Annual Programs Admissions Guide Naples, Florida - USA
Table of Contents 4
The Ideal Tennis Training and Academic Study Environment
How to Apply
Annual Programs
Take Your Tennis To The Next Level: The ASC 360 Performance System And Developmental Pyramid
College Planning & Placement
Campus Life
Coaches and Faculty
The Ideal Tennis Training and Academic Study Environment “Our academy graduates go to Harvard, they go to Duke, they go to Columbia… but they also go to Wimbledon.” Emilio Sánchez Vicario Nearly two decades ago, tennis greats Emilio Sanchez and Sergio Casal opened Academia Sanchez-Casal (ASC) in Barcelona, Spain. Their mission was to provide serious tennis players with a base academy that featured a custom-designed academic curriculum, combined with advanced tennis and athletic performance training, to enable them to achieve maximum success both on and off the court. Today ASC has 4 renowned school and training destination academies located in Barcelona-Spain , Naples-Florida , Nanjing-China and Atlanta-Georgia . Its alumni have ascended to the top of every level of competitive tennis, from junior national and international rankings and titles, to Collegiate All-American status and NCAA titles, to Olympic medals, to ATP/WTA titles, top 10 ATP/WTA rankings and Major Championship titles. 4
Additionally, ASC is proud of how over the past 18 years its College Planning and Placement Program has consistently guided academy graduates into excellent collegiate programs while receiving some form of athletic and/or academic scholarship assistance. In fact, on average:
ASC graduates
ASC graduates
play collegiate tennis
collegiate financial scholarship assistance
have gone on to
have received
§ The ASC system delivers a proven
§ A S C ow n s t h e d u a l l y a c c re d i t e d , E ESS
combination of tennis development, strategic technical and tactical programming, and top-notch competition.
International School, which delivers a International School college preparatory curriculum in accordance with the American education system. The Naples school is also authorized by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) to issue I-20s to allow international students to apply for F-1 student visas.
§ ASC emphasizes the importance of elite
athlete performance (meaning physical and mental, as well as nutritional) development, customized for each player.
§ Its talented, dedicated teachers work in § ASC’s tremendous coaches and
performance specialists have successfully d ev e l o p e d A n d y M u r ra y, S v e t l a n a Kuznetsova, Daniela Hantuchova, Grigor Dimitrov, Juan Monaco and many other professionals…. as well as literally hundreds of top collegiate players.
intimate classroom setting with ideal student-teacher ratios. ESL, TOEFL, and SAT programs are offered onsite. § Unlike many academies, the tennis facilities,
school and residences are all on located within one property, thereby creating a safe, healthy, family environment.
and January to June) with boarding and non-boarding options. § Tour Prep
F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n o n We e k l y Programs, please see the ASC ‘Weekly Guide’ or contact Admissions at +1 (239) 263 1818 or 6
WEEKLY PROGRAMS: § Summer Camps (June to August) § Year-round training weeks § Holiday Camps § Competition camp § Weekend Shot Development § Pre-Tournament Camp
UNIQUE! § International Exchange Program § Tennis Training Membership Program § Traveling Teams Program
3 CONTINENTS, 5 ACADEMIES, 1 TENNIS SYSTEM ASC is the only residential tennis academy in the world to have wholly- owned campuses in the United States, Spain, and China. In Naples, Florida and in Barcelona, Spain tennis, performance and the ES International School academy programs are seamlessly integrated, allowing ASC to offer this exclusive Exchange Program. ASC High school students are provided with the opportunity to pursue their college preparatory studies on both continents while training within the high-performance tennis academy programs for one semester in Naples and one semester in Barcelona. Last but not least, it is also possible to train without the School program at the following tennis campus: Nanjing, China (opened in 2016), Atlanta, GA, USA (opened in 2019), and Hyderabad, India (opened in 2022) (without the School program) at the third tennis campus that ASC opened in 2016 in Nanjing, China. 3 continents, 5 venues, 1 system: the ASC 360 Tennis System Sånchez-Casal SystemŠ.
nanjing (China)
Barcelona (Spain)
(Gerogia, USA)
(Florida, USA)
HYDERABAD (India 2022)
Traveling Teams ASC provides highly skilled travelling teams to accompany and guide ASC studentathletes while they compete in tournaments. The customized competition calendar created for each player is designed to be compatible with his/her academic year. There is no better athletic, academic and cultural preparation for college and/or tour life available anywhere in the world today. Sign up now for the Perfect Program! Contact ASC Admissions at +1 (239) 263 1818 or via for registration details. Applications are being accepted for Fall and Spring semesters.
How to Apply Apply Online
Visit and Take a Tour
Let’s Talk
Students who are interested in the Annual Programs should apply early as ASC has a limited number of openings for each program. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis allowing students to start an Academy program at nearly any time of the year.
The best way to get to know ASC is to visit its beautiful campus located in Naples, Florida. Come experience the people and programs that make ASC an exciting and fulfilling place to spend one’s school years. Visit online with our admissions online tour.
