The Most Important PlayStation 3 Yellow Light Repair Tips
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at .uk. He will write on topics related to PlayStation repair service.
In this article you will learn the most important Yellow PlayStation 3 light repair tips that will help you get rid of the yellow light of the death error on your PS3. This frustrating error affects a relatively high number of PS3 consoles, but it may be difficult to find the right tip to help you fix it. Continue reading to find out what you need to do to repair your PlayStation and get back to the game again, without the yellow light error coming in.
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.
• Sony will repair your PS3 for you and get rid of the YLOD error. All you have to do is call them, give some details, and then follow their instructions to send your console. The downside to this is that you will have to wait more than a month to get your PS3 returned, and if you do not have a warranty (or your warranty has expired) it will cost you $ 150 to get yellow light from Death Fixed.
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.
• Sometimes you can correct errors on the PlayStation 3 simply by turning your PS3 off, leaving it off for about 30 minutes and then restarting it. Try this to fix the YLOD on your PS3. A lot of problems on most electronic devices can be solved by a simple restart.
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.
• Remove the hard drive (hard drive) from your console, and then reinstall it thoroughly. A lot of problems are caused on the PS3 platform by a loose hard disk connection, in doing so; ensure that the connection is stable. Make sure that you do not accidentally damage anything in the process. If you can get your hands on a spare hard drive, then try installing as well. In the worst case, there is data corruption on your hard drive, so you will have to swap to another anyway.
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.
• Make sure all cables and wires are properly connected to your PS3. Disconnect everything, and then reconnect them all, one by one.
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.
• Consider investing in a PlayStation 3 repair guide that uses video instructions to show you how to repair the yellow light problem, as well as any other errors that may affect your PS3. One of them will cost you about $ 30- $ 40 USD, and you will save a lot of difficulty and long term difficulty, not to mention saving you the even higher cost of having Sony fix your PS3.
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.
How to repair YLOD error? The error of yellow light of death has been reported as being more commonly occurring lately and has been compared to the Xbox 360 red ring of death which is caused by the overheating of the console. You will know when the yellow light of death is detected by the light on the front console instead of getting the normal light you will see the light turns green, you will hear beeps and then the light turns orange and red immediately after. Even though many people blame the overheating inside the console, there are a few other possible causes for this very annoying problem. After checking all the physical connections on the PlayStation, you still have a few options to try. Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.
If your PlayStation 3 is still under warranty, you may be able to repair it without paying, but if you have your console for more than a year; it will cost you more than $ 150 to repair it at PlayStation repairer. PlayStation 3 repair Manchester will help you and solve all your problems with fast turnaround time.
Samuel Stewart is an Article Writer at He will write on topic related to PlayStation repair service.