Residents fed up with a reported uptick in illegal activities on public property, such as drug use, littering and other violations, left disappointed from the San Clemente City Council’s special meeting on Monday night, March 27.
The council punted on authorizing a potential contract with Gatekeepers, an Oceanside-based security company proposing to operate 24/7 to monitor such activity and likely interact with San Clemente’s homeless population—without citation powers—on a 60-day trial basis.
According to the city’s staff report on the matter, Gatekeepers proposed a security plan that would deploy at least four of its officers and four marked security vehicles in San Clemente, with each of their interactions recorded through body cams. If approved, the contract would have cost the city $131,400 each month.
Instead, a council majority favored Mayor Pro Tem Steve Knoblock’s motion to give city staff time to determine the resources required to address public safety concerns in North Beach and along Avenida Del Mar.
Per the council’s 3-2 vote, City Manager Andy Hall would come back with a report and a request for proposals (RFP) for security services if he found that augmented services, such as the ones Gatekeepers were offering, were necessary.
Councilmembers Victor Cabral and Gene James were the dissenting votes, as the passing motion canceled Cabral’s initial motion to authorize the execution of the contract with Gatekeepers.
Knoblock prefaced his motion by saying that while he typically favored action over “unending analysis,” he felt that Hall hadn’t worked at the city long enough to grapple with public safety in
After eight years of receiving legal services from Best, Best & Krieger, the San Clemente City Council unanimously voted to approve a contract with a new
his own way and that concerns with enforcement could be dealt with internally.
“(Enforcement) needs to be addressed,” he said. “If it’s not being addressed, we need to remove the people that aren’t doing their job, the Park Rangers and the Code Enforcement, and get people who will do the job, or hire more of those people to make sure the job is actually done.”
Trying not to undermine Gatekeepers’ efficacy, Knoblock added that he wanted people with authority to be able to punish violations about which people were concerned.
Part of the council’s consideration Monday night was to determine whether to give Gatekeepers authority to issue administrative citations.
Each councilmember thanked those who came to give public comment— many of whom were from North Beach—and expressed their condolences to residents fearing for the safety of themselves, their children, and the community.
Generally, Cabral and James viewed the potential security contract as strictly a matter of public safety and said hiring Gatekeepers would serve as a well-meaning experiment to spark change.
“Today, the issue that we’re faced with is (the) safety and security of our residents throughout town,” Cabral said, adding: “You’re either for public safety or against it.”
Councilmember Mark Enmeier, however, wasn’t pleased with the way Gatekeepers was lined up to obtain a contract.
“My concern is that a request for proposal was never initiated,” he said.“We had less than a week until this meeting to make a decision. This doesn’t sit right that we’ve
only interviewed this one organization.”
Enmeier’s motion to direct staff to bring back several options for a security company was eventually tabled to allow the council to later question Capt. Jay Christian, San Clemente’s chief of Police Services.
Mayor Chris Duncan said he had significant concerns about liability issues if the council approved the contract, and that the city would be in “the crosshairs of a (potentially) massive lawsuit.”
During Christian’s time at the stand, he said he wanted the ability to continue policing the city and pointed out that his deputies have been working to address the public’s concerns. He also mentioned that he and Hall have communicated frequently in recent weeks regarding the reallocation of resources to consistently patrol the beaches at night.
His staff has experienced “limited contact” at the beach, Christian said.
“I’m here to tell you that, obviously, more deputies would be helpful, but I’m willing to try to reallocate resources to address these concerns,” Christian said in response to Cabral’s questions. “It will obviously pull resources from the rest of the city, but I’m working with some of our shift cover cars to absolutely address this issue.”
Earlier in the meeting, the council
questioned Gatekeepers co-owner Grant Norman at length, hoping to understand his company’s approach.
Norman said his guards operate out of marked vehicles, are trained to avoid escalation and are barred from using violence. He added that they also ensure the guards build relationships with local business owners and become a friendly, well-known face around the communities they serve.
The public commenting section featured a mix of viewpoints, ranging from those who reiterated their frustrations and implored the council to approve the contract, to people who felt hiring Gatekeepers would negatively impact the city’s homeless.
Rick Price, a parent and 12-year North Beach resident, said his family has not visited the neighborhood beach in five years because of the lack of cleanliness and safety.
“I’m very supportive of this resolution for this trial contract,” said Price. “I don’t think any of the solutions are ever going to be perfect, and I think it’s a multifaceted approach that we need to take, but I appreciate the fact that we’re trying something and it’s noncommittal.”
Knoblock asked Hall to report back at the council’s April 18 meeting.
provider at its meeting on March 21.
Burke, Williams, Sorenson LLP (BWS) emerged from nine bidders—including BB&K—as the lead candidate. Elizabeth Mitchell is set to serve in the role of city attorney.
Mitchell has practiced law for more than 23 years and has served at varying levels within city attorney offices for six San Diego County cities. She has served as the assistant city attorney for Coronado and Solana Beach for more than six years.
Prior to the council’s vote, each councilmember thanked outgoing City Attorney Scott Smith for his work for the city and fighting for it in situations involving the Transportation Corridor Agencies, sober living homes, and vacation rentals.
“Scott, you did amazing work,” said Councilmember Gene James. “There were evil entities trying to put a toll road through the middle of this town, and we stopped them cold. … It was you that did it.”
Mayor Chris Duncan called Smith a
“champion” for San Clemente.
“You can’t put a price tag on the work you’ve done, and how you’ve saved the city from these threats that we’ve faced,” he said.
The city issued a request for proposals after the council voted in October 2022 to seek alternative providers, with former Councilmember Laura Ferguson leading the charge along with current Mayor Pro Tem Steve Knoblock and Councilmember Gene James.
(Cont. on page 4)
As coastal cities grapple with eroding shorelines and loss of beach amenities that also threaten blufftop homes, Assemblymember Laurie Davies has introduced a new bill that would require the Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) to study shoreline erosion control and the effectiveness of programs aimed at protecting public beaches.
If enacted, Assembly Bill 966 would initiate the study that intends to include details on existing programs’ restoration, nourishment and enhancement activities, the programs’ effectiveness and “evaluate the need for continued shoreline erosion and public beach restoration projects.”
The last time such a study occurred was in 2002, Davies explained. In 1999, the State of California gave DBW the power to study the effectiveness of public beach restoration programs through Assembly Bill 64, Davies said.
“The goal of this program was assisting local agencies in the planning and construction of cost-effective erosion control projects with local and federal agencies,” Davies said.
Realizing that there have been no further studies of the effectiveness of DBW shoreline erosion control programs, Davies argued that such a bill was long overdue.
AB 966 amends the Assembly’s current Harbors and Navigation code to include a requirement that Boating and Waterways works with the State Coastal Conservancy to prepare a report on “shoreline erosion control and public beach restoration programs.”
Additionally, the bill would require the report to “discuss ways to increase natural sediment supply in order to decrease the need to nourish the state’s beaches, identify critically eroded shorelines and analyze where existing structures may be removed or modified.”
The bill defines a critically eroded shoreline to mean “a segment of the shoreline where natural environmental processes or human activity have caused or contributed to erosion and recession of the beach or dune system to such a degree that upland development, recreational interests, wildlife habitat or important cultural resources are threatened or lost.”
