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FDI Investment Foreign Direct We WeChat Chat YEAR 2023 | ISSUE 135
Mr. Priyank Indulkar Manager(Marketing) India and SEA Fortive Inc. MMS- Marketing Batch of 2011-2013



It gives me great pride to introduce SAMVAD’s edition every month. Our SAMVAD team’s efforts seem to be paying off, and our readers seem to be hooked ontoourmagazine.AtWeSchool,wetryto acquire as much knowledge as possible andshareitwitheveryone.

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At WeSchool, we aspire to be the best and unique, and we expect nothingbuttheextraordinaryfromallthosewhojoinourcollege.From the point of view of our magazine, we look forward to having more readersandhavingmorecontributionsfromournewreaders.

SAMVAD is a platform to share and acquire knowledge and develop ourselves into integrative managers. Our earnest desire is to disseminate our knowledge and experience with not only WeSchool studentsbutalsothesocietyatlarge.

Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe



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At WeSchool, we are deeply inspired by the words of this great Americanwriterandfuturist.Undoubtedly,beingconvincedoftheneed foraradicalchangeinmanagementeducation,wedecidedtotreadthe paththatledtothecorporaterevolution.

Emerging unarticulated needs and realities require a new approach in both thought and action. Cross-disciplinary learning, discovering, scrutinizing, prototyping, learning to create and destroy the mind’s eye needstobenurtureddifferently.

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Welcometothe 135th Issueof SAMVAD!

SAMVADisaplatformfor“InspiringFuturisticIdeas”,weconstantlystriveto provide thought-provoking articles that add value to your management education.

Wehaveanaudaciousgoalofbecomingoneofthemostcovetedbusiness magazines for B-school students across the country. To help this dream becomeareality,weinvitearticlesfromallmanagementdomains,givinga holisticviewandbridgingthegapbetweenindustryveteransandstudents throughourWeChatsection.

In this issue of SAMVAD, we bring to you some articles focusing on ‘InternationalBusiness’withasectioncalled'WeChat’.OurWeChatalumni for this edition is Mr. Priyank Indulkar, who works as Marketing ManagerIndia & Southeast Asia at Fortive Inc. In this section, we have got some exclusiveinsightsofwhatishappeningunderthenoseofourtheme.

In today’s economy, companies of all sizes, be it small or medium enterprises or multi-national companies, all are establishing operations in foreign markets. This type of expansion has several advantages, including new market growth opportunities and diversification. The most significantbenefitofinternationalbusinessis riskmanagement.

International markets are evolving rapidly, and one can take advantage of thechangingenvironmenttocreateanichefortheircompany.Evenasthe world becomes more decentralized politically and physically, customers, devices, services, processes, and businesses continue to integrate digitally. The simultaneous rise of economic nationalism and digital globalization is redefiningtheinternationalbusinesslandscape.At2.9%in2023,emerging marketgrowthlookstoremainwellbelowitspre-pandemictrend,slowing modestlyfrom2022.


Against the historic volatility of 2020 and 2021, which saw the deepest global downturn on record, followed by the strongest rebound, 2022 growth outcomes were far more stable. Turning toward 2023, the monetary policy tightening drag is building and central banks remain on the march. There are also increasing signs that credit conditions are tighteningbroadly.

The world economic outlook is uncertain amid financial sector turmoil, high inflation, ongoing effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and three yearsofCOVID.Thebaselineforecastisfor growthtofallfrom3.4%in2022 to 2.8% in 2023, before settling at 3.0% in 2024. Advanced economies are expected to see an especially pronounced growth slowdown, from 2.7% in 2022 to 1.3% in 2023. Global economic activity is experiencing a broadbased and sharper-than-expected slowdown, with inflation higher than seen in several decades. The cost-of-living crisis tightened financial conditionsinmostregions.

Developing countries like India will see higher economic growth as they come closer to the standards of living of the developed world. India has now become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The business class is increasing, and there is an increase in demand for quality goodsandservices.

The rise of digital consumers, shifting geopolitics, and trade uncertainty haveredefinedthemarketsdrivingtheglobaleconomy.Astechnologyand emerging markets continue to shift the paradigm of international commerce, the need to balance sound business strategy with a global mindsetismorecriticalthanever.



ARTICLES Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Marketplace 4 14 17 21 25 9 28 33 Latest Technological Trends In Global Supply Chain Management Digital Marketing for International Businesses Foreign Exchange Risk Management International Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility - Focus of any Businesss Cultural Differences and Their Impact on International Business Understanding Cultural Diversity: The Foundation of Cross-Cultural Marketing Latest technological trends in global supply chain management 37 Managing Diversity, inclusion and its Impact on HR Policies WeChat Team Samvad Call for articles Index Pg. No. 01 1 43 42 43

We WeChat Chat

Mr. Priyank Indulkar

Manager(Marketing)- India and SEA Fortive Inc.

MMS- Marketing

Batch of 2011-2013

Canyoupleasewalkusthrough your journey from Welingkar Institute to your current organization?

Welingkarhasplayedapivotalrolein shapingmycareer, whenIenrolledin the Welingkar MMS Marketing course 2011-2013, I already had three years of industryexperienceasasalesandaftersales engineer for a Swiss company Staubli,andfromthatexperience,Iwas aware that I wanted to take up marketingasaspecializationandmove to a marketing role. Like many students,Iappliedtomanycompanies andfinallygotplacedinSaharaGroup as an Assistant Manager of Marketing whichgavemeaverygoodexposureto branding and communication. But being an engineer, I always liked B2B space and then moved to a US multinational Fortive Inc. Currently, I am working as Manager of Marketing India&SouthEastAsiaatFortiveIndia PvtLtd

Inmarketingthefirstbiggestchallenge is to overcome cultural and Language Barriers:Differentcountrieshaveunique cultures, customs, and languages. Understanding and adapting to these cultural differences is a challenge, as it affects communication, marketing strategies, and business practices. Second is Market Knowledge and Research.Expandingintoanewmarket requiresin-depthresearchandanalysis. Understanding customer preferences, market trends, and competition is crucial for success. Lack of market intelligence can lead to poor decisionmaking and failure to meet customer requirements. Third is Legal and Regulatory Compliance. Each country has its own legal and regulatory framework.Everybusinessmustcomply with this when entering the international market. Understanding andadheringtotheseregulationscan

1. 2. Whatarethekeychallengesyou faced when entering new internationalmarkets?

We WeChat Chat

be complex and time-consuming. Today’sMarketisanopenmarket,every customer has access to price and import-export data. Every country has different rules and regulations for import export and custom duty structures. These rules regulations and duty structures play key roles in accessingthemarket.

that customers can easily understand and engage with the brand. Additionally, adapting content and messaging to resonate with local cultural references and sensitivities is crucial.

4. How do marketing strategies differ with changing international geographies?Canyoubriefalittleon it.

of different internationalmarkets?

In our line of business, we first do extensive market research for those marketsandpreferablyhireanagency based out of that geography. This involvesanalysingthemarketsizeand potential, customer demographics, cultural nuances, purchasing habits, and competitive landscape. Based on research we do product adaptation and adapt marketing strategies. We translate marketing materials, product labels, packaging, and user interfaces intothelocallanguage. This ensures

Post covid-19 we did a pivot in our marketing strategy. Initially, we were more dependent on BTL activities like exhibitions, seminars, conferences and lunch and learn programs. But after covid-19 our focus has shifted toward digital marketing and demand generation. Now we do more Google Search Paid ad’s, LinkedIn Ad’s more focus on content generation i.e. blogs, white papers, newsletters etc and we adapt that as per local languages. We now focus on webinars and customer educationwhobecomeouradvocates in the industry. With changing geography our digital strategy also changes. For example, in Korea Naver search engine and KakaoTalk are famous so we need to market our productsontheseplatforms.Incurrent scenario, we are also experimenting with Openai for translations and marketing automation and improving digitalexperienceofourcustomers.

3. How do International brands adapttheirproductsorservicesto meet the needs

It all depends on the brand’s philosophy,attributes,persona,andtoa certain extent its country of origin. Giventheprominenceofsocialmedia in today's world, brands need to activelymonitorsocialmediaplatforms for discussions, reactions, and sentiments related to the war. This helps brands stay informed about public opinion, identify potential risks, and respond in a timely and appropriatemanner.

