Introduction to Urban Design & Planning Final Individual Assignment

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Assignment 3

Individual Urban Design & Planning Report Samuel Choy Weychun 789797 1

Table of Contents Introduction Site Analysis Population & Housing Transport & Catering Land-use & the Kevin Lynch Theory Open Space Comparisons The Opportunities Vision Statement Objectives & Actions Overview 1. Zoning & Design Layout 2. Catering Facilities 3. Transport Access 4. Safety Implementation Conclusion References

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Introduction The site location for this field study comprises a boundary running along Victoria Street, Leicester Street, Cardigan Street, Pelham Street and Lincoln Square North. This site was chosen because there was an interesting mix of land-use. The famous Swanston Street corridor trams run along the site and a plethora of housing developments have been established across the site. Among the urban landscape, Lincoln Park is a unique plot of land that has been kept as a green space only zone. In addition, there are cafes and restaurants that help establish a sense of community in the site. By analysing the area, we can start to investigate the relationships between each of the predominant themes and start to notice challenges and issues that create opportunities to be solved. We will investigate the demographics of the site as well as investigating the housing, transport, green spaces and catering themes. Through this investigation we will analyse the opportunities of the site and then list down some objectives that can be implement to improve upon it (with the help of a case study). We will also establish the duration each objective will be initiated and established throughout the next decade.


Site Analysis


Venngage | Editor


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Population & Housing (ABS, 2016) Carlton 15-19yrs

72.7% of Carlton’s population were attending tertiary or technical institution.





Lincoln Square

Pelham StreeT

Pelham StreeT

Median age of 24 years Median Rent of $380/wk


as compared to the 15%





Median State Rent of $325/wk

The site chosen falls under the suburb of Carlton and is in close proximity to the University of Melbourne Campus and the RMIT campus. The population buildup of Carlton is young with 31.5% of the population falling into the 20-24 year age bracket. It is as expected that since this site is close universities, many students would be living in areas like this. In the recent 2016 census, 72.7% of Carlton’s population were attending some form of tertiary education. (ABS, 2016) The student population enrolled in the University of Melbourne has been steadily increasing from 27.9% in 2012 to 36.4% in 2016 (The University of Melbourne, 2017)

Queensberry StreeT

Cardigan StreeT


Swanston StreeT


bouverie StreeT


Leicester StreeT

Site Analysis

Scale 1:20

The housing structure for Carlton responds to the educational environment as well as there are 3 predominant types of housing as seen in the map on the right. Residential apartments are the first kind of housing, followed by student apartments and townhouses. Most of these locations are rented out with a median rent of $380/ week (higher than the average median rent for the state of Victoria at $325/week) (ABS,2016).

Victoria StreeT

Student Apartments Residential Apartments House/Townhouses


Site Analysis

Median meal price for 2 is $44.5*

Transport & Catering

Melbourne average meal price for 2 at $32

1. The Corkman Irish Pub 2. Uni Square Cafe 3. Momo Sushi 4. Briscola Espresso 5. Briscola 6. Mid Square Coffee 7. Cafe Tre Sette 8. Kaprica 9. Stovetop 10. Refuel Catering 11. Queesberry Pour House 12. Wonder Kafe 13. El Pronto

14. Queens Cafe 15. The Lincoln 16. Queensberry Hotel 17. Kitchen 520 18. Woodside Green Cafe 19. Arrow on Swanston 20. Soul Soup Cafe 21. T-Square Cafe Club 22. The Big Mama 23. Coffee on Cardigan 24. Brother Dough 25. Dracula’s

as compared to the

Bus Stop

Average opening time is 8am

Tram Stop

Average Closing time is 6:15pm

Bus Line Tram Line

The site is situated outside the free tram zone. Therefore, travels to this area will require a ticket. This makes the area a less attractive location to travel to. Already, the cost of rent is high. However, as the free tram zone does not cover the cost to universities like The University of Melbourne, this adds onto the cost of living for students.

