Qasim samra portfolio

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SAMRA QASIM ArchitecturalPortfolio

SAMRA QASIM 802 W 31st Street Chicago, IL. 60608

LEADERSHIP ROLES Field Notes- Student Leader MOS workshop- Student Leader and Exhibitor

(708) 589 5299

Fabricate:Drapes- Student Leader

AIAS- Member


UIC Arquitectos- Vice President Freedom by Design- Vice President


Big Dot Little Dots- Member

P ort Urb an i sm

Intern Architect – Working in group with architects,

designing projects, and urban strategies using 3D models and 2D drawings. Preparing competition visuals and models. Collaborated on projects with principals at Tigerman McCurry U n i versi ty o f I llinois a t Chic a go Instructional Assistant –Working with Teacher assistants to organize and construct course material.Facilitating group discussions and critical thinking about design. Recording and grading student work and progress S t u d i o ARQ

Intern Architect -Schematic designing and drafting small

scale residential and commercial remodeling project. Conducting site measures and preparing permit drawings in addition to conducting administrative work. T he Avai l ab l e C it y

Student Assistant Designer – Speculative project by

David Brown, displayed at the Chicago Architectural Biennale 2016. Designing sustainable uses for empty lots in Chicago. Work published on Mas Context quaterly journal.

AWARDS & HONORS Arquitectos Chicago 30x30 SoA Year End Show 2016-2017 Chicago Consular Corps Award Schneider-Kan Award Lorilyn Espique Aquino Award UIC Art and Architecture Award YES. Faculty Choice Award 2017 Alpha Roh Chi medal of Honor 2017

SKILLS Revit 2017 Rhinoceros 2015 Vray Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft Office

A meri can Un i v e r s it y of Sha r ja h 2012-2014

U n i versi ty o f Illinois a t Chic a go Architecture Summa Cum Laude

South Chicago Underline- Workshop organizer

AutoCAD 2015

EDUCATION B.A: Architecture

Phi Kappa Phi- Member


CREDENTIALS LE E D Green As s oc ia t e USGBC B u i l d i n g P erfor ma nc e Ana ly s is Ce r t if icat i on AutoDesk

Keyshot 5 Insight360 FlowDesign

INTERESTS Travelling Adventure sports Philosophy World cultures

Painting Sketching WoodShop Laser Cutting 3D Printing Model Making CNC routing


Faculty Choice Award at Year End Show 2017, University of iIlinois at Chicago, School of Architecture Nominated for AIA Chicago Foundation, Award in Architecture 2017

BANDIRMA PARK Regional landscape

Professional experience at PortUrbanism

ARTIST HOUSE Architectural

Exhibited at 30x30 Perspective exhibition, Arquitectos Connection Chicago

BANAL-CANONICAL Spatial detail

Selected for 30x30 Perspective exhibition, Arquitectos Connection Chicago

DATA-SCAPE Archi-fiction

Year End Show 2017, University of iIlinois at Chicago, School of Architecture

The project site is centered on the CEAGESP, the CEAGESP will be relocated by the city in the coming years, freeing up a substantial part of the city for redevelopment and change. Its location in the center of SĂŁo Paulo offers the potential for forward-thinking approaches to the creation of a new centrality within the city, integrated into the social context of Sao Paulo. Characterized by mass urbanization that reflects the extreme difference in social class, the urban fabric of Sao Paulo can be best described as one that lacks clarity as well as legibility. Sao Paulo, given its formal assemblage demonstrates a decentralized model that is the culmination of both prefigured as well as spontaneous conflicting microcosms.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Fremdkorpers of Sao Paulo

However, amongst these clashing urbanisms, which threaten the identity of the other, exists a third form; one that breaks the monotony of Sao Paulo’s urban fabric providing a moment of reconciliation between the predominant urban forms as they battle for dominance. These urban forms provide a moment of readability, as well as legibility via from. These urban forms of Sao Paulo acts as peace keeper between the conflicting microcosms by not only allowing a degree of readability,but by also stimulating an intensification of integrated urban activities between the social classes, therefore uniting the two through preservation of culture and the provision of identity. These urban forms can be best described as...