“So, as we have seen in recent years, and unfortunately recent days in San Clemente, the state needs to thoroughly understand how effective it is when it comes to coastal erosion and resources we
have in place, because we really have got to prevent more beach loss,” Davies said.
“It’s amazing how much we’ve lost, and the economic downfall to these cities is going to be huge,” Davies continued.
Davies noted that if the state can better use its existing programs to understand California’s coastal erosion, “scientists and local stakeholders can definitely better understand the impact of climate change on coastal environments and work with the state and federal leaders to mitigate these impacts.”
By allowing DBW to study California’s beaches, Davies emphasized that the report will help to show which beaches most critically need the state’s attention.
“If you’ve got someone having a heart attack or you’ve got somebody with a cut on their knee, where do you go first? You make sure you take care of those that
are in need the most,” Davies said. “And that would be the beaches that have the most erosion and are creating economic dysfunction.”
Under the proposed legislation, the report would evaluate local beaches to see if they would be considered “critically eroded shorelines.”
Davies noted that on some local beaches, amenities have disappeared in the face of coastal erosion.
“If you looked at the basketball courts and volleyball courts and picnic areas, they’re gone now,” Davies said, referring to beaches in Dana Point and San Clemente. “So, I think that when they do these studies, they’re going to be able to find out that, yes, I think that our beaches are probably some of the most serious beaches in threat.”
As local shorelines recede and amenities disappear and the nearby railroad tracks are threatened, Davies added that hotels, restaurants and retail in coastal areas may suffer from the loss of tourism dollars.
The proposed legislation is crucial now, Davies added, as the state has seen homes atop coastal bluffs threatened by coastal erosion.
“I think this is something that probably should have been done 10 years ago, and if you even look at this, the last time we had a report was 2002,” Davies said. “I feel that we are really behind on what we should have been doing a while ago.”
“So instead of stopping the bleeding, we are now in emergency mode where we’ve got to do something or we’re not going to be able to get our beaches back,” Davies continued. “So, we have to make sure that we’re not beyond that point.”
The proposed legislation is scheduled to go before the Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee on April 18.
“Hopefully, we’ll be able to get it through and move it to the floor,” Davies said.
(Cont. from page 3)
Over the course of BB&K’s contract with San Clemente, the firm has billed the city for at least $13 million, according to the Management Partners’ June 2021 Assessment of Legal Services Report and BB&K’s Fiscal Year End Reconciliation Reports.
Based on its bid in the city’s request for proposals, BB&K proposed three payment options, comprising a modified broad retainer, hourly payments, and a hybrid, council-focused retainer.
Under the first method, the city would pay a monthly retainer of $42,323 for general counsel services in addition to a $282-hourly rate for attorneys and $170-hourly rate for paralegals, clerks, analysts and consultants to perform non-retainer general counsel services.
Each hour of Public Records Act (PRA) work would cost $217, and special coun-
sel services would cost $355 an hour for attorneys and $180 an hour for lower-tiered workers.
For strictly hourly work, attorneys would be paid $275 for general counsel and non-retainer general counsel services, $217 for PRA work, and $355 for special counsel services; paralegals, clerks, analysts, and consultants would be paid $170 for general counsel and non-retainer general counsel services, $217 for PRA work, and $181 for special counsel services. Private rates would also be paid for applicant-initiated reimbursable services.
The final council-focused retainer would charge the city $9,800 monthly for attendance before, during, and after council meetings, responding to councilmember inquiries, as well as briefings and debriefings. The firm included reasoning for the alternative system in its proposal.
“With discipline on staff requests and the City’s filling of its current non-attorney vacancies, this alternative could reduce (San Clemente’s) legal costs quite significantly,” BB&K said in its proposal, adding, in parentheses: “In other words, the work of planners, engineers, clerks, and finance staff have considerable overlap with our services and tend to go down when clients have these positions fully filled.”
BWS presented the city with just two options for compensation—a retainer with hourly fees or only hourly fees.
For Option A, the city would pay $12,750 monthly for the first 50 hours of general city services, and $285 for additional hours of general city services; $295 hourly for tort litigation and code enforcement work; $325 for special legal services done by partners; $285 for special legal services completed by associ-
ates; $450 for third party reimbursable services; and $165 for paralegal work.
Under Option B, BWS would charge San Clemente $265 hourly for general city services; $275 for tort litigation and code enforcement; $305 for partners’ special legal services; $275 for that of associates; $450 for third party reimbursable services; and $165 for paralegal work.
Ultimately, the council favored BWS’ hourly compensation model.
The council met in closed session to discuss the matter starting in February 2023, including a special meeting on Feb. 16. BB&K withdrew from consideration on March 14 via a letter to the city, and “expressed a willingness” to help BWS with the immediate transition and acclimating the new firm to San Clemente’s chief legal topics, according to the agenda report. BWS will begin its services on April 1.
What was once an unsightly gas station left unused on the corner of Avenida Palizada, just off the 5 Freeway, has been reduced to a fence-enclosed slab of concrete.
The removal of the former gas station and its accompanying structures follows a settlement agreement between the property owner and the City of San Clemente that had been reached this past fall.
“I’m really happy we were able to get that structure down,” Mayor Chris Duncan said, noting that he recalls consistently driving by the property and thinking to himself that the station’s demolition was long overdue.
Speaking to the settlement agreement, Duncan praised city staff and Matt Silver, the attorney who represents the city on matters involving code situations. He also held his fellow councilmembers in high esteem for working to get the structure removed.
“This is a council that is going to be getting things done, and this is real progress right there,” an elated Duncan
said, later adding: “I’m really happy to see it’s being done. (The property) looks a million times better.”
Per the settlement, Urban Development Corporation (UDC), the owner of the property, agreed to demolish the gas station that’s been abandoned for about a decade. The company also agreed to reimburse the city $18,200 to cover outstanding fines UDC had incurred from the city and other costs related to the enforcement of the property.
UDC’s attorney had not responded to a request for comment as of press time.
The settlement agreement resolves the lawsuit the city had filed against UDC in May 2022, which claimed that the property was a public nuisance and a nuisance per se, and accused the company of engaging in unlawful business practices.
The city sought injunctions, or judicial orders, to bring the property in compliance with the Municipal Code, and abatement, or reduction, of the alleged nuisances.
“The City has attempted to gain Defendants’ voluntary compliance and rehabilitation of the Subject Property since at least March of 2013 to no avail,” the complaint stated. “The City has received complaints about the Subject Property from the public and neighbors and, despite several notices and other contacts, Defendants have made little effort to rehabilitate or remediate the Subject Property.”
Between November 2019 and June 2021, the city issued six administra-
tive citations totaling $5,700 for the continued existence of the canopies, “unsightly” property maintenance, rust stains because of weathered coating and deteriorated paint, temporary fencing, and broken security lighting.
According to the settlement agreement, UDC disputed the city’s claims, contending it had “been in compliance and/or working to gain compliance for many years.” The company further claimed its representatives had numerous meetings with prospective tenants to lease the land.
UDC and its agents, the settlement continued, “had contacts with City personnel to try to come up with a mutually compatible use of the Subject Property; and that Defendant filed an application with the City for a demolition permit concerning the Subject Property several months ago.”
