September 22, 2022

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sanclementetimes.comProvidence constructs its new satellite health facility in San Clemente as part of a multimillion-dollar expansion project. Photo: Shawn Raymundo INSIDE: Special Section LOCAL NEWS YOU CAN USE SEPTEMBER 22-28, 2022 | VOLUME 17, ISSUE 38 San Clemente Girls Volleyball Outlasts Dana Hills SPORTS/PAGE 35 Exchange Club Recognizes Lifeguard of the Year EYE ON SC/PAGE 3 Meet the CandidatesCouncilQ&A EYE ON SC/PAGE 9 Expanding Health Providence’s $712 Million Expansion Project to Bring Satellite Health Centers to San Clemente, Ranch Mission Viejo EYE ON SC/ PAGE 6

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voted, 4-1, on Tuesday, Sept. 20, to enter into a three-month exclusive negotiating agreement (ENA) with a medical-based real estate developer.

Mellott shared a story about Scheel rescuing a distressed 10-year-old swimmer in early June at Capistrano Shores—an area outside San Clemente Lifeguard Services’ purview. His actions earned him recognition from the City Council on June 19, as well as an emotional show of gratitude from the rescued child’s family.

6:30-8:30 p.m. The organization Because I Love You (BILY) will continue conducting its weekly meetings on Tuesdays via Zoom video conference. For detailed instructions on how to participate, email

The agreement limits the City of San Clemente to conduct good faith discussions with only Pacific Medical Buildings (PMB) regarding the possible sale or lease and development of commercial land at the southwest corner of Avenida Vista Hermosa and Avenida La Pata.


City Enters DeveloperMedicalNegotiationsExclusivewithRealEstate

(Cont. on page 4)

3-5:30 p.m. The city’s Public Safety Committee will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting at San Clemente City Hall, at 910 Calle Negocio. 949.361.8200.

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“This particular party that we’re suggesting we enter into an exclusive negotiating agreement with was part of that original group of applicants,” Knoblock said, referring to the city’s initial


knowledge to the next generation.”

Public Safety Committee

Scheel added that he was excited for his name to join those of many friends whose names were also engraved at the head quarters building, and he thanked his fam ily and all lifeguards who were working at the beach and protecting beachgoers.

Mellott also provided an overview of what the lifeguards are responsible for, including Scheel’s role as a supervisor, in terms of using technology in the digital age to observe swimmers, to look for signs of distress, cooperate on rescues, work with public safety agencies such as the Orange County Fire Authority and Orange County Sheriff’s deputies, as well as enforce ordinances.


Seeking a potential partnership with Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian to develop a medical facility on city-owned property, the San Clemente City Council

“It doesn’t matter what role he takes—rescues, treating patients, enforcing ordinances, interacting with the public or teaching younger guards,” Mellott said. “He’s always been a leader. On any day, no matter what he’s faced, without hesitation, Nick is ready for action.”


Terry Senate presents Nick Scheel, the 2022 Lifeguard of the Year, with a custom surfboard inscribed with Scheel’s name at Scheel’s award ceremony on Sept. 15. Photo: C. Jayden Smith



The land in question, a vacant 2.29-acre parcel that contains 99,750 square feet, was determined to be surplus land in 2014 and was appraised for $4.99 million in 2021. Hoping to earn revenue from the parcel’s sale and possible development, the city has fielded numerous offers to purchase the property in recent years.

Councilmember Kathy Ward was the lone vote against entering the ENA.

This came after public pressure against such activity, which Councilmember Steven Knoblock referenced on Tuesday night while saying he had “mixed emotions” about the current item in front of the council.

“We always arrive first and have to figure it out,” Scheel said. “We sacrifice a lot, too, for the job—namely time with friends and family—but I think I speak for everyone when I say the work we do is really fulfilling and, clearly, it’s appreciated.”Hespokeabout barely making the tryout when he was 16 years old and didn’t know what he was getting into, adding that he was thankful for the experiences, mentors, and skills that being a lifeguard hasScheelprovided.said he has been shaped into a better, more motivated person, and he thanked each person in the Marine Safety division with whom he has worked.

Marine Services Capt. Rod Mellott said Scheel was deserving and long overdue for the award, as an “amazing lifeguard” who leads by example and can handle heavy workloads and tasks.

Elected officials, members of the San Clemente Exchange Club, Marine Safety division staff and other community members were on hand at the Community Center on Sept. 15 to see the 2022 Lifeguard of the Year recognized.

What’s Up With...

year, to construct a gas station.


Exchange Club, City Officials Recognize 2022 Lifeguard of the Year

Challenging Cancer

10-11:30 a.m. The Challenging Cancer group is conducting weekly meetings through Zoom video conferences. To join, email or

The event wasn’t just to recognize Scheel, the awardee said, but the work of all San Clemente lifeguards. He remarked that the responsibility of lifeguarding is interesting, as it requires young minds to handle everything thrown their way in the midst of a demanding position.


Because I Love You (BILY)

San Clemente Toastmasters 7-8:40 p.m. The Toastmasters Club invites people to lose their fear of public speaking and have fun at the same time. Join them in person every Tuesday at the Baha’i Center, at 3316 Avenida del Presidente. Visitors welcomed. Call or text Laura Yang at 949.547.6558 with

Success was not an unfamiliar term to Scheel. Mellott read a list of the awardee’s accomplishments as a top-ranked pro fessional stand-up paddler, winning the Open Paddle race event at the 2022 Ocean Festival, and winning the 2015 “Rookie of the Year” recognition for the San Clemente Lifeguards, as well receiving the “Unsung Hero” award in 2017 and 2018.

3-5 p.m. The city’s Design Review Subcommittee will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting at San Clemente City Hall, at 910 Calle Negocio. 949.361.8200.

Such proficiency and excellence have resulted in 22,000 swimmer rescues over the past 10 years with no lives lost, even with approximately 2.5 million visitors to San Clemente beaches yearly, accord-

Mellott teared up as he congratulated Scheel on his award and thanked him for his Scheelprofessionalism.alsoreceiveda Dick Hazard Award from the Conrad Realtors family, a custom Terry Senate surfboard inscribed with his name, a custom piece of art painted by local artist Kelan O’Brien and a mayoral challenge coin from Mayor Gene James during the event co-sponsored by the Exchange Club and Rainbow Sandals.

Design Review Subcommittee

Division personnel voted to honor Nick Scheel, who has served the city in various roles since 2015 and who recently graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a degree in environmental studies.


ing to “WithMellott.operations being so dependent on our staff, outstanding lifeguards such as Nick are vital to our success,” he said.

“I really wanted to shout out those senior guards who (took) me under their wing when I first started out,” he said.“Who I am today is because of all those people, and I’ve done my best to pass on that same

Most recently, in January 2022, a coun cil majority declined to enter an ENA with Cypress Express Partners, which had offered to pay $7.5 million to buy the property, or lease the land for $500,000 a


“We need to have a plan, and we need to communicate that plan,” said Vidrine. “When I’m elected to City Council … we will not be discussing this four years from now.”

Hosted by the San Clemente Historical Society, the forum included 10 of the 12 challengers vying for three open seats in November’s Municipal Election, all of whom gave their thoughts about topics such as affordable housing, the city’s remaining unfunded pension liability and public safety.

The San Clemente Chamber of Commerce’s Business for a Better San Clemente committee will host the next candidate forum on Sept. 29 at the VIP Lounge at the Outlets at San Clemente, from 6-8 p.m. Residents interested in attending must RSVP by registering at

Photo: Shawn Raymundo

A majority of the candidates running in the race for three of the open City Council seats participate in a forum that the San Clemente Historical Society hosted from the Dorothy Visser Senior Center on Sunday, Sept. 18.

“We can make sure that we have re sources going toward social service officers who can reach out to the homeless,” said Enmeier.“That frees up our police officers and firefighters so that they can do the job

Johnson mentioned providing sufficient transportation to shelters and social services, saying he would not tolerate more encampments popping up and activity in the streets, as did Cabral andEnmeier,Knoblock.Hirschman, Kamp, and Vidrine supported local solutions, such as permanent supportive housing and working with Family Assistance Ministries and other social services.

San Clemente Times’ Facebook page. SC Times will also attend the Chamber’s forum to livestream the event on Facebook.

The majority of candidates pointed to a regional solution, in terms of partnering with the Orange County Board of Supervisors to build a shelter away from San Clemente. Washington also proposed working with Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano to petition for using Orange County-owned land to build a shelter within the area.

said. “I’m from the old council, where this lot was held out to be revenue-generating for the City of San Clemente. We held it out as our most important lot.”


solicitation of offers for the land. “My concern is that there’s been so many years that have passed and there may be other opportunities.”

Other councilmembers cited a need for health care options near the Talega neighborhood and wanted to focus on the upcoming negotiations.

desire for a concept similar to what the city and PMB may work toward.


the Surplus Land Act (SLA), which imposes certain restrictions on how municipalities can solicit offers from prospective developers on excess property.

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Efforts from the state of California

Modifications to the SLA since 2014— when the land was declared as a sur plus—could delay the ENA process by requiring the city to publish a new notice of the property’s availability and conduct good faith negotiations with affordable housing developers that respond.

Wu said he wanted only to see the highest level of integrity and professional ism. McBurney-Wheeler said that the city manager should be responsive to public inquiries and adept at retaining staff.

Mayor Gene James echoed Ferguson’s comments, stating that from his perspec tive, “We need health care in that area.”

Inside the Dorothy Visser Senior Center on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 18, residents took advantage of their first opportunity to hear candidates’ opinions on pressing San Clemente issues ahead of the upcoming City Council election.

During the forum, 12 questions were addressed, with a minute given to each contender to speak on the issue. Here’s how the candidates felt about various topics.

WHAT CHARACTERISTICS THE NEW PERMANENT CITY MANAGER SHOULD HAVE Overall, candidates wanted the city manager to have extensive managerial experience, potential for longevity, trustworthiness, integrity, knowledge about managing budgets and law enforcement and to be approachable by both city staff and the public.

Others stated their roles as communi-

that they’ve been (assigned to).”

to force cities to zone for or look for opportunities to create affordable housing were not appreciated by most candidates. Some also mentioned that San Clemente is nearly built out, and expressed concerns about preserving open space and the ability to provide housing in such an expensive area.

“We need health care overall,” James said. “I can’t imagine a more quality group than Hoag to come in and offer health care in our city.”

Enmeier said the police and fire staff did not choose their career so they could deal with issues relating to homelessness.

“You got a lot of stuff to take care of (that requires) a lot of hard work,” Kamp said.“The council needs to work together, and, frankly, I think there’s a lot of bicker ing and a lot of catfighting going on with in the city and within the council itself.”

Johnson, Kamp, Knoblock, and Vidrine emphasized community policing and encouraging neighborhood watch groups to spring up across the city.

EDITOR’S NOTE: An extended version of this story can be found at


City staff said it will communicate with California’s Department of Housing and Community Development regarding

From the opening statements, the general consensus was that candidates had a vested interest in preserving the small-town community and its character, keeping beaches clean, and supporting law enforcement and small businesses.

(Cont. from page 3)

Those present included incumbent Councilmember Steven Knoblock; Aaron T. Washington, Jr.; Donna Vid rine; Dennis Kamp; Zhen Wu; Martina McBurney-Wheeler; Mark Enmeier; Shane Hirschman; Victor Cabral and Thor Johnson. Candidates Ashley Williams and Chanel Fetty did not appear at the forum.

Washington suggested polling residents on which direction they want the city to act; Kamp spoke about building lower-cost housing; Hirschman and Enmeier favored smart, mixed-use development; McBurney-Wheeler mentioned repurposing buildings and parcels; and Vidrine stressed considering future generations and ensuring access to housing.

He suggested restarting the request for proposal (RFP) process to gain new suitors for the property, given that the majority of previous applicant plans also centered around now-disapproved gas stations.

The city will seek a written determination from HCD, according to the agenda report.Interim City Manager Sean Joyce will conduct the negotiations with PMB, which could extend an extra 60 days if both parties agree toward continued collaboration.

Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan stated that Hoag was a “reputable health care provider” and expressed his desire to moveCouncilmemberforward. Laura Ferguson called health care services “critical for the community,” and said the initiative was not about revenue, but the community’s

Under the terms of the ENA, the city and PMB will discuss pricing and terms of the potential development.

ty activists looking to make a difference.

Cabral cited 40 years of experience in public policy and governmental affairs that would help him serve San Clemente, and Kamp pledged to focus on matters important to the city, not to individuals.

City Council Hopefuls Answer CandidateQuestionsPressinginFirstForum

Knoblock didn’t receive much support from his Regardingcolleagues.herdecision to vote against the ENA, Ward cited concerns that the proposed project would not generate as much revenue as she wanted the city to receive.“This is a property owner that’s not going to pay any property taxes,” Ward

The San Diego-based PMB has worked with numerous recognizable health care brands to develop medical facilities throughout California and beyond, including the Mission Medical Plaza in Mission Viejo and the Hoag Health Center in Irvine.

Candidates commended the jobs that Police Services and Orange County Fire Authority are doing around town, saying that the services should be fully funded. McBurney-Wheeler and Wu advocated for increasing deputies and funding so that San Clemente could be better patrolled and protected, although Washington stressed looking at the budget to do so without increasing taxes.

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MemorialCare had closed its hospital in 2016 amid a legal dispute with the city over whether to have an urgent care facility or one that provided an emergency room and other hospital functions. The city and MemorialCare settled the lawsuit in 2019.

Asked for his thoughts on the belief that health care providers and hospital operators such as Providence could not create a financially viable operational model in San Clemente, Teigen said it was“We’vetrue. actually looked at it twice. Since I’ve been here, we’ve taken a hard look at it twice; it doesn’t end up making financial sense with that investment,” Teigen said. “We have to look at the big picture and consider health care needs. We think we’re going to meet 90% of those needs (in San Clemente).”


