23 minute read
from June 2, 2022
San Clemente City Council unanimously voted last week to make campaign finance information more transparent and accessible to the public after a vigorous discussion at its May 25 meeting.
The city will soon look to produce synopses of 460 forms, or campaign disclosure statements that candidates routinely file as public notices, and ease public access to information on the city’s website.
Mayor Gene James initiated the conversation, agendizing the matter at the May 3 meeting after reading a report card published by the nonprofit Citizens Take Action. The watchdog group gave the city a D-, largely as a result of there being no monetary limits candidates can receive from individuals or PACs.
The report had also found that information about campaign finances is “not particularly easy to find” on the San Clemente city website, with campaign finance information going back to 2018.
“I was a little upset when I saw it, but then when I looked at it a little more, I really understood the D-,” said James.
While acknowledging the city’s inability to control money coming from political action committees (PACs), James said he wanted to look at being
A new report by Surfrider Foundation shows that while some communities are continuing to struggle with high bacteria levels in their beaches, bays and waterways, the majority of test samples taken in much of the nation’s coastal areas last year revealed low levels of bacteria.
More than 70% of the 8,532 water tests that Surfrider Foundation’s Blue Water Task Force conducted along the West Coast, as well as parts of the East Coast, Hawaii and Puerto Rico in 2021, came back with low levels of bacteria, according to the San Clemente-based organization’s latest Clean Water Report.
The Blue Water Task Force’s test able to search the city website, and that he, personally, struggles to find information there.
“I think we need a website revamp … but specifically as it relates to those 460s that candidates file and being able to search those PDF documents by contributor, by recipient, by amount, by PAC—and let’s bring some transparency to this,” he continued.
James suggested having the city clerk produce a summary of 460s submitted to the office and publish them as public notices in newspapers. He believed such policies would remove money from campaigns and people will get to see from where funding originates.
results further found that 9% showed medium levels of bacteria, while the remaining 20% measured high bacteria levels that “exceed water quality criteria, or Beach Action Values, set by each state to protect health in recreational waters.”
“Hundreds of millions of people visit and recreate at U.S. beaches every year,” Water Quality Initiative Senior Manager Mara Dias said in Surfrider’s media
The mayor finished his opening comments by saying the city should set a campaign contribution limit of $500 per person.
Currently, as a result of Assembly Bill 571, San Clemente adheres to a contribution limit of $4,900 to candidates seeking city or county office per election, between the period of Jan. 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2022.
Ward said she liked James’ thoughts on the matter, adding that she would like to see a link available on the city website’s homepage for information about campaign donations.
“I like the limit; I have no issue with that kind of amendment,” she said.
release announcing the report.
“However, what people may not realize is that sewage spills and infrastructure failures release over 900 billion gallons of untreated sewage into surface waters annually,” she continued. “That’s why we’re working across the nation to test the waters, so communities know where it’s safe to surf, swim and play and to protect clean ocean water for all people.”
The report explained that most of the water samples where high bacteria levels were found had been collected from beaches or freshwater sources like creeks, marshes and rivers—sites, Surfrider said, that are “influenced by stormwater runoff.”
“These results are consistent with national trends, which show that stormwater runoff is the number one cause of beach closures and swimming advisories in the U.S. Stormwater can wash chemicals and other pollutants from streets and lawns into local waterways and down to the beach,” the report stated.
The report also identified 10 beaches of priority where water samples revealed high bacteria rates. The list includes three
James also suggested they prohibit vendors that contract with the city from donating to local campaigns, and that such a prohibition should be written into the language of future contracts.
City Attorney Scott Smith and City Manager Erik Sund agreed that the enactment of the campaign limit needed to be formally written and brought back to the council for a vote, but Sund said the public notices and adjustments to the website could be implemented easily after the council vote.
“On (the city vendor limit), there’s going to be a little First Amendment snag, but the extra reporting or interim reporting in connection with contracts, there’s an idea about freshening those as you submit a proposal on a contract that you could look at, that wouldn’t limit it, but it would provide disclosure in connection with our FPs and contract awards,” Smith explained.
Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan mentioned that the city could look to the state’s Cal-Access system that provides financial information as a guide. He added that he wasn’t sure they could limit who can contribute to campaigns.
However, Ward pointed out that even if the city could not limit contributions from vendors, the council chiefly desired to disclose any information regarding campaign donations from businesses the city has contracted with to the public.
The next council meeting is scheduled for June 7 at the San Clemente Community Center starting at 5 p.m. The meeting can also be livestreamed on the city’s YouTube channel.
spots in Hawaii—Chocolates Surfbreak, Nāwiliwili Stream at Kalapakī Bay, and Māliko Bay—and one area in California, Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica, which had a high bacteria rate of 81%.
