FEBRUARY 10-16, 2022 | VOLUME 17, ISSUE 6
INSIDE: Swegles: Many New Projects Around San Clemente SC LIVING/PAGE 16
Langland Falls in Olympic Slopestyle Final, to Compete in Big Air SPORTS/PAGE 24
Centenarian Celebration
Neighborhood Parade Honors WWII Veteran Tony Cappa on 100th Birthday E Y E O N S C / PAG E 3
San Clemente resident Jane Clark celebrates with Marine Corps veteran Tony Cappa on his 100th birthday on Monday, Feb. 7. Photo: Breeana Greenberg
Davies Introduces Legislation Targeting Education Issues
Council Open to Talks with The Ranch over Incoming Villages
Publisher’s Letter: A Tribute to Jim Dahl
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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Neighborhood Parade Celebrates Tony Cappa’s 100th Birthday BY BREEANA GREENBERG
Fresh goat milk is one of the secrets to which 100-year-old Tony Cappa attributes his longevity. Growing up in an Italian family, Cappa, along with his 101-year-old sister Elise Cappa Parslow, jokes their longevity must be the olive oil or the milk from the goats their father raised in the backyard. Cappa, a Marine Corps veteran who served in World War II, celebrated his 100th birthday with family, friends and local dignitaries, who had gathered outside of his San Clemente home for a neighborhood parade on Monday, Feb. 7. Dozens of motorists in classic cars, motorcycles and even a military Jeep paraded past Cappa’s home on Calle De Soto, while jubilant passengers held up signs to honor San Clemente’s newest centenarian. While watching the parade, Cappa sat beside his sister, who said that she doesn’t have the answer to living a long and healthy life. Parslow and Cappa nev-
er really drank or smoked, she said, and thought maybe that was it. Gushing over her brother on his birthday, Parslow added that Cappa makes friends everywhere he goes. He’s a gentleman, a great father, and a hard worker, Parslow said. Representatives from the San Clemente City Council, Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Orange County Fire Authority also celebrated with Cappa, as Mayor Gene James and a deputy sheriff separately presented the veteran who fought on Iwo Jima with Challenge Coins. “San Clemente is a Marine Corps town, it’s a military town, and we honor our veterans,” Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan said. “Tony is a perfect example of the legends that we have in town.” Duncan added that Cappa’s strong personality and deep involvement in the community are reflected in the crowd that showed up to support him for his birthday. “I couldn’t be happier and more grateful to be able to come here and honor Tony as he celebrates his 100th birthday,” Duncan said. “I told him, don’t go too crazy tonight.” Over the years, Cappa has shared his love of classic music and classic cars with his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His great-grandson
Assemblymember Davies Introduces Legislation Targeting Education Issues BY COLLIN BREAUX
Opposition to mask and vaccine requirements for students, allegations of critical race theory being taught in K-12 schools, and other controversial educational discussions are continuing in South Orange County—this time from State Assemblymember Laurie Davies (R-Laguna Niguel). Davies held a news conference at her San Juan Capistrano office on Monday, Feb. 7, to express her opposition to school pandemic restrictions and discuss her newly introduced legislation, the California Parents’ Bill of Rights Act. “We are here to fight for the rights of our children,” Davies said. “During these last two years, Sacramento politicians have ignored the needs of our children San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
State Assemblymember Laurie Davies (R-Laguna Niguel) has introduced new legislation intended to give parents more rights when it comes to their children’s education. Davies and other local officials spoke against student mask and vaccine requirements, current school curricula, and other education issues during a news conference on Monday, Feb. 7. Photo: Courtesy of the Office of Assemblymember Laurie Davies
and used our kids as a political pawn. As a result, our children are suffering. They have been forced to endure many unnecessary challenges.” Page 3
Marine Corps veteran Tony Cappa celebrated his 100th birthday on Monday, Feb. 7, with family, friends and neighbors, who gathered in a neighborhood parade past his house on Calle De Soto. Photo: Breeana Greenberg
Gavin Cappa said one of his favorite moments of the two spending time together was when they went to a Los Angeles car show. Cappa’s legacy has made a lasting impact on so many of his family members, including his son Steven Cappa. “I’m just constantly reminded of the shoulders on which I stand and what a privilege it is to be a part of this family, carry that name and all of that,” Steven said. “It’s really a joy, and it’s an added joy to have the privilege of sitting and having coffee with him every morning.” Steven and his wife, Patty Cappa, added that they enjoy listening to Frank
Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Billie Holiday as they drink their coffee with Tony each morning. Music continues to be deeply important to the centenarian. Cappa served as the president of the Ukulele Strummers Club at OASIS Senior Center in Corona del Mar for 28 years. Though he stepped down in 2020, he continues to play with the group. It’s that very appreciation for music that has been the key to living a long and healthy life—not the goat milk, as he had joked before. What’s truly important to Cappa is living with no stress and “keeping a song in your heart.”
Davies’ new measure, Assembly Bill 1785, calls for parents to be able to “advise on the moral or religious training of their minor child,” by requiring schools to give parents more opportunities to be involved in their children’s education. According to the bill, school districts would be required to provide parents an opportunity each quarter to learn about their child’s coursework, “including the source of any supplemental educational materials.” AB 1785 also calls for districts to inform parents and guardians in advance of any teachings related to comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, as well as the procedure that would enable their child to opt out of that education. Language in the legislation also proposes a requirement for districts to send out an annual newsletter for parents to learn about the nature and purpose of clubs and activities offered at their child’s school. Though AB 1785 does not mention masks or vaccines, Davies addressed
those topics at Monday’s news conference. Davies said her office has fought “damaging policies” and will continue to oppose all student mask and vaccine mandates. The general consensus among medical experts is that masks and vaccines are effective tools to limit the spread of COVID-19. Masks have been required indoors for students and adults on school campuses throughout the pandemic by the California Department of Public Health. Gov. Gavin Newsom has called for a vaccine requirement for students once the Food and Drug Administration fully approves all COVID-19 vaccines. Additionally, State Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) has introduced legislation, the Keep Schools Open and Safe Act, that would also require students be vaccinated to continue attending classes in person. Davies said she sent a letter to Orange County Health Officer Clayton Chau urging the removal of all mask mandates (Cont. on page 4) sanclementetimes.com
Council Open to Initiating Talks with The Ranch over Incoming Neighborhoods
have added roughly 14,000 new homes to South Orange County. PA5 is one of six total planning areas, or villages, that is years away from development. So far, The Ranch has opened the Villages of Sendero and Esencia, and is constructing the Village of Rienda, or Planning Area 3, which is slated to begin selling homes this year. PA5 is expected to include about 2,440 housing units, including senior housing, commercial centers, public facilities and 159 acres of open space, as well as a 200-acre golf course. The Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) was represented during last week’s discussion by Executive Officer Carolyn Emery. Emery said that LAFCO continues to keep an eye on what future governance for unincorporated communities such as The Ranch will look like, in that the issue is included on the agency’s current work plan. “We continue to make ourselves avail-
able to the communities if they want to explore governance options, but in terms of a strategic approach, our commission has decided to look at South Orange County as a whole, as opposed to individual areas,” Emery said. She affirmed James’ suggestion that LAFCO’s mission is to transition unincorporated areas into cities, or look into other options at the very least, and said it believes cities can provide better services to an area than the county can. “I don’t think it’s any secret, either, that the county also has worked with LAFCO to transition unincorporated areas,” Emery added. “In addition to that, one of our jobs is to make sure that any type of governance is feasible, and as you all know, that also includes community resident support, as well as landowners.” While Councilmember Steve Knoblock commented that it would be impossible to begin the process of annexation without RMV’s cooperation, he emphasized
the importance of understanding what is coming toward the city’s borders. He suggested the council invite representatives from The Ranch to speak with them, possibly in a public setting, as they plan to build out the remaining thousands of homes within its planning areas. “It’d be nice to know what exactly those impacts are going to be and how we’re going to incorporate that in the future,” Knoblock said. With RMV’s knowledge that the council would discuss the feasibility on Feb. 1, James said that could be the start of conversations between the two entities. “Again, I just want to make it clear, I am not particularly fond of the idea of annexation, and I don’t think RMV is, either,” he said. In an email to San Clemente Times, Mike Balsamo, senior vice president of governmental relations for RMV, said The Ranch’s primary focus is opening the new Village of Rienda “and delivering much-needed attainable housing in the coming year.” “As we have done historically, we look forward to maintaining an open line of communication with the City (of San Clemente) regarding our development plans within the County,” he said. Councilmember Kathy Ward said she was still concerned about Planning Area 8, which is located near the southeast part of San Clemente, and stressed that The Ranch has a “great degree” of flexibility to construct any number of homes in each area that it desires to build. Ward also supported the potential meeting and the chance to hear updates from RMV, as that would allow the city to create ideas for how to adjust within its own borders. “I’m not saying we’re changing Rancho Mission Viejo; I’m just saying that how we connect everything, where all these homes go, we need to understand how that’s going to work in our city,” she said. “That’s how we plan. We have to plan for (Avenida) Pico and (Avenida) Vista Hermosa, and (Avenida) La Pata.” The council voted to receive and file the staff report.
the hoops they have to jump through just to begin the transfer process.” Orange County Board of Education member Mari Barke also spoke at the press conference in favor of AB 1785, advocating school and parental choice. No child should be constrained by their zip code, Barke said. Barke also addressed critical race theory, which numerous local parents have said has been taught in K-12 schools and is detrimental. Two forums on CRT were held over the summer, Barke said. Education officials and experts, including in the Capistrano Unified School
District, have denied CRT is being taught in schools and instead said cultural diversity and awareness is what’s being discussed with students. “Even if we can’t have a say in what you’re learning, we want you to know what it is and educate you so you can take action,” Barke said. The OCBE has been a vocal opponent of pandemic school restrictions as well, and previously sued the state over the restrictions, though without success. CUSD Trustee Lisa Davis—who represents San Clemente on the CUSD Board and is a frequent voice against mask and
vaccine requirements—further praised Davies’ legislation at the conference, also speaking against what she sees as a “biased curriculum” and “explicit sex education.” All medical decisions for kids need to be made by parents, Davis said. “We have to be vigilant as parents, as community members, in being aware of what’s happening and call out things that are not right,” Davis said. AB 1785 may first be heard in a committee starting on March 6. It would need to be approved by both the State Assembly and Senate, and it would then need to be signed by the governor to become law.