Admissions advisors are available to discuss options and help student athletes find the right fit at both ASC and its academic partner, ES International School.
enroll Once the Academy has received an application, it will be reviewed within one week and the student applicant will be advised of admission. Upon acceptance, students and parents will be sent an acceptance package. A deposit is due immediately to secure a spot on the roster, with the remaining balance due prior to their first day of arrival. For more detailed information, contact Admissions at (239) 263 1818 or via
International Admissions International Students who combine their tennis training with school will be issued an I-20 and additional assistance to obtain the F-1 student visa, once the deposit is received and the ES International tuition is paid. International students who attend the academy as Post Graduates normally attend on a tourist visa. ASC can provide a letter of support to assist in obtaining a tourist visa. 8
Annual Programs Tennis + School Program Description Academy Sánchez-Casal (ASC) is a high performance tennis academy that combines world-class tennis training with exceptional college preparatory academics. ASC's goal is to help its student-athletes achieve their full potential both on and off the court, and in and out of the classroom. The unique Sanchez-Casal Training System has been developed over an 18-year period and is one of the most well respected systems in the world. Throughout its history, the elite ASC coaching staff has sent hundreds of graduates on to leading college tennis programs, and has produced top ATP and WTA professionals like Murray, Kuznetsova, Dimitrov, Hantuchova, Ivanovic, Mónaco, Bovina and many others.
Upon request, packages of tennis clinics, private lessons, physical and/or mental sessions are also available.
As noted, the ASC Annual “Tennis + School” Program combines a complete college prep education with intensive tennis and athletic performance training. The Sports program includes daily high performance tennis training featuring technical drills, tactical strategy, court mobility and top competition, as well as customized physical training through its ASC Athlete Body System , paired with mental skills training via the ASC Athlete Mind System . The highly regarded, dually accredited ES International School is located directly on the ASC campus and provides the opportunity to follow the American education system and earn a high school diploma.
Duration: from August through early June
Tennis Program: 17h. tennis / week
Physical Training: 4h. / week
Mental Training: on court: daily group session: 1h. / week
Reports: 1 / semester
Academic Classes: 30h. / week
Study Hall: three nights / week
Recreational Activities: supervised
Competition Calendar
d ize
ti t io
ar lend ca
Check-out the tournaments section of this guide or the ASC website to see how many great events are held on the ASC campus throughout the year.
Each player will have a personalized competition calendar developed for his/her age and ability level. The student’s athletic tutor, in conjunction with the ASC Tennis Director, will plan this calendar. It may include local, regional, national and/or international tournaments, based on the individual needs and circumstances of the particular player. ASC’s Traveling Teams, led by its top coaches, provide the best guidance and assistance to the student-athletes as they prepare before, during and after tournaments. Coaches travel with the student-athletes and accompany them at all times.
Semester Reports Semester reports are done twice a year by the coach and tutor to talk about the growth and improvement on each one of the areas that the athlete is working on: Technical, Tactical, Physical and Mental. With detailed information about the areas where the athlete needs improvement, a report is send to the parents of the student-athlete at the end of the semester and is further reviewed with him/her to set the goals and objectives for the next semester. If the athlete needs, there is an additional video analysis report done by the tutor to check with more detailed on court the weaknesses and corrections to be improved.
School and Tennis Calendar ASC Tennis + School and Tennis + School U12 programs are comprised of two semesters: The Fall Semester, starting in August, with a Spring enrollment, and the Winter Semester, starting in January, with a Fall enrollment, Below please find a typical daily schedule (subject to change):
6-7th GRADE
From Monday to Friday
From Monday to Friday
6:15 AM 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:50 AM 10:50 AM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 3:45 PM
Breakfast* Warm up
3:45 PM
Warm Up
4:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:15 PM 9:15 AM
Tennis Training Shower + Energy Point School Lunch School + Energy Point
Tennis Training Physical Training Shower Dinner* Study Hall
6:15 AM 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:50 AM 10:50 AM 12:20 PM 12:20 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:15 AM
Breakfast* Warm up Tennis Training Shower + Energy Point School Lunch School + Energy Point Hydroathletics Dinner Shopping Check-in at Night
6:15 AM 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:50 AM 10:50 AM 12:20 PM 12:20 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:20 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:15 PM 9:15 PM
Tennis Training Shower + Energy Point School Lunch School + Energy Point Physical Training Shower Dinner* Study Hall Time off* Check-in at Night*
Time off* Check-in at Night* Saturday
8:45 AM 11:00 AM
Breakfast* Warm up
Tennis Training
8:45 AM 11:00 AM
Tennis Training 11
College Prep. Come to train at ASC during your online classes or at your breaks and get your tennis level to the next stage. With UTR and USTA Pro tournaments available at our academy we offer you the perfect tennis training to improve your singles and doubles game. Work on your technical, tactical, physical and mental pillar to become a better and full athlete.
