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Directory of San Antonio Area
Private Schools CONTENTS Private Practice — Why a private education might be the right choice for your children .......................................................102 Directory of San Antonio Private Schools ............................................................................................................................106 PROFILED SCHOOLS Saint Mary’s Hall..........................................................100 Buckner Fanning School ............................................105 Cornerstone ................................................................106 Hill Country Montessori ...............................................107 Keystone.....................................................................108 Lutheran High School..................................................109 Montessori San Antonio ..............................................110 St. Luke’s Episcopal ....................................................111 St. Matthew Catholic School .......................................112
St. Thomas Episcopal ....................................................113 San Antonio Christian Schools .......................................114 Sunshine Cottage...........................................................115 TMI.................................................................................115 San Antonio Academy ....................................................116 Monarch Academy .........................................................116 Brain Balance .................................................................116 Trinity Christian ..............................................................117 The Winston School .......................................................117
Visit us online at Cover Photos courtesy of: Keystone, San Antonio Academy, Saint Mary’s Hall, St. Matthew Catholic School, Trinity Christian Copyright© 2013 PixelWorks Corporation. San Antonio Woman — Private School Directory is published by PixelWorks Corporation (Publisher). All published information is subject to change. Reproduction in any manner in whole or part is prohibited without the express written consent of the Publisher. Material contained herein does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher or its staff. San Antonio Woman — Private School Directory reserves the right to edit all materials for clarity and space and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors or omissions. San Antonio Woman — Private School Directory does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertisements or editorial, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. Articles and photographs are welcome and may be submitted to our offices to be used subject to the discretion and review of the Publisher. Printed in the U.S.A.
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Private Practice BY JANIS TURK
Why a private school education might be the right choice for your children Hayley is studying both philosophy and cre-
plenty of time to see the rougher side of society
ative writing, along with biology and calculus.
during adulthood, after a child’s core values have
She’s thinking about taking Latin next year, as
been nurtured and fostered in a setting that en-
well. But Hayley isn’t in college, as one might as-
courages morality and discipline.
sume. She’s a high school student at a San An-
Such dialogue about the pros and cons of private and public schools can make for some inter-
tonio-area private school. Who knew a teenager could take traditional
esting — and often heated — discussions.
college course subjects like these while still in high
Ultimately, where to send one’s child to school is
school? If a student is enrolled in a private school
a deeply personal decision and one that merits
in San Antonio, he or she can. That’s just one of
serious consideration of the individual needs of a
the reasons that private education is so popular
child and his family.
Saint Mary’s Hall
with many local families. Although a private school education may not
Private school parents’ stories
be the right choice for every child, some parents
James is a typical high school sophomore
feel that their child’s needs may best be met in
who loves computer games and baseball, hates
a private or parochial school setting. Sometimes
algebra and thinks his history class is kind of
that decision is made based on religious beliefs,
“cool.” His parents say they decided on a private
school because it’s small and easy for a shy teen
school’s location or even after-school child care
like James to make friends. They wanted a place
offerings. Other times the decision is based on
where discipline is strict and the importance of
a school’s curriculum.
academics is stressed, and they also wanted to
Today’s parents may worry about the discipli-
know their son would get one-on-one attention
nary problems in public schools and possible
and help with his more challenging subjects. But
negative influences of pop culture prevalent
most of all, they were concerned about things
among today’s youth. Some dislike the effects of
they were hearing about the public school in
the state’s strict assessment and testing ap-
their district.
proaches in public schools.
St. Matthew Catholic School
The family was fortunate enough to have a
However, other public school children’s par-
parochial primary school near their home when
ents feel that kids get a more accurate view of the
James was younger, and they were pleased with
“real world” and aren’t sheltered from hard truths
his education there. So when it came time for high
in public schools. On the other hand, private
school, they visited several schools until they
school children’s parents may maintain there’s
found a private school that had the same kind of San Antonio Academy
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religious and academic environment, individual at-
Small classes, big plus
tention, strong curriculum, dedicated teachers
Often the decision to send a child to a private
and extracurricular options that James had en-
school isn’t based on religious beliefs, but rather
joyed in his previous school.