There’s no opportunity for the City of San Clemente to annex one of Rancho Mission Viejo’s next planning areas at this time, Jennifer Savage, assistant to the city manager, told councilmembers during their Feb. 1 meeting. In her agenda report to the council regarding the feasibility of incorporating Planning Area 5, Savage explained that the city would need RMV’s consent for an annexation application, but that it “does not wish to annex until complete buildout of the Ranch Plan, which is several years out.” The City Council’s discussion comes months after Mayor Gene James asked city staff to come back with a report on the feasibility of annexing RMV’s Planning Area 5—where roughly 2,400 new homes are planned to be built within the 1,350acre area near San Clemente’s northeastern border in the coming decade. James explained that annexation was not a priority of his, but he stressed the importance of having a dialogue between the city and RMV—colloquially referred to as The Ranch. He also reaffirmed his belief that the eventual PA5 residents would use San Clemente’s public facilities, which necessitated the city’s preparation. “I want to open a dialogue with RMV, understand what they’re doing, (and) when they’re going to do it,” James said. “The other thing that makes it unattractive for me—to annex Planning Area 5—would be (that) there’s no retail there, so there would be no sales tax (revenue). There will only be property taxes.” When complete, The Ranch, a master-planned community and unincorporated area comprising 23,000 acres, will
(Cont. from page 3) on Feb. 15, concurrent with the upcoming expiration of the current statewide indoor mask mandate. Davies further said parents should be told about different educational opportunities available for their kids, should be allowed to view their child’s academic records at any time, and be able to review course materials taught to children in advance. “Too often, state regulations make it hard to transfer students from poor-performing schools,” Davies said.“Even worse, some districts don’t even tell parents all San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
A bridge across Avenida La Pata on the northeastern part of town welcomes southbound motorists traveling into the City of San Clemente from San Juan Capistrano and Rancho Mission Viejo. Photo: Shawn Raymundo
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San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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City to Prohibit Removal of Shopping Carts from Businesses
Challenging Cancer 10-11:30 a.m. The Challenging Cancer group is conducting weekly meetings through Zoom video conferences. The meetings are open to caregivers, people who have a compromised immune system, and people dealing with cancer. To join, email donnavigil2@gmail.com or linda_crdv@yahoo.com. heritagesc.org.
The San Clemente City Council unanimously passed an ordinance to prohibit the unauthorized removal and possession of shopping carts from local businesses, and regulate personal property storage during their meeting on Feb. 1. Councilmember Laura Ferguson was absent from the meeting. There was a significant representation from the San Clemente Affordable Housing Coalition, as several speakers called on the council to treat people experiencing homelessness with dignity and provide alternate solutions for those on the streets to store their belongings. Judy Jones asked if the temporary storage of personal property outlined in the ordinance could be modified or incorporated into a long-term supportive housing model. “Having accessible permanent storage would eliminate the problems of personal property storage and reduce the need for the shopping carts,” Jones said. Kent Doss, a minister at a Christian Unitarian Universalist congregation in Lake Forest, said his recent life experiences taught him the value of having only a few things with which to survive, and that “punishing” unhoused persons by confiscating their property does not solve the problem of homelessness. “It only increases their suffering and their distrust,” Doss said. “We can’t expect homeless people to have their belongings taken away, and (then) the next day, trust that same person to provide housing resources or health care.” Others, such as Darryl McFann, argued that certain areas of the city are “littered” with abandoned shopping carts and that businesses should be protected from losing carts that are expensive to replace. “It’s not the grocery stores’ responsibility (to provide storage),” McFann said during public comments. “I feel very strongly about that. And then (the carts) wind up in the canyons, in the alleys, abandoned.” When asked to address some of the comments made by public speakers, City Attorney Scott Smith said that he had heard a misunderstanding of the ordinance. He prefaced his clarifications by saying he believed that he and code compliance officials had honored the council’s intent to compile different city maintenance protocols, resolutions and other initiatives, and put them together in one law and properly define each “critical issue” in black and white. San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
The City Council voted to amend San Clemente’s municipal code by banning the removal of shopping carts from local businesses and describing how city staff can confiscate unattended personal property found on city land. Photo: Shawn Raymundo
Smith said those who violate the ordinance cannot be cited under the municipal code for storing personal property on public property. “There was some confusion about that before, (and) in cooperation with the county, council and the sheriff, we deliberately removed any suggestion of criminalization of storing your property on city property,” he said. Regarding the question of what city staff should do when they find abandoned property, Smith explained that the definitions of terms in the ordinance could be found on pages within the city’s agenda. He described a scenario in which a beanie could either be found abandoned on a city soccer field or in the perimeter of a park, folded nearby other organized clothes. According to the ordinance, Smith said, the beanie that clearly does not belong to someone can be removed and put in the lost and found. “The beanie in the shrubbery, by contrast, looks like it’s stored under these definitions and can’t be removed until a 24-hour notice is posted on it, and even then, it can’t go to lost and found; it has to be stored for an extended period of time, with access provided, as prescribed in the notice, (to) whoever stored it there and left it there,” he added. Additionally, Smith mentioned the long list of items defined under essential personal property that will receive preferential treatment. “I don’t want to sound offensive, except this council very deliberately wanted to take what you have and make it more protective of persons suffering from homelessness, and I think this does (that),” Smith said. “Several of our clients have taken this as ‘state of the art,’ including the Coalition of North
County Cities, who are planning to adopt it and implement it as theirs.” Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan said that he believed it was inappropriate to get into an in-depth analysis of the ordinance during a second reading. However, Duncan also thanked those in the large turnout for coming and voicing their opinions, and agreed with the sentiment that permanent supportive housing is the only way to give homeless people the chance to receive the services they require and work their way toward housing of their own. Duncan said that the ordinance was only drafted to address current problems brought up by the Public Safety Committee. “These aren’t meant to solve the larger homeless problem; they’re meant to provide notice and protection of personal property in public space, and to ensure that people don’t make off with the property of private businesses, as was discussed as well,” he added. “I think we need to go ahead and have the second reading of the ordinance, and save those larger discussions for another day,” Duncan said. Councilmember Steve Knoblock pushed back against public comments about the ordinance serving as a punishment, saying it addressed an existing problem and that it was not fair for businesses to carry the burden of replacing their own stolen property. “I don’t think we want to be known as a smash-and-grab city where you can simply take what’s not yours and walk out the door,” he said. Knoblock added that the city must have compassion for members of the homeless population who may be affected by the ordinance, as well as the community at large, and voiced his support for the ordinance. Page 6
Citizens’ Climate Education 10:45 a.m.-noon. This nonpartisan climate action group holds monthly meetings on the second Saturday of the month through Zoom video conferences. Email larrykramerccl@gmail.com to receive a link to join. TUESDAY, FEB. 15
City Council 6 p.m. The San Clemente City Council will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting in person at the San Clemente Community Center, as well as virtually. The meeting will be livestreamed on city’s YouTube channel. 100 N. Calle Seville, San Clemente. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org. Because I Love You (BILY) 6:30-8:30 p.m. The organization Because I Love You (BILY), which helps parents navigate through whatever parenting challenges they may be facing (e.g., failure to launch, drug abuse, disrespect), will continue conducting its weekly meetings on Tuesdays via Zoom video conference. For detailed instructions on how to participate, email bilysanclemente@gmail.com. San Clemente Toastmasters 7-8:40 p.m. The San Clemente Toastmasters will continue to meet every Tuesday online through Zoom. Email fardad.fs@gmail.com to receive a link to join. 858.900.6175. sanclementetoastmasters. toastmastersclubs.org. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16
Planning Commission 6-10 p.m. The city’s Planning Commission will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting via teleconference and can be streamed through the city’s YouTube channel. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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HOW TO REACH US MANAGING EDITOR Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, x113 sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com SPORTS Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, x110 zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.com ADVERTISING Laura Gaffney • 949.388.7700, x103 lgaffney@picketfencemedia.com DISTRIBUTION Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, x111 icazares@picketfencemedia.com GENERAL MANAGER Alyssa Garrett • 949.388.7700, x100 agarrett@picketfencemedia.com
PICKET FENCE MEDIA CEO/FOUNDER Norb Garrett EDITORIAL Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo City Reporter, SC Times C. Jayden Smith City Reporter, DP Times Breeana Greenberg City Editor, Capo Dispatch Collin Breaux Sports Editor Zach Cavanagh Columnists Fred Swegles Tom Blake Special Projects Editor Andrea Papagianis-Camacho Copy Editor Randy Youngman
ADVERTISING Associate Publisher Lauralyn Loynes (DP) Advertising Sales Debra Wells (CD) Laura Gaffney (SC) ART + DESIGN Art Director Jasmine Smith Graphic Designer Chelsie Rex OPERATIONS General Manager Alyssa Garrett Group Operations & Production Coordinator Inna Cazares FINANCE Accounting & Finance Manager Tricia Zines CONTRIBUTORS Megan Bianco, Jake Howard
San Clemente Times, Vol. 17, Issue 6. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
A Tribute to Jim Dahl C
ity politics isn’t for everyone. Just ask anyone who has put themselves forward to serve our community, and they’ll tell you the hours are long, the pay is meaningless, and the exposure to public analysis is exhausting. But Jim Dahl was made for public office, for one simple reason: he cared more about the city he loved—San Clemente—than any of the personal accolades or aggravation that came with the job. Sadly, Jim died on Jan. 12 at the age of 78, leaving behind a legacy of service and dedication that few could ever dream of accomplishing. Jim served in the Orange County Fire Authority for 37 years, starting as a volunteer firefighter in 1970 and rising to the rank of captain by the time he retired. He and his wife, Alice, moved to San Clemente in 1964, where for about the last 58 years they raised their family (son Jimmy, daughter Ingrid) and fell in love with the community. He further committed himself to San Clemente by choosing to run for a seat on City Council in 1996, serving a total of 16 years. During his tenure on the dais, he was appointed as mayor four times. His commitment to the city was so great, he even ran again for City Council in 2020, but fell short on that bid. And up until 2021, Jim continued to serve as the city representative on the Orange County Vector Control Board. Jim Dahl was San Clemente through
Jim Dahl, who spent 37 years with the Orange County Fire Authority and served for 16 years on the San Clemente City Council, died on Jan. 12 at the age of 78.