Tour Prep No one knows how to prepare players for life on the professional tennis circuit better than Spanish tennis greats Emilio Sanchez and Sergio Casal and their handpicked, personally trained staff of international tennis coaches and performance specialists. This is why many aspiring pros attend ASC for customized “Tour Prep” training programs geared toward getting them ready for the rigors of tournament competition. Technical, tactical, physical, mental training (ASC 360), nutritional guidance, sports medicine access, and excellent on-site competition and coaching are available year round at ASC. Current touring pros also use ASC locations as their home-away-from-home training base both in season and during the off season. Contact Admissions for information customizing Tour Prep programs for an individual player’s needs and scheduling demands. 12
The ASC 360 Performance System © TENNIS
The tennis program includes 3 hours of daily training Monday-Friday and 2 hours of match play on Saturday. Students work on technical and tactical aspects of their game, as well as on-court mobility and positioning. The Sánchez-Casal System develops one’s all-court game, and concentrates on offense, defense and transition. It focuses on drills to develop patterns of play, the creation of positive habits through lots of repetition, and the ability to adjust to different styles of play. Each student is assigned a athletic tutor, who is responsible for monitoring the development of that player. All ASC technical coaches have RPT and USPTA certifications.
The Sánchez-Casal System develops one’s all-court game, and concentrates on the defensive, offensive and transitional areas. It emphasizes repetition of strokes though drills, controls and match play situations. This system has developed chains of drills and exercises that cover all the areas and help develop patterns through repetition of predetermined plays to create positive habits. In addition to live competition, ASC students practice match play situations to recognize different patterns from their opponents, as they learn to devise their own patterns and develop personal court strategies.
MENTAL, The Athlete Mind System
ASC’s daily physical training (Monday, Tu e s d a y, T h u r s d a y a n d F r i d a y ) i s comprised of 1 hour of athlete-specific performance training. Additionally, Wednesday is a recovery and regeneration day, with the help of crucial yoga sessions and stretching sessions. ASC Athlete Body programs are designed for the tennis athlete; they work on all a s p e c t s o f s p e e d , p o w e r , a g i l i t y, quickness, coordination, balance, core and recovery, with injury prevention in mind at all times. ASC performance specialists design each session based on the level of each tennis athlete, and where the player stands relative to prepping for key tournaments.
Sport Psychologists handle all the mind components of the ASC training program: “ASC Athlete Mind System”. They work daily with players on court, following the mental goals set for that specific period. The ultimate objective is to provide all players with the tools, strategies and techniques to make them mentally tougher, on and off the court. Key focus areas include: Concentration, Activation Level, Stress Control and Confidence. A key tool in the Athlete Mind System is the ASC diary compiled by each player and his/her coach. It enables the player and coach to set goals and track progress via regular evaluation.
Nutrition is a key factor within a player’s training regimen because it directly influences the performance/development of each athlete. The ASC Food & Beverage Department provides each player with the opportunity to develop healthy nutritional habits. The ASC Nutritional Guide shows athletes the importance of a complete nutrition and hydration plan.
Off court, ASC delivers one mental session per week plus another session of yoga. The primary goal is create the best motivational climate and provide the right mental tools to help all ASC players be the best they can be, in tennis and in life.
The Membership Program An increasing number of top junior tennis players from throughout the world are training in larger numbers over multiple visits, with the world class tennis coaches and performance specialists at Academia Sánchez-Casal (ASC) in Naples (Florida, USA), Barcelona (Spain), Nanjing (China), Atlanta (Georgia, USA), and Hyderabad (India). ASC does not exist merely to give lessons, tweak technique, make someone look good, or hit the ball better. ASC is a TRAINING and DEVELOPMENT facility. Its mission is to produce smarter, tougher, highly skilled players who learn to embrace adversity and
thrive under the pressure of competition. ASC encourages repeated training visits from its athletes, because it’s the only way the ASC team can truly raise the performance level of it ’s players and monitor their ongoing development. ASC is also dedicated to long-term athletic development. Its performance specialists are committed to helping each ASC player reach their full athletic potential both physically and mentally, and from a healthy, nutritional perspective as well.
In order to make that possible, ASC offers three options:
ASC players, coaches and performance
specialists are waiting on site in Naples
2 free weeks or 20% off
1 free week or 15% off
10% off
and help you reach your full potential as
Book 10 weekly programs and pay only 8 or get 20% Off. The 10 weekly programs can be used by one player or can be shared between siblings of one family or members of a tennis team/club/competition group. The programs can be used at ASC NAPLES and/or ASC BARCELONA within a 12-month period.
Book 6 weekly programs and pay only 5 or get 15% Off. The 6 weekly programs can be used by one player or can be shared between siblings of one family or members of a tennis team/club/competition group. The programs can be used at ASC NAPLES and/or ASC BARCELONA within a 6-month period.