on the small class and campus size that affords
“We like it that our son is having the kind of
students more one-on-one attention and fosters
small-town, small-school experience with the
a better atmosphere for high academic and dis-
same kinds of classrooms and teachers, dress
ciplinary standards. Schools where teachers, ad-
and conduct codes and solid curriculum we had
ministrators, involved parents and students all are
when we were kids. I just don’t think he would
on a first-name basis are well tuned into students’
have had that in a public school where thousands
needs. Knowing a student’s own specific person-
of students are enrolled,” says James’ dad.
ality, skills, learning difficulties, strengths and more
Another child, Anna, lives on San Antonio’s north side. Her parents also felt their daughter
can make it easier for teachers to adapt their les-
Trinity Christian Academy
son plans to better reach students.
would do well in a private school, and they found one they liked in central San Antonio that isn’t affiliated with a specific religious denomination but still values basic Christian education. “Our decision to send our daughter to a
Choice curriculum Many private schools offer a wide array of curriculum options and college preparatory opportunities to students.
Christian school was based on our desire for her
Jonathan Eades, head of school at Saint
to be educated in an environment that empha-
Mary’s Hall, explains, “The individualized and per-
sizes the religious and moral principles of our fam-
sonalized attention that a small school affords
ily — a school that reinforces, encourages and
parents and students is really one of the most
upholds the same values that we teach at home.
outstanding benefits of a private school. But also,
We want our children to see in everyday life that
we aren’t governed by the same minimum stan-
discipline, respect for others and one’s self, ap-
dards and the set curriculum of public schools.
propriate language and behavior are still the norm
We have an accrediting body that holds us ac-
among educated, moral, productive people.
countable, of course, and we are held to the high-
Being a person of faith is appreciated and valued,
est of educational standards. We offer the same
not only by the teachers but other students at her
core courses that public schools do. However,
school; sadly, that’s not always true in other set-
we’re also able to introduce curriculum that most
tings,” explains Anna’s mother.
public schools don’t offer — like philosophy and
Some parents want their children to be edu-
Lutheran High School
other subjects.”
cated in a specific kind of parochial setting that
Eades also highlighted the beauty and quality
they had when they were children. For example,
of his school’s facilities, but most of all he stressed
some Catholic families value a Catholic education
the well-being of students. “It’s our job here to
like they and their parents had before them.
cultivate relationships together with families to
Father Dennis Darilek of St. James Catholic
help students maximize their intellectual, spiritual,
Church in Seguin explains, “Catholic schools
artistic and athletic potential. Saint Mary’s Hall cel-
have a mission to provide a learning environ-
ebrates the core values of honesty, respect for self
ment where children not only learn God-cen-
and others, fair play, appreciation of diversity and
tered Catholic Christian principles, but how to
service to the community. Each student’s aca-
live those principles in the classroom and at
demic and personal growth is the school’s pas-
home. St. James Catholic School has a motto:
sion and utmost priority,” he says.
‘Keeping God in everything we do.’ A Catholic school tries to meet the spiritual, intellectual,
Co-ed vs. same-sex environments
personal, social, physical and emotional needs
Sometimes children will study more, are less
of students while preparing them to assume
easily distracted and feel less self-conscious
their roles as Christians in the world today and
when they are in a classroom with children of their
in the future.”
own sex, so some local private schools, like In-
Buckner Fanning Christian School
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carnate Word High School, Providence Catholic
ing challenge like dyslexia,
smaller private
School, Central Catholic High School and San
schools are often able to adapt to the specific
Antonio Academy, offer all-girl or all-boy settings.
special needs of students.
Still, some families feel that learning is also about socialization and that getting along with members
Sports rule
of the opposite sex is important, so many local
There is often a misconception that private
private schools are co-educational. Parents need
schools don’t offer enough sports and other ex-
to decide which environment best meets their
tracurricular activities. However, most private
child’s learning style and needs.
schools in our area have football, basketball, soccer, softball and more and compete with
Language learning
other private schools’ teams across the city and
In a world that is growing ever more con-
state. Drama, debate teams, service organiza-
nected to other countries and cultures through
tions and more are offered, as well as cheerlead-
the Internet, travel, and international business op-
ing, 4-H, Scouts, band, and choir — just like in
tions, foreign language instruction will give stu-
public schools.