Surfrider volunteers regularly test water quality at beaches in their communities and measure bacteria levels in ocean, bay, estuary, and freshwater sites through the Blue Water Task Force program. Along with sites in California, volunteers also test bacteria levels at various locations in Hawaii, Oregon, Hawaii, and other coastal states.
Regarding potential solutions, Surfrider noted in the report it is pushing for legislation that encourages and funds the replacement of “polluting cesspools” with more “advanced wastewater treatment technologies.”
Surfrider is also calling on Congress to “make significant investments to repair, upgrade and ensure climate resilience for America’s failing water infrastructure” because of climate change’s role in sea-level rise and increased extreme weather events, which can, in turn, adversely impact coastal infrastructure.
The city is expected to soon update its website and make other changes related to the presentation of campaign finance information as part of efforts to improve transparency per a recent vote from the San Clemente City Council. Photo: File
Surfrider’s Clean Water Report Shows Majority of Tested Sites Have Low Bacteria Levels

Surfrider Foundation’s latest Clean Water Report finds that 71% of the water tests conducted around much of the nation’s coastal areas in 2021 had low levels of bacteria. Photo: Shawn Raymundo
34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax 949.388.9977 sanclementetimes.com
MANAGING EDITOR Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, x113 sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
SPORTS Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, x110 zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.com
ADVERTISING Lauralyn Loynes • 949.388.7700, x102 lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
DISTRIBUTION Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, x111 icazares@picketfencemedia.com
GENERAL MANAGER Alyssa Garrett • 949.388.7700, x100 agarrett@picketfencemedia.com
CEO/FOUNDER Norb Garrett
EDITORIAL Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo
City Reporter, SC Times C. Jayden Smith
City Reporter, DP Times Breeana Greenberg
City Editor, Capo Dispatch Collin Breaux
Sports Editor Zach Cavanagh
Columnists Fred Swegles Tom Blake
Special Projects Editor Andrea Papagianis-Camacho
Copy Editor Randy Youngman ADVERTISING Associate Publisher Lauralyn Loynes (SC + DP)
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OPERATIONS General Manager Alyssa Garrett
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CONTRIBUTORS Megan Bianco, Jake Howard
San Clemente Times, Vol. 17, Issue 22. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.

Drumroll, Please
The California Journalism Awards (CJAs for short) are held annually by the California News Publishers Association (CNPA), which has been supporting and representing news publishers in California since 1888.
Considered the “gold standard” in recognizing and rewarding journalistic excellence, the CJAs each year are judged by an impressive panel of journalists and editors who this year had to review more than 2,800 submissions from journalists and news organizations from across the state.
I’m so very proud to report that Picket Fence Media editors, writers, photographers, contributors and graphic designers won a record 13 awards (10 in print, three in digital) for their work in 2021!
To accomplish such a feat in the midst of a second pandemic-impacted year is a true testament to the talent, professionalism and dedication of our team toward creating original, hyper-local journalism.
Here’s the list of awards:
PRINT: 1ST PLACE • Sports Feature Story “San Clemente Resident Annie Kunz Qualifies for Olympic Heptathlon,” Zach Cavanagh, San Clemente Times (Weekly, 11K-25K)
2ND PLACE • General Excellence Lillian Boyd, Chelsie Rex, Zach Cavanagh and Shawn Raymundo, Dana Point Times (Weekly, 4.3K-11K)
Picket Fence Media’s editorial team, including Shawn Raymundo, Zach Cavanagh, Collin Breaux, Chelsie Rex and Jasmine Smith, as well as former PFM Senior Editor Lillian Boyd, each earned awards from the California News Publishers Association for their work in 2021.
