A lively crowd of residents, donors and members of the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce gathered with PierPride Foundation at the pier on Oct. 4 to formally unveil and celebrate the newly renovated Snack Shack.
After roughly three months in the making, the stand at the end of the municipal pier is open for business with a freshly painted exterior and new appliances, while the area surrounding the shack features new amenities for guests.
“The most exciting part of having the renovations complete is the fresh new look with old features,” Snack Shack proprietor Becky Genszler said during the event that attracted a notable crowd of eager onlookers.
The updated Snack Shack is adorned in blue paint and trim with a large plaque of donors’ names, as well as two murals—one on each side of the building—by local artist and resident Jim Parkhurst. There’s also a new weathervane atop the building, and for customers, there are now three game tables, as well as a bar counter with four stools.
“Having the beautiful murals and weathervane just adds to the character, to the little shack,” Genszler said, adding that the mix of old and new features
Within a climate where San Clemente residents have grown more leery of construction that could reduce their ocean views, the City Council declined to seek a protective ordinance in the city at its Oct. 4 meeting.
Mayor Gene James had motioned for the council to discuss the item and directed staff to research view protection ordinances that exist in municipalities such as Del Mar and Laguna Beach.
The agenda report found that such an ordinance in San Clemente would “significantly increase the time frame of the development review process,” and that enforcing view “rights” could become a tedious and legal issue. The city also said such ordinances modify zoning regula-
informs visitors of the building’s history over the years.
According to PierPride, a nonprofit aimed at restoring and preserving the pier through fundraisers, sponsorship and the support of the city and other stakeholders, these renovations come as a long-awaited “major facelift.”
For the latest project, PierPride raised $75,000 with help of various community members and local organizations. PierPride’s goal in renovating the Snack Shack was to extend the life of the concession stand, keeping its legacy and creating a welcoming space for visitors.
Eileen Kawas, a PierPride past president, credited several local donors, including the San Clemente Sunrise Rotary Club, Rancho Mission Viejo, Cox Communications, Glaukos Charitable Foundation, Rainbow Sandals Foundation, Sonance and CR&R, for helping to make the upgrades and add new amenities.
Other donors are honored on the plaque in front of the Snack Shack.
As for the murals, Kawas said that she and the Hong/Buscemi family donated the money to commission the artwork by Parkhurst.
On the southern, ocean-facing side, the
mural shows two men rowing in a dory race, and on the northern, inland-facing side, the Snack Shack emblem and established year is painted over a depiction of crashing waves and birds.
For San Clemente locals, visitors and those who use the pier often, these renovations come as a needed addition to a highly trafficked area.
In addition to a clean new look, the Snack Shack’s renovations have some functional attributes that Genszler said will make spending time on the pier more enjoyable. One of these additions is new roofing that wards off pigeons, creating a visitor-friendly atmosphere.
“The impact of the renovations has
been nothing but positive. Just the polished look and new additions have made the shack have a more welcoming look,” Genszler said.
Like Genszler, Kawas also expressed hap piness over creating a space where visitors and locals can gather and spend time.
“We are very excited for the public to enjoy this and it to be a point of destination,” Kawas said.
The Snack Shack is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is located near the end of the San Clemente Municipal Pier. More information about PierPride’s current and former projects can be found on the nonprofit’s website at pierpride.org/completed-projects.
tions related to height limits and mostly apply to zones with two-story height limitations.
“It’s already really hard to get development going in our city, and this would probably slow it down even more,” said Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan as the council reached a conclusion. “We think the protections are essentially in place enough that we don’t need new ordinances that would potentially slow down smart development.”
Deputy Community Development Director Adam Atamian reported that the ordinances mainly pertained to vegetation on residential developments, not commercial or mixed-use.
Atamian noted that Del Mar and Laguna Beach’s zoning codes and design review processes required extensive scrutiny to determine whether private property views would be impacted.
Councilmember Kathy Ward recalled that in the lengthy process of updating the Centennial General Plan in 2013,
city officials determined the necessary design guidelines to deal with the mostly infill development that has occurred given the built-out nature of the city.
She said that the city simply needed to follow the General Plan and speak up when people attempt to build denser or higher structures.
“The General Plan was to give development certainty to developers and contractors, so they knew what our standards were, and for our residents … so that they knew what we would approve and what we would not approve,” said Ward.
She added that a view protection ordinance wouldn’t greatly benefit San Clemente regarding new developments that do not happen often—a sentiment that Duncan echoed.
Ward also said that it would be best to punt any discussion about an ordinance regulating vegetation to a time when staff was increased and better suited to handle such an initiative.
7 p.m. The Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees will hold a scheduled meeting open to the public to discuss and decide on local educational matters. CUSD Board Room, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano. capousd.org.
“As I look (at) and read things, I have a concern that this becomes a property-rights issue, and I have a concern that it’s going to create litigation,” James said, before Councilmember Steven Knoblock affirmed the point.
Though James added that he wished he could protect all residents’ views with the wave of a magic wand, he agreed with city staff’s recommendation to only receive and file the report.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) last month announced that it is allocating $16 million to provide resources to communities interested in learning more about consent-based siting and po tentially hosting a consolidated interim storage facility for the nation’s spent nuclear fuel, such as the waste stored at the decommissioned San Onofre power plant.
In a Sept. 20 press release, the department said that proper management of the spent fuel was necessary, as the production of nuclear energy continues in order to meet goals for emissions reduction under President Joe Biden.
DOE is looking to award six to eight communities between $1 million and $2 million each, to spend on organizing “inclusive community and stakeholder engagement activities” related to the storage, transportation, and disposal of the spent fuel during a period of 18 to 24 months.
U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said in the release that DOE wanted to advance communities’ discussions of how to host nuclear waste facilities.
“With this funding, we are facilitating constructive, community-based discussions around the consensual solutions for storing spent nuclear fuel in order to harness the true power of clean nuclear energy,” said Granholm.
Rep. Mike Levin, whose district includes the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), was among the lawmakers who secured funding for DOE’s efforts, as he helped earmark $20 million within the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 that led to the consent-based siting process’ restart.
“One of my top priorities since my first day in office has been moving the nuclear waste at San Onofre away from the region as quickly and safely as possible,” Levin said in a press release. “I am glad to see the Department of Energy taking another important step in the process of establishing a consent-based site for the storage of spent nuclear fuel currently at San Onofre.”
Initiatives supported within the department’s funding opportunity announcement—DOE’s detailed application process—fall under three focus areas: the organization of meaningful community engagement processes; iden tifying public values; and developing
and reporting on outcomes that support mutual learning among stakeholders, according to the release.
Under the first focus area, awardees will be expected to organize town hall meetings and presentations by subject matter experts, ensure information is shared across multiple languages to remove participation barriers, and create community-oriented communication that includes knowledge of geological and ecological areas held by local Indigenous peoples.
To best map out public values and concerns, participants are being asked to develop “innovative” ways for residents and stakeholders to identify the costs and benefits of hosting an interim repos itory. They must also generate ideas as to how a facility could advance community planning efforts and ensure the area’s long-term well-being.
Communities will also be expected to share expert knowledge and understand ing of nuclear waste-related topics and provide resource kits that help residents engage with the information.
DOE plans to be active during the learning process, according to a department spokesperson.
“This funding opportunity will leverage awardee’s institutional capacity and provision of third-party technical assistance directly to interested communities, and the Department will be involved as a partner, available to share technical information, communications materials, and other resources,” the spokesperson
wrote in an email to San Clemente Times “DOE also anticipates to provide technical assistance, advice, and assist with integration of other awardees’ activities.”
Communities awarded the funds must submit reports on the success of engagement efforts, how they equitably supported participating communities and the impacts of resources to support engagement, education and training tools, and community grants. Awardees will also participate in quarterly program reviews to cover the progress made.
Manuel Camargo, Southern California Edison’s principal manager for strategic planning, told SC Times that keeping an open community dialogue on nuclear waste-related topics was “extremely important.”
Camargo touched on the company’s efforts in forming a Community Engagement Panel and the Actions for Spent Fuel Solutions Now Coalition to advocate for federal involvement in removing spent fuel from sites nationwide, including SONGS.
He also pointed out that DOE needed to make good on its commitment to set up a storage facility per the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. SoCal Edison’s ratepayers, Camargo noted, paid one mill, or one-tenth of a cent, for every kilowatt hour of electricity they received from the reactor.
The money spent for those hours added up to billions of dollars within the Nuclear Waste Fund that was designated to provide for the disposal of spent
nuclear fuel. Because DOE has not yet constructed a facility, the government is sending money to electric utilities.
The result, Camargo said, is every U.S. taxpayer—not just the utility customers who received nuclear power—“is paying $2 million per day, and to date, $9 billion with a B in total, to reimburse utilities like SCE for on-site storage that was never completed in the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.”
Given that the U.S. Navy also owns the land on which SONGS sits, he added that SCE will continue to pay rent to the Navy for as long as the nuclear waste remains on the site—a situation to which other utilities can’t relate.
During DOE’s process of identifying a potential storage host, Camargo said that local stakeholders’ consent should be the department’s most important factor to consider.
He recalled that Nevadans’ opposition to the proposed permanent repository at Yucca Mountain was the reason for the project’s failure, and said that learning from Finland and Sweden, countries that have used a community-based approach for siting have found success.
Another example occurred in Carlsbad, New Mexico, where the federal government worked with a community past its years of relying on potash mining to bring in transuranic waste.
“Sure enough, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant exists and does store … a different type of radiological waste,” Camargo said. “But it is an example of a community that was absolutely willing and interested in hosting a disposal facility for radiological material.”
Levin agreed with the importance of respecting the consent of impacted communities, and said he has been working with Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California and Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia on a policy that would establish a permanent nuclear waste administration to keep moving forward on the issue of nuclear waste disposal.
“I think we’ve made more progress in these last few years than had been made in the many years prior,” Levin said.
DOE said the communities awarded the funding will be largely based on initial review criteria concerning eligibility and satisfying application requirements, and merit review criteria.
Applications will be evaluated within the merit review based on the submitted approach of implementing consent-based siting with interested stakeholders, conformance to the funding application within the maximum 24-month period, experience and capabilities of the applicant team, and the approach to the three focus areas.
DOE anticipates notifying applicants of their selection for an award by February 2023.
Aproposed senior living development and medical office on the site of San Clemente’s shuttered hospital is not being recommended to the City Council for approval.
In a unanimous decision, the Planning Commission on Oct. 5 denied to formally recommend that the City Council approve MemorialCare’s application to construct a 250-unit senior housing facility and a 7,500-square-foot medical office on its vacant hospital site on Camino de los Mares.
MemorialCare had sought the Planning Commission’s recommendation for the council to approve the master project, as well additional applications to amend the General Plan and zoning, and for architectural and conditional-use permits.
Following the commission’s vote, MemorialCare Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer Tom Leary said that while the medical group is disappointed with the commission’s vote, his team appreciated the consideration and would process the feedback before taking the next step.
The project, though, will now be in the City Council’s hands. It’s expected to consider the project at its next meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 18.
“We remain committed to taking this to the council, because we think it’s the right thing to do for the community, and the sooner, the better,” Leary said.
As part of the plan, MemorialCare looks to divide the lot in two, with one side designated for the two-story medical office, and the other to contain the four-story residential building. The project plans also included 249 covered parking spaces reserved for one unit each, two spaces for an on-site apartment manager’s unit, 50 spaces for guests, and 38 spaces for medical office parking.
According to the details listed in the city’s agenda report, 61 spaces, including all office parking, would be part of a shared agreement across the two lots if the project was approved.
For the senior living facility, at least 8% of the units is intended for very-lowincome households.
MemorialCare has asked the city for certain waivers and concessions on
development standards—allowed under California’s Density Bonus Law when applicants set aside units for affordable housing.
If the city determined MemorialCare made a request for concessions and provided adequate information, the project could exceed standards for its height, number of stories, elevator shaft height, floor-area ratio, parking and private open-space balconies.
The concession and waivers would allow for a more-than-51-foot height at maximum, with four stories comprising 55% of the two residential buildings’ combined structure, and 58% of the aver age roofs’ height rising near or above the 45-foot limit.
Despite the density bonus requests, which the city could not do much to contest, Commissioners Barton Crandell and Karen Prescott-Loeffler supported most of the findings for the applications that were required for the project’s approval.