Saint Mary’s Hall
dents more career options for the future. Some private schools in our area offer half- and full-day
But can we afford a private school?
programs in languages other than English, such
If you think private schools are only for
as Spanish, French or even Mandarin Chinese.
wealthy families, think again! Many local private
Using language immersion methods, students in-
schools offer scholarships, grants and other finan-
tegrate language learning into their daily lives in a
cial aid for tuition. In fact, Saint Mary’s Hall offers
way that seems natural and easy.
just over $1 million in financial aid to students,
Sunshine Cottage
making their population socioeconomically di-
Preparation for college
verse. Even smaller private schools in our area
Many local private schools claim outstanding
offer financial assistance. Many give a discount to
records of college placement and even provide
families who send more than one student to their
counseling and programs to assist students in ac-
school, and some church-based schools offer
ceptance at prestigious universities. Most offer
lower tuition rates to members of their church,
college preparatory coursework, college-credit
synod or parish. If you think you can’t afford pri-
and dual-participation high school classes and
vate tuition, you should visit the school’s website
SAT/ACT testing prep courses. Some offer after-
or sit down with an admissions counselor — you
school volunteer programs, mentoring programs
may be surprised by what you learn about finan-
and internships. Many offer travel opportunities
cial options available to you.
with parents and teachers to see museums and sites in Washington, D.C., New York and Europe.
A private decision
Even mission trips to Honduras, Costa Rica or
Whether you’re a parent solidly committed to
countries in Africa have been options. Many
a public school education for your child, or
schools have clubs and service organizations that
you’re a parent considering enrolling your child
help students to become more “globally con-
in a private school, the decision is a deeply per-
scious” citizens — a quality that many recruiters
sonal one. Don’t be swayed by the opinions of
consider when determining college acceptance.
others. Do your homework — get to know the educational options available in San Antonio,
Special needs
and make the decision that is best for your child.
Not all children are the same, and not all chil-
There are few things in life more important to his
dren learn the same way. Whether a student has
or her future than a quality education offered by
a physical challenge, an emotional one, or a learn-
a loving parent. San Antonio Academy
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Directory of San Antonio Area
Private Schools Acorn School Preschool – Kindergarten 3501 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 826-8804 Contacts: Rich Lange and Jo Mrvichin
The Atonement Academy PK – 12th 15415 Red Robin Rd. San Antonio, TX 78255 (210) 695-2240 Contact: Mary Havel
Bracken Christian School PK – 12th 670 Old Boerne Rd. Bulverde, TX 78163 (830) 438-3211 Contact: Judy Engberg
Antioch Christian Academy K-6th Elementary School 227 Eross San Antonio, TX 78202 (210) 222-0159 Contact: Christina Boswell
Blessed Hope Academy High School 4930 Research Dr. San Antonio, TX 78240 (210) 697-9191 Contact: Alice Ashcraft
Brighton Center Special Needs School 14207 Higgins Rd. San Antonio, TX 78217 (210) 826-4492 Contact: Irma Bustos
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School PK – 8th 600 Oblate Dr. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 824-3381 Contact: Michael Fierro
The Buckner Fanning Christian School at Mission Springs PK – 8th 975 Mission Springs San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 402-6905 Contact: Diane Dunn
Antonian College Preparatory High School 6425 West Ave. San Antonio, TX 78213 (210) 344-9265 Contact: Gilbert Saenz
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Trinity Christian Academy