6. ThefocusonsustainabilityandCSR has increased significantly in recent years. How are international businesses addressingenvironmental andsocialconcernsintheirmarketing, operations, and supply chains? What impact does this have on their reputationandcompetitiveness?

Inmycurrentorganization,CSRisoneof theimportantaspects,wherenotonlyas anorganizationbutasanindividualyou need to work towards community building. We yearly have Fortive Day of Caring wherein we not only donate to organizations but also spend a day servingthecommunityororganizations that are involved in social work. The philosophy is not in donations but to have personal involvement in developing a culture of community building.

We WeChat Chat
5.Howdointernationalbrandsdeal with changing international dynamicsliketheongoingwar,and itssocialmediareactions?

Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Marketplace


Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are agreements reached between businesses with various nationalities that create a new or distinct entity. An Indian corporation merging with or purchasing a foreign company, or viceversa,isknownasacross-border M&A. These deals help businesses increase their market share in untapped regions while diversifying their product lines by giving them accesstocutting-edgetechnologies andstrongeroperationalcapabilities. Such transactions are, nevertheless, highlyriskysincetheyentailvarying judicial systems, cultural norms, currency exchange rates, political risks, and economic environments. Therefore,researchintocross-border M&A is crucial because it offers insightful information about the dynamicsofglobalbusiness,deepens our awareness of current business trends, and aids shareholders in navigatingthedifficultiesofcross-



Inbound Mergers: This is a scenario in which a foreign corporationbuysoutormerges with a local (Indian) corporation.Eg.-Acquisitionof 77% stake in Flipkart by Walmart

Outbound Mergers: This is a scenario in which an Indian corporationbuysoutormerges with a business that is based elsewhere. Eg. - Acquisition of HamleysbyRelianceGroup

According to Companies Rules, 2016 under the Companies Act, 2013,therearetwotypesofcrossborderM&A LawsInvolved

Since a cross-border M&A combinesbusinessesfromvarious locations,itmustcontrolthelegal

MMS MET Institute of Management, Mumbai National Winner

frameworks of numerous nations. Thelawslistedbelowareafewthat businessesshouldbeawareof:

Antitrustlaws:Antitrustlawsare putinplacetostopbusinesses from gaining excessive market sway. Antitrust regulations may in some situations restrict corporate mergers or acquisitions.

Foreigninvestmentlaws:Foreign investmentlawscanrestrictthe ability of foreign companies to invest in domestic companies. Theserulesmaydifferfromone nationtoanother.

Taxlaws:Becausemanynations haveuniquetaxationregulations that may necessitate paying taxes in conjunction with a transferofassetsorachangein ownership, companies must carefully analyze the tax consequencesofeachproposed deal.

Factorstoconsiderincross-border M&A

The challenges faced by the companies are different from the onesfacedindomestictransactions. Hence, due diligence must be followedateverystep.

TransactionStructuring:Inorder tosecuretheproductionoflongterm value, the buyer must be attentive to transaction structuresthattakeintoaccount local taxes, consent from other parties,government

Strategicfit:Companiesinvolved in the transaction should be a good strategic fit. This implies that they should be able to complement one another's assetsanddeficiencies.

Financialimplications:Analyzing the transaction's finances is crucial. This entails evaluating the target company's financial standing, carrying out financial due diligence, and identifying potentialrisksandobligations.

Culturalcompatibility:Thetarget company's culture corresponds tothecultureofthemarketitis entering. As a result, one technique to understand the marketistoconductresearchor due diligence on the company thatisbeingacquiredormerged with.Anycross-borderM&Awill inevitably involve cultural problems,whichcouldmakeor breakthetransaction.

Integration and Synergy

Potential: An accurate assessment of the potential for integration and synergy is essential for successful crossborder M&A. In order to successfully integrate various systems,processes,andcultures, it is critical to discover operational synergies, cost savings, revenue growth prospects,andpotentialdangers.

Regulatory: environment: Companies must carefully considertheregulatory


the environment in each country involvedinthedeal.


Do your homework: Businesses should thoroughly investigate thefirmstheyarethinkingabout acquiring. Understanding the business'sfinancialperformance, strategicobjectives,andculture areallpartofthis.

Establish connections: Organizations should establish connectionswiththebusinesses theyarethinkingaboutbuying. This may facilitate an easier integrationafterthetransaction closes.

Be patient: The completion of cross-border M&As can take a lengthytime.Companiesshould exercisepatienceandnotcount onthesaletocloserightnow.

Recent examples of Cross-border M&A

Indian companies have been activelyparticipatingincross-border M&A deals, forming strategic alliances,andacquiringcompanies beyond their domestic boundaries. Following are some of the noteworthycross-borderM&Adeals involving Indian companies that have contributed to the country’s growingglobalpresence

AdaniGroup acquiredSwissfirm Holcim’s full stake in Ambuja CementandACCfor$6.4billion (aboutRs51,000crore)in


InJuly2020, Flipkart acquireda 100% stake in Walmart’s India business to compete with Reliance Industries Ltd and Amazon,amongothers.Walmart isaU.S.basedcompany,which hadacquiredamajoritystakein Flipkartfor$16billionin2018.

PidiliteIndustriesLtd acquireda 70%stakeinTenaxIndiaStone Products, the domestic unit of Italian cement and chemicals manufacturer Tenax SPA, for cash consideration of about Rs 80croreinFebruary2020

RelianceBrands acquiredBritish toy retailer Hamleys for GBP 67.96 million (about Rs 620 crore)inJuly2019

Promising mergers that failed to createaviableorganization

ApolloandCooperTire&Rubber Co. Thismergerwasannounced in2013createandwassupposed to be a global tire giant. However,thedealwasmetwith resistance from the U.S. Department of Justice, which wasconcernedthatthemerger wouldcreateamonopolyinthe tireindustry.

BhartiAirtel -ZainThismerger wasannouncedin2009andwas supposed to create the world's largest mobile phone operator. However, the deal was blocked byregulatorsinIndia,whowere concernedthatthemerger

would give Bharti Airtel too much marketpower.

TataSteel - Corus This merger wasannouncedin2006andwas supposed to create the world's fifth-largest steelmaker. However, Corus shareholders wereconcernedthatthemerger would be dilutive and was ultimatelycalledoffin2009.

Overall Trends in Mergers and Acquisitions

The GlobalValue ofcross-border M&As fell by 7.8% in 2022 to about$1.57trillion.Thiswasthe first decline in global M&A activitysince2018.

Below are the annual inbound

India, along with the sectoral datafortheyear2022.(Source: DealLogic)

The UnitedStates wasthemost activeandThe EuropeanUnion was the second most active region in cross-border M&As in 2022.



Inconclusion,cross-bordermergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be a complex and challenging process, buttheycanalsobeveryrewarding. Companies that are considering a cross-border M&A should carefully weigh the benefits and risks involved.Bydoingtheirhomework and planning carefully, they can increasetheirchancesofsuccess.

SomeofthekeybenefitsofcrossborderM&Aincludeaccesstonew markets, access to new technologies, economies of scale, andriskdiversification.Someofthe key risks of cross-border M&A include cultural differences, regulatorychallenges,financialrisks, and integration challenges. By carefully considering all of these factors, companies can increase their chances of success in crossborderM&A.


Latest Technological Trends In Global Supply Chain Management

National Winner

PGDM E-Business

Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Mumbai

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, supply chain management has emerged as a critical factor in ensuring the seamless flow of goods and services. With its encompassing reach over procurement, production, logistics, and distribution, supply chain management serves as the backbone of efficient operations. Itssignificanceisgroundedinthe realms of globalization, meeting customer expectations, cost efficiency, and risk mitigation. However, navigating the modern businessenvironmentbringsforth a unique set of challenges, including global complexity, demandvolatility,limitedvisibility, sustainability, and technological advancements.Overcomingthese

hurdles demand collaboration, transparency, and agility. Effective supplychainmanagementnotonly optimizesoperationsbutalsomeets customer demands and enhances profitability.

Technological advancements are enablingaremarkableshiftinsupply chain management. Due to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things(IoT),blockchaintechnology, andcloudcomputing,globalsupply chains are no longer restricted by geographical boundaries. This transformativeeraallowsbusinesses to optimize operations, boost efficiency,reducecosts,andelevate customer service. By leveraging technology, companies gain enhanced visibility, streamlined operations, informed decisionmaking, and heightened customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explorethetransformativepotential oftheseadvancements,including

"Technology is the key to unlocking the full potential of supplychainmanagement."

real-time visibility, data-driven insights, predictive analytics, and seamless connectivity. We discover how businesses can navigate complexities, anticipate demand fluctuations,enhancesustainability, and gain a competitive edge in today's evolving marketplace through technology-driven operationalexcellence.