(Sourced from the City of Melbourne, 2017)

Lincoln Square

Pelham StreeT 1

234 5

Pelham StreeT




9 12 13

bouverie StreeT

Queensberry StreeT 16

Swanston StreeT




17 18




23 22


Cardigan StreeT


Leicester StreeT

Walkability score is 97

As seen in the map on the left, the location of the catering spots are close to public transportation. Many of them are located along Swanston Street with the trams and near Pelham street with the bus routes. These locations are perfect for the food business as it attracts on-coming public transport users. Places that do not have public transportation have a slight defecit of food outlets. The median price for a meal for 2 in this area is $44.5 (calculated from Zomato prices). This is higher than the Melbourne average of $32 (Expatistan, 2017). This is expensive for students as they do not earn an income and is even more unaffordable for students with lower income families. There is a lack food outlets that cater to students. Additionally, many of the restaurants operate between 8am and 6:15pm and, thus, it makes it harder for students to find food during the night time and makes for a quieter and more dangerous place to be in.


Scale 1:2000 Victoria StreeT


Site Analysis Land-use & the Kevin Lynch Theory The site has 4 different zone types. These are necessary to understand as they are useful in terms of implementation of new facilites and modifications to the land use. Most of the land is under a capital city zone of the 5th schedule which aims to serve the needs of residents, workers, students and visitors. The mixed used zone has a broader purpose of encouraging development that is suited for the character of the neighbourhood. (DLWP, 2017). 4 different zone types: 1. CCZ - Capital City 2. CDZ - Comprehensive Development 3. PPRZ - Public Park & Recreation 4. MUZ - Mixed used

Further Investigation Lincoln Square’s safety reputation There has been many cases of Lincoln Square that are linked to crime. Many of these go unnoticed and unreported and the park has become a place that is unsafe for students to roam at night. In September 26, 2017, a student was robbed off his belongings and had his teeth knocked out. The time was 9:30pm when this occured and he was returning from a study session as reported by the

Herald Sun (Argoon & Hamblin, 2017). There were other cases, in 2016, of theives snatching students’ phones in broad daylight while they wait for the trams or while they walk into the city, passing Lincoln Square. The theives targeted international students, particularly of Chinese appearance - this affects the community in the area with raced-based social exclusion and perceptions of

safety. The spike in crimes that year forced the University of Melbourne to take action and increase their security patrols. Besides working with the Victorian Police, the university provided security escorts for students travelling within campus and past Lincoln Square (Wahlquist, 2016).

The Elements of a City Kevin Lynch Paths Nodes Edges Districts Landmark By analysing the site with the Kevin Lynch theory, it is easier to understand what it has and needs to improvement on. Based on site visit observations, the site does not have nodes and a proper landmark. The only landmark is Lincoln Square but the functions of this landmark does not meet the qualities of other landmarks in Melbourne and around the world. It is also arguable that there are no concentrations of crowds in the site and therefore, there is not a proper nodal point. See page 11 for more details. 8

Site Analysis

Open Space Comparisons (International) La Defence, Paris, France La Defence is a modern business district in Paris which hosts roughly 500 company decision-making centres, 40% of which are foreign companies. The district extends from an axial point all the way at Champs-Elysees with the Grande Arche strategically located to mirror the old arch. (hauts-de-seine, 2017). Besides being a tourist desination, La Defence was catered to facilitate the employees of the 500 companies situated there. The district has 14 different green spaces and houses 69 different art projects scattered everywhere across the space (Defacto, 2012). A location in particular that ties quite nicely into this analysis is Place De La Defence. This green space has an area of 1,800 sq meters and is home to many food trucks and open spaces with benches for people to sit and eat. Over 180,000 workers work at La Defence, therefore the demand for catering is very high (gettyimages, 2017).


Site Analysis

Open Space Comparisons (Local) Melbourne Central (Observations) state Library of Victoria

A proper landmark to orientate the public and provide a great meeting spot.

