009 Construction Works by Tenant in SEZ: July 2010 Scope of Works: Construction of Access Road into SEZ Area and Bridge over Railroad. Land filling of approximately 500,000 m! Cutting of approximately 160,000 m! Site grading of approximately 550,000 m" Road works consisting of asphalt concrete road of approx. 75,000m", RC Road 15,000 m", Parking Pavement 8,400 m" and Side-walk 7,500m", etc., Green Area Preparation of approximately 52,000 m" Construction of Buildings consisting of Administration Building; approx.1,260 m", Maintenance Management Building; approx. 365m", Service Apartment: 20 lots x approx.100 m", Dormitory: 2Units x approx.2,000m", Main Gate and Sub Gate, etc., Marketing promotion for Land Lots & Size for Land Lease (March 2010) Big Lot: 3.5ha x 02 Lots = 07ha Medium Lot: 2ha x 10 Lots = 20ha Small Lot: 1ha x 22 Lots = 22ha Total: 34 Lots = 49ha

a. Sihanouk Ville Port’s Infrastructure Sihanouk Ville Port has two wharfs: o The Old Jetty, with berths for two10,000 DWT and two 7,000 DWT vessels at a time. The wharf has a total length of 570 meters with a reported depth alongside of 8.5 meters. The jetty had been repaired under the ADB's Special Rehabilitation Assistance Project (SRAP); o The "new" wharf", 350 m long and designed for a depth of 10.5 m. Due to situation this has been reduced to 8.5m only, however. The pavement of the apron is worn out and damaged. The 'new" wharf area is sheltered by two breakwaters. The northern one was never completed, however, with the result that the entrance is some 200 m wider than planned. This may be aggravating some problems of waves and situation in the harbor. Table 3-3: Infrastructure at Sihanouk Ville Port Port Name

Channel [South Channel ] Length 5.5km Depth: 8.4m Width: 80-100m

Sihanouk Ville Port

[North Channel] Length 1km Depth: 10m Width: 150-200m

Name Old Jetty

Structure Jetty

Old Jetty Jetty New Concrete Quay BlockContainer Concrete Berth Block(Private Facilities) Sokimex Jetty -

Pontoon Stone Wharf

Berth Length 290m 290m 350m 400m

Depth 9.0m

Year 1960

8.0m (10.5) m 10.0(11 .5)m

1960 1969

Other Facilities & Remarks [Warehouses] 5 buildings, 36,000m2 [Container yard] 3 yards, 174,000m2






6.5m 4.2m


Source: PAS

b. Sihanouk Ville Port’s Oil Terminal Sihanouk Ville's oil terminal for the POL traffic is some 10 km north of the main port. This was originally an oil refinery, opened in 1969 and destroyed a year later at the outset of civil war. Its jetty has a draft of some 4.5 m and is used by the State Fuel Company and Shell to import refined oil in 1,500 DWT vessels from Singapore. The terminal is rail connected. Storage of 60,000 cu.m is in use, and another 80,000-100,000 cu.m may be possible to repair. The oil refinery is believed to be beyond repair. Page - 27 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

There are periodic calls for the jetty and associated pipelines to be extended to their planned size, in order to reach a water depth of 10.5 m. Tankers of some 10,000 DWT would then be able to call. The Shell oil company is discussing a 'smaller project with CKC at present. This could either increase the length of the jetty to enable more 1,500 DWT boats to call, or dredge to allow 2,500 DWT boats to reach the jetty, or contain elements of both ideas. Table 3-4: Status of facilities at Sihanouk Ville Port Port Port Name

Sihanouk Ville Port

Channel [South Channel ] Length 5.5km Depth: 8.4m Width: 80-100m [North Channel] Length 1km Depth: 10m Width: 150-200m

Name No. 1-2

Structure Jetty

No. 3-4 Jetty No. 5-7 No. 8-9 (Private Facilities) Sokimex Jetty

Berth Length 290m

Depth 9.0m

Year 1960

290m 350m 400m

9.0m 9.0m 10.0m

1960 2007 2007

Other Facilities & Remarks [Warehouses] 5 buildings, 36,600m2 [Container yard] 3 yards, 110,000m2

200m 9.2m Pontoon 110m 6.5m Stone Wharf 53m 4.2m Source: Prepared based on the Study on the Master Plan for Maritime and Port Sectors in Cambodia, March 2007 JICA (Updated by PAS)

c. Sihanouk Ville Port’s New Quay In accordance with the rapid increase of sea transport the Royal Government had extended another new wharf locating in the northeast. This wharf (namely New Port) is a quay completed its construction in 1969 with 350m long by -10m draft (currently 8.5m) and can accommodate three vessels for offloading and loading cargoes. d. Sihanouk Ville Port’s Anchorage Can be communicated and each working from 7:00 to 17:30 or by one hour before arriving ship call, VHF channel Nº 16 (156.80MHZ). There are three anchorage areas o Northern Anchorage 10 º 39’5N, 103 º 29’0E o Southern Anchorage 10 º 36’0’N, 103 º28’5E o Tanker Anchorage 10 º 39.5’N, 103 º 25.7’E e. Sihanouk Ville Port’s Storage facilities Several warehouses are available providing a total storage area of approximately 6,000 square meters. The two wharfs have a total of five warehouses with the total area of 36,000m2 and total storage capacity up to 84,000 tons, one of which is being let out to an oil exploration company. The warehouses have been under-utilized in recent years because of their poor condition, particularly their leaky roofs. Warehouses 1, 2 and 4 are now being repaired under the SRA Project. They have a combined capacity of about 36,000 cub.m. Warehouse 3 was repaired earlier with domestic funds. Container storage and handling is also available. The container yard is 50,000 square meters in area. Regular and direct shipping links with Singapore and Bangkok are in place, with Cambodian-flag shipping (Camtran Ship) being the dominant carrier. In 1993, 15,000 TEU's (20 food equivalents) passed through Sihanouk Ville Port. An estimated 80 percent of the containers had origin/destination in Singapore. Behind the warehouses fronting the new wharf, there are railway platforms and tracks as well as a container parking area of some 17,600 sq.m. The container area is now being resurfaced under SRAP. Both wharves are also rail-connected. Table 3-5: Warehouses at Sihanouk Ville Port Terminal New Container terminal Laden Container Yard Empty Container Yard Warehouses Reefer Container o o o

Size (m2) 64,000 500 3,500 36,000

Capacity 4,578(TEUs) 1,350(TEUs) 2,052(TEUs) 84,000T 54 Sockets

Quantity 01 01 01 05 01 Source: PAS

Capacity of Container Terminal Maximum Storage Capacity: 7.900 TEU Terminal Maximum Capacity: 390.000 TEU/Year Average Productivity: 25box/Unit/Hour/Crane

o o o

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Capacity of General Cargo Terminal Maximum Storage Capacity: 2,500,000 Ton Warehouse Maximum Capacity: 84,000 Ton Terminal Maximum Capacity: 2,700,000 Ton

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

f. Sihanouk Ville Port’s Service Equipment In order to timely service the market-economic situation and adhere to safety performance in providing service to customers, PAS has prepared its operating facilities as follow: Main of Navigation Tug boat 1800HP 01Unit Tug boat 1600HP 02Unit Tug boat 800HP 02Unit Pilot boat 01Unit Mooring boat 01Unit Speed boat 01Unit Patrol boat 01Unit

o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o

Cargo Handling Facilities Quay Gantry Cranes (QGC)-48T : Mobile Harbor Cranes 64T : Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes (RTG)- 35T:07 Super Stackers 45T : Empty Stacker 7.5T : Chassis/Trailers 20'-40' : Shore Cranes 10-50T : Forklifts 5-25T : Trucks 10-20T :

02 02 06 02 25 08 10 10 Source: PAS

g. Ship call at Sihanouk Ville Port As of 2008, there were 10 type of ship consist of 626 ship had been registered out of which 467 were foreign owned by 22 countries. Carrier, 3

Chemical tanker, 10

Passenger/ca rgo, 6 Petroleum tanker , 11 Refrigerated cargo, 15

Cargo, 530

Netherlands , 1

Romania , 1

Lebanon , 8 Latvia , 1

Russia , 83

Container, 8

Singapore , 4 Syria , 48

South Korea , 22

Taiwan , 1

Japan , 1

Turkey , 26

Indonesia , 2

Ukraine , 34

Hong Kong , 8

UAE , 2

Greece , 3

Roll on/roll off , 1

US , 6

Gabon , 1

Canada , 2

Egypt , 13

Bulk carrier , Vehicle carrier, 1 41

Cyprus, 7

Figure 3-2: Type of ship

China , 193

Figure 3-3: Foreign-owned ship Source: CIA fact book

5 companies had their ship called regularly at Sihanouk Ville port: Table 3-6: Ship call at Sihanouk Ville port No.

Shipping Line

Number of call/week


Maersk Sealand (MCC)

3 calls



3 calls

3 4 5

American President Line (APL) ITL Cosco Toho Shipping (COTS)

Note : 1. 2. 3. 4.