“We really consider those our communities to serve,” Teigen said, noting Providence’s two hospitals—Laguna Beach and Mission Viejo—are closest geographically. “We felt a responsibility to go out to where they are.”

it can undergo reroofing. He also said there are antiquated boiler systems and not-so-contemporary operating rooms.

location is already underway, costing roughly about $12 million to $15 million, and is expected to open in 2023, according to Teigen. The RMV project— costing between $40 million and $45 million—has a target opening of 2024.

“I think what our hospital is trying to do and our strategy has been: as this community grows, we want to grow with it,” Teigen said of the expansion to better serve South Orange County, adding: “We’re trying to grow and meet community needs.”

This past March, MemorialCare proposed a plan to demolish the abandoned medical campus and develop a 250-unit senior living facility for those 55 years old and up, as well as a medical office that will include urgent care, primary physicians, and specialty physician care services.

Talking with San Clemente Times on Tuesday, Sept. 20, Teigen said that Providence considers itself as the primary health care provider to the two communities. Providence, he added, wanted help to fill the medical needs of San Clemente with the loss of the local hospital in 2016 and to provide services in the ever-expanding RMV.

“We have some major services that live in this building, and we want to be able to deliver an exceptional experience that the community expects,” said Teigen.With construction expected to break ground in 2023 and last roughly six years, Teigen said that Providence will gradually phase out of its building and move into the new tower.

According to Providence, its new health care centers at The Ranch and in San Clemente will offer urgent care services, an imaging center and a clinic with primary care physicians, OB/GYNs and a rotation of other specialty-care providers.Teigenfurther explained that through a partnership with Exer Urgent Care, the San Clemente location—adjacent to Chick-fil-A on Avenida Vista Hermosa, just off the 5 Freeway—will also offer outpatient ambulatory services to the Laguna and Mission Viejo hospitals in the case of acute concerns, such as if a patient is experiencing a heart attack or stroke.Similar to San Clemente, The Ranch facility, located at Chiquita Canyon Drive and Airoso Street, will offer the same services and is meant for Providence to “bring health care to the community,” TeigenConstructionsaid. of the San Clemente

Mayor Gene James and Duncan, who both led the council’s Hospital Subcommittee, have stated that getting a new hospital built isn’t possible at this point after the finding that the city would have to bear the financial burden.

rovidence will soon open a pair of satellite health care facilities in Rancho Mission Viejo and San Clemente as part of a multimillion-dollar expansion plan that also includes the construction of a new patient tower on its Mission Viejo medical campus.For$712 million, Providence plans to build its new patient care tower, offering roughly 100 new beds, at Mission Hospital, as well as develop the two multi-specialty health centers in San Clemente and RMV, commonly referred to as The Ranch.“Caring for our neighbors is our primary mission, and having just celebrated our hospital’s 50th anniversary, we’re excited at the opportunity to grow with our growing community, and to continue providing care for the next 50,” Providence Mission Hospital Chief Executive Seth Teigen said in a media release.

Over the coming weeks, elected and appointed officials will continue to consider the project, which is proposing numerous exceptions to the city’s zoning requirements. The project itself would also necessitate a General Plan amendment to rezone the property for commercial land use for a mixed-use project.Asfor

Such needs that will be met, Teigen said, range from giving folks access to radiology services to providing acute medical care with the ability to transfer patients to the hospitals in emergency cases. SC

Pictured is a rendering of Providence’s new four-story patient care tower at its Mission Viejo medical campus that’s part of a $712 million expansion plan. Rendering: Courtesy of Providence


On the San Clemente-side of the project, Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan said on Tuesday that the city welcomes health care providers to San Clemente that will “ensure that our residents have options in addressing their health care needs.”“Wehave Providence and others who are certainly interested in coming to town and providing services,” Duncan said, speaking in general terms, as he had not been fully briefed on the project“Importantly,”yet. he continued, “none of these operators have shown any interest in building a community hospital. What we’re looking for from (Providence) is delivering health care services that can fill the needs of the community, or as an alternative to a traditional hospital.”

bringing back a hospital with emergency room services, the City of San Clemente this past winter conducted a survey, finding that a vast majority, 83%, supported the creation of a new local hospital. However, that figure decreased to only 57% if it meant using public funds for its construction, with an estimated price tag of $200 million.

At Mission Hospital, Providence looks to use the new four-story tower to house state-of-the-art operating suites and cardiac catheterization labs, while enhancing the neuroscience center, its cardiovascular programs and maternity

Providence’s $712 Million Expansion Project to Bring Satellite Health Centers to SC, RMV

Touching on the half-century-old facility in Mission Viejo, Teigen noted that some of the concerns surrounding the structure include the roofing, as it’s met its limit on the number of times

The project comes as the city enters a new phase in the ongoing efforts to find a suitable use for the site of MemorialCare’s shuttered hospital on Camino de los Mares.

services.“Theproject will provide caregivers and providers with a contemporary, fully equipped environment in which to offer exceptional patient care and ease their way to serve patients,” Providence said in the Providencerelease.saidit will also construct a new multi-specialty ambulatory surgery center with the intention of streamlining surgical care for patients, as well as attracting “new physician partners and (offering) the latest minimally invasive care options.”

Both Duncan and James have added, though, that they’re hoping for legislation that would allow for emergency rooms to exist separate from a hospital.

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I am a genuine born and raised San Clemente native. I grew up playing and surfing at SC beaches, was the drum major of the SCHS marching band, and graduated there as a valedictorian.



Meet the Candidates ENMEIERMARK

My name is Donna Vidrine, and I’ve lived in San Clemente with my husband, Warren, for more than 20 years. We love this community.My professional and leadership skills have been built as an Air Force captain, nurse/ health care professional and nursing administrator. I’m a small business owner and understand the importance of the businesses and workers to the success of our local economy.

With the race for three open seats on the San Clemente City Council approaching, the San Clemente Times has posed a series of four questions to all 12 candidates. Over next few weeks, we will publish their responses—one per week—to give readers more insight before casting their votes by Nov. 8. The list of candidates is published according to the random alphabet drawn by the California Secretary of State. *INCUMBENT

As a community activist, I have been a cofounder or a member of many grassroots movements from No Amazon SC to No Gas Station/Car Wash on La Pata. I have been an active and engaged citizen speaking before the dais on a variety of issues. I am not a single-issue voter or candidate.Someof the major issues that need to be•addressed:Aneedfor a new city manager and legal services;

My wife and I instilled those same values in our four adult children (a schoolteacher, a nurse practitioner, a Homeland Security deputy chief, and a nuclear engineer/software architect), who have since blessed us with six wonderful grandchildren.

If elected, I’ll focus on local issues: public safety and security, supporting local business, and government and fiscal accountability, starting with finding the right person to serve as our next city manager.Myfather, a barber, and mother—a hairdresser, social worker, and police department community advocate—taught me the value of hard work and community service. We didn’t have material wealth, but I was blessed to grow up in a loving home.

The county clearly needs to do more, but for the health and safety of our city, we should develop a more comprehensive approach that leverages public safety, addresses the need for mental health services, and strengthens partnerships among community organizations.

• Working with the county to find a location outside of San Clemente to place a regional homeless shelter.

The health and protection of our coastline is also a key economic driver for San Clemente. We must ensure that our policies and priorities support clean air, clean water and a sustainable environment.Iroutinely attend City Council meetings to share my views on matters of health and safety, including ensuring San Clemente has local access to hospital services after the closure of MemorialCare.

We achieve so much more working together. Beyond city issues, I serve on my Church Council, am active in the Garden Club, Rotary, Kiwanis and Elks and am a hospice volunteer.

I have a Master’s of Education from UCSB and a Master’s of Advanced Studies in International Affairs with an emphasis in Public Policy from UCSD. I graduated as a valedictorian and published a paper in the International Journal of Administration and Policy Research. I have been a high school history teacher for the last 15 years, seven at SCHS. I am also heavily involved with my congregation at San Clemente Presbyterian Church, serving as an Elder from 2015-2018. I now have the privilege of raising my own family in this amazing town.My hope is to serve the people of San Clemente by becoming a city councilmember. I will work toward San Clemente being safe, sane, and successful. This means creating safe streets for our e-bike riders and making sure that our younger riders know the rules of the road, addressing homelessness together with our sister cities and nonprofits, and making sure that our sheriffs and firefighters are well-equipped and sufficiently staffed.

• Introducing a Sunshine Ordinance;

I am the mother of two children in the district; for many years, I was a parent volunteer and/or room mom at Concordia and worked with our children, fellow parents and faculty for the betterment of the school and its programs. For the last few years, I have been continuing this work as a school district employee.

Based on the city-commissioned survey, eight out of 10 residents agree. We must also address the challenge of homelessness. Too often, addressing homelessness is seen as just another law enforcement issue.

San Clemente is the best of what an American city has to offer—a safe place to live, raise our families, educate our children, practice our faith, build successful businesses, and enjoy our beautiful parks and beaches—and I want to work to preserve and protect it.

QUESTION 1: Introduce yourself to voters. What’s your general background, and what experience do you bring to the table? What’s your platform and what issues are important to you? VIDRINEDONNA

One of my greatest strengths is my friendly, easy-going nature. I like people and will serve respectfully and transparently, in an accessible manner, because I genuinely care what our community thinks and will always welcome their input and involvement.

It also means that we need to connect our downtown to our residential areas by expanding the trolley system. This will help to address parking issues, reduce our carbon footprint, and make sure that our residents have easy access to our Thesebusinesses.andother goals can only be achieved if we have a functional City Council that is focused on local issues, not national partisan politics. Our city works best when we work together.

San Clemente has certainly changed in that time since, and it’s important to me to retain the small-town charm of this city while recognizing that growth is also inevitable.

• The addition of deputies designed for a community-based policing approach to law enforcement and public safety; and

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• Formulating a plan to pay down the unfunded pension liability;

My parents also placed a premium on education and sacrificed to provide their children with an excellent Catholic elementary and high school education. I earned my undergraduate and law degrees from UC Davis, and an MPA from Harvard.Ibuilta successful law practice, worked as a U.S. Department of Justice trial attorney, as counsel on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, and chief counsel at the U.S. Merit Systems ProtectionAfterward,Board. I worked in the private sector as vice president of public policy for Verizon, the legal department for GE’s NBCUniversal/Telemundo division, managing partner at Cabral Group (a consulting firm), and now as partner in Capital Energy Group, a solar energy company.

My name is

(Tiberi) and were longtime residents and business owners.

2. Preserve and support San Clemente small businesses;


QUESTION 1: Introduce yourself to voters. What’s your general background, and what experience do you bring to the table? What’s your platform and what issues are important to you?

1. Support Public Safety, including law enforcement and first responders;

My 35 years of military service has equipped me with the leadership skills to work with diverse groups.

My platform:

While I’m still a relatively new resident to San Clemente, I have quickly immersed myself into this unique Spanish Village by the Sea culture. My past decade of living in Hollywood has been a sobering experience, in which I witnessed political ideologies unfortunately crumble in the wake of a pandemic, crime wave, environmental issues, and exorbitant home prices.

I look forward to getting more involved with our community and meeting friendly fellow residents as my campaign gets underway. Check out my campaign website,, for ways to get involved.



I was appointed to the San Clemente Beach, Park and Recreation/Coastal Advisory Commission and served for 11 months, and now serve on the Human Affairs Committee.

3. Work with my fellow councilmembers to improve our homelessness situation;

5. Youth Safety, including prevention of drug and alcohol use, bullying, and providing mentoring options for our youth.


This candidate did not respond to San Clemente Times’ requests to participate in the Q&A.

This candidate did not respond to San Clemente Times’ requests to participate in the Q&A.

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I’m a SoCal native who grew up in Irvine and spent most of my youth in Agoura Hills. I attended UCLA, where I studied Design and MediaCurrently,Arts. I serve as Content Creation Manager at VIZIO, located in Irvine. Prior to this role, I was New Media Specialist at FilmLA, the regional Los Angeles nonprofit film office, where I worked directly with our contracted city clients.

Having experienced these problems firsthand throughout L.A., San Clemente has become my personal paradise, and I’d like the city to maintain the welcoming comfort I’ve experienced upon my

arrival.Asahopeful councilmember, I’d ensure San Clemente remains a safe city, full of the richest culture that SoCal has to offer, all balanced with a sensible vision of the future that is attentive to the obstacles presented by climate change and demographic shifts.

Our beaches here are world-class, attracting surfers, marine life, and tourists from across the globe. As an avid free-diver, ocean sports enthusiast, and volunteer with Heal the Bay, it is my goal to keep San Clemente’s main attraction as pristine as possible.

4. Work with my fellow councilmembers to save our beaches and bluff erosions, including fighting for San Clemente by opposing Alternative 2 and the Dana Slide;

I am Aaron Washington, a resident of San Clemente since January 2006. I love ourWhencity. I was runner-up in my campaign for City Council in 2020, I vowed that I would learn from that experience so that I am prepared to serve our city in the best possible way.

• Financial sustainability and responsible spending

I will ensure our homeless outreach workers and deputies are fully funded and have the needed resources to keep the homeless and transients off our streets. I believe in a limited and more accountable government, lower taxes, and preserving San Clemente’s charm, tradition, and culture.

• Keep our beaches clean and enjoyable

I would be honored to earn your vote.

Lastly, I have trained eyes on Spanish Colonial architectural style and urban forms. I have worked very hard on the Planning Commission to guide numerous developments to be compatible with our small town.

My professional expertise on land-use planning, along with my knowledge on a wide range of city policies and projects, are what I can bring to the table. I will also use these skills to collaborate with council colleagues and county, state, and other regional stakeholders to find solutions to regional problems such as emergency homeless shelters, housing affordability, and transportation.

• Preserve our small-town character

Please visit for more details.

