back porch no one sleeping in your bed tonight no one to help you stave off this fright watch your best friend pack their bags your heart it beats but time it lags showed you all my scars you learned all id do you is harm despite the best intentions surround yourself with storms and lost causes settling with your losses fucked up on your back porch again hazards of the past whisper in your ear there’s meaning but we can’t seem to find it here who are you when your buzz wears off that callous gaze, the same cigarette cough you cant forgive me for the things I’ve said and put you through you never knew why I was blue or that I loved that record more than you we spent autumn counting down the days ignoring imminent goodbyes craving the convenience of yesterday our words spilled out superfluous and meaningless but now it’s spring and I’m alone Lightning bugs flickered, gravel flew lost myself some empty night nobody ever knew