Foreign body

Today, São Paulo’s urban condition is reflected in precarious public spaces and a growing number of private spaces for public use.Thus, a new collection of architectural Fremdkörper at the site of the CEAGESP strives to discover and invent new urban programs as the forms intersect with one another providing rational moments in a complex composite.

Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo

Júlio Prestes Cultural Center

Municipal Theatre of São Paulo

Catedral da Sé de São Paulo

CEAGESP- Sao Paulo, Brazil

The urban Fremdkorpor at the CEAGESP strives to collect urban forms from the history of architecture and the city of Sao Paulo and fabricate a complex urbanism that is composed of a collection of clear forms.

Characterized by a legible form and boundary, differing scale, separation from surrounding, and a clear internal organization the urban Fremdkorper strives to reveal tension in the surrounding. It is in this tension that the Fremdkorper of Sao Paulo will work to proclaim a vision for growth and harmony.






Diagram- Above and Out- Complexity








Diagram- Below and in- Rationality

Realizing that the Modernist plane is not a sufficient host, the Fremdkorpor stimulates an intensification of integrated urban activities between the social classes through constant intersection of urban forms.




The reconfiguration of the public realm becomes essential to promote social integration, dialogue, and rational critical debate to not only recognize but to also overcome from the feudal undertones of the modern public realm.




The Fremdkorpor, then not only becomes a realm for living, working and production but also a realm for discourse, disagreement, debate, and protest.




Urban interior- Protest

“The existence of a realm of private individuals assembled into a public body who as citizens transmit the needs of bourgeois society to the state, in order, ideally, to transform political into “rational” authority within the medium of this public sphere” Jürgen Habermas

District- Integration of public with private; complexity with rationality

“Because it cannot be appropriated by the inside or assimilated to the outside, the foreign body (Fremdkorper) remains at the boundary of the inside-outside� Sigmund Frued

The interior conditions are composed of clear forms that provide clarity to urban complexity. The interiors are conceived as a micro urban environment where terraces look intocorridors that act like interior alleys and streets.

Living unit- Scheme A

Ground floor- Urban interior plan

First floor- Living units plan

Section- Interior urbanism

On the groundlevel the macro urban condition blends in with interior urbancondition, dissolving boundaries between the two and thus the notion of "private", further stimulating public integration.

Living unit- Scheme B

“Fremdkorper does not enter into relation with the layers of tissue that surround it...Its external strata pass over in every direction into portions of the normal ego; and indeed they belong to the latter just as much as to the pathogenic organization.� Sigmund Frued

The approach for the new Bandirma Park is one that optimistically looks forward, while humbly reflecting back. The site is viewed as an opportunity to celebrate the history, culture, ecology and landscape of the Balikesir region in Turkey.The site is imagined as a place of creativity and innovation, and also a realm of celebrating history and heritage. A place to exhibit and engage, while also recreating an d reflecting. The historic site does not call for audacious architectural spectacle, or artificial horticultural exuberance. Rather, the Bandirma Park calls for a refined platform for creative public activity and expression, animated by the character and quality of the four distinct landscapes created as part of the proposal.

Hence, the project strives to orchestrate,

a creative platform for


The regional district is imagined as a place of creativity and innovation, but also a place to celebrate history and heritage. A place proposal positions Bandirma Park as a truly civic landscape—a generous green platform for dialogue, interchange, socializing, health, creative experimentation and celebration. The ambition is addressed by organizing the site into two interlocking bands running parallel to the coatline. The northern band is home to active programming and landscapes such as exhibitions, performances, media and events. This zone includes the historic barrack gardens on the plateau overlooking the sea of Marmara












Regional Strategy: A GREEN CORE FOR THE CITY

Two interlocking bands

Four landscape types

A constellation of venues

The southern band is characterized by passive recreation and generous horticultural occupation taking advantage of the topography. At the heart of the proposed planting mass to the west, a large landscape room is imagined- the great lawn- framed by surrounding pines, creating generous area open to the southern sky. At the interface of the two bars, at the geographic center of the site, is the Design Institute (DI), functioning as a threshold between the northern and the southern landscapes. The open perimeter of the DI allows for activities to flow from inside to the outside, creating a direct connection between production and exhibition, innovation and performance, reflection and recreation.

