June 13, 2013

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Lights Out for SONGS Edison closes the plant, but questions loom surrounding the decommissioning process E Y E O N S C / PAG E 6

After operating since the 1960s, Southern California Edison announced last Friday it will close the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. While operations will cease, the plant must still undergo a decades-long decommissioning process. File photo

City Library Upgrade Delayed Until April 2015

Tritons Named to All-CIF Baseball, Volleyball Teams

INSIDE: 2013 San Clemente Graduation Special







SC S a n C le m e n te

SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Two new faces are set to join the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission after the City Council cast their votes to fill the fivemember board on Tuesday, June 4. Newcomers Evan Chaffee and Ian Gardiner will join the commission starting July 1. They are joined by incumbents Sheldon Cohen, Tim Neely and Roy Nunn, who were all reelected. The council went through three short rounds of voting to fill the commission. In the first round, Chaffee, Gardiner, Neely and Nunn were voted in immediately. A second vote resulted in a 2-2 tie between Cohen and current Chairman Robert Williams. Incumbent commissioner Jeff Parkhurst received one vote. The final ballot gave all five votes to Cohen. The new commission will meet for the first time on Tuesday, June 9.



DANA POINT In a split vote, the Dana Point City Council elected to adopt a resolution setting the city’s short-term vacation rental permit fee at $150. The ordinance regulating short-term rentals of less than 30 days was approved in April after more than five years of discussion. According to staff reports, Dana Point is home to some 250-vacation rentals currently not being taxed like hotels, inns and campsites. But under the new ordinance, these rentals will now be required to participate in the city’s transient occupancy tax program—a 10 percent nightly tax, and its largest source of tax revenue. Enforcement of the city’s ordinance is set to take effect on January 15, 2014. The approved permitting fee is subsidized from the $220 needed to fully recover administrative costs, city staff said. Total costs are estimated at $37,500.


What’s Up With... 1

… Beach Fires?

THE LATEST: With a fierce debate swirling, regional air quality regulators are entertaining a compromise over a proposed ban on wood-burning beach fires throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties, giving local municipalities greater control. The updated proposal introduced by the South Coast Air Quality Management District last week removed a suggested blanket ban on beachside fires, leaving it up to cities and counties to prohibit the use if found to cause a nuisance. Air quality officials became involved earlier this spring after the California Coastal Commission inevitably tabled a decision on whether or not the city of Newport Beach could remove its 60 rings. District spokesman Sam Atwood said the debate spurred the AQMD to examine the issue. Under newly proposed regulations, woodburning fires would be permitted so long as they are at least 700 feet from the nearest home, 100 feet away from each other or 50 feet apart if 15 or fewer rings exist within a city’s boundaries. Currently, fires are permitted in all 890 pits between the two counties, but the proposal would make Newport Beach’s obsolete and require 10 rings at Doheny State Beach and those at Capistrano Beach to be removed or relocated.



…the City Budget?

THE LATEST: The San Clemente City Council is scheduled to vote Tuesday to formally adopt the city budget for 2014. The new budget includes funds for two part-time police inspectors, who should help lessen the load carried by the city’s current detectives. Studies undertaken by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department indicated that San Clemente’s investigators carry a nearly 50 percent higher caseload than other investigators in contracting cities in South Orange County. The budget also includes a reduced stipend for the Downtown Business Association. The DBA had asked for an increase to $61,400 from previous stipends of $44,000 in this year’s budget due to a number of factors, such as scheduled work on the Avenida Pico interchange and the development of the Marblehead Coastal Outlet Mall, that may negatively effect business downtown. The council, however, expressed discomfort with increasing city support for private business. The stipend was ultimately reduced to $40,320 by council vote.

WHAT’S NEXT: The district board voted to take up the issue at a special meeting July 12. With the new date set, the district will host two public hearings on the matter. The first will be held on Thursday, June 13 at the Hyatt Regency in Newport Beach and the other on Friday, June 14 at the Embassy Suites in El Segundo. Both meetings begin at 5:30 p.m.

WHAT’S NEXT: Current budget projections indicate the city would run a deficit in the coming years as contractual obligations for police and fire protection increase and maintenance costs for Vista Hermosa Sports Park are transferred to the city’s general fund. City Manager Pall Gudgeirsson has said, that city policy would be to reduce costs in order to avoid running a deficit. Future budget projections also do not include revenues from the Marblehead Coastal residential and commercial developments.

FIND OUT MORE: Stick with www.sanclementetimes.com for updates. —Andrea Papagianis

FIND OUT MORE: The proposed budget can be viewed at www.san-clemente.org —Jim Shilander

San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013

...the Library Renovation?

THE LATEST: The San Clemente Public Library has been encountering some serious setbacks in recent weeks, resulting in a revision of its current finish date to April 2015. The $1.73 million in renovation funds— originally raised by the city, Orange County and Friends of the Library—is still on budget despite the delays caused by County Project Management staff personnel changes and design flaws in handicap access components. The latter prompted the American Disability Associations to “fail” the plan until their requirements are met. Councilwoman Lori Donchak is hoping to secure a temporary site that would house a portion of the library’s collection and where patrons can use Wi-Fi services. Possible sites under consideration include a Del Mar storefront, Elks Club and mobile trailer. WHAT’S NEXT: Stakeholders will meet later this month to discuss and determine an appropriate temporary library site in addition to addressing the renovation project changes. The San Clemente Library project has been a topic of discussion since June 2010. FIND OUT MORE: For more on the story visit www.sanclementetimes.com — Robyn Wyman-Dill


…Downtown Trash?

THE LATEST: The San Clemente City Council approved a plan June 4 to recoup city expenses in building a trash enclosure for area businesses near the city’s Avenida

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Granada parking lot. The enclosure was built to get what have become permanent storage units out of the alley to improve aesthetics. A program to remove utility poles in the area is in place to do the same. WHAT’S NEXT: In order to offset the cost of constructing the enclosure, businesses will be required to pay a use fee. Those that sign up within 30 days will be charged $500. Those wishing to sign up after 30 days will be charged $1,500. Businesses can also elect to build their own enclosures, but they will have to meet city codes and need to be built within 90 days, or else be subject to fines. Assistant city engineer Tom Bonigut told the council the estimated cost to build an enclosure was several thousand dollars. FIND OUT MORE: For updates, visit www. sanclementetimes.com — JS


…Fire Watch Volunteers?

THE LATEST: South County Land Stewards is recruiting volunteers from communities adjacent to Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary, The Reserve at Rancho Mission Viejo, Cleveland National Forest, Riley Wilderness Park, Caspers Wilderness Park and O’Neill Regional Park for the South Orange County Fire Watch. Volunteers will be trained one evening in July or early August by the Orange County Fire Authority to serve as deterrents and lookouts during Red Flag Alerts. WHAT’S NEXT: Extreme fire conditions usually occur from September through November but can occur any time of year. Lookout sites are limited to easily accessible locations that have good views of wild land preserves. FIND OUT MORE: For additional information, visit rmvreserve.org. — JS www.sanclementetimes.com


Nuclear No More Swirling in doubt and rising in cost, Edison opts for lasting SONGS closure By Picket Fence Media, Staff Report San Clemente Times


midst billions in mounting debt and growing uncertainties surrounding a restart, Southern California Edison, the majority owner and operator of the troubled San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, announced the plant’s permanent shutdown last week, ending a four decades long run for nuclear energy in the region. The decision was made in light of ongoing doubt surrounding the fate of the nuclear plant since its two steam generators, Units 2 and 3, were taken offline in January 2012, after a small radiation leak was detected in the latter unit— disabled generators which until now Edison had long vowed to restart. “SONGS has served this region for over 40 years, but we have concluded that the continuing uncertainty about when or if SONGS might return to service was not good for our customers, our investors, or the need to plan for our region’s long-term electricity needs,” Ted Craver, chairman and CEO of Edison International, SCE’s parent company, said in a statement. Edison officials announced the shutdown will result in 1,100 layoffs, reducing plant staff to 400, with the majority expected to take place over the remainder of this year. But the plant’s 1,500-person staff will not be cut until its revised emergency preparedness and security plans, for a shutdown plant, are approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Craver said. Currently, the regulatory body views the plant as operational since Unit 2 still houses nuclear fuel. Victor Dricks, spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV, which regulates SONGS, said the NRC will continue its oversight of the plant but determination of the impact the announcement will have on existing investigations and licensing actions will have to wait until Edison submits its decommissioning plan. Edison has until the beginning of July to officially inform the NRC of its plans, and an additional two years to submit its retirement proposal. As Edison officials take steps to layout the decommissioning plan of the active Unit 2 reactor, one fact is certain: Spent nuclear fuel will be, at least for the foreseeable future, housed at the facility. The company reportedly has a $2.7 billion trust fund, after taxes, to handle costs San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013

After sitting idle for one year, the troubled San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station will not reopen. Photo by Andrea Swayne

associated with the closure. According to Craver, the fund, containing money collected from ratepayers each time they pay their energy bill, could cover 90 percent of Edison’s $3 billion in expected retiring expenses. But according to Edison officials, total expenditures are anticipated at $4.1 billion, leaving more than $1 billion in funding unaccounted for. Breaking it Down While Edison’s closure decision brings an end to nuclear power in Southern California, the seaside twin-domes along Interstate 5 will be a regional fixture, and reminder, for years to come. The road to decommissioning isn’t a new one for Edison. After shutting down Unit 1 in 1992 to avoid a $125 million price tag for upgrades, Edison spent the next seven years removing fuel from the reactor. Work still remains for soil remediation and grading. However, the decommissioning process for Unit 1 pales in comparison to what is expected of the remaining units. At the time Unit 1 opened in 1968, it was the largest commercial nuclear reactor in California, operating at a capacity of 436 megawatts. When fully functional, Unit 2 and Unit 3 operated at 1,070 megawatts and 1,080 megawatts, respectively, according to the California Energy Commission. Mikael Nilsson, a chemistry and materials science professor at the University of California, Irvine, said the spent fuel rods of nuclear plants, like Unit 2 at San Onofre, will slowly be removed and initially placed underwater to dissipate radioactivity from the fission—or separating—process. After a period of time cooling in pools, the rods—which are approximately one foot by one foot and stand one meter in height—will be placed into steel and

concrete casks. While the NRC recommends that used fuel spend at least five years cooling in pools, it has in the past approved removal after just three. The industry standard for cooling is 10 years, according to the commission. “It takes time, because you have to do it carefully,” Nilsson said. Once the spent fuel is encased in concrete, it becomes less dangerous in terms of natural disasters like seismic or tsunami events, he said. As these spent fuel pools cannot house all the plant’s radioactive fuel at once, a lack of space and of a central national repository could keep nuclear waste at the coastal site indefinitely. The federal government defunded a plan establishing a central storage facility at Yucca Mountain in Nevada for such waste in 2010, leaving spent nuclear fuel on existing sites. Edison’s announcement could leave two standing proposals with the NRC to restart one generator at partial capacity dead in their tracks. Craver said that had the reactor been allowed to come back online this summer, there was a “clear cost advantage” to keeping the plant running at least until the license expired in 2022. However, as time progressed and the processes dragged on that advantage all but dissipated. Craver also noted uncertainty over whether the license could be extended in the future as playing a part in the decision. Since the nuclear plant was taken offline early last year, Edison has spent more than $440 million for replacement power, maintenance and operational costs, according to an Edison investor report, bringing the utility’s investment in the plant to about $2.1 billion. Craver said recovery costs in the loss of the San Onofre plant would come from