Book 3 weekly programs and get 10% Off. The 3 weekly programs can be used by one player or can be shared between siblings of one family or members of a tennis team/club/competition group. The programs can be used at ASC NAPLES and/or ASC BARCELONA within a 6-month period.
and Barcelona to push you to the max a player, as an athlete, and as a competitor
Emilio Sánchez
ASC Traveling Teams Program ASC prepares its student-athletes to compete in the main tournaments in the US, Latin America and Europe, like Little Mo, Orange Bowl, National USTA, ProCircuit ITF and ITF Junior, ATP and WTA tournaments. Traveling teams run by skilled ASC coaches accompany, train and provide support to ASC student-athletes before, during and after tournaments. Furthermore, the top-notch education system at ASC permits its students to compete in tournaments without falling behind in their classes.
A personalized program is created to include local, regional, national and international tournaments throughout the year. Assistance from ASC coaches or the Traveling Team is offered during all stages of the tournament experience, from travel planning, tournament inscription, training and competition.
ŠBalby Photography 15
Customized Program Options
Push program
Monthly Program
Add Language Study
ASC has the ability to customize a program for a player as necessary. For example, if an individual requests an extra intensive program to work on particular aspects of his/her game, or on particular physical or mental areas of his/her athletic performance training, or both, such customized program options can typically be designed and accommodated. The expanded training schedule and additional tuition fees involved will be coordinated on an individual basis.
Likewise, the duration of one’s training stay may need to vary depending upon the age and circumstances of the particular player involved. Training for a full semester may not work for everyone. Training for shorter blocks of time may be more accommodating for someone on tour, or for someone with extended h o l i d a y o r s c h o o l b r e a k s . To accommodate such needs, ASC offers special rates for month-long training stays. Such training periods/programs can also be customized, as appropriate. Please contact Admissions at +1 (239) 263 1818 or ( for more details.
ASC is fortunate to have the highly regarded, dually accredited ES International School located directly on its campus. ES International offers excellent ESL programs to its international students wanting to work on their English language skills while training on site. Certified instructors can also deliver Spanish and English language courses. ASC highly encourages its tennis players to enroll in l a n g u a g e c l a s s e s w h i l e t ra i n i n g o n campus. In today’s global environment, it is a tremendous advantage in business, and in life itself, to at least be bilingual!
“The exchange program helped me in tennis but also in life. Thanks to this program I lived a year in the United States before going to college. This allowed me to get used to the environment, lifestyle of the american culture and I became more independent since I was away from home. The program also helped me with tennis because I was able to practice with a different tennis system and I was able to compete and play with people from everywhere in the world." Clara-Kei March
The International Exchange Program ASC is proud to announce its International Student Exchange Program featuring dual ASC campuses in Naples, Florida and Barcelona, Spain. ASC is the only residential tennis academy in the world to have wholly-owned campus headquarters located in both Europe and the United States. Its Exchange Program offers high school students the exclusive opportunity to pursue college preparatory academic studies while training within high-performance tennis academy programs, one semester in Naples and one semester in Barcelona. The academics offered in each location are seamless, because ASC owns the accredited college preparatory school, ES International School, which delivers the academic curriculum at each site to the Naples school also can issue I-20s for F-1 visas. There is complete compatibility at the two campuses in both academics and tennis training. And unlike many academies, each ASC campus has its tennis facilities, school and residences within one property creating a safe, fun, healthy, family environment for all student athletes.
TWO CONTINENTS, ONE SCHOOL, ONE SPORT, ONE TEAM: SÁNCHEZ-CASAL ACADEMY ASC gives students the chance to train and study in the U.S. and Spain
New Intercontinental Program
Over the years, the Sánchez-Casal method has successfully developed top players such as Svetlana Kuznetsova, Andy Murray, Daniela Hantuchova, Grigor Dimitrov, Juan Monaco and many other professionals, in addition to the hundreds of ASC graduates who have gone on to play collegiate tennis with some type of scholarship assistance. ASC Exchange Program students will have the o p p o r t u n i t y t o p l a y a w i d e r a r ra y o f international tournaments, and compete against a much broader spectrum of players, while living in two different countries during one school year.
unique in the world Emilio Sánchez is based in Naples and Sergio Casal is based in Barcelona. This ensures that the respective programs they direct and the world class coaching staffs
they manage will deliver consistent training experiences to their Exchange Program athletes at both academies.
In addition, the cultural enrichment to be realized from this program, via its international array of students, coaches and teachers, is unparalleled in the industry. There’s no better way than this Exchange Program, to prepare a tennis player for the collegiate athletic and academic experience. Additionally, ASC and ES International staff, in both locations, will work together to provide the hands-on college placement guidance required to match its student athletes with the appropriate colleges or universities. 17
Take Your Tennis to the Next Level The ASC 360 Performance System ASC uses its own training method which is universally effective in helping its studentsathletes achieve their best tennis level. This High Performance training method is closely linked to the players’ academic development, provided by ES International School, located within the ASC sport campus. This successful system helps ASC graduates obtain scholarships to universities across the United States, and has been used by professional ATP tennis players such as Andy Murray (ATP #1, Wimbledon and London Olympics Champion), Grigor Dimitrov, Juan Monaco, and WTA players such as Svetlana Kuznetsova (U.S. Open and Roland Garros Champion), Daniela Hantuchova, Tamira Paszek and more. The ASC 360 Performance System operates within four theoretical pillars (technical, tactical, physical and mental) and makes them work in a coordinated fashion with one ultimate objective: to push all ASC players to achieve maximum performance by reaching their ideal competitive state in both training and competition.