and through. He literally wore it on his sleeve, adorned always in his colorful Hawaiian print shirts. My first introduction to Jim came in 2005, when I was in the process of launching the San Clemente Times. I met with him and other city officials to tell them of my intention to launch a new free weekly newspaper. He thought I was nuts (he was right, of course), but applauded the idea that the SC Times would be 100% focused on San Clemente at a time when the Orange County Register’s Sun Post was covering more regional news, aside from Fred Swegles’ always outstanding local reporting. Jim was always courteous and fair with me and the reporters at the paper; always gracious in granting time for interviews and greeting me with a smile and,“Oh, hello, Norb,” when we saw each other in public. A fellow surfer, he and I shared a
passion for the water and often spoke about my “other job” running a large media company that included Surfer and Surfing magazines. Jim’s time on council bridged some heady issues facing the city during the time we knew each other, such as the controversial toll road extension and the “Save Trestles” movement, the development of the Outlets at San Clemente and many others. His opinions most certainly weren’t always popular—no politicians’ ever are—but he stood by them with the conviction of someone who felt he was “doing the right thing” for San Clemente. I always appreciated that about him; you knew what you were going to get with Jim Dahl. Love it or leave it. To me, that speaks volumes about a man and his contributions to his community. Thanks, Jim, for all that you did for me and the paper, and more importantly, for San Clemente. You’ll be missed but never forgotten. SC EDITOR’S NOTE: The Dahl family has arranged a Celebration of Life for March 27, from 1-4 p.m. at Vista Hermosa Sports Park (987 Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente). The public is welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Dahl at 949.374.0342. PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
GUEST OPINION | Health and Nutrition 101 by Gina Cousineau
Prioritizing Heart Health N
about their family’s medical history, as well as their own personal medical history, lifestyle behaviors of past and present, along with looking at basic blood work and preventative screening tests to assess their situation. What I come to find out is that most are unaware of the HEALTH AND NUTRITION 101 significance of this BY GINA COUSINEAU information, and for those who were told of an area of concern, some are minimized by their medical providers, and others choose to ignore the facts.
ationally, we observe “American Heart Month” in February to raise awareness to the importance of a healthy heart and encourage healthy habits meant to reduce our risk of heart disease. This campaign encourages individuals to take up a healthy habit, educate themselves, and get their cholesterol tested. When clients reach out to me, they usually do so with the goal of weight loss, but as an integrative nutritionist, I cannot in good conscience help them reach their weight-loss goals without addressing what might be happening under the hood. This then leads to a conversation Page 9
Given that heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans, I take this opportunity to help you advocate for your heart health, prioritizing the information provided below, especially as we age. 1. Understanding Your Risk While there are many “heart disease calculators” that claim to assess our risk, I am going to suggest the following based on my client population and what I have seen anecdotally. Family history of cardiovascular disease (especially early disease), paired with your blood lipid profile, smoking history, and kidney health status, are a (Cont. on page 10) sanclementetimes.com
(Cont. from page 9) good starting place. If your total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDL), and/or triglycerides are out of range, even just a little bit, even if your high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are high, you could be laying down plaque. If you are at risk, asking your provider about a calcium score (a CT of the arteries around your heart) and carotid ultrasound allows for a look “inside” to understand your plaque risk. Another important blood test, indicating a genetic predisposition toward CVD, is lipoprotein a (LPa). Because this affects 20% of the population, you should consider asking for this test with your yearly blood work. This information, paired with shared decision-making, allows you and your provider
Letters to The Editor CHALLENGING PUNITIVE APPROACHES TO HOMELESSNESS KATHY ESFAHANI, San Clemente Affordable Housing Coalition chair; KEN DOSS, Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Congregation minister; RONA HENRY, Welcoming Neighbors Home Initiative chair Last week, the San Clemente City Council adopted an ordinance that will make life even harsher for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. The new ordinance codifies the city’s rules for seizing personal property “stored” in “public places,” and it also permits officials to cite those who use shopping carts to hold their belongings. Under the ordinance, a city worker is allowed to remove, without prior notice, “unattended” personal property obviously belonging to a homeless person, if that property “is blocking access” to places like a sidewalk or any city property within 10 feet of a driveway, service area or loading dock, or within 5 feet of a parking space (Sections 1280.020, 1218.040). That seizure will cause undeniable hardship to unhoused people. Sure, City Council says these items can be retrieved from city storage, but that retrieval process will not be easy for people living on the street, lacking transportation, often burdened by a disability or old age (or both). Why does San Clemente waste so much time and effort on punitive measures (which nearly always result in expensive lawsuits the city loses), rather than seek solutions to our homelessness crisis? Where is the political will to create the affordable housing, including permanent supportive housing, we need to solve homelessness? While we wait (impatiently) for that afSan Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
to decide on a course of action, if needed.
some food, in general, can be a lifesaver.
2. Eating a Healthy Diet Choosing a mostly plant-based diet, including lean proteins (animal and/ or plant), nonfat/lowfat dairy and other protein-rich calcium sources, as well as healthy fats, is highly encouraged, while limiting saturated fats, added sugars and sodium. Remember that “plants” comprise a wide variety of foods, including whole grains, legumes, nuts/seeds, vegetables, fruit, and tofu products. This doesn’t mean you need to count calories—though given our obesity epidemic and the fact that losing 5-10% of your weight can improve your health dramatically—but just eating more whole-
3. Getting Physically Active The thought of starting an exercise program is often as daunting as the concept of adjusting one’s diet. While I understand the fear of change, neither needs to be a scary proposition. Given where we live, beautiful South Orange County, all one needs to do is step outside their door and allow their feet to do the walking. That’s it! While I always suggest starting with a “walking program,” this is simply to make this fitness routine part of your daily life, like toothbrushing. You need it to be healthy.
fordable housing to be built, San Clemente must start using its energy and resources to improve the lives of those who sleep on our streets. We are seeking solutions, not sanctions, for people without homes. Here are some things the city can provide now for its unhoused residents: a “safe parking” area for those lucky enough to have a car to sleep in; long-term motel stays; a safe place to camp—with shade, toilets and showers; a place to store personal belongings; a place to meet with service providers for health care, legal advice, etc.; somewhere to wash clothes, charge phones, receive mail and access free Wi-Fi. All San Clemente residents deserve to live in dignity with their basic human needs met.
of rumble strips or physical barriers to deter cars from drifting into the bike lanes should be considered. We should all have some serious discussions about where bike riding should be permitted in San Clemente, with the safety of both riders and pedestrians being of paramount importance.