1 call 1 call 2 calls per month


SIH – Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia HCM – Hochiminh Port, Vietnam LCB – Leam Chabang Port, Thailand TPP – Tanjung Pelapas Port, Malaysia

Schedule Wed. – Wed. Wed. – Thu. Fri. – Sat. Wed. – Thur. Thur. – Fri. Fri. – Sat. Fri. – Sat. Fri. – Sat. Not scheduled Source: PAS

HKG – Hong Kong Port, Hong Kong TW.KAO – Kaoshung Port, Taiwan TH.SGZ – Songkla, Thailand SIN – Singapore Port, Singapore KUANTAN – Kuantan Port, Malaysia

3). The dry port In 1993 Slhanoukville port suggested the concept of an inland clearance depot ('dry port') in the Phnom Penh area. Containers arriving in Sihanouk Ville could be taken by road or rail to the dry port for customs clearance, saving time and reducing inconvenience for customers based in Phnom Penh. In October 1994, it was announced that the project would go ahead under a join venture agreement with a private Singapore company. Soon after several more dry ports had been constructed by privately own companies under the scheme of Build Operate Own (BOO) to help facilitate the maritime transportation. Page - 29 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Table 3-7: Dry port No. 1 2 3 4 5 6



Construction of dry port at Poi Pet Construction of dry port at Bavet Construction of dry port at Poi Pet Construction of dry port at Km 6 Phnom Penh Construction of dry port at Chomchov NR3 Construction of dry port at Chomchov NR4

Investment scheme BOO


Cost in Million USD

MEF and Private MEF and Private MEF and Private MEF and Private MEF and Private MEF and Private








Period (year) -

Project Start 2002




on studying on studying Licensed: July 2007 Licensed: July 2007


Source: MPWT

4) Maritime port Beside Sihanouk Ville port located in newly established Sihanouk Ville province, Cambodia maritime ports located mainly in Koh Kong and Kampot provinces. a. Port at Koh Kong The Koh Kong provincial port is really a system of three ports. Vessels entering Cambodia from Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand call first at Paklong, on the Gulf of Siam about 15 km from the Thai border, for customs clearance and other formalities. Up to 300-tonne capacity boats can be accepted, or 500 tonnes at anchorage. The 300-tonne boats can then proceed across the bay to Koh Kong town for unloading or transhipment to smaller vessels if required. Koh Kong is a small provincial capital with no road access to the rest of Cambodia. Road 43 can only be used (with difficulty) by motor cycles at present. Thus after clearance most boats proceed to another provincial port at Sre Ambel, at an inlet the Kompong Som Bay near Road 4, some 170 km from Phnom Penh. Sre Ambel can only accept 120-130 tonnes boats, however. Traffic that arrives at Koh Kong in larger boats has to be transhipped between vessels at Paklong or Koh Kong town. Paklong and Koh Kong have quite good but limited facilities and are very congested, particularly Paklong. There is some warehousing in Koh Kong town to support the transhipment activity. Koh Kong is also a quite an important fishing port, from which about 16,000 tonnes were exported to Thailand in 1993. b. Ports at Kampot Cambodia’s other seaports are at Kampot., 148km from Phnom Penh along Road 3 or 166km by rail. The port is situated in the town on a river bank 4 km from the sea. Of the minor ports, Kampot is the most important coastal facility. It was more important before 1975 when it had better facilities and was able to take vessels of up to 150 tonnes or more. It is a lighter port, with two main approaches from the sea, one of which has fairway depths of 10 m to within 11 km of the port. The other southern channel could accommodate vessels of less than 4.6 m draft. There are three channels through which junks and lighters could enter the river to reach Kampot. A wooden jetty can be used by 30-40 tonne boats. There is a regular trade with Koh Kong, for exchange of goods with Thailand, but Kampot port is not itself used for international traffic. Table 3-8: Cambodia’s minor sea ports No.



Investment scheme

Cost in Million USD


Port for Petroleum at Stoeung hav







Port for Petroleum at Stoeung hav




International Port at Stoeung hav International Port at




Page - 30 -

Between Port Authority of Sihanouk Ville and Private -

Period (year)

Project Start 2001






Port Authority f Sihanouk Ville and Private -





on studying on the


6 7 8

Project Kampot International Tourist Port at Kaeb International Tourist Port at Kaeb Commercial Port at Kaeb


Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Company Investment Cost in Between Period Project scheme Million (year) Start USD way Aussic-Cam Group BOT MPWT and Investment and Development Private Co., Ltd (Local) Rotong Development Co., BOT MPWT and Ltd Private KAEB POWER SUPLLY BOT 41 MPWT and CO.,LTD Private Source: MPWT

Existing port traffic

The total traffic through the two main ports increased steadily from their construction in the 1950s to a peak of some 1.5 million tonnes in 1965 (including POL products). No reliable statistics are available for the 1970s. Since 1985, the total port traffic has recovered from 236,000 tonnes to almost one million tonnes in 1993. The Phnom Penh Port continued to handle most of the port traffic through the early 1960s, with close to one million tonnes in 1962-63. During the mid-1960s much of the traffic to and from countries unfriendly to South Vietnam had to be diverted via Sihanouk Ville. The new wharf was added and the southern railway line was constructed. In 1965 Sihanouk Ville handled two thirds of the total port traffic or about one million tonnes. The constraint on traffic through Vietnam was subsequently removed. Traditional volume exports via Sihanouk Ville (such as rice) decreased and since 1985 Phnom Penh has again carried more traffic than Sihanouk Ville every year. At Sihanouk Ville some two-thirds of the traffic is imports and one-third exports. Cement and construction materials made up nearly three-quarters of the non-fuel imports in 1993. Most of the export was timber, logs and construction materials. In Phnom Penh as much as 92% of the 1993 traffic was made up of import mostly fuel but also nearly 100,000 tonnes of general cargo. The major exports are rubber and maize. j Very few containers are handled in Phnom Penh although there is some evidence. that the number is understated in the official statistics. Even if this is so, the number is still small. In contrast Sihanouk Ville is becoming increasingly important as, a container port. Three shipping lines make regular weekly or fortnightly calls at Sihanouk Ville with containers from Singapore. Some 15,000 containers used the port in 1993, and the 1994 total is expected to be at least 18,000. Singapore is the predominant overseas origin-destination for all three international ports (including Koh Kong). Although size breakdown is not available so the figures may not indicate the capacities on each route a small survey by the MPWT in Phnom Penh Port in 1992 gave the following results: It is believed that the import of oil through Sihanouk Ville by the Shell company is now reaching an annual rate of some 60,000 tonnes a year, well above the 1993 level Shell has invested in a new fleet of road Tankers. The oil import via Phnom Penh during 1994 is estimated at some 300,000 tonnes. 3.4.

Status of Current Port Usage

Sihanouk Ville Port has a cargo handling volume of approximately 1.6 million tons, and Phnom Penh Port, approximately 740,000 tons. Both ports have been steadily expanding their handling volume, and have shown particularly remarkable increase in the handling volume of containers. Sihanouk Ville Port accommodated approximately 700 vessels in 2005, and Phnom Penh Port 1,070 vessels (mostly small barges). Container vessels account for 60% of vessels entering Sihanouk Ville Port. On the other hand, tanker barges account for 65% of vessels in Phnom Penh Port. At Sihanouk Ville Port, the development of a special economic development zone of 70ha that is integral with the port is underway with Japanese aid, in conjunction with the development of a container terminal. Six offshore oil fields are being developed off the coast of Sihanouk Ville Port. As a supply base for their development, materials and equipment for trial exploration and drilling are stored and supplied at Sihanouk Ville Port.