However, the two said they could not support approving an architectural permit because of the number of stories, along with Commissioner Gary McCaughan, who noted that the lack of sufficient parking on-site could be detrimental to public health.
“Can we really say the ‘design of the subdivision or the type of improvements’ is not likely to cause serious public health problems?” McCaughan asked, referring to the tentative parcel map findings. “People (will be) walking across the street or making multiple passes through the parking lot to find a spot or
(find their doctor for an appointment).”
Echoing previous comments from Crandell, Planning Commission Chair Scott McKhann said that he was generally supportive of the project, but recommended MemorialCare’s design team include flexibility in terms of whether parking spots would be reserved for differing groups.
Prescott-Loeffler said the commission had been clear about its preferences, citing previous concerns regarding parking, private outdoor space for residents, and a desire to have a larger and wider range of affordable housing within the residential facility.
“I don’t want to stand in your way of going right to City Council; that’s your right to do (so),” she said. “I think our opinions—and there’s some very professional planners here—should be taken into consideration.”
Other recommendations included swapping trees for low shrubs on the property to maintain views out to the ocean, making sure each unit had private outdoor space, and considering including low- and moderate-income renters in addition to very low-income tenants.
The team would address concerns where they saw fit, Leary added, but also stand firm in cases where they felt they had met state requirements. He praised the questions and “real-world perspectives” that the commissioners gave, saying MemorialCare had an obligation to factor those sentiments into improving the project.
Continuing to address the organization’s persistence in bringing the approximately $84 million project in front of the council, Richele Steele, MemorialCare vice president of Communications and Public Relations, emailed additional comment to San Clemente Times.
“With the significant demand for building supplies being what they are, any delay could add significant cost to this project as we continue to see inflation around construction, and we want to ensure that this project is viable for all parties, including future residents,” Steele wrote.
During MemorialCare’s initial presentation to open the meeting, Leary talked about how city officials approached the
organization, as the city would soon designate the former hospital site as a candidate for a mixed-income housing project in October 2021.
It was a “great idea,” he recalled, and MemorialCare soon landed on the concept for the project in front of the commission.
Company staff and the design team have since worked with the city, engaged with community residents through various forums, and received feedback from entities such as the San Clemente Affordable Housing Coalition on designing a functional development, Leary said.
“Our goal was never to come up with the largest project that we could build, or the cheapest,” he said. “Rather, we strived to create an attractive community with stylish architecture that blends with neighboring buildings, minimizes impacts on adjacent neighborhoods, and maintains that ‘Spanish Village by the Sea’ feel.”
Responding to a request by Crandell for MemoricalCare to consider upping the affordable units from 8%, Leary said there would be economic issues with doing so and maintaining the current total of 250 units, for which research previously indicated there would be parties interested in taking on the project.
“(It’s) not from the standpoint of profitability; it’s a question of viability for a joint venture partner or developer,” said Leary. “Can they recover their investment on that? ... We’re comfortable with the numbers that we’ve put in; we’ve done some basic analysis of it.”
Crandell and McKhann stressed that they wanted to see more affordable units and room for varying levels of income to benefit seniors.
“Commissioner Crandell’s absolutely right, there’s going to be people that aren’t available to afford the market rent, but they’re not going to qualify for the very-low (income),” McKhann said. “Maybe they qualify for low or medium or some other category. We’d love to have (those classes), too, as options.”
MemorialCare anticipates presenting its project to the San Clemente City Council on Oct. 18, according to Leary.
walk through life worrying about other people. Whether it is my husband, a client, or a stranger, I happen to have information that can shift the trajectory of their lives, increasing years of longevity and decreasing disability, but most don’t seem to care.
This is a hard pill for me to swallow, but all I can do is to continue to model healthy behaviors in my own life and dish out my messaging to those who care to listen. I have shared incessantly over the years about “diet approaches” that lead to weight loss for the interim, but elicit disordered eating for a lifetime.
And what I recently had to come to terms with is that this is a choice, as we have the science and evidence and necessary foods, but everyone wants the quick fix, and no one wants to put in the effort to change.
The area that brings me extreme angst and downright anger is based on the reality that the “obesity pandemic,” a global issue, is spreading to our littles, and it has been predicted that recent generations of children will live shorter lives than their parents.
Every adult who cares about a child, no matter their age, states that all they want for them is “health and happiness,” but based on their own behaviors, this is an outright untruth. Until we, the adults, are willing to shift our food choices and
President Biden has been such a failure that, according to polls, the majority of Americans don’t want him to run for office again in 2024.
But Biden and the Democrats who have supported him (like Mike Levin) should be given credit for being successful in one undertaking, that being the war on fossil fuels.
Their undermining of the production
eating patterns so that we are an example, instead of having a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality, then we have no hope for this generation.
And while people are up in arms over so many other important concerns, like the environment, perhaps we need to put the onus on prioritizing saving human beings first.
food with people, most prefer a flexible approach, meaning they choose to eat both plant and animal food choices. And I will highlight that most plants are predominantly carbohydrates, so it is important to be mindful of protein and fat sources, as well throughout your day. I encourage your “carb” choices to be as close to nature as possible, coming in the form of vegetables, fruit, whole grains/ starches, nuts and seeds.
2. While these plant foods can contain fat and protein, I encourage you to round out your plate with lean animal protein sources, eggs, fatty fishes like salmon, nonfat and low-fat dairy foods, along with healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts/seeds.
34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax 949.388.9977 sanclementetimes.com
Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, x113 sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
SPORTS Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, x110 zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.com
Lauralyn Loynes • 949.388.7700, x102 lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions
Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, x111 icazares@picketfencemedia.com
Alyssa Garrett • 949.388.7700, x100 agarrett@picketfencemedia.com
Considering what I have just unpacked for you, let’s consider the one option that would start to change this trajectory of demise for our youth—a healthy eating pattern for the adults feeding them.
I have spoken time and again about moving toward more wholesome food choices, but the desire to move the scale continues to get in the way.
So let me remind you of a wonderful way to enjoy every morsel you put in your mouth, while you help to lessen the risk of obesity and the accompanying lifestyle diseases that are affecting our youth:
1. Eat more plants. I am not recommending a plant-exclusive nutrition approach, but should you choose that, I am not opposed to it. I just know from my more-than-30 years of talking about
3. Read labels. So often, I found clients wanting to focus on ingredients they can’t pronounce, rather than on the amount and type of fat (emphasizing saturated fats), sodium, and added sugar, clearly highlighted for you on the “nutrition facts label.”
Gina Cousineau is a local nutrition expert who specializes in weight loss and helping her clients improve their health. As a trained chef with her BS in Dietetics and MS in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, her goal is to help her clients enjoy every morsel they consume, learning how to move with ease in the kitchen while using their “food as medicine.” Subscribe to her weekly newsletter for complimentary cooking classes, recipes, webinars and more at mamagslifestyle.com, or reach her at mamag@mamagslifestyle.com and 949.842.9975. SC
NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opin ion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Norb Garrett
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of oil, natural gas and coal have necessary caused the cost of fuel and electricity to skyrocket, which, in turn, has caused many other consumer goods like groceries to have significant price hikes.
It’s remarkable to think that in just two years, the U.S. went from being a net oil exporter to now begging countries like Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to help us out of this self-inflicted mess.
In the meantime, in an effort to reduce the political damage from high gas prices, Biden has drained the strategic oil reserve (meant for times of national emergency) to the lowest level in 40 years.
Over the next few weeks, citizens will have the opportunity to hold the people responsible for this incompetence accountable. Please do your part by voting.
San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or infor mation written by the writers. Have some thing you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
Join SC Times for Beachside Chat on Friday, Oct. 14, at 8 a.m. The chat will be held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria. All are welcome.
MARCH 3, 1956-SEPT. 26, 2022
Jean Marie Lewis of Dayton, Nevada, age 66, passed away on Sep tember 26, 2022, after a short illness.
Jean was born March 3, 1956, to Otto and Dorothy Mueller in Columbus, Nebraska. After graduating from Columbus High School in 1974 and later the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Jean worked in various jobs and locations in the electrical industry.
Jean married Bill Lewis on November 26, 1993.
Jean and Bill traveled and lived in many places throughout the United States during their 29-year marriage. Jean’s love for animals, especially the many “fur babies” (known as the “kids”) that they shared, was a lifelong passion.
Jean was an avid player of cards and board games and enjoyed cooking/baking, entertaining, playing slot machines, darts, pinball and traveling. She loved the ocean and all its amazing sea life. Jean always had a playful smile and quick wit and made friends wherever she worked and lived.
Jean’s remains will be taken to sea at a later date. No memorial service is planned until then.
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sponsored by Memorical Care Medical Group, the Dorothy Visser Senior Center will host a variety of dem os, classes and presentations throughout the day, as well as have flu shots available until 1 p.m. The Orange County Fire Authority will lead a fall prevention presentation at 10:30 a.m.; there will also be Chair Yoga demos throughout the day, as well as a Parkinson’s class at 10:45. An all-beef hot dog stand will be provided. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Aveni da Victoria, San Clemente. 949.498.3322.
8:15-9:15 a.m. Join experienced teacher Ashley Zarnegar for a beginner-friendly Friday class. Classes are customized to work with injuries and needs while still having a whole-body focus. The session is $15 to attend. Bella Collina San Clem ente, 200 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente. 949.498.6604. bellacollinasanclemente.com.
9-10 a.m. Join fellow mothers for a walk starting at the MetroLux Theatres at the Outlets at San Clemente and down to the Sea Summit Trail for some community time. Costumes and Halloween attire are encouraged but not required. Outlets at San Clemente, 101 W. Avenida Vista Her mosa, San Clemente. eventbrite.com.
3:30-5 p.m. Pets Plus San Clemente offers
6-10 p.m. The Friends of San Clemente Foundation will host its annual Carnival Colossal at Vista Hermosa Sports Park all weekend. The event features an eclectic variety of food and dessert items, live entertainment, rides and a strong man and strong woman competition. On the opening day of the carnival, those with special needs or very young children who require slower rides and lower volume music can get in from 2-6 p.m. The grand opening to the public is from 6-10 p.m. On Friday, Oct. 14, the carnival will be open from 5 p.m.-midnight, and from noon to midnight on Saturday, Oct. 15. And on Sunday, Oct. 16, guests can enter from noon to 10 p.m., with the Scottish Highland Games scheduled from noon to 6 p.m. Tickets for the rides can be purchased on-site. Vista Hermosa Sports Park, 987 Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. friendsofsanclemente.org.
low-cost vaccinations for all dogs and cats every month. All veterinary services are provided by Vet Care Vaccination Services, Inc. Vaccination packages, microchips, physical exams, prescription flea control, fecal exams, and diagnostic testing available on-site. 638 Camino de los Mares, San Clemente. 1.800.988.8387. vetcarepetclinic.com.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers at the Community Center/San Clemente Public Library parking lot. 100 North Calle Seville. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
1 p.m. Family Assistance Ministries invites the community to join in its mission to combat and prevent hunger in the lives of those most vulnerable by participating in this year’s 2-mile walk. Registration opens at 1 p.m., with the walk scheduled to start at 2 p.m. at the San Clemente Community Center. The walk will end at the San Clemente Pier Bowl. Registration for adults is $30 and is $10 for youth ages 4 through 17. Community Center, 100 Calle Seville, San
Clemente. fam.securesweet.com.
5-8 p.m. Join Casino San Clemente for a family-friendly celebration of its 85th birthday. Entry and tours are free. Tickets for meals, dessert and alcohol are $5, $2, and $5, respectively. There will be live music by Swinsations, games and crafts, dancing and picnic fare. Casino San Clemente, 140 W. Avenida Pico, San Clemente. thecasinosanclemente.com.
4-5:30 p.m. Put on by the San Clemente-based Noble Path Foundation, teens between the ages of 13 and 18 can receive comedy lessons with professional actor Bob Burns & Improv City, where they’ll build confidence, stage presence, a funny bone and a chance to perform at Improv City. Sign up for these Monday classes at thenoblepathfoundation.org. The Noble Path Foundation, 420 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.234.7259.