Transforming Supply Chain Processes

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing supply chain management by automating tasks, improving decision-making, and optimizing processes. With AI algorithms, businesses can predict demand patterns, optimize inventory levels, and streamline shipment routes, resulting in improvedoperationalefficiencyand costsavings.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing supply chain management by connecting physical devices to the Internet, enabling data collection and sharing.TheimplementationofIoT sensors has led to significant business expansion for companies likeDHL.Thesesensorsproviderealtime visibility, enabling effective tracking of goods in transit, monitoring equipment conditions, andproactiveissueidentification.

ThisseamlessintegrationofIoTand AI technology enhances supply chain efficiency, empowering businesses to make informed decisions,minimizedisruptions,and improve overall performance. In addition, AI plays a crucial role in optimizing inventory, predicting demand,andavoidingstockouts.

UPS leverages AI to optimize delivery routes, reducing time and fuel costs. Amazon utilizes AI for inventory management, lowering expenseswhileenhancingcustomer satisfaction. AI monitoring ensures the condition of equipment and prevents breakdowns. Walmart combatsfraudulentactivitythrough AI, reducing losses. Amazon employs AI to identify hazards, promotingsafetyintheworkplace.


EnhancingTransparencyandAgility Blockchain technology revolutionizes supply chain management by ensuring transparency, traceability, and automation.Itenablesthetracking of goods' provenance, verifying compliance and safety. Smart contracts streamline transactions, reducing costs and minimizing disputes. Collaboration among stakeholders is enhanced through real-time data sharing, which eliminates information silos and improves overall performance. For instance,D-MartCanadautilizes

blockchain for smart contracts, optimizingsupplychainoperations.

Additionally, blockchain addresses sustainabilityconcernsbyenabling responsible sourcing and empowering consumers with product information. By leveraging blockchain,businessescanenhance efficiency, trust, and customer satisfactionintheirsupplychains.

Cloudcomputingplaysavitalrolein enhancing supply chain managementthroughitsbenefitsin data accessibility, scalability, and real-time decision-making. It empowers supply chain managers withscalablecomputingresources, enablingthemtoadapttochanging demands. Cloud-based software allows efficient tracking of shipments and collaboration with suppliers. Real-time data accessibility facilitates informed decision-making. For example, organizations can access critical information from anywhere for quick responses to market demands. By harnessing cloud computing,supplychainoperations can be optimized, customer satisfaction improved, and competitive advantage gained in thedynamicbusinesslandscape.

inunlockingvaluableinsightsfrom supply chain operations. By leveragingbigdata,businessescan identifytrends,predictdemand,and optimize inventory, leading to proactivedecision-making,reduced waste, and operational efficiency. Facebook's transformation showcases big data's potential; it offers personalized recommendations and targeted campaigns based on user preferences. Data quality and governance are essential for maximizingvalue.

For instance, an automobile manufacturer uses sensor data to optimize energy consumption, reducing waste. Retail chains leverage analytics to forecast demand, optimize stocking levels, and minimize stockouts. International logistics companies enhance visibility by monitoring shipments and providing real-time updates,reducingdisruptions.Datadriven decisions fuel customer satisfaction and revenue diversification.




Manufacturing: Enhancing EfficiencyandFlexibility

Big Data Analytics: Extracting Insights for Informed DecisionMaking Bigdataanalyticsplaysacrucialrole

Robotics and additive manufacturing (3D printing) are transforming supply chain operations. Robotics automates tasks in warehouses, increasing efficiencyandreducinglabourcosts.

CompanieslikeAmazonandOcado have successfully implemented roboticsystemstoaccelerateorder fulfilment. On the other hand, additivemanufacturingenablesthe on-demand production of customized parts, reducing lead times and improving inventory accuracy.

quantum computers can analyze complex patterns and trends for accurate demand forecasts. They offer advanced cryptographic techniques to strengthen data security.Whilestillinitsearlystages, quantumcomputinghaspromising potential for optimizing supply chainoperations.

However, it has limitations in material options, scalability, and cost compared to traditional methods.Despitetheselimitations, 3D printing finds applications in industries such as aerospace, healthcare, and automotive for prototyping and customization. In conclusion, robotics revolutionizes warehouse operations, while additive manufacturing offers flexibility in custom production, though limitations need to be consideredforwidespreadadoption insupplychainmanagement.

Beyondtheaforementionedtrends, several cutting-edge innovations, like Quantum Computing and Drones,arealsotransformingglobal supplychains.


Quantum computing's potential benefits for supply chain management are vast. It enables moreaccuratedemandforecasting, efficient inventory management, and enhanced data security. With immensecomputationalpower,


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offerbusinessestheopportunityto streamline logistics operations, improve delivery efficiency, and perform inventory inspections, resultingincostsavingsandfaster service. However, their implementation faces challenges due to regulatory compliance, security risks, operational limitations, and public acceptance. Navigating aviation regulations, safeguarding data security, addressing payload and range limitations, and balancing privacy concerns are crucial for successful droneintegration.Forinstance,the threat of damage and theft of delivery drones themselves can hinder their last-mile capabilities. Overcoming these challenges requires collaboration and the development of guidelines and securitymeasurestounlockthefull potentialofdronesinlogistics.

In conclusion, technology is revolutionizing global supply chain management.Byembracingnew

technologieslikeAI,IoT,blockchain, cloud computing, and big data analytics, businesses can improve efficiency,reducecosts,andimprove customer service. These advancements provide businesses with invaluable tools to optimize supply chain processes, gain realtime visibility, make informed decisions, and respond swiftly to market dynamics. Businesses that embracethesetechnologicaltrends willbewell-positionedtosucceedin today's rapidly evolving global marketplace.

To unlock the full potential of technology-driven supply chain innovation,readersareencouraged to delve deeper into these advancements and explore how they can drive operational excellence,fostercollaboration,and secureacompetitiveadvantage.

Digital Marketing for International Businesses

National Winner

Boundariesareblurringandglobal connectednessisthenewreality. Today businesses are seeking diversification and expansion as not a growth strategy anymore, but these concepts are synonymous with means of survival. They need to create a fluid marketing structure that is adaptable to cultures, customs, andconsumersacrossborders.To assist organizations in capturing audienceseffectivelyinamanner that’s complimentary to the flexiblepropositionbusinessesare seeking, digital marketing is the way to lead. As per a survey by Statista exploring digital marketing trends worldwide, the spend over the coming years is only expected to hike across sectors,achievingagrowthofover 10%by2027.

As broad of a concept as digital marketing is, what’s necessary is identifyingthetools,channels,and

framework that will combine to generateanoutcomethatspeaksto thecustomerthebusinessintendsto target,inthespecifiedregion.Case inpoint,theMcCafeadvertisement which appealed to the fast-paced livesofpeopleabroadwhodesirea quickyetsatisfyingmorningcoffee fix, changed itself as an offering that’s got something for every emotion and occasion for people leadingvariedlives,inIndia.

The quest today is to tailor one’s marketing efforts to fit a local skeleton.Skewingone’sSEO&SEM efforts accordingly before tapping intodifferentculturesandlifestyles through targeted advertisements is essentialforasuccessfulreach-out. Beyondthat,takingintoaccountthe language barriers whilst initiating digital communication, mapping customer aspirations, researching habits, journeys and identifying touch points across global media, anddeliveringcontextualcontent;

KJ Somaiya Institute of Management

are just a few of the pipeline of activities that encompass a global organization’s digital marketing strategy.

Toputthingsintoperspective,let’s consider Netflix and its successful immersionthroughouttheglobe.To penetrate itself beyond its native land,theStates,Netflixdelvedinto its content library and dedicated content that speaks to a certain audience,sayinAustraliaorKorea. This business strategy translated intoitsmarketingeffortsthroughits socialmediatailoring,whereNetflix maintains a separate social media page for each major region. They onboardlocalcelebritiespopularin thatregionanddeviseareachout that makes the global platform seem relevant to local viewers, givingthemapointofconnection that makes its’ USA-born identity, widerandaccessibletoallcultures worldwide.