Calvary Chapel Christian Academy K – 12th 2935 Pat Booker Rd., Ste. 118 Universal City, TX 78148 (210) 658-8337 Contact: Will Shank Castle Hills First Baptist School PK – 12th 2220 N.W. Military Hwy. San Antonio, TX 78213 (210) 377-8485 Contact: Dr. Jen Bazar Central Catholic High School 1403 N. St. Mary’s San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 225-6794, ext. 217 Contact: Terrie Carter CHILD Montessori School Ages 2 – 5th grade 2829 Hunters Green St. San Antonio, TX 78231 (210) 493-6550 Contact: Jean Stein, director
Christian Academy of San Antonio PK – 12th 325 Castroville Rd. San Antonio, TX 78207 (210) 436-2277 (Elementary) (210) 431-7355 (High School) Contact: Yolanda Molina The Circle School Ages 5-8 (non-graded) 217 Pershing Ave. San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 822-0461 Contact: Blanca Lee Luna Colonial Hills United Methodist School Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten 5247 Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 349-1092 Contact: Lisa Miele Concordia Lutheran School PK – 8th 16801 Huebner Rd. San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 479-1477 Contact: Sally McBee
Converse Christian School and Learning Center PK – 1st 9146 FM 78 San Antonio, TX 78109 (210) 659-0203 Cornerstone Christian School K – 12 4802 Vance Jackson San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 979-6161 (Elementary) (210) 979-9203 (High School) Contact: Yoli Villarreal
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St. Matthew Catholic School
Crossroads Christian Academy PK – 6th 5834 Ray Ellison Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78242 (210) 623-4500 Contact: Stephanie Alvarez
Geneva School of Boerne K – 12th 113 Cascade Caverns Rd. Boerne, TX 78015 (830) 755-6101 Contact: Mrs. Gay Young
Discovery School of San Antonio Inc. PK – 1st 222 Salem Dr. San Antonio, TX 78201 (210) 344-3472 Contact: Mary Stanchak
The George Gervin Academy Remedial School 6944 South Sunbelt Dr. San Antonio, TX 78218 (210) 568-8800 Contact: Jesse Villanueva
Eisenhauer Road Baptist School PK – 6th 3950 Eisenhauer Rd. San Antonio, TX 78218 (210) 655-6831 Eleanor Kolitz Academy K – 8th 12500 N.W. Military Hwy., Ste. 150 San Antonio, TX 78231 (210) 302-6900 Contact: Kathryn Davis
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First Baptist Academy PK – 12th 1401 Pat Booker Rd. Universal City, TX 78148 (210) 658-5331 Contact: Teri Flynn
Grace Christian School K – 12th 7760 Prue Rd. San Antonio, TX 78249 (210) 265-8166 Contact: Veronica Garza
Gateway Christian School K – 12th 6623 Five Palms San Antonio, TX 78242 (210) 674-5703, ext. 35 Contact: Roger Gaines
Hill Country Montessori School Ages 18 months – 12 years 50 Stone Wall Dr. Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 229-5377 Contact: Michele Fischer
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Holy Cross of San Antonio High School Middle and High School 426 N. San Felipe San Antonio, TX 78228 (210) 433-9395 Contact: Eddie Cedillo Holy Name Catholic School K – 8th 3814 Nash Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78223 (210) 333-7356 Contact: Chad Mills Holy Spirit Catholic School K – 8th 770 W. Ramsey San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 349-1169 Contact: Lisa Roosevelt Holy Trinity Presbyterian Day School Ages 6 weeks – third grade 16245 Nacogdoches Rd. San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 599-7640 Contact: Dorothy Colts-Tegg
Incarnate Word High School 727 E. Hildebrand San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 829-3100 Contact: Annette Zahirniak
Lutheran High School of San Antonio 18104 Babcock Rd. San Antonio, TX 78255 (210) 694-4962 Contact: Linda Roese
John Paul II Catholic High School 6720 FM 482 New Braunfels, TX 78132 (830) 643-0802 Contact: Andrew Iliff
MacArthur Park Lutheran Preschool 2903 Nacogdoches Rd. San Antonio, TX 78217 (210) 822-5374 Contact: Carla Lockett
Keystone School K – 12th 119 E. Craig Pl. San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 735-4022, ext. 325 Contact: Zina Wormley
Maranatha Adventist School K – 8th 2526 Goliad Rd. San Antonio, TX 78223 (210) 333-8861 Contact: Rebecka Sauls
Little Flower Catholic School K – 8th 905 Kentucky Ave. San Antonio, TX 78201 (210) 732-9207 Contact: Rita Graves