7-10 p.m. Play your own percussion, acoustic or electric instruments every
Monday night at Knuckleheads. Amps are allowed, but drums are not. Knuckleheads, 1717 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
10-noon. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon, San Clemente senior citizens can have fun and exercise with other local seniors at the Shorecliffs Terrace by playing Ping-Pong. All equipment is provided for free. For more information, contact Joel at 949.481.2275. Shorecliffs Terrace, 3000 Calle Nuevo, San Clemente.
6-9 p.m. Enjoy painting and sipping with friends, as master artist Nick LeGuern will guide guests to recreate “Moonrise Wolf Howl” to get into the spirit of Halloween season. The cost to attend is $45, including paint and supplies. Use the code PAINT25 to get $20 off. A hot buffet will also be available for $16. Bella Collina San Clemente, 200 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente. 949.498.6604. bellacollinasanclemente.com.
6:30 p.m. Test your knowledge every Tuesday night. Teams of two to six people are welcome to join in for a chance to win prizes. Call beforehand to reserve a table. Selma’s Chicago Pizzeria, 31781 Camino Capistrano, Suite 201, San Juan Capistrano. 949.429.3599. selmaspizza.com.
10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Historic Cottage and Visitor Center showcases local history, flora and fauna at this original 1934 ranger’s cottage. A rotating exhibit features the history of San Onofre. Stop in at the San Onofre Parks Foundation’s Pop-Up Shop to say hello, do a little shopping and learn more about the history of the local state parks at San Clemente and San Onofre State Beaches. Historic Cottage and Visitor Center is located within the San Clemente State Beach Campground at 225 Avenida Calafia, San Clemente. 949.366.8599. admin@sanoparks.org. sanoparks.org.
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n informed democracy—that’s what we as reporters and editors strive to shape ahead of every single election.
It’s our job to make sure you as readers and prospective voters know who it is you’re elect ing, what they stand for and how they plan to wield the power you’ve entrusted in them once in office.
With that in mind, every couple of years, we put together our Voters Guide, where readers can hopefully get a better idea of the candidates before you’ve marked your ballots and cast your votes by Nov. 8.
This year’s elections include numerous races that will be decided locally, including the state’s 49th Congressional, 36th and 38th State Senate, 74th State Assembly and the county’s Fifth Supervisorial districts.
Over the past few weeks, we talked to the candidates seeking your vote, asking them about their priorities and goals for office.
In this guide, you’ll also see that we’ve compiled the list of propositions and ballot initiatives, diving into the nuances of what voters are being asked to decide, as well as presenting the various arguments for and against.
To our readers, we thank you for trusting us and the in formation we’ve gathered, and hope this guide serves you well as you begin to fill out your ballots.
This November, incumbent Rep. Mike Levin, who is looking to secure a third term representing California’s 49th District in the House of Representatives, will face a familiar Election Day foe in Brian Maryott.
Maryott, who earned 46.9% of the votes in the 2020 election for the district, sees his chance in 2022 as an opportunity to properly represent the communities of the 49th—something he doesn’t believe Levin has done.
“I don’t think he’s the right fit,” Maryott said. “I think he’s proven that with his voting record and his policy initiatives, and I think we need stronger and more effective representation.”
Maryott, a career businessman and for mer San Juan Capistrano councilmember, said he has experience in government that has prepared him to be a voice for more accountability and higher govern ment performance in Congress.
Levin, a San Juan Capistrano resident, was raised in South Orange County before attending Stanford University and the Duke University School of Law, his campaign boasts. He also worked as an attorney and the executive director of the Democratic Party of Orange County before his election to the House.
In a phone interview last month, Levin addressed the current political climate regarding abortion and pregnancy loss following the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade. He said the decision was “deeply disconcerting” and “appalling” to throw out decades of precedent, reasserting his support of a woman’s right to make personal health care decisions.
“In some states, we’re already seeing the horrifying consequences of criminalizing women’s reproductive health decisions,” said Levin, referring to incidents such as an Indiana attorney general threatening to revoke the license of a doctor who provided a 10-year-old rape victim an abortion.
He added that Republicans would enact a nationwide ban on abortions sponsored by Lindsey Graham if given the chance—although some reports indicate a party split on the legislation.
Maryott said he felt abortion services will inevitably remain safe and legal in
most states, and that he did not believe meaningful changes would occur to California’s current abortion legislation.
Regarding public schools, Levin mentioned that his children attend local public schools and expressed his gratitude for teachers and other staffs’ efforts throughout the pandemic. He added that he would continue to fight to fund public schools so they could attract high-quality teachers and reduce overcrowding.
Levin added that it was the nation’s constitutional duty to strive to become a more perfect union by learning from history, and said the current history being taught in schools adequately reflected that goal.
“I don’t think it’s right to divert all of our taxpayer dollars away from public schools and towards private schools, because they often leave certain kids behind,” he said.
Maryott said he favored school choice over an “archaic” system of using zip codes to determine where children go to government-run schools, and he added that he thought a school choice
model was inevitable in California.
“Parents want choice, they want influence, they want transparency, to see what’s happening with their children’s education,” he said. “I think the public school system, in particular, in many areas has kind of overstepped a little bit into areas that are more parenting than teaching.”
Levin cited his efforts in Congress to address the “scourge of fentanyl” coming into the U.S., including votes for legislation that would help law enforcement at the southern border near San Diego and sanction fentanyl traffickers and manufacturers.
He also said the country should expand treatment and treat addiction as a disease, rather than a moral failing.
According to Maryott, federal agencies, foreign policy, and enforcement of law and order should reflect a heavy-handed response to the “constant flow of fentanyl over our borders.”
“We’re losing (young people) in record numbers, and it’s tragic,” Maryott said. “We have got to be willing to incarcerate people for long periods of time, if not
life, for being any part of the distribution network of fentanyl.”
On public safety and policing, Levin talked about the Invest to Protect Act that he cosponsored along with 85 others, which would provide grants to smaller police departments. The bill was one of four that passed in the House on Sept. 22, as part of a major package that would also provide grants to mental health professionals, fund nonprofit organizations that work to reduce crime, and give grants to police to solve gun crimes.
Levin said he hoped the Senate would also pass the package and pointed to other efforts to acquire funding for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Oceanside police.
“I’m extremely proud of working with our local law enforcement to do whatever I can,” Levin said of the legislation, which is currently waiting for Senate consideration.
Maryott, during his interview, was not able to address policing due to time constraints.
While both candidates agree that the spent nuclear waste needs to be removed from San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, both had differing takes on how to accomplish that goal.
Levin said his efforts to listen to the feelings of communities that may temporarily host the waste before the federal government finds a permanent repository follows a model that has worked in Finland and Canada.
He also pointed to funding he had helped secure for the Department of Energy to restart a consent-based siting process, and noted his collaboration with other Democrats to try to establish a new nuclear waste administration to seek a repository through changing presidential administrations.
Maryott said that consent-based siting—which gains input from communities that will potentially host facilities to store spent nuclear waste—was a foolish concept, and that the federal government had originally and correctly concluded that Yucca Mountain in Nevada was the only answer for long-term nuclear storage.
Visit Levin’s and Maryott’s campaign websites for more of their perspectives on national and local issues.
Assemblymember Laurie Davies prides herself on always being a problem-solver—from her time as a general manager of two restaurants, to running her own event planning business, and now to tackling local and state issues as an elected official.
“That’s why I really enjoyed serving on (Laguna Niguel) City Council, trying to solve problems at the local level, and that’s where I’m at the state level, getting good bills, like I was able to do, passed,” said Davies, who won her State Assembly seat in 2020.
If elected to serve a second term, Davies noted she would like to focus on multiple issues, from inflation to housing, and coastal erosion to water infrastructure.
On inflation, she said she intends to crack down on the issue by supporting truck drivers and addressing supply chain issues at the Port of Long Beach.
As California cities and counties continue to work with the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development to update their Housing Elements and demonstrate adequate planning for their communities’ housing needs, Davies said she would like to see regional approaches to addressing the housing shortage.
With many California cities already developed out, Davies pointed to a need for cities to work together “because there are some cities that have the land, but they don’t have the money, and there’s other cities that have the means but don’t have the land. We need to work together as a regional fix when it comes to housing, (rather) than trying to make each city do it separately.”
Another ongoing issue that many coastal cities in her district are facing is the eroding coastline. She said she supports cities such as San Clemente that have looked to secure funding from the federal level for sand replenishment efforts.
Other environmental focuses of hers, she said, are on energy resources, as well supporting efforts to build new desalination plants like the one South Coast Water District has proposed for Dana Point’s Doheny area or the recently rejected Brookfield-Poseidon plant in Huntington Beach.
“Desalination has proven to be a great way to help get clean water to people and clean our local ecosystems, yet unelected state bureaucrats shot down the proposed facility in Huntington Beach,” Davies said of California Coastal Commission’s (CCC) unanimous vote to deny permits. “I want to do legislation to put desalination projects as priority items for the state to consider approving.”
With the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project set to be presented to the CCC and State Lands Commission this year, Davies noted that she’s hoping to see the project move forward.
During her first term representing the 73rd Assembly District (now the 74th), Davies said she’s most proud of her ability to get legislation passed with bipartisan support, including Assembly Bill 381, which requires drug treatment centers to carry opioid overdose emergency medication, a bill co-authored by Democratic Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris.
“Something I promised when I ran in 2020 was that I was going to work across the aisle, and that’s something I was able to do and will continue to do, because we have to have balance here,” Davies said. “I think the best legislation that’s passed is when it’s passed by both parties.”
“I really enjoyed the opportunity to serve and make things better,” Davies continued. “I love this state; I moved to this state when I was 18, and I don’t plan on going anywhere else. So, I will continue to fight so that we can afford to live here, so we can live here and feel safe.”
Prior to serving on the San Clemente City Council, Chris Duncan served as an assistant U.S. Attorney to the Department of Homeland Security—a career he pursued after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
While working with law enforcement officers and national security professionals at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, “advising the decision-makers” as a Homeland Security attorney, Duncan decided that he wanted to be the decision maker.
During his tenure with Homeland Security, Duncan came to realize that “to make a real difference in my community, it’s elected officials who really have that ability to improve people’s lives. Not 10 years from now—tomorrow.”
“I want to be in the room where the decisions are made,” Duncan continued. “I think I have something to offer, foundationally there; I am the type of person who’s willing to stand up for things that are right, even if it comes at personal cost to me, even if it’s politically unpopular, I’m still willing to do that if it’s the right thing for our community, for our district.”
Duncan, who lost his Primary Election campaign for the Assembly seat in 2020, said his top priorities, if elected, are addressing housing affordability and homelessness.
Duncan said he would like to see a program developed in which unhoused individuals are “connected with the services in a safe environment to address the underlying reason for homelessness—be that economic, health, mental health, substance abuse—instead of doing a one-size-fits-all and saying, ‘Hey, let’s just build a big shelter and put everybody in there.’ ”
Addressing the shortage of affordable housing, Duncan said that rather than pushing for state mandates on local communities, he would rather see the legislature provide incentives for cities to invest in the development with affordable housing.
Duncan added that he would also like to prioritize supporting residents during a time of high costs and rising inflation.
“I think the economics is really forefront in people’s minds,” Duncan said. “California is too expensive; I mean, everything costs more here. We’ve got to act at the state level to drive down these costs.”
To address rising gas prices, Duncan argued that the legislature should have suspended the gas tax in addition to implementing a rebate program for California drivers.
Arguing that a gas-tax suspension would have a more immediate effect while the rebate program would have had a more long-term effect, Duncan said that “the situation was so severe, I thought we should have done both.”
As the state of California sees a nearly $100 billion surplus, Duncan would like to see the money directed back to taxpayers’ pockets.
“When you look at California’s budget, we’ve got a $100 billion surplus. To me, that means people were overtaxed,” Duncan said. “Let’s get that money back into the community, whether that’s through small businesses, tax breaks or credits, whether it’s through rebates to individuals.”
Pointing to his term on San Clemente’s City Council, Duncan added that he has been deeply involved in his community, “seeing what people care about every day.”
“They do care about individual choice,” Duncan said. “They care about protecting their kids, and they care about having a government that’s working for them to keep money in their pockets.”
Come November, residents in South Orange County will vote on their local voices in the State Senate.