However, before a company launches into micro-targeting, it mustconductappropriateresearch on the best means to achieve its targetsandsuccessfullycapturethe attention of the chunk of the internationalaudienceitintendsto marketto.TheSocialMediapyramid comesintoplayhere,whichenlists differentmediumsconcerningtheir impact in terms of the kind of communicationthatflowsthrough eachchannel.BeginningwithSocial Networks,andnewsaggregators,

andleadinguptothoughtleaders, andvirtualcommunities,itreflects theascendingorderofthecontent exchanged,fromtheshallowendto deep, thoughtful discussions, helpingorganizationsmanagetheir social cloud while marketing globally.

So,forinstance,ifwearespeakingof Amazon,theyhavealargerpresence over community forums in places suchastheUSA,andtheUK,dueto thetechsaturation.Whereaswithin Asia, and the middle east, social networkandvideocontentarethe majormediumsduetothemobilefirstwaveapparentinthesenations, andthestilllimitedpenetrationof the IT Giant which prompts B2C one-waycommunicationmorethan a conversation or debate over the productlineandservices.

The question arises, how one can better understand the ideal compositionofthesocialcloudfor their organization? Especially in marketplacesuntappedandwithan audiencethat’scontrastingtotheir native audience in several factors. Here, ‘triggered community events canhelplaydownthefoundation. Unlike their passion communities thatengageduetofamiliarityand sharedlikingfortheproducts,these communities are formed due to a triggered need due to an event occurrence at some point in their life, which the organization must identifyandutilizetomarkettheir


For instance, the online dating platformTinder,launchedadigital campaigninFebruary2023,titled‘It allstartswithlove’,whichfeatureda diverse cast with a message that appeals to the masses by highlightingdiversityofculturesand ethnicities.“Weoftenhearthatthe firstplacequeerdatersare’out’ison Tinder,sowewantedtomakesure thattheyfeelseenandreflected,“ said Stephanie Danzi, SVP, Global Marketinghead,Tinder.Thetrigger eventhereisthefactthatagreat numberofqueerpeoplearecoming out on Tinder, and so the organizationhadaleadtoinitiatea conversationforthebrandamongst this particular community across borders. All the while marketing itselfintheprocessaswell.

AsexplainedbyaMcKinseyreport on Johnson&Johnson, there is n numberofmethodstomanipulate the digital pad and rocket your presence throughout the globe. Althoughthereisnoconcreterecipe for success with any global campaign, it’s the direction and messagebehindthatdecidesifthe outcomeisfavourableorotherwise.

Oneoftheexampleswouldbe,the FIFA 2014 x Listerine campaign, whichcuratedcontentfromover20 countriesin5languages,todrawa connectionwithfootballfansfrom acrosstheworld,unitedbythe

sport.Thereportemphasizessmart content, brand asset, and opportunity management over digitalmediaasthewaytogointhis age. Listerine could have simply crafted a digital campaign appealingtofootballfans,however, thatwouldn’thavemadetheglobal impact of recognizing individuality across the map. In a nutshell, marketersarelivinginanagewhen technology is at its peak, and to leverage that, all they need to identifyiseffectiveglobalcustomer acquisition through the right marketingmix.


Foreign Exchange Risk Management

National Finalist


MET Institute of Management


India earlier followed a tightly regulatedforeignexchangeregime untiltheliberalisationoftheIndian economythatstartedin1991.Since then there has been a sharp increase in foreign investment in India. Multi-national and transnationalcorporationsareplayingan important role in the growth of Indian business. Indian corporate unitshavealsoengagedinamuch wider range of cross border transactions with different countriesandproducts.Thesecross border transactions encourage foreignexchangethatgeneratesa variety of risks, which have to be managed. Managing risk can increasethefirm'svalueeitherby increasing free cash flows or lowering the interest rate. Thus studying about foreign exchange risk management becomes very important.


Foreign exchange or forex means theconversionofonecurrencyinto anotherataspecifiedratewhichis known as foreign exchange rate. The forex market serves as a platform where individuals, businesses, financial institutions and governments can participate

incurrencytradingtospeculateon exchangeratemovements,hedge againstcurrencyrisks,orconduct internationalbusinesstransactions.

It is considered the largest and mostliquidfinancialmarketinthe world, with an average daily tradingvolumemorethantrillions ofdollars.

Theconversionratesforalmostall currencies are constantly floating as they are driven by market demand and supply, economic indicators,geopoliticaleventsand market sentiments. Traders and investors in this market aim to profitfromtheseexchangerate


fluctuationsbybuyingacurrencyat a lower price and selling it at a higherprice.

The primary purpose of the forex marketistofacilitateinternational trade, tourism and investment. For example,whenacompanyfromone countrywantstoimportgoodsfrom anothercountry,ithastoconvertits domesticcurrencyintothecurrency of the exporting country to completethetransaction.Currency pairsareusedtoexpressexchange rates such as USD/EUR (United States Dollar/Euro) or GBP/JPY (BritishPound/JapaneseYen).


The Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) managestheCurrencyComposition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves(COFER)database.



India’s forex reserves almost touch $600billioninthe3rdweekofMay, hittinganearlyonemonthhigh.


The Central Bank of India, RBI manages India's forex reserves under:

-ReserveBankofIndiaAct,1934and -Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999.


Foreign exchange risk, also known as currency risk, refers to the potential financial loss that importers, exporters, multinational corporations, investors, travellers, and financial institutions may face duetounexpectedfluctuations


inexchangeratesbetweendifferent currencieswhichaffectthevalueof afirm’sassetsorliabilities. Foreignexchangeriskhasincreased due to the globalisation and internationalisation of world markets. The three main types of forexrisksare:-

Transaction risk: Also known as short-term or immediate risk, arisesfromthetimingdifference between the initiation and settlement of a financial transaction involving different currencies. It occurs when a company or individual has outstanding obligations or receivablesinaforeigncurrency.

Translation risk: Also known as accountingrisk,thisriskapplies to multinational corporations that consolidate their financial statements from different countries. Fluctuations in exchange rates can impact the valuation of foreign assets and liabilitieswhentranslatingthem into the reporting currency, leadingtogainsorlossesinthe financialstatements.

Economic risk: Also known as long-term risk or strategic risk, referstothepotentialimpactof exchangeratefluctuationsona company's future cash flows, competitiveposition,andoverall value.Itarisesfromchangesin macroeconomicfactors,suchas interest rates, inflation rates, political stability, and governmentpolicies,whichcan

affect exchange rates over an extendedperiod.


Foreignexchangeriskmanagement referstotheprocessofidentifying, assessing, and mitigating the potential adverse effects of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on a company's financial performance.

Some strategies are used by businessesandinvestorstomitigate the potential negative impacts of exchangeratemovementsoncash flows, profits, and balance sheets. Theyare:-

Hedging: Hedging involves taking positions or using financial instruments to offset the risk of adverse currency movements. Common hedging instruments include forward contracts, futures contracts, options, and currency swaps. They provide flexibility and customization in managing exposuretospecificcurrenciesand timeframes.

Netting: Netting involves offsetting payable and receivable positions denominatedindifferentcurrencies. It can be done internally within a company or externally through netting agreements with counterparties.

Diversification: Diversification involves spreading business operations and investments across different markets, countries and currenciesasitcanreducethe

1. 2. 3.

impact of adverse exchange rate movements on their overall portfolio.

Pricingstrategies:Here,acompany cansetpricesinthelocalcurrency ofitstargetmarketratherthanits homecurrency.

Leading and lagging: Leading and lagginginvolveadjustingthetiming ofcashflowstotakeadvantageof anticipated currency movements. Leading refers to accelerating payments or receipts in a strong foreign currency, while lagging refers to delaying payments or receiptsinaweakforeigncurrency.

Natural hedging: It involves matching foreign currency inflows withoutflowsinthesamecurrency.

For example, a company that generates revenues in a foreign currency but also has expenses in that currency is naturally hedged. This strategy reduces the need for externalhedginginstrumentsasthe company's cash flows act as a naturalhedge.


JumiaTechnologies,alsoknownas Africa's Amazon, operates in numerous African countries, including, to name a few, Nigeria, Kenya,Senegal,andAlgeria.

AnalystsestimatethatJumia'ssales decreased from $50 million in the first quarter to $66 million the previousquarter.

Jumia is currently exposed to the greatestforeignexchangerisk.

