con路tents 2. About me - A definition of who I am & where I am from along with a brief description 4. Choice & Inspiration - Why I made the decision of Leeds College of Art & what inspires me 6. Discoveries - What I have discovered throughout the year 8. Book & Package - If I was a... 10. Shop & Brand - If I was a...
sam·u·el hor·bu·ry 1. Gender - Male
de·scrip·tion 5 words chosen by myself:
2. Date of Birth - 17.04.1993
1. Relaxed
2. Quiet
4. Whilst attending secondary school, had a great interest in fine art. Took GCSE Art and Design as well as Product Design.
3. Dedicated
5. Went on to take A Level Fine Art, Graphic Design and Photography. This is where interest in graphic design grew immensely. 6. After A Levels, did a Foundation Degree in Graphic Design.
4. Polite 5. Helpful 5 words chosen by a peer: 1. Perfectionist 2. Reliable 3. Approachable 4. Diligent 5. Attentive
graph·ic de·sign 1. Intensity - Keeping the course intense forces me to stay on my toes as a designer 2. Future Prospects - The course has a very high rate of employment 3. Challenge myself - Top rate University means I will get the best possible education 4. Keep myself focused and driven - Staying focused and driven means I will be able to work to my potential 5. Close and unique support structure - This enables me to get better quality feedback and thus progress further as a designer
in·spi·ra·tion 1. Film - I spend a lot of my spare time watching films from a wide range of genres 2. Family and Friends - Family and friends are always a great source of inspiration and encouragement 3. Music - I love listening to music when working as I find it greatly calms me and helps me to focus 4. Competition - A bit of competition always forces me to work my very best 5. Other Designers - I think that working alongside other designers is a great opportunity to learn how other creatives approach problems
dis·cov·er·y 1. When I originally joined the course I was a very unorganised individual that struggled a lot to keep on top of my work. I found that I would procrastinate as much as possible before doing even the simplest of tasks. However, recently I have completely changed and have become much more focused, determined and driven to get the work done properly on time without having to rush things last minute; sometimes I do still manage to leave things too late. 2. I am a very clean and tidy individual, I don’t like working in a messy environment. It distracts me too much and prevents me from being able to completely concentrate on the task at hand. 3. Manners are free. I don’t understand people who don’t say please and thank you or stop to let people come past. Manners don’t cost anything and could make somebody’s day a little bit better.
4. I’m quite lazy in terms of how much sleep I have. I sleep way too much and too often and could much better utilise this time to get on with work etc. 5. I have become aware that I am interested in a lot of varying visual cultures, not just Graphic Design. Through collecting numerous different types of images on Pinterest etc. I have noticed that I like a lot of different things I hadn’t previously taken much time to appreciate. This has also been effected by the people I spend my time with outside of University such as flatmates and new friends that are all on different courses.
If you were a book what would your subject be and who would read you?
If you were a package what would you contain and who would open you?
- I would be a colouring book that would be viewed, as well as filled in, by my peers. This is due to the way in which I am very contained and shy at first but, depending on who I am around, can become very different and much more interesting; how I behave very much depends on who I am around.
- I would be a very simple but effective shoe box that would contain a pair of aesthetically pleasing and interesting shoes. On the surface I may seem to be very normal and functional but once people ‘open me’ and get to know me they realise I am much more interesting and fun. I would be opened by someone that wants to ‘have the pair of shoes’ and therefore get to know me.
shop If you were a shop what would you sell and who would buy it? - I would be a sweet shop; seeming average and quiet at first glance but actually containing a sweet and pleasant interior. I would be bought by anybody that had a sweet tooth and wanted to bring a little bit of happiness into their life.
brand If you were a brand what would your values be and why would they be important? - The most important value for me would be ‘the customer always comes first’. I feel that when you are working with a customer they should always be number one, as without them it wouldn’t even be possible to do what you’re doing. This means that you should always ensure that the person that you are catering for is entirely happy as, at the end of the day, they are paying good money for your service.