The settlement noted that the city had denied those assertions.
The city’s lawsuit, filed on May 27, 2022, named Jack Burk as UDC’s chief executive and one of the owners of the property at 422 N. Avenida De La Estrella. According to the settlement, Burk doesn’t have a legal interest in the land, and therefore was dismissed as a party in the matter.
In terms of what’s in store for the property now that the remnants of the former gas station are gone, Duncan noted that there have been ideas proposed in previous council meetings to reconfigure the busy intersection, incorporating
that property.
Such proposals, though, “haven’t been really feasible at this point. So, the short answer is, I’m not sure what’s in store for that corner. It will be largely up to the property owner,” he said. “We understood they had some ideas (for the land) … but we said we weren’t going to entertain that until they took (the structure) down.”
According to Duncan, the city hasn’t received any formal proposals that staff, the planning department or City Council would consider at this point.
“I can tell you from my perspective as the mayor and on City Council, I would hope we could get something soon and that corner is put to good use,” he said. “Because it is an entrance point to the city, so it would be really beneficial for those who get off the freeway at that exit that it looks (good) and is useful.”
While the city awaits a proposal by UDC for the property, Duncan said he would prefer to see what it proposes before expressing what the other city officials would like to see developed on the land.
“Frankly, I would like to have the process play out where we get the proposal and evaluate it from there,” he said. “I know that sometimes we get pressured to influence how people develop things, but I think what we want is to have property owners find the best possible use and we determine from there … rather than have the city dabble in and tell people what to do with their properties.”
The San Clemente City Council will soon consider a nonbinding resolution that would mark the city as in opposition to an education bill currently floating through the state legislature.
At the council’s March 21 meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Knoblock asked his colleagues if they would be interested in discussing whether to take a stance on Assembly Bill 1078, which Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson (D-Riverside County) introduced in February.
If enacted, local educational agencies and districts would be required to receive approval from the California State Board of Education to remove instructional materials; stop teaching certain curricula; remove books and other publications from libraries; and add people of all gender expressions and people who are LGBTQ+ to a list of diverse groups required to be accurately portrayed within instructional materials.
Knoblock said it was an issue of local control, and Councilmembers Victor Cabral and Gene James provided the support that allows for city staff to come back at a future meeting with a draft resolution and report.
“(Before this bill, if) our local school board decides that there’s an issue that they don’t want the teachers to teach, let’s say transgenderism, CRT (Critical Race Theory), certain pornography that’s been complained about in the required reading … the school board has the ability to deal with that issue at the local level,” he said.
He then passed out a draft copy he had written to the other councilmembers. According to Knoblock, the language used in the draft heavily reflected the Orange County Department of Education’s own resolution, which also expressed concerns about AB 1078.
Both resolutions argue that the United States has recognized the rights of parents to “direct the upbringing of their children,” the idea of local control of education is a “constitutional concept,” and that county and local education officials and school districts have more responsibility in operating the education system. Additionally, the resolutions list other reasons to oppose the bill, including: “Its transparent deviation and obstruction of parents and families in the local control of education. Its impositions of numerous state financial mandates on the state education budget reducing education dollars normally directed towards the costs of a student’s
The Capistrano Unified School District has denied teaching CRT, which opponents believe generates anti-White sentiment and division. It has argued that the complex principles associated with the theory would be too advanced to teach at any grade level before college.
“Critical Race Theory should not be confused with equity, which many school districts have incorporated into their teaching methods and curriculum,” read an FAQ page from the Association of California School Administrators that CUSD has also used on its website.
Knoblock wrote in an email to San Clemente Times on Wednesday, March 29, that he was also concerned about the state expanding its “perpetual march” to take control from local communities.
“While the city doesn’t have jurisdiction in this issue, we can speak out on behalf of our children,” he said.
The resolution marks the third occasion in the last year in which Knoblock has asked the council to take an official stance on a trending political topic.
In early August 2022, he wanted San Clemente to declare itself as a “Sanctuary for Life” in the months following the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade That resolution was eventually removed from the council’s agenda. Later that month, he proposed another resolution that would have asked California lawmakers to take steps to reduce voter fraud and increase public confidence in elections. The council voted that resolution down in a 3-2 vote.
Mayor Chris Duncan said that the latest item would distract the council from taking care of more urgent matters and drag it into a divisive conversation, which is why he did not initially second the mayor pro tem’s motion.
He added that he didn’t think the resolution was about local control, and that the action instead advanced a political
agenda and served as an attack on public school administrators and teachers. There is no basis for not trusting such officials who work exhaustively to do the best for San Clemente’s children, Duncan said.
“I’m on the school site council at Vista Del Mar Elementary School,” said Duncan, a father of three school-aged children. “We get to have direct input onto the curriculum. So there already is a system in place for parents to have a say, and I can tell you that the administrators and teachers very much take our opinions into account.”
Councilmembers Cabral, James, and Mark Enmeier had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.
A media release from Assemblymember Jackson’s office regarding the bill stated that the law would “revolutionize how students learn and see themselves in the classroom.”
“We must strive to create a more equitable and inclusive education system for all students,” Jackson said in the release. “This bill will ensure that students in California receive a comprehensive education that celebrates the diversity of our state and promotes a sense of belonging in the classroom.”
AB 1078 is part of four bills within Jackson’s Anti-Racism Bill Package. The other legislation concerns combating hate crimes by creating a state Hate Crimes Intervention Unit, amending a proposition to allow for the inclusion of waivers for research-based and culturally specific interventions in state programs focused on equity, and requiring all state agencies and counties to conduct antiracism audits.
The bill has received backlash from other outside perspectives, including a Silicon Valley board trustee who argues transparency for parents would cease with its passing, as well as the California Parents Union and the California Family
Beachside Chat
8-9 a.m. Join San Clemente residents and dignitaries for the weekly Beachside Chat, a spirited, town hall forum on community issues led by a slate of rotating hosts. The chats are held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, located at 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. All are welcome.
Challenging Cancer
10-11:30 a.m. The Challenging Cancer group is conducting weekly meetings through Zoom video conferences. To join, email donnavigil2@gmail.com or linda_crdv@yahoo.com. heritagesc.org.
TUESDAY, APRIL 4 City Council
5 p.m. The San Clemente City Council will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting in person at the Council Chambers at City Hall, as well as virtually. The meeting will be livestreamed on the city’s YouTube channel. City Hall, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
San Clemente Toastmasters
7-8:40 p.m. The Toastmasters Club invites people to lose their fear of public speaking and have fun at the same time. Join them in person on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Baha’i Center, at 3316 Avenida del Presidente. Visitors welcomed. Call or text Laura Yang at 949.547.6558 with questions. 6463.toastmastersclubs.org.
Planning Commission
5-10 p.m. The city’s Planning Commission will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting at the Council Chambers at City Hall. The meeting will be livestreamed through the city’s YouTube channel. City Hall, 910 Calle Negocio. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
Council, which listed AB 1078 as one of the 10 worst bills introduced for the current legislative session.
CUSD and Orange County Board of Education officials were not able to provide comment as of press time.