In the 36th District race, which represents those living in Dana Point and San Clemente, Democrat Kim Carr and Republican Janet Nguyen are running for office. Voters in the 38th District, covering San Juan Capistrano and Rancho Mission Viejo, will decide between Democrat Catherine Blakespear and Republican Matt Gunderson.
Carr said she is a third-generation Southern Californian who has lived in the district nearly her entire life. She grew up in Garden Grove, got her bachelor’s degree from California State University, Fullerton and worked as a national sales manager for broadcast television stations.
“I’ve been active in local government for over a decade and have proudly served on Huntington Beach City Council since 2018,” Carr said. “I served as mayor in 2021, and during that time, I led efforts to respond to the 2021 oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach, strengthened public safety while reducing homelessness by 35% and helped workers and businesses stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
If elected to the Senate, Carr said she will fight inflation by fixing supply chains and cutting red tape for local businesses, reduce homelessness by increasing mental health and housing support, and defend reproductive freedom and the right of all people to control their bodies.
She is also campaigning to combat climate change and protect our beaches and coastal economy, while improving public education and lowering the financial barriers to college for students.
Nguyen, a state assemblymember, did not respond to requests for comment.
In campaign materials, she said she helped pass legislation expanding health care for the homeless, mentally ill and for lower-income families.
She also said she earned an “A” rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association because of her work to protect Proposition 13 and stop tax increases, and she wrote bipartisan legislation to increase a renters’ tax credit to help families deal with the high cost of living.
Nguyen has previously been a state senator and was also an Orange County board supervisor and Garden Grove councilmember.
“She is the first Vietnamese American elected to the State Senate, was the first woman Supervisor to represent the First District, the first Asian American and
the first Vietnamese American to serve on the Board of Supervisors, as well as the youngest Supervisor elected in Orange County history,” her website biography states.
“In addition, Sen. Nguyen was the highest-ranking Vietnamese American elected official in California and the highest-ranking Vietnamese American woman elected official in the United States.”
In response to a question about affordable housing, Carr said she championed efforts for Huntington Beach to participate in a statewide program allowing the city to purchase existing apartment buildings with zero-interest loans when she was mayor.
“These apartment units were then eligible to offer reduced rental rates for residents earning anywhere between 80-120% of the (Area Median Income). This program added 674 units of housing to help the needs of middle-income earners without having to build a single unit,” Carr said.
Carr said that she’s also been an advocate for Project Home Key, the state and county partnership that converted motels into permanent supportive housing units to help the homeless.
“I also believe a reevaluation of CEQA is needed so residents and developers have confidence in the process, and we are able to have sensible, sustainable growth without unnecessary and costly delays,” Carr continued.
CEQA, the California Environmental Quality Act, is a state requirement that municipalities often go through when considering new housing and developments.
As for candidates in the 38th District, Blakespear said her experience as a mayor of Encinitas, a small business owner and a mom makes her the “most qualified candidate to be the leader of our coastal district needs.”
“As your state senator, I will firmly support the reproductive rights of every woman in California, protect our communities from gun violence, champion small businesses, protect our natural resources and ensure a clean, reliable water supply for our state,” Blakespear said.
“During my three terms as mayor, I cut red tape and secured emergency grants to keep small businesses open during the pandemic, banned ghost guns and passed safe firearm storage requirements, provided 100% renewable energy to residents and businesses at no increased cost and improved transportation options, with a particular focus on biking and walking infra-
Gunderson, who started and then sold auto dealerships in Orange County, did not respond to requests for comment.
On his campaign website, Gunderson said one of the reasons he is running is because of Californians facing issues with affordability and the cost of living.
“The state is quickly becoming a place for only the über-rich and the poor. We need to return economic opportunity for a golden California back to the middle class and stop the wave of our best people leaving the state for cheaper alternatives,” Gunderson said.
“The state has a $97 billion-dollar surplus, yet (refuses) to budge on our highest-in-the-nation gasoline taxes,” he continued. “We have the highest income tax and the highest sales tax. The state and SANDAG are exploring a double tax on vehicle usage, in addition to our gas taxes.”
Gunderson also wants to address homelessness.
“The state’s one-size-fits-all, just throw money blindly at a problem (approach) has netted zero results. We must tailor solutions that address individual level causes of homelessness and supports the local organizations that are reflective of the individual needs of each of our unique communities,” Gunderson said.
“My solutions focus on accountability, compassion, and above all, transparency,” he continued. “There is nothing compassionate about allowing our most vulnerable Californians to sleep on the streets, and it is a fundamental failure of our state that we have allowed this to become such commonplace.”
Blakespear addressed affordable housing when asked about the topic.
“A lot of politicians talk about providing more housing options—but I’ve actually done it as mayor. Less than one year after getting state approval for the city’s housing plan, the City of Encinitas has approved more than half of our total assigned goal for the next eight years,” Blakespear said.
“It’s worth noting that our Housing Element Update has resulted in 334 new affordable housing units that are already built or currently underway in Encinitas,” she added. “Our city has also led the way by cracking down on illegal vacation rentals, which are a consistent problem in South Orange County.”
Democratic incumbent Katrina Foley and Republican challenger Patricia Bates are facing off in the race for Fifth Supervisorial District of the Orange County Board of Supervisors this November.
The Fifth District represents the South County cities of San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano and Dana Point, as well as Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Newport Beach, and Costa Mesa, with parts of Lake Forest and Irvine.
Foley, who has served as the representative for the Second Supervisorial District since March 2021, is seeking reelection to now represent District 5 after last year’s redistricting put her home city of Costa Mesa in the newly redrawn District 5.
Foley previously served as a mayor and councilmember of Costa Mesa and was also a trustee on the Newport Mesa School District’s governing board.
Reflecting on her first term as supervisor, Foley said she is most proud of the audit she conducted on the county’s funding of homelessness and mental health treatment services, as well as the county’s response to the roughly 126,000 gallons of crude oil that leaked near Huntington Beach a year ago this month.
If reelected, four main issues that Foley would like to focus on are the harbor redevelopments; coastal erosion at Cap istrano Beach; moving the spent nuclear
waste out of the San Onofre Nuclear Gen erating Station and completely closing down of the plant; and supporting the Orange County Sherriff’s Department in keeping the community safe.
As the first mayor of Laguna Niguel, Bates helped to incorporate the city in 1989 and served four terms as mayor.
Following her time on the City Council, Bates was elected to the State Assembly, representing the 73rd District.
Bates, who currently serves as a state senator for California’s 36th District, previously held the position of Fifth District supervisor from 2007 to 2014.
Following her term on the OC Board, Bates was elected to the State Senate in 2014. During her tenure as a senator, Bates is proud to have authored measures that crack down on sex offenders, distributors of fentanyl, and protecting those seeking addiction treatment.
If elected to represent the Fifth District once again, Bates has stated that she’d prioritize increasing public safety, protecting the county’s coastlines and protecting taxpayers from waste and fraud in government.
In addressing coastal erosion, Bates has previously stated that “bluff safety is crucial to save lives and preserve beach access, which is an integral part of the Fifth District’s economy and way of life.”
Bates noted that the county should apply for Senate Bill 1 funds, which are meant to financially support California’s coastal communities that are addressing sea-level rise. Such funds, she said, would
support sand replenishment efforts “to save beaches and protect vulnerable infrastructure such as our coastal rail lines and roadways.”
As residents, business owners and voters alike have voiced concerns with lack of transparency with the Dana Point Harbor Revitalization project, Foley says she’s spoken with the Harbor Partners to address the issue.
“I think that they do need to do a better job of communicating progress to the public,” Foley says. “I’m an open book when it comes to these kinds of projects; I like to communicate more, rather than less, so you’ll probably see a lot of communication coming out of my office related to status updates related to where the funding is coming from, the timeline for improvement.”
Residents have also voiced concern that the 241 Toll Road could still get extended despite the County Board, Orange County Transportation Authority and City of San Clemente entering into a cooperative agreement aimed at preventing such an occurrence.
In response, Foley noted that she is against a toll road expansion into neighborhoods.
“I have a record of protecting business es and homes from eminent domain, and will fiercely defend the right of South County residents to self-determination,” Foley said. “I will continue to support the community cooperative agreement for road improvements, and reasonable measures to reduce traffic
such as traffic light synchronization that is based on historic, as well as real-time traffic patterns.”
Bates has previously pushed for legislation to codify into law that the 241 end at Oso Parkway, which is where it presently stops and Los Patrones Parkway begins, essentially blocking an extension through San Clemente.
Per the cooperative agreement, Bates was asked by the City of San Clemente to withdraw the legislation. The agreement, which Bates supported, solidifies three ongoing traffic relief projects in South OC: extending Los Patrones as a free, non-tolled arterial road; adding carpool lanes on Interstate 5, between Avenida Pico and the San Diego County line; and widening Ortega Highway in San Juan Capistrano.
In an email, Bates wrote that ensur ing local governments and community members have a say in where private toll roads are placed “must be a collaborative effort to ensure protections of existing structures and protected open space.”
“I worked tirelessly with Supervisor Lisa Bartlett, Orange County Transportation Authority and the City of San Clemente to bring about the cooperative agreement on the toll road issue and demonstrated that working together brings beneficial solutions,” Bates said.
“I remain committed to the cooperated agreement and the three-project plan of widening the I-5, widening Ortega Highway, and extending Los Patrones Parkway,” Bates said.
With the race for three open seats on the San Clemente City Council approaching, the San Clemente Times posed a series of four questions to all 12 candidates. Over the past few weeks, we’ve published their responses—one per week—to give readers more insight before casting their votes by Nov. 8. Here, we present their responses to our final question. The list of candidates is published according to the random alphabet drawn by the California Secretary of State. *Incumbent
Question 4: The South Coast Water District’s long-standing efforts to build its Doheny Ocean Desalination Plant is starting to gain momentum while the agency continues searching for partners— potentially, the City of San Clemente. What are your thoughts on the area’s water infrastructure, and should the city consider a partnership with the SCWD?
We’re in a drought, and water is a finite resource. We all need to conserve, but conservation alone is not a guarantee of access to water now and in the future.
The Doheny project, as I understand it, will draw water through the ocean, remove all the salt, and distribute clean drinking water throughout the district and with partnering entities. It’s been in the works for more than 15 years, so it’s not a quick fix.
That said, I support the interest of creating a local source for drinking water and reducing our dependency on imported water. We all want a more reliable water supply.
Unlike the Poseidon project, which has been permanently stopped, Doheny will use slant wells to draw water in from beneath the ocean floor—a safer alternative to Poseidon’s plan for open ocean intake, which would have posed a threat to any marine life that became trapped or sucked into its intake pipes.
They’ve learned from Poseidon’s mistakes.
A lot of factors still need to be understood and evaluated, but I am open-minded about the possibility of San Clemente partnering with the South Coast Water District on this project, especially given support by Coastkeeper and other groups, and the recent approvals by the San Diego Regional Water Control Board and support from nearby cities.
Finding solutions to water shortages requires a multi-pronged, multi-year approach. We, as citizens, must do our part by installing low-flow toilets, drip-watering systems, better positioned sprinkler heads, water-efficient appliances, and water-smart plants, as well as replacing lawns with turf or desert landscaping.
At the city level, we’ve imposed conservation efforts; we need to determine their impact on our city’s water consumption. A next step is to grow our use of recycled water. We are fortunate to be an exporter of recycled water.
However, preparing for extended droughts and future water shortages means considering other water sources, including desalination. The benefits of desalination need to outweigh environmental impacts.
The Coastal Commission recently rejected the proposed Huntington Beach plant, citing environmental concerns, but left the door open to the Doheny Ocean Desalination Plant, whose design appears to have significantly mitigated environmental impacts.
At this time, I’m not prepared to support a direct municipal investment or the use of a Joint Powers Authority where we join with the South Coast Water District in constructing the proposed privately run Doheny Plant.
My preference is for the use of private capital to develop, build and operate a desalination plant similar to the Poseidon-built plant in Carlsbad. Water from Metropolitan Water costs the city about $1,200 an acre-foot, with desalination water costing about $2,600 an acre-foot.
With a build cost in the tens of millions and desalination water costing more than double the cost of Metropolitan Water, we need to proceed very cautiously while recognizing the growing risk of severe water shortages.
Question 4: The South Coast Water District’s long-standing efforts to build its Doheny Ocean Desalination Plant is starting to gain momentum while the agency continues searching for partners—potentially, the City of San Clemente. What are your thoughts on the area’s water infrastructure, and should the city consider a partnership with the SCWD?
