Digital Smile

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In the age of internet and technology, the communication aspect of our every day life has changed. While there have been many arguments indicated that the Face to Face communication ( FtF) might have been ceased, the Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) has certainly expanded across the globe. Moreover, CMC users have also contributed by adding elements to some certain aspects such as emotional representations and shorten form of

dialogue. That would lead to the increasing usage of Emoticon and Internet Slang. They have generated a great impact on human way of communication. Digital Smile is a pocket visual dictionary which explains the most popular Emoticons and Internet Slangs on the Internet.


WESTERN EMOTICON Traditionally, the emoticon in Western style is written from left to right, the way one reads and writes in most Western cultures. Thus, most commonly, emoticons have the eyes on the left, followed by the nose and mouth.

8D =) B-|

THE EYES An equal sign is often used for the eyes in place of the colon, seen as =) , without changing the meaning of the emoticon. In these instances, the hyphen is almost always either omitted or, occasionally


LAUGHING Second only to the Smiley Face, you can find the Laughing Emoticon everywhere on the internet. Basically, It’s a variation of the Smiley Face.

SMILEY FACE The first and most popular emoticon ever on the internet. It was coined by Scott Fahlman of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in a message on 19 September 1982.



SAD FACE The Sad Face has a similar design to the Smiley Face. A colon combines with a left Parentheses( opposite to the Smiley Face) to symbolise an unhappy expression

GRIM The Crying Emoticon is almost identical to the Sad Face with an extra round bracket, possibly to imply a worse unhappiness expression.


ASTERISKISS There are numerous ways to express “love� on the net, however, this emoticon remains popular overtime dues to its simplicity and expressive design. Similar to other emoticon, there are a colon to represent the eyes and the Asterisk to symbolise a kiss. Asterisk is known to be used in textual media to represent *emphasis* when bold text is not available. In a similar context, kissing is a a bold way of expressing your emotion.

:* N


Xxx In comparison to the Asterisk Kiss, the X could be used with and without colon. When used with colon, It’s a representation of love. On Its own, in an informal sentence of text message, “x” represents a kiss. The number of “x” in the content could be taken as the amount of kisses or the tendency of the kiss

GRIM Aside from grim, this emoticon can also be used to express Straight face, disgusted, indecision, a strict face or emotionless. In a humorous manner, this could be taken as an alternative for “No Comment�


ANGRY FACE Like most emoticon, The Angry Face contains the eyes on the left, followed by the nose (often not included) and mouth. This emoticon represents somewhat a different expression to its sister emoticon. With an extra vertical bar in the mouth part, It’s a textual portrayal of an angry face

=:o Former US President has become somewhat of a pop culture icon.


Bill Clinton



DEVILISH FACE The left chevron is used to symbolise somewhat of a twisted mouth. In some aspect, it closely resembles the Sad Face.


BROKEN HEART In general, the Broken Heart emoticon is almost identical to the Crying emoticon. The only difference is that the colon has been replaced by the equal signs.

John Lennon. His emoticon is based on his trademark glassed




TONGUE-TIED The interesting shape of the Ampersand is used to represent the tongue-tied mouth.

DRUNK Unlike other emoticons, the Drunk emoticon has the percent sign to represent the eyes, instead of the colon. It’s a representation of “Party All Night”. It’s also the textual portrayal of a confused face or a drunk face.



DEVILISH FACE There are various emoticons contain the smiley face. The Devil emoticon has a curly bracket in front of the colon.

EVIL SMILE There are various emoticons contain the smiley face. The Evil Smile emoticon has a chevron in front of the colon.


WINKY The Winky emoticon is one of the most popular pictorial representations of facial expressions. Another variation of the smiley face, the colon is replaced with the semicolon to represent a wink

CHEEKY The letter “P� is a pictorial representation of the tongue sticking out. The emotion itself could also be used to represent a cheeky face or blowing a raspberry


S :S

SKEPTICAL The letter S is a textual portrayal of a twisted mouth, a sign of uncertainty. It could also be used to express the feeling of undecided, uneasy and hesitant

EMBARRASSED The Hash sign is used to represent sealed lips. Alternatively, this could be used to portray the feeling of embarrassing


B -D

COOL Normally, the colon is used to represent the eyes. In some certain case, the letter B could be used as a replacement. The letter B is used to resemble the image of the sunglasses in this particular emoticon. Wearing sunglasses is cool !