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four sources including ratepayers, utility insurance claims, shareholders and the manufacturer of the replacement generators, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, whose design, he said did not perform to specifications—ultimately leading to the utility’s closure decision. But disagreements over Mitsubishi’s liability have risen. Officials at Mitsubishi have been in negotiations with the utility over its accountability for the damage, since high vibration and other factors degraded tubes in the replacement steam generators. A letter from an Edison executive in 2004 highlighted concern over design flaws in the replacements, but aging generators were nonetheless replaced in 2009 and 2010, for $680 million. Throughout the past 17 months—since radiation leaks were discovered—Edison officials have been questioned about their oversight of the replacement generator’s engineering and accused of ignoring issues in order to skip a lengthy approval process. The utility has held that a more intense approval process would not have identified this kind of technical issue. “This was such a unique phenomenon,” Craver said. While tube vibration and wear has been reported at other plants, the vibration seen at San Onofre is unlike any other in the industry, he said. Reclaiming additional funds from Mitsubishi has been a part of Edison’s cost recovery strategy, but a statement from Mitsubishi indicated the company would not readily hand money over. “Mitsubishi’s liability to SCE is limited by the contractual provisions to which the two parties agreed,” officials from the manufacturer said in a statement, “and includes an overall limitation of liability … as well as a preclusion of consequential www.sanclementetimes.com

EYE ON SC damages, including the cost of replacement power.” The steam generator manufacturer estimates its liability lies at approximately $137 million. Before the outage, the seaside nuclear facility powered 1.4 million households in Southern California, and the plant’s two reactors provided 17 percent of all power produced by SCE. Additionally, 20 percent owner of the plant, San Diego Gas & Electric, relied on SONGS for 20 percent of its power. With both offline permanently, the utility believes it can continue to supply power to Southern California, but the long-term planning process to replace nuclear energy will be tough. Craver said he has already spoken to Gov. Jerry Brown and Michael R. Peevey, president of the California Public Utilities Commission, about balancing the region’s energy resources and stabilizing the grid. Since the fate of the San Onofre plant was unknown, SDG&E officials said they prepared for a summer without SONGS. Officials from the utility, which services 25 communities across San Diego and Orange counties, said barring unexpected emergencies, the 4,100-square-mile region should have adequate power supplies throughout the summer months. In a statement assuring customers, chairman and CEO of SDG&E, Jessie J. Knight, Jr. said customers may be asked to reduce their usage on hot days, when energy demands peak. The CPUC is also working with energy customers on conservation efforts. Rounding out ownership of the nuclear plant, the city of Riverside holds a 1.79 percent, non-operating, share. David Wright, general manager of Riverside’s public utilities department, said the city doesn’t anticipate any significant impact on rates and power supply as a result of Edison’s decision. While the fate of the San Onofre plant is all but sealed, the state’s public utilities commission is still investigating whether ratepayers are owed refunds based on the outage of the plant, caused by the malfunctioning steam generators. At the earliest, the commission could make a decision by July. Federal, State Officials React Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and anti-nuclear activists have celebrated the announcement. “I am greatly relieved that the San Onofre nuclear plant will be closed permanently,” Boxer said in a statement. “This nuclear plant had a defective redesign and could no longer operate as intended … and posed a danger to the eight million people living within 50 miles of the plant.” Boxer, chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, who has worked adamantly for stricter nuclear regulations and pushed for a heightened investigation into the San Onofre plant, added with the fate of the nuclear plant San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013

TIMELINE A Historical Overview of SONGS of $680 million. San Diego Gas & Electric, a partial owner of the plant, objects to the project due to its high cost. The replacement project, however, moves forward. September 2009: Unit 2 is taken offline to replace its steam generator. April 2010: Unit 2 is restarted. October 2010: Unit 3 is taken offline to replace its steam generator.

The first nuclear generator, aptly named Unit 1, at the San Onofre plant became commercially active in 1967. Here, progress in the 35th week of construction in 1965 is seen. File photo

1967: Unit 1 at San Onofre becomes active and begins commercial operation on January 1, 1968. At the time, it’s the largest commercial reactor in California with a capacity of 436 megawatts—more than six times the output of the now decommissioned 65 megawatt reactor at Humboldt Bay. 1982: Southern California Edison shuts down Unit 1 for refueling and maintenance. Although Edison initially proposed to keep the reactor offline for five months, pressure from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to increase safety at nuclear sites nationwide keeps Unit 1 shut down until November 1984 while seismic modifications are made. 1982: The NRC grants Edison operating licenses for Unit 2 in February and Unit 3 in November. Unit 2 and Unit 3 begin commercial operation in August 1983 and April 1984, respectively. November 1992: Edison permanently shuts down Unit 1 to avoid $125 million in required upgrades. As part of the decommissioning process, the reactor was defueled by 1999 and all spent fuel was placed into storage. The remaining decommissioning work involves soil remediation and grading. March 2000: The NRC extends Edison’s operating license for SONGS until 2022. The original licenses for both reactors were set to expire in 2013. 2004: Edison submits a proposal to replace steam generators in Unit 2 and 3 at a cost being clear, the decommissioning process needed to be done safely so it does not pose a “continuing liability for the community.” Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (RCalif., 49th District) called the permanent shuttering a loss for the community that places the health and safety of residents— already susceptible to failures in the power grid—at risk. “As we face a future without SONGS, I am committed to working with government and industry leaders to build longterm plans to preserve and strengthen grid reliability,” Issa said in a statement. Local Anti-Nuke Activists React For anti-nuclear advocates, the news

Between 2009 and 2011, aging steam generators in units 2 and 3 were replaced. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was contracted for the $680 million project. A steam radiation leak from one replacement generator in January 2012, would ultimately lead to the shuttering of the plant. File photo

February 2011: Unit 3 is restarted. January 2012: Unit 2 is taken offline for routine maintenance. On January 31, Unit 3 is shut down after plant operators discover a broken water tube in the steam generator led to the release of small amounts of radiation. Subsequent inspections uncover similar wear in Unit 2’s steam generator tubes. June 2012: NRC investigators discover that design flaws led to the degradation of steam generator tubes in Unit 3. October 3, 2012: Edison submits a proposal to the NRC to restart Unit 2 at 70 percent power for five months to verify the structural integrity of the steam generator tubes. November 1, 2012: Edison tells its investors that the company has incurred $221 million in net market costs, including $96 million for inspections and repairs, due to shutting down both reactors. Investors were also told that the company would seek reimbursement from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which manufactured the steam generators. November 8, 2012: The NRC rejects that Edison will close SONGS meant the end of a long fight, and as they gathered for a rally and press conference at the plant Friday morning, the mood was jubilant. Gary Headrick, the leader of San Clemente Green, which has been fighting the effort to restart the plant, was ecstatic by the news. “It’s a huge relief and very emotional,” Headrick said. “The only thing I can compare would be the days my children were born and there’s all that anxiety and stress, you want it to come out right. And then comes the moment where the reality is they’re healthy and they’re happy.” Headrick expressed hope that current plant workers could be re-trained to work

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a petition by the environmental group, Friends of the Earth, for a license amendment review for SONGS, but leaves the door open for one in the future. December 2012: Edison ships out the last of the four retired steam generators to a disposal facility in Utah. January 2013: The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, an independent quasi-judicial panel of the NRC, denies a petition by Citizens’ Oversight for a public hearing to discuss a possible amendment of Edison’s operating license. February 2013: Based on documents provided by Edison, Sen. Barbara Boxer sends a letter to the NRC, pressuring them to complete their investigation. In her letter, Boxer says Edison and Mitsubishi were aware of design flaws but failed to make necessary changes. March 8, 2013: Redacted documents from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries indicate the company failed to account for some of the conditions that led to the leak in Unit 2. Sen. Barbara Boxer puts further public pressure on the NRC to complete its investigation into Edison’s handling of SONGS. March 27, 2013: The Capistrano Unified School District tables a resolution calling for an adjudicated license hearing for Edison’s restart proposal, despite calls to do so from anti-nuclear activists. April 1, 2013: Edison submits a license amendment proposal with the NRC to restart Unit 2 at 70 percent power for five months. May 17, 2013: The ASLB rules in favor of Friends of the Earth’s call for an adjudicated public review of Edison’s restart proposal. The board says the environmental group had proven that the NRC’s investigation into the restart plant essentially amounted to a change in the way Edison intends to operate the plant’s license amendment. Although the board supported the group, they stopped short of setting a public review in motion. June 7, 2013: Edison announces it will shut down SONGS. in renewable energy. Gene Stone of Residents Organized for Safe Environment, said activists had won a victory with the closing of the plant, but that the fight would now move to how to deal with the spent fuel rods and other waste. “The NRC has this program to make every nuclear power plant a waste dump for 200 years. That’s totally unacceptable. Now our job moves from shutting down this dangerous nuclear power plant to getting it decommissioned and moved out … We are not, in any way, going to allow this to become a nuclear waste dump.” Jim Shilander, Brian Park and Andrea Papagianis contributed to this report. SC www.sanclementetimes.com