QUESTION 1: Introduce yourself to voters. What’s your general background, and what experience do you bring to the table? What’s your platform and what issues are important to you?

I am semi-retired from my career as a lawyer. The majority of my career was in the Title Insurance & Escrow business.

I have vigorously advocated for San Clemente to partner in the development of a desalination plant at Doheny Beach. This desalination project will be capable of providing ample amounts of fresh, clean water to our residents for generations to come.

If keeping our Spanish Village by the Sea character is important to you, I am your candidate.Myplatform includes:

marketing director for a surgical center. Less than two years later, I cofounded an outpatient infusion clinic for IV antibiotics and injectables. In 2020, I opened our second clinic, serving thousands of patients and employing more than 50 staff.

In addition, my service on the San Clem ente Coastal Advisory Committee gave me a good understanding of our coastal issues, such as water quality, beach erosion, sand re plenishment, and our Local Coastal Program.

Today, I currently work as an industry strategist in the telecommunications industry, supporting the rollout of broadband infrastructure to bring both education and technology to everyone for the purpose of facilitating digital equity throughout America.



I received my dual masters’ degree from USC School of Policy and School of Archi tecture, worked for a few Orange County companies, then started my own practice on land-use planning and architecture. I served on the San Clemente Planning Com mission and Design Review Subcommittee for six years during 2015-2021.

I earned my Construction Technology degree at Purdue University and spent most of my career as part of leadership in one of the largest privately owned engineering and construction companies in the world.

I enjoy public service and currently serve as treasurer on my HOA board of directors. The HOA encompasses more than 3,600 residences and where more than 10,000 San Clemente city residents call home. I consider myself to be fiscally astute and financially conservative I am running for City Council; I want to serve the city, and promise not to promote a personal or campaign contributors’ agenda. I always ask the next best question. What makes sense? What are all the issues? What does the data mean? Is the data biased? Is it best for the city?

My wife, Twyla, and I are active in our church, and I serve as a parttime Chaplain in the OC Jail system.

• Address housing with local control

I am the father of four adult children and have 11 grandchildren. My wife and I chose to live in San Clemente many years ago because of the quality of life here in our wonderful beach town.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 11 EYE ON SC

I currently am a member of the San Clemente City Council, where I advocate for strong law enforcement, lower taxes, transparency and oppose restrictions on our freedoms. I strongly oppose homeless encampments in public spaces.

One of my proudest achievements has been the development of the Together as One Foundation, a nonprofit I founded in 2014. To date, more than 500 San Clemente and Southern Californian children with autism have participated in our free leadership and life skills training, surf lessons, and trips to Knott’s Berry Farm and the North Shore of Oahu.

shooting at a children’s park, homeless sleeping across the sidewalks on Del Mar, and transients defecating in public are completely unacceptable and not a representation of San Clemente’s values. I am determined to prevent our lovely community from becoming the next Los Angeles.

I am a husband, married over 25 years with three daughters. My young est daughter, a graduate of SCHS, studies nursing at Clemson. My other girls are married and are now raising their own families.

My name is Zhen Wu. I’m a husband, father, licensed architect, certified planner, local business owner, former planning commissioner, and 18-year resident of San Clemente.

Born and raised in Point Loma, San Diego, I studied field,beenDominguezforniaManagementBusinessatCali-StateUniversity,Hills.Since2013,Ihaveinthemedicalstartingasa

• Keep our community safe and support law enforcement

• Economic opportunity and small business support

Over the years, I have volunteered my time and skills in service to local, county and state government. I have served on the Orange County Civic Center Commission, Assessment Appeals officer, APCD Hearing Board and was appointed by Gov. Schwarzenegger to the California Council on Criminal Justice.

When I need help understanding something, I reach out. When people speak, I listen to learn. I do not listen for the purpose of awaiting a chance to Tospeak.decompress, I walk our dog, and play chess. And to relax, my wife and I kayak in and around Dana Point Harbor on the weekends.

I’m running for City Council because I’m concerned with the ongoing increase of crime and homelessness encroachment in San Clemente and surrounding regions. Incidences that are familiar scenes in cities like Los Angeles and San Diego are occurring in San Clemente at an alarming increasingArate.recent

Tricia Zines

et’s take a moment and remember the relief we felt just last year, when thanks to concerned citizens and after years of fighting, we finally reached a point that the 241Toll Road had been beaten back as a looming threat; however, the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) will always want to pose a threat to our Spanish Village.

EDITORIAL Managing Editor

Tom Blake


Randy Youngman

San Clemente Times, Vol. 17, Issue 38. The SC Times (sanclem ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times ( and The Capistrano Dispatch ( Copy right: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.



C. Jayden Smith

Fred Swegles

ProjectsSpecial Editor

ART + DESIGN Art Director Jasmine Smith

Inna Cazares

Our partnership with OCTA and Caltrans is a solution meant to keep the crony-capitalists at the TCA who plot harm against our city from achieving their self-serving greedy goal of a toll road through San Clemente. I will not trade one terrible idea for another; too much is owed for those who over the years successfully fought the Toll Road battle.

34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax sanclementetimes.com949.388.9977




The second project led by Caltrans

Shawn Raymundo

GUEST OPINION | by Mayor Gene James

All three of these projects appear to be reasonable, and none of them includes tolls, and the TCA has been dealt out of the equation on each project.

Online readers will not have experienced any change in the posting of this issue.The situation is not of our doing, com-


Potential Paper Delivery Delays


These are unknowns at this point, but we will get the answers as the process advances. To be clear, I will oppose any widening of the I-5 that involves eminent domain, increased noise levels or impacts the values of homes.

We’re doing everything we can to remain on our regular schedule, and we are incredibly appreciative of Reed Printing for its willingness to help us at our time of Thanksneed.for your patience and continued support! SC

ADVERTISING Associate Publisher Lauralyn Loynes (SC + DP)

accommodate our press needs.


Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions

San Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 12 SOAPBOX

The agreement memorialized three projects. The first is a county project to extend Los Patrones Parkway as a primary arterial to connect with Avenida La Pata. Because Los Patrones will connect at the border of our city, we are closely watching the design of this project.


Group Operations & CoordinatorProduction

Join SC Times for Beachside Chat on Friday, Sept. 23, at 8 a.m. Beachside Chat is a spirited, town hall forum on community issues hosted by PFM Managing Editor Shawn Ray mundo every Friday. The chat will be held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria. All are welcome.

Collin Breaux

Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, icazares@picketfencemedia.comx111


Gene James is a councilmember who was elected in 2019, reelected in 2020 and is serving as the mayor for 2022. SC





Breeana Greenberg

Advertising Sales Debra Wells (CD)

City Reporter, SC Times


is removing a bottleneck on Ortega High way.The third project, led by OCTA and Caltrans, is looking to extend the carpool lane on both sides of the freeway between Avenida Pico and the county line. This is the continuation of one carpool lane in each direction.

Lauralyn Loynes • 949.388.7700, lloynes@picketfencemedia.comx102


This is a first step to determine what concerns people have and what should be studied in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The EIR will look at two alternatives: a no-build option and the single carpool lane extension in each direction.Thereare questions we all want answered, and I will demand they are addressed. What are the right-of-way impacts? What about noise during and after construction? Where will sound and retaining walls be built? Will home values be impacted?

City CapoEditor,Dispatch

Copy Editor

OPERATIONS General Manager

Zach Cavanagh


Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.comx110

So, for this week and possibly a few more weeks, please be patient with us, as the papers you’ve come to expect bright and early on Thursday (San Clemente Times) or Friday (Dana Point Times and The Capistrano Dispatch) might be delivered later in the morning, in the afternoon or even a day later.


Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, sraymundo@picketfencemedia.comx113

ing as a result of a last-second scramble to find a new printer after we were notified (with one week’s notice) that our former printer would not be able to print our papers for at least four weeks because of contractual printingprospectSo,obligations.facingtheofnotanissue for a month or finding a new printer, we chose the latter and have secured a new agreement with a new printer that is also scrambling to

PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opin ion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at


Sports Editor

It is imperative we keep a close eye on political contributions from out-of-town interests this year who are hell-bent on doubling down on their influence on the San Clemente City Council and renewing the prospect of a toll road in order to pursue their own greed.

The Cooperative Agreement with OCTA and Orange County requires our cooperation with OCTA’s Multimodal Transportation Study, but only within reason. I am confident we can work with OCTA and Caltrans, which is not something we can do with the ever-plotting directors and management at the TCA.

City Reporter, DP Times

Graphic Designer Chelsie Rex


Alyssa Garrett • 949.388.7700, agarrett@picketfencemedia.comx100

FINANCE Accounting & Finance Manager

Our City Council unanimously approved the Cooperative Agreement in September 2021 with the Orange County Transportation Authority and the County of Orange, while the TCA and their high-priced attorneys refused to bargain in good faith; not to my surprise, the TCA ultimately refused to participate.

ell, it’s never dull in the newspaper publishing industry.Thisweek, you might have received your newspaper (either in your driveway, mail or at a newsrack) a day late or so. This hopefully will be a one-time or short-term problem, and we apologize for any confusion or challenges this situation might have caused.

Norb Garrett

For the proposed no-toll carpool lane between Pico and county line, we are at the very beginning of the process. OCTA and Caltrans recently ended the initial public-comment period for what’s called the Project Scoping Phase.

CONTRIBUTORS Megan Bianco, Jake Howard


Alyssa Garrett

Response to the ‘Big Dig’



$18 million to Target. Many of the same people also opposed the Target sale. The funds from the sale of open space land to Target resulted in the construction of the Sports/Aquatics facility for San Clemente’s growing youth population.


Hand-shaped Channel Islands 7’4” surfboard (20 x 2 3/4). Great condition. $300 OBO. Text 949.702.3142.

The proposal was too large and was not approved. Pacific Golf came back with a modified proposal, reducing the devel opment footprint by 13 acres and reduc ing the housing by around 100 units.





I applaud the 11 other San Clemente residents who have stepped forward as candidates to help lead our wonderful town. SALE - SEPT.

merous homes participating. Look for our signs & orange flags. No Early Birds. Sponsored by Frankie Rio & Colleen Crane #01910938 | #01927076

Letter to The Editor

It was a difficult call, with lots of good people on both sides. Ultimately, the majority of the council voted to approve. A referendum by the opponents prevailed, which halted the project. The referendum process is to be applauded as the essence of true democracy and citizen participation.Tofundthe Sports Park, the city subse quently sold city-owned open space, for

Photo: Courtesy of lovelyday12/Adobe Stock



It substantially increased the salestax revenue and added to our roster of amenities, a conveniently located major retailer. The sports park is now one of

By way of background, 15 years ago, Pacific Golf Course (now Bella Collina San Clemente) asked to convert nine holes for senior and single-family units. They offered a $20 million incentive fee, funds needed to build the Vista Hermosa Sports Park/San Clemente Aquatics Center, so taxes on our citizens to build it would not need to be raised.

Saturday, September 24 together - Nu-

the premier recreational gems in our beautiful Village by the Sea.

Saturday, October 1st, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 16 Gema, San Clemente. Large leather sectional, bedroom set, dishes, grandfather clock, electric trains, bar stools

at 8 a.m. Guadalupe Street, San Juan Capistrano. Great prices on a huge variety of items! Some are vintage! Everything from clothes to furniture, Halloween decor, Mexican crafts, religious figurines, jewelry, books, CD’s, rotary phone, paintings, puzzles, dinnerware, bike locks, car vac & more! THREE COMMUNITY ANNUAL GARAGE SALE - OCTOBER 1 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday, October 1st Mesa Vista, Loma Vista & Mesa Vista South (La Novia & Via Cerro Rebal & Via Capri) THREE adjoining communities are hosting their Annual Garage Sale

San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.



It’s campaign season, with all that it entails. I had to chuckle at Jim Smith’s letter stating that we need to be protected from future “Knoblocks” because of open space issues 15 years ago.

My goal is to focus on the future by get ting more sand on our eroding beaches and provide unlimited fresh water supply to our residents through the desalination plant proposed at Doheny Beach.


sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 13

Tough decisions to maintain our public safety and quality of life are not always supported by everyone and can be unpopular with many. Hyperbole about “bulldozing” open space is not anyone’s goal.

Experienced Tile setters and helpers, Slab Fabricators, Slab Installation 5 years exp Top pay based on experienced. 949-395-3369

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 14

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 15

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 16

By Zach Cavanagh

These habits are encouraged for these extremely young ages to try and help encourage interactions between parents and children and social skills in general. It’s also to focus on play, reading, learn ing and other forms of development.

From 2-5 years old, recreational or non-educational screen time can be introduced, though still limited. AACAP recommends one hour on weekdays and three hours on weekend days. After

4 / Fresh Air


All humans, but especially growing and developing kids, need social inter actions—it’s how we build functioning societies and communities. For children, social interactions are how they gain intercommunication skills, learn about sharing and developing trust among friends.

Screen time is often sedentary, mean ing those—children or adults—who are on their screens too much aren’t getting enough exercise or physical activity. Multiple studies have shown a link to an increased risk of obesity and heart diseases. There are also back and neck problems because of posture, and sleep issues, which manifest other physical discomforts.Whilescreens are practically impos sible to live without at this point, it is important to set boundaries and limits on screen time, especially for children and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 17

With screens of all sizes and functions dominating our and our children’s lives these days, we explore some of the implications of too much screen time for kids, while outlining the benefits of having them put down the tablet occasionally to enjoy the outdoors.


We all need to spend a little bit of time under the sun, as its warmth and light are known to enhance our well-being. But soaking up those UV rays also helps our bodies by stimulating the production of vitamin D—an important nutrient when it comes to promoting calcium absorption in our tummies, and is need ed for bone, or skeletal, development.