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) 㻝㻘㻠㻜㻜 㻝㻘㻞㻜㻜 㻝㻘㻜㻜㻜 㻤㻜㻜 㻢㻜㻜 㻠㻜㻜 㻞㻜㻜 㻜



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㻝㻤㻜㻌 㻞㻟㻡㻌 㻠㻟㻞㻌

㻝㻠㻢㻌 㻝㻘㻜㻞㻢㻌 㻞㻟㻤㻌

㻳㻯㻌㻿㼔㼕㼜 㼀㼍㼚㼗㼑㼞 㻯㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼑㼞

Source: PAS & PAP Figure 3-4: Annual cargo handling volume (2009)

Figure 3-5: Number of vessels (2009)













㻡㻜㻘㻜㻜㻜 㻜

㻜 㻞㻜㻜㻜









㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠 㻱㼤㼜㼛㼞㼠 㻿㼕㼔㼍㼚㼛㼡㼗㼢㼕㼘㼘㼑㻌㻼㼛㼞㼠


㻌㻌㻸㼍㼐㼑㼚 㻌㻱㼙㼜㼠㼥

㻿㼕㼔㼍㼚㼛㼡㼗㼢㼕㼘㼘㼑㻌㻼㼛㼞㼠 㻝㻟㻜㻘㻠㻟㻡㻝㻠㻡㻘㻞㻥㻞 㻝㻢㻢㻘㻢㻟㻤㻝㻤㻝㻘㻞㻤㻢 㻞㻝㻟㻘㻥㻝㻢㻞㻝㻝㻘㻝㻠㻝㻞㻟㻝㻘㻜㻟㻢 㻞㻡㻟㻘㻞㻣㻝㻞㻡㻤㻘㻣㻣㻡 㻞㻜㻣㻘㻤㻢㻝 㻜㻌 㻜㻌 㻣㻠㻢㻌 㻣㻘㻢㻟㻜㻌 㻝㻡㻘㻡㻞㻢㻌 㻟㻜㻘㻞㻤㻝㻌 㻟㻤㻘㻞㻟㻟㻌 㻠㻣㻘㻡㻜㻠㻌 㻠㻣㻘㻡㻜㻣㻌 㻠㻟㻘㻟㻝㻞㻌 㻼㼔㼚㼛㼙㻌㻼㼑㼚㼔㻌㻼㼛㼞㼠

㻤㻥㻘㻠㻜㻠㻌 㻝㻢㻘㻜㻜㻡㻌

㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠 㻱㼤㼜㼛㼞㼠 㻼㼔㼚㼛㼙㻌㻼㼑㼚㼔㻌㻼㼛㼞㼠

㻡㻢㻘㻥㻤㻣㻌 㻠㻡㻘㻠㻢㻡㻌

㻝㻢㻘㻣㻟㻡㻌 㻞㻘㻣㻢㻥㻌

㻝㻝㻘㻣㻣㻡㻌 㻝㻝㻘㻜㻟㻟㻌

Source: PAS & PAP Figure 3-6: Trends in container cargo volume (2009)

㻳㼑㼚㼑㼞㼍㼘㻌㻯㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌㻜㻚㻥㻑 㻹㼍㼏㼔㼕㼚㼍㼞㼥㻌 㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌㻜㻚㻤㻑 㻯㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼑㼞㼕㼦㼑㼐㻌 㻯㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㻱㼤㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻝㻡㻚㻤㻑 㻯㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼑㼞㼕㼦㼑㼐㻌 㻯㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻠㻝㻚㻞㻑

㻯㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠㻌 㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌㻞㻚㻥㻑

Figure 3-7: Ratio of empty and laden containers (2009)

㻳㼑㼚㼑㼞㼍㼘㻌 㼏㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㼕㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻣㻚㻜㻑

㻿㼠㼑㼑㼘㻌㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻜㻚㻢㻑 㻿㼠㼑㼍㼙㻌㻯㼛㼍㼘㻌 㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌㻢㻚㻞㻑

㻸㼍㼐㼑㼚㻌 㻯㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼑㼞㼕㼦㼑 㼐㻌㻯㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㻱㼤㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻝㻚㻥㻑

㻯㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼑㼞㼕㼦㼑 㼐㻌㻯㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㻱㼤㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻢㻚㻝㻑

㻯㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼑㼞㼕㼦㼑 㼐㻌㻯㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㼕㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻝㻣㻚㻢㻑

㻿㼍㼘㼠㻌㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻝㻚㻢㻑

㻸㼍㼐㼑㼚㻌 㻯㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼑㼞㼕㼦㼑 㼐㻌㻯㼍㼞㼓㼛㻌 㻔㼕㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻜㻚㻢㻑

㻲㼡㼑㼘㻌㻔㻵㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻟㻜㻚㻝㻑

㻲㼡㼑㼘㻌 㻔㼕㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻢㻢㻚㻡㻑

㻳㼍㼟㻌 㻔㼕㼙㼜㼛㼞㼠㻕㻘㻌 㻜㻚㻟㻑

Figure 3-9: Composition of items handled

at Sihanouk Ville Port (2009)

at Phnom Penh Port (2009)

140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0

Cargo, Tons


Source: PAS & PAP Figure 3-8: Composition of items handled












1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0












Source: PAS & PAP Figure 3-10: Import and Export Container at Sihanouk Ville port in 2009 Page - 32 -

Figure 3-11: Import and Export at Sihanouk Ville port in 2009

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)


Future Development Plan

Source: MPWT Figure 3-12: Long Term Development Plan (up to 2015)

Since the obtaining Special Economic Zone (SEZ) status (registered at CDC on September 2008 and received sub-decree on establishing of SEZ on 2nd September 2009), Construction works to create infrastructure at SEZ had started since October 2009 and expected to be completed by 2011. The Development Plan of PAS for 05 Year-Period (2009-2014) are: 1) Hardware development a. Continuous Construction of Sihanouk Ville Port Urgent SEZ Development Project (2009-2011) o Location behind Sihanouk Ville Port with 70ha o Land Filling and Cutting with approx. 660,000m! o Access Road into SEZ Area with Bridge over Railroad o Administration Building for Port SEZ =1,260m", Road works: 75,000m", RC Road: 15,000 m", o Parking Pavement: 8,400 m" and Side-walk: 7,500m", etc., Utility Works: Communication Systems, Electricity Works‌ o Container Freight Station (CFS), o Water Waste Treatment Plant o SEZ Boundary Fence, Main Gate and Sub Gate etc. b. Sihanouk Ville Port Multipurpose Terminal Development Project (2009-2014) o Project Cost:US$ 87,882,000 (US$74.5 Mil. + US$13.3Mil.) o Multipurpose Terminal = Depth:-13.5m with length: 260m o Supply Base Berth = Depth: -7.5m with length: 200m o Dredging Works = 1,840,000m! o Reclamation Works = 154,000m! o Yard Pavement Works = 226,000m" o Procurement of Tugboat 01 Unit with Capacity of 3000 HP o Navigation Aids with 05 Sets of light buoys. o Estimated Construction Period = Nov.2011-April 2014 o Estimated Start of Operation = May 2014 o EIRR = 17.30% - FIRR = 8.10% c. Transfer the Old Jetty to be a Passenger Terminal (2010-2012) o Project Cost = US$ 1,500,000 Page - 33 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

Scope of Works: x Construction of Terminal Building. x Maintenance and Transfer the Old Jetty to be a Passenger Terminal. x Equip with Monitor & Control Systems. x Construction of Office Building. d. Sihanoukville Port SEZ Development Project – Phase III (2011-2015) o Project Location: Poimachov Village (17Km east of PAS) with 160ha o Project Cost = US$ 35,000,000 e. Reinforcement of Port Security and Safety in Maritime System (2010-2012) o Project Amount: US$ 5,000,000 o Scope of Works: x Fires Fighting Engines : 02 Units x Navigation Aids (Light Buoys) : 03 Sets x Light House for Navigation Aids : 02 Units x Procurement of Mooring Boat : 01 Unit ...etc f. The Study on Next Development Plan of New Container Terminal with -14m draft (2010-2011) o

2) Software Development a. Increasing the activities of cargo/container handling operations in order to reach the volume of cargo throughput up to 3.5 Million tons by 2015. b. Improving the quality of operating services in accordance with the International Standard (Productivity, Effective Services & Smooth Services) by equipping Hi-Tech heavy handling equipment. c. Reducing the long administrative procedures by establishing One-stop Services Station to be equipped with Computer System and EDI. d. Reducing the service costs and conducting the accountancy for Port. e. Strengthening and preventing the terrorism by installing the control system equipment, security fences, and other emergency alarms system in order to prevent terrorism in the port area. f. Improving and strengthening security & safety activities and protecting the national environment. g. Integration into the region with other Asian Ports, especially members of APA.

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)



Historically, inland water transport (IWT) has been the most reliable and conventional form of transport in Cambodia. Although it was thought before the 1970s that road and rail transport might replace it, it is now clear that IWT still remains the most important traditional and most useful mode of transport. The port is located along the main rivers: Mekong, Tonle Sap and Bassac rivers. 4.2. Present State of River Navigation Cambodia’s navigable inland waterways measure a total length of 1,750km. The Mekong mainstream accounts for 30% of the total, the Tonle Sap River 15%, the Bassac River 5%, and other tributaries 50%. Year-round navigation is possible through 580km long and a third of the width of the river. Inadequate dredging and navigation aids have been impediments to increased use of these waterways. 1) The Mekong in Cambodia For the 102 km stretch between the border and Phnom Penh, the bends of the river prevent the passage of vessels more than 110m long. For existing cargo vessel designs this probably means a limitation of about 7,000 dwt. Boats up to 150 tonne capacity can be used as far as Kratie. Larger boats can be used at high water. At low water the 600-tonne boat can only carry 80 tonnes to Kratie while the 80- 130 tonne boats can usually carry 50-60 tonnes. Between Kratie and Stung Treng (120 km) 50- tonne boats can pass without difficulty in the rainy season but at low water levels the rocky conditions limit passable to smaller vessels of up to 20 tonnes. Above Stung Treng to Veunkham just across the Lao border only small boats can pass some 10-15 tonnes at low water and perhaps 50 tonnes a high water. The Master Plan on Waterborne Transport in the Mekong River System in Cambodia, was developed in 2006, under the assistance of the Belgian Technical Cooperation. The Master Plan set out 60 action plans for the development of inland waterways transport in Cambodia. Some of the action plans are now under implementation. 2) Tonle Sap River and lake On the Tonle Sap river the draft is about 1 m in the dry season but can reach up to 4 m in the rainy season. There is a water depth of only 0.5 m at the entrance to the Great Lake in the dry season. Some traffic between Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, for example goes by road from Phnom Penh to the Lake and then proceeds by boat at Kampong Chhnang or Battambang provinces. A high water boats up to 150 tonne capacity can be used between Phnom Penh and the Lake. 3) Bassac and other navigable waterways The main other waterway of importance for commercial river transport is the Bassac which links Phnom Penh with Chau Doc, the capital of Vietnam's An Giang Province. This can be used by 100-tonne boats and it also has a network of tributaries and canals mostly in Takeo province which can take up to 100 tonne boats at high water but loads can be limited to 10 tonnes at low water. Most vessels on this network are in the 20-30 tonne range and are used for trade between Takeo and the Vietnam delta area. There is a small international port at Kompong Ampil in Takeo province, which is used by trucks from Phnom Penh. Table 4-1: Maximum navigable vessel size in the Mekong River basin by section