California is in the midst of a record drought. To address this, all those impacted need to work together.
The Doheny Ocean Desalination Plant is an example of a bipartisan city policy that benefits its residents and is environmentally responsible.
In terms of a San Clemente and Dana Point partnership, I would want to analyze a feasibility report before I made any permanent decision.
If financially and environmentally sound, I would be proud to partner with Dana Point in order to make sure that our residents have a reliable source of water.
I consider climate change the biggest threat to humanity, period. We are already entering into our third year of La Niña and extreme drought, so our water supply is being drained more rapidly than we’ve ever seen in any of our lifetimes.
Water is a finite resource, so we’re frantically racing against major scarcity, and we simply can’t rely solely on the Colorado River to fill our reservoirs and taps.
Desperate situations call for desperate measures, and while I think desalination is a longshot in getting our water supply levels to a comfortable volume, San Clemente should at the very least be engaging with not only the South Coast Water District, but an agency that has fresh technological solutions to deal with this impending water crisis we all may face in the next 20 or 30 years (later, if we’re lucky).
All that said, desalination is not without severe marine ecosystem risks, especially in the environmentally sensitive area around Doheny, but we should be studying and analyzing all options to increase our water supply.
I don’t necessarily feel that San Clemente should commit to any particular project just yet, at least not without comprehensive environmental considerations and consulting from key stakeholders, but we should hear out SCWD on their possible solutions.
There are always going to be tradeoffs with desalination, but the evolution of this technology enables the process to be hopefully more environmentally sound and cost-effective in providing much-needed supplemental fresh water.
Editor’s Note: This candidate did not respond to San Clemente Times’ requests to participate in the Q&A.
As our clean water sources continue to be depleted, we must look for alternatives. The concept of a local desalinization plant is a valid option, but we must closely study all the details and make sure we understand the financial burden for our city.
With the recent issues surrounding the Colorado River and Jackson, Mississippi, we need to be forward-thinking and ensure that our city’s water supply keeps flowing. We have an opportunity to be ahead of this.
Twenty-five years of my 35 years of service in the Navy was spent making fresh water from sea water, so this is an area I am very familiar with. There are still many questions that need to be answered.
I believe this should be an issue taken to our residents to vote upon. While there will inevitably be costs, it is a necessity that we cannot ignore. I will work to gain more knowledge and financial understanding so our city can make a well-informed decision.
Question 4: The South Coast Water District’s long-standing efforts to build its Doheny Ocean Desalination Plant is starting to gain momentum while the agency continues searching for partners—potentially, the City of San Clemente. What are your thoughts on the area’s water infrastructure, and should the city consider a partnership with the SCWD?
Whether the city should be a partner with the SCWD on the desalination plant project depends on the cost-benefit analysis for our city and residents.
The desalinated water is substantially more expensive than the current wholesale price the city pays. The claimed benefit of supply reliability needs to be carefully examined and evaluated.
Our power grid has its own reliability issue, which may affect the water production in the plant. Environmental impacts that may affect San Clemente should be mitigated.
Most importantly, we are in the middle of a painful inflationary era, and I’m very concerned about the rising cost of living for our residents and businesses.
There seem to be many other viable solutions to address the water shortage and reliability issues.
They include expanding recycled water system, upcoming San Juan Watershed groundwater recharge project, reinforcing water supply pipes through San Andreas Fault zone, increasing local emergency storage capacity, and using state water rights buyback program to divert water usage from Central Valley’s agricultural land to Southern California’s urban areas, etc.
All options should be studied, and I remain to be convinced.
It’s important to secure a locally controlled water source that reduces the reliance on imported water that continues to increase in price.
It may appear very expensive at this point in time due to the capital improvements necessary to bring this to fruition, but the viewpoint should look at what the cost will be long-term compared to where imported water is heading.
A majority of city water supply comes from the State Water Project through Metropolitan Water District, which has reduced their water allocations to water agencies by over 90% in 2022 due to the current drought.
Gaining more local control in water resources requires capital investment today for a sustainable future, but it must be measured and provide a return on investment long-term.
San Diego County Water Authority built a desalination plant in Carlsbad through a private-public partnership that now produces nearly 50 million gallons of water every day. Their rates consistently increase.
This water source and the proposed desalination plant with SCWD will be drought-proof and ensure we diversify our water sources. We all must be stewards of our precious water supplies and each agency, including the city, should have a seat at the table, promoting more local control to our way of life.
As city councilman, I will use my entrepreneurial skills to encourage federal and state funding for this project and get the best deal possible for San Clemente.
It is difficult to support a project that will increase our water rates and require a billion-dollar upfront investment. But what do we do when Sacramento cuts off our water? I’m prepared to lead.
Our area water infrastructure is aging, and it’s important to maintain city reserves to fund annual maintenance.
As treasurer of my HOA, I oversee millions of dollars in reserve funds allocated toward infrastructure maintenance, which, like any type of maintenance, extends the useful life of an asset.
Water delivery and recovery systems are becoming increasingly critical as our water supply is falling to meet supply demands. Therefore, it is imperative that we have a comprehensive audit on the current condition of our water infrastructure.
The audit results will provide the information needed to establish a basis for determining reserve funding requirements needed to ensure city funds are available to keep our water systems functioning for decades.
Yes, I strongly support considering a partnership in the effort to build a desalination plant. My caveat is that the city must carefully review and understand the agreement details to ensure the partnership will not transfer undue financial or operational risk to the city.
The availability of drinking and irrigation water is a staple to our survival. Without solutions to our need for new water sources, our city’s water shortage will continue to decline.
Why wouldn’t we support a desalination solution which meets our environmental requirements as a new water supply?
I have been a longtime advocate for desalination of ocean water for San Clemente residents. I have written a number of articles and op-eds in the last few years in support of desalination.
The No. 1 obligation of local government, next to public safety, is to provide a clean, safe and reliable water supply. San Clemente currently imports the large majority of our water from over 400 miles away.
This imported water is perpetually at risk from major droughts, earthquakes or man-made disasters. If interrupted, we could have limited or even no water for many months or longer.
Utilizing the unlimited water source we have right here at the beach is an obvious and logical solution. For many years, the cost of desalinated water was prohibitive. With increased technology, the cost is far more affordable, and the larger the plant, the less the cost.
I was successful in persuading our City Council to vote unanimously to begin the due diligence process of joining with the South Coast Water District in the development of the Doheny Desalination Project.
San Clemente should join Santa Barbara and Carlsbad in creating a potentially unlimited supply of fresh clean water for many generations to come.
Editor’s Note: Martina McBurney-Wheeler confirmed with San Clemente Times late last week that she has withdrawn from the race.
On the Ballot: Also allows sports wagering at certain horseracing tracks, private lawsuits to enforce certain gambling laws. Directs revenues to General Fund, problem-gambling programs, enforcement.
Background: Proposition 26 is one of two ballot initiatives with a focus on sports wagering. Prop 26 focuses on in-person wagering with the addition of roulette and dice games, all of which would be conducted at Native American Indian casinos. Sports betting would be conducted on a wide range of athletic events, with exceptions for high school sports and California college teams. Financially, this would potentially raise tens of millions of dollars annually from 10% of the profits from sports betting at racetracks. Of that generated revenue, 15% would go to problem gambling prevention and mental health, 15% would go to enforcement, and 70% would go to the General Fund. Supporters for Prop 26 include 25 American Indian tribes and the San Diego Police Officers Association. Opponents for Prop 26 include several corporate casinos and the Republican Party of California.
What Supporters Say: Proposition 26 offers responsible, safe, regulated and experienced locations for Californians to participate in new gambling activities.
What Opponents Say: Proposition 26 does not benefit residents or local communities and expands the tax-free monopoly of tribal casinos on gaming.
On the Ballot: Provides additional funding from state General Fund for arts and music education in all K-12 pub lic schools (including charter schools).
Background: Proposition 28 would establish a minimum amount of funding for K-12 public school arts education programs from what was already established
by Proposition 98 in 1988. That original proposition guaranteed either a minimum of 40% of the General Fund on K-14 education, plus or a minimum guarantee based on student attendance and change of cost of living. This year’s Prop 28 would guarantee a minimum of 1% of funding received from Prop 98, which would go specifically toward arts education programs. Proposition 28 would increase state costs by $800 million to $1 billion annually. Supporters for Proposition 28 include Los Angeles Clippers owner and former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, Universal Music Group, the Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, the United States Secretary of Education and the California Teachers Association.
What Supporters Say: Proposition 28 would open up opportunities for low-income and diverse communities to benefit children with access and equity in art and music education.
What Opponents Say: No official opposition has been presented against Proposition 28.
profits exceeded 115% of the costs of direct patient care and health care improvements.
What Supporters Say: Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West, the labor union pushing Prop 29—as well as Props 23 and 8 before that—claims the additional staff would help improve quality of care. Through the prop, the union intends to reform the industry and promote more transparency
What Opponents Say: Those against the latest proposition, including Stop Yet Another Dangerous Dialysis Proposition, which raised millions of dollars in contributions from dialysis companies, argue that it’s a solution in search of a problem; there’s no clear evidence services are inadequate; the unions are using the measure to pressure clinics and organize workers.
On the Ballot: A “Yes” vote approves, and a “No” vote rejects, a 2020 law prohibiting retail sale of certain flavored tobacco products.
On the Ballot: Requires physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant on-site during treatment. Requires clinics to disclose physicians’ ownership interests; report infection data.
Background: If passed by voters, Prop 29 would impose a series of new staffing and reporting requirements on dialysis clinics, which perform treatment for patients who have developed kidney failure. Clinics would be required to have a physician, nurse practitioner or a physician assistant on-site during treatment hours; periodically report dialysis-related infection information to the California Department of Public Health; disclose to patients and CDPH a list of all physicians who have an ownership stake of a least 5%; get CDPH’s approval prior to closing or substantially reducing patient services. Prop 29 marks the third attempt in as many elections to change dialysis centers in California. Like Prop 29, Proposition 23 in 2020 intended to require clinics to have at least one licensed physician during patient treatments and to report data on dialysis-related infections. That proposal failed, with 63.42% of voters opposed. Proposition 8 in 2018, which failed with 59% of voters against it, would have required clinics to pay refunds to patients if their
Background: In 2020, Gov. Gavin Newsom enacted Senate Bill 793, a bipartisan measure banning the sale of most flavored tobacco products, which has been popular for teens. Following SB 793’s signing, opponents petitioned to let California’s voters decide whether the ban should go into effect or overturn the policy. Under Prop 31, flavored tobacco products would be defined as that which has a flavor, apart from regular tobacco flavor, such as fruit, mint or vanilla, among other things. Stores or owners of vending machines that sell flavored tobacco could face a $250 penalty for each violation.
What Supporters Say: Supporters of the policy— including the American Lung Association, American Heart Association, and labor unions such as the California Teachers Association—claim that the tobacco industry has long targeted teens to purchase its products and believe the ban would help prevent underage tobacco use.
What Opponents Say: Tobacco advocacy groups, along with the California Republican Party, oppose the proposition on the basis that the policy would ban the sale of flavored tobacco to all California customers, including those legally old enough to purchase such products. Acknowledging that children shouldn’t be allowed to purchase tobacco—which is already illegal—the opponents believe restrictions can be achieved without prohibiting products to adults.
Requires On-Site Licensed Medical Professional at Kidney Dialysis Clinics and Establishes Other State Requirements, Initiative Statute
On the Ballot: Amends California Constitution to expressly include an individual’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which includes the fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and the fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives. This amendment does not narrow or limit the existing rights to privacy and equal protection under the California Constitution.
Background: This proposed measure that looks to enshrine in the state’s constitution the right to abortion and contraception follows the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision this June to overturn Roe v. Wade the long-standing SCOTUS ruling that found the U.S. Constitutional protection to privacy included the right to an abortion. Under state law, abortions are legal in California up to fetal viability (roughly 24 weeks). Abortions can be performed after the age of viability only if the pregnancy poses a health risk to the mother. Currently, the California Constitution guarantees the right to privacy. Though the Constitution doesn’t explicitly define what’s included in that protection, the California Supreme Court previously found that such protection includes reproductive rights on abortions and whether to use contraceptives.