The Developmental Pyramid© of the ASC Players Based on the ASC training system (ASC360) used at its Academies, Emilio Sánchez Vicario has created a pyramid to describe the evolution of players as they progress in their athletic development, by age and level of play. Each stage of this evolution has its own general and specific objectives for each pillar of training (technical, tactical, physical and mental). The system works by phases. Modules can adjust to any age level to train in any phase of the pyramid. The goal is that every ASC player, within in the year of his/her training stay, fulfills the goals designed personally for him/her to evolve into the next phase and grow as a player. ASC will find the best competitor residing in each player. It will strengthen a player’s 4 pillars and improve the integration between all 4 areas, thereby allowing the player to create the best energy possible for competing at a High Performance level, while seeking the perfect state of Competitive Motivation.
Academics ES International School ES International School is an independent, coeducational, American Middle School and Senior High School. Its objective is to provide its students with an excellent academic experience that prepares them for future university studies. All students receive individual attention, close academic guidance and personal counseling, in order to ensure both the acquisition of academic competencies and the development of individual strengths and talents. Students follow an American academic program, but also benefit from the multitude of cultures offered by their teachers and fellow students.
The ES International School is located directly on the worldclass campus of the Academy Sรกnchez-Casal, with its emphasis on intensive tennis training and physical/mental conditioning. Sports are an essential part of the curriculum. The total education experience of the student-athlete is not only based on technical, tactical, and physical and mental training, but also includes a solid academic and social foundation. The combined ASC/ES curriculum encourages active participation, a healthy lifestyle, and an enjoyable athletic and academic atmosphere.
The Academy Sรกnchez-Casal, in conjunction with ES International School, offers players who dream of playing either college or professional tennis, the possibility of completing an American educational program, while engaging in intensive training on campus. Contact Information For more information about the school, please contact school- 21
The school program is offered in a format that makes it fully compatible with a student's tennis training without undermining academic quality. The program requires students to complete at least their Senior Year, or twelfth grade, of the American secondary education system in order to graduate and earn their high school diploma. For further information about which universities ASC graduates have attended, see College Tennis.
Students at the ES International School’s Florida campus experience the following benefits: § A highly qualified, dedicated faculty. § A 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio
(maximum class size: ten students per class). § A nurturing academic environment, where plenty of individual attention is given to each student, and where students, as active learners, are engaged in frequent subject-related and crosscurricular individual and team projects. 22
MIDDLE SCHOOL ACADEMIC PROGRAM The middle school program encompasses grades 6–8. Promotion from middle school to high school requires that a student successfully complete 18 credits, which must include the following: § Three middle school or higher courses in English, § Three middle school or higher courses in Mathematics, § Three middle school or higher courses in Science, § Three middle school or higher courses in Social Studies, § Six elective courses, chosen based on a student’s area(s) of interest.
Note. Students participating in Academy Sánchez-Casal’s intensive annual tennis and fitness program also receive 0.25 Physical Education (PE) credits per semester.
HIGH SCHOOL The high school program encompasses grades 9–12. Receipt of a high school diploma requires successful completion of 24 credits and a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. The 24 credits required for high school graduation must include the following: § Four credits in English, § Four credits in Mathematics (Algebra 1 required), § Four credits in Science (Biology with Lab required) § Four credits in Social Science (American History required), § Two credits in Foreign Languages (2 years of one foreign language required), § Five credits in Electives, § One credit in Physical Education.
Note. Students participating in Academia Sánchez-Casal Tennis + School and U12 Tennis + School programs will also receive 0.25 Physical Education (PE) credits per semester. Thus, most ESIS students typically exceed the minimum 24 credits required for high school graduation.
International students, in particular, further benefit from: § The curricular emphasis on strengthening students’ oral and written language skills,
including a focus on the acquisition of critical reading skills through frequently assigned readings from major literary works. § A school culture that promotes and celebrates diversity and individuality. § An experienced faculty, who understand the unique challenges international students face in the American school system, and who know how to meet those students’ unique academic needs. § Different AP classes available, which can lead to College Credit. Fall Semester
Spring Semester
(aprox from August to December 20)
(aprox January to June 10)
School is in session from Monday through Friday, with six forty-five-minutes classes per day. Two energy points (where healthy snacks are provided) are incorporated into the daily school schedule to help student athletes maintain their energy levels throughout the day.