Shopping Malls

Close to 2 shopping malls; QV and Melbourne Central Shopping Centre

Food Stalls

Besides food in malls, there are food stalls outside the library that adds to the vibrancy of the space.

Eyes on the street The popularity of the area makes for a safer space because of visual surveillances by the unconscious behaviour of the public.

transport hub (node)

Street Buskers

Street performers that aid creates a platform for performers and also provides a form of solidarity in the community.

Inside the free tram zone

Easily accessible without paying a fare. This makes the space very attractive to locals and visitors.

A 3 mode interchange between trams, trains and buses makes this a focal point and a popular intersection.


Site Analysis

Open Space Comparisons (Site) Lincoln Square (Observations) No transport hub

The only mode of public transport here are the Swanston Street trams. There is no intersection points where transportation modes converge. This space is simply a passing space.

Outside the free tram zone

A fare is required to travel past here. Therefore, many people choose to walk instead of taking public transport.

Residential Spaces

Lincoln Square is surrounded by residential housing and this alters the behaviours of the public. Many do not stop and loiter and many walk pass to more interesting places like Melbourne Central or the University of Melbourne.

Eyes on the street

The lack of popularity in this space means that crime can thrive much easier here. Only a few sit and loiter around in the day. Majority of the crowd walk pass this space into the CBD.

No Street Buskers

Street performers are not prominent in this space. This impacts the inclusiveness of the community negatively.

No Food Stalls

The lack of food stalls affects the amount of vibrancy witnessed in the square. There is nothing attracting people here.

Bali Memorial

The arguable landmark in this space is marked by the water feature in the park. However, the space is predominantly empty green space with nothing in-store.


Site Analysis The Opportunities Lincoln Square has the opportunity to become a leisure and food hotspot catered to the large student body in both RMIT and the University of Melbourne. In turn, it will aid in improving the security levels of the park and enhance the solidarity of the student community living there.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT Swanston street trams offers a night time service on Fridays and Saturdays. While this is good for the workforce, university students are unable to use public transport after midnight on the weekdays, especially during the exam periods. Additionally, the free tram zone does not reach to Melbourne University. Therefore, there are oppor-

24 hour catering tunites to lengthen the service to the weekdays and extend the free tram zone to the university. This can potentially aid in the vibrancy of Lincoln Square and make the park a more attractive space to visit as riders worry-free about their ticket fare. This will help cater to students who are on strict budgets and less wealthy.

Park Rezoning The amount of land in Lincoln Square can accomodate even more than just an open green space. While the Bali Memorial is a part of the park that is to be respected, the remaning empty spaces can be used to cater for street trading and busking. A vital aspect that effects the vibrancy and liveliness of Melbourne Central are its street per-

The young population in Carlton means that the demand for things to stay open will be higher. While there are some restaurants that open until 10pm, the average closing time for restaurants are too early. As more international students arrive for education, there are opportunities for eateries to extend their operational hours

to cater for a new target market. Additionally, food stalls could surround Lincoln Square to provide food for students at an afforable price, even during exam periods where students typically study late looking for a midnight snack. It will also create new job opportunites due to this demand.

Security Levels formers and food stalls. It is an opportunity for Lincoln Square to host such facilities and entertainment to cater for the predominantly student population. It can also help in encouraging a more inclusive community and strengthen its solidarity.

Recent and past cases of the security levels in Lincoln Square has made the park an unaccessible place to roam in the late evenings and at night. This becomes detremental to the perceptions of safety for the surrounding community, especially one that keeps growing as more international students arrive. Already the lack of

people in Lincoln Square facilitates crime rates. There are opportunities to improve this by bringing in the University of Melbourne to extend their patrol coverage to Lincoln Square and as well as to work with the Victorian Police Authorities to enhance the safety of the park so that residents can roam freely without fear. 12

Vision Statement


Vision Statement

“A Place where people visit and interact with each other to encourage social inclusion and a safer community.�


Objectives & Actions


Objectives & Actions Overview

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 4

To revitalise Lincoln Square with leisure and entertainment that are suited for the student community and offer a vibrant and attractive place to visit and congregate.

