AFTA Yearbook & Member Directory
Media Kit
AFTA Travel Pages is your direct link to Australia’s retail travel agents.
AFTA Travel Pages 2011
Dear Industry Partner
As a part of our continuing efforts to provide support, information and assistance to Australian travel retailers, and build opportunities for our tourism stakeholders, we are pleased to be working with Sampsons Direct to produce the AFTA Travel Pages.
AFTA Travel Pages is the official Product Guide, Member Directory & Yearbook of the Australian Federation of Travel Agents and is the only printed publication endorsed by AFTA that is produced and delivered to retail travel agents around Australia. AFTA Travel Pages is an important way to promote and showcase your destination to the lucrative Australian retail travel sector.
AFTA Travel Pages presents as an attractive and motivational destination guide, complete Member Directory and Yearbook. Distribution is directly to member travel agents across Australia.
AFTA Travel Pages is a flagship publication that will stimulate interest, create demand and build connectivity with your customers, keeping you at the forefront of the retail trade. I recommend AFTA Travel Pages to you as a high value and cost effective way to support your marketing to Australian retail travel agents. Jayson Westbury
Jayson Westbury Chief Executive
Chief Executive
An invitation from The Australian Federation of Travel Agents for you to promote your destination to thousands of travel professionals. The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) is the premier authority representing the Australian retail travel agents network.
You are invited to engage and promote your destination to this key audience through your participation in AFTA’s flagship publication:
AFTA Travel Pages 2011 – International Destination Showcase. AFTA Travel Pages is a powerful marketing publication – the ultimate tourism source - that promotes your destination directly to Australian tourism retailers. Here is the perfect vehicle designed to help you earn your share of the 6 million plus Australian
leisure travellers who holiday abroad each year in search of exciting and memorable tourism experiences. 15,000 travel consultants will receive a copy of AFTA Travel Pages and use daily to peruse, learn, and acquire important information about International Destinations on behalf of their clients – your potential visitors. Make sure that featuring in AFTA Travel Pages – the AFTA Yearbook 2011, International Destination Showcase, is part of your international marketing plan for the coming year.
AFTA Travel Pages 2011
AFTA Travel Pages
– a high quality, high value integrated publication that puts your destination in the right hands: AFTA Member travel retailers. • Destination showcase opportunities – promoting Australian outbound travel with motivational features that invite and attract travel business to your country • International wrap up – industry leaders and authorities review the industry highlights and provide their “crystal ball” view of the year ahead. • AFTA Member Directory – the complete list of every member agency. • Month by Month Wall Planner – a high visibility tool popular with agents who use it for planning.
EXCLUSIVE, REFRESHED, REVITALISED, YEAR ROUND PROMOTION - ESSENTIAL EXCLUSIVE – AFTA Travel Pages is the only official publication produced by AFTA, and delivered to the hands of retail consultants within member travel agencies. This distribution channel is exclusive to AFTA. REFRESHED & REVITALISED – AFTA Travel Pages is the innovation of the AFTA Yearbook designed to enhance its value for ongoing use by travel consultants. • We have created the Destination Showcase opportunities for countries to promote their tourism products to Australian retail travel agents, making AFTA Travel Pages the ultimate source for tourism retailers searching for new and /or different destination information
• Invested in higher quality printing, production and finishing standards. YEAR ROUND PROMOTION – AFTA Travel Pages is published annually and supported year round through email reminders, updates and social media engagement to ensure that the book – and your destination – remains fresh in the minds of retail travel agents. ESSENTIAL – AFTA Travel Pages is packed full of important and relevant industry editorial supplied by DMO’s, experts, analysts, and related industry groups. Advertising in AFTA Travel Pages is a must for International Destinations courting Australian outbound travellers.
Readership: Positioning: AFTA Travel Pages is read by travel retail business owners who are keen to stay abreast of their industry, its performance and future opportunities. Knowledge: AFTA Travel Pages is read by travel retail business managers who are constantly striving to find that edge in a competitive and vibrant market place. Reference: AFTA Travel Pages is read by travel retail consultants who are striving to win business by providing outstanding service through offering unique and tailored travel solutions to consumers in a competitive and vibrant sales environment.
Deliverables: • 15,000 copies of high quality, glossy hard copy book. • 144 printed pages printed in full colour throughout.
• Expanded distribution to ensure that your message gets to the hands of the right people, increasing the print run from 3,000 to 15,000!
• Delivered to retail travel agents throughout Australia.
• We have upgraded the look and feel giving the publication a glossy “coffee table book” attractiveness that will have readers browsing time and again
• 1080mm x 540mm wall planner delivered to each AFTA travel agent throughout Australia
• Readership in excess of 21,000. • 3,000 AFTA Year Planner wall chart
AFTA Travel Pages 2011
Outstanding opportunities for retail engagement for all destinations!
Advertising in AFTA Travel Pages is open to all Destination Management Organisations and has a broad range of advertising products to deliver outstanding value; from cost effective display advertisements to brand positioning display and destination showcase features. This is the book to re-enforce and remind retailers about your world class destination.
Ad Type (Full colour)
Price AUD inc GST
Full Page
Finished artwork supplied
Double page
Finished artwork supplied
Double Page Showcase
Full Page Advertising and Editorial
Finished artwork, text and images supplied
Four Page Showcase
Double Page Advertising and Editorial (2pp)
Finished artwork, text and images supplied
Eight Page Showcase
Double Page Advertising and Editorial (6pp)
Finished artwork, text and images supplied
Wall Planner (4 ads only)
Finished artwork supplied
AFTA Travel Pages is your opportunity to market your destination to 21,000 travel agents for 12 months.
Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your place in this showcase publication. Bookings Deadline: 31st July 2010 Publishing Date: 1 November 2010
Materials Deadline: 15th August 2010 Current from: 1 January 2011
For more information contact Sampsons Direct on 1300 558 024 (within Australia) or +61 2 9922 3388 (outside Australia), or email