Mekong Mainstream

River Section

Length (km)

Golden Triangle - Luang Prabang


Luang Prabang - Vientiane


Vientiane - Savannakhet Savannakhet - Pakse Pakse - Khinak Khinak - Veune Kham

459 261 151 14

Vessel Size Restriction (DWT) Year-round navigation possible?

Yes - but is limited by rocky passages and strong currents Yes - but requires small boats and skilled pilots during dry season Yes No "high water" only navigation possible Yes No - navigation not possible at any time due

Page - 35 -

Low Water

Mean-high water




200 Less than 10 50 㻌

500 50 㻌 㻌

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Khone Falls Veune Kham - Stung Treng 30 Yes - with size limitations at low water 15 50 Stung Treng - Kratie 128 Yes - with size limitations at low water 20 50 Kratie - Kampong Cham 121 Yes 80 400 Kampong Cham - Phnom Penh 100 Yes - navigable by sea-going ships 2,000 㻌 Phnom Penh - Junction of Vam Nao 154 Yes - navigable by sea-going ships 3,000-4,000 5,000 Pass Vam Nao pass - South China Sea 194 Yes - navigable by sea-going ships 3,000-4,000 3,000- 4,000 Phnom Penh - Junction of Vam Nao Pass

Bassac River

Yes - but not possible by sea-going ships

Vam Nao Pass - South China Sea Phnom Penh - 5km South of Kampong Chhnang Kampong Chhnang - Chhnoc Trou Chhnoc Trou - Chong Kneas109

Tonle Sap (Cambodia)

188 94 46 109

Dense network of man-made canals, natural creeks and Mekong tributaries, with a total navigable length of 4785 km

Mekong Delta Waterways

Se-kong - Mekong tributary (Lao PDR and Cambodia)




Yes - navigable sea-going ships


5,000- 6,000

Yes - navigable by sea-going ships



20 20

150 150

Yes - with size limitations at low water Yes - with size limitations at low water Yes - Vessel size restrictions within this network vary from 10-300DWT

Yes - this waterway is navigable between the Lao PDR and Cambodia, providing an alternative international transit corridor to the Mekong which is non-navigable through the Khone Falls

Source: Master Plan for Waterborne Transport on the Mekong River System in Cambodia, Final report (Volume 1 Main Report, Draft), September 2006, Belgian Technical Cooperation

Table 4-2: Maximum navigable vessel size in the Mekong River basin Mekong River, Phnom Penh to Kampon Cham

Tonle Sap, Phnom Penh to Siem Reap

Mekong Mainstream up to Phnom Penh


Tanker barges 1,000 DWT / 4.0m draught




Barges 1,900 DWT (120TEU) / Draught 3.8m



General Cargo

Barges 1,500 DWT / Draught 4.0m



Tourist Cruise Vessels

50-65 passengers Draught 1.5m


50-65 passengers Draught 1.5m

25 passengers 25 passengers shallow draught shallow draught Source: Master Plan for Waterborne Transport on the Mekong River System in Cambodia, Final report (Volume 1 Main Report, Draft), September 2006, Belgian Technical Cooperation


4.3. Vessels and Traffic During the 1980s most commercial river transport in Cambodia was handled by the River Transport Company (RTC) a semi-commercial joint venture between Government and a private company. The volume of cargo handled was about 80-100,000 tonnes per year (some 30 million tonne-km) carried by a total of 32 vessels ranging from 120 tonnes to 1,120 tonne. Although there are no proper shipyards wooden boats of up to some 150- tonne capacity are built along the river banks by local carpenters and are generally of good workmanship. Engines and other equipment can be bought at the market in Phnom Penh. Half of all boats currently in commercial traffic are less two years old. Almost all are operated by the respective owners with the help of employed crews. The boats are registered, inspected and taxed by the provinces in which they are based. A few specialized passenger liners serve the routes to Kompong Cham and to Siem Reap, but most commercial passenger traffic is undertaken over short distances and by smaller craft. For vessels of 20 tonnes and up, serving the longer routes, most of the revenues by far are derived from goods transport The main commodities carried are timber and agricultural produce to Phnom Penh; and foodstuffs and household goods from Phnom Penh. Page - 36 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

4.4. Inland Water Ports More than 3.9 million Cambodian living along the Inland Waterways networks in Cambodia, which consist of 3 main artery: a) Mekong River (upstream to Lao P.D.R and down stream to Vietnam, b) Basac river (to Vietnam) and c) Tonle Sap river (Including Tonle Sap great lake to Siem Reap port). These three major waterway transport line run across 6 provinces: 1- Phnom Penh (domestic) 2- Kampong Cham

3- Kratie (Kracheh) 4- Stung Treng 5- Kampong Chhnang

6- Pursat 7- Siem Reap 8- Battambang

Source: Master Plan for Waterborne Transport on the Mekong River System in Cambodia, Final report (Volume 1 Main Report, Draft), September 2006, Belgian Technical Cooperation Figure 4-1: Maximum navigable vessel size in the Mekong River basin

The most important domestic ports are in Phnom Penh and at Kompong Cham, Kratie and Stung Treng on the Mekong, and Kompong Chhnang, Chnnok Trou, Krakor and Siem Reap on the Sap river and lake. Thus the Mekong is important both for internal journeys between the provinces and for the distribution of goods via Phnom Penh port. Traffic is transshipped from ocean-going to smaller vessels in Phnom Penh. 1) Phnom Penh Port There are two domestic ports in Phnom Penh, situated side-by-side at Km 3 north of the city, sandwiched between Road 5 and the River Sap. The most active and congested area is the northerly one, run by Phnom Penh Municipality. The adjoining southerly site comes under the jurisdiction of the main Phnom Penh port, under MPWT. The site is a temporary one, to which the ports were moved in December 1993. The previous area in the city centre, south of Port No. 2, was cleared to make way for a linear park along the river bank. Earlier, in 1991, Port No. 2 was designated for international rather than domestic use, because of congestion at Port No. 1. Page - 37 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

2) Kompong Cham Port Kompong Cham is one of the most important provinces in Cambodia, situated on a cross-roads of two main trading routes: north-south along the Mekong from Laos to the sea., and east- west between Thailand and Vietnam along the historic route via Siem Reap. It is growing quickly and is an important centre for the rubber plantations. Much of the transport to and from Phnom Penh is by river. Apart from the Road 7 ferry, there is a passenger landing and a 10 m long pontoon for barges up to about 400 tonne capacity. During the dry season the pontoon is grounded and the river bank is used. There is also a warehouse with a covered area of 550 sq.m, said to have a capacity of about 600 tonnes. Across the river from the town, on the left bank, there is some 5,700 sq.m of open storage area. 3) Kratie Port As Road 7 is very poor and indirect, most of the current traffic between Phnom Penh and Kratie is carried by river. Kratie is a provincial capital and another important centre for the rubber trade. The port has a 35m long pontoon, used only in the rainy season, and a 1,000 sq.m warehouse said to have a capacity up to 5,000 tonnes. 4) Stung Treng Port Stung Treng is an important regional centre, located where the Sekong joins the Mekong and also with road access both to Laos (Road 7) and the Vietnam (Road 78). A ferry brings the traffic along Road 7 across the Sekong, but is not much used in the present security situation. The Sekong and its tributaries San and Srepok provides the only means of access to large parts of the Stung Treng and Rattanakiri provinces. Some 130 vessels are registered in Stung Treng including about 50 in the range 10-35 tonnes. There are no dedicated port facilities, however. The river banks have to be used, or during the low water season - the temporary jetty provided for the ferry. 5) Kompong Chhnang Port Kompong Chhnang is on the Tonle Sap River, between Phnom Penh and the Great Lake. It has a fishing port at Chhnok Trou and is also a market town for a rather large area on both sides of the Sap river, and lake. Much of the boat traffic transships between road and river, for journeys to/ from Phnom Penh. The port facilities are congested, with a large adjacent market area, and the whole area needs improvement and paving. At present, however, the function of the port is more of a provincial one than a national one, as larger vessels cannot enter the lake at low water. 6) Pursat Port It has a fishing port at Krakor, which is an important site at the south-east corner of the Tonle Sap Lake. It is important for fishing but also as transshipment point between boats and road transport for journeys between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. Unlike the River Sap the lake is navigable the whole year and is used both for passenger and goods traffic. Most of this traffic uses Road 5 to and from Phnom Penh. 7) Siem Reap Port The port for Siem Reap is located 5 km from the city and can only be used at high water. During the dry season the water level may be as much as 10 m lower and up to 11 km from the port. An access road (which is totally inundated at high water) then connects the town to the lake. A temporary wooden port is constructed at the beginning of each dry season but is destroyed together with any improvements to the access road as the water rises. There are also various mooring places along the access road for intermediate water levels. The port is mainly used for goods traffic to/from Phnom Penh either directly via the Tonle Sap River or with transshipment in Krakor or in Chhnok Trou in the southern end of the lake. Some 12 passenger vessels also ply the route and there are some new express services for tourists to Angkor Wat. 8) Battambang Port The port of Battambang is located right in the middle of the town and it could only be used at high water (July – November). Even though in rainy season (high water level), the boat has to navigate through shallow and narrow places. Tourists are the main passenger. Local passenger tends to travel by road due to the improvement of national road linking Battambang to the rest of the country.