3RD PLACE • Profile Story “Former Firefighter Recounts Experience Assisting First Responders at Ground Zero,” Shawn Raymundo, San Clemente Times (Weekly, 11K-25K)
3RD PLACE • Profile Story “A Lifelong Teacher: Founder of Ocean Institute to Be Honored After Fatal Collision,” Lillian Boyd, Dana Point Times (Weekly, 4.3K-11K)
3RD PLACE • Special Section “2021 Dolphin Football Preview,” Zach Cavanagh and Jasmine Smith, Dana Point Times (Weekly) 4TH PLACE • Special Section “2021 San Juan Football Preview,” Zach Cavanagh and Jasmine Smith, The Capistrano Dispatch (Weekly)
4TH PLACE • News Photo “Ancestral Stories,” Collin Breaux, The Capistrano Dispatch (Weekly, 11k-25k)
5TH PLACE • COVID-19 Coverage “Business Community Raises Concerns of Labor Shortage Amid Declining Unemployment,” Shawn Raymundo, San Clemente Times (Weekly, 11K-25K)
5TH PLACE • News Photo “Masked Up,” Collin Breaux, The Capistrano Dispatch (Weekly, 11K-25K)
5TH PLACE • Special Section “Best of San Clemente 2020,” Jasmine Smith, San Clemente Times (Weekly)
DIGITAL: 3RD PLACE • Arts & Entertainment Coverage “At the Movies: ‘Belfast’ Takes International Audiences Back in History,” Megan Bianco, San Clemente Times (100K and under)
4TH PLACE • Land-Use Reporting “Sale of City Land to Gas Station Developer Enters New Stage,” Shawn Raymundo, San Clemente Times (100K and under)
5TH PLACE • General Excellence Shawn Raymundo, Zach Cavanagh and Jasmine Smith, San Clemente Times (100K and under)
Please join me in congratulating our amazing team members on their awards and for their tireless dedication to reporting on our communities.
All of us at Picket Fence Media are dedicating this year’s CJA awards to Fred Swegles, our esteemed colleague who continues to fight a cancerous brain tumor. His lifelong dedication to community journalism is an inspiration to all of us and we hope and pray for his recovery.
Thank you to our readers, Insiders and advertising partners for your continued support! SC
Letters to The Editor
Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. It is too late for us to change direction for this year. Even before your first email to us on May 12, the artwork had been completed and our order was in process so we could get the product in time to start our pre-event sales, as we greatly depend on that income to ensure the success of the event.
Our 2022 T-shirt artist, Roy Gonzalez, provided us with a fun and colorful design celebrating our return, as requested. The design you referenced in your Letter to the Editor was never intended to represent or be any part of our event.
We hope you’ll agree that the artwork for the event this year is fun and colorful, celebrating our iconic pier and all the sea life that can be found in the ocean around us.
Our volunteer board works tirelessly every year to ensure that we provide a fun, safe environment for all who come down to join us over the two days of the event, to honor and celebrate our lifeguards and support our community.
Our board is comprised of many individuals who have been with the event for many, many years, and we follow our mission statement to provide a quality athletic and family event, which is our goal once again in 2022 after two years off due to the pandemic and experiencing loss within our own “family” from COVID-19.
We’re looking forward to welcoming athletes, families, friends and visitors from near and far, to enjoy our beaches, the ocean and all that they have to offer at “The Greatest Show on Surf”! (Cont. on page 8)
(Cont. from page 7)
In response to Julienne Chené and her letter regarding the artwork of Roy Gonzalez, I know Mr. Gonzalez very well. He is my next-door neighbor and one of the nicest persons I have known.
Mr. Gonzalez has won numerous awards for his artwork. His style is unique. I would caution Ms. Chené to refrain from telling us what his painting on his home page “depicts.” That would be left to the artist.
Do you find his artwork for the Ocean Festival offensive? If not, then what business is it of yours what he chooses to paint?
I am heartbroken over the unspeakable loss of lives in Texas last week. If we cannot protect our children, where is the freedom gifted to us by the sacrifice of nine generations of Americans?
Some politicians refuse to do anything despite repeated massacres of children by killers armed with weapons of war while draped with body armor meant for combat.
Some politicians have traded election victories for the lives of children. They exalt the protection of gun ownership over the safety of children. They have contributed to the deaths of innocent children by protecting gun industry profits above all else this past week.
To the NRA: I had hoped you would have found the human decency to cancel your annual celebration this week, and allow the grieving parents and community of Uvalde to mourn and bury their dead.
It is time to act. We owe it to the innocent children killed last week in Texas—and to every child returning to school today who trusts that the adults in their lives will protect them.
Buffalo, New York. Laguna Woods, California. Uvalde, Texas.
This death toll will keep rising until firearms become less easily available. We are seeing the opposite happening, as semi-automatic weapons become revered as if they represent freedom.
In truth, they represent fear, intimidation, and tyranny. The Gun Lobby remains a powerful force in American politics. As a country, we have failed to pass universal background checks and common-sense gun safety legislation to keep our communities safe from the epidemic of gun violence.
Ban assault weapons. Pass common-sense gun laws. Stand up to the gun lobby. Act! It’s about power, money and political will. Stop gun violence.
All of us are feeling rage, sadness, and hopelessness following yet another tragic school shooting last week. As a parent of young children, I have cried with other parents, and we have all had the heartbreaking conversation with our kids, telling them, yes, indeed, this is something that happens in America, in schools just like yours.