LIMITATIONS ON BIKE RIDING IN SAN CLEMENTE TONY HAYS, San Clemente In San Clemente, it is currently legal to ride a bicycle on sidewalks, so it’s OK to ride an e-bike down the sidewalk on Avenida Del Mar on a Saturday afternoon. The current ordinance relating to bicycle use is much too permissive. For the health of both residents and the climate, the city should be doing everything possible to get people out of their cars and riding bikes, but not when they endanger pedestrians, as is increasingly the case. The city should consider prohibiting bicycles from being ridden on any sidewalks adjacent to retail zoning, although enforcement may turn out to be impracticable. Bicycles should also be banned on any sidewalk where there is a dedicated bike lane on the adjacent pavement. In January 2021, Fred Swegles interviewed the then-chief of police services in San Clemente, Capt. Ed Manhart. In giving advice to bike riders, Capt. Manhart said “where bicycle lanes exist, use them.” It appears that the majority of riders ignore that advice, so it needs to be codified. For additional safety, the addition
For more information on how to un-
E-BIKES ON BEACH, WALKING TRAILS MARY ELLEN BOBP, San Clemente I have observed many instances of unsafe behavior and bad judgment by riders of e-bikes when walking on San Clemente’s coastal trails to Trestles. Some suggestions I’d put forward are: • Require all e-bikes to be equipped with lights for night-time riding. • Recommend that riders of e-bikes wear high-visible clothing at night so drivers can see them, since they are sharing the road with powerful vehicles. • Recommend riders wear protective shoes, not flip-flops. • Require e-bikes to be equipped with some type of bell to warn pedestrians and dogs that they are being passed. • Make it mandatory that riders of e-bikes pass some type of certification so they know to stop at stop signs, etc. • Talking on the phone while driving an e-bike should not be allowed. • I don’t know what to suggest for people who choose to drive poorly with children in tow. It seems like riders of electric bikes should be required to get a license just like motorcyclists, and that electric bikes should be registered, since some riders are devoid of common sense. E-BIKE REALITY DALE PATTERSON, San Clemente What have we really accomplished? The City Council has removed e-bikes from the Beach Trail and beaches. The major offenses with e-bikes are from young people who ride too fast and are
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derstand your risk of heart disease, visit nationaltoday.com and heart.org. Gina Cousineau sees clients virtually and in person out of her San Clemente office. Her extensive education—a BS in dietetics and MS in integrative and functional nutrition—chef training, and 30-plus years as a fitness professional allow her to help clients lose weight and improve their health. You can reach her at mamag@ mamagslifestyle.com, 949.842.9975, and on Instagram and Facebook @mamagslifestyle. Register for her complimentary weekly newsletter at mamagslifestyle.com. SC PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
discourteous to pedestrians. By eliminating the Beach Trail, what the City Council has really accomplished is putting those same young people on the roads with vehicle traffic. I read a letter from a concerned citizen congratulating the council for closing the trails to e-bikes, but the citizen said she was now concerned about people with small children on e-bikes out in traffic with posted speeds of 40 mph. People with small children are probably the safest riders out there. The fact that more will be on the street is what the City Council has forced onto the riders. Also, young people who don’t know the rules of the road are being forced onto the roads. Education is always the answer. There should be mandatory classes about road rules, safety and right of way to pedestrians. The concerned citizen is right when she said she prays it doesn’t take a tragedy to wake the city up. That part I agree on—but it is the city that forced the young riders from the trails and onto the streets, so I ask you, what have we really accomplished?
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
Join SC Times for Beachside Chat on Friday, Feb. 11, at 8 a.m. Beachside Chat is a spirited, town hall forum on community issues hosted by PFM Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo every Friday. The chat will be held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria. All are welcome. sanclementetimes.com
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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Editor’s Pick
The List What’s going on in and around town this week SAN CLEMENTE TIMES
Get a curated list of the weekend’s best events sent straight to your inbox every Friday! Sign up for The Weekender at sanclementetimes.com/weekender
THURSDAY | 10 BEI BEI: CHINESE ZITHER 7 p.m. Bei Bei (Beibei Monter) has played an integral role in introducing the zither to a worldwide audience since her debut in 2006. This event is part of Casa Romantica’s Celebrating Chinese New Year program. Admission ranges from $20-$25. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
Photo: Courtesy of freestocks.org/Pexels
SATURDAY | 12 LAUGHS ABOUT LOVE, A VALENTINE’S COMEDY SHOW 8 p.m. Comedian Andrew Norelli, who has appeared on Late Show with David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Comedy Central, and TED Talks, will be joined by Matt Balaker from Late Night with Conan O’Brien, to bring smart, original material to the Cabrillo Playhouse. Following their performances, they will take part in a Q&A session to answer audience questions. Proof of vaccination and ID will be required. Masks must be worn inside at all times. Admission is $25 if purchased in advance, or $30 at the door if tickets are still available. Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente. 949.492.0465. cabrilloplayhouse.org.
and the Heartaches will open. Tickets are $45. Doors open at 6 p.m. The Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. 949.496.8930. thecoachhouse.com.
COFFEE CONCERT WITH HIGH TIDE COFFEE 10 a.m.-noon. Enjoy a free cup of coffee and watch an acoustic performance by local musicians in Casa Romantica’s Redmond Amphitheater. General admission is $5. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
SOUTH OC CARS AND COFFEE 9-11 a.m. South OC Cars and Coffee, dubbed the world’s biggest weekly car meet, attracts a mix of 500-1,000 hypercars, supercars, exotics, vintage, classic, muscle and sports cars, hot rods, rat rods, pickups, 4x4s and motorcycles. Those attending are encouraged to practice responsible social distancing. Face masks are not mandatory but are recommended. No cars in before 8:30 a.m. Cars should enter and leave slowly and quietly—no revving, speeding or burnouts. The Outlets at San Clemente, 101 West Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. southoccarsandcoffee.com.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE COACH HOUSE 8 p.m. Live music is featured at this popular South Orange County venue. Lee Rocker will perform, while the groups MoonShine, and Buzz Campbell
LOVE YOUR BEACH 9-11 a.m. Register at Baby Beach or the Ocean Institute to take part in nonprofit Stand Up to Trash’s latest Beach Cleanup and Lunch and Learn. Bags
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
and grabbers will be provided, reusable gloves encouraged. Fresh coffee, hot chocolate and donuts will be provided by The Coffee Importers (participants are encouraged to bring their own reusable cup.) Weigh in at any spot for a chance to win prizes donated by Killer Dana Surf Shop. Lunch will be provided by Subway in the Lantern District. Baby Beach, 24300 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. standuptotrash.com JAZZ AT BARNOA WINE & BEER BISTRO 6:30-9:30 p.m. Barnoa Wine & Beer Bistro is offering two chances over Valentine’s Day weekend to hear swinging jazz. Elizabeth Lamers will first sing with guitarist Steve Cotter and bassist David Miller on Saturday night. And on Monday night, Feb. 14, Lamers will perform again with Cotter and bassist Henry “The Skipper” Franklin for a special Valentine’s Day dinner. A delicious three-course dinner is planned for both dates, but Barnoa’s regular menu will also be available. For details, find the wine bar on Instagram @barnoawinebar. Reservations are highly recommended. Barnoa Wine & Beer Bistro, 831 Via Suerte, Suite 106, San Page 12
Clemente. 949.388.4378. barnoa.com. LIVE MUSIC AT THE POINT 9 p.m. Live music is featured at this popular South Orange County venue. Rock band Western Skyline will perform. The Point Restaurant and Bar, 34085 Pacific Coast Highway, Dana Point. 949.464.5700. thepointrestaurantandbar.com.
SUNDAY | 13 FARMERS MARKET 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers at the Community Center/San Clemente Public Library parking lot. 100 North Calle Seville. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org. LIVE MUSIC AT STILLWATER 5 p.m. Live music is featured at this popular South Orange County venue. Eric Clapton tribute band Slowhand will perform. StillWater Spirits & Sounds, 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point. 949.661.6003. danapointstillwater.com. (Cont. on page 14) sanclementetimes.com
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(Cont. from page 12)
MONDAY | 14 VALENTINE’S DAY WHALE WATCHING 4:30-6:30 p.m. Join Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching on a romantic whale watching cruise and enjoy complimentary champagne or non-alcoholic beverages and chocolate-wrapped treats while gazing at the beautiful sunset and marine life. Admission is $39 for adults and $29 for kids 12 and under. Book your spot at danawharf.com. Dana Wharf, 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point. 888.224.0603.