What Supporters Say: Those advocating for the constitutional amendment argue that doing so would unquestionably protect a person’s right to an abortion, prevent it from being up to interpretation and make reproductive rights a health care issue rather than a political one.
What Opponents Say: Groups such as the No on Prop 1 Committee argue that a woman’s right to choose an abortion is already protected in the California Constitution and that the amendment would give politicians more power of health care policies. The California Catholic Conference further argues that the language in the measure is too broad and unrestrictive, protecting late-term abortions.
On the Ballot: Allows Indian tribes and affiliated businesses to operate online/mobile sports wagering outside tribal lands. Directs revenues to regulatory costs, homelessness programs, nonparticipating tribes.
Background: Proposition 27 is the second ballot initiative to focus on sports wagering, with a specific focus of online or mobile betting. Prop 27 says it would autho rize gaming tribes and online sports betting or qualified gaming companies with agreements with gaming
tribes to operate online sports betting outside Indian lands. Betting on youth sports would be prohibited. Of the possible hundreds of millions of dollars generated by fees and taxes, 85% of the revenues would go toward permanent and interim housing for the homeless and mental health support, and 15% would go to the Tribal Economic Development Account. Supporters include Major League Baseball, three American Indian tribes and the mayors of Fresno, Long Beach, Oakland and Sacramento. Opponents include the state Democratic and Republican parties, five American Indian tribes, the state Senate and Assembly minority leaders and lieutenant governor.
What Supporters Say: Proposition 27 is an important step toward combating homelessness in California and would provide a regulated and sustainable source of funding for those programs.
What Opponents Say: Proposition 27 will only benefit out-of-state gambling corporations and harm the rights of California tribes, which have provided trusted and responsible gambling limited to in-person locations.
vehicle infrastructure, 45% would go to the Zero-Emission Vehicle and Clean Mobility Sub-Fund, and the other 20% would go to the Wildfire Green House Gas Emissions Reduction Sub-Funds. The sub-funds would also fund the hiring and training of firefighters. Supporters include ride-share corporation Lyft and the California Democratic Party. Opponents include Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Republican Party of California.
What Supporters Say: Proposition 30 will put more zero-emission vehicles on the road earlier than expected, which will help the fight against pollution and climate change, and put that responsibility on those able to afford it.
What Opponents Say: Proposition 30 will raise taxes in a state that already has some of the highest taxes in the country and benefits special interests, specifically those of supporting corporation Lyft, where the state has already committed $10 billion to electric vehicles and infrastructure.
On the Ballot: Shall the office of the City Clerk be appointive? / Shall the office of City Treasurer be appointive?
On the Ballot: Allocates tax revenues to zero-emission vehicle purchase incentives, vehicle charging stations and wildfire prevention.
Background: Proposition 30 would increase income tax on incomes over $2 million by 1.75%, and the increase would continue until 2043 or if there are three consecutive years after 2030 with statewide emissions reduced by 80% of 1990 levels. Income tax for those individuals over $2 million is currently 13.3%. The tax revenue would be put into a clean air trust fund with the money divided up into sub-funds. From the trust, 35% would go to an investment plan for zero-emission
Background: City clerks have a host of administrative duties including, but not limited to, keeping detailed accounts of council meetings, overseeing municipal elections and managing the city’s records, ordinances and resolutions. Generally speaking, a city treasurer is tasked with managing the city’s flow of money from taxes and other revenue sources. Currently, the offices of the city clerk and city treasurer are elected by the public to four-year terms. A yes vote on either of these measures would support a new process by which the San Clemente City Council would appoint applicants to the positions of city clerk and treasurer, removing them as elected positions. A no vote would maintain the status-quo. A council majority this past June voted to include these two ballot measures in the Nov. 8 election after a concern had been raised over whether the city clerk position operating under the city manager’s authority posed a potential conflict.
What Supporters Say: In Argument in Favor summaries that Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan and Councilmember Kathy Ward authored on the behalf of the council, transitioning the roles of the city clerk and treasurer to appointive ones would mean the selections would be based on qualifications and skills, “not the results of a political campaign.” Furthermore, the council argues that most California cities use appointed clerks and treasurers, and any registered voter over the age of 18 can run for office, meaning the two positions could be elected without any professional qualifications required. By making the positions appointive, the council claims, the clerk and treasurer can be selected through a recruitment and hiring process based on technical and professional skills.
What Opponents Say: Arguments against either measure were not submitted.
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Want to be featured as our business spotlight?
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Eric Johnson, D.D.S. 647 Camino de los Mares, Ste. 209, San Clemente, 949.493.9311, drericjohnson.com
Arcadia Electric 949.361.1045, arcadiaelectric.com
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3West Environmental, Inc. www.3westenviro.com
Residential & commercial inspections for mold, asbestos and lead paint. 949.482.1357
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Hamilton Le, D.M.D., F.A.C.P. 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. K, San Clemente, 949.361.4867 (GUMS), moranperio.com
“Sandy & Rich”
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Scott Kidd, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 949.498.0487, skidd@bhhscal.com
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Let’s say you’re 60 or older and single again. You might be divorced or in the process of getting a divorce. Or perhaps you’re a widow, or a widower.
You admit you are a bit lonely, so you’ve decided to put yourself out there in the dating world in hopes of meeting a compatible mate.
You are committed to getting off the couch and out of the house to focus on interacting with friends and meeting new friends. Perhaps you are considering online dating.
You don’t want marriage, just someone you’d enjoy being with. Someone who shares your values and interests. You’ve managed to have a few dates, but no one has clicked yet.
And then someone comes along who adds a little spark to your life. You think that perhaps a relationship could evolve. It’s hard, because you find yourself comparing that new person to your ex, and they don’t have the qualities that your former partner had.
You’ve had some interesting conversations with the person, which have revealed a small red flag or two.
Take, for example, Jane (not her true name), an Orange County resident who emailed, “Four months ago, I met Bill (also not his true name) online. He’s been separated for two years from his wife of 26 years.
“On our first date, the hours flew by. We had fun conversation and seemed to con nect. Afterward, he emailed saying he had a great time, and our interests were similar.
“I wrote back expressing two concerns based on our discussion. One being that
he is from Canada (his company transferred him to the OC) and his family lives 16 hours away. What would happen if he got homesick and wanted to move back there to live?
“And second, his marital status: separated two years. What is really going on there?
“He assured me that he’s here to stay, that his family is in full support of his being here, and his divorce is pending because he owes his attorney money and that was all that was needed to get the ball rolling.”
While Jane intended to proceed slowly with Bill, she rationalized that she, too, was once in the same position: separated, heart ready to move on, but with a legal system that can take a long time to finalize a divorce.
Jane added, “I have seen his divorce papers, so I know he’s working on the final stuff, and he was truthful with me.
I gave him a chance, because I, too, had someone take a chance on me while I was waiting for my divorce to be final.
“We’ve had an awesome four months together. He helped me with remodeling my townhouse, and he met my family. We spent a weekend away exploring galleries and hiking. We enjoy our downtime after work and making dinner together—enjoying the domestic side of life.
“Then, suddenly, the rug was pulled out from under my feet. Now, he’s telling me that his head says one thing but his heart another, that there is a wall up. Apparently, he was hurt as a teenager by a relationship
The “Great Quake” of 1933 destroyed the home of San Clemente’s first mayor, Thomas Murphine. Over the period of a week, the home slid down the hillside. No one in the home was injured. This photo can be purchased from the San Clemente Historical Society at sanclementehistoricalsociety.org.
Every week, the San Clemente Times will showcase a historical photo from around the city. If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, send the photo, your name for credit as well as the date and location of the photo to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
and again when he arrived in California. It’s taken six months to get over his latest heartbreak. He thinks if people must work at a relationship, it’s not the real thing.”
Jane rationalized again, stating: “He is bewildered and confused by his feelings, due in part to a lack of dating experience. This guy hasn’t ‘found’ himself yet.
“I must let time take care of things. I like him, but only he can find himself. He feels bad that he hurt me. His being in my life has been a positive thing; I experienced how wonderful it is to have someone real ly treat me like a woman, which I haven’t experienced in a very long time.”
I hear what Jane says, but Bill didn’t
treat her like a woman for long. Her situation reminds me of the 2004 book
He’s Just Not That Into You
Seniors who choose to date again need to trust their instincts and keep their expectations in check.
Tom Blake is a retired Dana Point business owner and resident who has authored books on middle-aged dating. See his website at findingloveafter50.com. To comment: tompblake@gmail.com. SC
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Say hello to Calvin Klein, a handsome boy with a great personality. Laid-back for a 1-year-old, he loves to relax and soak up the afternoon sun. When he isn’t getting his beauty rest or practicing his cat walk, Calvin Klein enjoys being petted and making new friends. Could this fetching feline be the one for you?
If you are interested in adopting Calvin Klein, please visit petprojectfoundation.org to download an adoption application form. Completed forms can be emailed to animalservices@scdpanimalshelter.org, and you will be contacted about making an interaction appointment. SC
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9.
Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult.
Level: Medium
Case No. 22FL000669
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Hei di Morris on behalf of Brennan David Ritcherson, a minor filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Brennan David Ritcherson
Proposed Name
Brennan David Ryan Morris
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interest ed in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no writ ten objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
a. Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 2:00 p.m. Dept.: L74
Room: Remote
b. The address of the court is Lamoreaux Justice Center, 341 The City Dr S., Orange, CA 92868. The court is providing the convenience to appear for hearing by video using the court’s designated video platform. This is a no cost service to the public. Go to the Court’s website at The Superi or Court of California - County of Orange (oc courts.org) to appear remotely for hearings and for remote hearing instructions. If you have diffi culty connecting or are unable to connect to your remote hearing, call 657-622-8278 for assistance. If you prefer to appear in-person, you can appear in the department on the day/time set for your hearing.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be pub lished at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the pe tition in the following newspaper of general cir culation, printed in this county: SAN CLEMENTE TIMES, October 13, 20, 27, November 3, 2022
Date: September 14, 2022, Temporary Judge Eileen Solis, Judge Pro Tem
and then bid on this project via the City’s Planet Bids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-cle mente.org/vendorbids.
Project Name: Digester #2 Structural and Mechanical Rehabilitation Project Bid #: 12204
Bid Opening Date: Thursday, November 10th, 2022
3. Project Scope of Work. Contractor agrees to perform all tasks necessary to construct and/or install or cause to be constructed and/or installed the work identified in Plans and Specifications for DIGESTER #2 STRUCTURAL AND MECHAN
ICAL REHABILITATION, Project No. 12204 to this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions contained both herein and in all other Contract Documents
4. Contract Time: The work must be completed within thirty (45) working days from the date spec ified in the written Notice to Proceed.
5. License and Registration Requirements.
5.1. State License. Pursuant to California Pub lic Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the Contractor shall possess a valid California contractor’s license for the following classification(s): California “A” Con tractors License. Failure to possess the speci fied license(s) at the time of bid opening shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the contract to that non-re sponsive bidder.
5.2. Department of Industrial Relations Regis tration. Pursuant to California Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, or enter into a contract to per form public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”). No bid will be accepted nor any contract en tered into without proof of the contractor’s and subcontractors’ current registration with the DIR to perform public work. If awarded a con tract, the Bidder and its subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the DIR for the duration of the Project.
5.3. City Business License. Prior to the Notice to Pro ceed for this contract, the Contractor shall possess a valid City of San Clemente business license.
responsible bank doing business in the United States and shall be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bid bonds must be is sued by a surety company licensed to do busi ness in the State of California and must be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bids not accompanied by the required bid secu rity will be rejected. For electronic submittal of bids, the bid security must be received at the City of San Clemente Public Works office, 910 Calle Negocio, Suite 100, San Clemente, CA 92673 no later than the bid opening date and time. The bid security must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder, and the outside of the envelope must read as follows:
Project Name: Digester #2 Structural and Mechanical Project Bid #: 12204
Bid Opening Date: Thursday, November 10th, 2022
The bid security shall serve as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract. Such guarantee shall be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract within 15 calendar days after written notification that the contract has been awarded to the successful bidder.
8. Prevailing Wage Requirements.
8.1. General. This project is subject to the prevail ing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the work, including employer pay ments for health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship and similar purposes.