San Clemente Faces Uncertain Future Without SONGS Economic hit to city and charity organizations not yet known By Jim Shilander San Clemente Times


an Clemente officials were somewhat surprised by last week’s announcement that Southern California Edison would close the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, but the city will be forced to deal with the closure’s consequences for years and decades to come. City Manager Pall Gudgeirsson said Edison officials, who updated the city on an ongoing basis throughout the utility’s proposal to restart the facility, did not give any indication a decision to close the facility was coming. Gudgeirsson said there would certainly be an economic impact felt by the city, especially as layoffs are scheduled. According to Edison estimates provided to the city, 404 SONGS employees live in San Clemente, meaning an impact could be felt in the housing market if employees get jobs elsewhere or are forced to leave the area. In addition to employees working for Edison, the utility also supports a number of local events and organizations, including the San Clemente Ocean Festival

and Earth Day celebrations, and the San expressed hope they would find other Clemente Chamber of Commerce. positions, either locally or in the power Jen Tucker, the city emergency-planindustry elsewhere. ning officer, said there are no immediate San Clemente Chamber of Comchanges to the city’s emergency response merce President Lynn Wood called the plans based on the announcement “pretty closure. The Community disappointing,” especially “A lot of these Alert Siren System will as the local economy was stay in place as is, as will starting to show improvepeople do their the city’s emergency ments. preparedness training ex- grocery shopping “The power plant is still ercises in case of an issue going to be open for years, at the San Onofre plant. but there’s obviously or their clothes Mayor Bob Baker said going to be a significant shopping here. If he sympathized with the number of people out of 1,100 employees schedwork,” Wood said. you have a lot of uled to be laid off as a While local hotels and result of the closure. restaurants that housed people leaving the and fed contractors on “I’ve always felt San Onofre has been operated temporary assignment area, it’s all going safely,” Baker said. “I’ve would obviously be afnever been fearful of what to be affected.” fected by the closure, people say might happen. she said a large impact —Lynn Wood might also be felt by other I’ve always thought the decision should be left to businesses citywide. Since the experts, and the experts have made many of the employees of San Onofre the decision to close it down.” were younger and in a highly specialized Baker said during his visits to the plant, field, they seemed more likely to move he had been stuck by the professionalaway from the area than older employees ism and dedication of the employees, and might be, Wood added.

“A lot of these people do their grocery shopping or their clothes shopping here,” she said. “If you have a lot of people leaving the area, it’s all going to be affected.” The city is likely in a better financial position to handle the loss of San Onofre than it might have been in the height of the recession in 2008 and 2009. In terms of the city’s coffers themselves, San Clemente took in approximately $1.4 million in transient occupancy tax in 2011, the last year that SONGS was fully operational. The tax takes in proceeds from hotel, motel and vacation rental properties. What is also unclear at this time is the impact, if any, of the closure of SONGS on local charitable organizations supported by Edison. Edison spokeswoman Maureen Brown said Wednesday she had no information as to what effect the closure might have on local charities. Family Assistance Ministries executive director Mary Gray Perdue said the organization received an initial email about the decision, but had not received further information about whether or not the retirement of the plant would affect the support her organization receives from the utility. SC


CITY AND COMMUNITY CALENDAR Thursday, June 13 San Clemente MOMS Club Meeting 10 a.m. Group hosts a public music class for moms and their young children at the Rancho San Clemente park 150 Calle Aguila, 949.254.0011, thescottfamily@ymail.com. Pajama Storytime 7 p.m.-7:45 p.m. Listen to stories by the Sunshine Readers at the library and wear your PJs. 242 Avenida Del Mar, 949.492.3493, www.san-clemente.org. Coastal Advisory Committee Meeting 7 p.m. Ole Hanson Room in the Community Center, 100 N. Calle Seville, 949.361.8200, www.san-clemente.org.

Friday, June 14 Father’s Day Celebration Noon, Celebrate dads at the Dorothy Visser Senior Center with entertainment by Rick McClellan. 117 Ave. Victoria, San Clemente, 949.498.3322. Coastal Chambers Legislative Coalition Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1:30p.m. Five local chamber of commerce’s and city managers meet to give an update on each city and the State of South County. Held at Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa. Admission $50-$60, includes lunch. 25135 Park Lantern, Dana Point, 949.661.5000, www.lagunacliffs.com, www.sanjuanchamber.com.

Tuesday, June 18 City Council Meeting 6 p.m. Regular meeting in City Hall Council Chambers. 100 Avenida Presidio, 949.361.8200, www.san-clemente.org.

Wednesday, June 19 Planning Commission Meeting 4 p.m. Regular meeting in Council Chambers. 100 Avenida Presidio, 949.361.8200, www.san-clemente.org. SC Rotary Club Noon. Pride of the Pacific Bar & Grille, 150 Avenida Magdalena, 949.361.3619, www.sanclementerotary.org.

Thursday, June 20 Brain Boost Class 10:30 a.m. Class for seniors at the Dorothy Visser Senior Center. 117 Ave. Victoria, San Clemente, 949.498.3322.

Friday, June 21 Ribbon Cutting 11:30 a.m. Opening of Pet Treasures. 653 Camino de los Mares, 949.492.1131, www.scchamber.com. San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013


Compiled by Jim Shilander

PROPS, RECOGNITIONS AND MORSELS OF INFO Ocean Festival Hosting Fourth of July Event San Clemente Ocean Festival and Fisherman’s Restaurant are partnering to host a “Dinner on the Pier” for the Fourth of July fireworks show. For $60 you will receive a meal that includes barbecue ribs, chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, rolls and dessert, along with seating on the Pier to watch San Clemente’s fireworks show Spaces sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Cash or credit cards are accepted. For questions, or additional information, please contact Kaela at Fisherman’s Restaurant, 949.498.6390.

HeartChase Event on June 29 The American Heart Association’s HeartChase is coming to San Clemente, at the San Clemente Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 a.m.-noon. HeartChase allows all participants the chance to have an adventure in their own city and raise money to support the work of the American Heart Association. The event takes several teams of 2-5 throughout the city where they will solve clues to complete checkpoints—in the quickest time possible—to beat the other

SC Sheriff’s Blotter

iHope Seeking Donations for Charitable Store

caller reported hearing screams for help along with a fire alarm sounding off and on for 36 hours. The caller thought the screaming came from one person.

A woman picked up her drunken 16-yearold sister and called police to report that minors were being served alcoholic beverages by the owners of the establishment.

SUSPICIOUS PERSON/CIRCUMSTANCE Avenida Cordoba, 200 Block (11:39 a.m.) A woman called babbling on the line about her neighbor who wouldn’t stop scaring her. The caller would not stop talking or answer any of the dispatcher’s questions.

CITIZEN ASSIST Calle Portofino, 0 Block (10:55 p.m.) A man and his wife arrived home to find a note on their doorstep that read, “You have been warned.”

DISTURBANCE Camino San Clemente, 200 Block (8:08 a.m.) A man called to report a verbal fight with his girlfriend, because the girlfriend had caught him looking at another girl at the bar the previous night. The woman could be heard in the background pleading with the caller not to call 9-1-1.

COMPILED BY VICTOR CARNO All information below is obtained from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department website. The calls represent what was told to the deputy in the field by the radio dispatcher. The true nature of an incident often differs from what is initially reported. No assumption of criminal guilt or affiliation should be drawn from the content of the information provided. An arrest doesn’t represent guilt. The items below are just a sampling of the entries listed on the OCSD website.

Monday, June 10

Sunday, June 9

DISTURBANCE Paseo De Cristobal, 100 Block (1:05 p.m.) A girl called police when her 35-year-old mother was in a physical confrontation with her 72-year-old grandmother. Dispatch could hear yelling in the background when the girl put down the phone. The grandmother was transported to a local emergency room and the mother was arrested. Bail was set at $100,000. DISTURBANCE Via Malaga, 200 Block (12:05 p.m.) A

teams and be named HeartChase champions. This year, HeartChase San Clemente will be held in honor of Tony Carbonara, who passed away earlier this year from a stroke. Carbonara owned the popular San Clemente restaurant Carbonara’s Trattoria and was always willing to give in any way that he could by everyone he encountered. Tony Struthers, Chief Administrator at Saddleback Memorial Medical Center San Clemente Campus and the executive chair of the San Clemente HeartChase event spoke of Tony’s perpetual willingness to give and help those in need. “He was truly an icon in San Clemente. His presence at numerous community and social events was a given,” Struthers said. “I don’t think he ever turned down a request for help. He truly made San Clemente a better place to live and to work. His community philanthropy and service was legendary.” The season five winners of “The Amazing Race,” Chip and Kim McAllister, will emcee. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, registering, donating or acting as a volunteer, please visit our HeartChase event website at www.heartchasesanclemente. org or contact AHA staff representative, Megan Millar, at megan.millar@heart.org or 949.836.5693.

DISTURBANCE Calle Vicente, 600 Block (6:03 p.m.) Deputies responded to a call regarding an ongoing problem with a group of juveniles at the Calle Canasta Apartments. The group has repeatedly been seen littering and rolling stolen shopping carts down the hill.

Saturday, June 8 SUSPICIOUS PERSON/CIRCUMSTANCE El Camino Real, 400 Block (11:26 p.m.)

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iHope will be opening a fundraising store, iHope Gift and Thrift in San Clemente. The organization is accepting donations now, from Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 540 N. El Camino Real. The organization is looking for a number of items, including gently used men’s and women’s clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, purses, baby and children’s clothing and shoes, toys, games, surfboards, bikes, small appliances, dish/glassware, linens, draperies, home décor, furniture, books, picture frames, CD/DVDs, small electronics and flat screen televisions. For large item pick-up or other delivery times, call Sandy 949.279.3975 or info@ihopeoc.org. Mattresses, baby cribs, car seats, large appliances, large televisions and barbecues/ grills, cannot be accepted. The organization will be opening its store on Saturday, June 29 at noon. Have something interesting for the community? Send your information to editorial@sanclementetimes.com.

TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-UNKNOWN INJURIES Avenida Pico, 600 Block (4:25 p.m.) A woman walked into McDonald’s saying she had been involved in a traffic accident. The woman proceeded to pass out in the lobby. Orange County Fire Authority responded. SUSPICIOUS PERSON/CIRCUMSTANCES Avenida La Pata, 200 Block (3:02 p.m.) The mother of a 10-year-old boy told deputies that her son said a man was bothering him at the skate park and had bought him candy. SUSPICIOUS PERSON/CIRCUMSTANCES E. Avenida Pico/Avenida La Pata (12:49 p.m.) An older model red Toyota Corolla with a faded paint job was seen slowing down near an 11-year-old girl who was walking in the area. The caller thought the person in the car was possibly trying to pick the girl up. The driver of the vehicle reportedly sped off and ran a red light. www.sanclementetimes.com


CITY EDITOR Jim Shilander, 949.388.7700, x109 jshilander@sanclementetimes.com


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GUEST OPINION: Village Voice by Wayne Eggleston

City to Show Off its Patriotism Marine park to host special festivities July 4


he Fourth of July will be upon us very soon. Each year on the July 4, Park Semper Fi closes to the general public at 5 p.m. and we invite active duty Marines and their families for a potluck and to watch the spectacular fireworks at the Marine Monument. This is a ticketed event and reservations are required. The first year after the dedication we did not close off the site and unfortunately the landscaping and sprinkler systems were damaged, so we quickly learned that we needed to limit the activities. However, during the day, Park Semper Fi is open to the public and we invite everyone to visit. We will be selling patriotic fireworks T-shirts until 5 p.m. to support park maintenance and Marine programs. We appreciate your support. For fireworks and potluck after 5 p.m., Marines and their families, please call 494.498.4958 or heritage@marinemonument.com for reservations and tickets. Camp Pendleton has a new Commanding General 1st Marine Division replacing Maj. Gen. Bailey. The new commanding officer is Maj. Gen. Larry Nicholson, who is very familiar with San Clemente, as he was the commanding officer of the 5th Marine Regiment in 2005-2007. He deployed to Fallujah, Iraq in early 2006 and returned to Camp Pendleton in 2007. While he was stateside, he became a great friend of San Clemente and many in this community knew him well. After leaving Camp Pendleton, he served as the commanding general of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Task Force Leatherneck in Afghanistan. While attending a function at Camp Pendleton in 2007, I witnessed a very touching small private presentation by his fellow Marines, when off in a courtyard, they presented him with a plaque for his leadership. He is a “Marines’ Marine” and we are thrilled to

San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013

San Clemente Times, Vol. 8, Issue 24. The SC Times (www.sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the DP Times (www.danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (www.thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.




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have him back in San Clemente. Welcome home General. On June 6, the 5th Marine Regiment dedicated “Operation Enduring Freedom Monument” at San Mateo Memorial Wayne Eggleston Garden, Camp Pendleton. It was great to see so many San Clemente officials there: Mayor Bob Baker, Mayor Pro-tem Tim Brown, Councilman Jim Evert, City Manager Pall Gudgeirsson and Nancy Hunt, representing the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce. Also attending was Jim Dahl, former mayor of San Clemente, along with his wife Alice. They have always has been great supporters of the Marines, and have a grandson who is a Marine assigned to the President’s detail. The Operation Enduring Freedom Monument is the Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group’s idea and has the names of 80 Marines and Sailors from the 5th Marine Regiment killed in Afghanistan. San Clemente’s adopted unit, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines is part of the 5th Marine Regiment and our city contributed financial support for the monument. Marine Gen. John Kelly, who also lost a son in Afghanistan, gave the dedication speech. “From the bottom of my own broken heart, I am sorry. Now they join an unbroken list of heroes from other wars fought by the 5th Marine Regiment,” said Gen. Kelly, whose own son, Lt. Robert Kelly was a volunteer, as were all the other Marines killed in Afghanistan. Many of the families who lost their loved ones were in attendance and there was not a dry eye in the crowd. So this Fourth of July, among the barbecues and family gatherings, let us

Although I was against San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station shutting down, now that the powers-that-be decided to close the facility down for good, I would like to throw out a few suggestions to those who listen to logic—to at least preserve some of the unit— and put to use what’s left there. First, food for thought, the location for the plant could be converted into a major water treatment facility for the local area. Secondly, the plant could be converted into a desalination plant to provide potable water needed for the area. Third, the plant could be transformed into a gas-fired, steam power-generating plant for electricity. I am sure that the cost of any conversion would be monumental. The cost of scrapping is a major cost and a major headache is getting all the hot radioactive waste transferred out of the area. Even though I was for SONGS—in a way, I am kind of glad that they have decided to take that final decision and finally put an end to it.


I usually do not agree with Mayor Bob Baker but, I was moved by his pause to remember those who gave their lives from the battles of World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq to Afghanistan. Freedom is never free. Visit Park Semper Fi on the 4th and remember those from every branch that gave their ultimate sacrifice. Wayne Eggleston, former mayor and councilmember 1998-2010 is currently the Executive Director of the Heritage of San

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Guest Opinion column in the June 6-12 issue (Tree Policy About Being A Good Neighbor), on being a good tree neighbor. I live at the beach on the “second row,” near the mayor’s home. We had a panoramic view of the Pier, Catalina Island and Dana Point. Now our neighbors have virtually blocked that view with five huge palms. Mr. Baker points out that the city relies on neighbors ‘being good neighbors’ and counts on them to be respectful. A good neighbor would be willing to allow trimming and replace offending trees. Unfortunately, my neighbors have declined to remedy our situation. The fact that they are the only property owners on our street that have tall trees tells you something. It is fortunate that the city does not have a mediation system for these situations.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! To submit a letter to the editor for possible inclusion in the paper, e-mail us at letters@sanclementetimes.com. San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or the information written by the writers. Please limit your letters to 350 words.

Clemente Foundation, The Marine Monument, at Park Semper Fi. SC PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.




SC S a n C le m e n te

ON STAGE AT THE COACH HOUSE: ABC ABC, one of the most iconic bands of the 1980s, is coming to the Coach House, Sunday, June 16. We caught up with front man Martin Fry while on the road in the U.K. to talk about the show. Here’s some of what he had to say: SC TIMES: Will you be reprising your venerable hits such as “Look of Love,” “Poison Arrow,” and “How to Be a Millionaire”? FRY: Oh, yes, yes, yes! “When Smokey Sings” and “Be Near Me” too—for all you children of the ’80s. We will also play some of the newer tunes from Traffic our last album. The main emphasis of the show is the ABC back catalogue and the hits. Are there any new albums on the horizon? Been writing some new songs and a new album is in the pipeline. We know the Coach House isn’t Royal Albert Hall, but will you be including any backing orchestral music? Sadly, the orchestra won’t fit on your stage. Playing the Albert Hall is always great but the more intimate shows are equally exciting. There’s a greater sense of involvement in a smaller room. When you have down time, what occupies your day? Cycling I guess. My hobby is definitely long rides on two wheels. Other ABC front man Martin Fry. Courtesy photo than that, music, music, music! See ABC at The Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano in San Juan Capistrano, June 16. Doors open at 5 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $30. For tickets or dinner reservations, visit www.thecoachhouse.com or call 949.496.8930. —A.J. Bardzilowski


FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND ART SHOW 2013 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The Dana Point Fine Arts present an art show and sale in the Harbor along the boardwalk. 34624 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, www.danapoint.org.


SOUTH COAST SINGERS CONCERT 4 p.m. Familyfriendly concert with music from “across the pond” at St. Andrews by the Sea. Additional shows June 21 and 23. General admission $20. 2001 Calle Frontera, San Clemente, 949.613.7840, www.southcoastsingers.org.

A day-by-day guide to what’s happening in and around town. COMPILED BY TAWNEE PRAZAK


HANS AND JANINE 8 p.m. Live music at Sunsets. 34700 Pacific Coast Hwy., Capistrano Beach, 949.276.8880, www.sunsetsbar.com.

THE KALAMA BROTHERS 7:30 p.m.-11 p.m. Live music at Iva Lee’s. 555 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente, 949.361.2855, www.ivalees.com.


MOVIES IN THE PARK 8 p.m. The City of Dana Point kicks off the Movies in the Park series with The Lorax in Lantern Bay Park; free popcorn. 25111 Park Lantern Road, Dana Point, 949.248.3530, www.danapoint.org.


STATE OF SOUTH COUNTY MEETING 11:30 a.m.1:30 p.m. An update on five local cities and the state of South County. Held at Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa. Tickets are $50-$60, including lunch. 25135 Park Lantern, Dana Point, 949.661.5000, www.lagunacliffs.com.

PAINT SAN CLEMENTE PLEIN AIR COMPETITION GALA EVENING 12:30 p.m.-5 p.m. Kick off to the 12th Annual Paint San Clemente Plein Air Competition with local artists painting the city and competing for $13,000 in prizes. Today features the Quick Draw competition and art sale at the Community Center. 100 N. Calle Seville, 949.210.3658, www.san-clemente.org. POUL PEDERSEN 5 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Live music at DaVine Food & Wine along with wine tasting beginning at 4 p.m. Tasting fee $15 for five wines. 34673 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.493.4044, www.davine-wine.com. WILD CHILD 8 p.m. Doors tribute band at The Coach House. Tickets $20. 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, 949.496.8930, www.thecoachhouse.com.


BEN WOODS 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Live flamenco guitar at DaVine Food & Wine along with wine tasting beginning at 4 p.m. Tasting fee $15 for five wines. 34673 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.493.4044, www.davine-wine.com.

FATHER’S DAY ADVENTURE AT SEA 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The Ocean Institute hosts a special tallship cruise. Cost $35-$45. 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point, 949.496.2274, www.ocean-institute.org.

LORD OF THE STRINGS: FRANK VIGNOLA AND VINNIE RANIOLO 7:30 p.m.– 9:30 p.m. Concert at the Dana Point Community House featuring the award-winning kings of gypsy jazz. Tickets $30. 24642 San Juan Ave., 949.842.2227, www.lordofthestringsconcerts.com.

FATHER’S DAY WALKABOUT 8 a.m.-10 a.m. Get outdoors and create memories this Father’s Day with a docent-led hike complete with activities at The Reserve/ Richard and Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy. $5-$10. Call for info, 949.489.9778, www.theconservancy.org.

DAVID SPADE 8 p.m. Legendary comedian at Irvine Improv. Tickets $45. 71 Fortune Drive, Suite 841, Irvine, 949.854.5455, www.improv.com.

SUNDAY FATHER’S DAY BRUNCH 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Brunch and Gabriel on piano at The Cellar. 156 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.492.3663, www.thecellarsite.com.


LOCAL SUNDAY SESSIONS 6 p.m. Local musicians Lar Couso and Danika Thompson, Fatboy Experiment, and Country Roots perform at Cabrillo Playhouse. $5. Drinks available for purchase. 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente, 949.492.0465, www.cabrilloplayhouse.org.


TALK IN THE STATIC AND BLACK LABEL 10 p.m. Concert at OC Tavern. $5. 2369 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente, 949.542.8877, www.octavern.com.

San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013


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SAN CLEMENTE FARMERS MARKET 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Fresh produce, flowers and more every Sunday along Avenida Del Mar. Rain or shine.


OPEN MIC NITE AT THE COOP 8 p.m. Get behind an open mic every third Monday of the month at The Coop hosted by Jason Soderlund and Melody Ryan. 1506 Calle Valle, San Clemente, 949.441.1266, www.sanclementemarket.com.


WINE BOTTLE PATRIOTIC PAINTING 5 p.m. Special event at SC Wine Company. Call for pricing and more info. 212 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.429.7067, www.scwinecompany.com.