TUESDAY | 15 CASA CINEMA 6 p.m. Enjoy the 1953 romantic comedy film How to Marry a Millionaire, featuring Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable and Lauren Bacall, in the Main Salon at Casa Romtantica. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
SAN ONOFRE PARKS FOUNDATION POP-UP SHOP 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Historic Cottage and Visitor Center showcases local history, flora and fauna at this original 1934 ranger’s cottage. A rotating exhibit features the history of San Onofre. Stop in to the San Onofre Parks Foundation’s Pop-Up Shop to say hello, do a little shopping and learn more about the history of the local state parks at San Clemente and San Onofre State Beaches. Historic Cottage and Visitor Center is located within the San Clemente State Beach Campground at 225 Avenida Calafia, San Clemente. 949.366.8599. admin@sanoparks.org. sanoparks.org. BINGO AT THE SENIOR CENTER 1:30 p.m. Every Wednesday, the Dorothy Visser Senior Center will host Bingo. The center will begin selling cards at 1 p.m., with the game starting promptly at 1:30. The buy-in is $12 for 10 games with four cards and a special pick-your-number game. For more information, contact the center at 949.498.3322. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. BIKING CLUB FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLERS AND HIGH SCHOOLERS 5-6:30 p.m. Anyone have middle school-
to high school-aged kids who love to bike? Community Outreach Alliance’s biking club meets every Wednesday afternoon at different trails, with professional biker and mentor Mike Russell from Freakshow Aloha. San Clemente High’s COA club, which hosts this free activity thanks to Hardman Classic, has bikes and helmets for participants to borrow. To participate, fill out a registration form online at form.myjotform.com/91392099886576. For questions, call or text 949.795.4721. communityoutreachalliance.com/ bike-club/. INFO NIGHT FOR SPRING 2022 SIGN-UP 6:30 p.m. Mariners 936 Sea Scouts program is more than learning to sail, it’s a comprehensive youth leadership program with opportunities for important roles, fun teamwork, sailing, navigation, engineering, trips, non-sailing team competitions, scholarships and community service. No previous experience needed. Junior Mariners are ages 12-13 and Sea Scouts are 14-18. Parents should attend the one-hour info night with their teen. Mariners 936 Sea Scouts will be giving tours of their sea base, known as the Orange County Sailing and Event Center, and larger boats. Mariners 936
Sea Scouts, 34451 Ensenada Pl, Dana Point. mariners936.com. TRIVIA NIGHT AT THE BREWHOUSE 6:30-8:30 p.m. The BrewHouse hosts a trivia night every Wednesday. Test your knowledge with friends, or show up solo and join a team. The BrewHouse, 31896 Plaza Drive, Suite D3, San Juan Capistrano. 949.481.6181. brewhousesjc.com. BACKYARD OPEN MIC NIGHT AT KNUCKLEHEADS 8-10 p.m. Knuckleheads’ backyard is open for food, drinks and live music. Performers of all skill levels are welcome. If you are a musician, do stand-up comedy or the spoken word, this is the place to be on Wednesday nights. So, come down, grab a drink and go for it. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com. LIVE MUSIC AT THE COACH HOUSE 8 p.m. Live music is featured at this popular South Orange County venue. Jazz Funk band Dirty Dozen Brass Band will perform with pop band Nathan & the Zydeco Cha-Chas. Tickets are $35. Doors open at 6 p.m. The Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. 949.496.8930. thecoachhouse.com.
‘Jackass Forever’ Makes No False Pretenses BY MEGAN BIANCO, SAN CLEMENTE TIMES
ackass Forever is now the fourth theatrical release under the brand name since Jackass 3D (2010), this time with the mood of a swan song. Spike Jonze is back as producer, Jeff Tremaine as director, Johnny Knoxville as host and leader of the crew. All of the usual faces from the original show and past movies also return with the exception of Ryan Dunn, who died in 2011, and Bam Margera, who was fired early into filming and cited as an alleged legal liability. Save for catching a random episode here and there on TV when I was in middle school, Forever is actually my first-ever full viewing of anything Jackass-related. And let me tell you, I was not prepared for so many of these elaborate, absurd pranks to include full-frontal close-ups of male nudity. I think I’ve now seen enough male genitals and bodily fluids on the big screen to last me a lifetime. This, on top of the general grotesque and pain-tolerating gags, make San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
Photo: Courtesy of Sean Cliver/Paramount Pictures
for what might be the most I’ve winced and closed my eyes during a movie. I guess it’s a testament to the guys’ judgment that one of the new pranksters this time, Rachel Wolfson, is a woman and completely clothed throughout the feature. Whether you enjoy watching these wild and crazy antics, or are just completely appalled and grossed out, you can’t accuse the Jackass team of false advertising. It’s nearly
impossible to enter one of these films and claim you were misled on the content. I was disgusted, impressed, enlightened, amused and entertained by how far this group of old and new friends was willing to go to pull off the dangerous stunts in Jackass Forever. One thing did go through my mind a couple of times while watching the new movie, or really any staged prank/stunt on YouTube, Page 14
Vine or TikTok. It’s the age-old question: why is our natural reaction to laugh when we see someone fall, crash or get hit in the crotch? It’s been a stock gag for humor since the beginning of time and seems to still work no matter what year or visual medium. I don’t really have an answer to the question, but if you like this kind of overly elaborate slapstick comedy, Jackass Forever is right up your alley. SC sanclementetimes.com
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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GUEST OPINION | CoastLines by Fred Swegles
Many New Projects Around San Clemente I n 1991, on the corner of Avenida Pico and El Camino Real, a large commercial development known as The Gallery was planned to be built—a dramatic change to North Beach. Over the years, The Gallery has been downscaled from proposed four-story versions to one- to two-stories. The developers were told for years to maintain ocean-view preservations as seen from up Avenida Pico. Back in 1998, the California Coastal Commission approved a 45-foot-high, 27-unit, timeshare building with 9,350 square feet of retail, food service and 116 parking spaces at 1801 N. El Camino Real. It would have four levels and a basement, 15,200 cubic yards of grading cut and 550 cubic yards of fill. That was never to be. Far downscaled COASTLINES today, the project BY FRED SWEGLES site—22,090 square feet for 1.8 acres—has potential for a boutique hotel, developing an open-looking, lower profile that requires city approvals. About 31 years later, The Gallery remains one of several commercial sites around San Clemente that are either in progress at various stages or are under review, with developers continuing to work on revised plans to address issues city staff had previously raised. For The Gallery, for instance, city staff issued comments in 2018 to the applicant, who “indicated that they intend to resubmit updated plans but have not yet done so. The proverbial ball is in their court.”
OTHER PLANS AROUND TOWN Meanwhile, San Clemente is seeing
The project to restore San Clemente’s landmark 1938 cinema building and one-time 1946 bowling alley into the Miramar Event Center and Restaurants continues, with an expected opening for later this year. Photo: Fred Swegles
about a couple dozen other new business projects around town—the largest being a four-story hotel with 130 rooms and a conference center. To be known as The Lodge at San Clemente, the project looks to construct the new hotel on 8.3 acres at the Outlets at San Clemente at 401 W. Vista Hermosa, next to Chick-fil-A. “A hotel was approved with the Marblehead Coastal development in 2004,” says Jonathan Lightfoot, the city’s economic development officer. “However, they would like to modify the design to allow to add a rooftop deck with ocean views.” Lightfoot explains that the amendment, which proposes to increase the allowable height limit from 45 feet to 62 feet, hasn’t yet been approved by the Planning Commission or City Council. City staff said that this change would
require an approval by councilmembers at a public hearing before the hotel could move forward with a plan. The Outlets at San Clemente has modifications in the works for three buildings up to 23,940 square feet at 395 Avenida Vista Hermosa, where COVID-19 testing took place recently. And new cinemas at the Outlets, Metropolitan Theaters, is hoping to open by March. The new In-N-Out Burger, a one-story 3,882-square-foot building on 1.8 acres at 115 Via Pico Plaza, is among a number of In-N-Out projects going up around the country. “They resubmitted grading plans in early November,” Lightfoot explains, “but the city’s consultant issued a letter on Nov. 22 indicating that not all corrections had been addressed.” The building permit was approved in July. In-N-Out recently submitted revised
grading plans on Jan. 28. Both building and grading permits must be approved before they can be released to the developer and construction can start. The Chevron at 515 E. Avenida Pico is proposing to demolish its convenience store and replace it with a new one and add a car wash. However, those changes are presently inactive. The Beach Hut Deli in North Beach is nearing completion at 1844 N. El Camino Real, as it’s expected to open in Spring 2022. The new restaurant will include a rooftop clock tower as part of remodeling of what had been Kaylani Coffee Company at North Beach. The Miramar Event Center and Restaurants continue construction and renovations of the landmark 1938 cinema building and one-time 1946 bowling alley. The project on the historic sites at 1700 N. El Camino Real has an expected opening of 2022. “The food hall building permit is approved but is awaiting OCFA plan check approval,” city staff states. La Colombiana, at 1640 N. El Camino Real, is proposing a restaurant expansion by 6,098 square feet. Los Molinos Brewery at 151 Calle de Los Molinos began construction last year but has been delayed, expected to be ready in early 2022. Publik House, 1531 N. El Camino Real, proposes remodeling the former 19,979-square-foot San Clemente Art Supply building for special events, a café, offices, expanded space, as well as indoor and outdoor entertainment. “After the city approved the entitlements for the project, they had to get Coastal Commission approval,” Lightfoot says.“They are now working on getting their construction approvals from the city.” (Cont. on page 22)
From left: Construction of the new In-N-Out Burger on Avenida Pico, near the 5 Freeway, is still waiting to get underway, as the city and the applicant continue to address concerns with the grading plans. Photo: Breeana Greenberg. After years of construction and development, the Beach Hut Deli in North Beach is almost ready to open. Photo: Shawn Raymundo. The Del Mar Restaurant, a new two-story establishment that will include live entertainment, will be the latest addition to the downtown corridor’s restaurant scene. Photo: Shawn Raymundo
San Clemente Times February 10–16, 2022
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GUEST OPINION | On Life and Love After 50 by Tom Blake
Super Bowl 2022, Can You Believe It? W
ith Super Bowl LVI this week at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, I can’t help but think back to Super Bowl II, in 1968, 54 years ago. I was a regional manager of public relations for American Airlines, working at the company’s headquarters at 633 Third Avenue in New York City. Four days before Super Bowl II, which was held on Jan. 14 in the Orange Bowl in Miami, the airline’s vice president of public relations, a distinguished man named Holmes Brown, summoned me to his office. He said, “Tom, I just got off the phone with the president of American Express. Amex invited our two world stewardess queens, Patty Paulsen and Jill Spavin, to be their guests this weekend at the Super Bowl festivities in Miami. I can’t allow Patty and Jill to go alone. I need an American Airlines escort to go with them to be sure they are safe and treated with dignity. “As the only single man in our department, I would like you to go. Will you do it?” “Love to,” I said, trying to act cool and calm, although I couldn’t believe my ears.