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Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

4.5. Regulated Waterway1 in Cambodia Phnom Penh’s port is on the Mekong River so access is through the delta in Vietnam and through Ho Chi Minh City. In regard condition, to get access to the sea, Cambodia has to negotiate with the Vietnamese. The negotiation on regulated waterways and transit routes started in late 90’s and it was on 17th December 2009 that the Agreement had been signed in Phnom Penh. Transit routes2 between Vietnam and Cambodia could be made by the following routes: o The Mekong/Tien River route via the Cua Tieu up to Phnom Penh Port follows regulated waterways No. 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, and 1e in Vietnam and No. 1c and 1b in Cambodia and vice versa. o The Bassac/Hau River route via the Cua Dinh An and further via the Vam Nao Pass and the Mekong/Tien River up to Phnom Penh Port follows regulated waterways No. 2a.3, 2a.2, 2a.1, 1c, 1b and 1a in Vietnam and No. 1c and 1b in Cambodia and vice versa. The critical section for the Mekong route which is preferred by Cambodia is the river mouth with a depth of only 2.4 m during low tide and 4.5 m during the average high tide (allowing vessels up to 2,000 and 4,000 dwt respectively). Table 4-3: Regulated Waterway in Cambodia Section 1a 1b 1c 2

Name of Waterway

Length (km) 152 km 100 km 102 km 106 km Source: MPWT

Starting Point – End Point

Tonle Sap Lake Tonle Sap Mekong River Mekong River

From Chong Kneas to Kampong Chhnang From Kampong Chhnang to Phnom Penh From Phnom Penh to the Kaom Samnor/Vinh Xuong border gate From Kampong Cham to Phnom Penh

4.6. Inland Waterway Transport ports Under the Agreement between Royal Government of Cambodia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, local trade could utilize the freedom of navigation3 and could call at 25 ports in Cambodia and 40 ports in Vietnam. Most of the ports are privately own by mostly fuel or import-export related companies. Table 4-4: Inland Waterway Transport ports in Cambodia No.


Name of the Ports/Terminals/Port Groups Conventional and Passenger floating Piers. (TS1) Conventional (TS3) Container terminal Domestic terminal (TS5) Sokimex Floating Pier (TS7) Sokimex Floating Pier (TS9) Terminal km 6 (TS11)


Prek Pneou Pier (TS15)

Siem Gas Co.ltd


Tela Terminal (TS17)

Tela Co.ltd


Bright Victory Co. ltd Men Sarun Co.ltd


Bright Victory Pier (TS19) Men Sarun terminal (TS21) Kampong Chhnang Port



Siem Reap Port (Chong


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




Type of Cargo

River Class.

Specifications Length Width Depth (m) (m) (m) 45 15 5.3


Tonle Sap

General cargo, Passenger



Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle Sap Tonle

General cargo, terminal General cargo












General cargo









Two piles 30








General cargo





Domestic General cargo Domestic General





PPAP Sokimex Co.ltd Sokimex Co.ltd Green Trade Co.ltd





6.3 4.5



1 ‘Regulated waterways’ means the waterways and stretches of waterways belonging to the Mekong river system within the respective territories of Cambodia and Vietnam, which are listed in Table 4-3 and Error! Reference source not found. or any other waterway jointly designated by Cambodia and Vietnam. 2 ‘Transit routes’ means those parts of the regulated waterways which are open to maritime vessels engaged in transit transportation 3 Freedom of navigation comprises the right to use the ports, terminals and port groups as specified in Table 4-4 and Error! Reference source not found.. Competent Authority of either Cambodia or Vietnam may declare the opening additional ports, terminals and port groups. Such a declaration shall be notified to the other party through the Mekong Navigation Facilitation Committee. Page - 39 -


13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Name of the Ports/Terminals/Port Groups Khneas) Mekong Shore berth (Bright Victory Branch) Prek Anchanh Shore, Berths. (UM1) Tonle Bet Shore Berth (UM2) Kampong Cham, Domestic terminal (UM3) Dey Eth Terminal (LM5) Total Floating Pier (LM11) New container terminal (LM17) Petronas Floating Pier (LM19) Prek Ksay floating Pier Sokimex Prek Ksay Pier (LM2) Neak Loeung Asia Flour Mill Corperation Shore Berth (TB3) Chak Angre Floating pier (TB5)

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Ownership Rivers Type of Cargo River Class. Specifications Length Width Depth (m) (m) (m) Sap cargo, passenger Bright Victory & Upper Fuel Unspecified 5.5 Mekong Petroleum Mekong Co. ltd PPAP Upper Wood products Unspecified 5 Mekong PPAP Upper General cargo Unspecified 5 Mekong PPAP Upper General cargo, Unspecified 4 Mekong passenger PPAP Total Co. ltd PPAP Petronas Co.ltd LHR Asean Investment Co.ltd Sokimex Co.ltd PPAP Asia Flour Mild Co.ltd EDC, Chak Angre

Lower Mekong Lower Mekong Lower Mekong Lower Mekong Lower Mekong Lower Mekong Lower Mekong Lower Mekong

General cargo





Fuel, Gas





Tonle Bassac


Unspecified Fuel













General cargo



General cargo








Source: MPWT Note: Port written in italic indicated it’s progress is in development (expect to be completed).

Page - 40 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)



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o B+K#4! T%83%%CA3#)G! HU! BT(! J'7V! +1! 2.%! :+3)#2-+1! +:! H2#2%! ! H%83%2#3-#2! +:! (-?-4! #?-#2-+1! CHH(@G! ,#2%,!Q&!W#1!'77V6! o H>*F,%83%%! CHT(G! X+;'Q! +1! 2.%! +3$#1-9#2-+1! #1,! :>182-+1-1$! +:! H2#2%! H%83%2#3-#2! +:! (-?-4! #?-#2-+1! CHH(@G;! o (-?-4!@?-#2-+1!Y#=!53+)>4$#2%,!+1!'7!W#1!QJJI;! o (-?-4!@?-#2-+1!B%$>4#2-+1/;! ! 5.2. Present State of Airports !

Source: SSCA Figure 5-1: Location of Airports in Cambodia




Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

! Z.%3%!#3%!''!#-35+32/!-1!(#)*+,-#6!*>2!3%$>4#3!:4-$.2/!#3%!+14K!#?#-4#*4%!#2!Q!#-35+32/S!".1+)!"%1.!#1,!H-%)!B%#5! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+32/;! Z.%! H+8-[2[! (+18%//-+1#-3%! ,%! '\@[3+5+32! CH(@G! .#/! *%%1! >1,%32#M-1$! +5%3#2-+1#4! )#1#$%)%12!+:! ! ".1+)!"%1.!L12%31#2-+1#4!@-35+32!/-18%!'77E6!H-%)!B%#5!L12%31#2-+1#4!@-35+32!/-18%!QJJ'6!#1,! H-.#1+>M! ]-44%! @-35+32! /-18%! QJJV;! Z.%/%! #3%! >1,%3! ^OZ! @$3%%)%12/! *%2=%%1! 2.%! B+K#4! _+?%31)%12! +:! (#)*+,-#!#1,!H(@;!@44!+2.%3!#-35+32/!#3%!)#1#$%,!*K!2.%!H2#2%!H%83%2#3-#2!+:!(-?-4!@?-#2-+1!CHH(@G!%`8%52!:+3! A#)5+1$!(..1#1$!@-35+32;! ! Table 5-1: Present status of airports in Cambodia Runway (m) Airport Surface/Ref. Code International Airport ".1+)!"%1.! ! 0JJJ`&Ea!@/5.#42a!&T!