8.2. Rates. Prevailing rates are available online at www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR and also available at the City of San Clemente Public Works Depart ment Office at 910 Calle Negocio, San Clem ente, CA 92673. Each Contractor and Subcon tractor must pay no less than the specified rates to all workers employed to work on the project. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight hours. The rate for hol iday and overtime work must be at least time and one-half.
of the contract amount. Bonds are to be secured from a surety that meets all of the State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and is admitted by the State of California.
11. Pre-Bid Meeting. A pre-bid meeting will be held for this bid solicitation on Tuesday November 1st, 2022 at 10:00AM. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders section on how to submit any pre-bid ques tions outside of the meeting. This is a mandatory pre-bid meeting to be held at the City’s WRP lo cated at 380 E. Avenida Pico, San Clemente. More information on the WRP entrance and parking is on Exhibit “A” in the specifications.
12. Instructions to Bidders. Additional and more detailed information is provided in the Instructions to Bidders, which should be carefully reviewed by all bidders before submitting a Bid Proposal.
13. Questions. All questions related to this bid solicitation must be submitted through the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal per the informa tion provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Any other contact to City staff regarding this bid solic itation will be referred back to the PlanetBids sys tem.
Dated October 7, 2022.
City of San Clemente Public Works Department 910 Calle Negocio San Clemente, CA 92673
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TRS SERENDIPITY PENSIONS
1201 PUERTA DEL SOL #222
1. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that the City of San Clemente (“City”) will receive sealed bids for the following project:
Digester #2 Structural and Mechanical Rehabilitation, Project No. 12204
Bid Opening Date. Electronic bids must be sub mitted prior to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10th, 2022, on the City’s PlanetBids System Ven dor Portal, at which time or thereafter bids will be opened and made available online. Bids received after this time will be considered non-responsive. Prospective bidders must first register as a vendor
6. Contract Documents. Bid documents, includ ing instructions to bidders, bidder proposal form, and specifications (not including other documents incorporated by reference) may be downloaded, at no cost, from the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-clemente.org/vendor bids. Bidders must first register as a vendor on the City of San Clemente PlanetBids system to view and download the Contract Documents, to be added to the prospective bidders list, and to receive adden dum notifications when issued.
7. Bid Proposal and Security.
7.1. Bid Proposal Form. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City.
7.2. Bid Security. Each bid proposal must be ac companied by security in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount. Personal checks or company checks are not acceptable forms of bid security. All cer tified and cashier’s checks must be drawn on a
8.3. Compliance Monitoring. Pursuant to Cali fornia Labor Code Section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the California Department of Industrial Rela tions. In bidding on this project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and in clude the cost of complying with all labor com pliance requirements under this contract and applicable law in its bid.
9. Retention. Pursuant to the contract for this proj ect, five percent (5%) of each progress payment will be retained as security for completion of the bal ance of the work.
Substitution of appropriate securities in lieu of re tention amounts from progress payments is permit ted pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 22300. Refer to the contract for further clarification.
10. Performance and Payment Bonds. The suc cessful bidder, simultaneously with execution of the contract, will be required to provide Faithful Per formance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%)
Full Name of Registrant(s): ATHENA HEALTHCARE INC
This business is conducted by a CA Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 09/22/2022
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 09/23/2022
Published in: San Clemente Times Oct 6, 13, 20, 27, 2022
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LOREN SMETS ASSOCIATES
Full Name of Registrant(s): LOREN GLEN SMETS
TO ADVERTISE: 949.388.7700,
This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 09/01/2022
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 09/14/2022
Published in: San Clemente Times
Sep 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on 10/24/2022, at 1:30 PM of said day, At the North front entrance to the County Courthouse at 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701, Ashwood TD Services LLC, a California Limited Liability Com pany, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Ramaiah Pichika and Jayal akshmi Pichika, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants recorded on 10/15/2021 in Book n/a of Official Re cords of ORANGE County, at page n/a, Recorder’s Instrument No. 2021000634130, by reason of a breach or default in payment or performance of the obligations secured thereby, including that breach or default, Notice of which was recorded 6/16/2022 as Recorder’s Instrument No. 2022000217623, in Book n/a, at page n/a, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, lawful money of the United States, evi denced by a Cashier’s Check drawn on a state or na tional bank, or the equivalent thereof drawn on any other financial institution specified in section 5102 of the California Financial Code, authorized to do business in the State of California, ALL PAYABLE
AT THE TIME OF SALE, all right, title and interest held by it as Trustee, in that real property situated in said County and State, described as follows: Lot 78, Tract 8597, per Map, Book 344, Pages 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Miscellaneous Maps. The street address or other common designation of the real property hereinabove described is purported to be: 203 Calle Del Juego, San Clemente, CA 92672. The under signed disclaims all liability for any incorrectness in said street address or other common designation. Said sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession, or other encum brances, to satisfy the unpaid obligations secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest and other sums as provided therein; plus advances, if any, there under and interest thereon; and plus fees, charges, and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts creat ed by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of said obligations at the time of initial publication of this Notice is $290,819.25. In the event that the deed of trust described in this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is secured by real property containing from one to four single-family residences, the following notic es are provided pursuant to the provisions of Civ il Code section 2924f: NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear owner
ship of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can re ceive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property.
NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursu ant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code.
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NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property af ter the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase.
First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 916-939-0772, or visit this internet website www.nationwideposting.com, using the file num ber assigned to this case 2022-10474 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trust ee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid, by remitting the funds and affidavit or declaration described in Section 2924m(c) of the Civil Code, so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional im mediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Dated: September 21, 2022 Ashwood TD Services LLC, a California Limited Liability Company Christopher Loria, Trustee’s Sale Officer 179 Niblick Road, #330, CA 93446 (SEAL) Tel.: (805) 296-3176 Fax: (805) 323-9054 Trustee’s Sale
Information: (916) 939-0772 or www.nationwide posting.com NPP0416257 To: SAN CLEMENTE TIMES 09/29/2022, 10/06/2022, 10/13/2022
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CUBESMART 156 1628 S. ANAHEIM WAY ANAHEIM, CA 92805
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This business is conducted by a DE Limited Liabil ity Company.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 12/01/2021
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/26/2022.
Published in: San Clemente Times September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CUBESMART 162 2730 S FAIRVIEW STREET SANTA ANA, CA 92704
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This business is conducted by a DE Limited Liabil ity Company.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 12/01/2021
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/29/2022.
Published in: San Clemente Times September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CUBESMART 157 4200 NORTH HARBOR BLVD FULLERTON, CA 92835
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This business is conducted by a DE Limited Liabil ity Company.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 12/01/2021
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/29/2022.
Published in: San Clemente Times September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022
Case No. 30-2022-01277921
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KATE LYN ELIZABETH HUGHES filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name
KATELYN ELIZABETH BERRIEN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the peti
tion for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objec tion is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 11/09/2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Other: Remote Hearing. Your hearing will be held REMOTELY via video at the date and time indi cated on the notice or order to which this message is attached. You are NOT to physically appear at the courthouse on the date of your hearing. To obtain instructions on how to appear remotely for your hearing, you MUST do the following no later than the day before the hearing (or no later than Friday, if the hearing is on Monday): 1. Go to the Court’s website at www.occourts.org; 2. Click on the “COVID-19” button; 3. Click on the “Civil” but ton; 4. Click on the “Remote Hearing Instructions” button; 5. Follow the instructions. IMPORTANT
NOTE: If you or your witnesses, do not have the ability to access the court’s website above, or are unable to follow the instructions on the Court’s website, or are otherwise unable to appear remotely, you MUST call the courtroom or call (657) 6228513, prior to your hearing, to request an alter nate means to appear. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed, or a ruling issued against you.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be pub lished at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the pe tition in the following newspaper of general circu lation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: 08/30/2022
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times, September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2022
1. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that the City of San Clemente (“City”) will receive sealed bids for the following project:
2. Bid Opening Date. Electronic bids must be sub mitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, on the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal, at which time or thereafter bids will be opened and made available online. Bids received after this time will be considered non-responsive. Prospective bidders must first register as a vendor and then bid on this project via the City’s Planet Bids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-cle mente.org/vendorbids.
3. Project Scope of Work. The project includes fur nishing all necessary labor, materials, methods and processes, tools, implements and machinery which are necessary to satisfactorily complete the Proj ect, as more specifically described in the Contract Documents. The work to be performed, consists, in general, of clearing and grubbing as necessary to complete the work, and removing the existing bridge coating, sandblasting, surface preparation, and painting of the Montalvo and Riviera Pedestri an Bridges located at 200-ft west of the intersection of Avenida Montalvo and Avenida Lobeiro, and is in close proximity and parallel to OCTA Metrolink railroad bridge.
4. Contract Time. The work must be completed within sixty (60) working days from the date speci fied in the written Notice to Proceed.
5.1. State License. Pursuant to California Pub lic Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the Contractor shall possess a valid California contractor’s license for the following classification(s): Class “A”. Failure to possess the specified license(s) at the time of bid opening shall render the bid as non-respon sive and shall act as a bar to award the contract to that non-responsive bidder.
5.2. Department of Industrial Relations Regis tration. Pursuant to California Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, or enter into a contract to per form public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”). No bid will be accepted nor any contract en tered into without proof of the contractor’s and subcontractors’ current registration with the DIR to perform public work. If awarded a con tract, the Bidder and its subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the DIR for the duration of the Project.
5.3. City Business License. Prior to the Notice to Proceed for this contract, the Contractor shall possess a valid City of San Clemente business license.
6. Contract Documents. Bid documents, includ ing instructions to bidders, bidder proposal form,
and specifications (not including other documents incorporated by reference) may be downloaded, at no cost, from the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-clemente.org/vendor bids. Bidders must first register as a vendor on the City of San Clemente PlanetBids system to view and download the Contract Documents, to be added to the prospective bidders list, and to receive adden dum notifications when issued.
7. Bid Proposal and Security.
7.1. Bid Proposal Form. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City.
7.2. Bid Security. Each bid proposal must be ac companied by security in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the to tal bid amount. Personal checks or company checks are not acceptable forms of bid secu rity. All certified and cashier’s checks must be drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States and shall be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bid bonds must be issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of California and must be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bids not accompanied by the required bid security will be rejected. For elec tronic submittal of bids, the bid security must be received at the City of San Clemente Public Works office, 910 Calle Negocio, Suite 100, San Clemente, CA 92673 within 24 hours of the bid opening date and time. The bid security must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder, and the outside of the envelope must read as follows:
Project No. 23802
Bid Opening Date: 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15, 2022
The bid security shall serve as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract. Such guarantee shall be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract within 15 calendar days after written notification that the contract has been awarded to the successful bidder.
8. Prevailing Wage Requirements.
8.1. General. This project is subject to the prevail ing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the work, including employer pay ments for health and welfare, pension, vaca tion, apprenticeship and similar purposes.
8.2. Rates. Prevailing rates are available online at www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR and also available at the City of San Clemente Public Works Depart ment Office at 910 Calle Negocio, San Clem ente, CA 92673. Each Contractor and Subcon tractor must pay no less than the specified rates to all workers employed to work on the project. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work must be at least time and one-half.
8.3. Compliance Monitoring. Pursuant to Cali fornia Labor Code Section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by
the California Department of Industrial Rela tions. In bidding on this project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and in clude the cost of complying with all labor com pliance requirements under this contract and applicable law in its bid.
9. Retention. Pursuant to the contract for this proj ect, five percent (5%) of each progress payment will be retained as security for completion of the bal ance of the work.
Substitution of appropriate securities in lieu of re tention amounts from progress payments is permit ted pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 22300. Refer to the contract for further clarification.
10. Performance and Payment Bonds. The suc cessful bidder, simultaneously with execution of the contract, will be required to provide Faithful Per formance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Bonds are to be secured from a surety that meets all of the State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and is admitted by the State of California.
11. Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting. A Non-Man datory pre-bid meeting will be held for this bid so licitation at the job site on October 26, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders section on how to submit any pre-bid questions.
12. Instructions to Bidders. Additional and more detailed information is provided in the Instructions
to Bidders, which should be carefully reviewed by all bidders before submitting a Bid Proposal.
13. Questions. All questions related to this bid so licitation must be submitted in writing via email to Belgin Cuhadaroglu at cuhadaroglub@san-cle mente.org no later than November 4, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.