ES International Profile
Grade Levels
9 Faculty and
ACCREDITATION ES International School holds dual accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools—Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA—CESS) and the National Independent Private Schools Association (NIPSA), and is authorized to award high school diplomas by the State of Florida.
Language Program (for Programs Without School)
The Language Program offers the possibility of combining weekly, monthly, and annual tennis programs with Spanish or English as Second Language (ESL) courses on the ASC campus. The language program is perfectly designed for athletes wishing to train in their sport at the Academy while learning Spanish or English. It involves students in a process of linguistic communication and intensive practice of the four basic elements of language education: oral, comprehension, written, and reading proficiency. For a total of 10 hours per week, the language courses are given in the afternoons, Monday through Friday, making them fully compatible with sport training at ASC. Classes start every Monday.
Private Tutorials Students requiring additional help in a subject area may sign up for private one-on-one tutorials at a rate of $45 per hour. The availability of private tutorials may depend on teacher availability.
Contact Information For more information about the school, please contact school- 25
The ASC college planning and placement program works. It guides all parents and students through every step of the college selection, application and admission process. ASC has excellent relationships with collegiate coaches at all levels. Here are just some notable universities that ASC graduates have attended:
College Planning & Placement ASC's College Planning & Placement works with student-athletes and families to create an individualized roadmap for studying and playing tennis at the appropriate collegiate level. This work begins when a student enters high school (grade 9) and incorporates families and coaches, as well as university admissions and athletic staff, within an integrated game plan.
ASC's Barcelona and Naples, FL alumni have ascended to the top of every level of competitive tennis, from junior national and international rankings and titles, to Collegiate All-American status and NCAA titles, to Olympic medals, to ATP / WTA titles, top 10 ATP / WTA rankings and Major Championship titles.
Additionally, ASC is proud of how over the past 18 years its College Planning and Placement Program has consistently guided academy graduates into excellent collegiate programs while receiving some form of athletic and/or academic scholarship assistance. In fact, on average: § 95% of ASC graduates have gone on to
play collegiate tennis. § 83% of ASC graduates have received
The ASC and ESIS staffs provide the following College Planning and Placement services: § Development of a clear, long-term game plan for the recruiting process. § A calendar of major guidelines for recruiting, financial aid, academic testing and admissions. § Workshops on the college recruiting process. § SAT guidance starting with the PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, and PSAT NMSQT. § A dedicated SAT preparation program in the spring of 11th grade and fall of 12th grade. § Individual, honest assessments of the student-athlete's academic and tennis abilities. § Assistance with college search for “best fit” schools based on academics and tennis. § Personal assistance with applications and essays. § Guidance with NCAA & NAIA eligibility. § Creation of contacts with college coaches. § Support with student visas and university registration.
collegiate financial scholarship assistance.
Campus Life GENERAL STANDARDS AND SECURITY While staying/training at the Academy, students are expected to treat every individual with dignity and respect. The Academy provides a safe, healthy environment within which young men and women have the opportunity to grow and develop as players, athletes, students, and individuals. Each and every person attending ASC is expected to work hard and be honest and courteous, while engaging in and enjoying every aspect of Academy life.
ACCOMMODATION Students may reside on campus at Academia Sánchez-Casal. Separate apartments are provided for boys and girls and for all age groups. Supervisory staff lives with the students 24 hours per day. Each apartment has two bedrooms, two bathroom, terrace, dining room, a study area, AC, TV, telephone and WiFi. T h ey a l l h a v e t h e i r ow n s e p a ra t e entrances providing exclusive access to each apartment. Services included in “accommodation” § Lodging in a double or triple room § Breakfast, lunch and dinner § Laundry Service § Wireless Internet Access The students get their welcome kit at arrival from the Admissions Office.
MEALS Nutrition is a key factor within a player’s training regimen because it directly influences the performance/ development of each athlete. All meals are prepared in house and provide a balanced intake of all the necessary nutrients for the health and maximum performance of our student-athletes.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Various activities are organized by the Academy staff during free time to allow moments for relaxation and fun (i.e. paddle, tennis wall, football/soccer, basketball, ping-pong, beach volleyball, swimming pool, etc.). We also offer supervised excursions on the weekends for greater enjoyment of the surrounding area (i.e. movies, shopping, beaches, etc.) as well as field trips to i.e. Universal Studios in Orlando, or the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex at Cape Canaveral. The Academy also counts with an Olympic pool and a hot tub, spa, jacuzzi and sauna.
TRANSPORTATION ASC will provide airport pick up for all students registered in the boarding tennis program as long as they notify ASC with their flight information (airline, flight number and arrival time) a minimum of 7 days prior to arrival. Payment for this ground transportation service must be made in full before arrival. Please contact Admissions at +1 (293) 263 1818 or Unaccompanied Minors For those who have contracted a “UM” (Unaccompanied Minor) service with their airline, the Academy offers support by arranging for a staff member to accompany the student, at all times, until he/she is picked up by the airline company and taken to the gate. This service has a charge of $75. In order to request this service, the Academy must be informed that the student has an “UM” service booked with the airline, and the flight information must be provided. The name of the ASC person who will accompany the student will be provided by the Academy the week before the program begins. Students flying in on their own, or not staying on campus, need to inform the Academy of their arrival time in order to arrange for their on-site check-in.