The five star hotel/retail complex stacks the building’s requisite programs around a central court and tucks them modestly into the site’s distinct topography. The building is positioned at the northeast corner of the project area where it offers high visibility from the city, but remain hidden from the park and is viewed as a slender hotel tower peaking over the tree canopy s View


to S

Occupiable Hotel Roof (pool + gardens + lookout)

Interior Courtyard Retail (+40m)

s View


to S

Access from Design Institute

Sea s to nter Viewity Ce C +

Entry to Courtyard from Drop Off (+40m) Hotel Tower + Bar

Primary Retail Level

Hotel Services

Hotel/Retail Atrium Subterranean Parking Retail Level (0) HOTEL




Hotel/Retail Atrium

Hotel Convention Level (-1) 5* Hotel Entry / Lobby Access to Retail Access to Parking

The level of specificity necessitated by working with listed Heritage structures, a suite of possible approaches to the heritage structures is crafted. A variety of approaches regarding occupying the structures can be imagined, that is both sensitive and adaptable to the demands of the exhibition or temporary occupancy.

Wrap + Frame

Cap + Puncture

Insert + Stage

Cover + Reorient

Insert + Occupy

Cover + Extend

The Design Institute sits at the highest point of Bandirma Park. Positioned as the conceptual center of the reimagined landscape, it acts as the threshold between the creative exhibition and active recreation zones of the park. The structure is characterized by a large floating roof that registers the hieght of the former barracks to the north.

Section through Design Institute+Heritage Structures+Five star hotel/retail complex

Promenade at Design Institute

View from heritage gardens to sea of Marmara

Autumn meadow at Great lawn

Aerial view, north-west

Paying close attention and deriving inspiration from the contextual forces of the site was the key to the project. Located in the historical district of Dubai is the old city of Bastakiya; project site. An intensive study of the site was carried out to govern design decisions in the project. An amalgamation of living and working space for a potential artist, the project sums up certain key features of the Bastakiya, presented in fashion deem fit for modern design. The project deviates from imitation, rather it utilizes the site as a source of inspiration.

The site can be imagined as a block of mass out of which Sikkas (thin alley ways) are carved, marking edges of properties. The subtractive technique is furthered into carving out residences and spaces within each residence.

Site diagram- Subtractive

Drawing inspiration from its context the project marks a clear subtractive approach in the creation of spaces. Manipulating material, light, and shadow the project strives towards celebrating the evocative qualities of the Bastakiya, unveiling spaces that are not only geometrical in plan but also poetic in experience.


There is a constant element of discovery in the Bastakiya due to the thin sikkas which obstruct views and act as thresholds. The element of discovery is also evident in the domestic fabric where there exists a clear distinction between public and private spaces by carving thresholds. The private spaces almost hidden are hard to access; this distinction is a response to the cultural context of the Middle East where privacy remains an important factor.

Privacy is further addressed by the use of Mashrabiyas (wooden lattice windows) which obstruct views inside the residence but allow external views and light. The stairways in the residence usually lead to the private zones and are thus an element, which are carved deep in the house and veiled by shadow. Each house in the Bastakiya features a Majlis (gathering space), which is the most public space of the house, usually set away from the private zones.The most prominent carved space being the courtyard is a common element in each house featuring vegetation.

The designed project, like the urban and domestic fabric of the site, is also a product of carving spaces from a block of mass. There exists a clear distinction between the public and private spaces and thresholds mark an element of discovery as the urban sikka seeps into the house. Access to the private zone is embedded deep into the house as an element to be discovered.

Upper level

Ground level

Subtle rotations and shift in the bricks used create the mashrabiya allowing light and external views. The traditional courtyard, which rests on the ground, is elevated on a mud tower featuring an acacia tree.