He patted me on the back and handed me five $100 bills, saying: “All expenses are prepaid; however, I want you to have money in case you need to pick up a tab. I want American Airlines to always look good.” On Friday night, Patty, Jill and I flew to Miami. For the next three days, my focus was to keep them safe. The ticket stub that I kept shows the official name of the game as the “World Championship Game AFL vs. NFL.” Shortly thereafter, Lamar Hunt, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, recommendON LIFE AND LOVE ed the name of the BY TOM BLAKE game be retroactively changed to “The Super Bowl,” which was quickly adopted by the two leagues. Of course, it was an incredible weekend. Patty, Jill and I rode to the game on a bus chartered by American Express. I was sitting in back next to a young kid named Mike Garrett, the 1965 Heisman Trophy winner, a former running back at USC. At that time, he played for the
Kansas City Chiefs, and he later became the athletic director of USC for 17 years. Garrett said to me, “What’s in the cooler on the back seat?” I said, “Chilled beer.” Garrett said, “Oh, I wanted a Coca-Cola.” Things have changed in 54 years. The ticket stub that I still have shows a cost of $12. This year, 50-yard-line seats are going for more than $10,000. Patty, Jill and I sat on the 50-yard line with George Mira, a former University of Miami All-American and San Francisco 49ers quarterback. Several of Mira’s admirers stopped by to greet him; they seemed curious about Patty and Jill, who looked beautiful. There were two floats wheeled onto the field before the kickoff. The Packers and the Raiders were represented by a 15-foot player in uniform standing on a float. Each statue appeared to be spewing steam from its mouth even though the temperature was in the low 80s. The Green Bay Packers beat the Oakland Raiders, 33-14. Vince Lombardi was the Packers’ coach; John Madden was the Raiders’ linebackers coach. A year later,
Madden became the Raiders’ head coach for nine years. Two months after the game, on March 8, 1968, Patty and Jill were featured in the People section of TIME magazine with a nice write-up and photo of them together. Even with their new-found fame, they were still buddies of mine in the American Airlines PR office. It’s hard to believe that there have been 54 Super Bowls since that experience. I always chuckle when I watch the Super Bowl and think of Patty and Jill. It saddened me to find out this week that Patty died in 2019. She would have been 78 at Super Bowl kickoff time this Sunday. Thanks for the memories, Patty and Jill. Tom Blake is a retired Dana Point business owner and resident who has authored books on middle-aged dating. See his website at findingloveafter50.com. To comment: tompblake@gmail.com. SC PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium
Meet Mocha, a 6-year-old sweetie now available for adoption. Arriving at the shelter after her owner passed away, Mocha was initially very reserved. After having a chance to settle in, her true personality has begun to shine through. Mocha is quite gentle and affectionate and just loves to be petted. She would make a wonderful companion in a quieter home. If you are interested in adopting Mocha, please visit petprojectfoundation.org to download an adoption application form. Completed forms can be emailed to animalservices@scdpanimalshelter.org, and you will be contacted about making an interaction appointment.
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
FROM THE ARCHIVES This 1950s-era photo shows the Miss San Clemente float making the turn from El Camino Real onto the top of Avenida Del Mar during one of the city’s yearly parade events.
This photo can be purchased from the San Clemente Historical Society at sanclementehistoricalsociety.org. Every week, the San Clemente Times will showcase a historical photo from around the city. If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, send the photo, your name for credit as well as the date and location of the photo to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com.
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See the solution in next week’s issue.
Aaron Lloyd Bankruptcy Attorney 2377 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente, 949.544.9355, lloydlegal.com
BODY MIND SPIRIT ARE YOU HAPPY? Let us assist you in creating a life plan for the life & relationships you want & deserve. Body Mind Spirit, 949.248.7377, bodymindspirit.com
Want to be featured as our business spotlight? Contact us for pricing at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
Benjamin Stevens, D.D.S. 3553 Camino Mira Costa, Suite B, San Clemente, 949.493.2391, benstevensdds.com
Eric Johnson, D.D.S. 647 Camino de los Mares, Ste. 209, San Clemente, 949.493.9311, drericjohnson.com
Arcadia Electric 949.361.1045, arcadiaelectric.com
ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTIONS 3West Environmental, Inc. www.3westenviro.com Residential & commercial inspections for mold, asbestos and lead paint. 310.400.0195
LIST LOCALS ONLY USE LOCALS ONLY Call Lauralyn for pricing at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
FIREWOOD FOR SALE Jack McKay, Owner 949.449.0445 mckayja29@gmail.com Call for prices. Earning money to purchase my first car. Perfect for campfires, beach fires, home fires.
Hoover Construction License B-774675 949.292.6778
Rock Club Music School 73 Via Pico Plaza, San Clemente, 949.463.1968, beachcitiesrockclub.com
“Sandy & Rich” RE/MAX Coastal Homes 949.293.3236, sandyandrich.com
Scott Kidd, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 949.498.0487, skidd@bhhscal.com
Dr. Alice P. Moran, DMD 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. K, San Clemente, 949.361.4867 (GUMS), moranperio.com
Dr. Raymond L. Wright Jr., DDS 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. K, San Clemente, (949)361-GUMS (4867), sanclementeperiodontics.com
PROSTHODONTICS Hamilton Le, D.M.D., F.A.C.P. 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. K, San Clemente, 949.361.4867 (GUMS), moranperio.com
WANT TO BE FEATURED HERE? Contact Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
BUSINESS DIRECTORY PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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PUBLIC NOTICES TO ADVERTISE: 949.388.7700, EXT. 111 • LEGALS@PICKETFENCEMEDIA.COM PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE DRAFT COASTAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT The City announces that a Draft Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan (IP) and Draft Land Use Plan Amendment (LUPA) are available for a six-week public comment period beginning February 14 through March 28, 2022. The Draft IP and LUPA are posted on the City’s website homepage at https://www.san-clemente.org/departments-services/planning-services/long-rangeplanning/local-coastal-program Comments should be emailed to Gallardo-DalyC@san-clemente.org no later than March 28, 2022. The City’s LCP will consist of the certified (and amended) Land Use Plan and the IP which contains the zoning ordinances and development standards needed to implement the policies of the City’s Certified LUP. Together, these documents will comprise the Local Coastal Program which implements the California Coastal Act in the Coastal Zone portion of the City. The Draft LUPA has been prepared to correct an inadvertent error contained in the definition of “Major Remodel” regarding the starting point for tracking changes to structures. The Draft IP and Draft LUPA will be presented to the City’s Planning Commission as informational items at 5pm on February 16, 2022. The Draft IP is one of the final deliverables of a Local Coastal Program Planning Grant awarded to the City in 2017. PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226625894 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: COVE PRINTS 20272 SPRUCE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Full Name of Registrant(s): TROY GROVER PHOTOGRAPHERS, INC. 20272 SPRUCE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 This business is conducted by a CA Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A TROY GROVER PHOTOGRAPHERS, INC./S/ TROY GROVER/TROY GROVER CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 1/26/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL JANITORIAL SERVICES February 2, 2022 Proposals must be submitted electronically through the City of San Clemente’s electronic procurement and bidding system (PlanetBids) at: https://www. san-clemente.org/vendorbids. All proposers must first register as a vendor on this website to participate in this Request For Proposal (RFP) or to be added to a prospective bidders list. Proposals must be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 24, 2022. All proposals received after that time will be considered non-responsive and will be deemed disqualified. Only
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
electronic proposals submitted through PlanetBids will be accepted.
The primary scope of the project is for the contractor to provide janitorial services at designated locations in the City of San Clemente, CA. Additional and more detailed information is provided in the RFP, Specifications and contract documents posted in the City’s PlanetBids website, which should be carefully reviewed by all proposers before submitting a Bid Proposal.