Reduced currency exchange rates impactJumia.Duetothefactthat Jumiadisclosesitsfinancialresults inUSdollars,thestrengthoftheUS dollarhasanegativeimpactonits financialaccounts.

Thepriceofthedollaralsoaffects imports from China, the country where the majority of Jumia's products are made. A outcome of weakened African currencies is increased inflation and falling consumption.


Jumia'ssharepricehasbeenrapidly decreasing,ascanbeseenonthe dailychart.Thesharescontinueto tradebelowthe50-dayand100-day exponential moving averages despitetherecentuptick.

At $2.88, the lowest level since December 28, Jumia shares have risenjustalittlebitoverthecritical barrierlevel.Itisthereforepredicted thattheshareswillcontinuetofall as sellers pursue the $2.5 year-todatelow.Itwillgoto$2.0ifitfalls belowthatlevel.

As significant exchange rate fluctuations have the potential to negatively impact profit margins and asset values, it is crucial to measure and manage a firm's exposuretoexchangeraterisk.


International Business Ethics and Corporate Social ResponsibilityFocus of any Businesss


WiththeglobalizationoftheWorld Economy,therehasbeenaparallel increase in the number of businesses that operates internationally. Ethical standards establish trust between partners and clients who are conducting business together. Organisations establish this trust by consistently acting ethically, developing a reputation for fairness, and upholdingsocialresponsibilityand human rights. Companies face difficultobstacleswhendeveloping and enforcing an ethics policy withinaninternationalorganization and among its foreign business partners.Establishinganopenand caringworkplacecultureisthefirst step in making sure that partners andemployeesadheretocompany standardsforworkersafety,human rights,andfairremuneration.

Internationalenterprisesmust, above all, make sure that they combineaglobalperspectivewith

local adaption, creating a “Glocal” phenomenon where they must think globally and act locally. Additionally, it is important for multinationalcorporationstofollow local rules while also returning revenuestotheirhomenations.In addition,theissuesofemployability andworkingconditionsthatcontrol how multinational corporations operate must be taken into account.Thenotionthatenterprises also owe duties to larger communitieshascometolightin thelasttwentyyearsorso.Thishas taken the form of the corporate governance movement, the corporate social responsibility movement, and the now wellorganized and stated business ethicsmovement.Morebusinesses of all sizes are discovering that taking social responsibility has tangible financial rewards. For manylargecorporations,corporate socialresponsibilityhasemergedas akeyconcern.

National Finalist Sunmathy. P MBA PSG Institute of Management

International business ethics constituteaglobalcodeofconduct –asetofprinciplesthatestablishes ethicalstandardsforemployeesand businesses. Though every business has an ethics code, engaging in international business may introduce gray areas where expectationsforemployeeconduct are unclear. (

Themoralprinciplesandidealsthat govern corporate behaviour in a worldwidesettingarereferredtoas international business ethics. It covers a wide range of moral concerns, such as ethical business practises,respectforhumanrights, labor laws, environmental sustainability,andtheavoidanceof corruptionandbribery.International business ethics aims to provide a common foundation for ethical behaviour that respects universal values like honesty, integrity, and regard for human dignity, even when ethical standards may differ acrosscultures.

Challenges in International BusinessEthics

What is morally acceptable and "normal"inonesettingcouldnotbe inanother.Arisemostfrequentlyin relationto:





The main issue with international businessethicsisthatdifferent

cultures and countries have quite diverse standards of morality and legislation.Accordingtoourcurrent knowledge of corporate ethics, it's notalwaysmorallycorrecttoadhere to socially accepted norms. Racism and sexism, for example, may have beenacceptedatsomemomentsin historybutbecameintolerablewhen society's mentality evolved. What happens when company practises don'tadapttoculturalchange?Does thepersonengaginginthebehaviour become unethical, and does the behaviour itself become unethical? Globalcommercialpractisesmaybe offensivetosomecultures,likeinthe caseofgift-giving,whichhasturned intobribery,akindofcorruption.


Acompany'scommitmentto incorporating social and environmental concerns into its business operations and relationships with stakeholders is referred to as "corporate social responsibility."Itentailsgoingabove andabovewhatisrequiredbylawto address societal challenges and makeabeneficialimpactonsociety, theenvironment,andcommunities. Philanthropy, environmental sustainability, responsible sourcing, employee welfare, and community development are important componentsofCSR.

CSRbecomesmoreimportantin a global setting as organisations operateinavarietyofsocial,cultural, and environmental contexts. Companiescanreducerisks,


strengthen their brand reputation, and create enduring relationships with stakeholders by using ethical and sustainable business practices. The expectations of customers, investors, and governments, who call for increased corporate accountability,arealsoinlinewith CSRprograms.

Companiescanimplementthe following best practices to successfullytraversethechallenging environment of global business ethicsandCSR:

Implementing thorough codes of conduct entails developing and disseminating precise moral principles that are applicable everywhere while taking into account specific cultural settings. Theseprinciplesshouldberegularly reinforced, and ethical decisionmaking should be encouraged. Involving Stakeholders: Businesses shouldactivelyinvolvestakeholders, such as local governments, NGOs, and communities, in order to comprehendtheirrequirementsand concerns.Socialandenvironmental issues can be addressed through collaborative efforts, promoting sustainable development.

Environmental sustainability: Use eco-friendlyprocedures,cutcarbon emissions, and encourage resource conservation. To lessen the impact oftheiroperations,businessesmight investinrenewableenergysources and set aggressive environmental goals.Establishsystemsto

guarantee accountability and transparencythroughoutthesupply chain. Regular audits and assessmentscansupportresponsible sourcing practices by assisting in identifying and correcting ethical flaws.


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and international business ethicsarenowessentialelementsof effectiveglobalbusinessoperations. Companies that traverse international borders face challenging cultural, legal, and regulatory environments as they uphold moral standards and solve societalandenvironmentalissues.

Companiescanbenefitinavarietyof ways by taking a proactive stance when it comes to CSR and internationalbusinessethics.Access to new markets, stakeholder trust, andimprovedreputationareafewof these.Additionally,ethicalbehaviour promoteslong-termprofitability,top talentrecruitmentandretention,and riskmitigation.

However, maintaining moral behaviourinaglobalsettingisnot withoutdifficulties.Companiesmust practise sensitivity, adaptation, and attentiveness due to cultural diversity,varyinglegalandregulatory requirements, and supply chain management complexity. Companies should put in place thorough codes of behaviour, interactwithstakeholders,prioritise environmental sustainability, and guaranteesupplychaintransparency


to overcome these obstacles. They can support inclusive growth, support sustainable development, and match their corporate aims with societal objectives by doing this.

In the end, CSR and international business ethics are not only moral demands; they are also strategic demands. In today's global economy,adoptingethicalpractices and exhibiting social responsibility arecrucialcomponentsoflong-term success, adaptability, and competitiveness. Companies may positively affect the world while assuring their own sustainable future by adhering to these principles.


Cultural Differences and their Impact on International Business

National Finalist

Akshay Kiran Wani


IIM Kashipur


In today's globalized world, businesses are increasingly expanding their operations across borders to tap into new markets andgainacompetitiveadvantage. However, the success of international business ventures depends not only on economic factors but also on the ability to navigate and adapt to diverse cultural environments. Cultural differences play a crucial role in shaping business practices, communication styles, and decision-making processes. This article explores the profound impact of cultural differences on international business operations andemphasizestheimportanceof cross-cultural understanding in achievinglong-termsuccess.

The Significance of Cultural Differences

Cultureisacomplexconceptthat encompassesvalues,beliefs,

customs,traditions,andbehavioral norms shared by a group of individuals. Each culture has its uniquesetofnormsandpractices, which influences the way people think,communicate,andconduct business. Recognizing and appreciatingculturaldifferencesis essentialforbusinessesseekingto establishandmaintainproductive relationships with international partners,clients,andemployees.


One of the primary challenges posed by cultural differences in international business is communication.Languagebarriers, varyingcommunicationstyles,and non-verbal cues can all impede effective interaction between individualsfromdifferentcultures. For instance, direct communicationishighlyvaluedin some cultures, while others prioritize indirect or nuanced communication.Suchdifferences


canleadtomisunderstandings,and misinterpretations, and ultimately hinder collaboration and decisionmakingprocesses.