Area (ha)

Owner/ Operator

Open/ Close

















Domestic Airport A#)5+1$! ! (..1#1$! ^#22#)*#1$! H2>1$!Z3%1$! B#22#1#M-3-! A+.!A+1$!

Q&JJ`&Ea!(+183%2%a!&(! 'VJJ`0&a!^-2>)%1a!0(! '0JJ`QJa!^-2>)%1a!0(! '0JJ`0Ja!Y#2%3-2%a!0(! '0JJ`0Ja!Y#2%3-2%a!0(!

! ! ! ! !

QJ'';JJ! 'QI;VI! ''Q;EJ! &I;J7! 'QE;VV!

B_(a@-3!N+38%! B_(aHH(@! B_(aHH(@! B_(aHH(@! B_(aHH(@!

(4+/%! O5%1! O5%1! O5%1! O5%1!


'EJJ`0Ja!Y#2%3-2%a!0(! !





"3%#.!]-.%#3! A3#2-%!

'&JJ`0Ja!Y#2%3-2%a!0(! ''IJ`0Ja!Y#2%3-2%a!0(!

! !

'EJ;7I! ''Q;EJ!

B_(! B_(!

(4+/%! (4+/%!

Remarks LYH!:+3!BcdQ0!+14K! LYH!:+3!BcdJE6!=-44!*%!+5%3#2%,!-1! %#34K!QJJ7! B%+5%1%,!W#1>#3K!'E6!QJJD;! ! X+=6!-1! "3%5#3#2-+1!:+3!+::-8-#4!+5%1-1$!#/!L12;! @-35+32!CH>*FT%83%%!X+;V'!.#,!*%%1! -//>%,!+1!Q'/2!@53-4!QJJ7G! Z.%!@3%#!-184>,%/!)-4-2#3K!4#1,!>/%! ! ! ! ! (4+/%,!/-18%!W>4K!QJJD;! ! B%8%124K! 3%e>%/2!*K!2.%!53-?#2%!2+!3%F+5%1;! ! ! Source: SSCA !

5.3. Airport infrastructure 1) Phnom Penh international airport (former Pochentong int. Airport) L2!=#/!*>-42!,>3-1$!=+34,!=#3!2=+!*K!:+38%!4#*+3!#1,!4#2%3!=#/!>5$3#,%,!2+!-12%31#2-+1#4!/2#1,#3,;! ! Z.%!%`-/2-1$! /23>82>3%!8+)53-/%/!#!1%=4K!*>-42!2#`-!=#K6!#!/-1$4%!#/5.#42!3>1=#K!+:!06JJJ!)%23%/!C76I&0:2G!4+1$!*K!&J!)%23%/! =-,%6! #! 3-$-,! 8+183%2%! #53+16! #-3! 23#::-8! 8+123+46! +5%3#2-+1/a#,)-1-/23#2-?%! *>-4,-1$! #1,! +2.%3! *#/-8! #18-44#3K! :#8-4-2-%/;!Z.%3%!-/!#4/+!)-4-2#3K!23#::-8!#2!".1+)!"%1.!L12%31#2-+1#4!@-35+32!C/+>2.!8#)5>/G;! ! Z.%!)#1#$%)%12!+:! ".1+)! "%1.! -12%31#2-+1#4! #-35+32! -/! >1,%3! 53-?#2%! 8+)5#1K6! H+8-[2[! (+18%//-+1#-3%! ,\@[3+5+32! CH(@G'6! =.+! +*2#-1%,!#!8+18%//-+1!:3+)!2.%!$+?%31)%12!+1!V2.!W>4K!'77E;! ! Table 5-2: Phnom Penh International Airport infrastructure

Elevation AMSL! Coordinates! &J!:2!a!'Q!) ''f0Qƍ&DƎX'J&fEJƍ0IƎR! '';E&V07fX!'J&;I&0I7fR! x


Z+2#4!8#5#8-2KS!Q!)-44-+1!5#`! ! o H>3:#8%S!'V6JJJ!)g! ! o c#-2-1$!4+>1$%/S!'0JJ!)g! ! o ]L"!Y+>1$%S!QEJ!)g! ! o N++,!h!^%?%3#$%S!0EJ!)g! ! o T>2K!N3%%S!DJJ!)g! ! H%#2!8#5#8-2KS!0VJ! !

Website .225Saa===;8#)*+,-#F#-35+32/;8+)a-1,%`;5.5!

Direction JEaQ0!

Infrastructure x (.%8MFL1!8+>12%3/S!QQ! ! x ]-/#6!L))-$3#2-+1!#1,!(>/2+)/!8+>12%3/S!0J! ! x X>)*%3! +:! $#2%/S! &! =-2.! #%3+*3-,$%/6! Q! =-2.! *>/! #88%//! ! x ^#$$#$%!8+1?%K+3/S!Q!CL12%31#2-+1#4G! ! x (#3!5#3M-1$S!0IJ! ! ! Source: DAFIF & SSCA

! 2) Siem Reap International Airport Z.-/!#-35+32!-/!4+8#2%,!#*+>2!IM)!X+32.!i!c%/2!+:!H-%)!B%#5!8#5-2#4;! ! L2!.#/!#!2+2#4!#3%#!+:!'7E.#;! ! L2!.#/!2.%! #88%//!2+! XBV;! ! Z.-/! #-35+32! /%3?%/! #/!#! )#-1! %123#18%! :+3! -12%31#2-+1#4!2+>3-/2!=.+! 8+)%! 2+! ?-/-2! @1$M+3!c#2;! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '

! DJj!+=1%,!*K!_3+>5%!_Z<!#1,!0Jj!*K!<>.-**#.!<#/2%33+1!+:!<#4#K/-#!

! !



Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

Y-M%=-/%! ".1+)! "%1.! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+326! H-%)! B%#5! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+32! -/! #4/+! >1,%3! 2.%! H+8-[2[! (+18%//-+1#-3%!,\@[3+5+32!CH(@G;! ! P1,%3!kO5%1!HMKl!5+4-8K6!-12%31#2-+1#4!:4-$.2!8+>4,!*%!)#,%!,-3%824K!2+!2.-/! #-35+32;! ! Table 5-3: Siem Reap International Airport infrastructure

Elevation AMSL! Coordinates! VJ!:2!a!'I!) '0fQ&ƍ0IƎX!'J0f&Iƍ&VƎR! '0;&'JEVfX!'J0;I'QDIfR! o o o o o

o o

Website Direction! .225Saa===;8#)*+,-#F JEaQ0! #-35+32/;8+)a! Infrastructure L@Z@!8+,%S!BR"m!L(@O!8+,%S!]THB! o "%35%1,-8>4#3! 2#`-=#K! C2#`-=#K! @GS! '! C4%1$2.S! Q&J! @-35+32!8#2%$+3KS!&!(! )%2%3/m!=-,2.S!QJ!)%2%3/!#1,!'J!)%2%3/!+:!/.+>4,%3/G;! L12%31#2-+1#4! 2%3)-1#4S! '06JJJ! /e>#3%! "#3#44%4! 2#`-=#K! C2#`-=#K! ^GS! '! C4%1$2.S! VJJ! )%2%3/m! )%2%3/! C=-2.! 5+//-*4%! %`2%1/-+1/G;! =-,2.S!Q0!)%2%3/!#1,!'E!)%2%3/!+:!/.+>4,%3/G! U#1,4-1$!8#5#8-2KS!';E!)-44-+1!5#//%1$%3/! o X>)*%3!+:!/2#1,/S!'V! T+)%/2-8!2%3)-1#4S!DJJ!/e>#3%!)%2%3/! o X#?-$#2-+1!#-,/!#1,!?-/>#4!#-,/S! @-34-1%/!3%$>4#34K!+5%3#2-1$S!'V!C@-3!@/-#6! LYH! @-3! <#8#>6! @/-#1#! @-34-1%/6! ^#1$M+M! ]OBaT<R! @-3=#K/6! (.-1#! R#/2%31! @-34-1%/6! (.-1#! XT^! H+>2.%31! @-34-1%/6! N#3! R#/2%31! @-3! "@"L! Z3#1/5+326! U+1$! A+1$! @-34-1%/6! W#5#1! o L(@O!4%?%4S!I! @-34-1%/6! W%2/2#3! @/-#6! A+3%#1! @-36! Y#+! o Re>-5)%12S!0! @-34-1%/6! <#4#K/-#! @-34-1%/6! H-%)! B%#5! o ]%.-84%/S!'!:-3%!23>8M! @-3=#K/6!H-4M!@-36!]-%21#)!@-34-1%/G;! ! o @)*>4#18%S!'! B>1=#K!4%1$2.S!Q6EEJ!)%2%3/! o (#3$+!Z%3)-1#4S!2+2#4!/>3:#8%!#3%#!-/!V&7!/e;)! B>1=#K!=-,2.S!&E!)%2%3/6!=-2.!/.+>4,%3/! Q;E!)%2%3/!=-,%!%#8.! Source: DAFIF & SSCA