While technological advancements in the 21st century have had their benefits and can play key roles in children’s learn ing, too much screen time can also strain the eyes. Furthermore, the use of tech nology has also led to more exposure on social media and the occasional “doom scrolling.” That’s not good for anyone’s mental well-being. Having your children step away from their laptops, phones and tablets for some outdoor time allows them to focus on … well, themselves. It’ll give them time to be in their thoughts and maybe allow them opportunities to connect and communicate with others in person.

And last, but certainly not least, we speak with the heads of some local nonprofits and wellness centers to talk about the many after-school programs, tutoring and social en gagement opportunities, and mental health resources available to the area’s youth.

Being indoors behind a screen (phone, television or otherwise) for extensive hours could lead to weight gain. So, along those lines of unplugging to improve mental health, just getting outside to walk around, play, shoot hoops, bicycle, skate—just generally stay active—can help maintain your children’s health.


Check out these stories and more as you flip through our Crib to College guide.

Babies under 18 months old are recommended to have zero screen time, with exceptions for video chatting with family members or, specifically, parents. Between 18 and 24 months, screen time for children should be limited to educa tional programming.

5 / ConnectionsCommunity


Oftentimes, when we’re indoors for too long, the air gets a bit stale. But just like sunlight can impact our well-being, so, too, can just stepping outside and feeling the fresh air. Fortunately for us in Southern California, that cool Cali breeze routinely blows through, reminding us that there’s much to enjoy and discover around our towns.

AACAP also recommends avoiding using screens as “pacifiers or babysitters” and to turn off screens 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

According to the World Health Organi zation, about five to 15 minutes of casual sun exposure—that means on the hands, face and arms—a few times a week in the summertime “is sufficient to keep your vitamin D levels high.”

2 / Unplugging Good for Mental Health the American Acade my of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), American kids between the ages of 8 and 12 look at screens for four to six hours a day, and teenagers use as much as nine hours of screen time per day. Adults can top 10 hours per day on average.

3 / Movement and Exercise

1 / Vitamin D Benefits

In this year’s educational guide, we reach out to the head of Wenrich Wealth to provide advice and insight on the many different types of investment accounts that are designed to keep your finances secure along

The mental health issues can continue or develop in teens, with studies showing that teens who had seven hours or more of screen time per day were twice as likely to have depression or anxiety compared to teens who had less than one hour of screen time.

While there are no real guidelines for adults and screen time—although there is research suggesting links to mental ly and physical health with excessive screen time—experts do recommend limits on screen time for children for their health and development.

And its not just mental or brain health when dealing with excessive screen use. It can also lead to physical problems.

creens are ubiquitous in our modernScreenssociety.athome, in school and at work. Screens for entertain ment, for productivity and education. Desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, televisions. There are screens of all sizes and

hether you’re bringing home your first bouncing bundle of joy or you’ve got a house full of teens—including some who are preparing for that next stage of higher learn ing—all parents could use a bit of help and guidance navigating through their children’s growth and Understandingdevelopment.thatthere are so many questions when it comes to picking the right educational path or deciding how best to invest in your child’s academic future, our reporting team has put together another edi tion of the annual “Crib to College” guide. So, if you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

For students attending Saddleback College looking to save some money before making the leap to a university, we chat with the school’s counseling division on how they best can be prepared to transfer out to a UC or CSU school.


5 years old, there are less specific limits, but there is an overall encouragement of healthy habits that promote, again, learning and interpersonal relationships, as well as physical activity.

your child’s academic journey.

Too much screen time for children can lead to behavioral or learning difficulties early on. Studies show excessive screen time for young children leads to delays in language, cognition or emotional devel opment. This is due to children forming associations with the screen objects themselves instead of actual people.

As of last December, the mental health crisis among teens has been declared a national emergency, by U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy, in a public advisory.According to Parmelee, the consensus is that it will take roughly five years to help kids recover.“There’s really not enough resources for these kids, and that’s kind of why we started,” sheWhatsays.began as a school-based drop-in center at SCHS has now been established at San Juan Hills High School and Aliso Niguel High School, as well as three middle schools: Shorecliffs, Bernice Ayer and Vista Del Mar.

ith the national mental health and addiction crisis on the rise, the Wellness & Prevention Center at San Clemente High School (SCHS) is advocating for change and empowering local youth and their families across South Orange County.

By Hayze Law

One grant helps lead the Wellness and Prevention Coalition, a federally funded Drug Free Communities (DFC) coalition, which works on initiatives, projects, and policy issues that prevent adolescents from using substances—specifically, targeting alcohol andAnothermarijuana.federal prevention grant goes toward a mental health awareness first aid train


Parmelee, also a licensed clinical social worker, helped found the center in 2013, at a time when teens were “really struggling, both with substance abuse and mental health,” as sheInrecalls.thewake of school shutdowns and other pandemic-related changes, Parmelee says she believes the social isolation was especially detrimental to middle and high schoolers.


Over the spring, it hosted “Family Fest,” an annual day-event, filled with activities and education for families, as well as information about resources available to the community for preventing substance use.


“It was already on a bad trajectory, particularly for anxiety, depression and self-harm, but COVID-19 definitely made things worse,” she says.

Editor’s Note: Susan Parmelee is a Picket Fence Media contributor who authors a monthly column entitled Wellness & Prevention.

Expanding to other schools is based on funding, which, as of now, is supported by the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), parent donations and grants.

Part of its mission is to fill the void of those who do not seek treatment because of limiting factors, such as unidentified symptoms, social stigma, or lack of access to care.Ingeneral, most school counselors are more academic-based, and do not have the proper training for these issues. What’s more, access to mental health clinicians through insurance is difficult, as most commercial insurers do not fully cover the expense—and those who do, typically have a waiting list—including Medi-Cal. For this reason, services are available regardless of health insurance.

It mainly does work from two approaches: one is focused on prevention education, to grow awareness and limit the use of harmful substances; and the other, from clinical services, provides mental health therapy for students.“Ourmission is to help youth and families lead healthy lives,” says Susan Parmelee, the center’s executive director.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 18

ing. For those who work with 8- to 18-yearolds, the evidence-based curriculum teaches basic crisis intervention skills and how to refer people to supportive services, as well as help lower the stigmas around mental illness.

The center is continually looking for other creative ways to fund more services and help the model grow, including ways for the school district to support schools that don’t have a strong parent-base to raise money, according to Parmelee.Asfarasmental health, the center primarily provides support through clinical services. From easily accessible locations, both in schools and the community, it specializes in serving youth ages 12-25, while also providing individual, family and group services.

Susan Parmelee

In terms of drug-use prevention, a newsletter goes out to parents every month, and includes tips on how to prevent children from using.Additionally, the Wellness & Prevention center is a distributor of Narcan, which is an emergency nasal spray prescription medicine for the treatment of opioid overdose—offered to any family who feels a need to have it in the home.Aspart of its prevention work, it also promotes healthy habits for kids, such as sunscreen-use and electric bike safety during the summer months, as well as alternative activities that keep them away from substances.

To schedule an appointment, sign up for the newsletter, donate, or learn more, visit the Wellness & Prevention’s website:

Wenrich Wealth offers advice on the best ways to save for your child’s education


“What most people choose from is either a 529 plan, or there’s a similar type of plan called a Coverdell plan,” Wenrich said. “All these are just accounts that the government, that the IRS lets you use to invest for college or even high school education.”

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 19

nvesting in your child’s education can feel like a daunting task.

Though some people may be interested in investing in cryptocurrency, Wenrich warned against relying on the high-risk investment. Wenrich noted that there’s a difference between investing and trading and that cryptocurrency should be treated as “Fromgambling.aninvestment perspective, it’s very hard to put a ton of merit into it, where you want to put all your serious money into it as an investment,” Wenrich said. “I’d say treat it more as gambling.”

However, 529s are required to be used for education to receive that tax break.

expenses, then you don’t have to pay any gains when you pull the money out at the end,” Wenrich said of 529 and Coverdell plans. “Whereas, if you just did it in the parents’ name or the kid’s name, if you had gains at the end, then you’d have to pay taxes as you pull it out.”

“These are just loans to the U.S. government, but they’ll pay you a guaranteed interest rate,” Wenrich said. “They do change as inflation changes. So, if inflation goes down, then that interest rate will go down. But for right now, you’re getting a really good interest rate on what’s called an I Bond.”Wenrich warned that if parents are interested in opening an investment account in the kid’s name, “you’ve got to be careful, because when they turn 18, they can do what they want with that money.”

“There’s people that make a lot of money every day in Las Vegas gambling, but that doesn’t mean that’s how we want to try to fund our kids’ college education,” Wenrich continued.Nomatter what investment account parents choose, Wenrich said the most important thing is to start saving right away.


The difference between opening a general investment account in either the parents’ or child’s name versus a 529 or Coverdell is that one does not have to pay taxes on any gains from these types of accounts.

“If you’re going to pick a default, I’d say opening up a 529 plan is probably the best catch-all, but there’s some limitations, because if you don’t use the money for education, then you’re going to have to pay taxes and penalties,” Wenrich continued.

Parents might be leaning toward a 529 plan because of its tax benefits, as long as the money is used for education. But there are also Coverdell plans or government bonds, or even the more recent option of investing in cryptocurrency

“If that’s a small amount that you can afford, that’s OK,” Wenrich continued. “The most important thing is to do it on a regular basis. This goes for college funding, or building up your emergency fund, or saving forWenrichretirement.”added that the most important thing one could do is set aside funds with eachThepaycheck.nextbigdecision is what type of account in which to invest.

“If you use the money for education

“So, you give up a little bit of flexibility, but in return, you get a little bit of a tax break,” Wenrich said.

“There’s a great website called that’s pretty well universally accepted as the best online resource to investigate the topic, but, of course, they can always call us, and we’ll guide them through it,” Wenrich said.

“It can get really confusing; you get lost in the weeds: ‘Which type of account, what should I do’,” Wenrich said. “The most important thing is to just start as soon as you can, once you have kids.”


By Breeana Greenberg

Another type of investment option is a government bond.

With so many different options, Joseph Wenrich, owner and president of Wenrich Wealth, provided us his insights by breaking down the many different investment accounts from which to choose.

“I would say, start by just doing something, even if it’s putting $50 into a savings account; that’ll be better than doing nothing,” Wenrich said. “Once you get into that rhythm of savings, that can give you some momentum and some motivation to do a little bit more investigating.”

“Our beautiful campus is situated on 10 acres and houses two expansive education wings with science and STEM labs, art, music, and dance rooms, and designated student learning centers, along with a gymnasium, athletic training center, multiple playgrounds, and a full-size athletic field,” the school said.

The school was founded in 1979 and has 2,600 alumni to date. Students get to spend time in research and lecture labs, visual arts studios and a performing arts center.

San Clemente Christian School

Fairmont Schools opened a San Juan location at the former Saddleback Valley Christian School in 2020.

St. Edward The Confessor Parish School


The private preschool holds classes at Palisades United Methodist Church during the week, though it is not affiliated with the church.

Fairmont Schools


Families also have expanded educational choices with charter schools. More than half of public charter students in California are low-income, and Black and Latino public charter students outperformed their peers on math and other school tests in numerous school districts, the CCSA said.


St. Margaret’s Episcopal School

South Orange County is home to various private secondary education campuses that draw in students across the area. Kids attend these schools throughout the year to learn, participate in extracurricular activities and prepare for the next stage of life.


This year marks the 30th anniversary of California’s Charter School Act, which paved the way for the charter movement.InSanJuan Capistrano, there are a two open charter schools.

“CVCS teachers are credentialed, experi enced Christian educators and mentors who truly love their students and are committed to providing an elite-level academic experience to prepare students for admission into the best colleges and universities in America,” the school touts. “Our academic programs provide a challenging but appropriate level of rigor to help students achieve their academic goals while maintaining a healthy, balanced life.”




St. Edward’s offers a preschool-8th grade program. The school adheres to Catholic values and offers service opportunities. Their average student-to-instructor ratio is 11 to 1 and 82% of their students tend to perform above the national average in math and English Language Arts.



CHARTER SCHOOLS A Primer on the Alternative Option

“As part of the Fairmont family of schools, Fairmont San Juan Capistrano capitalizes on nearly seven decades of educational excel lence and proven results,” a statement from the school said. “Since 1953, Fairmont has been focused on one thing—our students. It’s a focus that has served our families well for generations, and we believe it is more im portant today than ever before, as we prepare students for success in the 21st century.”

OCASA College Prep

The school was founded in 2003 and offers programs in medicine, engineering and other subjects. Students have fun through end-ofthe-year mass dives into the school pool, snow days on campus and other school spirit events.

Charter schools can help improve pupil learning, increase learning opportunities for all students (particularly underachieving students), encourage innovative teaching methods and create new professional opportunities for teachers, according to the California Charter Schools Association.

The Orange County Academy of Science and Arts campus is intended to prepare students for higher educa tion with a curriculum that includes projects and one-on-one mentorship. Its program is intended to be individually tailored for each student and focuses on cognitive, real-world skills for students.

By Collin Breaux

JSerra Catholic High School


CVCS’ culture emphasizes religion, excellence, authenticity, positivity and other values. It instructs elementary, junior and high school students.

he tri-city region of San Juan Capist rano, San Clemente and Dana Point has no shortage of private schools.

The campus is its first in South County and offers the full continuum of grade levels— from preschool through grade 12. The school is secular.

You may have heard the term “charter school” and wondered what it is— and how it’s different from traditional schools.Charter schools are still public schools, but they operate independently of the usual school district structure through a charter petition that can be initiated by community members (including teachers and parents), which must be approved by a district’s governing board. They cannot charge tuition or operate as, or by, a for-profit corporation. Most charter schools in California receive funding directly from the state.

“Our vigorous, college-preparatory curric ulum offers a thoughtful balance and breadth of challenging experiences for every student,” a message from William Moseley, the Head of School, said. “St. Margaret’s is not just an edu cation; it is a vibrant community that becomes part of your family, your lives and who you are.”