BORED The vertical bars is used to portray a closed eyes while the letter O could be interpreted as a yawning mouth. You only do that when you’re really bored.

|- O


JUST KIDDING The letter X is used to replace the colon to emphasise the funkiness. The letter D is the textual symbolisation of a big smile.

JOYFUL TEAR Another variation of the smiley face. There’s acoma in between the colon and the bracket. The coma is used as a pictorial representation of tear.

: ’)

The Slash is used to divide the chevron and the heart, symbolised a broken heart. People also used this emoticon as for “broken up� relationship.

<3 n

HEART The “<3” emoticon is rather popular on Facebook. The combination of a chevron and number three, it’s a textural symbolisation of the heart. The outline’s clearly similar to a heart shape. It could also be used to express love






CONFUSED The ‘at’ letter is used along with the nose (hyphen) and a smiley face (bracket). it represent your rolling eyes when you get confused. Or you can just start rolling your eyes after reading this.

DISAPPOINTED If you turn this emoticon upside down, you can see that it’s quite similar to the Sad Face. The letter E, however, has a slightly more complicate structure which is used to represent a displeased sign.



WIDE-EYED In general, the Broken Heart emoticon is almost identical to the Crying emoticon. However, the colon which usually represents the eyes of the face has been replaced by the equal signs.

ASTONISHED Unlike other emoticons, the Drunk emoticon has the percent sign to represent the eyes, instead of the colon. It’s a representation of “Party All Night”. It’s a simplier way to express when you’re confused or drunk.


SOMETHING FISHY A combination of different punctation marks is used to represent a fish. This could be interpreted as a fish, or suspicion. “I smell something fishy�.



ANGEL By adding a zero on the top of the smiley face, it’s a pictorial image of an angel’s holy ring. This emoticon can also be used to represent an innocent face

o/ “HIGH FIVE !” One letter ‘O’ is you, the other one is another person. The slash sign is representing your arms raised high for a high five.



INTERNET SLANGS Internet Slang is a type of slang that Internet users have popularized, and in many cases, have coined. Such terms often originate with the purpose of saving keystrokes. Many people use the same abbreviations in texting and instant messaging, and social networking websites

haha hihi he K HOHO KA




I can read your laugh out loud


LAUGH OUT LOUD lol lol lol lol lol This is only an abbreviation of the word laugh out loud. Quick, short and convenient. lol


lol c GH LAU D LOU


LAUGH WITH MY ASS OFF Like LOL, LMAO is a short way to express your reaction. These expressions can take the reaction to the extreme. You can LOL then LFMAO.

IT’S FINE F9 is simply a word play, or you can call it a lazy way to say things. F+nine= fine This way, you don’t have to waste your time typing th whole sentence, very useful when you’re chatting with the rest of the world. finexpression




RIGHT ! Same as F9, it’s a short way to say ‘right’ or ‘all right’. The usage of “R8” has been declined over the years. Before 2002, it was used quite often in text messaging and chat room



what the fuck ?

WHAT THE F**K ? Even your grandma would know this one. It’s usually used to express surprised or shocked reaction

SWEARING Asterisk is quite familiar as an alternative method to censor bad English in textual content. Clearly, you’re familiar with this one

ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING Like “LOL”, “ROFL” ’s popularity has rised rapidly that it’s added to the official dictionary.

I LOVE YOU Though not so many used it these day on the internet, it’s used to be very popular as an alternative way of love confessing in 2000.