To overcome these challenges, businesses must invest in crossculturalcommunicationtrainingfor theiremployees.Understandingthe cultural nuances of different marketscanhelpindividualsadapt their communication styles, use appropriate language, and recognizenon-verbalcuestofoster better understanding and build trust.

BusinessEtiquetteandCustoms Culturaldifferencesininternational business operations extend far beyond language and communication styles. They encompass various aspects of business etiquette and customs, whichcansignificantlyimpactthe success of ventures in the global marketplace.

Greetings and introductions, for instance, can differ greatly across cultures. While a firm handshake anddirecteyecontactarecommon insomecultures,othersmayprefer amorereservedgreetingorabow.

Adhering to the appropriate greeting etiquette demonstrates respectforculturalnormsandcan establish a positive foundation for thebusinessrelationship.

Dresscodesalsovaryacrosscultures, rangingfromformalbusinessattire to more relaxed or traditional clothing.Businessesneedto

understand and adhere to the appropriate dress code to project professionalismandshowrespectfor culturalvalues.Failuretodosomay create a negative impression and hinder effective business interactions.

For example, in some cultures, punctuality is highly valued, and arriving late to a meeting is considereddisrespectful.Conversely, inothercultures,flexibletimingand relationship- building take precedenceoverstrictadherenceto schedules. Similarly, gift-giving practicesvarywidelyacrosscultures, andwhatmaybeseenasagestureof goodwill in one culture might be perceivedasbriberyinanother. Byfamiliarizingthemselveswiththe business etiquette and customs of the target market, businesses can avoidunintentionallyoffendingtheir counterparts and enhance their chances of building strong and lastingrelationships.Consultingwith local experts or establishing partnerships with trusted local advisors can provide valuable insightsintoculturalnormsandhelp businesses navigate unfamiliar territories.

Decision-Making and Leadership Styles

Cultural differences profoundly influencedecision-makingprocesses and leadership styles within organizations. Some cultures value hierarchical structures, where decisionsaremadebytop-level


executives,whileothersemphasize a more participatory approach, involvinginputfromvariouslevelsof the organization. Understanding theseculturalnuancesiscrucialfor effectivecollaborationanddecisionmaking in international business settings.

Businessesshouldbeawareofthe powerdistanceindex,whichreflects theextenttowhichindividualsina particularcultureacceptandexpect powerinequalities.Thisknowledge can guide them in adapting their leadership styles to align with the culturalnormsofthetargetmarket. Emphasizing inclusivity, encouraging open dialogue, and fostering a collaborative decisionmaking process can help bridge cultural gaps and build strong, diverseteams.


Negotiation styles and conflict resolution methods vary significantly across cultures. Some cultures prioritize direct and assertive negotiation tactics, while others value harmony and emphasize indirect approaches. Failuretounderstandandadaptto these cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings, damaged relationships, and failed business deals.

To navigate cross-cultural negotiationssuccessfully,businesses should invest in cultural sensitivity training for their negotiators. This trainingcanhelpthemunderstand

the cultural context, anticipate potential challenges, and employ negotiation strategies that resonate withthevaluesandexpectationsof the other party. A flexible and adaptable approach to conflict resolution is crucial in maintaining positive relationships and finding mutuallybeneficialsolutions.


Cultural differences significantly impact international business operations, from effective communication and business etiquette to decision-making processes and negotiation styles. Failing to recognize and adapt to thesedifferencescanhinderbusiness success and damage relationships with international partners. By investing in cross-cultural understanding, businesses can enhance their ability to navigate diverse cultural environments and leverage cultural differences as opportunities for growth and collaboration. In an increasingly interconnected world, cultural competenceisavitalskillthatcan empowerbusinessestothriveinthe globalmarketplace.


Understanding Cultural Diversity: The Foundation of Cross-Cultural Marketing

National Finalist

Embracing Multiculturalism: A GlobalPerspective:

Cultural diversity is a remarkable aspect of our global society, and embracing multiculturalism is crucialforsuccessfulcross-cultural marketing.Theworldishometoa mosaic of diverse cultural groups, each with its own unique values, beliefs,andtraditions.Recognizing andappreciatingthesedifferences isnotonlyamoralimperativebut also a strategic advantage for businesses operating in an increasinglyinterconnectedworld.

Accordingtoastudyconductedby Nielsen, multicultural consumers areasignificantdrivingforceinthe global economy. In the United States alone, multicultural householdsareprojectedtoreach $4.4trillioninspendingpowerby 2023, representing a 21% increase compared to 2018. This data underscorestheimmense

opportunities that arise from effectively engaging with diverse culturalgroups.

Furthermore,areportbyMcKinsey & Company highlights the correlation between diversity and financialperformance.Companies with diverse leadership teams outperform their less diverse counterpartsbyupto36%interms of profitability. This finding demonstratesthebusinesscasefor embracing multiculturalism and leveraging it as a competitive advantage.

Shruti Prasad & Adarsh Kumar Mishra MBA Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS)

RecognizingthePowerofDiversity: OpportunitiesandChallenges

While cultural diversity presents numerous opportunities for crosscultural marketing, it also poses challenges that businesses must navigate.Onechallengeistheneed for in-depth research and understanding of cultural groups. Cultural profiling, which involves gathering insights into consumer behaviour and preferences specific to each group, is essential for developing effective marketing strategies.

Language plays a crucial role in cross-cultural communication. Localizationiskeytobreakingdown languagebarriersandensuringthat marketing messages resonate with diverse audiences. For instance, Starbucks successfully localized its offeringsbyadaptingitsmenuitems to cater to local tastes in various countries. This approach enabled the company to connect with consumers on a deeper level and fosterbrandloyalty.

potentialcustomers.Itisessentialto approach cross-cultural marketing with cultural competence, understanding the nuances and sensitivities of different cultures to avoidinadvertentoffense.

Embracing multiculturalism and recognizing the power of diversity arefundamentaltosuccessfulcrosscultural marketing. The data and facts presented demonstrate the significant opportunities that arise fromengagingwithdiversecultural groups,whilealsohighlightingthe challengesthatmustbeovercome. Byunderstandingculturaldiversity, conductingthoroughresearch,and approaching marketing strategies with cultural sensitivity, businesses can build strong connections with diverse audiences and drive longtermsuccess.

Adapting Communication Strategies: Effective Messaging AcrossCultures

Language and Localization: BreakingDownBarriers:

Languageplaysavitalroleincrosscultural communication and breakingdownlanguagebarriersis essential for effective messaging. One key strategy is localization, whichinvolvesadaptingmarketing materials, including website content, advertisements, and product descriptions, to the local languageandculturalcontext.By

Another challenge lies in cultural sensitivity. Stereotypes and misunderstandings can undermine marketingeffortsandalienate

speakingthelanguageofthetarget audience, businesses can enhance comprehension, engagement, and connection with customers. Companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald's have successfully implementedlocalizationstrategies invariouscountries,allowingthem to effectively communicate their brand message and connect with localconsumers.

Cultural Sensitivity: Avoiding

Stereotypes and Misunderstandings:

Cultural sensitivity is crucial when craftingmarketingmessagesacross cultures. Stereotypes and cultural misunderstandings can alienate potential customers and damage brand reputation. It is essential to conductthoroughresearchandgain adeepunderstandingofthetarget culture's values, beliefs, and traditions.Thisknowledgecanhelp marketers avoid offensive or inappropriate content and ensure that messaging aligns with the cultural norms and sensitivities of the target audience. By demonstrating cultural sensitivity, companiescanbuildtrust,respect, and meaningful connections with diverseconsumers.

cantranscendlanguagebarriersand harness universal appeal. Utilizing visual elements, such as images, colours, and symbols, can help convey messages and evoke emotions that are universally understood. For example, the Nike "Swoosh" symbol is instantly recognizedandassociatedwiththe brand's values of athleticism and empowermentworldwide.Similarly, companies like Apple leverage minimalist design and intuitive icons in their marketing materials, allowing them to communicate effectively with diverse audiences withoutrelyingsolelyonlanguage. By leveraging visual and symbolic communication, businesses can create compelling and memorable marketingcampaignsthatresonate acrosscultures.

Visual and Symbolic Communication: Harnessing UniversalAppeal


Adaptingcommunicationstrategies for effective messaging across cultures requires breaking down language barriers through localization, embracing cultural sensitivitytoavoidstereotypesand misunderstandings,andharnessing the power of visual and symbolic communication. By implementing these strategies, businesses can bridge cultural gaps, connect with diverse audiences, and create impactful marketing campaigns that transcend linguistic and culturalboundaries.