And in response to these events, we see the public discourse so impoverished of meaning and complexity, with opinions dug deep into their sound bites of “Guns don’t kill people, people do” and “We should thank our children for sacrificing their life for your right to bear arms.”
Both of these slogans demonstrate false “either/or” thinking that the ancient Greeks warned about in their writings on democracy—and, instead of promoting peace, sow division.
We must find new ways of talking with each other, and about these issues, if we want a safer, more peaceful, and less violent world for our children. How can we look for a “both/and” instead of “either/or”?
Gun ownership has, throughout our history, been an essential element of the American story. We can admit this as a fact, while at the same time admitting that easy access to guns, particularly assault style weapons, makes mass shootings possible.
It is not fair to our children to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that this is not the case. More guns, on more people, will only precipitate more violence, with our sacred learning places turned into prisons and our educators into guards.
The words of scripture urge us to not “repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse; but, on the contrary, repay with a blessing.”
One way to “repay with a blessing” instead of “abuse” is to engage in the democratic process. The democratic process is designed to support a society where solutions to problems can be found peacefully, without resorting to violence.
Through civic discourse and respectful listening, reaching out to our elected representatives, voting, and legislating, we can work together to find both/and solutions.
I hope we can rise to the challenge since our children need us to do so, now more than ever.

Artwork for Ocean Festival’s 2022 collector T-shirts. Graphic: Courtesy of Ocean Festival
TONY HEWES, San Clemente
I’m writing in response to Ms. Chené’s letter to the editor in the May 27 issue of the SC Times.
Although I support her effort to opine on what she deems to be “offensive” art, I’m wondering why she would choose to focus on one singular image she deems offensive rather than showing appreciation for Mr. Gonzalez’s art.
To bring religion into the picture is, for me, inappropriate and completely unnecessary. I, too, went to his website and found his art creative, entertaining, and perfect for San Clemente.
I do not believe the majority of San Clemente residents would find his work offensive or inappropriate.
JANICE WELLS, San Clemente
I could not agree more with the objection raised by Julienne Chené in the May 27 edition of the SC Times about the artist, Roy Gonzalez, being selected as the artist for this year’s Ocean Festival. I agree with every word of her letter.
There have been so many outstanding artists selected in the past, that I am shocked and disappointed with the Ocean Festival board’s selection of Roy Gonzalez this year. It represents a serious misstep on the part of the board.
It’s as if you have lost touch with our San Clemente community and the bulk of the residents of San Clemente. This artist does not represent San Clemente and its ideals.
Especially at this time with so much divisiveness in the world, we as a community should be coming together and building bridges, not alienating and offending people with artwork that is extremely offensive to me, and many others.
Please make a choice that better reflects our community!
JIM SMITH, San Clemente
Roger Johnson is up to his old tricks again. This time, it’s about SONGS nuclear facility and a recent vote by our City Council. His letter to the editor contained such a glaring falsehood about funding a government study that it needed to be corrected with an “Editor’s Note.”
As for the vote, we can all rest easy now that our City Council voted that they do not give our consent to store nuclear waste in San Clemente. When did we ever give our consent?
Even nuttier, the nuclear waste isn’t being stored in San Clemente. In fact, it’s not even being stored in Orange County.
Only to government agencies run by the inept Biden administration could all the above “consent” nonsense make sense.
San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
Join SC Times for Beachside Chat on Friday, June 3, at 8 a.m. The chat will be held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria. All are welcome.
The List

What’s going on in and around town this week
Get a curated list of the weekend’s best events sent straight to your inbox every Friday! Sign up for The Weekender at sanclementetimes.com/weekender
PEP4U 10:45-11:45 a.m. Age Well offers this weekly class that will include activities that specifically address common movement challenges for those living with Parkinson’s disease. Led by Matt Bustillos, PT, DPT, a physical therapist of 30 years who lives with Parkinson’s himself, the activities will feature aerobics, strength, flexibility, posture, coordination, balance, cognition, and fun. All persons with Parkinson’s and their care partners are encouraged to attend. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. 949.498.3322.
JAZZ WITH MELONEY COLLINS 7 p.m. Join Casino San Clemente for a night of jazz featuring songstress Meloney Collins and a catered buffet dinner. Tickets are $35 a person. Casino San Clemente, 140 West Avenida Pico, San Clemente. 949.369.6600. thecasinosanclemente.com.