Monarch Academy Special Needs 5235 David Edwards Drive San Antonio, TX 78233 (210) 479-3311 Contact: Elisa Espitia
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Montessori Earth School Ages 18 months – 2nd grade 4911 Golden Quail Rd. San Antonio, TX 78240 (210) 558-8339 Contact: Verna Gabriel
Mount Sacred Heart School Ages 2 ½ – 8th grade 619 Mount Sacred Heart Rd. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 342-6711 Contact: Maria Casto
New Life Christian Academy PK – 12th 6622 Hwy. 90 West San Antonio, TX 78227 (210) 679-6001 Contact: Nicole Rodriguez
Montessori School Int’l Ages 18 months – 10 years 8222 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, TX 78229 (210) 614-1665
New Braunfels Christian Academy Pre-K and Elementary: 995 Mission Hills Dr. New Braunfels, TX 78130 (830) 629-6222 Contact: Carolyn Alsobooks
Northwest Hills Christian School K – 8th 8511 Heath Circle Dr. San Antonio, TX 78250 (210) 522-1103 Contact: Alma Dowdle
New Braunfels Christian Academy Middle and High School 220 FM 1863 New Braunfels, TX 78132 (830) 629-1821 Contact: Karen Shumway
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School K – 8th 16075 N. Evans Rd. Selma, TX 78154 (210) 651-6811 Contact: Jacqueline Palermo
New Hope Christian Academy PK – 12th 4402 Spear Head San Antonio, TX 78238 (210) 431-8809 Contact: Hilda Rodriguez
Palm Heights Christian Academy PK – 8th 1106 W. Malone San Antonio, TX 78225 (210) 923-8600 Contact: Mark Manuel
Montessori Schoolhouse Ages 18 months – 12 years 10711 Dreamland Dr. San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 341-0731 Contact: Luz Migdalia Ponce The Montessori School of San Antonio Ages 3-14 17722 Rogers Ranch Pkwy. San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 492-3553 Contact: Emily Lund
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Primrose School at Cibolo Canyons Preschool 3330 TPC Pkwy. San Antonio, TX 78261 (210) 479-7099 Contact: Jeanine Valle Providence Catholic School The College Preparatory School for Girls Grade 6-12 1215 N. St. Mary’s St. San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 224-6651, ext. 210 Contact: Stephanie Takas-Mercer Rainbow Hills Baptist School K – 12th 2255 Horal Dr. San Antonio, TX 78227 Elementary: (210) 674-0490 Contact: Angela Stewart Jr./Sr. High: (210) 645-4081 Contact: Pedro Garza
River City Believers Academy K – 12th 16765 Lookout Rd. Selma, TX 78154 (210) 656-2999 Contact: Shane Land
Saint Mary’s Hall K – 12th 9401 Starcrest San Antonio, TX 78217 (210) 483-9100 Contact: Julie Helimund
River City Christian School K – 12th 5810 Blanco Rd. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 384-0297 Contact: Susie West
St. Andrew’s Weekday School and Great Beginnings PK – Kindergarten 722 Robinhood Pl. San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 824-8737 Contact: Kay Osborn
Rolling Hills Academy K – 8th 21240 Gathering Oak San Antonio, TX 78260 (210) 497-0323 Contact: Erin Grosso Royal Point Academy K – 4th 9965 Kriewald Rd. San Antonio, TX 78245 (210) 674-5310 Contact: Veronica Pena
St. Anthony Catholic High School 3200 McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 832-5600 Contact: Benita Vance St. Anthony Elementary School 205 W. Huisache San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 732-8801 Contact: Mary Martinez
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St. Cecilia School PK – 8th 118 Lowell San Antonio, TX 78210 (210) 534-2711 Contact: Mary Crow
St. Gregory the Great School PK – 8th 700 Dewhurst San Antonio, TX 78213 (210) 342-0281 Contact: Kay Hanson
St. Leo the Great Catholic School PK – 8th 119 Octavia Pl. San Antonio, TX 78214 (210) 532-3166 Contact: Carol Johnson
St. David’s Episcopal School Ages 16 months – Kindergarten 1300 Wiltshire San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 824-2481 Contact: Bonnie Babbitt
St. James the Apostle Catholic School PK – 8th 907 West Theo Ave. San Antonio, TX 78225 (210) 924-1201 Contact: Ignacia Carillo
St. Luke Catholic School PK – 8th 4603 Manitou San Antonio, TX 78228 (210) 434-2011 Contact: Dora Calderon
