Schedule for presentations at 1st International European MMT conference

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Paper presentations: 1st International European Modern Monetary Theory conference sessions 1-4 February 1 3:30 PM - 5:30PM room t.b.a.

presenter(s) 1 2 3 4 X

Banca Transilvania

RO The Euro after 20 years - mid-term challenges for the Eurozone

Applied MMT 9 Esteban Cruz Hidalgo and Stuart Medina 10 Miguel Miltimore Carrion Alvarez 11 Chiara Zoccarato X Asker Voldsgaard

University of Extremadura and Red MMT Funcas Europe, Madrid Patria e Costituzione University of Copenhagen

ES Some aspects of inflation from the perspective of Modern Monetary Theory

Balance sheets 12 Dirk Bezemer 13 Josef Mensik

University of Groningen Masaryk University

NL Balance sheet reasoning CZ The Social Accounting Approach to Money: Why Money and Money and Crises

University of Lodz Kyiv School of Economics Cambridge Econometrics Lola Books University of Warsaw


University of Granada

ES The dilemma of the job guarantee in Europe. Between the right to work and the euro discipline. A constitutional debate BE A job guarantee for the long-term unemployed in Austria DE Was ist JP aus deutscher Perspektive? Kann JP einen innovativen Beitrag zur Lösung der in Governance Deutschlandfor leisten? DE Arbeitslosigkeit A New Economic the Eurozone DE Can Karl Polanyi contribute to the MMT?

14 15 16 17 X



February 2 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Room t.b.a.

19 X 21 20

MMT and the real world Jakub Anusik Andriy Popovych Hector Pollitt Carlos Garcia Hernandez Gracjan Bachurewicz Job Gurantee Miguel José Arjona Sánchez Oliver Picek Hubert Hieke Susanne Wixforth Stefan Voß

ETUI Brussels ? DGB Berlin München

February 2

Geld und Regulierung (in German / auf Deutsch) 22 Rainer Land Thünen-Institut für Regionalentwicklung e.V. 23 Enrico Schicketanz Universität Erfurt

2 PM - 3:30 PM Room t.b.a.

24 Felix Schäfer 25 Oliver Kuhn


TU Chemnitz Europa-Universität Viadrina

26 27 28 29 30

The monetary circuit and international trade Pedro Pratas Kingston University Geert Reuten University of Amsterdam Florian Lampe Universität Hamburg Sascha Keil TU Chemnitz Kanya Paramaguru Brunel University London

31 32 33 34

MMT/JG Campaigning in the UK tba tba tba tba

35-38 February 2 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Room t.b.a.

35 36 37 38

Philosophy and MMT tba tba tba tba

39-42 February 2 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Room t.b.a.

Money and the State 39 Sascha Bützer 40 Daniele Busi 41 Daniele Basciu 42 Luiz Alberto Marques Vieira

26-30 February 2 4 PM - 5:30 PM Room t.b.a.

31-34 February 2 8 AM - 10 AM Room t.b.a.

Money Creation and Financial Stability The European Employer of Last Resort Money is power Taxation and the non-neutrality of money Metallism and Chartalism: a proposal for reconciliation

Andrei Radulescu

8 X

14-17 February 2 8 AM - 10 AM Room t.b.a.


DE Developing Community Capital UK Modern Monetary Theory : An Essential Foundation for Basic Income Proposals? RS New Aspects of Solidarity as Part of the Economic Development of the modern economy

Room t.b.a.

12-13 February 2 4 PM - 5 PM Room t.b.a.

Deutsche Bundesbank Masaryk University University of Roskilde University of Trento Eduardo Garzón Espinosa Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Duisburg Bristol Uzice School of Economics

5 6 7

February 2 2 PM - 3:30 PM Room t.b.a.

Jens Reich Jan Jonáš Jesper Jespersen Giacomo Bracci

CC title of presentation

Beyond MMT Vienne Chan Geoff Crocker Brankica Todorovic

5-8 February 2 8 AM - 10 AM




LMU München Rete MMT Rete MMT Tesouro Nacional

ES Eurozone labour market convergence or lack thereof IT The importance of an MMT perspective for policy makers DK Money and the fiscal space: An institutional analysis of Denmark

Democracy & Growth in Latin America from a MMT perspective Modern monetary theory and the problem of the sovereignty in transition economies Macroeconomic modelling for policy analysis in the context of MMT: Insights from the E3ME

model Fiduciary Socialism The Post-Keynesian Endogenous Money Supply: Evidence from Poland

DE Ökokapital - Geldkreislauf und Kreditlenkung regulieren die Reproduktion von Naturressourcen DE Wie Banken ihr Eigenkapital durch Geldschöpfung erhöhen und warum das ein großes Problem für die Finanzmarktregulierung ist DE The Impacts of Capital Requirements on Banks Credit-Creation DE Stabilisierung ohne Blasen? Wirtschaftssoziologische Fragen an MMT


A SFC model of the Portuguese economy in continuous time The redundancy of saving for the investment of capitalist enterprises; a monetary circuit account The Franc CFA exchange rate regime Interpreting international cost competitiveness in a dynamic context Investigating the effect of Trade on Business Cycle Synchronization: An Applied Case to the EU


The Practical Implementation of Outright Transfers (“Helicopter Money”) as a Monetary Policy Tool Role and limits of banking system Full Employment and Price Stability: the State’s impossible rationality? Public financing in Brazil: a neo-chartalist approach to the "fiscal crisis"


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