Significance of Cross-cultural marketing for diverse cultural groups


Embracing the Richness of Diversity: The Key to Successful Cross-CulturalMarketing:

Cross-cultural marketing success hingesuponembracingtherichness ofdiversity.Companiesthatactively recognize and celebrate cultural differencesarebetterpositionedto connectwithdiverseaudiencesand drivebusinessgrowth.Accordingto a study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group, businesses that prioritize diversity and inclusion outperform their competitors by 19%intermsofrevenuegeneration.

Cultivating Authenticity and Respect: Fostering Long-Term Relationships:

Cultivatingauthenticityandrespect is essential for fostering long-term relationships with diverse cultural groups.Consumersseekbrandsthat genuinely understand and appreciate their unique cultural perspectives. A survey by Edelman revealed that 71% of consumers prefertobuyproductsfrombrands thatdemonstrateanunderstanding oftheircultureandvalues.Bytaking the time to engage with diverse communities, understand their needs, and authentically represent their cultural identity, businesses can foster trust, loyalty, and advocacy.

Culturalinsightsplayapivotalrole inpavingthewayforglobalsuccess in cross-cultural marketing. By gaining deep cultural understanding, businesses can uncovervaluableconsumerinsights that inform strategic decisionmaking. A report by Deloitte highlighted that companies that incorporate cultural insights into their marketing strategies are 2.5 times more likely to experience growthinmarketshareandachieve theirbusinessgoals.

DatafromthesameDeloittereport furtherunderscorestheimportance of cultural insights. It reveals that 78% of consumers prefer brands thatshowanappreciationfortheir culture and heritage. Additionally, 64% of consumers surveyed reportedthattheyweremorelikely totrustabrandthatcustomizesits products and messaging to align withtheirculturalpreferences .

The Power of Cultural Insights: PavingtheWayforGlobalSuccess:

By leveraging cultural insights, companies can tailor their marketing campaigns to resonate deeplywithdiverseaudiences.This can be achieved by incorporating culturallyrelevantsymbols,themes, andnarrativesintoadvertisements, packaging, and brand messaging. For instance, the global fast-food chain KFC successfully adapted its menu offerings to cater to local tastesindifferentcountries,suchas introducing rice-based meals in Asianmarkets,showcasingan


understanding of cultural preferences, and increasing its marketshare.

In conclusion, embracing the richness of diversity, cultivating authenticity and respect, and leveraging cultural insights are integraltosuccessfulcross-cultural marketing. Data and research consistently demonstrate that businesses that prioritize diversity, authenticity,andculturalrelevance outperformtheircompetitors,foster long-term relationships, and pave thewayforglobalsuccess.


Latest technological trends in global supply chain management

National Finalist

The global supply chain is still developing quickly, keeping up with today's fast technological breakthroughs.Althoughitmaybe challenging for supply chain managersandbusinessexecutives to keep up with these developments,doingsoisessential to maintaining the supply chain's resilience and boosting the company's performance. It is preferabletoanticipatethesupply chain management (SCM) trends thatwillshapeSCM'sfuturethanto lagbehindthem.


One of the things everyone is hearingthesedaysisWeb4.0and how Web 4.0 will change the application of data in different industriesbutmostaren’tawareof what Web 4.0 is exactly and so before going into the implementation of Web 4.0 on supply chain we will attempt to defineweb4.0asfollows:Thefourth

iteration of the Internet, also knownasWeb4.0,isanewphase of the Web that allows for more seamless user interaction. The rising use of social media and mobile devices among this generationischaracterizedbythe possibility of more engaging and personalized user experiences. Businesses that adopt the fourth generationoftheInternetearlywill be better positioned to benefit from this emerging trend. The fourth generation of the Internet offers a more connected and informed world. The "Internet of things"isakeyideainWeb4.0.


SupplyChain4.0istheapplication ofWeb4.0toolsandtechnologies to the logistics and supply chain activities of the organization. Supply Chain 4.0, or the digital supplychain(DSC),isthefutureof logistics. It refers to how enterpriseswilloperateinadigital

Prajwal P Poojari & Sharvaree Pitke MBA K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai

environment. It encompasses the use of intelligent devices, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence to optimise supply chainsandincreaseproductivity.


Avarietyoftoolsandtechnologies are available to facilitate the adoption of Supply Chain 4.0. Several of the important technologies for Supply Chain 4.0 arelistedbelow:

PredictiveAnalytics:Businessescan obtaininsightsintotheiroperations andmakebetterdecisionsthanksto predictive analytics. This can be specifically used in Demand forecasting and warehouse management in the supply chain functions.

Artificial Intelligence:Businesses may automate manual operations and improve procedures thanks to AI. This can be implemented in customerandsuppliermanagement to help standardize and automate responses, another application can be in the internal controls of the organizationtoreducehumanerror inprocesses.

Cloud Computing:Companies can keepdatainthecloudandaccessit atanytime,fromanywhere.Thisis essential in the current global supply chain environment where datasecurityandtransparencyare ofparamountimportance.

Internet of Things (IoT):With the helpofIoT,businessescanseetheir operationsinreal-timeandimprove theirdecision-making.

Robotics:Businesses may automate manual operations and improve proceduresthankstorobotics.The major applications of robotics is warehouse automation to increase the productivity of the overall warehouse operations. Some examples of companies implementingthisareFlipkartand Amazontonameafew.


Processmanagement,demandand supply planning, S&OP, and other essential SCM activities can all benefit greatly from the incorporation of Industry 4.0 technologies. A common holistic digital ecosystem also allows for centralizedmanagementofallthese activities.Usingdataanalyticstools and IoT sensors, the supply chain alsoimproveswarehouseefficiency andmakesinventorymanagement more flexible End-to-end transparency.

In supply chain 4.0 through the digitalSCMecosystem,agreatdeal of visibility is established. It also allows suppliers, vendors, and warehousemanagerstoeasilyshare datatoeliminateanyroomforerror. IoTsensorsallowforreal-timeasset tracking, which greatly simplifies warehouse management. In addition,businessescanmanagea


widerangeofwarehouseandsupply chain operations from a central location using cloud-based dashboards.


Giventheircapacitytoyieldreliable revenue projections and support insightful business decisions, ERP systems and business intelligence tools powered by AI may become increasingly useful to corporations. Further, organizations can assess market tendencies and produce statistical insights for demand forecasting with the support of machine learning algorithms and predictiveanalyticsmethods.


Due to the advent of web 4.0, logistics firms now commonly use connectedvehiclestomanagetheir operations. Intelligent logistics solutions driven by cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and machinelearningarenowavailable as part of the fourth-generation supply chain. Due to the sophisticated deep learning algorithms that power these systems, these vehicles can efficientlyprocesslargequantitiesof shipments.

investment, poor implementation meansagreatdealoffinancialrisk forbusinesses.Carefulconsideration must be given to which Internet technologiesareappropriateforthe businessandwhentheyshouldbe implemented. Technical, social, ecological,andlegalrisksmustalso be identified. These dangers are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Poor implementation canposeseriousriskstoabusiness, so it's important to employ risk management to mitigate those dangers.

Tilldate,supplychain4.0isthemost enhancedformofthesupplychain available, allowing businesses to addressandultimatelytriumphover awiderangeofproblemsaffecting the sector. Many factories are already benefiting from supply chain4.0'sadvancedcapabilities.80 %ofbusinesseswillinvestheavilyin connected technologies shortly accordingtoGartner.Inlightofthis, nowappearstobeagoodtimeto investmoneyintothisone-of-a-kind technologicalecosystemtofortifyit against potential threats. However, to fully reap the benefits of such ground-breaking innovations, it is essential to work in tandem with reliabletechnologypartners.


The downside of introducing cutting-edge technology is that it comes with both advantages and threats.Whenitcomestotheinitial

Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Automation and artificial intelligence(AI)areusedmoreoften acrossvarioussectors.Automationis


amachinecarryingoutasequence ofactivitiesthathavebeenaround for decades. Using technology, automation reduces the need for human input. Automation lacks intelligence. Thus, the machinery canonlycarryoutthedutiesithas beenspecificallydesignedfor.