Notice To be published: And
February 10, 2022 February 17, 2022
A Mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting and Job Walk will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Any questions in reference to the project must be submitted via PlanetBids, prior to 8:00 a.m. on Monday, February 21, 2022. Dated February 2, 2022 City of San Clemente Public Works Department 910 Calle Negocio San Clemente, CA 92673 PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE NOS. 1722 and 1725 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of San Clemente, at its Regular Meeting of February 1, 2022, adopted the following ordinances: 1. Ordinance No. 1722 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAN CLEMENTE, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLES 8 AND 12 OF THE SAN CLEMENTE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SHOPPING CARTS, CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY AND FINDING THE ORDINANCE NOT SUBJECT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. 2. Ordinance No. 1725 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 12.32.130 OF THE SAN CLEMENTE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE USE OF BICYCLES, ELECTRIC BICYCLES, AND OTHER ACTIVITIES ON THE PIER, BEACH, BEACH ACCESS ROAD, AND BEACH TRAIL. A full copy of the aforementioned Ordinances are available for review in the City Clerk’s Office, located at 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California. Persons interested in receiving a copy of the Ordinances are invited to contact the Legislative Administrator at (949) 361-8301 or by email at campagnolol@san-clemente.org. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the aforementioned Ordinances were introduced at the Adjourned Regular City Council meeting of January 18, 2022, and were adopted at the Regular City Council meeting of February 1, 2022 by the following vote: AYES: DUNCAN, KNOBLOCK, MAYOR JAMES NOES:
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will and or estate, or both, of DON W. TRAYWICK A Petition for Probate has been filed by JERRY L. HABEL in the Superior Court of California, County of ORANGE. The Petition for Probate requests that JERRY L. HABEL be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The Petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The Petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: A. Date: March 24, 2022 Time: 2:00 p.m. in Dept: C8, B. Address of Court: 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. (1) If you plan to appear, you may attend the hearing by video remote using the court’s designated video platform; (2) Go to the courts website at: http://www.occourts. org/media-relations/probate-mental-health. html to appear for probate hearings and for remote hearing instructions; (3) If you have difficulty connecting to your remote hearing, call (657)622-8278 for assistance. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California Statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (Form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Timothy J. Blied, Esq., Schmiesing Blied Stoddart
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& Mackey 400 N. Tustin Ave., Ste 290, Santa Ana, CA 92705-3899 Ph: (714)990-5100 Published in: San Clemente Times, Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226625837 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TARGET GLUCOSE 28 SAINT CROIX LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 Full Name of Registrant(s): CAROL UHRICH 28 SAINT CROIX LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 This business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A CAROL UHRICH/S/CAROL UHRICH This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 1/25/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226624451 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: RES+ORED. 307 NORTH EL CAMINO REAL SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 Full Name of Registrant(s): REBECCA M LUMB 1505 BUENA VISTA 1 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 This business is conducted by An Individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a RES+ORED./S/REBECCA LUMB/ REBECCA LUMB/OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 01/10/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times February 3, 10, 17, 24, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226625466 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 1A. MACK AND POUYA PHOTOGRAPHY 112 E AMERIGE AVE #110 FULLERTON, CA 92832 ADD’L FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMES: 1B. THE STREAM COMPANY 1C. CHURCH BROADCASTERS 1D. CINELIVE 1E. JETMARK 1F. SERMONPLAY 1G. POUYA NIA Full Name of Registrant(s): COCREATIVE INC. 112 E AMERIGE AVE #110 FULLERTON, CA 92832 This business is conducted by a CA corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/05/2021 /s/COCREATIVE INC./POUYA AHMADINIA/ CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of
PUBLIC NOTICES TO ADVERTISE: 949.388.7700, EXT. 111 • LEGALS@PICKETFENCEMEDIA.COM Orange County on 01/20/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times, Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226624524 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FEED ON THE WORD 700 CALLE BAHIA SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 Full Name of Registrant(s): COMPANY OF PRAYER, LLC
700 CALLE BAHIA SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 This business is conducted by a DE A Limited Liability Company The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/01/2022 COMPANY OF PRAYER, LLC/S/BAILEY B SPARKS/BAILEY BETH SPARKS/MANAGING MEMBER/MANAGER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 01/11/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 2022
GARAGE SALE LISTINGS ARE FREE Email your listing to info@sanclementetimes.com. Deadline 12pm Monday.
Do you want to reach 42,000+ people in the San Clemente area? Then you need to be in the SC Times. Call us today! 949.388.7700, ext. 103
HELP WANTED SR. QUALITY ENGINEER (SAN CLEMENTE, CA) Maintain Quality Management System as per ISO 9001, ISO 13485 & AS9102. Execute & Maintain PPAP documentation such as pFMEA, Process Flow, FAIR, Control Plan, Gage R&R. Documenting QIPs. Execution of planned validation/revalidation protocols that includes DOE, MSA, IQ OQ, & PQ. Mail resume to International Rubber Products, Inc., Attn: HR Dept., 1035 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673.
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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(CoastLines cont. from page 16) San Clemente Ranch Market, 101 W. El Portal, plans to expand with a 5,300-square-foot commercial building, including an outdoor display and storage addition, on a 27,072-square-foot lot. Nomads Canteen is proposing extending outdoor seating at 102 Avenida Cabrillo. The Grill recently closed at 202 N. El Camino Real. There’s an application for a use permit at the site “to allow for the sale of beer and wine by a new restaurant, Seasurf Fish Co.,” city staff states. Zov’s Restaurant proposes a two-story commercial restaurant including indoor and outdoor dining on 8,000 square feet at 155 Avenida Del Mar. Del Mar Restaurant is going up, combining four lots at 226 Avenida Del Mar and replacing an office building with a two-story restaurant. It will include live entertainment and 16,000 square feet, to open in 2022. Mikey B’s would like to remodel and expand the former La Tiendita restaurant at 114 Avenida Victoria to include a restaurant, two commercial suites on a second floor and a third-floor residence and rooftop decks on 4,000 square feet of space. Shoreline Dental plans to demolish the former Tommy’s Restaurant at
San Clemente Times February 10–16, 2022
Construction is underway to convert The Grill, a breakfast and lunch spot near downtown that closed last summer, into a new seafood restaurant called Seasurf Fish Co. Photo: Shawn Raymundo
1409 El Camino Real for a two-story, 6,000-square-foot new building including a dental office and general offices. The Valencia Building, a former gas station and Top Tune car service at El Camino Real and Avenida Valencia, proposes a ground floor restaurant, office suites upstairs and underground
parking. La Galette, at 612 Avenida Victoria, plans to extend into three vacant suites for additional dining. Plaza by the Sea, home to Stater Bros., has permits to build a drive-thru for two tenants at 610 Camino de los Mares, next to Round Table Pizza. Also,
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4.4 acres of facade upgrades at the Stater Bros. site were completed in 2019. OceanView Plaza is planning site improvements including new patio furniture, landscape, and lighting on 13 acres at 638 Camino de los Mares. Zebra House Coffee is named as the drive-thru tenant for one of the two commercial buildings in the works at the west end of the Target parking lot on 990 W. Vista Hermosa. Drift Distillery is proposing expansion at 940 Calle Amanecer in the Rancho San Clemente Business Park. Station Brewery, at 1130 Via Callejon in the Rancho San Clemente Business Park, is planning a new microbrewery with a tasting room, plus accessory structures including grain silos and outdoor dining in conjunction with a sandwich shop there. The project is presently inactive, looking possibly at resubmittal. Fred Swegles grew up in San Clemente before the freeway. He has 50 years’ reporting experience in the city and can be reached at fswegles@picketfencemedia.com. SC PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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Hailey Langland falls in Olympic slopestyle final, competes in big air this weekend BY ZACH CAVANAGH, SAN CLEMENTE TIMES
ailey Langland, a 21-year-old Olympic snowboarder from San Clemente, ran into trouble in the women’s snowboard slopestyle final in the Beijing Games on Sunday morning, Feb. 6, at Genting Snow Park in China. Langland fell on the first jump of her first and third runs and couldn’t cleanly land her final jump of the second run, as the American finished 11th out of 12 riders in the medal round. Despite Langland’s falls and the fall of two-time gold medalist Jamie Anderson, Team USA did not go home empty-handed, as Julia Marino captured silver with a stellar second run—the first medal of the Games for the United States. “I’m incredibly grateful for where women’s snowboard slopestyle is today,” Langland said on Instagram. “Even though I couldn’t put a run down, the tears I had were out of joy for the progression, and pure camaraderie that we have for each other.” This is Langland’s second Winter Olympics. As a 17-year-old, Langland finished sixth in the women’s slopestyle
final at the 2018 Pyeongchang Games in South Korea. Langland, Anderson, Marino and fellow American Courtney Rummel, who did not qualify for the final, are not done at these Olympics. All slopestyle riders are also entered into the big air event, which will run the morning of Feb. 14 in Beijing. The big air final runs the morning of Feb. 15. There is a 16-hour time difference between the West Coast and Beijing, so the big air events will be broadcast in the United States at 5:30 p.m. PST on Feb. 13-14. Throughout both days of the competition, Langland struggled on the same jump in the frigid conditions at Genting Snow Park. The temperature was minus-4 degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the final. Slopestyle is run on a downhill course that incorporates multiple elements on which riders can perform tricks to score points with the judges. These elements include rails on the upper portion of the course and three ramps of different styles on the lower portion. On all three final runs, Langland went
For in-game updates, news and more for all of the San Clemente High School sports programs, follow us on Twitter @SouthOCSports.