JORDAN PEREZ AND FRIENDS 7 p.m. Live music at StillWater. 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point, 949.661.6003, www.danapointstillwater.com.

DUSTIN FRANKS 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Live music at The Cellar. 156 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.492.3663, www.thecellarsite.com.


FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDRAISER 11 a.m.-close. San Clemente Friends of the Library holds a fundraiser at Selma’s Chicago Pizzeria, in which 20 percent of food and drink sales go to the library. 949.276.6342, www.sanclementefol.org.


SAN JUAN SUMMER NITES CONCERT 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Concert at Historic Town Center Park featuring music by Aces Up, food and drinks, kids activities and much more. Free admission. 31806 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, 949.493.5911, www.sanjuancapistrano.org. MIKE HAMILTON 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Live music at The Ribjoint 34294 Pacific Coast Hwy, Dana Point, 949.661.9500, www.ribjointdanapoint.com. *For our full calendar, visit the “Event Calendar” at www.sanclementetimes.com. Have an event? Send your listing to events@sanclementetimes.com www.sanclementetimes.com





SUDOKU by Myles Mellor Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium Last week’s solution:


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See today’s solution in next week’s issue.

GUEST OPINION: On Life and Love After 50, By Tom Blake

Misery Doesn’t Necessarily Love Company Mid-life singles prefer being alone versus stuck in a bad relationship


ost of the correspondence I receive from readers seeking advice usually falls into one of two categories: either how and where to meet someone, or how to get out of an unpleasant relationship. In my last column, I wrote about Susan, who had been in a yo-yo relationship for a year. Her boyfriend would do something to alienate her so she would pull away, and then he’d try to reel her back in. She was unhappy, but admitted that breaking away was difficult. Readers who responded to Susan’s plight seemed to agree on one point—being alone is better than being miserable in a relationship. Weltha said, “It’s nice to have someone, but nothing is worse than misery and heartache.” Wayne from Dana Point, said, “Life gets complicated as we get older and I’ve found it’s too hard to put together all the parts for a healthy relationship. Be with some-

San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013

one who enriches your life, not who detracts from it. It’s worse to be in a relationship that is unhealthy than to be alone.” Barbara, formerly of San Juan Capistrano, experienced a disastrous ON LIFE AND LOVE AFTER 50 later-in-life marriage. She By Tom Blake emailed, “Choose your spouse well, take the time to really know him, his past, what his intentions are. As a ‘mature adult,’ we don’t want to be taken advantage of; we want a relationship with a person who has integrity. Don’t jump into the sack for the wrong reasons. Being in a bad relationship is worse than being alone.” Andrea emailed, “Being alone, although not ideal, is far better than being stuck in a dead-end relationship that is not mutually fulfilling and/or beneficial—been there, done that. I have been single for more

years than I care to admit, but refuse to settle at this stage.” Do romantic relationships have to be perfect? Of course not. At our age, at any age, perfect isn’t going to happen. But relationships should be rewarding to both parties. And happy relationships do happen to older singles. Bill, one of my long-time Dana Point deli customers surprised me this week when he said he has moved in with his girlfriend. For the more than 20 years I’ve known him, he has been living alone. Bill said, “We get along beautifully, we have fun together and I thought, what’s wrong with me? Why aren’t we living together? Now we are and I’m so happy.” Then he whispered, “And we’re each saving $500 a month in rent.” I once met a woman who said, “I’ve been married and unhappy, and single and unhappy, and single and unhappy is better, because I can more easily correct the situation. If I’m stuck in an unhappy marriage,

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it’s more challenging to break away.” Older singles seem to agree that being alone is better than being in an unhappy relationship. Tom Blake is a San Clemente resident and Dana Point business owner who has authored three books on middle-aged dating. For more information, see www.findingloveafter50.com. To comment, email tompblake@gmail.com. This month’s age 50 plus singles Meet and Greet will be Thursday, June 27, at 5 p.m. at Tutor and Spunky’s Deli, 34085 Pacific Coast Highway #116 in Dana Point. For questions call 949.248.9008. SC PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com


Class of 2013 Answers Challenges at SCHS A

s San Clemente High School’s class of 2013 walked across the field to recieve their diplomas, the skies, which had been overcast throughout the afternoon suddenly opened up, and the sun shone down, just as the parents and loved ones of the soon-to-be-graduates might have hoped. In one of his final acts as principal at San Clemente High School, George Duarte told his assembled charges, their families, friends and well wishers about a talk he gave the same group almost four years earlier. Duarte said he challenged the class of 2013 at their freshman orientation in 2009 to become the most academically successful in the history of the school and to set new standards throughout the campus. That challenge, Duarte said, had not only been undertaken, but also met, and even surpassed. The Class of 2013, he said, helped to set new standards, in terms of Advanced

Placement, International Baccalaureate and nearly all other measurements at the school. The class earned the highest Academic Performance index score in the school’s history, and garnered more than $1.8 million in funds from colleges and universities. In addition to academic performance, the class achieved high marks on the field, including a number of CIF championships and league titles, and on the stage, with dance and singing titles, sold out musicals and plays. But after the formalities were completed, after the tassels were turned and caps thrown about the Thalassa Stadium ground, it was the camaraderie that showed what the class of 2013 is really about. It was in the way students rushed to hug one another, both in genuine excitement over their shared accomplishment and their excitement about what is ahead. The future of the class of 2013 is yet to be written. But they couldn’t have hoped for a better start.


Time Will Change Us, but Nothing Will Replace Our Memories Top scholar’s commencement speech urges fellow grads to embrace the future while treasuring the past By Jennifer Kilduff, San Clemente High School Scholar of Scholars


ello and welcome. When we entered this school as freshmen, no one could have predicted the way we would turn out. Time and experience have shaped each of us into our own unique person, and today marks the beginning of our future. The past four years have been long and the past four years have been short. We have measured the passing of time from the class periods until the end of the day, the weeks until spring break or the semesters until graduation. Where the time has gone is not clearly defined; it seems like last month, rather than last year, when we were on this field during the bomb threat, and we will never forget the excited feeling of skipping school during the teacher strike as freshmen. Yet as we sit here today, as nervous for our future as we were the first day of high school, we must find a way to wrap up the past four years of our lives within this short ceremony. It may seem easy to get swallowed by the crowd or feel insignificant, when 670 of us sit here dressed the same, while thousands of other high schools across the countries send off millions of their own seniors. But we have all spent our time in high school in different ways and this has defined who we are. Our time is our greatest gift, and we have gone through the years with different friends, hobbies and classes, shaping each of us into unique individuals that will bring something different to the world. Small actions can ripple through and affect us in larger ways than we may be aware, making every second significant in determining our future. Overall, the way that I choose to conclude high school is to appreciate the time spent with the people surrounding me. While the future may cause us to drift apart and form new relationships, no memory with your best friend in college or work can replace the memories of your old friends back home. Time will continue to change us, but these changes will be a continuation of the person we became through the memories made and the people we met in high school. Thank you and good luck.



San Clemente High School Graduates Students with bold names are valedictorians. Students with * after their names have achieved academic distinction.

Austin Cruz Aceves Luis Antonio Adame Courtney Brianna Adams Madison Brandin Adler* Thomas Ahola Estevan Gabriel Alejo Anthony James Alfaro Margarita Annette Alimonda* Austin James Allen Ryan Warren Alvarez* Emily Susan Ambach* Scott Isaac Anderson Mercy Asrial Lafiguera Ang David Edwin Anthony Emma Rachelle Armijo Jessica Marie Arredondo Malu Justine Arreguin Nicholas Anthony Assous Daniel Joseph Atkinson Sydney H. Atkinson Tanner James Augello Alexander Ayala Bardia Bahadori* Cheyenne Alexander Bahrami Christian A. Bailey Dustin Jay Baldwin James Paul Bankson* Veronica Barajas Tyler Jordan Bardzilowski* Cameron Glenn Barfield Dylan Edward Barker Grant Barker* Brett Thomas Barnett Wendy Garcia Barragan 4 | SC TIMES GRADUATION SPECIAL

Bethany Christine Barrios Alanna Taylor Barry* Cody Gunnar Bean Kristen Tyra Beauchamp Katarina Terese Bellomo Adrian Walter Benkert-Langrell Peter Thomas Bennett Cassidy Marie Benson* Melia Rose Bernal Ballard Tyler James Bernd Jordyn Bishop David A. Blindell Dakota Brianne Boitnott Raina Michelle Borum Chandler Joan Boyd Elizabeth Camille Bracken Wyatt William Brady Shawn Michael Brassard Jessica Nicole Briscoe* Kristina Marie Brittain Ryan N Brounley Kyleigh Lynn Brown* Jacob Tyler Bryson Seth Daniel Brzykcy Lukas Jons Juris Buell Robert Quinn Burns Denton Jay Burt Sean Michael Butler* Cody Mitchell Byrd Monika Veronica Cabrera* Victoria Catherine Cadzow Brogan Lee Call* Brie Angela Camilleri Maria Guadalupe Campos

Jeremy Ryan Cappon* Meghan Rose Cappon* Helen Cardenas Kirstyn Nicole Carlson* Ethan Zane Carlston Andrew Christopher Carlton Marco Antonio Carrillo Jonah Khair Carter Robert Casler John Vincent Castellini Eric Christopher Castle Colby Rae Castruita Francesca Cavada* Mayra Lizeth Ceja Alexandra Jaclyn Chadwick* Tiffany Lang Chau Cristian Chavez Melissa Jade Chmelik Ian Christner* Cole Perry Churchill Matthew Garrett Clark Haley Alexandra Clarke* Braden Kyle Cleaver* Tessa Ellen Clinebell Dylan Taylor Colby Vivian Loreen Coley* Cynthia Colin Ashley Madison Collins Brodie Garrison Collins Michael David Conley Juan Manuel Contreras Steven Anthony Contreras Landon Mack Cook Seamus John Corbett*