To revitalise the catering industry to capture the market of university students, especially during the second half of the university semesters and the exam seasons

To provide transportation and logistic services to cater for the current and growing student population and implement a cost-free journey for international students living in the CBD while encouraging Melbourne’s night time economy

To ensure the safety of students and residents living around Lincoln Square with introducing higher surveillances and patrol routes surrounding the neighbourhood of the site.


Objectives & Actions 1. Zoning & Design Layout

To revitalise Lincoln Square with leisure and entertainment that are suited for the student community and offer a vibrant and attractive place to visit and congregate.

Action 1.1

Action 1.2

To rezone the current public and recreational zone into one that hosts a variety of street trading and a light catering industry.

To redesign Lincoln Square with public funiture and infrastructure that caters to street trading but also respects the Bali Memorial placed there.


Food Stalls

Busker ‘Stage’

Deciduous Trees

This area is provided for buskers to perform and is wired with electrical facilities for speakers and amps.

Bouverie Street

Lawn Area

To be rented and manned by food stall owners. City of Melbourne is tasked to maintain these facilities for health and safety reasons.

Granatic gravel Food stall

Lincoln Square North

Lincoln Square South

Busker ‘Stage’


Green spaces

These spaces are provided for picnics and leisure for residents and visitors.

Terrain Steps

Due to the downward gradient of the topography of the park, the new design will be terraced to recreate an auditoriam like space for busker performances at the bottom.


The existing Bali Memorial is respected and kept untouched. However, the park space surrounding it will be redesigned.

Swanston Street 18

Objectives & Actions 2. Catering Facilities

To revitalise the catering industry to capture the market of university students, especially during the second half of the university semesters and the exam seasons.

Action 2.1

Action 2.2

To extend the operating hours for restaurants and cafes that are within the study site to 12am, especially along Swanston Street.

To attract the food industry into Lincoln Square by encouraging food truck business owners to operate around Lincoln Square and food stall owners to operate in the newly allocated caatering spaces in Lincoln Square.

Action 2.3 To extend operational hours of the food corner in Lincoln Square into a 24hour catering site. (only if demands in the future require such extensions).


1 Pelham StreeT


(Base Map)

Lincoln Square

Pelham StreeT

Food truck parking



Lincoln Square

(Sourced from the City of Melbourne)

Food truck parking

Cardigan StreeT

Queensberry StreeT

Swanston StreeT

bouverie StreeT

Leicester StreeT

2 Lincoln Square

Food truck parking


Proposed Food truck area 1:2000

Lincoln Scale 1:2000 Victoria StreeT



Objectives & Actions 3. Transport Access

To provide transportation and logistic services to cater for the current and growing student population and implement a costfree journey for students.

Action 3.1

Action 3.2

To extend the free tram zone area from the within the CBD to Stop 1 - University of Melbourne.

To implement the Night Trams timetabling system, that usually runs on the weekends, into the weekdays - keeping the trams in operational 24/7.


Current Free Tram Zone Proposed Food truck area 1:150,000 22

Objectives & Actions 4. Safety

To ensure the safety of students and residents living around Lincoln Square with introducing higher surveillances and patrol routes surrounding the neighbourhood of the site.

Action 4.1

Action 4.2

To work with the Victorian Police Force to implement specific routes of patrol within Lincoln Square and its surroundings.

To install new lighting systems that are brighter and increase visibility in the park that creates a positive effect on the perceptions of safety.


Lamp Posts

Bouverie Street

Patrol Movements 1:1000

Lincoln Square North

Lincoln Square South Swanston Street




Implementation Considering Stakeholders As this plan may be biased in its own way, it will definietly not meet the needs of all stakeholders. It is also important to acknowledge the fact that the plan may not be fullproof to satisfy every stakeholder.




Business Owner


Future Residents


Env. activists

A two-sided argument will arise. On one hand, some residents would love to change Lincoln Square into an active space, on the other hand, some would disagree due to the noise it would create, especially at night.