Originally scheduled to be heard at the Assembly Education Committee’s meeting on Wednesday afternoon, March 29, the bill was recently pulled from the agenda, leaving its future up in the air.
At Orange County Fifth District Board Supervisor Katrina Foley’s second “Women Making a Difference Awards” held on March 18, she recognized a local leader for her efforts in showing what women can bring to the film industry.
Maureen “Mo” Langley, founder of the San Clemente Women’s Surf Film Festival, was honored in the awards’ film category during the event at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point.
Other categories included arts, blogs, books and publications, podcasts, print news and television news, public information, radio, social media and the stage.
Langley started the film festival five years ago to fundraise for her nonprofit, Sandy Feet Initiative, which supports the siblings of children with special needs with recreational activities. She said that receiving the award was exciting and she’s still overwhelmed, as she acknowledged that her annual event is still growing.
“When I realized how many films there were that women had done about
women’s surfing, I wanted them to be recognized and for people to have a chance to see them,” said Langley. “To be recognized for that was amazing. It was amazing from a nonprofit (standpoint), amazing for women surfers everywhere.”
The festival in January—the latest of which she threw herself into preparing, as in previous years—was another success.
A sold-out crowd attended, and the women filmmakers there enjoyed the interest people displayed in their art and expressed a desire to come back next year. The event expands each year, Langley said, which is another encouraging factor.
She’s learned over the years that the people she has worked with aren’t getting the recognition they deserve, even as they make poignant films about the environment or other women in surfing.
“They’re just so darn impressive with what they’re doing,” she said.
Langley added that she takes her
role in facilitating access to women’s films seriously, and that she is intentional about interacting with the filmmakers before, during, and after the festival, which serves to grow relationships.
Foley included a statement in a press release about the awards event, congratulating all the nominees for their
storytelling pursuits and encouraging women supporting other women.
“These stories are essential to retaining the history and experiences of our residents in Orange County,” she said. “I’m proud to celebrate esteemed women who care about others and understand that lifting up those in pain or struggling lifts up us all.”
For decades, residents, surfers, and businessowners voiced their concerns for our eroding coastline while political leaders did nothing. This month, we saw the consequences of their inaction when a landslide in San Clemente threatened the safety of residents of four local apartment buildings on Buena Vista.
Unfortunately, this was not the only incident in Orange County. The week prior, the hillside crumbled beneath three homes in the Dover Shores community in Newport Beach.
After personally surveying the damage of the Newport homes, I worked with Board Chairman Donald Wagner, the county team, the Orange County Fire Authority, Assemblymember Diane Dixon and San Clemente Mayor Chris Duncan to assess weather-related risks in Orange County and do everything in our power to assist residents in need.
Since the Board of Supervisors passed my resolution to declare a local state of emergency, Gov. Newsom added Orange County to the state’s emergency declaration, and Congressman Mike Levin echoed our call for help and secured the support of President Joe Biden, who added us to the federal state of emergency declaration.
More than $4 million in damages has been officially reported throughout Orange County, but we expect that number to increase, as much of the most significant damage takes more time to calculate.
While we are working diligently to provide support, coastal erosion remains a constant problem, as climate change exacerbates our winter storms. To protect our economy, homes, and way of life, we must start creating long-term, science-based solutions instead of reacting to incidents as they happen.
In September 2022, I held a Sustainability Summit featuring Dr. Brett Sanders, professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Irvine. He proposed policies focused on sand replenishment, shoreline stabilization, reducing cliff erosion, and increasing sediment supplies from local creeks and streams. These are just some of the recommendations we must work with scientists and experts to explore.
Within the past couple of years,
commuter train service shut down twice because of coastal erosion.
First in September 2021, the tracks near the San Clemente Station abruptly lurched 28 inches toward the ocean as a result of an eroding bluff. The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) deposited 18,000 tons of large rocks, or riprap, in the area to delay the inevitable.
One year later in September 2022, commuter train service shut down again, because tracks were dangerously close to falling into the ocean. A $13.7 million railroad stabilization project originally estimated to take 30-45 days is still ongoing due to the winter storms.
The impacted tracks are a part of the Los Angeles-San Diego (LOSSAN) Corridor, the second-busiest corridor of its type in the country that annually transports more than 8.3 million passengers and moves more than $1 billion in goods.
This section is designated by the Department of Defense as a national defense rail corridor due to its proximity to Camp Pendleton and the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and San Diego.
On the heels of my numerous calls for further rail planning and sand replenishment, the OCTA Board unanimously approved two feasibility studies on potential relocation of the railroad and impacts of coastal erosion.
I’m also working with Levin to replenish the beaches of South Orange County that border the LOSSAN Rail Corridor. These studies and concurrent sand replenishment efforts are necessary steps toward identifying and implementing long-term solutions to stabilize our shoreline.
We’re already paying the price for decades of inaction. Giant boulders now occupy the spaces where surfers accessed the water, and residents and tourists previously enjoyed sandy beaches, and which also served to protect our railroad corridor.
These fleeting solutions destabilize our homes, economy, national security, and way of life. We must take action with urgency. SC
Elected in 2022, Katrina Foley represents the Fifth Supervisorial District on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. She was previously elected to serve the Second District from 2021-2022.
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Tricia Zines
Megan Bianco, Jake Howard
San Clemente Times, Vol. 18, Issue 13. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. FACEBOOK.COM/SANCLEMENTETIMES • INSTAGRAM @S_C_TIMES
January 14, 1942–May 24, 2022
Carmine John “Sean” Del Grosso, 80, a retired Marine Corps colonel, brave warrior, dedicated scholar, untiring statesman who served as the first Marine Officer to be assigned to U.S. Embassy, Beijing, as the Naval Attache, died May 24, 2022, in his San Clemente, California, home surrounded by loved ones.
Col. Del Grosso was known for his Sino-Soviet expertise, deep Catholic faith, being a rabid fan of the New York Yankees, innate charm and quick Irish wit. Career highlights include first Marine Officer to serve as a U.S. Naval Attache to the People’s Republic of China;attended Naval War College, Washington DC; and eventually served as Commanding Officer of the distinguished Marine Security Guard Battalion (Dept of State), responsible for diplomatic security at 143 U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide. Find complete obituary at Carmine DelGrosso’s Obituary on Legacy.com.
A decorated warrior, he served three tours inVietnam and was the recipient of The Legion of Merit, 3 Bronze Stars for Valor, 2 Defense Meritorious Service Medals, Joint Service Commendation Medal, 2 Navy Commendation Medals, Navy Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon and other personal allied decorations, to include The Republic of Vietnam Honor Medal.
Upon retirement in1989, he moved his family to San Clemente. Col. Del Grosso served as a Regional Director, Business Development, international aerospace sales and marketing with
McDonnell-Douglas and The Boeing Company, Integrated Defense Systems, Asia, Africa, Middle East and The Americas.He retired again in 2004.
Col. Del Grosso was born January 14, 1942 in the Bronx, New York City, son of Sebastian and Josephine Del Grosso. He was commissioned an Officer in USMC upon graduation from Fordham University with a B.A degree in Political Science (1963). He holds an M.A. degree in International Relations (1977) and a M. Phil. In Modern Far East History (1980) from The George Washington University, Washington DC.