! ! 3) Keng Kang airport (or Sihanouk Ville International Airport) H-.#1+>M! ]-44%! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+32! CL@Z@S! AOH6!L(@OS! ]TH]G6! 4+8#2%,! 'I! M)! %#/2! +:! H-.#1+>M?-44%6! -/! (#)*+,-#n/!2.-3,!-12%31#2-+1#4!#-35+32;!Z.%!#-35+32!-/!#4/+!M1+=1!#/!A#1$!A%1$!@-35+32;!Z.%!L@Z@!8+,%!AOH!,#2%/! :3+)! H-.#1+>M?-44%n/! :+3)%3! 1#)%! A+)5+1$! H+);! Z.%! #-3:-%4,! =#/! +3-$-1#44K! 8+1/23>82%,! -1! 2.%! '7VJ/! =-2.! #//-/2#18%! :3+)! 2.%! H+?-%2! P1-+1;! @:2%3! #! 4+1$! 5%3-+,! +:! ,+3)#18K! ,>3-1$! #1,! #:2%3! 2.%! A.)%3! B+>$%! %3#6! 2.%! #-35+32!:+3)#44K!3%+5%1%,!+1!'E2.!W#1>#3K!QJJD;!Z.%!#-35+32n/!3>1=#K!-/!*%-1$!%`2%1,%,!2+!Q6QJJ!)%2%3/6!=.-8.!=-44! #44+=!-2!2+!#88+))+,#2%!o%2!#-354#1%/!/>8.!#/!2.%!^+%-1$!D0D;! ! Table 5-4: Sihanouk Ville International Airport infrastructure

Elevation AMSL! Coordinates! &J!:2!a!'Q!) 'Jf0&ƍ&IƎX!'J0f0Iƍ'0ƎR! 'J;EIfX!'J0;V0V7&fR!

Website .225Saa===;8#)*+,-#F #-35+32/;8+)a-1,%`;5.5!

Direction F!

Infrastructure General information! Airfield! o Z+2#4!4#1,!#3%#S!VIQ!.#! o B>1=#K!4%1$2.S!Q6EJJ!)%2%3/! o @-35+32!8#2%$+3KS!0!(! o B>1=#K!=-,2.S!&J!)%2%3/! o L12%31#2-+1#4! h! ,+)%/2-8! 2%3)-1#4S! +?%3! o "%35%1,-8>4#3!2#`-=#KS!'! '6JJJ!/e>#3%!)%2%3/! ! o X>)*%3!+:!/2#1,/S!E! o X#?-$#2-+1!#-,/!#1,!?-/>#4!#-,/S! Rescue and Fire Fighting! o L(@O!4%?%4S!E! ]OBaT<R! o Re>-5)%12S!'!:-3%:-$.2-1$!?%.-84%! XT^! ! "@"L! Source: DAFIF & SSCA ! !




Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Z.+>/#1,/

5.4. Present State of Airport Usage Z.%! >/#$%! +:! -12%31#2-+1#4! #-35+32/! .#/! *%%1! -183%#/-1$! K%#34K! +=-1$! 2+! 2.%! -183%#/%! +:! 2+>3-/2!,%)#1,;! ! ! Z.%! 1>)*%3! +:! -12%31#2-+1#4! :4-$.2/! 5%3! K%#3! ?#3-%/! :3+)! K%#3! 2+! K%#36! #1,! ,>3-1$! E! K%#3/! *%2=%%1! QJJ0! #1,! QJJ76! -2! .#/! -183%#/%,! #553+`-)#2%4K! ';&F:+4,! #2! ".1+)! "%1.! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+32! #1,! #553+`-)#2%4K! ';7F :+4,! #2! H-%)! B%#5! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+32;! Z.%! 1>)*%3!+:!,+)%/2-8!:4-$.2/6!+1!2.%!+2.%3!.#1,6! .#/!*%%1!,%83%#/-1$!+1!2.%!=.+4%;!

Q6JJJ! '6IJJ! '6VJJ!


'6&JJ! '6QJJ! '6JJJ! IJJ! VJJ! &JJ! QJJ! J!
























Source: SSCA Z.+>/#1,/

Figure 5-2: Number of passengers. 'V! '&! 'Q!


! Z.%! 1>)*%3! +:! -12%31#2-+1#4! :4-$.2! 5#//%1$%3/! .#/!*%%1!-183%#/-1$! K%#34K!C%`8%52! -1!QJJ7G!#2! ".1+)! "%1.! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+326! #1,! .#/! )#3M%,! ';E! )-44-+1! -1! QJJ7;! c.%1! 8+)*-1%,! =-2.!2.%!1>)*%3!+:!,+)%/2-8!:4-$.2!5#//%1$%3/6! 2.%! #-35+32! -/! >/%,! *K! #! 2+2#4! +:! /+)%! ';V! )-44-+1!5#//%1$%3/!#!K%#3;! !


'J! I! V! &! Q! J!








































Source: SSCA. Figure 5-3: Number of flights

'6VJJ! '6&JJ! '6QJJ! '6JJJ! IJJ! VJJ!






T+)%/2-8!:4-$.2!5#//%1$%3/!.#?%!*%%1!/-$1-:-8#124K!,%83%#/-1$!/-18%!QJJE;! '6IJJ! '6VJJ! '6&JJ! '6QJJ! '6JJJ! IJJ! VJJ!



































'II6VE'! 0QJ6'D&! &0I6'70! E776JJD! DD&600I! VI'6QJ7! E00670Q!


'I&6JIE! 0J06VVE! &QD6VIE! E7Q6JQ7! DD06&0J! VIJ600E! E07600J!




















00Q6IE&! &J'6V&D! &&E67D7! EV76VJV! DJ'6I7I! DE&6JVJ! D'I6'&I!


0006&'7! &'V6DJQ! &ED6&DJ! EVJ6DQ7! D'D6EIJ! DI'6'&7! D&D6D7Q!

Source: SSCA Figure 5-4: Number of passengers (Phnom Penh)

Figure 5-5: Number of passengers (Siem Reap)

@2!H-%)!B%#5!L12%31#2-+1#4!@-35+326!2.%!1>)*%3!+:!-12%31#2-+1#4!:4-$.2!5#//%1$%3/!.#/!*%%1!3#5-,4K!-183%#/-1$!-1! 2.%!4#/2!E!K%#3/;!L1!QJJD6!-2!#88+))+,#2%,!2.%!4#3$%/2!1>)*%3!+:!5#//%1$%3/!+:!#44!#-35+32/!-1!(#)*+,-#6!%`8%%,-1$! %?%1!".1+)!"%1.!L12%31#2-+1#4!@-35+32;!U+=%?%36!*+2.!-1!QJJI!#1,!-1!QJJ76!H-%)!B%#5!L12%31#2-+1#4!@-35+32!=#/! />35#//%,! *K! ".1+)! "%1.! L12%31#2-+1#4! @-35+326! -1! 2%3)/! +:! 1>)*%3! +:! 5#//%1$%3/;! ! @4/+6! 4-M%! ".1+)! "%1.! !



Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

L12%31#2-+1#4!@-35+326!2.%!1>)*%3!+:!,+)%/2-8!:4-$.2!5#//%1$%3/!.#/!*%%1!,%83%#/-1$;! ! 5.5. Airport Development Plan ! Z.%!:+44+=-1$!=%3%!53+o%82/!2.#2!.#,!*%%1!8#33-%,!+>2!*K!2.%!HH(@!-1!QJJ7;! ! Table 5-5: Projects that had been carried out by the SSCA in 2009 Phnom Penh International Airport! Siem Reap International Airport! o R/8#4#2+3!-184>,-1$!8-?-4!=+3M/! o X%=!]L"!*>-4,-1$!C&JJ!)QG! o R`2%1,!_U!3++:! ! C'&JJ)QG! o X%=!.#1$#3/!#1,!+::-8%/!:+3!_U!C'EJJ)QG! o R`2%1,!(#3$+!%`5+32!/2+3#$%!CQJJJ)QG! o c+3M/.+5!:+3!<ZX!CVJJ!)QG! o R`2%1,!<#-12%1#18%!/2+3#$%CQJJ)QG! o @-35+32!:-3%!:-$.2-1$!#,,-2-+1#4!=#2%3!2#1M! o B%1+?#2-+1!+:!8#3$+6!8>/2+)!8#)!#1,!:+3=#3,%3/! o c-,%1-1$!+:!2.%!/.+>4,%3/!#44!#4+1$!2.%!3>1=#K! +::-8%/6! :+3! +::-8%/6! 4+8M%3/6! #38.-?%/! 3++)/! #1,! o c-,%1-1$!+:!2#`-=#K!@! /2+3%/;! o (#3!5#3M!-)53+?%)%12! o U%4-/2#2-+1! o T3#-1#$%!#1,!(#1#4!3%.#*-4-2#2-+1! o T3#-1#$%!-)53+?%)%12!CD0JJ)4G! o H.+5S!'JJ)Q!%`2%1/-+1!2%33#8%! ! o (>33%12!2%33#8%!23#1/:+3)%,!-1!/.+5! ! ! Sihanouk Ville International Airport o H%3?-8%!#1,!#88%//!3+#,/! ! o N%18-1$!:+3!2.%!1%=!*+>$.2!#3%#/!p!:+3)%3!:%18%! 2+!*%!3%)+?%,!