Capistrano Valley Christian Schools


St. Michael’s Christian Academy

They use an educational approach focused

Opportunities for Learning

on the STEAM curriculum (which stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and math). They also provide project-based learning, which can include service opportunities.

St. Michael’s Christian Academy bills itself as having over 35 years of “academic excellence.” The school aims to help students “excel” academically in high school “and beyond.” They are a part of St. Michael’s Church.

Community Seedlings


Steeped in Episcopalian culture, the school encourages students to chase their passions in humanities, STEM, arts, athletics and other avenues.

Opportunities for Learning intends to teach students how to take responsibility for their lives, think critically and make meaningful personal connec tions. It describes its curriculum as “a hybrid independent study/small group instruction/online format as an alternative to a classroom program.” A college-prep curriculum is paired with self-esteem and leadership develop ment.

Named after Father Junipero Serra—who founded Mission San Juan Capistrano and is considered instrumental in establishing the town in its modern form—the school boasts that it “provides students in grades 9 through 12 with an individualized education in a faithbased, character-building setting.”

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 20

The Christian-based school is “focused on creating an environment that encourages academic excellence, social responsibility, emotional confidence and spiritual maturity,” their website states.

By Collin Breaux

Community Seedlings Preschool opened in 2020 and aims to keep instruction to small student groups. Curriculum includes outdoor work, hands-on art activities and a curriculum that emphasizes literacy and other skills.


31522 EL CAMINO REAL, 949.269.3290, OCASA.ORG


The Noble Path Foundation offers a variety of after-school programs, homework help, and wellness programs to keep teens and young adults healthy and engaged. The Community Outreach Alliance provides free food to those in need and opportunities for young performers to showcase their talents.

The nonprofit’s Food Connection distrib utes free food to those in need, no questions asked, at the San Clemente Baha’i Center. The Food Connection also brings food to seniors on Thursdays and offers military to come pick up food on Tuesdays.

The Noble Path Foundation is open from 4-9 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 4-9:30 p.m. on Fridays, offering a space for socialization, a homework club and after-school programs. The open hours give many parents the chance to go on a date night while their children have fun.

“The programs that we offer here at the Noble Path Foundation are the Aim High for drug and alcohol prevention, mindfulness; basically, advocacy, inspiration and mentor ship,” said Teri Steel, executive director for Aim High.


The Noble Path Foundation offers a sev en-week program, Aim High, which teaches teens about healthy coping skills, financial literacy, nutrition and wellness, drug culture awareness, self-esteem and social media, healthy relationships, leadership and more.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 21

To learn more about either the Noble Path Foundation or the Community Outreach Alliance’s programs, visit thenoblepathfoun and communityoutreachalliance.

“If they need a tutor, we help them find a tutor, and we understand how expensive that can be,” Steel said. “We’re always looking for retired teachers or individuals … college stu dents … who wants to volunteer to help kids with their after-school homework for free.”

The Aim High Program also encompasses Orange County’s Ready, S.E.T. OC program, in which local businesses offer young adults work experience and occupational skill training.

“And then we also offer COA Entertain ment; that’s where we have the kids who per form in the community at different venues,” Aquino said.

The Aim High Program, previously known as Thrive Alive, was once a program under the Community Outreach Alliance, but later moved to the Noble Path Foundation.

in which pediatricians refer youth and their families for food and exercise education.



At Noble Path, there’s also space for youth to do their homework with reliable internet and homework help, if needed.

Many of the teens and young adults who take advantage of the Noble Path’s free guitar lessons will end up performing with the Community Outreach Alliance Entertainment program.

The socialization program offers healthy, fun and safe activities for young adults to enjoy. Noble Path offers weekly programs such as free guitar lessons, art collaborations and improv. It also offers free guitar lessons for youth aged 13 and older.

COA Entertainment offers youth and young adults the opportunity to share their passion for“ them an opportunity to explore their passion and grow and just be able to share resources in the community,” Aquino said.

Photo: Breeana Greenberg The Noble Path Foundation in San Clemente offers a space for youth to do homework, exercise and connect with others. Photo: Courtesy of Teri Steel

Nourish to Flourish is the Noble Path Foundation’s nutrition and wellness program

(From left) Teri Steel, executive director for Aim High, and Jennifer Aquino, vice president of Community Outreach Alliance, welcome the community to the various programs offered at the Noble Path Foundation

wo nonprofits in San Clemente are offering programs and resources for the community’s youth.

By Breeana Greenberg

The Community Outreach Alliance now has two programs that help to keep family members fed and offers a safe place for youth to perform.“Wehave a bifold program where we offer food, food connection, which feeds families, seniors and military, and so we feed them every other Monday,” said Jennifer Aquino, vice president of COA.

1304 Calle Valle, San Clemente, School develops much more than a student’s academic achievement. With a strong Student Support Services department, all St. Anne students benefit from a team focused on physical, personal, and mental well-being. Students in lower and middle school are offered a variety of electives and special classes such as orchestra, studio art, digital media production, design and engineering, and creative writing. Guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church, St. Anne School offers a vibrant Campus Ministry program where students are encouraged to participate in Christian service, class retreats, Masses, and spiritual leadership while growing a deeper connection to their faith. After-school programs such as the award-winning HarmonKnights show choir, the school play, and a variety of sports teams offer opportunities for students to continue to explore and grow.

Finally, this year we are continuing the investments we made for our students in previous years through increased counseling and mental health support at school sites with the investments our Board of Trustees has approved. Ultimately, our goal is for our students to be happy and healthy because that establishes the best foundation for academic success in school.

The school’s reputation for the depth and quality of its education brings more than 150 colleges and universities to campus annually to recruit its graduates.

A vigorous liberal arts academic program and expert faculty challenge and inspire students to discover, learn, grow and excel to their fullest potential. Opportunities abound in arts, athletics, STEAM, experiential and service learning, and leadership.

Preparing Students for Future Success


32451 Bear Brand Road, Laguna Niguel | @stanneknights

The Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area is here for your family this new school year and always. Our affordable after school program, open until 6:30pm daily, provides

Hello, CUSD Students and Families!

St. Margaret’s Episcopal School

St. Margaret’s students are known for their character, poise, thoughtfulness and integrity. An inclusive, loving community rooted in shared values and our Episcopal identity is the foundation for a transformative student life program that fosters belonging, life skills, purpose and well-being, instills a strong moral compass and inspires responsibility, leadership and service to the world.

St. Anne School

St. Margaret’s Episcopal School is a leading, independent school educating 1,234 students, preschool through grade 12. We believe in our students—their natural curiosity, talents, interests and intellectual vitality. St. Margaret’s surrounds students with a vibrant and engaging learning environment that guides their individual development, character, well-being and intellectual pursuits. St. Margaret’s is active and alive with students who are motivated and excited to be here, learning and growing together. From

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 22


31641 La Novia San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 949.661.0108 |


This year, the California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI) is being rolled out for CUSD seniors. Seniors will be able to research colleges, apply for UC and CSU colleges through one portal, and check their eligibility status at, College @ Capo is offering college courses taught by accred ited faculty on their high school’s campus. Students can learn from Saddleback College professors and get a head start on their college education. Subjects include Humanities, Mass Media & Society, The Film as Literature, and Introduction to Sociology. You can find more information at

Early Childhood to Upper School, our everyday leaves a lifetime impact on our students.

Kirsten Vital Brulte, Superintendent, Capistrano Unified School District

We are just a little more than a month into the new school year and I am excited to share some of the projects and initiatives we are developing and rolling out this year to support our amazing students!

Visit for more information.

We invite you to see all that St. Anne School has to offer at our Admissions Open House on November 3, 2022. Contact the Office of Admission at 949.371.9932 for details or visit

St. Anne School in Laguna Niguel is an independent Roman Catholic school that has been educating children from preschool through grade 8 for the last 30 years. The school provides a supportive learning environment where each child is inspired to pursue their highest level of academic achievement, spiritual formation, and character development. The collaborative community of inspirational teachers, dedicated administrators, and committed parents ensures students are empowered to explore their God-given gifts, discover their passions, and envision their future as a positive influence on

academic support, extracurricular activities like sports, drama, and arts and crafts, and so much more. For high schoolers, our College Bound & Workforce Readiness Program provides comprehensive support from freshman through senior year in every aspect of the college admissions process – from choosing classes and homework help, to submitting applications and determining a plan to pay for college, we’re here every step of the way. Our Club is a fun, safe, encouraging environment for kids to be kids again! Our programs are affordable for every family with financial aid available. Visit our website at or call us at 949-492-0376 for more information.

Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area

In partnership with CUSD’s College & Career Advantage, we are installing iCAN labs in elementary schools throughout the District to provide innovative, hands-on STEM education with Lego kits, 3D printers, and Sphero program mable robots. Students will explore careers in robotics, coding, engineering, design and more.

CUSD and CCA offer courses in 31 career path ways that span the entire K-12 curriculum.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 23 CRIB TO COLLEGE

Although the pandemic spurred the suspension of the use of standardized tests in the admission process, the importance and efficacy of these standardized tests came into question before 2020.

profit organization that runs the SAT, dispute such criticism, asserting that the tests are not biased; rather, they “reflect existing inequities in access to quality education.”

California State University systems, no longer required the SAT and ACT for 2020 admissions applications. This action remained in place for those applying for fall 2021 and fall 2022 admissions as well.

The standardized tests, the College Board and ACT further argued, “offer a uniform and helpful yardstick for use, in tandem with grades, in assessing students in high schools across the country,” LA Times reported.

The question moving forward for parents and high school students applying to college is whether universities they are considering use a test-blind approach—scores will not be used in making admissions decisions—or whether the tests will be made optional, as is the case for many universities in other states.

More than 1,830 universities in the United States did not require SAT and ACT scores for

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, many colleges across the nation, including the University of California and the

ecently, universities in California and across the nation are shifting away from standardized tests including the SAT and ACT as a required component of college applications.

As reported by Los Angeles Times in May 2020, ACT and the College Board, the non-

The UC and CSU systems, as well as dozens of other out-of-state college systems such as Washington State University and City Universities of New York, are taking a test-blind approach to admissions.

Students could still submit scores to determine eligibility for certain scholarships, post-enrollment class placement, and statewide eligibility for admission guarantees.


fall 2022 admissions, and the trend will likely be the same for fall 2023 admissions, according to data from FairTest, the National Center for Fair & Open Testing.

Critics have long argued that the use of standardized tests such as the SAT and the ACT discriminate against students of color from low-income areas and are influenced by parental education levels and access to test prep courses and materials.

The California State University, the largest four-year higher education system in the country, also voted to discontinue the use of SAT and ACT scores in admissions after the CSU’s Admission Advisory Council “found that the SAT and ACT tests provide negligible additional value to the CSU admission process,” according to a media release.

The largest example comes from the University of California’s former president, Janet Napolitano, who requested the Academic Senate of the UC system review the use of standardized tests in the admissions process in January

Although2019.theStandardized Testing Task

By Keaton Larson

Force, convened by the UC Academic Senate, recommended the current use of standardized tests until the UC system develops its own test, the UC Board of Regents adopted Napolitano’s five-year plan to phase out the use of the SAT and ACT in admissions by 2025—when a new test will be adopted or no standardized test will be used.


Articulation specialists are also available on campus for people to approach with questions or additional information.

Rita Soultanian, director of the Career and Re-Entry Center

The Transfer Center offers a bevy of resourc es, including tutoring, a Student Support Hub, and links that provide information regarding CSU and UC schools, other California colleges, out-of-state institutions, and more.

By C. Jayden Smith

CRIB TO COLLEGE sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 24

“A counselor fulfills the important role of providing holistic academic, career, and personal counseling while helping students find their

Regarding admission into one of six participating UC schools, students can sign on to the TAG program during the semester they apply to transfer to receive an early review of their academic records and guidance about major preparation, among other benefits.

Call the Transfer Center at 949.582.4328, visit room 225B in the Student Services Center, or email for more information.

Obtaining initial math and English placement is the second step. Students can either complete short Guided Self Placement surveys for each subject and receive placement, or submit a placement request while in cluding a certified high school transcript that lists completion of math and English courses from ninth to 11th grade and a non-weighted Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher.

classes they must take. Counselors also are well-informed of the transfer criteria that can change regularly.

Before planning to transfer, students should be cognizant of how to succeed and set themselves up for success while at Saddleback.Toachieve matriculation, or meeting requirements to enter the school, Saddleback assigns a status of “Required” or “Not Required” to each application. Most applications receive the Required designation, meaning students must participate in a three-step process to continue.

Regarding steps students should take to be successful at Saddleback, she recommends



More than 3,500 Saddleback students transfer to four-year universities, according to the school, including some beyond California. Within the state, the most popular destinations include UC Irvine, UCLA, UC San Diego, CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach, and San Diego State University.

The prospect of saving money is another well-chronicled reason to attend Saddleback for two years. Starting at Saddleback and transferring to UCI instead of going to the uni versity for four years saves students $28,700 in tuition, or $11,196 for waiting to attend CSU Fullerton, according to Saddleback.

“In addition, each year, it is not uncommon to see students reaching out to their instructional faculty, as well as their counselors,” Soultanian wrote. “Students who work with a counselor regularly throughout their time at Saddleback are more likely to transfer in a timely manner, avoid taking unnecessary courses, and earn certificates and local degrees along the way.”

Finally, students must go through the Advisement and First Semester Plan module that helps them determine a potential major and define educational goals.


“Students who work with a counselor thelocalcertificatescourses,takingmanner,transferaretimethroughoutregularlytheiratSaddlebackmorelikelytoinatimelyavoidunnecessaryandearnanddegreesalongway.”

To schedule an appointment seven days in advance or later, call the academic counseling office at 949.582.4572. Students can also reach that number for a quick 15-minute session to have a question answered, or email

The process includes an online orientation, in which students must complete all sections of the New Student module and pass a final exam to receive credit.