Col. Del Grosso was preceded in death by his parents and brother Robert Del Grosso. Survivors include his wife of 42 years, Helen Del Grosso of San Clemente, son Carson Holmes of Longmont, CO, 2 daughters: Heather Holmes of San Clemente and Crystal Kaplan of Vienna, VA. He is also survived by five grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at the Old Post Chapel at Ft Myers at 8:00 am on Monday, March 27. Burial, with full military honors, will follow at Arlington National Cemetery at 8:45 am. In lieu of flowers, donations should be made to Wounded Warrior Project (support.woundedwarriorproject.org).
February 7, 1922 – March 15, 2023
Tony Cappa of San Clemente, died peacefully at home on Wednesday, 3/15. Lovingly cared for by family, friends, neighbors, and Memorial Care Hospice, all of whom adored, marveled at, and admired him. He was 101 years young!
He was born at home February 7, 1922, in Inglewood, California, when that now thriving area was, as Tony described, “Just a bunch of turnip fields.” Tony and his surviving older sister, Elsie, played with neighborhood kids in a creek that ran through the area.
Tony was predeceased by his wife of 48 years, Margie Cappa, his sons Danny Cappa and Jerry Cappa and his grandson, Anthony Cappa. He is survived by his son and wife, Dr. Steve and Patti Cappa, grandsons Matt Cappa, fiancée Beth Kintz, William Cappa, wife Lucienne Yunevich, great-grandson, August Cappa, David Cappa, wife Julia Cappa, Gavin Cappa, Quentin Cappa, his sister, Elsie Parslow and niece & nephew, Justine Amadeus and Jamie Parslow.
A Marine Corps World War II Iwo Jima veteran, in approximately18 months Tony went from civilian aircraft worker to combat Marine and joined the hundreds of thousands of men and women who helped win World War II and give us all a safer world in which to flourish. Tony lived almost his entire 101 years in Southern California, residing in Inglewood, San Gabriel, Van Nuys and with his last residence in San Clemente since 1979.
This active centenarian never met a stranger and
had a lifetime of generosity and enthusiasm for his family, numerous friends & neighbors, and his beloved Oasis Senior Center Ukulele family. He became active with the Oasis Senior Center in Newport Beach where he led the ukulele group for over 35 years. The 100-person group was so active that they were featured in an episode of Huell Howser’s long running PBS program, California’s Gold. And somewhere along the road Tony met some much younger Marines who invited him into their group and got him to attend annual Marine Corps Birthday celebrations hosted by The November 10th Association, where Tony was honored several times as the oldest Marine in attendance.
His rich common sense, unwavering curiosity for life, wit, astounding memory, and love for music and poetry will leave a void in us all!
A memorial service will be held 5/6/23, 10:00AMNoon, at the following location: Oasis Senior Center 801 Narcissus Ave Corona del Mar, CA 92625
The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in his memory to the Exchange Club of San Clemente at P.O. Box 293, San Clemente CA 92674-0293.
6:30 p.m. The Casino San Clemente presents “Spring Into Jazz” with Los Angeles-based Tawanda Suessbrich-Joaquim. Dinner will be catered by CalFresh. Tickets are $35. Casino San Clemente, 140 W. Avenida Pico, San Clemente. eventbrite.com.
7 p.m. Live music is featured at this popular South Orange County venue. The Doors tribute band Burning Doors will perform. StillWater Spirits & Sounds, 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point. 949.661.6003. danapointstillwater.com.
6:30-9:30 p.m. British Invasion will perform. Stop in to listen and dance, perhaps after playing a round of golf. San Juan Hills Golf Club, 32120 San Juan Creek Road, San Juan Capistrano. 949.565.4855. sanjuanhillsgolf.com.
7 p.m. Alex Wersen will perform. Enjoy the entertainment on the outdoor patio while you chow down on food and sip drinks. Trevor’s at the Tracks, 26701 Verdugo Street, San Juan Capistrano. 949.493.9593. trevorsatthetracks.com.
9 pm.-1 a.m. Put on your cowboy hat and boots and get ready to enjoy all the Western-style fun at one of San Juan Capistrano’s best-known dive bars and country music spots. The Thunder Band will perform. Happy hour is from 4-7 p.m. Swallow’s Inn, 31786 Camino Capist-
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Celebrate the protection and preservation of Native American culture. Panhe will feature singers and dancers, storytelling, local vendors, museum exhibits and more. Activities include basketry demonstrations, flute performances, children’s activities, and plant demonstrations. The festival will take place at the San Mateo Campground and San Onofre State Beach. Off-site parking and a complimentary round-trip shuttle will be available at Concordia Elementary School. Hosted by the San Onofre Parks Foundation. 949.366.8599. sanoparks.org.
rano, San Juan Capistrano. 949.493.3188. swallowsinn.com.
8-11 a.m. Join California State Parks Naturalist Heather Rice to experience the local state park. Meet at the City of San Clemente’s dog park off Avenida La Pata to participate in this 4-mile hike. Baron Von Willard Memorial Dog Park, 301 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente. cryssie.moreno@parks.ca.gov.
8 a.m.-noon. OC Waste and Recycling is hosting this giveaway while supplies last. Proof of Orange County residency is required, and residents should bring a shovel and container or bag to fill. Prima Deschecha Landfill, 32250 Avenida La Pata, San Juan Capistrano. oclandfills.com.
9-11 a.m. South OC Cars and Coffee, dubbed the world’s biggest weekly car meet, attracts a mix of 500-1,000 hypercars, supercars, exotics, vintage, classic, muscle and sports cars, hot rods, rat rods, pickups, 4x4s and motorcycles. Those attending are encouraged to practice responsible social distancing. Face masks are not mandatory, but they are recommended. No cars in before 8:30
a.m. Cars should enter and leave slowly and quietly—no revving, speeding or burnouts. The Outlets at San Clemente, 101 West Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. southoccarsandcoffee.com.
Games. Teams can include up to six people. Winning teams earn bar cash and other prizes. Left Coast Tasting Room, 1251 Puerta Del Sol, San Clemente. eventvesta.com.
10 a.m.-3 p.m. Voice actor Kyle Hebert, most known for voicing Gohan on Dragon Ball Z, will be featured next at The Toy Box’s Celebrity Signing Series. VIP passes will allow guests access to a Q&A session. Space is limited. Register via the link in The Toy Box’s Instagram bio, at @thetoybox_sc. The Outlets at San Clemente, 101 W. Avenida Pico, Suite 170, San Clemente. eventbrite.com.
2-5 p.m. Set sail aboard the schooner Spirit of Dana Point and experience California from the perspective of an early tall ship explorer. Join the crew to help raise sail, handle lines and steer the ship, or simply sit back, relax and enjoy the majesty of sailing the seas aboard a tall ship. Must be 4 years or older to sail. Tickets are $65. Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. 949.496.2274. oceaninstitute.org.
7-9 p.m. Left Coast Brewing presents trivia modeled after pub quizzes in Ireland and the United Kingdom, covering everything from Hungary to the Hunger
8 p.m. Enjoy some rollicking sounds over dinner at this intimate and popular South Orange County venue. The Doors guitarist Robby Krieger will perform with the Soul Savages. Tickets are $35. Doors open at 6 p.m. The Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. 949.496.8930. thecoachhouse.com.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers along Avenida Del Mar. 949 361 8200. san-clemente.org.