Section A-A

Section B-B

Section C-C

Section D-D

Designing interior spaces through perspective to study sensory phenomena in architecture. The Artist house consists of designing an interior space that transforms mundane acts into ritualisticexperiences through the creation of specific atmospheric conditions. Utilizing light as a means of guiding one through the project, the Artist house embodies the spiritual act of making a journey through space and time. The light guides, cleanses and prepares one for the mysterious and the unseen.

Section E-E

Section F-F

The narrow entry procession leads and opens up to the nucleus of the project. Light well showers the inhabitant in light providing opportunity for rest and reflection. The inhabitation utilizes natural materials for construction to celebrate the evocative qualities of the space, presenting an architecture that is not only geometric in plan but also poetic in experience.

The project orchestrates a complex network of sensory experiences and phenomenon. immersed in the complexity of a specific project/place, the Artist house celebrates design as an act of tactile engagement influenced by variable (history, weather, ritual, and desire), that resist reductive codifications. In a departure from the traditional language of programmatic labels, the Artist house privileges direct experience.

The project is concerned with researching and developing the smallest detail possible towards making the largest spatial and social impact. Part 1 “Banal” unravels architectural detail within a living environment and studying how design informs daily habits and rituals. Part 2 “Canonical” visits Chicago interiors to tease out obvious but overlooked details.

Section- Restriction of movement

“Banal” studies wall edges aiming to produce an instance where the intersection of elements blurs. The project strives to create conditions where the architecture opens up room for new forms of human interactions by drawing individuals into or away from its realm, presenting new spatial configurations and structural demands. The project manipulates details that are little in terms of scale and functionality to create an architecture that acts as an activator to move people from a passive mode of expectation to an involved level of participation.


Section- New functions/uses

Canonical. Studies barriers at the Art Institute of Chicago. Occupant interaction with and movement around the barrier is observed over a period of time.

Gallery unfolded surface plan

Section- original barrier

The modification consists of cantilevering a barrier so as to not only break the established rythm but to also leave larger lasting spatial impacts. The cantilevered barrier acts as an invitation to the display as it calls for occupants attention, while directly influencing movement within the space.

Occupant interaction diagram

Section- modified barrier

Our relationship with technology is becoming more and more intimate over time. As this relationship deepens and as we provide more and more data about ourselves to the internet we are beginning to create a separate identity of ourselves- a digital clone.

We have never been more close up and personal with technology, wit time technology is begining to merge itself not only with our bodies but also with our consciousness, and social life. Our worlds have developed a digital nervous system of its own and as we construct our digital clones through data bites and algorithms we also begin to limit our scope and enter into cycles of closed feedback loops.These limitation extend to social networks, trapping us into social bubbles, limiting us from dialogue, and conflict with opposing perspective while reinforcing our existing bubbles back to us.

Each min. over 100,000 tweets are sent

Each min. users share 648,478 pieces of content

Each min. 3,600 photos are shared


6% Contact lenses

42% Wrist


Each min. 2,000,000 search queries are recieved

Each min. Apple gets 47,000 app downloadss



Around Chest













Each min. 204,166,667 emails are sent




Clipped on clothing



Each min. users upload 48 hour of new vedio SHOES

Each min. 27,778 blog posts are published

Collecting data on thought and action

20% Shoes


Embedded in clothing

How would you wear your wearble device Forrester’s North America Consumer Technology Survey, 2014




What does the internet know about you?

Interests & desires

Your needs

What you watch

Music you listen

Your beliefs (religion, politics)

Music you read

Where you’ve been

Where you plan to go

Where you work

Who you email

What you say

Where you live

When you pay bills

What you talk about

What you buy

Who you meet and talk to

Where you hangout

Your schedule

Your financial worth How much you spend

How much you email

Language you speak

Where you shop

Your medical profile

What if we were given an opportunity to manipulate our online data so to open ourselves to new information and social realms? What if there were a physical space that not allowed for the creation of new a new online identity, but one that also facilitated conflicts and clashes, giving the opportunity for resolutions to arise?.