Those support services include academic planning, health and mental health care, and basic needs support, such as food, gas cards, and laptop Soultanianloans.added that counselors ensure students meet requirements and connect them to resources outside of counseling.

Rita Soultanian, director of the Career and Re-Entry Center within Saddleback’s Counseling Division, wrote in an email that the college’s classroom instruction and comprehensive student support make the institution successful in preparing students to transfer.

Soultanian added that students who discover a Learning Pathway early will more easily identify transfer schools and career options.“Talkto family, friends, and instructors about how they discovered their career and made their four-year college transfer decisions, so you can gain insight from their experiences,” she wrote.

Students should also see the Clearing Prerequisites page on Saddleback’s website to learn how to satisfy prerequisites.

meeting with a counselor before enrolling in the first class, attending specialized transfer and career workshops, and having a semester-by-semester academic plan approved by a counselor.Saddleback’s Transfer Center also provides a wealth of knowledge and opportunities for students planning to make a move. It hosts events including a Transfer Fair, where representatives from dozens of California and out-of-state schools meet with students and share information about their university. Other events include appointments for representatives from one school to come and talk to students, or numerous kinds of workshops.Theworkshops range from CSU Transfer and Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) and UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) sessions to opportunities to learn the basics of planning to transfer and how to apply to a UCSaddlebackschool. has secured articulation agreements with both CSU and UC campuses, which identify courses comparable to transfer school requirements and ensure that coursework completed at Saddleback satisfies general education and lower-level, major-specific requirements elsewhere. Stu dents can obtain an ADT in numerous majors, including anthropology, elementary teacher education, and kinesiology, to transfer to a CSU campus.

Counselors can provide advice and a listening presence to guide people in finding academic goals, answering questions, and developing strong academic skills. They also can help with time management and balancing work schedules with hours that students spend in class, studying, or commuting.

During potential transfers’ two years at Saddleback, the counseling department can play a significant role in helping students to remain on track and prepared for the road ahead.


addleback College has been a trusted, popular alternative option to a four-year university for Orange County students for years, offering a variety of academic programs and pathways forHowever,success. for those who desire to transfer to a University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) school, Saddleback is adept at helping students along the way.

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The List



6 p.m. Soak up the sun and enjoy the last bit of summer fun with this party at The Abode. Celebrate with the shop as it catches the last wave of summer and says, “Sea you later” to the sunny season. Enjoy giveaways and a 20% discount during the event. Elevate your senses with Ascension Cellars. Experience the premium, artisanal taste of Rhone- and Bordeaux-style wines served by Erick Allen from Ascension Cellars. The Abode, 228 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.545.7998.

really want to be one when you grow up, go make music with COA and bring your music-loving friends. All events are free and open to all levels of talent. The open mic nights are open to ages 11-21. Sing to a track, bring your instrument, or your whole band. Anything goes. Baha’i Center, 3316 Avenida del Presidente. tocoaentertainmentoutreach@gmail.comEmailsecureaperformancespot.


3-6 p.m. Are you ready for a new career? This free event is a one-shop stop to meet many hiring managers and have onthe-spot interviews with some of your favorite brands at the Outlets at San Clemente. The Outlets suggests coming dressed to impress and bringing your “A” game and your resume. Participating stores include Black Clover, Carter’s, Cole Haan, Goldfield, Jokey, StretchLab and Tomo, just to name a few. Outlets at San Clemente, 101 W. Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente.



Get a curated list of the weekend’s best events sent straight to your inbox every Friday. Sign up today!



What’s going on in and around town this week

6:45 p.m. Community Outreach Alliance Entertainment’s “Open Mic Night” is a safe place to express musical talents, get some practice performing live and playing with others. Even if you don’t play an instrument or sing, enjoy watching COA members and participants pull together a really fun show. If you’re a musician or

5-7 p.m. The San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter is hosting this vaccine clinic for everyone’s furry companions, where they can receive Da2PLP and Bordetella shots for $10 each, as well as a free rabies shot with the purchase of a dog license (for San Clemente and Dana Point residents). The clinic will also conduct microchipping for $15. 221 Avenida Fabricante, San Clemente.


7:30 p.m. On weekends through Oct. 9, the Cabrillo Playhouse presents Little Women, Louisa May Alcott’s beloved story of the adventures of the four March sisters. The Civil War is in full swing, and the March sisters live in Concord, Massachusetts with their mother while their father is on the battlefield. Filled with buoyant, joyful melodies, memorable characters, and a big-hearted message, Little Women reminds us that “sometimes when you dream, your dreams come true.” Admission is $33. Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente.


sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 28 GETTING OUT




11 a.m.-10 p.m. The annual Greek Festival returns to San Juan Capistrano, where there will be music, traditional Greek dishes, dancing, vendors and more. The event is hosted by the Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Church. The event continues on Sunday, from noon to 9 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online. San Juan Capistrano Community Center, 25925 Camino del Avion, San Juan Capistrano. 949.542.3445.


A request to demolish an existing medical build ing and surface parking lot; construct a mixeduse project with 250 for-rent senior residential units and a 7,500 square foot medical office; sub divide one lot into two lots; rezone the property from Regional Medical Facilities 1 (RMF1) to Community Commercial 4 (CC4); and change the General Plan designation from RMF to CC at 654 Camino De Los Mares. The project includes requests for shared parking, an increase in floor area, and an increase in height through conces sion/incentive/waivers pursuant to State Density Bonus law.


This business is conducted by a DE Limited Liabil ity Company.

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15164, the City prepared an Addendum to the San Clemente Housing and Safety Elements Update Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2021020256). The Ad dendum demonstrates that only minor technical changes to the PEIR are involved and the project would not result in any new or increased severity significant environmental effects beyond those identified in the PEIR.

Published in: San Clemente Times September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022

Notice is further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Planning Commission and held on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. at San Clemente City Hall Coun cil Chambers, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to at tend said hearings or to provide written communi cation to the City Council to express their opinion for or against the requests.

T.S. No.: 9462-4986 TSG Order No.: 200197009 A.P.N.: 690-082-06 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 07/05/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPER TY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NBS Default Services, LLC, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded 07/13/2005 as Document No.: 2005000539226, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Or ange County, California, executed by: MATTHEW J. CUTONE, A SINGLE MAN, as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable in full at time of sale by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and state, and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Sale Date & Time: 10/17/2022 at 9:00 AM Sale Location: Room Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Anaheim - Orange County, 100 The City Drive, Orange, CA 92868 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1209 VIA LA JOLLA, SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other com mon designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made in an “AS IS” condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regard ing title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, towit: $833,005.29 (Estimated). Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not

ThisDENTstatement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/29/2022.


These applications are on file at the City of San Clemente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California, and are available for public inspection and comment by contacting the Community Development De partment at (949) 361-6189. If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearings described in this notice, or in written cor respondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the public hearings.


TO 949.388.7700,


The applicant proposes to occupy the entire, ap proximately 5,300 square-foot building for the proposed use to include fitness facility area and other areas of use ancillary to the primary use, such as office and storage areas. Hours of opera tion will occur seven days a week, approximately between 5:00 am and 10:00 pm on weekdays, and 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on weekends.



ThisDENTstatement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/26/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022


For Trustee Sale Information Log On To: www.auc or Call: 1-800-280-2832. NBS Default Ser vices, LLC, James Aranda, Foreclosure Associate This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. However, if you have received a discharge of the debt referenced herein in a bankruptcy pro ceeding, this is not an attempt to impose personal liability upon you for payment of that debt. In the event you have received a bankruptcy discharge, any action to enforce the debt will be taken against the property only. NPP0415838 To: SAN CLEM ENTE TIMES 09/22/2022, 09/29/2022, 10/06/2022


automatically entitle you to free and clear owner ship of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens se nior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encour aged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursu ant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 1-800-280-2832 or visit this internet website,, using the file number assigned to this case T.S.# 9462-4986. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone infor mation or on the internet website. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 855-976-3916, or visit this internet website, using the file number assigned to this case T.S.# 94624986 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropri ate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive reme dy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trust ee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. NBS Default Services, LLC 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425 Dallas, TX 75254 800-766-7751

This business is conducted by a DE Limited Liabil ity TheCompany.registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 12/01/2021

San Clemente 22-28,


These applications are on file at the City of San Clemente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California, and are available for public inspection and comment by contacting the Community Development De partment at (949) 361-6189. If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearings described in this notice, or in written cor respondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the public hearings.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Planning Division at (949) 361-6183.

The20226642803following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CUBESMART 156 1628 S. ANAHEIM WAY ANAHEIM, CA 92805

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Planning Division at (949)361-6183.

Secretary to the San Clemente Planning Commis sion







Staff recommends that the project be found Cat egorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15031 (Class 1: Exist ing Facilities).


2022 Page 29

Secretary to the San Clemente Planning Commis sion

Times September



654 Camino De Los Mares – Master Project (MP) 22-089, Architectural Permit (AP) 22101, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 22-100, General Plan Amendment (GPA) 22-097, Site Plan Permit (SPP) 22-103, Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 22-099, Zoning Amendment (ZA) 22-098 – Senior Housing and Medical Office

A request to establish a new fitness facility within an existing commercial building located within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC 2) Zoning District and Affordable Housing and Architec tural Overlays at 1108 North El Camino Real.

Notice is further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Planning Commission and held on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the San Clemente City Hall Council Chambers, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clem ente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearings or to provide written com munication to the Planning Commission to express their opinion for or against the requests.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The20226642962following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CUBESMART 162

The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 12/01/2021

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 30

Date: 11/09/2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. The address of the court is Central Justice Cen ter, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Other: Remote Hearing. Your hearing will be held REMOTELY via video at the date and time indicated on the notice or order to which this mes sage is attached. You are NOT to physically appear at the courthouse on the date of your hearing. To obtain instructions on how to appear remotely for your hearing, you MUST do the following no later than the day before the hearing (or no later than Friday, if the hearing is on Monday): 1. Go to the Court’s website at; 2. Click on the “COVID-19” button; 3. Click on the “Civil” but ton; 4. Click on the “Remote Hearing Instructions” button; 5. Follow the instructions. IMPORTANT

TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KATE LYN ELIZABETH HUGHES filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present KATELYNNameELIZABETH HUGHES

MELZER, Judge of the Superior

A request to add a new garage and remodel the interior of an existing two-story, two-unit multi-family dwelling within the Residential Medium Density (RM) Zoning District and within 300 feet of Historic property.



Published:Court San Clemente Times, September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022

• Alcoholic Beverage License

A request to install building-mounted anten nas with equipment enclosure on an existing self-storage facility within other exiting wireless facilities located at 170 Avenida La Pata. The site is located in the Rancho San Clemente Specific Plan (RSCSP), which identifies the land-use des ignation of the property as Light Industrial.

• Notice to Creditors

This business is conducted by a DE Limited Liabil ity TheCompany.registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 12/01/2021


The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A





NOTE: If you or your witnesses, do not have the ability to access the court’s website above, or are un able to follow the instructions on the Court’s web site, or are otherwise unable to appear remotely, you MUST call the courtroom or call (657) 622-8513, prior to your hearing, to request an alternate means to appear. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed, or a ruling issued against you.

TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JOSE REYNALDO SOTO ARELLANO filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as fol Prlows:esent Name


A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be pub lished at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the pe tition in the following newspaper of general circu lation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times



• Name C hanges

• Dissolution of Par tnership


Published in: San Clemente Times September 8, 15, 22, 29, 2022


These applications are on file at the City of San Cle mente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, and are available for public inspec tion and comment by contacting (949) 361-6183.

Published:Court San Clemente Times, September 15, 22, 29, October 6, 2022

EMAIL CALL 949.388.7700, ext. 111

Complete your required legal or public notice advertising in the San Clemente Times.

Staff recommends that the project be found: 1. Determine the project is Categorically Exempt from the requirements of the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1: Existing Facilities) and Section 15303 (Class 3: New Construction or Conversion of Small Struc tures) and


• Fictitious Business Notice (FBN/DBA)

Date: 11/16/2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. The address of the court is Central Justice Cen ter, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Other: Remote Hearing. Your hearing will be held REMOTELY via video at the date and time indicated on the notice or order to which this mes sage is attached. You are NOT to physically appear at the courthouse on the date of your hearing. To obtain instructions on how to appear remotely for your hearing, you MUST do the following no later than the day before the hearing (or no later than Friday, if the hearing is on Monday): 1. Go to the Court’s website at; 2. Click on the “COVID-19” button; 3. Click on the “Civil” but ton; 4. Click on the “Remote Hearing Instructions” button; 5. Follow the instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you or your witnesses, do not have the ability to access the court’s website above, or are un able to follow the instructions on the Court’s web site, or are otherwise unable to appear remotely, you MUST call the courtroom or call (657) 622-8513, prior to your hearing, to request an alternate means to appear. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed, or a ruling issued against you.



further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Zoning Administrator and held on Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. at San Clemente City Hall, First Floor Community Room, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are in vited to attend said hearings or to provide written communication to the Zoning Administrator to ex press their opinion for or against the requests.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Planning Division at (949)361-6183.


THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the peti tion for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objec tion is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.


THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the peti tion for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objec tion is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.

• Lien Sale

• Petitions for Probate


A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be pub lished at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the pe


• Summons – Divorce – Civil



Staff recommends that the project be found Cat egorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1: Exist ing Facilities).

Notice of Hearing

If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the public

The20226642989following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CUBESMART 157 4200 NORTH HARBOR BLVD FULLERTON, CA 92835

Notice is further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Planning Commission and held on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the San Clemente City Hall Council Chambers, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clem ente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearings or to provide written com munication to the Planning Commission to express their opinion for or against the requests.

21 ThisIRVINE,21WENFullIRVINE,WHITECLOUDCA92614NameofRegistrant(s):PENGWHITECLOUDCA92614businessisconductedby an Individual

Secretary to the San Clemente Planning Commission

The20226642348following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PENGUIN AND ASSOCIATES

2. Adopt Resolution PC 22-018, approving Con ditional Use Permit 22-236 (Dish Wireless Telecommunication Facility) subject to the Conditions of Approval therein.