AN EVENING AT THE STARDUST LOUNGE 7:30-9:30 p.m. Join Cabrillo Playhouse in its Stardust Lounge for an evening of blues, jazz, musical theater, and contemporary music featuring eight fabulous singers accompanied by a fantastic live jazz trio. This show will run on weekends through June 26. Admission is $30.
Editor’s Pick
Photo: File
SATURDAY-SUNDAY | 4 & 5 VISSLA COSMIC CREEK SURF FESTIVAL 8 a.m. After a two-year hiatus, the Cosmic Creek Surf Festival and Concert returns to Salt Creek in Dana Point, where the two-day event will pay homage to a more alternative, experimental era of surfing’s history. The contest will feature multiple divisions in which locals and pros can compete. Local vendors including the Shwack Beach Grill will offer provisions such as breakfast and lunch. Bands will also be rocking out during the contests, as well as later in the evening. Cosmic Creek is open to the public and a true gathering of legends, groms, craftsmen, and storytellers. Over the years, Cosmic has become a soulful, grassroots, eclectic surf gathering; a celebration of heritage; and a platform to exchange ideas about surfboards, music and art. vissla.com/blogs/news/visslas-cosmic-creek-2022
Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente. cabrilloplayhouse.org.
GRACE’S ART AUCTION 10 a.m. The San Clemente-based GracePlace Art will host a Virtual Art Auction through June 5 at 6 p.m. to benefit the new Gigi’s Playhouse opening in Orange County. Gigi’s Playhouse is a nonprofit organization that provides educational, therapeutic-based, and career development programs to people with Down syndrome, including Grace, a young lady who loves to make art and is graduating from her Adult Transitional Program. Such services are provided free of charge. GracePlace will donate 21% of auction proceeds to Gigi’s Playhouse Orange County. graceplaceart.com.
RICK J. DELANTY ANNUAL ART STUDIO SHOW Noon-8 p.m. Celebrate the beauty of San Clemente with an in-home gallery visit to the studio of San Clemente fine artist Rick J. Delanty. The show will also be open on Sunday, June 5, from noon to 6 p.m. Directions, details and more of the artist’s work may be found on his website, delantyfineart.com. 949.412.6907. MISSIONFEST Noon-10 p.m. The signature country musical festival returns to San Juan Capistrano. Chase Rice headlines, and Bailey Zimmerman and Amanda Kate will also perform. Bring your cowboy hat and boots, and get ready to enjoy a day of down-home tunes outdoors. Tickets are available online. The Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park, 30753 Avenida La Pata, San Juan Capistrano. missionfest.com.
FARMERS MARKET 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers at the Community Center/San Clemente Public Library parking lot. 100 North Calle Seville. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
DANA POINT ARTFEST 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ArtFest will showcase about 80 different artists through displays and booths, as well as feature live music, food, beer and wine gardens at Dana Point’s Lantern District. Del Prado Avenue, between Amber Lantern and Violet Lantern, will be closed off to motorists, allowing artists to exhibit their work. Del Prado, Dana Point. dpartfest.com. D.YODER FAMILY SUNDAYS 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Enjoy free admission to the Casa with creative activities and performances based thematically on Casa Romantica’s programming. This month features a performance of selections from “La Bayadere” ballet performed by the San Clemente Dance and Performing Arts Center. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
OPEN JAM 7-10 p.m. Play your own percussion, acoustic or electric instruments every Monday night at Knuckleheads. Amps are allowed, but drums are not. Knuckleheads, 1717 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
DANCE AND MOVEMENT FOR TOTS 10:15-11 a.m. Enjoy a fun dance class series made for tots outdoors in Casa Romantica’s seaside Redmond Amphitheater. The price is $50 for the public (free for Family Household Members). Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
GEMELS BY CHIAOZZA 6-8 p.m. Meet with artists CHIAOZZA for the free opening reception of Shape and Structure, which will be on view from June 10 through Sept. 4. Adam Frezza and Terri Chiao are an American artist duo whose work explores play and craft across a range of media, including painted sculpture, installation, collage, photography, design, and public art. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
TRIVIA NIGHT AT THE BREWHOUSE 6:30-8:30 p.m. The BrewHouse hosts a trivia night every Wednesday. Test your knowledge with friends, or show up solo and join a team. The BrewHouse, 31896 Plaza Drive, Suite D3, San Juan Capistrano. 949.481.6181. brewhousesjc.com.
OPEN MIC NIGHT AT KNUCKLEHEADS 8-10 p.m. Knuckleheads is open for food, drinks and live music. Performers of all skill levels are welcome. If you are a musician, do stand-up comedy or the spoken word, this is the place to be on Wednesday nights. So, come down, grab a drink and go for it. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.