Source: DAFIF & SSCA! ! L1!8+44#*+3#2-+1!*%2=%%1!<"cZ!#1,!HH(@6!2.%!:+44+=-1$!#82-?-2-%/!#3%!2+!*%!8#33-%,!+>2!-1!QJ'JS! o X%=! (XHa@Z<! C<#/2%3! "4#1! H2>,K! +1! (+))>1-8#2-+16! X#?-$#2-+1! #1,! H>3?%-44#18%a@-3! Z3#::-8! <#1#$%)%12!HK/2%)G! o (+44%82! #-35+32! 8+1,-2-+1! -1:+3)#2-+1! #2S! A%56! A#)5+26! A#)5+1$! (..1#1$6! "+3/#26! ^#12%#K! <%#18.%K6! O,,#3!<%#18.%K6!B#22#1#M-3-6!A#)5+1$!Z.+)6!H2>1$!Z3%1$6!"3%#.!]-.%#36!<+1,>4M-3-6!A3#2-%/6!A#)5+1$! (.#)6!^#22#)*#1$6!"#-4-16!A+.!A+1$!#1,!H?#K!B-%1$;! !




Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)


Cross Border Transport 6.1. Background

Greater Mekong Sub-region Cross Border Transport Agreement or GMS-CBTA was established in late 1990s by six countries (Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao P.D.R, Thailand, Myanmar and People Republic of China) with the aim to conduct full implementation by 2009. The agenda of its implementation were: - Up to 1998: Preparation of Framework Agreement - 1998: Signing - 1998 – 2000: Preparation of annexes and protocols - 2000-2007: Negotiation and signing of annexes and protocols

Source: AD Figure 6-1: Cross Border Transport Agreement

6.2. Cross Border Infrastructure (CBI) Development Page - 46 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

The GMS includes four ASEAN landlocked member countries—Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam— plus the provinces of Yunnan and Guangxi in PRC. Its major goal is integration, and its main functional areas are trade and infrastructure, with a focus on improving connectivity in the sub-region by improving transport, energy, and telecommunications. CBI development in ASEAN is being pursued through: o ASEAN member countries’ own initiative o The initiatives of other sub-regional infrastructure cooperation programs such as the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), the Mekong River Commission (MRC), the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippine East Asia Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) and the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT); and o The pan-Asian initiative like the Asian Highway (AH) and the Trans-Asian railway (TAR) network. Southern Corridor-II (1168km) Bangkok-Aranyprathet/ Poipet-Siem Reap-Ratanakiri-Quy Nhon

Central Corridors (763km) Trapaing Kreal-Phnom Penh-Sihanouk Ville

Southern Coastal Corridor (893km) Bankok-Trat-Koh Kong-Kampot-Ha Tien-Ca Mau-Nam Can

Southern Corridor-I (1032km) Bankok-Aranyaprathet/Poi Pet-Phnom PenhBavet/Moc Bai-Ho Chi Minh-Vung Tau

Source: MPWT Figure 6-2: New Economic GMS Corridor in Cambodia (3,856 km)

6.3. Purpose of CBTA In 2008, the GMS cross-border transport agreement (CBTA) was signed and ratified. The CBTA is a compact and comprehensive multilateral instrument that covers all the relevant aspects of cross-border facilitation including: o Facilitation of border crossing formalities (single window and single stop customs inspection, coordinating of hours of operation; and exchange of advance information and clearance) o Facilitate cross-border movement of people (multi-entry visa, recognition of driver license) o Facilitate cross-border movement of goods (regional transit regime) o Exchange of commercial traffic rights o Requirements for admittance of road vehicles o Institutional Arrangements o Setting up custom transit (guaranteeing system) o And other issues related to road and bridge design standards, road signs and signals

Page - 47 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG)

6.4. Status of implementation There are 17 annexes! and 3 protocols" had been signed, ratified and deposit#. Table 6-1: CBTA status Item


Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Annex 7 Annex 8 Annex 9 Annex 10 Annex 11 Annex 12 Annex 13a Annex 13b

Carriage of Dangerous Goods Registration of Vehicles in International Goods Carriage of Perishable Goods Facilitation of Frontier-Crossing Formalities Cross-Border Movement of People Transit and Inland Clearance Customs Regime Road Traffic Regulation and Signage Temporary Importation of Motor Vehicles Criteria for Licensing of Transport Operator for Cross-Border Conditions of Transport Road and Bridge Design and Construction Standards & Specifications Border Crossing and Transit Facilities and Services Multimodal Carrier Liability Regime Criteria for Licensing of Multimodal Transport Operators for Cross-Border Transport Operations Container Customs Regime Commodity Classifications Systems Criteria for Driving Licenses Designation of Corridors, Routes and Points of Entry & Exit Border Crossing Charges Concerning Transit Traffic Frequency and Capacity of Services and Issuance of Quotas and Permits

Annex 14 Annex 15 Annex 16 Protocol 1 Protocol 2 Protocol 3

Countries Lao Mya R S R S R S R S R S R S R S R S R S R S R S R S R S R S

Cam R R R R R R R R R R R R R R








Thai R R R R R* S R S R R R R R R











Note: * - Ratified part 1-4 Legend: = Ratification has completed and finished = Signed but Ratification still pending


T=Transport C=Customs

I=Immigration Q=Quarantine Source: ADB website

6.5. Cambodia’s Implementation of CBTA o o o

ASEAN Agreement: One agreement for each of a) Good (dangerous) b) Interstate (like bilateral) c) Multi-model transport and d) Recognition of driving license/inspection. GMS Agreement: One agreement for a) Truck b) Bus c) Transit d) Single window/stop inspection e) Multi-model transport and Guaranteeing system. Legal issue: Before the implementation of the annexes or protocols each member country must accomplished 3 legal steps. The first step is to sign then to ratify and lastly to deposit. Up until December 2009, Cambodia has signed (by the Royal Government of Cambodia) and ratified (by the Parliament, Senate and Royal Palace) all the protocols and annexes (20) Cambodia already deposit (By Ministry of Foreign Affairs) protocols/annexes. Cambodia’s agreement with the 3 countries: Vietnam (VN), Lao P.D.R and Thailand

Table 6-2: Cambodia’s implementation of CBTA No.


Lao P.D.R













GMS-Bilateral (IICBTA)










- 3 MOU with Thai

Source: MPWT

Bilateral agreement with neighboring countries: Cambodia has CBTA bilateral agreement with 2 countries namely: Vietnam and Lao P.D.R. Each country executed different conditions which are shown as follows: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 Annex is a technical specification or Standard document designed to be used by all member countries. It is not easy to be modified. 2 Protocol is a document mostly made by two countries which describes quantity or locations. This document is much easier to modify. 3 Deposit is an act of announcement made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform member countries about its protocols or annexes which had been ratified and was ready to be implemented. Page - 48 -

Overview on Transport Infrastructure Sectors in the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 2010, IRITWG) Table 6-3: Bilateral agreement status Bilateral agreement With Vietnam With Lao With Thailand

Cambodia - 40 vehicles (bus 20, truck 20) - Increase to 1504 (75 bus, 75 trucks) - Increase to 300 (150 buses, 150 trucks) - 40 vehicles (truck only) - 40 vehicles (only at one Cross Border point)

Counterpart countries - Vietnam - 40 vehicles (all bus) - Increase to 150 vehicles (all bus) - Increase to 300 (all bus) - 40 vehicles (truck only) - 1st MOU: Location and all procedures (for Poi Pet Only) - 2nd MOU: Traffic rights - 40 vehicles only at Poi Pet. Another cross border point required separate MOU Source: MPWT

Structure and building: Among six member countries, Cambodia is lack behind in establishing the structure on the ground to help facilitate the cross border transportation: Table 6-4: Structure, Facilities and Inspection Area status Khmer Border with Lao

Facilities No

Inspection Area No

With Vietnam

Structure Construction is on-going Yes



With Thailand




Remark 1 transit point 1 transit point used for ASEAN, GMS CBTA, GMS IICBTA5, BRTA6. There are no transit operation activities except import and export activities. 2 transit points. There are no transit operation activities except import and export activities. Source: MPWT


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4 MOU signed on 17th March 2009. 5 Initiative Implementation Cross Border Transport Agreement 6 Bilateral Road Transport Agreement Page - 49 -

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