• Trustee Sale


Notice of Hearing

This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/23/2022.

A request to establish a tasting room with indoor and outdoor seating, and an off-site parking agreement at Delahunt Brewing located in the Business Park Zone within the Rancho San Cle mente Specific Plan.

Date: JUDGE08/30/2022LAYNEH. MELZER, Judge of the Superior

tition in the following newspaper of general circu lation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times

These applications are on file at the City of San Clemente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California, and are available for public inspection and comment by contacting the Community Development De partment at (949) 361-6189. If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearings described in this notice, or in written cor respondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the public hearings.

Proposed Name

Staff recommends that the project be found Cat egorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1: Exist ing Facilities).

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Planning Division at (949) 361-6183. Zoning Administrator

Date: JUDGE09/06/2022LAYNEH.



• Annual Report

• Non-Responsibility

This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/29/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022

3. Project Scope of Work

OFFICIAL BID SECURITY - DO NOT OPEN Project Name: WRP Sluice Gate Replacement Project #2

Dated September 15, 2022

For Member of Vote for No More the City Council Than Three

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices of Member of the City Council to be filled at the Gen eral Municipal Election to be held in the City of San Clemente on the 8th day of November, 2022:


8.1. General. This project is subject to the prevail ing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the work, including employer pay ments for health and welfare, pension, vaca tion, apprenticeship and similar purposes.

2. Removal and replacement of 1 sluice gate within the Chlorine Contact Basin Inlet Struc


7.1. Bid Proposal Form. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City. Bidders must complete line items information (PlanetBids Line Items Tab), and attach a scanned copy of the paper Bid Form (SECTION 00400), Bid Bond (SECTION 004100), Non-Collusion Declaration (SEC TION 00420), Contractor Information and Experience Form (SECTION 00430), List of Subcontractors Form (SECTION 00440), Iran Contracting Act Certification (SECTION 00450), Public Works Contractor Registration Certification (SECTION 00460) completed and uploaded in the PlanetBids “Attachments” Tab. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City.

No bid will be accepted nor any contract en tered into without proof of the contractor’s and subcontractors’ current registration with the DIR to perform public work. If awarded a con tract, the Bidder and its subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the DIR for the duration of the Project.

Project No.: 26212

The bid security shall serve as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract. Such guarantee shall be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract within 15 calendar days after written notification that the contract has been awarded to the successful bidder.

8.2. Rates. Prevailing rates are available online at and also available at the City of San Clemente Public Works Depart ment Office at 910 Calle Negocio, San Clem ente, CA 92673. Each Contractor and Subcon tractor must pay no less than the specified rates to all workers employed to work on the project. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work must be at least time and one-half.

8.3. Compliance Monitoring. Pursuant to Cali fornia Labor Code Section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the California Department of Industrial Rela tions. In bidding on this project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and in clude the cost of complying with all labor com pliance requirements under this contract and applicable law in its bid.

10. Performance and Payment Bonds. The suc cessful bidder, simultaneously with execution of the contract, will be required to provide Faithful Per formance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Bonds are to be secured from a surety that meets all of the State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and is admitted by the State of California.



Joanne M. Baade City Clerk

5.2. Department of Industrial Relations Regis tration. Pursuant to California Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, or enter into a contract to per form public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”).

1. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that the City of San Clemente (“City”) will receive sealed bids for the following project:

Donna Nurse/BusinessVidrine Owner Victor

WRP Sluice Gate Replacement Project #2 Project No. 26212

4. Contract Time: The work must be completed within 150 working days from the date specified in the written Notice to Proceed.

Bid Opening Date: 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, 2022

WRP Sluice Gate Replacement Project #2 Project No. 26212

6. Contract Documents. Bid documents, includ ing instructions to bidders, bidder proposal form, and specifications (not including other documents incorporated by reference) may be downloaded, at no cost, from the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal website at Bidders must first register as a vendor on the City of San Clemente PlanetBids system to view and down load the Contract Documents, to be added to the prospective bidders list, and to receive addendum notifications when issued.

9. Retention. Pursuant to the contract for this proj ect, five percent (5%) of each progress payment will be retained as security for completion of the balance of the work. Substitution of appropriate securities in lieu of retention amounts from progress payments is permitted pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 22300. Refer to the contract for further clarification.

Shall the office of City Clerk be appointive?

7. Removal of existing, and installation of new aluminum grating in areas identified in the plans (bid option).

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 31

City of San Clemente Public Works Department 910 Calle Negocio San Clemente, CA 92673

4. Installation of 1 new open/close electric actua tors within the Reclamation Storage Bay Splitter

6.requirements).Contractorshall furnish, supply, and install all control hardware (RIO PLC Panel). Contractor shall terminate all wires to the supplied RIO Pan el. Integration of the proposed improvements (i.e. gate control logic) within the existing filter PLC and SCADA system will be provided by the City.

11. Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held for this bid solicitation at 380 Avenida Pico, San Clem ente, CA 92672 on Wednesday, September 28th at 9:30 AM. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders sec tion on how to submit any pre-bid questions.


7.2. Bid Security. Each bid proposal must be ac companied by security in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount. Personal checks or company checks are not acceptable forms of bid security. All certified and cashier’s checks must be drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the Unit ed States and shall be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bid bonds must be issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of California and must be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEM ENTE. Bids not accompanied by the required bid security will be rejected. For electronic sub mittal of bids, the bid security must be received at the City of San Clemente Public Works of fice, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, CA 92673 no later than the bid opening date and time. The bid security must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder, and the outside of the envelope must read as follows:

Measure U San Clemente, Appointive City Clerk

5. License and Registration Requirements.

7. Bid Proposal and Security.

5.3. City Business License. Prior to the Notice to Proceed for this contract, the Contractor shall possess a valid City of San Clemente business license.

The WORK of this Contract will consist of upgrad ing mechanical and electrical components of the Chlorine Contact Basin and Reclamation Storage Bay within the City of San Clemente’s Water Rec lamation Plant. The WORK shall include but not limited to the following major work items:

8. Prevailing Wage Requirements.

5.BoxAssociated electrical improvements for the new electrical actuators (all power and control

Measure V San Clemente, Appointive City Treasurer

2. Bid Opening Date. Electronic bids must be sub mitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, on the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal, at which time or thereafter bids will be opened and made available online. Bids received after this time will be considered nonresponsive. Prospective bidders must first register as a vendor and then bid on this project via the City’s Planet Bids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-cle

5.1. State License. Pursuant to California Pub lic Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the Contractor shall possess a valid California contractor’s license for the following classification Class “A”. Failure to possess the specified license at the time of bid opening shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the contract to that non-responsive bidder.

Shall the office of City Treasurer be appointive?

13. Instructions to Bidders. Additional and more detailed information is provided in the Instructions to Bidders, which should be carefully reviewed by all bidders before submitting a Bid Proposal.

3.ture.Field verification of existing conditions prior to sluice gate fabrication.

12. Brand Names and Substitution of “Or Equal” Materials. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Sec tion 3400(b), if the City has made any findings des ignating certain materials, products, things, or ser vices by specific brand or trade name, such findings and the materials, products, things, or services and their specific brand or trade names will be set forth in the Special Conditions.


1. Removal and replacement of 1 sluice gates within the Reclamation Storage Bay Splitter Box.








14. Questions. All questions related to this bid so licitation must be submitted in writing via email to Amir K. Ilkhanipour at ilkhanipoura@san-cle no later than Tuesday, October 11th, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.

Complete your required legal or public notice advertising in the San Clemente Times. • Fictitious Business Notice (FBN/DBA) • Name C hanges • Lien Sale • Alcoholic Beverage License • Notice to Creditors • Petitions for Probate • Trustee Sale • Summons – Divorce – Civil ... and more! EMAIL CALL 949.388.7700, ext. 111

Iniciativa V Cargo de Tesorero Municipal por Nombramiento de San Clemente

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 32

Ashley PropietariaWilliamsdepequeña empresa Aaron




¿Debe ser por nombramiento el cargo de Tesorero Municipal?


Para miembro del vote por no Concejo de la Ciudad más de tres Donna


Full Name of Registrant(s):

Iniciativa U, Cargo de Secretario Municipal por Nombramiento de San Clemente






This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on:

POR LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que las sigui entes personas han sido nominadas para el cargo de Miembro del Concejo Municipal para ser electo en la Elección Municipal General que se celebrará en la Ciudad de San Clemente el 8 de noviembre de 2022:


Joanne M. Baade Secretaria Municipal


This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 06/29/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022






¿Debe ser por nombramiento el cargo de Secretario Municipal?






The20226638322following person(s) is (are) doing business as VIOLET SAGE FLORALS CALLE DE LOS MOLINOS SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672


Whenconnected.mysonswere small, we started a Monday night family football pool (my husband claimed it honed their math skills). Now, our tradition includes Thursday night games, too.


The NightSaturdaySeptember’sBind—LinesGridironthatLights

they chronicle expose the emotions of human experience that are both heart-wrenching and heart-warming.

Their stories highlight tales of teamwork and friendship; tales of discipline and dedication; and, of course, the thrill of victory and agony of defeat.

(Cont. on page 34)

PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at

Today, with both my boys residing in the Bay Area, NFL football keeps our family


Greta and I were so impressed with Mauricio that we hired him to drive us on a day trip to view the Casablanca Valley wine country and the port city of Valparaiso on March 4. Valparaiso is 75 miles from Santiago. Our first stop in the gorgeous Chilean countryside was at Emiliana, a remote organic winery, about an hour west of Santiago.

My strategy often wins the prize and is far less time-consuming than bothering with numbers, coaches or players.

Maybe our family’s football history is partially to blame for my boys’ Fantasy Football obsession.

And, win or lose, my family scores a season of lasting memories.

The 2022-23 National Football League kicked off its 103rd season this month. The schedule continues into January, then playoffs follow and, of course, the season concludes with Super Bowl LVII in ForFebruary.many folks, September is synonymous with football, though it also marks a month of change: the end of summer vacation, the start of a new school year, or a teen trading a childhood home for a college campus.

I’m a seasoned passenger on September’s rollercoaster of emotion. When my older son moved into his freshman dorm room, I fumbled to find a way to survive his surreal semester away from home.Football has always been a part of our multi-generational family gatherings, but my enthusiasm for the sport soared

Both of my boys’ leagues consist of childhood and college friends; some live in neighboring cities and others are scattered across the country. For years, football’s been the glue, transcending time and distance, for their continued conversations and camaraderie.

The time and planning my sons put into their respective Fantasy Football Leagues rivals the planning of any Super Bowl halftime show.

• San Clemente home values have a wide range of prices averaging $779/FT. However, the lowest was $363/FT and the highest was $2155/FT.

Jeremy Conrad Broker, DRE# 01279209 Jconrad@conradrealestate.com949.542.8348 Local Real Estate By Local Experts Bill Conrad Broker, DRE# 01461548 Billc@conradrealestate.com949.542.8349 Steve Conrad Property Manager, DRE# 01297404 Stevec@conradrealestate.com949.542.8347

It’s time to

We also scheduled Mauricio to show us around the city on a half-day tour the following day.

n March 2, 2009, Greta and I flew to Santiago, Chile to begin a three-week land tour of South America. We booked a tour guide named Mauricio online to pick us up at the Santiago Airport and transfer us to the Orly Boutique Hotel, where we would stay for three nights.


expect SponsoredEstablishedmore…1963by

GUEST OPINION | On Life and Love After 50 by Tom Blake

Football is the No. 1 sport in North America, but it’s more than a game. I can’t claim to be a traditional football fan, but I do treasure our family traditions inspired by the sport.


They organize weekend trips, make draft boards, and devise elaborate com

Did you know


Universitiestogether.strategically schedule their Family Weekend to coincide with students concluding their crucial sixweek adjustment to campus life.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 33 SC LIVING

• So far in 2022, San Clemente has had 554 homes sold, with an average sales price of $1,798,456 and an average market time of 18 days to sell.

when I realized it could keep my family huddled

After Family Weekend, my calendar marked the days to the next big game. I began counting down the days until our Thanksgiving feast and rivalry football matches. The next month marked football playoffs and my son’s return home for the festive holiday season.

My favorite part of the show is reading the entertaining handmade signs students wave, hoping to catch a television camera.Saturday mornings, I’ll sometimes text my sons with the cleverest comments, like these family-friendly displays from last weekend: “It’s Easier to Get into BAMA than Whataburger”; “My Good Sign is in the Transfer Portal”; and “Pay My Tuition Please.”

GUEST OPINION | Life’s a Beach by Shelley Murphy

For more than 20 years, Shelley Murphy and her husband have lived in San Clemente, where she raised her two sons. She’s a freelance writer and has been a contributor to Picket Fence Media since 2006. SC

Family Weekend is full of events, but the highlight is reuniting families to watch the spirited pigskin sport.

At the annual fall gridiron game, parents and classmates crowd into college stadiums, sitting shoulder to shoulder in the stands, as they join together and cheer their home team to victory.

can’t call myself a football fan. I don’t enjoy watching the sport, but I do rely on the NFL’s 17-week schedule to unify my family like a winning Super Bowl team.


There were only a few other visitors at the vineyard that morning. For 45 minutes, we walked around the grounds seeing peacocks, geese, chickens and other birds eating insects, instead of the winery using pesticides. There were llamas, as well.

While football isn’t my favorite spectator sport, I try to keep up by watching ESPN’s College GameDay. Sure, it’s a show recounting football, but it’s also about storytelling.Thefeatures

Each week, my husband and boys labor over their picks. I keep it simple: I choose the team to win based on which city I’d rather visit.

• In the US, there are about 540,000 listings on the market, which is about 50% lower than the average over the last 10 years.