A new activity space in Lincoln Square would benefit the tourists and the tourist industry as there will be more places for them to visit and experience.

Having this revitalisation of Lincoln Square would be a plus point for developers as it would have an effect on property prices a new selling point for their properties.

Any future residents would have to consider the fact that a new activity space might create a busy environment especially during the night time and therefore should prepare for tolerating any noise if any.

This department may recieve new complaints on the construction of a new activity space in Lincoln Square.

Students would benefit the most with these new facilities as there is a new food space to cater to their needs, especially during the second half of the semester and the examination periods where many students would be up late revising. The new security patrols will also benefit the safety of students, especially during the night.

This redevelopment would bring new opportunities for business owners, especially ones in the catering industry. While any other businesses may also benefit from the effects of more traffic towards Lincoln Square, which in boosts sales. Meanwhile, catering businesses would have to gather more employees to operate for the night which may be costly.

Some activists may object to the redevelopment of Lincoln Square as it may take away park space and also pose a risk towards endangered species of native trees and habitats already establised in Lincoln Square.


Implementation Plan Short term 1-4 years 2017



Medium term 4-7 years 2020


Long term 7-10 years 2022




Objective 1 Action 1.1

Action 1.2

Objective 2 Action 2.1

Action 2.2

Action 2.3

Objective 3 Action 3.1

Action 3.2

Objective 4 Action 4.1

Action 4.2





The analysis for our chosen site in Carlton gave rise to many issues and opportunities to be addressed and implemented. The focus was mainly in Lincoln Square where opportunities for a vibrant active space could be implemented. The objectives were broken down into 4 key themes, public spaces, transport, catering and safety. With these objectives, it gave rise to the vision statement which was to make the site (particularly Lincoln Square), a place to visit which has an environment that is social inclusive and safe for everyone. Bringing in the catering industry to Lincoln Square will rekindle the popularity of the place and will encourage more people to loiter. Having street buskers to perform at dedicated spaces will encourage a more inclusive society. Meanwhile, extending the free tram zone towards Melbourne University will encourage not only students but locals and tourist to venture further and discover Lincoln Square and establish it as a landmark for the site. Also, by implementing longer operating hours for catering sites and Lincoln Square’s food corner, it will help nurture the night time economy of Melbourne and create even more job opportunities. Lastly, by working with the Victorian Police Force, Lincoln Square will become safer for anybody to use. Many of these objectives are not currently in action at the moment. However, with the implementation timeline, the safety of Lincoln Square and the operational hours of restaurants will be the first to be completed as these are core aspects that can be changed without much planning. However, the reconstruction of Lincoln Square is aimed for the long term.




References ABS. (2016). 2016 Census QuickStats: Carlton. Retrieved from Australian Bureau of Statistics: Argoon, A., & Hamblin, A. (2017, September 26). Teen robbed, teeth knocked out in vicious Carlton attack | Herald Sun. Retrieved from Herald Sun: 089a7544a23026110021728525e4266 Defacto. (2017). Place de La Defense | Paris La Defence. Retrieved from Paris La Defense: place-de-la-defense Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. (2017, September 19). Microsoft Word - 32_04.doc. Retrieved from Planning Schemes Online: Expatistan. (2017). Cost of Living Melbourne. Updated prices Oct 2017. Retrieved from Expatistan: gettyimages. (2017, April 21). Food trucks at La DĂŠfense, Business and Finance District on a sunny day of spring, Puteaux - Courbevoie. 21 April, 2017 getty images. Retrieved from gettyimages website: hauts-de-seine. (2017). Paris La Defence. Retrieved from Paris La Defence website: The University of Melbourne. (2017, July 28). University statistics : About Us. Retrieved from The University of Melbourne Website: Wahlquist, C. (2016, April 21). Chinese students at University of Melbourne targeted in crimewave | Australia news | The Guardian. Retrieved from theguardian:


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