Data sensing and collecting


Ecosystem/ Community/ Context

Connection Data Information

Defining charecters Action Decisions/ Automation


Human value, apps and experiences

Data transport 03 and access


Connect Gather Re-frame


Communication Data Flows

Intelligence Smart/Analytics

Device connection and connectivity

04 Data analytic


05 Data value defined by action

Data-scape is perceived as a urban platform that magnifies unexpected social encounters. A composition of masses that depart from programmatic labels, providing spaces for spontaneous social interactions to occur. The Data-scape takes advantage of technological developments in materiality, and using advanced smart material allow for a variety of temporary atmospheres to come about to inform occupancy.

Massing plan

Massing section

Heat generated by the human body due to activity is absorbed by the chromogenic magnetocaloric surface which heats up and changes color.

Concrete and Polyutherane zones- Increase Wifi signal

Heat energy is released and criculation and activity is redirected. The color change informs users of varrying

Lower thermal varriation with time

temperatures, thus allowing for decisions regarding resting and

Square plazas for activities

active zones.

Systems at work regulate the number of people and time spent in activity zones. These zones allow direct contact for new social interations

Heat and vibrations generated by the human electric field due

Polyutherane zones- Increased Wifi signal circulation

to activity is absorbed by the magnetocaloric, shape memory polimer surface which heats up and changes shape.

Unoccupiable masses

Heat is released by the material and shape of surface is

Access points for internet, allowing for increased speed of data

altered; redirecting circulation and activities, while opening new

circulation. These zones pave way for new online interactions and data



Concrete zones- Blocks Wifi, Activity and app updates powering data circulation; collection,in-

Thermal varriation with time

filteration, and feed backs into cloud. Radio transmitters allow for

Circular courtyards for resting. Systems at work regulate the number of

rapid circulation of data while access points allows even

people and time spent in resting zones. These zones allow direct contact

distribution of internet for information collection.

for new social interations.

Wifi+Thermal Energy

The Data-scape collects occupant’s personal and public data and re-frames online profile in a variety of ways so as to break their algorithmic bubble and open users to new social and information spheres. In doing so, Data-scape not only becomes a realm to re-frame one’s online data, but also one that creates, manipulates, and even erases completely one’s digital consciousness/identity.

Wifi Energy

Thermal Energy

Reconfigure data

Open to new social groups

Remove data

65 #vegan posts on instagra,. Volunter at PAWS since 2014, info via Linkedin User of the Bunny Free app by PETA since 2016.

No Data

Create new social identity

Shuffle data

Open to new information feeds

43 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain posts on Twitter in 2017. 26 shares from Breitbart on Facebook in 2017. 56 check in to St. Symeon Orthodox Church in 2017.

Create data

Increase personal online data volume

20 instagram posts with guns in 2017. 5 country music playlist on Spotify. No college data availble.

Reconfigure data

Open to new social groups

Bought 26 Slam poetry tickets from ticketmaster in 2016. 2 Barista job titles on LinkedIn since 2016. Running art blog on Tumblr since 2010

Remove data

Create new online data

Bought flight ticket to Bangkok on June 2016. 56 inspirational qoutes on instagram profile. 125 #yoga posts Facebook in 2016

Shuffle data

Open to new information feeds

Subcriptions to Politco and Newyork times. 97 shares on Twitter from Vice in 2017. Unfriended 85 Facebook friend in November 2016.

Create data

Increase personal online data volume

Tagged in 457 pictures on Facebook in 2016. Promoted 33 parties on Facebook in 2017. Recieved 80 event invites on Facebook in 2017.

Reconfigure data

Open to new social groups

20 Music posts on Soundcloud in 2017. 500 subscribers on YouTube channel. 1500 likes on Facebook page.

Remove data

Create new online data

2 matches on Tinder in 2017. 5 #selifes on in 2017. 70% sexperienced on OkCupid profile.

Data-scape physical model

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.