Dillon Nicholas Corder Cristian Cordova Reyna Abigail Corrales Gage Michael Costales* Garret Costello Derek Michael Cousineau Matthew Noah Cover William Evans Cox* Colette Marie Coyle Jamie Lynn Craft Hunter Garrison Crane Cinthya Cruz Jonathan Daniel Culley Natalie Jeanne Culp Alyssa Jade Curtis Jeffrey Michael Curtis James Brodie Curwood Miranda Clair Curwood Anna Renee Custis* Emily Christine Czaja Lauren Marie Daill* Kendra Dee Dand Summer Raye Daniels Valerie Suzanne Davis Paul Sherman Davison Brian Richard De Gennaro* Matthew Louis De Palma Selah Noelle DeCew* Cameron J. Devore Shane Landau Dewees Joel Anthony Diaz-Maaele Dylan Donofrio DiGiacomo* Daniel Dat Dinh Thomas Christopher Dolkas Sean Thomas Donnelly* Clara Desiree Dossland Troy Christopher Duffy* Madeline Frances Dugan-Carr Bryan Prado Dunn Madelyn May Dunn Ellie Lauren Durant Gannan Richard Eck Garrett Taylor Edwards* Grant Daniel Eggers Brock M. Eissman Shane Leighton Elias-Calles Conner R. Elliott Jacqueline El-Sokkary Jake Aaron Empero Jonelle Nichole Engberg* Jade Nicole Enyeart Jenna Kristine Erickson* Ulyses Esparza Javier Esquivel Adam Hussein Essayli Amanda Rae Estrada Margarita Estrada Cayla Mieko Evans Amata Marie Evenson Juan Carlos Falcon Siena Catherine Falvo Kyle Wayne Fehd Devon Tyler Ferguson Gabriela Figueroa Toby J. Fisher* Victor Curtis Flener Anthony John Flores Christopher Romero Flores Erika Pasay Flores Janie Louise Flores* Sergio Armando Flores Bryce Jeffrey Foote Heather Ashley Foreman Rebecca Jade Formway Brooke S. Forstie Ingrid Knutsdotter Fosheim

Rachel Julia Fradella Kristen A. Francisco Kevin Franco Ethan Lance Frederick Elizabeth Ann French Spencer Curtice Fry Travis Alan Fry* Sydney Renee Fuertes Shane David Gallion Erika Maltese Gant Anthony J. Garcia Diana Karina Garcia Edith Noemi Garcia Reilly William Gardner Jacqueline Rose Garrett Brianna Marie Garriott Joseph William Gaskins Kathryn Margaret Georgi Amanda Clare Giannelli Ryan Paul Gibby Regan Lee Gillotte Christopher Vincent Glaser* Patrick Dylan Glenn Chandler Michael Gohres* Carlos Gomez Elizabeth Gomez Emmanuel Gomez Fatima Jasmin Gomez Joseline P. Gomez Lauren Taylor Goudge Deisy Melissa Gracia Alexis Jane Graff* Joseph Josiah Granados Dajuan Antrell Grant Makena Noel Graves* Gabrielle Dezirae Green Brogan Shea Griffin Amanda Laurel Grimes* Abigale Lynn Grosveld Brandon Kyle Guerin Isaac Maurice Gyenes Peter Michio Hada Dylan Jacob Hadley Faith Mychal Hadley Jesse Hahs Ashlynn Victoria Hall Elizabeth Anne Hall Kayleigh Elizabeth Hall Keahna Morgan Hall Andrew James Hammer Montgomery James Hansen Paul Joseph Hansen Dylan Harding* Sean Patrick Harlow Chad Allan Harry Alexander Ronald Hart* Savannah Reese Hartunian-Booth* Brooke Danielle Hartwig Emma Lee Hatanaka Joshua Michael Hayes Megan Elisabeth Hayes* Alex Christopher Haynes Elizabeth Zhou Hays Jennifer Zhou Hays Joshua Thomas Hegewald Kristin Ashley Henry Jacob Edward Heredia Marisa Catalina Hernandez* Alina Nichole Herr Alexander Urzua Herrick Christian J. Hicks Courteney Marie Higley* Leo Scott Hijikata* Kelley Anne Hill* Mackenzie Angelica Hintz (Cont. on page 6) WWW.SANCLEMENTETIMES.COM

Congratulations SENIORS

SCHS Graduates (Cont. from page 4) Brittany Nicole Hitt* Sierra Lauren Hobson* Brianna Louise Hohmann* Cody Christopher Horton* Aubrey Shayne Howell Olivia Lark Howland Amanda Michelle Huffman Madison Cailyn Huffman Chandler Michael Hull Sutton Andrew Hulse Ricky Burnell Humes* Samuel J. Hunter June Martha Huston* Cassidy Shawn Ingle Samantha Nicole Irizarry Rachael Leyla Islek Sydney K. Jackson Stephanie Zuleyma Jacob-Zamora

Loredana Jacoy* Deandre T. James Katie Ann Jameson* Evan Lesheng Graf Jan Kassandra E. Jaramillo* Justin Nima Jeffers Branden Scott Jessee Savannah Jessee Miranda Anne Jimenez* Eric Enrique Jimenez-Kearney

Alexa Brooke Johnson Kyle Russell Johnson Madisyn Nicole Johnson Claire Ann Joiner George J. Jully* Ian Robert Justeson Katrina Caryl Karn Sara Nicole Kebede Ryan Patrick Keeley Janel Collette Keim

Kathleen Carissa Kelly* Bryson Chandler Kelso Brooke Danielle Kerger* Jennifer Elizabeth Kilduff Daniel Gordon Killberg Melanie Nicole Killian Hanna Lauren Noel Kirwan Lauren Ann Kitts Justin Daniel Kleinman* Anna Rachel Klevit

Mason N. Klink Elizabeth Brownwell Koch Elyse Yuri Kojima Samuel Jon Kolysko Brian Lawrence Konopka Alexandra Marie Kookootsedes Haley Suzanne Kool* Ian Madison Olaf Kos Justin J. Kozesnik Jonas Jaymes Kruse Luke Alan Krut Naomi Kurihara Nathan Burns Kurszewski Corey James La Barrie Dominick Vito La Bella Mikayla Ann Lacebal* Kaylee Stevens Lafferty Taylor Penelope Lamb Holly Elizabeth Lamm Katelyn Bailey Lamothe Tanner Matthew Larsen David William Larson Joshua Conrad Larson Nathan E. Larson Logan Keone Laubach Matthew James Laurent Morgan Kristina Leal Briana Marie Lehman* Alexandra Hart Leininger Matthew James Leiss Jeremiah Luke Leland Koby Michael Light Brandon Ortega Lind Elisha Marie Lisath Wyatt Murphy Lischalk Meagan D. Lombardi Matthew Robert Long Cory Michael Lopez

Isabel Lopez Christian J. Lopez-Guerra Rachael Anne Lottie Sabrina Lee Lounsbury Quanxin Lu Kimberly Asalia Luevano Alec Samuel Luna Andrew Thomas Luna Angela Michelle Luna Sheyla Luna Eric Matthew MacDonald Tristonn Jacobb Malizia Reilly Kathryn Manos Cody Robert Maples Tanner David Maready Bryce Edward Margro Ryan Mariano Jesus Jair Martinez* Victoria Ann Martinez Isaac Rene Mata Samuel Alexander Mathias Mitchell Thomas Mathieu Kasey Erin McCartney Megan Kelly McCracken* Colin Patrick McDermott* Shelby Ann McEntire Gabriella Elizabeth McGann Laura Anne McGarigle Brooke Nicole McGinley Aaron Weston McGinnis Austin Joseph McGowan Monique Paige McIntosh Grace Ann McKendry* Briana Marie McKnight Sarah Ann McQueen Norma Medina Hannah Pearl Mednick Sofia Dora Medrano Jesus Mendoza Marcus Jordan-Fredrick Meredith Ciara Rose Mestaz Cassandra Margaret MichalakFrey Bret Colin Miller Hans Foster Million Alexis Marie Miner Guillermo Giovanny Miranda Tomas William Mitchell Tyler M. Mocklin Karen Molina Samira Monshietehadi Derian Reymond Monteon Chase C. Moore Thomas Steven Moore* Hannah Aloha Morrill Stephen A. Motacek Matthew Dylan Murphy Sean Patrick Murphy WWW.SANCLEMENTETIMES.COM

Sean Michael Murphy Justin Matthew Murray Kaira Nagai Kayla Therese Nagaoka* Aakash Nagavalli* Julia Rose Najd Anthony Jordan Nakamura Joshua R. Nance Serena S. Neidermayer Rayne Sienna Nelson Hannah Ann Neser Hong Jing Ngov Joshua Scott Norman Makenzie Gail Northrup* Robin Jill Oliver* Christian Jacob Orpineda Garrett Patrick O’Toole Cody Shane Page* Brieana Alexis Pagliaro Scott Arthur Panici Melissa Anastasia Parmelee Christian Scott Parong Timothy O’Rourke Parten Anna Elizabeth Partridge* Cassandra Lee Passalacqua Marshall Keoni-Pierce Pautsch* Nayeli Pedraza Faviola Rios Perez Alexander Stuart Perkins* Jessica Francis Pesch Deanna Marie Peter Christopher Steven Pfahl* Corrinne BaiLee Pickle Nicholas Schyler Pignone Anthony William Pinelli Enrique Pintle Francesca Patrice Pinto* Albert Jacob Pitkethly Jade Christine Plummer Nicholas Allen Podley Colby Mitsuko Pong Casey Thomas Powell Jordan Reece Powell Taylor Lynn Powers Paige Aubrey Principato Robert Martin Racke Michell Ramirez Victor Valentin Ramirez Terrence Lee Rand Jack Sebastian Rausch* Jedidiah Blasé Ravera

Morgan Sierra Reeves Rachel M. Resnick Andrew Marcos Reyes* Cristian Caudillo Reyes Kendall Letticia Reynolds Sydney Austin Reynolds* Hollie Marie Richards James Augustin Martin Richards William Lockhart Buie Richards* Derek Michael Richens Jordan Bryce Riggs Susanne Irene Riley Matthew Robert Rinehart Jean Pierre Rivera Payan Ashley Rodriguez Rossana Jimenez Rodriguez Nancy Rodriguez Garcia Brennan Kean Roy Samuel Asher Rurup Jacob John Russell Cameron Stuart Ryan Robert Justin Ryley Boden Mitchell Rys* Jacob Vincent Sandoval Quinn Scanland Blake Stephen Schmid Rebecca Nichole Schmidt Spencer Rae Schmitz Katelyn Marie Schneider* Casie Ann Schuffels Kevin August Schulz Reese Adam Schwab Ian Albert Scott Jonathan Parker Scott Galileo Godinez Servellon Andrew Naru-hiko Sherman Breena Michele Shoaf Andre Alver Sillas Rick David Simpson Kaylen Rae Sims Hailey Ann Smith John Edward-Shelton Smith Jonah Peter Smith Lauren McKenzie Smith Lindsay Kathleen Smith Sierra Cassidy Smith Stephen Daniel Smith Westin Sterling Smith* Courtney Skye Smullen Tessa Marie Snavely John Christian Snyder