9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Ecology Center is providing a chance to pick fresh berries. While baskets will be provided, participants are also welcome to bring their own. After you finish collecting a harvest, head over to the Farm Stand to pay for what you picked. Cost to attend is $9. The Ecology Center, 32701 Alipaz Street, San Juan Capistrano. 949.443.4223. theecologycenter.org.
10 a.m.-2 p.m. This recurring event will have an “Earth Day” theme, in which experts will be around to answer questions about the flora at Casa Romantica; children can enjoy garden crafts, and there will be a rose class at 10:30 a.m. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.1139. casaromantica.org.
2 p.m. Watch a live performance of the hospital-set comedy It Runs in the Family at San Juan Capistrano’s local theater. Renditions will be held through April 16. Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. 949.489.8082. caminorealplayhouse.org.
12:30 p.m. The South Orange County Bridge Club hosts bridge games, Monday through Saturday. The club is a nonprofit owned by the members and welcomes people to use their minds and develop new friendships. They also offer classes for bridge players of different levels. 31461 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 205, San Juan Capistrano. galesenter@cox.net.
Two decades after sitcom star Zach Braff made his writing-directing debut with the polarizing Garden State (2004), we are given his fourth feature behind the camera.
A Good Person stars Florence Pugh, one of the best actors of her generation and Braff’s girlfriend at the time of production.
Like Garden State, A Good Person focuses on young people dealing with grief in Braff’s home state of New Jersey. Fortunately for viewers, Pugh’s protagonist is a huge step up from Natalie Portman as Braff’s love interest in State, and probably the biggest highlight of the new film.
Allison’s life (Pugh) takes a turn for the worse when she’s responsible for the deaths of her fiancé’s sister and brother-in-law while
7-10 p.m. Play your own percussion, acoustic or electric instruments every Monday night at Knuckleheads. Amps are allowed, but drums are not. Knuckleheads, 1717 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
6:30 p.m. Test your knowledge every Tuesday night. Teams of two to six people are welcome to join in for a chance to win prizes. Call beforehand to reserve a table. Selma’s Chicago Pizzeria, 31781 Camino Capistrano, Suite 201, San Juan Capistrano. 949.429.3599. selmaspizza.com.
10:30-11 a.m. Bring the kids to storytime, held every Tuesday morning. Children will get to read books and sing songs. The event is geared for the 2- to 6-yearold age range. San Juan Capistrano Library, 31495 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. 949.493.1752. ocpl.org.
10:30 a.m. Bring your toddler to roam
the gardens at Casa Romantica, sing and dance, and enjoy a book reading. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.1139. casaromantica.org.
1:30 p.m. Every Wednesday, the Dorothy Visser Senior Center will host Bingo. The center will begin selling cards at 1 p.m., with the game starting promptly at 1:30. The buy-in is $12 for 10 games with four cards and a special pick-your-number game. For more information, contact the center at 949.498.3322. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente.
6 p.m. The Ocean Institute’s Distinguished Speaker Series, presented by the Nicholas Endowment, brings innovations, real-world research, exotic experiences and discoveries to the surface through presentations from an ocean of experts. Legendary surf icon Joyce Hoffman will share memories of her adventures as a woman in a predominantly male sport. Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. 949.496.2274. oceaninstitute.org.
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6:30-8:30 p.m. The BrewHouse hosts a trivia night every Wednesday. Test your knowledge with friends or show up solo and join a team. The BrewHouse, 31896 Plaza Drive, Suite D3, San Juan Capistrano. 949.481.6181. brewhousesjc.com.
7-10 p.m. Every Wednesday, H.H. Cotton’s will host this live music showcase to feature talented local musicians from around the area and will occur in the restaurant’s Hamilton Room (the back room). H.H. Cotton’s, 201 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. hhcottons.com.
8-10 p.m. Knuckleheads is open for food, drinks and live music. Performers of all skill levels are welcome. If you are a musician, do stand-up comedy or the spoken word, this is the place to be on Wednesday nights. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
The weaknesses in A Good Person are primarily from Braff, unfortunately. Here, we have another case of a down-to-earth dramedy filmmaker who goes full circle as a parody of his style.
Whether it’s the twee indie pop songs, the ironic comic relief, the subdued drama or the preachy climax, A Good Person just feels redundant and dated to what initially made Braff a successful director in 2004.
There are also a few cringe-worthy moments between the younger characters that feel a bit out of touch with young people in real life.
The strangest part of A Good Person is how the detail of Allie checking her cellphone while driving on the freeway is barely acknowledged, feeling like an afterthought until the very last minute. As if Braff almost forgot his lead actually was responsible for the inciting incident.
looking at her cellphone as she’s driving on the
Instantly, the engagement to Nathan (Chinaza Uche) is off. She’s depressed, reclusive, and hooked on the pain medication for her accident injuries. Meanwhile, Nathan, his dad, Daniel (Morgan Freeman), and his niece, Ryan (Celeste O’Connor), are dealing with the
deaths in the family in their own ways, which ultimately leads them back to Allie.
The best scene in A Good Person is between Pugh and Alex Wolff, who plays a former schoolmate nagging Allie for denying her substance problem. It’s always great to see two young, powerhouse talents perform off each other effortlessly.
Allie has potential as a character, and the plot could be executed well, because both are similar to what we saw with Melora Walters in PT Anderson’s Magnolia (1999) or Naomi Watts in AG Iñárritu’s 21 Grams (2003). But, sadly, I’m once again going to have to suggest revisiting the previous pictures more than seeing the new one. SC
Whether something is historic or just something that is old, is a relative thing.
We in the San Clemente Historical Society have spent much of our 50 years crusading to preserve the city’s first buildings. The 203 structures still standing that we call historic “Ole Hanson” buildings were built in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
When I explained this to my niece, Liz Dubrulle, she broke out laughing. Liz is a staff member of the New Hampshire State Historical Society. Apparently, they don’t focus much on buildings that aren’t of the Revolutionary War era.
It’s much the same in most East Coast states, as I observed during a recent trip back there. In Virginia, for instance, tourists flock to Historic Colonial Williamsburg. Unfortunately, what used to be a quaint, authentic town
of the 1770s, complete with costumed volunteers, is now overrun by tourists and trinket shops.
Down the road, though, Yorktown, Virginia was better. The Yorktown battlefield is still a highlight, as is the shoreline. On the grassy town square, the local symphony orchestra was giving a free concert.
I asked the bartender, “That’s just the company’s name, right? It’s not really beer made from s’mores?”
She replied, “It is beer with chocolate, marshmallow and graham cracker flavors.”
Decide for yourself if this sounds good.
Since we are doubling our national and international trips, I am resigning from the Historical Society’s board of directors and all my duties, including writing this column.
I’d like thank Shawn, Publishers Norb and Alyssa Garrett and all the fine folks at Picket Fence Media for allowing me to author this column the past five years. I’m sure someone else will step in and keep the flame of history alive.
BY TOM MARSHALLWith the lunchtime temperature at 81 degrees, I wondered what would our managing editor, Shawn Raymundo, do? (Remember, last year, he did an in-depth story on San Clemente brew pubs).