LAUNDRY Laundry service is available for those students staying on campus for the year. These students will receive a laundry bag with their welcome kit. Laundry service is provided twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. It is recommended that students' clothes are marked with their names to prevent mix-ups.
WHAT TO BRING § § § § § § § § § § § §
Rackets Training and Running Shoes Sportswear Tennis Strings and Grips School Supplies (specified by ES International School) Toiletry Bag Alarm Clock Swimsuit Beach Sandals Sun Screen Cream Hats or Visors C a s u a l C l o t h e s f o r Tr i p s o r Excursions
It is mandatory for all students to have valid US medical/health insurance coverage, or an international travel health policy that covers the USA. ASC can supply student-athletes with top health insurance coverage from United Healthcare for any duration of their programs.
ASC, via the Medical Insurance Policy t a ke n o u t by t h e s t u d e n t , a n d i n coordination with the physiotherapist and/or medical team involved, will treat players’ injuries through a personalized, comprehensive rehabilitation program.
Each student has a virtual account in the Academy, where parents or tutors may deposit money, either in cash, by bank transfer or by credit card (credit card charges have a surcharge of 3%). No other deposit method is allowed. The students may withdraw money through the Admissions Department.
FACILITIES ASC’s beautiful campus is situated close to all the major attractions in Naples, Florida. With 38 tennis courts, a Tennis Club with a restaurant and cafeteria, its own School, several accommodation options, an Olympic pool and hot tub, and a great Performance Training Center, ASC student-athletes have everything they need located directly on campus.
Coaches and faculty ASC knows that to train and develop High Performance Tennis-Athletes, it must have High Performance Coaches and staff. ASC tennis coaches are certified by both the RPT (Registro Profesional de Tenis) and the USPTA ( U n i t e d S t a t e s P r o f e s s i o n a l Te n n i s Association). Besides its Athletic Performance Development experts are equally well credentialed. ASC Directors include:
Certifications: USPTA Master Professional Elite Certified. RPT Master Professional Certified. International Coaches Institute (ICI) Competitive & Professional Certifications. Qualifications: Ex ATP player; #7 Singles, #1 Doubles ranking. 5 Grand Slams doubles titles. Men's doubles silver medal at the 1988 Olympic Games. 15 ATP men’s singles titles and 50 men's doubles titles. Davis Cup Champion, 2008 - Spain Team Captain. Coach of Fernando Verdasco.
victor hugo camargo COACH OF ADVANCED LEVEL
ASC Naples, FL
ASC Naples, FL
ASC Naples, FL
ASC Naples, FL
Certifications: USPTA Elite Certified. RPT Certified. International Coaches Institute (ICI) Competitive & Professional Certifications. PTCA. BA Business Administration. Qualifications: Trained at ASC Barcelona as a top 100 player and NCJAA #1. Coach of M. Kirilenko (WTA Top 20). Coach of E. Gallovits (WTA Top 100). Hitting partner for the Bryan Brothers.
Certifications: Bachelor of Science in economics. USPTA Elite Certified. RPT Certified. International Coaches Institute (ICI) Competitive & Professional Certifications. Qualifications: NCAA Division I Player (2000-2002) - ITA Community College, All American – Inducted to Modesto Junior (2014). International ATP coach.
Certifications: PES, USAW, USAW-SP, SPEED. Degree in Exercise Physiology, Nutrition. Qualifications: Fitness Director for International Coaches Institute. Former Performance Specialist at IMG Academy. Trained athletes for the NFL, NBA, MBI, and S o c c e r . Tr a i n e d t e n n i s p l a y e r s M . Sharapova, J. Jankovic, M. Mirnyi.
Certifications: Doctorate in Education, Teachers College/Columbia University; MA in History; BA in Journalism, Northeastern University; CT Writing Project fellow and executive board member; administrative and teaching certificates. Qualifications: Director of Teaching & Learning, CT; 30 years administrative and instructional experience, including district supervisor, assistant principal, humanities coordinator, and teacher in award-winning school districts. 12 years a newspaper reporter. Current Principal at ESIS.
ASC Alumni
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JUAN MÓNAC O Career high #1 0 ATP ranking Argentine tenn is player Juan Mónaco grew professional pla into a yer at ASC. He was the finalist 2001 Orange at the Bowl during his ASC training da ys.
HOVA HANTUC DANIELA ranking A T h #5 W ig h r e re a C
008 in 2007-2 Academy e the th at ed h ed , she reac iela train l Giménez While Dan Madrid ge n e A th h r ac fo d Co ualified with Hea TA and q of the W top ten Masters.