KTHXBYE. kthxbye” is the pinnacle of English’s advancement, shortening “All correct, Thank you, God be with you.” into seven lowercase letters. shortening of “k thx bye”. The K is short for OK, which is short for oll korrect, which is a facetious alteration of All Correct. thx is short for thanx which is a facetious alteration of thanks which is short for thank you. Bye is short for goodbye, which is an alteration of alteration of God be with you

HOLY SHIT Despite its popularity, in a recent internet poll, many internet users find this slang “difficult to understand” and “easy to be confused with others”

OK = FINE Eventhough, the word OK only have 2 letters. People are just lazy to type it twice. KK = OK (x2) = ok, fine Many people find this slang to be the most easy one to understand

The first letters of each words are used together to form this slang. Along with other 900 slangs, IMHO has been added to the official dictionary.


EASTERN EMOTICON Eastern Emoticons are mostly popularised by Japanese user. They popularized a style of emoticons that can be understood without tilting one’s head to the left. This style arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986. Similar looking emoticons were used by Byte Information Exchange (BIX) around the same time

MELLOW... Soft, free of hardness. this emoticon represent a pleasant face on a relaxed position. The symbol says it all.

ヽ (´ー

ー`) ┌

APOLOGISE The underscore in the middle of this emoticon is to simply represent a person bowing down to beg for pardon.


I’M TIRED The plus symbols are here to help put on the dazed out eyes on a straight face. This is to show when one’s tired, their face expression is just spaced out.

ER...SORRY ! The asteriks are here, along with the carets is to show an awkward smile on a sorry face. The semi colon is to represent a head scratching when one feels uneasy.


YAY ! A shouting face with smiley eyes and both hands up in the air. Can you tell one is cheering? or celebrating something wonderful?

WEEPING This emoticon has an interesting structure. The two semicolons are used to represent a weeping eyes with tears (coma) falling down.


JOYFUL There are different opinions on which this emoticon represents. It’s clearly a sign of joyful. However, while some argue that the middle kanji letter portrays a smile, others believe the emoticon is a pictorial representation of a teddy bear face, which’s always cheerful.



I’M MAD The eyes are formed like they are going up, representing a grinting, hence angry face. Also the less than and greater than symbols show the hands on the hip pose when one is unpleased.

SURPRISED The Japanese kanji letters are included in the emoticon to represent a dropping mouth with wide eyes open unhappy expression

( ゚ Д


( ^^) _

_U~~ DO YOU WANT A CUP OF TEA ? This emoticon is invented by Japanese internet user. While the Western emoticons usually don’t include textual portrayal of objects and hands, they are used quite often in Japanese emoticons.


WORRIED In a way, Eastern emoticons are slightly more complicated than Western one. The semicolon is the portrayal of cold sweat , a sign of worrying, uneasiness.

TROUBLED Unlike Western emoticon, Eastern emoticon can be understood normally without tilting one’s head to the left. 2 chevrons facing each could be viewed as struggle face with closed eyes.


“Pardon!” Depend on the situation, this emoticon could be used as an alternative way of saying “Pardon me!” or “Er…Really? I’m sorry”


SMILE Another version of a smiley face, the carets are the happiest eyes representation you can have.


GRINNING Using all the line, this is no comment or a bit annoyed

straight to show a you can say emotion.

( ̄ー ̄)

G^o^●) G (●

CHEERS ! Same for any happy cheering face: the smiling eyes and open mouth. What makes this one different is the red dots on the cheeks, representing the burning up cheek when one is getting tipsy.

I’M SICK ! The hash symbol is used to show the dramatic, confusing of a situation, the multiple use of it can be considered as the user is sick or jst simply not feeling well in anycase.


.....φ(ăƒť A=B , C=B --> A=B 2*(x+y)= 2x+2y

TAKE A NOTE Want someone to take a note? Give them paper and a pen. Also make sure they scribble something like in the emoticon.


LAUGHING The smilling eyes with the extremely large smile is another version of a smiley face.

(^。 (^。 ^)y ^)y

y-.。 y-.。 SMOKING A smiley face a half burning cigarette, this is how you know when the user is going out for a smoke, they should be back in a five.

DISSATISFIED Letter ‘M’ represent a none satisfaction moment, added along with the asterik, symbol of being annoyed, make the perfect representation of dissatisfaction.

(* ̄m ̄)


`) SNUBBED A variation of a Happy Face, however, this one has a different meaning.It could be used to represent “snubbed”or” deflated”

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