Various methods exist to integrate AI and automation into organization's workflow, from making enhancements to productionlinetopoweringdigital twintechnologiesandeverythingin between. Consider using AI-based software for intelligent sourcing, inventory management, and even logistical routes in supply chain management procedures. AI could beusedforautomatedsupplychain trackinginthefuture.Thekeyisto identify tasks and procedures that willsavetimeorenergy;frequently, the best tasks are laborious or challenging.Companiesmayspend more time on projects that only a person can complete and increase the return on investment by automatingthesejobs.


DigitizationisInformationconverted intoadigitalformat.Toensurethe supply chain's long-term viability, digitization is essential. successful supply chain digitization may simplify mobility and resiliently strengthenthewholesupplychain, whichisadvantageoustocompany’s profits.Thisisasignificant

developmentine-SCM.Tofulfillthe goalsofbusiness,youmustchoose theappropriatetechnology,deploy itproperly,andresolveanyinternal issuesthatmayarise.Thecompany must recognize digitization. It alreadyexistsandwillonlycontinue toplayamoresignificantroleinthe supply chain in the future. Future success will likely be difficult for companies if they cannot digitize theirsupplychain.


Managing Diversity, inclusion and its Impact on HR Policies

National Finalist


Diversity,equity,andinclusion(DEI) describe a set of interrelated concepts that are intended to promote fairness, equality, and respect among societies, organizations,andcommunities.

Thetermdiversityreferstoawide arrayofidentities,perspectives,and experiences within a group or community.Itencompassesvarious dimensions, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, and religion. Embracing diversity recognizes and values differences among individuals and promotes equal representation and participationforall.

The concept of equity is about ensuring fairness and impartiality, whichincludesaddressingsystemic andstructuralbarriersthatmay

preventsomeindividualsorgroups from gaining equal opportunities. Itacknowledgesthatnoteveryone starts in the same place. It recognizes the need for targeted efforts to provide additional support and resources to marginalized or disadvantaged communities.Thegoalofequityis to level the playing field and promote equal outcomes for all individuals, regardless of their backgroundorcircumstances.

Inclusion means creating an environmentwhereeveryonefeels welcome,respected,andvalued.It involves actively involving diverse perspectives, policies, and practices in decision-making. Inclusive environments foster a sense of belonging, empower individualstofullyparticipate,and ensure equal access to opportunities. Inclusion encompasses beyond mere representationandseekstocreate

Nischal Kadel PGDM HR Thakur Global Business School

a culture that embraces and celebratesdiversity.

Diversity,equity,andinclusionform a framework for addressing social inequalities, promoting social justice,andbuildingmoreinclusive and equitable societies. Organizations and communities that prioritize DEI efforts often experience enhanced innovation, productivity,andoverallwell-being, as they tap into their members' diversetalentsandperspectives.


Diversity,equity,andinclusion(DEI) play a crucial role in shaping HR policies within organizations. By integrating DEI principles into HR practices,organizationscanfostera more inclusive and equitable workplace.HerearesomewaysDEI caninfluenceHRpolicies:

RecruitmentandHiring:DEIcan inform recruitment and hiring processes to ensure organizations attract and select candidates from diverse backgrounds. HR policies can include measures such as actively sourcing candidates from underrepresented groups. They can also include implementing blind screening processes to reduce bias and establishing diverse interview panels to enhance representation.

Anti-Discrimination and Harassment: HR policies should clearly outline zerotolerance policies for discrimination, harassment, and bias. They should provide channels for reporting incidents, investigate complaints thoroughly and impartially, and implement appropriate disciplinary measures.Suchpoliciescreatea safe and inclusive environment forallemployees.

Training and Development: HR policies can incorporate mandatory diversity and inclusion training programs for all employees. These programs raise awareness, challenge biases, and promote inclusive behaviors. Additionally, organizations can offer professional development opportunities and mentorship programs targeted at underrepresented groups to support their advancement withintheorganization.

Pay Equity: HR policies should address pay equity by conductingregularpayauditsto identify and rectify any wage gapsbasedongender,ethnicity, or other factors. They can establish transparent salary structures, ensure fair compensation practices, and provide avenues for employees toraiseconcernsaboutpay



Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): HR policies can encourage ERGs, which are voluntary, employee-led groups formedaroundsharedidentities or interests. These groups provide a platform for underrepresented employees to connect, support one another, and contribute to the organization'sDEIefforts.

Performance Management and Promotions: HR policies should ensure fair and unbiased performance evaluations and promotion processes. Establishing clear criteria for evaluations, providing regular feedback, and mitigating unconscious biases can help ensure that all employees have equal opportunities to succeed and advance within the organization.

By embedding DEI principles into HR policies, organizations can foster a more inclusive culture. This will attract and retain diverse talent, and ultimately create a more equitable and thriving work environment.

Managing Diversity and


anditsImpactonHRPolicies: Managing diversity and inclusion (D&I)effectivelycanhave

asignificantimpactonHRpolicies within an organization. Here are some key considerations for integrating D&I into HR policies andtheresultingimpact:


Organizationsneedtoreviewand update their HR policies to align withD&Igoalsandprinciples.This involves ensuring that policies explicitlyaddressdiversity,equity, and inclusion, and reflect the organization's commitment to creating an inclusive workplace. HR policies should clearly articulate expectations around diversity,anti-discrimination,equal opportunity, and inclusive practices. - Impact: Updated policies demonstrate the organization'scommitmenttoD&I, provide clear guidelines for employees, and create a foundation for an inclusive work environment.

Training and Awareness: HR policies should incorporate training initiatives to enhance awareness and understanding ofD&Iprinciples.Thisincludes


providing diversity and inclusion trainingtoemployeesandmanagers to foster an inclusive mindset, reduce biases, and promote inclusivebehaviors.

Impact: Training programs contribute to a more inclusive culture, increase awareness of biases, and equip employees and managerswiththeknowledgeand skills to create an inclusive work environment.

Performance Management and Promotions: HR policies should promote fairness and equal opportunity in performance evaluations and promotion processes. This includes establishing clear and objective performance criteria, mitigating unconsciousbiases,andensuring promotions are based on merit andpotential.

Impact: Inclusive performance management and promotion policies help mitigate bias, ensure equal career growth opportunities, andfosteracultureoffairnessand transparency.

EmployeeResourceGroups(ERGs) andAffinityNetworks: HRpolicies can support and encourage ERGs and affinity networks. These employee-led groups provide a platformforemployeestoconnect, supportoneanother,andcontribute totheorganization'sD&Iefforts.

Impact:ERGsandaffinitynetworks foster a sense of belonging, promote employee engagement, and contribute to an inclusive culture by amplifying diverse voicesandperspectives.

Flexible Work Arrangements: HR policies that support flexible work arrangements, such as remote work, flexible hours, or alternative work schedules, can help create an inclusive environment that accommodates diverse needs and promotes work-life balance.

Impact: Flexible work arrangements promote employee well-being, increase productivity, andsupportadiverseworkforceby accommodating individual needs andcircumstances.

Integrating D&I into HR policies demonstrates the organization's commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace. It creates a frameworkforequitablepractices and sets the foundation for meaningful change. When implemented effectively, these policies can improve employee engagement,retention,andoverall organizationalsuccess.


In conclusion, managing diversity and inclusion (D&I) effectively and integratingitintoHRpoliciesisvital for creating an inclusive and equitable workplace. By updating HR policies to align with D&I principles, organizations can set clearexpectations,fosteracultureof inclusion, and promote equal opportunities for all employees. IncorporatingD&Itrainingprograms increasesawareness,reducesbiases, and equips employees and managerswiththeskillstocreatea welcomingworkenvironment.D&Iinformed recruitment practices attractdiversetalentandensurefair hiring. Inclusive performance management and promotion policies mitigate bias and provide equal career growth opportunities. Employee resource groups and affinitynetworkspromotebelonging and amplify a variety of voices. Supporting flexible work arrangements accommodates individual needs and promotes work-lifebalance.ByintegratingD&I into HR policies, organizations demonstrate their commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. This leads to increased employeeengagement,retention,

41 Conclusion
and overall organizational success. Ultimately, these efforts contribute to building a more equitable and thriving work environment for everyone.






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We invite articles for the 136th issue of SAMVAD

We invite articles for the 136th issue of SAMVAD

The theme for the edition: The theme for the edition: 'ENTREPRENEURSHIP' 'ENTREPRENEURSHIP'

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