ELENA BOVINA Career high #14 WTA ranking Elena trained at ASC for three seasons (20042007). She won 3 WTA singles titles, 5 WTA doubles titles and played on 3 Russian Fed Cup teams. MAGÜI SERNA Career high #19 WTA ranking The best victories on Magui’s resume include Steffi Graf, Jana Novotna, Mary Pierce, Patty Schnyder and Justine Henin. GILLES MULLER Career high #27 ATP ranking Luxembourgian Gilles Muller, worked and trained at ASC from 2003 to 2005, when he first made it into the ATP Top 100. 32
GRIGO R DIMI Career high #3 TROV ATP ra nking D im
G r ig o r it r o v, trainin spent g at AS th e 2 C, befo 0 0 7 -2 ITF to re his 008 s the AT succes eason P Circuit ATP sin sful jum , where gles titl p from to date es. the he has won 4
TAMIRA PASZEK Career high #26 WTA ranking This talented Austrian player won 3 WTA titles as a professional after training as an amateur at ASC. NURIA LLAGOSTERA Career high #35 WTA ranking Nuria spent 5 years training at ASC (1999-2004). She won 2 WTA singles titles, played on 2 Spanish Olympic Teams and 8 Fed Cup Teams. OSCAR HERNANDEZ Career high #48 ATP ranking. 2007 was Oscar’s best professional season, as he broke into the ATP top 50. After a solid clay court career, Oscar announced his retirement in Barcelona in July 2011.
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URRAY ANDY M nking #1 ATP ra reer high
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guest players Top pros who have trained at ASC for shorter stints: § Marina Erakovic § Yanko Tipsavevic § Feliciano López § Anna Ivanovic § Nicolás Almagro § Shahar Peer § Justine Henin § Martina Navratilova.
SVETLAN A KUZNE TSOVA Career hig h #2 WTA ranking
10 years at Sánch ez-Casal. Svetlana Kuznetso va, US O C h a m p io PEN and n, spen FRENCH t a dec Barcelon OPEN a d e tr a a under in in g a t the dire and Serg ASC ction of io Casal. Emilio S ánchez
Naples is the crown jewel of Southwest Florida -- nestled on the beautiful, sun-drenched beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. Naples is well known for its high-end shopping, world-class culture and sophisticated dining. But it's also an affordable 34
family destination that appeals to nature lovers and beach aficionados. Fifth Avenue South and Third Street South are the focal points for Naples shopping in the historic downtown area, with numerous art galleries, chic clothing boutiques and
home decor shops. Naples is also close to the untamed tropical wilderness of The Everglades.
ASC Safe Camps Hygiene and security rules
§ Keep your distance to others at least § § § § §
2m. Wear face masks when social distancing is not possible Wash your hands thoroughly before and after playing tennis. Do not shake hands or high five each other / no chest bumps either! Cough and sneeze in your elbow and use paper tissues. Stay home/Notify a supervisor when you have one or more of the following symptoms: cold, running nose, sore throat, light cough, shortness of breath and/or a body temperature above 37o. Stay home if someone in your household has a fever (37o & above) and/or shortness of breath.
Wash your hands Respect social distancing
thoroughly before
Change side only
Do not share a
Players should not
Only use your own
and after
bench together
pick up tennis balls
equipment and mark
with hands
your tennis balls
playing tennis
Do not touch: the fence, the net, the tennis ball cart, the cones... 35
2021 ASC Tournament Calendar With 38 tennis courts on site, ASC is the perfect site for hosting tennis tournaments. And as the largest tennis facility in Southwest Florida, it takes its obligation to support the growth of the game very seriously. Set forth below, is a listing of the tournaments that will be held on the ASC campus throughout 2021. 2021 TENTATIVE TOURNAMENT CALENDAR
The best Tennis Academy for Your Child Barcelona
For contact and information Tel. + 34 93 479 16 16 Email.
For contact and information Ph. +1 (239) 263 1818 Email.
For contact and information Ph. +86 (25) 8475-5905 Email.
For contact and information Ph. +1 (770) 615 8659 Email. florida nanjing atlanta
Academia Sánchez-Casal, Barcelona Autovía de Castelldefels (C-31), km 191 08820 El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) SPAIN
Academia Sánchez-Casal, Naples 2035 Sánchez Casal way NAPLES, Florida, 34105 USA
Academia Sánchez-Casal, Nanjing 8 Ling Gu Si Road, Xuanwu Nanjing, Jiangsu CHINA 210000
Academia Sánchez-Casal, Atlanta 6350 Courtside Dr., Peachtree Corners ATLANTA, Georgia 30092 USA
GPS Location: 41.31480º N 2.06466º E
GPS Location: 26.203403º N 81.768402º W
GPS Location: 32.044199º N 118.866791º E
GPS Location: 33°57'52.58"N 84°14'44.87"O
SPONSORS barcelona
Germain BMW of Naples La Vitamina del Tenista