Boys Wrestling Captures Third Consecutive CIF-SS Title Top-seeded San Clemente dominated No. 3 Victor Valley by winning nine consecutive matches (including six pins) and 10 of 14 overall to win the Division 3 championship match, 49-19, and capture the Tritons’ third straight CIF-SS dual meet championship on Feb. 2 at San Clemente High School. “They’ve been together a long time,” San Clemente coach Mark Calentino said. “As freshmen, they saw us get eliminated by Royal (of Simi Valley) in the semifinals, a team that wasn’t necessarily better than us, but they were a team. We were a group of individuals who were pretty tough. The following year, we were a group, we were a team, and we’ve San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
San Clemente boys wrestling dominated Victor Valley to capture its third consecutive CIF-SS dual meet championship. Photo: Courtesy of CIF-SS
carried that through.” In addition to these three dual meet championships, San Clemente has won three team titles at the CIF-SS tournament in 2005, 2007 and 2008. Victor Valley hosted the opening rounds of the dual meet playoffs on Saturday, Jan. 29, and the Tritons pushed through those rounds with similar form. San Clemente earned a first-round bye as the No. 1 seed and beat Camarillo, 5412, in the quarterfinals. In the semifinals, San Clemente faced its first real test of the tournament in No. 4 seed Chaminade. Chaminade had surprisingly dropped a league match, which in turn dropped its playoff seeding. The Tritons faced the challenge head-on with a
Hailey Langland, a 21-year-old Olympic snowboarder from San Clemente, fell twice in the women’s slopestyle final to finish 11th. Langland will also compete in the big air competition this weekend. Photo: Courtesy of Mike Dawsy/U.S. Ski and Snowboard
cleanly through the rails. However, just as in qualifying, Langland incurred falls coming off the first jump on her first and third runs. The first ramps were nicknamed the “twisted sisters,” as they are twin ramps that twist toward each other. On the second run, Langland nailed a frontside 720 off the first jump and followed up with a backside 540 off “The Matrix” second jump, which is a ramp made up of multiple ramps for a variety
of launch points. On the final jump, Langland launched into a 900 and landed the trick, but just barely. Langland kicked up snow on the landing, and judges labeled the jump as “sketchy.” Langland scored a 48.35, which jumped her up to seventh place at the time. It would be Langland’s only score posted for the day, and other finalists vaulted over her score to send the American to 11th place. SC
37-27 win to advance to the title match. “Going into the tournament last weekend, we knew that the championship match was going to be in the semifinals. Chaminade was the only team capable of beating us,” Calentino said. “Coming in tonight, I know that (Victor Valley had) a younger team. They have a tough group of kids, but I knew that if we wrestled well that this would be ours.” Victor Valley actually took the first match of the evening on Wednesday with a pin at 128 pounds, but then San Clemente hit the gas and pulled away. Jacob Belden, Garrett Boyd, Vance Fabrasillo, Robert Maley, Cole Robertson and Fernando Llanos won by pin. Dominic Morales, Matt Valdez, Indiana Fightmaster and Santino Nonaca won by decision. San Clemente now looks to take its momentum into the CIF-SS individual championships, with the Eastern Division tournament on Feb. 11-12 at Temecula Valley High School, where the top five in each weight class qualify for Masters. All 13 of San Clemente’s varsity starters qualified for the CIF-SS tournament out of the Coast View Athletic Association tournament, where the Tritons won another title by a large margin.
The San Clemente girls wrestling team will compete at their CIF-SS Eastern Division tournament at Corona High School, where the top eight in each weight class qualify for Masters.
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CIF-SS Winter Sports Playoff Schedule The rest of the winter sports CIF-SS playoff brackets were released on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 7-8. The San Clemente girls water polo team opened the CIF-SS playoffs with a first-round match against Dos Pueblos on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at Capistrano Valley High School. Results were not available at press time, but if the Tritons won, they would play at No. 1 Agoura in the quarterfinals on Saturday, Feb. 12. San Clemente boys basketball opens the Division 1 playoffs at No. 3 Etiwanda on Friday, Feb. 11. The Tritons girls basketball team also opens on the road in Division 1 at St. Paul of Santa Fe Springs on Saturday, Feb. 12. San Clemente boys soccer kicks off the Division 1 playoffs at Los Alamitos on Friday, Feb. 11. The Tritons’ girls soccer team begins the Division 1 playoffs at home against University High on Saturday, Feb. 12. SC sanclementetimes.com
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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Dive into the Deep End When It Comes to Feeling Comfortable in and Under the Water, Deep End Fitness Has Answers BY JAKE HOWARD, SAN CLEMENTE TIMES
here’s never been another surfer like Kelly Slater, and last week he proved that yet again with perhaps the most masterful performance of his storied career. A week shy of turning 50 years old, Slater won the Billabong Pro Pipeline in heavy, hollow Pipe conditions. It was Slater’s eighth win at Pipeline, his first coming a full 30 years earlier in 1992. For a little context, nobody who was still in the draw on finals day had even been born yet. And while he was unsure what the future holds for him, with tears in his eyes, Slater said it was “the best win of my life.” To us mortals who just want to be able to keep surfing as long as we can, Slater’s age-defying abilities may seem baffling, but one of his secrets is that he spends an
Members of the Deep End Fitness crew are all smiles post-workout at the San Clemente Aquatics Center. Photo: Courtesy of Jason Kenworthy
inordinate amount of time in the water. And while charging 12-foot Pipeline regularly may be out of reach for most of us, there’s a program in San Clemente that’s designed to help folks feel more comfortable under the water and give them the confidence to keep pushing forward. Deep End Fitness in San Clemente was founded by a pair of former Marine Special Operators in 2018 as a way to train and prepare for whatever life threw at them. “The workouts consist of breath work, surface and sub-surface swim movements and body weight exercises,” explains instructor Tyrus Griffin. “Currently, our programming is being used in performance centers, with the athletic training departments of several sports teams in between the NBA and MLB, as well as Olympians, UFC fighters, professional and amateur surfers.” As far as surfing goes, the training program is phenomenal for developing
lung capacity, endurance and confidence in and under the water. When she’s not chasing world titles around the globe or inspiring the next generation of girls to chase their dreams, Hawaii’s five-time world champ Carissa Moore has been known to jump in the pool with the Deep End crew. “I really enjoyed diving in the deep end—literally and metaphorically—with Deep End Fitness San Clemente,” Moore told the San Clemente Times shortly before finishing runner-up at the Billabong Pro Pipeline. “It is great cross-training for surfing and getting pounded. Becoming more conscious and learning how to remain calm and save energy underwater is huge to overcoming my fears and pushing my performance in the ocean.” But the program isn’t just for topflight professional athletes. The training is useful for anyone who wants to develop their skills and mental fortitude
in the water. “Supporting one another and developing that sense of community is also a big part of it,” explains instructor Jason Kenworthy, who played a big role in Deep End Fitness coming to the area. “We have people that are trying to overcome their fears of the water or looking to make a life change, as well as Olympic-caliber athletes in the pool at the same time, and everybody’s learning and improving together,” he adds. And in terms of a personal testimony, a few months ago, Kenworthy invited me to join him for a training session. Having surfed my whole life, played water polo in college and worked as a beach lifeguard for a number of years, I like to think I’m pretty comfortable in the water. But there’s always something to be learned and improvements that can be made. After passing a quick water safety test, the workout lasted almost two hours. We went through a variety of exercises and drills, and to be honest, by the end, I was gassed—and for a few days after, I was pretty sore, but sore in a good way, the kind of way that you can tell is making a difference. If you’d like to see what Deep End Fitness is all about, they meet at the San Clemente Aquatics Center every Monday and Wednesday evening from 5:45 to 7:30. There’s more information available on its website at deependfitness.com. Jake Howard is local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer Magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation. SC
Peeta Kenworthy. Photo: Courtesy of Jason Kenworthy
San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
howing up and blowing up at the NSSA event in Huntington Beach last week was Peeta Kenworthy, who captured the 10 and Under Division for a much-deserved victory. A regular around the San Clemente zone, from T-Street to Trestles, Peeta can most often be found ripping with her supremely talented brothers and sisters. Fortunately for Peeta, she has four siblings to enjoy the ocean with, and when they paddle out, the vibes are
always right. A goofy-footer like her old man, Peeta surfs with a ton of style and has no problem hammering the lip when the opportunity presents itself. Not just a talented surfer, Peeta takes after her older sister, Bella, and lights up the skatepark, too. Part of the Pink Helmet Posse, a girls’ skateboard brand, Peeta’s been rolling around on four wheels pretty much her whole life, and it shows. Like her surfing, she features heaps of style on the skateboard with a penchant for going big. Congrats on the NSSA win, Peeta. Surely, there are more to come this season. SC
Water Temperature: 57-59 Degrees F Water Visibility and Conditions: 10-14 Thursday: Blend of Northwest swell and South-southwest swell with waist-shoulderhead high waves, (3-4-5’). Light offshore breeze in the morning, shifts to a light sea breeze for the afternoon. Outlook: Persistent South-southwest swell maintains waist-shoulder-head high surf, (3-4-5’) on Friday and Saturday, then waves ease to waist-chest high, (3-4’) by Sunday. Pattern of light offshore mornings, followed by a light+ to moderate afternoon sea breeze is due to continue Friday through the weekend.
If you have a candidate for Grom of the Week, we want to know. Send an email to jakehoward1@gmail.com.
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San Clemente Times February 10-16, 2022
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