St. George Episcopal School PK – 8th 6900 West Ave. San Antonio, TX 78213 (210) 342-4263 Contact: Melissa Patterson St. Gerard Catholic High School 521 S. New Braunfels Ave. San Antonio, TX 78203 (210) 533-8061 Contact: Peter Rivera
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St. John Berchmans School PK – 8th 1147 Cupples Rd. San Antonio, TX 78226 (210) 433-0411 Contact: Beverly Abbott St. John Bosco Elementary School PK – 8th 5630 W. Commerce San Antonio, TX 78237 (210) 432-8011 Contact: Sr. Rosann Ruiz
St. Luke’s Episcopal School PK – 8th 11 St. Luke’s Ln. San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 826-0664 Contact: Steve Bradley St. Margaret Mary Catholic School PK – 8th 1202 Fair Ave. San Antonio, TX 78223 (210) 534-6137 Contact: Ramon Guerra
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St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School PK – 8th 1700 Clower St. San Antonio, TX 78201 (210) 735-1381 Contact: Mary Macias
St. Paul’s Episcopal Montessori School Ages 18 months – 12 years 1018 E. Grayson St. San Antonio, TX 78208 (210) 271-2861 Contact: Kay Karcher Mijangos
St. Thomas Episcopal School PK – 5th 1416 N. Loop 1604 E. San Antonio, TX 78232 (210) 494-3509 Contact: Robin Rosen
St. Matthew Catholic School PK – 8th 10703 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 478-5099 Contact: Alvin Caro
St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles School PK – 8th 112 Marcia Pl. San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 824-3171 Contact: Yvette Mireles
St. Thomas More School PK – 8th 4427 Moana Dr. San Antonio, TX 78218 (210) 655-2882 Contact: Mirella Kennedy
St. Monica Catholic School PK – 8th 515 North St. Converse, TX 78109 (210) 658-6701 Contact: JoAnn Wood
St. Philip of Jesus School K - 8th 134 E. Lambert San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 222-2872 Contact: Serena De La Cruz
Salem Sayers Baptist Academy PK – 12th 5212 FM 1628 Adkins, TX 78101 (210) 649-1178 Contact: Teresa Sandoval
St. Paul Catholic School PK – 8th 307 John Adams Dr. San Antonio, TX 78228 (210) 732-2741 Contact: Colleen Hermes
St. Pius X School PK – 8th 7734 Robin Rest San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 824-6431 Contact: Tom Deming
San Antonio Academy of Texas PK – 8th 117 E. French Pl. San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 733-7331 Contact: Mary Wilde
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San Antonio Christian Schools PK – 12th 19202 Redland Rd. San Antonio, TX 78259 (210) 340-1864 Contact: Rusty Sugg
Sunnybrook Christian Academy PK – 12th 1620 Pinn Rd. San Antonio, TX 78227 (210) 674-8000 Contact: James Hatch
Trinity Christian Academy K – 12th 5401 N. Loop 1604 East San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 653-2800 Contact: Registrar
San Antonio Country Day Montessori School Ages 2 ½ years – 6th grade 4194 Jung Rd. San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 496-6033 Contact: Carol Ann Wearden
Sunshine Cottage for Deaf Children PK – 5th 603 E. Hildebrand San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 824-0579 Contact: Dr. Nancy Henderson
Trinity United Methodist School PK – 5th 5319 Newcome Dr. San Antonio, TX 78229 (210) 684-5214 Contact: Debra Schneider
TMI — The Episcopal School of Texas 6th – 12th 20955 West Tejas Tr. San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 698-7171 Contact: Brenda Klastenegger
Village Parkway Christian School PK – 5th 3002 Village Pkwy. San Antonio, TX 78251 (210) 680-8187
Scenic Hills Christian SDA PK – 9th 11223 Bandera Rd. San Antonio, TX 78250 (210) 523-2312 Contact: Sherry Clapp Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran School PK – 8th 6914 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, TX 78240 (210) 614-3741 Contact: Sue Gary
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Town East Christian School PK – 12th 2030 Bible Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78220 (210) 648-2601 Contact: J.D. King
The Winston School San Antonio PK – 12th 8565 Ewing Halsell Dr. San Antonio, TX 78229 (210) 615-6544 Contact: Julie Saboe
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