Dated October 13, 2022.
City of San Clemente Public Works Depart ment
910 Calle Negocio
San Clemente, CA 92673
Complete your required legal or public notice advertising in the San Clemente Times.
EMAIL legals@picketfencemedia.com CALL 949.388.7700, ext. 111
Email your listing to info@sanclementetimes.com. Deadline 12pm Monday.
ESTATE/GARAGE SALESATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Household items, small furniture, rugs, BBQ, holiday items. 118 Trafalgar Lane, San Clemente.
ESTATE SALE – OCTOBER 8, 15 & 22 Saturday, October 8, 15 & 22. 25592 Via Del Rey, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92673.
VIBRANT LIVES LIQUIDATION SALESATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 1-5 p.m. Vintage style clothing, hats, shoes; Sound equipment; Games; Activity supplies; Colorful home decor. 34941 Calle Del Sol, Dana Point.
Saturday, October 22 from 7 AM to NOON. Located at corners of Blue Fin and Del Obispo as well as Stonehill and Palo Alto.
Hand-shaped Channel Islands 7’4” surfboard (20 x 2 3/4). Great condition. $300 OBO. Text 949.702.3142.
Experienced Tile setters and helpers, Slab Fabricators, Slab Installation 5 years exp Top pay based on experienced. 949-395-3369.
Vinyl records from the 1960’s to present & music memorabilia. Shirts, posters, concert tickets etc. Will pay you better than any record store! Best price paid guaranteed! No collection too big or small. I will come to you. Cash. 310-756-7854 Mike.
What used to be a fatal formality has turned into a curiously optimistic opportunity, and new trends will be tested as San Clemente once again welcomes rival Mission Viejo to Thalassa Stadium in both teams’ South Coast League opener on Friday, Oct. 14.
While the league schedule rotates every two years, the annual clash between the Tritons and Diablos had been toward the end of the regular season since the Tritons returned to the South Coast League in 2016, and fittingly so, as the game usually shaped up as a league championship bout.
However, rather than deciding the fate of the league title, Friday’s game will shape the league playoff race for the home stretch of the regular season. It will also do so at what has become the most interesting theater for the matchup: San Clemente High School.
The Tritons (5-2) and Diablos (6-1) are “rivals” in the South Coast League due to the two teams generally finishing first and second and nominally competing for the league title. However, until 2018, it had been a decade since the matchup had been competitive. San Clemente hadn’t “rivaled” Mission Viejo, as much as it had lined up to take its beating and finish second. Even with few tight games from 2005-08, including a tie in 2007, the Tritons hadn’t beaten the Diablos since 1999.
That all changed in 2018, when the dynamics of the rivalry had leveled and finally introduced a boogeyman for Mission Viejo to actually fear: the San Clemente defense and the ghosts of Thalassa Stadium.
In 2018, with its backup quarterback coming on in the second quarter and a denied two-point conversion,
San Clemente shut down a high-flying Mission Viejo offense to break the Diablos’ two-decade hold on the South Coast League, 21-20. Mission Viejo was averaging more than 31 points per game that season, and the Tritons forced three turnovers.
The Diablos responded at home in 2019 with a 38-6 pounding of San
For in-game updates, news and more for all the San Clemente High School sports programs, follow us on Twitter @SouthOCSports and on Instagram @South_OC_Sports
San Clemente girls volleyball avenged an earlier home loss to Aliso Niguel with a road sweep of the Wolverines, 25-20, 26-25, 25-13, and San Juan Hills swept Dana Hills on the road to leave everything to play for on Wednesday, Oct. 12.
Results were not available at press time, but there was a scenario on the table for a three-way split of the league title with San Juan Hills hosting Aliso Niguel and San Clemente hosting Tesoro.
Clemente, but when the game returned to Thalassa Stadium in the delayed and shortened 2020 season, another electric Mission Viejo offense was stopped in its tracks.
Those Diablos averaged 44 points per game in the first four games, but San Clemente grounded them and won in dramatic fashion again with a field goal
If San Juan Hills beat Aliso Niguel and San Clemente also won at home against Tesoro, San Juan Hills, Aliso Niguel and San Clemente would finish in a three-way tie for the league title.
If Aliso Niguel beats San Juan Hills, the Wolverines would win the league championship outright. San Clemente would finish second with a win over Tesoro or tied for third with San Juan Hills with a loss.
San Clemente and Aliso Niguel split the league championship last season, and Aliso Niguel went on to win CIFSS Division 2.
All three teams figure to be in the Division 2 playoffs when brackets are released on Saturday, Oct. 15, with the playoffs beginning early next week.
San Clemente boys water polo remained No. 1 in Division 2, and the Tritons boys cross country team was elevated to No. 1 in Division 1. San Cle mente girls volleyball is ranked No. 11 in the combined Division 1/2 poll. SC
as time expired, 10-7. San Clemente recorded eight sacks in the game, and Mission Viejo went scoreless in the second half, with two missed field goals in the fourth quarter.
Once more, Mission Viejo retaliated at home in 2021 with a 45-0 shutout of San Clemente, as if to vent their frustrations.
Now, back at Thalassa Stadium, another stout San Clemente defense welcomes another explosive Mission Viejo offense to decide the course of the South Coast League. The Tritons are coming off a bye week, and the Diablos beat Helix of the San Diego Section, 55-27, last Friday, Oct. 7.
The Diablos remain one of the best in all of Southern California. Mission Viejo is ranked No. 5 in the CalPreps CIF-SS rankings, with its lone loss coming on a final-minute play to No. 4 Long Beach Poly. A win would likely cement the Diablos in the Division 1 playoff field.
Mission Viejo averages 42 points per game from its offense. Senior quarterback Kadin Semonza has completed 67% of his passes for 1,597 yards and 18 touchdowns with three interceptions in seven games. Semonza’s favorite target is senior receiver Mikey Matthews, who has accounted for six touchdown catches and 607 yards on 37 receptions. Mission Viejo also features a stable of four running backs who can all carry the load and score.
San Clemente is ranked No. 28 in CIF-SS by CalPreps, and a win would likely place the Tritons back into the Division 2 playoff picture. As of now, San Clemente would be slotted into Division 3.
Defensively, the Tritons have 14 takeaways, including 12 fumble recoveries from 11 players. Senior linebackers Cole Robertson and Kyle Yamano have been tackling machines with 81 and 77 total tackles, respectively. Se nior linebacker Nolan Reid has been an impact player with a team-high six sacks.
Whether San Clemente again splits quarterback duties or gives full command to either Broderick Redden or Dylan Mills, the Tritons face one of the tougher Mission Viejo secondaries in recent years. The Diablos have 10 interceptions among their 14 total takeaways, including six picks from junior Travis Anderson. However, the Tritons have faith in a strong running attack led by senior Blake Allen and junior Aiden Rubin.
CalPreps’ computer projections favor Mission Viejo with a higher-rated offense, but the teams do have similar ly rated defenses.
However, the computer can’t calculate the intangibles of a haunted ground.
One of the most revered shapers in the world, Timmy Patterson enjoys his time in the sun at the Del Mar Fairgrounds
BY JAKE HOWARD, SAN CLEMENTE TIMEScalled on to build boards for some of the most radical surfers in the game. In the 1980s, he was shaping for Christian Fletcher and Matt Archbold. In the ’90s, it was boards for the likes of Mike Parsons and Pat O’Connell.
After the turn of the century, he picked up the planer for world champ Adriano De Souza, Jordy Smith, Brett Simpson, Timmy Reyes and too many others to list here. Currently, 2019 world champ and 2020 Olympic gold medalist Italo Ferreira is the most recognizable name on his roster.
testament to just how much surfboard shaping talent there is in this amazing community, the Boardroom Surfboard Show in Del Mar last weekend honored San Clemente icon Timmy Patterson, and in one of those incredible twists of fate, fellow San Clemente craftsman Rick Rock won the Icons of Foam shape-off.
The Icons of Foam competition started in 2007 and over the years has celebrated the work of some of surfing’s most revered shapers, including the late Dick Brewer, thruster inventor Simon Anderson, Pipe line guru Gerry Lopez, as well as fellow San Clemente craftsman Matt Biolos.
This year, the show was dedicated to Patterson, who continues to build some of the best surfboards in the world.
As for Rock, who shapes out of the Los Molinos surfboard ghetto zone and is equally skilled with a planer in his hands as he is with a pair of drumsticks, the win at the Boardroom Surfboard Show is a long overdue acknowledgement of his talents.
Biolos, who’s worked with Rock since 1987, calls the man “an unsung master of surfboard building. He’s a composite creations madman.”
Rock was one of six shapers from around the world who was invited to the Boardroom competition.
Runner-up honors went to Jason Bennett of Chemistry Surfboards. Behind him were Sylvio Tico from Silver Surf Surfboards; Robert Weirner from Robert Surfboards; John Simon from Simon Shapes; Tim Stamps of Stamps Surfboards fame; Matt Kinoshita from Kazuma Surfboards; and Massa Tokuda from Harlem Surfboards.
Patterson, who has surfboard shaping
in his DNA, whittled his first board back in 1977 and has been hard at it ever since.
“My father and his brothers came over from Hawaii. My dad ended up at Windansea. My uncle, Robert, was shaping for (Dale) Velzy, while my dad was making boards for the guys in San Diego. He used to sand boards with a belt sander,” Patterson recalls. “We all surfed; our whole family surfed.”
“Hobie opened up in ’61, I think. Robert called my dad and told him there were jobs up in Dana Point,” Patterson contin ues. “He’d just had two kids, and I was on the way, so he moved up to Dana Point to work. I grew up in a surfboard factory.”
Over the decades, Patterson has been
“Interestingly, from Italo to Archy’s boards, the rockers are dead on,” Patterson says. “I’ll bring old boards out, put a rocker bar on them, and it’s pretty much the same as today. I can take one of Pat’s old ones, or Timmy Reyes’, or Brett Simpson’s, and measure it, and it’s literally the same. Maybe there’s a one-sixteenth of an inch here or there, but that’s usually just volume flow—added volume in the nose and fuller rails.”
Patterson and Rock are part of the long, colorful history of surfboard building in the Los Molinos area, and as we saw last weekend, they’re making sure that the tradition is in good hands.
As far as his philosophy on the state of surfboard shaping today, Patterson says,
“If you’ve never hand-shaped a board and you’re just designing it on a computer, the tendency is to want to make it look pretty. But that’s not always reality. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, you have to get it in the water.”
Jake Howard is local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer Magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation. SC
Water Temperature: 67-69 Degrees F
Hard work pays off; look no further than Dana Point’s Jacob Brown. Dedicating himself to his surfing, he’s been putting in the hard yards to turn his dreams into a reality.
Recently, Brown got the good news that he’s qualified for the Prime USA Surf Series.
“Qualifying for Prime USA has been his focus since he started surfing competitively, and he’s very excited about reaching this goal,” Jacob’s father, Corey, shares before invoking the late Kobe Bryant’s work ethic.
This season, Jacob has also made the Dana Hills Varsity Surf Team. The only freshman on the contest squad, he’ll undoubtedly have an immediate, positive impact.
All that hard work has also been rewarded with some epic sponsorship support. Xcel Wetsuits picked up Jacob last year, while BEECH Brand Towels continues to encourage him to be creative in and out of the water.
In a recent collaboration with BEECH, Jacob drew and designed a towel that features Strands Point. Rumaner Surfboards also continues to supply him with dependable blades.
If you have a candidate for Grom of the Week, we want to know. Send an email to jakehoward1@gmail.com. SC
Water Visibility and Conditions: 6-8
Thursday: Slow fading south-southwest and northwest swell mix rolls in with waist to shoulder high surf, (3-4’). Light/variable winds in the morning, turn to a moderate westerly sea breeze during the afternoon, then ease by the evening.
Outlook: The swell combination continues to gradually fade on Friday for thigh to stomach high waves, (2-3’+). A new mix of southerly swell and northwest swell moves in for the weekend, setting up waist to shoulder high surf, (3-4’) on Saturday and Sunday. Winds are primarily onshore from Friday through Sunday: Light in the morning, then light+ to moderate over the afternoons.
“His new goal is to be in the top of the Prime bracket; still embraces the Mamba mentality for competition and is excited about the new