Katie Ann Snyder Athena Amal Sobhan Sylvia Melinda Solis* Tyler Zachary Sommer Anthony Michael Sommers Torin Thelander Souviney Julia Marie Grace Spencer* Zachariah Matthew Stabley Morgan Victoria Stadick Summer Alyssa Staeb Francesca Von Sydow Staggs* Robert Samuel Stamer* Ryan Christian Steel Bricelyn Rock Steimle Robert Erwin Stiefel Katija Dawn Stjepovic Allie Kei Sugano Natalie Noel Swart Ana Daniela Tamariz-Jones* Bailey Samantha Tanner Alexandra Megan Taylor Breyden Taylor Hudson Gregory Taylor Jayson Alexander Taylor Jacob David Terkoski Jake Michael Thomas Brittney Alexandria Thornton Trevor Robert Thornton Thomas D. Tissiman Connor William Tobia* Zuri Sadai Toral Angeles Anthony Toro Estefany Tovar Grant Edward Townsend* Alexis Courtney Trask Tosch Daryl Truman

Caroline Tully Savannah Lynn Tumbrello Daniel Reed Tuthill Morgan Marie Twitchell Natalie Nichole Tye Samantha Jean Ulph Edwin Valdivia Oscar Vasquez Jazmin G. Vega Richard Christopher Vega Natalie Grace Velarde Alejandro Velasquez Gabriel Velazquez Sandro Gianni Viola Sara Ellen Virag Shayla Nichole Vittone Madeleine Miriam Louise Vollebregt* Hannah Margaret Wall* Tyler Scott Wallace Brock Richard Walsh Colby Jacob Ward Joshua Devonte Washington Joseph Tlaloc Watson Johnny Louis Wedge Karley Kristine Westman* Isabelle Botticelli White Karina Rose White Lauren Kyoko Whitney* Benjamin Mackenzie Whittle Amanda Nicole Wiles Rachel Nicole Wilford* Anne Marie Williams Ryan Elliot Wilson Mitchell A. Wingard Emily May Winkelmann* Derek Russell Winokur Taylor Jeannette Wolfe Marsol Dylan Wood Bradley Keith Woznica Helen Rose Wright Lena Cheng Wu Dorrian Faith Wyatt Sarah C. Wyman Jacob Michael Yackley* Jonathan Daniel Yarbrough John Robert Yoder* Lucas David Yoder Paige Lanae Yomogida Jamar L. Young Tatym Alyxa Young Robyn Lynn Zeidman Cole Simone Zerboni Gage James Zerboni* Sophia Marie Zobrist* Savannah Renee Zoller Tylor Clarence Zwick This list was provided by the school and may not include some names, per parent request. SC TIMES GRADUATION SPECIAL | 7

SCHS Senior Awards Presented May 30 International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidates Thomas Ahola Jasmine Asadi Peter Bennett Melia Bernal Raina Borum Sean Butler Ian Christner Braden Cleaver Derek Cousineau Matthew Cover Bryan Dunn Aaron Gutierrez Emma Hatanaka Elizabeth Hays Jennifer Hays Ian Justeson Anna Klevit Ian Kos Justin Kozesnik Gabriella McGann Samira Monshietehadi Joshua Norman Melissa Parmelee Colby Pong Casey Powell Lily Raji William Shepherd Andre Sillas Jonah Smith Robert Stiefel Daniel Tuthill Hannah Wall Isabelle White Sarah Wyman 8 | SC TIMES GRADUATION SPECIAL

National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Students Derek Cousineau Sara Kebede Melissa Parmelee Isabelle White National Achievement Scholarship Finalist Sara Kebede Advanced Placement Scholars AP Scholar Madison Adler Thomas Ahola Raina Borum Robert Burns Melissa Chmelik Natalie Culp Emily Czaja Valerie Davis Shane Dewees Brooke Draguesku Jonelle Engberg Sydney Fuertes Ashlynn Hall Kayleigh Hall Kristin Henry Leo Hijikata Sierra Hobson Amanda Huffman Madison Huffman Eric Jimenez-Kearney Janel Keim Lauren Kirwan Haley Kool Matthew Laurent

Alexandra Leininger Megan McCracken Austin McGowan Martin Pfeifer Nashossa Raulston Celeste Seifert Summer Staeb Ana Tamariz-Jones Jessica Yib AP Scholar with Honor Austin Allen Chandler Boyd Matthew Cover Alyssa Curtis Conner Elliott Heather Foreman Erika Gant Kathryn Georgi Chandler Gohres Emma Hatanaka Elizabeth Hays Chandler Hull June Huston Rachel Islek Evan Jan Justin Jeffers Sara Kebede Ian Kos Justin Kozesnik Caili McDaniel Briana McKnight Sofia Medrano Samira Monshietehadi Melissa Parmelee Christian Parong Cassandra Passalacqua Lily Raji James Richards Nancy Rodriquez Garcia Casie Schuffels

Breena Shoaf Andre Sillas Jonah Smith Robert Stamer Alexandra Taylor Natalie Walczak Hannah Wall Jacob Yackley AP Scholar with Distinction Peter Bennett Melia Bernal Sean Butler Braden Cleaver Derek Cousineau Bryan Dunn Aaron Gutierrez Jennifer Hays Ian Justeson Sean Kelly Jennifer Kilduff Alexandra Kookootsedes Gabriella McGann Joshua Norman Colby Pong Casey Powell William Shepherd Robert Stiefel Daniel Tuthill Sarah Wyman Isabelle White Lena Wu National AP Scholar Derek Cousineau Athletics Female Athletes of the Year Nominees Madison Huffman-Cross Country

Sydney Fuertes-Soccer Desiree Driscoll-Lacrosse Caroline Tully-Softball Cassandra Jaramilllo-Swimming Ashlynn Hall-Tennis Brittney Thornton-Track Colby Pong-Water Polo Makenzie Northrup-Volleyball Francesca Pinto-Basketball Female Athlete of the Year Sydney Fuertes Male Athletes of the Year Nominees Cody Maples, Baseball James Bankson, Basketball Sean Harlow, Football Robert Burns, Lacrosse Gage Zerboni, Soccer Trevor Thornton, Surfing Robert Stiefel, Swimming/Water Polo Sergio Flores, Cross Country Jack Yoder, Volleyball John Castellini, Wrestling Ryan Mariano, Tennis Male Athlete of the Year Gage Zerboni Triton of the Year Triton of the Year Nominees Sarah Kebede Caili McDaniel Andre Sillas Isabelle White Sarah Wyman Triton of the Year Isabelle White WWW.SANCLEMENTETIMES.COM

San Clemente Graduates from Other Area Schools

Capistrano Valley Christian Daniel Robert French Gary Kingsley Muller Luke Christian Stevens Dana Hills High School Emilie A. Christensen Jeffrey Thomas-Wesley Evans Rebecca Danielle Gold

Courtesy of Capistrano Valley Christian

Saddleback Valley Christian Devan Carpentier Savanna Ray Matthew Rexinger Forrest Lohman Jacob Wade St. Margaret’s Episcopal School Joseph H. Carpenter Gianni G. Carson Madisen K. Clanton Brandon M. Clements Tara C. Eddo Maddi B. Larsen Sebastian A. Luna Hunter L. A. Matthews Alexandra R. Rodriguez Samuel P. Rubenacker Raffaele S. Saposhnik William L. Schmall Elliott A. Schwartz 10 | SC TIMES GRADUATION SPECIAL

Courtesy of JSerra Catholic High School

JSerra Catholic High School Travis Ferdinand Agbayani Alyssa Elizabeth Ahle Elle Marie Avery Hannah Marie Bailey Bailey Beth Bianco William James Bissontz MacKenzie Elizabeth Brandon

Chase Alexander Brenner Amy Christin Buff Ronald Martin Cestari Thomas Cox Christiansen Michael Norman Cronk Cara Michelle Cummings Rachel Anne Ingle Dupont Josephine Maeva Duran Ryan Michael Fitzpatrick Luis Salinas Gonzalez

Talia Michele Gutierrez Jennifer Lucille Gyepes Aryanna Hamidi Devin John Herd Blake Adam Houser Julia Margarita Kenefick Nicole Lynne Klopfer Seung Hyun (Andrew) Lee Brittany Lauren Leland Colby Ann Lindholm

Riley Crane Manciet John Francis McCarthy Saseen Tony Najjar Lorin Richard Ortega Katy Nicole Puccinelli David Christopher Sanders Kelsi Kailani Silveira Conner Nicholas Thomsen Robert Cristofer Nicolas Turner Danielle Ann Von Der Linden WWW.SANCLEMENTETIMES.COM


Final Tribute Marines who fell in Afghanistan honored with memorial dedication Text and photos by Jim Shilander San Clemente Times


ollowing a cross-continent trip and months of planning, the monument honoring 89 Marines and Sailors of the 5th Marine Regiment who lost their lives during the unit’s deployment to Afghanistan was officially unveiled June 6 at a ceremony at Camp Pendleton’s San Mateo Memorial Garden. The monument now sits across from its twin honoring those killed during the war in Iraq. The memorial was a project of the Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group, and sponsored by the cities of Dana Point and San Clemente, as well as support organizations from Costa Mesa, Santa Margarita and Laguna Hills and others. Alicia Williams—who lost her nephew, Cpl. Jose Maldonado on Dec. 17, 2010—and her family made the trip to Camp Pendleton from South Texas to participate in the ceremony and to make a rubbing of Cpl. Maldonado’s name, now memorialized in granite, along with his fellow fallen. “It’s very sad that I had to do this, but I’m very glad that I made it,” Williams said. “He was a good boy. I loved him

Marines listen intently during the dedication ceremony.

A model of the Operation Enduring Freedom Memorial sits next to a pair of empty boots, symbolizing the loss of a Marine’s life.

so much. He was the son I never had.” Lt. Gen. John Kelly, the highest ranking officer to lose a child in combat in Afghanistan, told the families and Marines present that after his own son was killed, he was able to reach out to members of his unit to get to know the

Alicia Williams gets assistance from Cpl. Travis Higbee in creating a rubbing of the name of her nephew, Cpl. Jose Maldonado, one of the Marines killed during deployment to Afghanistan.

men who had served with his son as a way of remembering him. He encouraged the families to do the same, especially since many would still have comrades in the service or who are currently stationed at Pendleton. “There’s nothing anyone can say to take the unbelievable sadness from your hearts,” Kelly said, speaking from his experiences as both a Marine and a father. Col. Roger Turner, the commanding officer of the 5th Marines, said the memorial’s place would remain a hallowed one at the base, especially now. “It’s really great because a lot of these guys who served in Afghanistan are still here at the base,” Turner said. “They can come here and reflect and pay their respects. A lot of the older guys will tell the stories to new Marines.” Terry Rifkin, president of the 5th Marine Support Group, helped to unveil the monument, alongside Col. Turner. The group has been working on the project for over a year, raising their own funding as well as seeking the support of the cities of South Orange County that have adopted units of the 5th Marine Regiment. “Seeing all of these Marines here, this is probably the most special occasion I’ve ever attended,” Rifkin said. “This will be something that lasts beyond us.” SC

Lt. Gen. John Kelly addressed the loss of his own son, as well as the reasons for fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, at the dedication ceremony.