So, we entered a tavern that offered more than 50 types of beer on draft. I noticed that one of the handles said
She gave my wife, Dominique, and me a small taste. Here are the results of our two-person taste test. Dominique (who doesn’t like beer) said, “I like it. It’s good.”
I (no stranger to beer), said, “I think I’m going to throw up!”
You see, beer, like history is a matter of opinion. One person’s historic object is another person’s S’mores beer. Just don’t give up tasting life.
Our thirst for traveling is now redoubling, as Dominique and I make up for lost time during the pandemic.
Dominique and I can’t wait to see what adventure lies around the next bend in the road. See ya’! SC
Tom Marshall is a member of the San Clemente Historical Society and a retired journalist.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
One-year-old Matcha is a fun, black dwarf-mix, spayed female rabbit. She is an outgoing, curious girl who loves to zip around exploring her surroundings. When she settles down, she doesn’t mind being held and given a few kisses—especially if treats are involved! Matcha has excellent litter box habits and would make a great rabbit companion for some lucky person. If you are interested in adopting Matcha, please visit petprojectfoundation.org/adoptions/ to download an adoption application form. Completed forms can be emailed to animalservices@scdpanimalshelter.org, and you will be contacted about making an interaction appointment. SC
BY MYLES MELLOR LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION:Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium
See the solution in next week’s issue.
For in-game updates, news and more for all the San Clemente High School sports programs, follow us on Twitter @SouthOCSports and on Instagram @South_OC_Sports
Since the spring sports seasons kicked off in mid-February, Southern California has been continually bombarded by the ever-returning flow from several “atmospheric rivers,” as the seemingly unceasing rains have covered the area.
While the grass on the fields that these spring sports teams inhabit has become greener, it’s made more of a headache for coaches and athletic directors in what is already the busiest season on the high school sports calendar.
Whereas local youth leagues have been able to add weeks on to the end of their schedules to make up for the lost dates, teams at San Clemente High School have to abide by the CIF-SS and CIF State calendars, which have firm dates for the end of their regular seasons and playoffs.
“Outdoor sports has been a challenge,” San Clemente athletic director John Hamro said. “There’s some creative things that are being discussed to make up games. Some things, nonleague or tournament games, may not be made up.”
While losing some nonleague games can be disappointing, they ultimately don’t have an effect on CIF-SS playoff qualification like league games do. Many coaches and players even refer to nonleague games as “preseason” games.
However, unlike in previous years when there’s been an uptick in precipitation, this run of rainstorms has lasted deeper into the season. Now with Spring Break next week and teams fully into their league schedules, teams are going to have to employ those “creative” scheduling maneuvers, as Hamro mentioned.
“We’re in a situation where Spring Break has come up early and we haven’t had a lot of league games,” Hamro said. “What you’re going to see (are) some Saturdays, some three-days-a-week, some doubleheaders.”
Again, due to the firm-end dates for CIF-SS and a late Winter Break, South Coast and Sea View League teams got a taste of this in the winter season, with basketball and soccer teams playing condensed schedules of three games per week with Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday schedules.
For baseball and softball, there will likely be those condensed schedules, with the extra option of doubleheaders. Doubleheaders are a staple of those sports and happen in early-season tournaments all the time, but it is unusual for their league slates.
Where the creativity really hits is for sports such as golf or track and field, where, instead of dual matches/ meets with two teams, there is the possibility of combining for tri-matches/meets with three teams competing against each other at a single site.
But even with that schedule juggling, playing surface conditions are paramount, as athletic departments and administrations look out for the health of their student-athletes.
While baseball has had its share of cancellations, Hamro praised baseball coach Dave Gellatly for working so hard on the Tritons’ baseball field to have the surface, particularly the infield dirt, be playable, while other
schools haven’t been able to.
Field conditions affected a recent track dual meet against Trabuco Hills.
First, the actual track had to be blow-dried off to allow the running events, as well as pole vault and high jump to be contested. However, the dual meet couldn’t be completed in full that day because of the rainwater that had collected in the jumping pits and throwing areas. The long jump, triple jump, shot put and discus were then held off to be completed the following Monday.
As the rain was still falling in San Clemente at press time on Wednesday, March 29, the schedule will continue to adjust as Triton teams compete for league titles and playoff positions.
San Clemente High School Athletics continued its winning ways off the field and in the classroom as the CIF-SS Academic Awards were announced on Monday, March 27.
Every year, the CIF-Southern Section keeps track of the unweighted, teamwide grade-point averages (GPA) of their member programs and recognizes the top 25 teams in each sport, as well as crowning an academic champion for the teams with the highest GPA in their sports.
San Clemente’s girls lacrosse team sported a 3.79 GPA and competitive cheer team earned a 3.74 GPA to be named CIF-SS Academic Champions. Both teams will be recognized for this achievement prior to the Los Angeles Angels home game in Anaheim on April 24.
The Tritons maintained departmentwide excellence, as all 27 varsity sports teams finished in the CIF-SS top 25 for their respective sports. Ten teams finished in the top five, including girls basketball (3.81), girls cross country (3.93), football (3.42), boys golf (3.84), boys lacrosse (3.54), girls lacrosse (3.79), girls track and field (3.81), competitive cheer (3.74), boys volleyball (3.71) and girls wrestling (3.58).
“This is really a tribute to all of our teaches, coaches and support staff,” San Clemente athletic director John Hamro said in a statement. “Bringing their best every single day to teach, mentor and positively impact all of our students. I know we are all so proud to be Tritons, and today, we celebrate the academic achievements of our students and their impact on the overall success of our athletic program.”
San Clemente junior Brett Ephraim broke a 33-yearold Triton record in the 3,200-meter run with a time of 9:05 at the Azusa Pacific Meet of Champions on Saturday, March 25. Ephraim also broke his personal record by nearly 15 full seconds.
San Clemente baseball’s eight-game winning streak was snapped in an 11-1 league loss at San Juan Hills on Saturday. The Tritons (8-3, 1-1) were scheduled to host El Toro in a league game on Wednesday, March 29, and travel to El Toro on Friday, March 31.