When we returned to Mauricio’s car, the battery was dead. The winery did not have battery-charging equipment.

petitions to determine draft orders. Their excitement and enthusiasm in the weeks leading up to their drafts is palpable.

PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opin ion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at

tingent emerged from the grapevines and left. Soon, we were on our way to Valparaiso, a bit relieved that we weren’t in handcuffs in the back of an army truck. And Mauricio’s car had a newFast-forwardbattery. to Sept. 8, 2022. The airwaves were filled with the news that Queen Elizabeth II had died. Prince Charles became King Charles III, and Camilla became the QueenUponConsort.hearing the news, Greta and I looked at each other. I said, “Think about it,13 years ago, we missed by one day of having a nearly private encounter with a future king and queen consort in an organic vineyard in Chile. Not many people can say that.”

We both smiled. In our travels, we’d come upon some firsts for us, including the excitement at the Emiliana Winery in 2009 and being at the ABBA Museum in 2013 in Stockholm on the museum’s opening day. Unexpected events like these are rewards of travel.

Each eachsolve3x3smallervidedhasofpuzzleSudokuconsistsa9x9gridthatbeensubdiintoninegridsofsquares.Tothepuzzle,row,column


If you book Mauricio, remind him of this story at the Emiliana Vineyard in 2009. And now, he probably keeps a spare battery in his trunk.

Mauricio borrowed a phone and summoned a truck from Valparaiso to fix the problem.Whilewaiting for the truck, a bizarre event occurred that startled Greta, me, and Mauricio, as well. Seven green and white police motorcycles came into the vineyard with lights flashing and sirens blaring, followed by two army trucks.

The three of us looked at each other. Had we done something wrong? Were we going to jail? Would we be victims of a military coup? The trucks and motorcycles passed within 20 feet of us and disappeared into the vineyards.

Ten minutes later, the security con-

Mauricio asked the vineyard employees what was going on. We were relieved to hear that it was merely a security check in advance of a visit the following day to the winery by Prince Charles and Camilla from the U.K. We were told by vineyard staff that Prince Charles’ hobby was organic farming, which is why the royal couple was visiting Emiliana. Not to be political, but I admit that I didn’t care much, because I wasn’t a big fan of Prince Charles.


Emiliana is the largest organic vineyard in the world. In 2021, more than one million cases of wine were sold.

and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium

The caravan turned in our direction. There were three sharpshooters standing in the back of each truck, holding high-powered rifles and machine guns.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 34 SC LIVING

Tom Blake is a retired Dana Point business owner and resident who has authored books on middle-aged dating. See his website at To comment: SC

If you are traveling to Santiago, Chile and want an incredible tour guide, contact Mauricio. There is a great review about him on Trip Advisor—the link to which you can find in the online version of this column.

(Cont. from page 33)


See the solution in next week’s issue.


Two plays later, Edison quarterback Parker Awad hit receiver Mason York on the left sideline for a 38-yard gain. Awad tossed an easy 5-yard score to Ashton

San Clemente got all it could handle from Dana Hills in a five-set match on Tuesday, Sept. 20, but the Tritons prevailed to set up a crucial match against Aliso Niguel on Thursday, Sept. 22. Photo: Zach Cavanagh

22. The Tritons and Wolverines split the South Coast League championship last season, and while Aliso Niguel lost the postseason seeding coin flip, the Wolverines took advantage on a run to the CIF-SS Division 2 title.

he San Clemente girls volleyball team got more than it bargained for on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at Dana Hills, and while the Tritons might have had thoughts trained on this week’s first league title race-defining showdown against Aliso Niguel, San Clemente was able to focus and avoid a stumble against the Dolphins.

Dana Hills gave San Clemente all it could handle through five sets, but the Tritons dodged the upset bid to take down the Dolphins, 25-13, 23-25, 24-26, 25-21, 15-12, and remain in contention for the top of the South Coast League.

San Clemente (16-6, 2-0) next hosts Aliso Niguel (10-3, 1-0) on Thursday, Sept.

By all rights, San Clemente, ranked No. 8 in the combined CIF-SS Division 1/2 rankings, should have won in a walk over an up-and-down Dana Hills (10-12, 1-2). However, whether it was due to an

easy opening set or the looming Aliso Niguel match, the Tritons’ focus seemingly wavered to put them in a tough spot on “That’sTuesday.something that we struggle with day to day,” San Clemente coach Casey Swenson said. “We have all the talent in the world, all the ability, and I really am proud of our girls, because every day we do get better. In this area, we do make decisions and plays we weren’t

making in August. That’s the thing we’re most focused on is when we find ourselves in situations that we shouldn’t be in, how can we dig our way out?”

The attacking skill of senior Lily Dwin ell, the defense and setting of senior Reese Torticill and the energy of senior Hanna Eberle pushed San Clemente out to a 6-1 lead in the tie-breaking frame and paced them throughout the final set.Even still, Dana Hills pushed back, as the Dolphins forced a 12-12 tie and San Clemente’s second timeout. The Tritons found their poise once more after the pause for the 15-12 win.

sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 35 SPORTS & OUTDOORS

San Clemente dominated the first set with leads of 12-4 and 21-6. In the second and third sets, Dana Hills grabbed early leads, and while the Tritons made comebacks, the Dolphins battled out of late ties to take the close sets. San Clemente rode a 7-0 run to a lead in the fourth set, and despite Dana Hills charges, the Tritons held on to force the decisive fifth set. SC

Edison turned two midfield, fourthdown stops into quick-strike touchdowns in the third quarter to separate from and hold off San Clemente, 21-16, on Friday, Sept. 16, at Thalassa Stadium.

school football teams going back and forth, and it came down to the very end.” San Clemente (4-1) sustained its first loss and will travel to Murrieta Valley on Friday, Sept. 23. The game will be broadcast online by Bally Sports West PrepTheZone.Tritons will also be on the road the following week at Steele Canyon in San Diego County before a bye week ahead of their South Coast League opener back at home against Mission Viejo on Oct.

Overall,14. the Edison game was a defensive slugfest, as both teams forced fumbles and forced third-down struggles on each other. San Clemente recovered

At the same time, Swenson praised his team’s maturity in tight games and said when “the rubber really hits the road,” the Tritons are able to turn it around. That showed in spades in the early run of the fifth set.

In the fourth quarter after the Tritons were again stopped on a 4th-and-1, San Clemente finally took advantage of another Edison turnover, as Brock Della Vedova recovered a fumble at the Tritons’ 34-yard line.

After an exchange of fumbles between Edison and San Clemente, the Tritons eventually got the ball back with 1:24 re maining and no timeouts, but San Clem ente was stopped short on another fourth down to seal the game for Edison. SC

SCHS girls volleyball outlasts Dana Hills’ upset bid, hosts Aliso Niguel in title race-defining match

Two plays later, Edison made San Clemente pay again with a 60-yard touchdown pass from Awad over-the-shoulder and in-stride to Hurley for the two-score lead, 21-9, in the final minute of the third quarter.



Hurley to put the Chargers ahead, 14-9. San Clemente’s next possession stalled at the Edison 37-yard line, and on a 4thand-9, the Tritons went for it. The pass was almost intercepted, and the Chargers took over again.

Fourth-Down Blues



“It’s disappointing,” Swenson continued, “because this is such a great rivalry match for us, and I have so much respect for Coach Hoff and the effort Dana put into the match, and I don’t feel like we gave them our best.”

three fumbles and converted just 3 of 13 third-down attempts and 1 of 6 fourthdown attempts. Edison (5-0) recovered two fumbles and converted 3 of 10 thirddown attempts.

San Clemente football takes first loss, as Edison turns fourth-down stops into quick-strike scores

The passing game didn’t open up for either team until the second half, as the slugfest turned into trench warfare early. San Clemente senior Blake Allen carried the ball 22 times for 171 yards, and Edison running back Carter Hogue carried the ball 20 times for 89 yards and a However,touchdown.itwas Edison that finally hit the game’s two big passing plays, and both came after those fourth-down stops in the third quarter.

San Clemente led, 9-7, midway through the third quarter and came up to a 4th-and-1 at the Edison 49-yard line. The Tritons attempted to push quarterback Broderick Redden through the line, but the Chargers closed the gaps to force the turnover on downs.

“We’ve got to get those 4th-and-1’s and those plays,” San Clemente coach Jaime Ortiz said. “If I could go back, there’s probably some things I would change as a coach. I love the fact that we battled out to the end. That’s two good high

Allen burst forward on a 42-yard run that set up Redden’s second quarterback-sneak touchdown of the game to cut the lead to five points, 21-16.


s San Clemente and Edison locked horns in a physical brawl of unbeatens, it was the shortest yards that sparked the biggest swings on Friday night.


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“That was an awesome finals day with the waves getting a bit better, thankfully,” Marks graciously said afterward. “It’s a bummer the waves in the final got a little slow, and I basically had a five-minute heat, but a great job to Sawyer. This event is amazing; there’s more and more girls every year. It’s really cool to be a part of helping inspire this next generation, and they inspire me just as much.”

Water Visibility and Conditions: 2-3

The former WSL Longboard Champion overcame an extremely talented draw, which included three-time WSL Longboard Champ Honolua Blomfield, Sophia Culhane and Sally Cohen—all three of whom are from Hawaii.

Water Temperature: 68-66 Degrees F

The next big event on the WSL calendar will be the EDP Vissla Pro Ericeira, which runs from Oct. 1-9, and is one of the marquee contests that will decide who makes the cut for the 2023 Championship Tour. There’s a host of local talent that could make the jump with a couple solid results. Stay tuned!

“It’s so good to get a win out here alongside these incredible women,” Tilly said, smiling when it was all over. “The vibe of this event is so great, and to see all the young women out here help encour age us even more—we just want to keep inspiring them for years to come and hopefully see them up here one day.”

All of 17 years old, Lindblad now sits atop the WSL’s North American QS rankings and will focus her energies on the upcoming Challenger Series events. If she can get a couple big results there, it would be possible for Lindblad to graduate to the 2023 WSL Championship Tour, where she would join Marks and the rest of the world’s most elite female surfers.

Bella Kenworthy. Photo: Courtesy of WSL/Steinmetz

In the final, Lindblad jumped out to an early lead and managed to fend off

Oceanside. Rachel Tilly, who grew up in the area but has been going to school in Australia, returned home to California to compete in the longboard division.


BY JAKE HOWARD, SAN CLEMENTE TIMES fter Stephanie Gilmore styled her way to a record-setting eighth world title just a couple weeks ago at the Rip Curl WSL Finals at Lower Trestles, history continued to be made in the water last week, as San Clemente’s Sawyer Lindblad turned in a tour de force at the Super Girl Pro in Oceanside, becoming the youngest competitor to win the event.

tually halted by San Clemente’s Sawyer Lindblad, who went on to win the event. At 16 years old, this is the third time in Kenworthy’s young career that she’s made the finals of a WSL Qualifying Series contest. Currently ranked fourth in the WSL’s North American Qualifying Series rankings, she’s made the quarterfinals or better in every contest she’s surfed this season.

Topping the podium in Oceanside, San Clemente’s Sawyer Lindblad made history at the Super Girl Pro, where she became the youngest competitor to win the esteemed all-women’s surf contest. Photo: Courtesy of WSL/ Steinmetz

t’s been a hot minute since we caught up with Bella Kenworthy, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been doing what she does best—smashingTheheats.San Clemente talent was on a tear at the Super Girl Pro in Oceanside last weekend. Ripping through heat after heat, en route to a very respectable third-place result, she promptly dis-

Making her fourth straight appearance in a WSL Qualifying Series (QS) final, Lindblad faced last year’s winner and Championship Tour powerhouse Caroline Marks in a hard-fought battle for the top of the podium.

“It feels so good to finally win again,” Lindblad said after the awards ceremony. “I’ve gotten so many second-place finishes recently, and I felt like I knew in that final that it was just my time. That was the time I was going to win, and I’m so grateful for those waves coming in.”

But Lindblad wasn’t the only San Clemente original to top the podium in


Thursday: An easing mix of South/ southwest and Northwest swells has waves running waist-shoulder-head high, (3-4-5’). Light/variable winds in the morning, turn to a moderate west sea breeze during the afternoon.

Dipping her toes in the water of the WSL Challenger Series, Kenworthy finished in ninth place earlier this summer at the U.S. Open of Surfing, one of the most competitive, high-pressure events on the Lookingplanet.tokeep her momentum, Kenworthy next will be heading back to the East Coast for the Air Force Super Girl Surf Pro in Jacksonville, Florida. The event will run from Nov. 11-13. SC

Outlook: Friday’s surf fades to waist-chest high, (3-4’), then a fresh Southwest swell moves in for Saturday and Sunday with waist to head high waves, (3-5’). The pattern of light and variable early morning winds, followed by moderate afternoon onshores continues from Friday through the weekend.

a last-ditch effort by Marks to turn the heat and go back-to-back in Oceanside.



sanclementetimes.comSan Clemente Times September 22-28, 2022 Page 38 SC SURF


Jake Howard is local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer Magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation. SC

To make it to the final of the Super Girl Pro, Lindblad had to surf through Santa Cruz’s Autumn Hays, 2022 CT rookie Lua na Silva, and a very in-form Bella Kenwor thy, who also hails from San Clemente.

Lindblad Makes History at Super Girl Pro


“I knew (Marks) would come back and that the combo wouldn’t last very long; she’s such a great surfer and she’s always inspired me, so that was special,” Lindblad explained. “This brings my confidence up, and I’m really looking forward to Portugal and the rest of the (Challenger Series) events.”

As the youngest surfer to ever win the esteemed, women’s-only event, the San Clemente star looks to finish 2022 with a flourish

patched North America’s top-tier talent, including American Zoe Benedetto, as well as Japan’s Anon Matsuoka. Kenworthy’s brilliant run was even-

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