San Clemente girls lacrosse has obliterated its South Coast League competition in its first two league games. The Tritons blasted Aliso Niguel, 20-1, on March 23 and rolled Trabuco Hills, 19-2, on Tuesday, March 28. San Clemente, ranked No. 6 in Division 1, hosted El Toro on Wednesday, but results were not available at press time. The Tritons don’t play again until after Spring Break at San Juan Hills on April 11. SC
Every spring the City of San Clemente notifies the owners of undeveloped parcels and vacant, developed parcels of their responsibility to remove weeds and debris from those properties. The native and naturalized landscape of San Clemente is susceptible to fire, due to the growth of both weeds and native habitat. As we approach summer, it is especially important to reduce this fire potential. Once a property owner has cleaned their properties and trimmed all weeds to a height no higher than one inch (1”) from the ground, it must be maintained for the remainder of the year. Properties with existing native habitat should be thinned by 50%, according to the Orange County Fire Authority. The City deadline for the removal of weeds and refuse is May 15, 2023. For those properties that remain unabated after that date, the City’s Weed Abatement Contractor will clear the lots as required, and then bill the cost of removal to the property owners. Should you have questions or would like further information regarding the City’s weed abatement program, please contact Stewart and Associates, the City of San Clemente’s Weed Abatement Contract Administrator, by telephone: (949) 498-9250 or email: ed@estewartinc.com
The following person(s) is doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
127 TULIP LN BREA, CA 92821
This business is conducted by a CA Corporation.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name or Names listed above on: N/A
/s/Red 3 International/Earvin Corpuz, President
This statement was filed with the Orange County Clerk-Recorder on 02/28/2023
Publish: San Clemente Times, Mar 9, 16, 23, 30, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by a California Corporation.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 7/22/2009
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 02/28/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 9, 16, 23, 30, 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of San Clemente, at its Regular Meeting of March 21, 2023, adopted the following ordinance: Ordinance No. 1749 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE, CALIFORNIA AMENDING
A full copy of the aforementioned Ordinance is available for review in the City Clerk’s Office, located at 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California. Persons interested in receiving a copy of the Ordinance are invited to contact the Deputy City Clerk at (949) 361-8303 or by email at jimenezm@san-clemente.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the above-referenced Ordinance was introduced at the City Council meeting of March 7, 2023, and was adopted at the Regular City Council meeting of March 21, 2023 by the following vote:
NOES: None
City Clerk and Ex-Officio
Clerk of the Council
Case No. 30-2023-01310044
CANDACE MARIE BRITO filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 05/3/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100 The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701.
Other: Remote Hearing (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: 03/02/2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times Mar 16, 23, 30, Apr 6, 2023
The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:
127 TULIP LN BREA, CA 92821
Full name of registered owner: RED 3 INTERNATIONAL
127 TULIP LN BREA, CA 92821
This business is conducted by a CA Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name or Names listed above on: N/A
/s/Red 3 International/Earvin Corpuz, President
This statement was filed with the Orange County Clerk-Recorder on 02/28/2023
Publish: San Clemente Times, Mar 9, 16, 23, 30, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JELLY HOUSE CHILD CARE
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This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 02/07/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 9, 16, 23, 30, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PRG CONSULTING 2309 CALLE LA SERNA SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672
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/s/Collective Technologies, Inc./Paula Rathgaber-Gomez
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 02/27/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 9, 16, 23, 30, 2023
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This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/21/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: VIBRANT HEALTH AND WELLNESS
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This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/16/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 2023
Clean water. Clean beaches. A healthy ocean. All of that takes work, and day in and day out, the San Clemente-based Surfrider Foundation fights the good fight for coastlines around the country.
And while beach cleanups, water testing and all the other amazing local activations they do make a huge impact, every year for the past seven years, a crew of Surfrider supporters heads to Washington, D.C. to spread their message to the decision makers in the nation’s capital.
Earlier this month, more than 150 Surfrider employees, members, and supporters from 23 states made the trip to Washington, D.C. for three days of high-level, high-stakes advocacy. With the youth leading the charge, 21 students from 14 clubs around the country made the trip.
“This experience showed me how powerful it is to use my voice to advocate for positive change,” said Lauren Londoño, an undergraduate student at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. “As a result, I felt like I was heard and that my local representatives cared about what I had to say.”
With the group participating in 138 congressional, federal agency, and White House meetings in just 72 hours, it appears to have been a successful mission.
“There was widespread commitment among the legislators engaged during Hill Day to work for the highest investment ever in the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act, or BEACH Act, that will enable water quality monitoring and public notification of dirty water on more beaches,” Surfrider said in a statement.
“Those same champions also supported maintaining funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund that invests in upgrades to our aging wastewater and stormwater infrastructure and will reduce sewage spills on our coasts,” Surfrider added.
In terms of specific, actionable items, Surfrider continued to push the National Park system to accelerate its phasing out of single-use plastics in the parks. The department currently has 2032 as its target date for the shift.
In a concerted effort to reduce plastic usage, Surfrider representatives also met with the General Services Administration—the agency in charge of the federal government’s purchasing—to pursue
more reusable and sustainable materials.
Surfrider sat down with John Armor, director of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as Deputy National Climate Advisor Mary Frances Repko.
“Our meeting with the Biden administration was inspiring, not only because we met with key leaders working on climate change, but also because we came with passion, knowledge, diversity, and determination,” said Stefanie Sekich, Surfrider’s Coasts and Climate Initiative senior manager.
It goes without saying that nothing happens overnight in Washington, D.C., but by showing up with such a large, dedicated, passionate group, and being so well-versed on such a wide array of issues, the Surfrider Foundation continues to be a critical voice in the fight for the coastal environment and protecting the beaches we all enjoy so much.
“In my experience, Surfrider Foundation’s annual Coastal Recreation Hill Day is the most inspiring and effective ocean
Water Temperature: 57-58 Degrees F
Water Visibility and Conditions: 1-2’
Thursday: A decent size pulse of northwest swell mix builds through the morning and peaks by the afternoon, fresh south-southwest swell on a gradual rise through the day. The blend of swells will deliver waves running waist to shoulder high (3-4’+) on average at exposed spots, while winter and combo focal points push head high to slightly larger (5’+) at times.
Outlook: Friday morning’s surf is waist-shoulder high (34’+) for decent breaks and best summer and combo focal points go larger at times, as the northwest swell mix fades and southerly swell builds to a peak. Size on the south swell holds into Saturday while the northwest energy falls off though the weekend. Look for summer breaks to generally hold Saturday, down just a touch on Sunday as reinforcing south swell shows. Light/variable wind early Saturday trends onshore from the west in the afternoon. Sunday will see a return of weak east trending south wind in the morning, before west wind builds in the afternoon.
and coastal recreation advocacy opportunity that I have had the privilege to attend,” said Cathey Curtis, general manager of Roxy. “Each year, I come away with an incredible amount of gratitude for the Surfrider crew and their advocacy work and a renewed commitment of support for the organization.”
Reflecting on the event, Luca Fasulo, founder of Surfrider’s new Corona del Mar High School Student Club in Southern California, said, “I feel empowered and inspired to continue relentlessly advocating for change in my city and county, as well as educating my peers on how we can contribute to creating a sustainable future for our oceans.” SC
Jake Howard is a local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer Magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation.
“So stoked,” said a beaming Zion.
Wildly successful among the NSSA ranks, the brother-and-sister duo have a savvy competitive act, but that’s just the start of it. Pulling into barrels, chasing swells, driving boats, diving for fish, they’re full-on water people. They’re also adept rock climbers, because variety is the spice of life.
To be transparent, I’m on the digital marketing team at Rip Curl and couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to work with Eden, Zion and their family.
In 2018, they showed up at the Gudauskas brothers’ annual Stoke-O-Rama surf contest, and while not much bigger than a sand flea
at the time, they got out there and got after it with the surf pumping. It was pretty obvious they were going places—and preferably in big waves.
The Walla siblings play an integral role in the emergence of the next generation of local legends that includes friends and competitors around them, including Tanner Sandvig in San Clemente and Marlo Harris in Dana Point. Their crew is tight, and the sky truly is the limit when it comes to surfing’s future in the area. SC
If you have a candidate for Grom of the Week, we want to know. Send an email to jakehoward1@gmail.com.
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