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Images/Creative Solutions 949.366.2488 2927 Via San Gorgoinio, Ste. 100, www.imgs.com


South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 Kreative Hair Design 109 Calle de los Molinos, www.southcoastfurniture.com 173 Avenida Serra




ASAP Appliance Service 949.361.7713 Oasis Heating & Air 949.420.1321 3200 Legendario, www.asapapplianceservice.com 31648 Rancho Viejo Rd. Ste. A, www.oasisair.com



San Clemente Art Association 949.492.7175 100 N. Calle Seville, www.scartgallery.com

BEAUTY SUPPLY Del Mar Beauty Supply 949.492.8180 150 Avenida Del Mar, Ste D, www.delmarbeauty.com

South Coast Furniture & Mattress 109 Calle de los Molinos, www.southcoastfurniture.com



Complete Business Insurance 949.943.9081 647 Camino de los Mares Ste. 108, BOOKS www.HelpYouInsurance.com Mathom House Books 949.361.1633 GIS/Galvez Insurance Services, Inc - 949.240.7445 83 Via Pico Plaza, www.mathomhousebooks.com License # OE75910. 940 Calle Negocio, Ste. 170, Village Book Exchange 949.492.1114 www.gisgalvezinsurance.net 99 Avenida Serra

CHIROPRACTIC CARE Christiansen Chiropractic 903 Calle Amancer, Ste. 230, www.christiansenchiro.com



Lure of Chocolate, Gourmet Foods & Gift www.LureofChocolate.com 949.439.1773 Schmid’s Fine Chocolate 949.369.1052 99 Avenida Del Mar, www.schmidschocolate.com

COINS 949.350.4692 Kevin

South Coast Furniture & Mattress 109 Calle de los Molinos, www.southcoastfurniture.com


MOLD REMOVAL Jarvis Restoration -24/7 949.362.5388 1393 Calle Avanzado, www.jarvisrestoration.com



Brian Wiechman, 949.533.9209 Equity Coast Mortgage, a division of Pinnacle San Clemente Computer & Network Services daniel@sanclementecomputer.com 949.276.1581 Capital Mortgage, www.equitycoastmortgage.com

CONCRETE Costa Verde Landscape License: 744797 (C-8 & C-27), www.costaverdelandscaping.com

MOTORCYLE PARTS & SERVICE 949.361.9656 SC Rider Supply 949.388.0521 520 S. El Camino Real, www.scridersupply.com



Danman’s Music School 949.496.6556 Eric Johnson, D.D.S. 949.493.9311 www.danmans.com 647 Camino de los Mares, Ste. 209, Janet Poth - Violin & Viola 949.922.6388 www.drericjohnson.com 413 Calle Pueblo, janpoth@aol.com

ELECTRICAL Arcadia Electric www.arcadiaelectric.com


ESTATE PLANNING, PROBATE, TRUST Lange & Minnott 1201 Puerta Del Sol, Ste. 203


FURNITURE South Coast Furniture & Mattress 109 Calle de los Molinos, www.southcoastfurniture.com


GLASS SCRATCH REMOVAL Bayside Window Cleaning, Inc. www.baysidewindowcleaning.com


South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 109 Calle de los Molinos, www.southcoastfurniture.com

PAINTING KC Painting & Decorating 949.388.6829 3349 Paseo Halcon, www.bringcolorintoyourlife.com


Colony Termite Control 949.361.2500 1402 Calle Alcazar, www.colonytermite.com


SALONS Salon Bamboo 949.361.3348 150 Avenida Del Mar, Ste. A, www.salonbamboo.com Salon Bleu 949.366.2060 207 S. El Camino Real, www.scsalonbleu.com Sanctuary Salon & Spa 949.429.5802 1041 Avenida Pico, Ste. B, www.sanctuarytalega.com

SECONDHAND/CONSIGNMENT SHOPS South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 109 Calle de los Molinos, www.southcoastfurniture.com The Bargain Box 949.492.2800 526 N. El Camino Real, www.capistranovalley.assistanceleague.org

Colony Termite Control 949.361.2500 1402 Calle Alcazar, www.colonytermite.com

PHARMACIES Sea View Pharmacy 665 Camino De Los Mares, #101 www.seaviewpharmacy.com


TILE & STONE INSTALLATION Kohler Tile Contracting


WATER DAMAGE 949.361.0680

Jarvis Restoration -24/7 949.362.5388 1393 Calle Avanzado, www.jarvisrestoration.com



Tutor Toes 949.429.6222 A to Z Leak Detection 949.499.4464 111 W. Avenida Palizada, Ste. 11, www.tutortoes.com 1218 Puerta del Sol, www.atozleakdetection.com WEBSITE DESIGN Bill Metzger Plumbing 949.492.3558 1218 Puerta del Sol, www.billmetzgerplumbing.com San Clemente Website Design 949.246.8345 Chick’s Plumbing 949.496.9731 www.sanclementewebsitedesign.com www.chicks-plumbing.com


PRESCHOOLS San Clemente Preschool 163 Avenida Victoria, www.sanclementepreschool.com



Bayside Window Cleaning, Inc. 949.215.2323 www.baysidewindowcleaning.com Clear Windows 949.485.8793 San Clemente, www.clearwindows-llc.com


Printing OC 949.388.4888 Offshore Construction 27134 Paseo Espada #B 203, www.printingoc.com www.offshoreconstruction.org


PSYCHOLOGISTS Manny Tau, Psy.D., PSY14892 888.949.5150 300 S. El Camino Real, Ste. 218, www.drtau.com

REAL ESTATE Antonio Fiorello, Forté Realty Group 949.842.3631 San Clemente, www.forterealtygroup.com Marcie George - Star Real Estate South County marciegeorge@cox.net 949.690.5410 McDaniel Gilmore Group - Surterre Properties www.livetalega.com 949.464.3226 “Sandy & Rich” - ReMax www.sandyandrich.com 949.293.3236


Designer’s Magic Flooring 949.496.1926 Dr. Alice P. Moran, DMD 949.361.4867 (GUMS) 638 Camino de los Mare, Ste. G-105, www.designersmagiccarpetandflooring.com 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. K, www.moranperio.com


Jim Thomas Roofing 162 Calle de Industrias


PHOTOGRAPHY 949.361.9656 949.276.2956 Costa Verde Landscape License: 744797 (C-8 & C-27) www.costaverdelandscaping.com Memories Of Me Photos www.memoriesofmephotos.com


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RESTAURANTS Café Calypso 114 Avenida Del Mar #4


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EDUCATION MUSIC WITH MOMMY CLASS The San Clemente MOMS Club is hosting a free music class for moms/dads and young kids at Rancho San Clemente park on Thursday, 6/13 at 10:00am. Please call Cindy at 949-254-0011 to rsvp.

GARAGE SALE LISTINGS ARE FREE! Email your listing to info@sanclementetimes.com. Deadline 5pm Monday. No phone calls. SERVICES LOCAL HOUSEKEEPER OR OFFICE CLEANING Reliable, affordable, meticulous. Excellent references. 949-456-2376 San Clemente Times June 13–19, 2013

Page 19



Car Show Brings Thousands Downtown Event may grow next year to include North Beach cruise By Robyn Wyman-Dill Photos by Jim Shilander San Clemente Times


he San Clemente Car Show, held on June 9, brought over 25,000 car enthusiasts into the community to awe the 260 buffed-out vintage cars lining Avenida Del Mar. During the five-hour event, attendees got to see a variety of models— from a dozen or so Woodies, gullwing Mercedes, classic muscle cars from the ‘50s and ‘60s and a 1923 Ford T-Bucket. Proceeds from the annual event enable the Downtown Business Association to provide greater opportunities within the SC business community in years past. David Anderson, the chairman of the SCCS for the last 14 years, said he was very happy overall. “I’m very pleased with the crowds this year,” Anderson said. “We were fortunate with the weather being overcast, too. Too much sun just overheats the cars and rain has never been good for bringing out the crowds.” The event may be joined by a 50-to-60 car show organized by members of the North Beach Community Association next year. A “meet and greet” event for participants and a Saturday night cruise are also under consideration. SC

Mike and Laura Reilly created Starfish Sign Printing & Graphics last year as both a creative outlet and as a way of providing a service for area businesses. Photo by Jim Shilander




SC S a n C le m e n te



A SUCCESSFUL SWIM 4 A CURE On June 8 swimmers of all skill levels came together in the second annual Swim 4 A Cure, an event put on by Swim Across America, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to prevent, fight and treat cancer. SAA’s slogan is “making waves to fight cancer,” and at the Vista Hermosa Aquatics Center, they did exactly that. The event raised over $18,000 and brought together 125 people, truly creating a wave to be reckoned with. “I was thrilled that it was such a huge success and I was excited to see

SC Blues Advance to US Youth Soccer Far West Regionals

Participants at the Swim 4 A Cure event pose before jumping in the water at the Vista Hermosa Aquatics Center. Courtesy photo

so many smiles,” event director Steve Hops said. The day was filled with swimming and raffle contests under the direction and commentary of event emcee Byron Reidenbaugh. Howard Burn and the organizing committee provided plenty of new and successful ideas to make

the event a success. Prizes such as surfboards, wetsuits, rounds of golf and cruise excursions were awarded. All of this added up to one cheer-filled day, in the name cancer prevention and treatment, according to Hops. “This year’s turnout was just as big as last year’s, and I’m determined to do year number three,” Hops said. —Victor Carno



he San Clemente Little League AAAM Muckdogs had to play the AAAM Bulls three times in 16 days over the course of the City Championship tournament. Both teams advanced through the American League bracket and it was only fitting that the two met in the championship game, where the Muckdogs ultimately prevailed following a 13-7 extrainning win on May 31 at Vista Hermosa Sports Park. The Muckdogs are: Trent Stacy, Kevin


fter a long and successful club soccer season, the So Cal Blues youth soccer club saw three of their teams claim the Cal South State Cup in their respective age groups. After capturing the State Cup, the three teams earned an automatic bid to the US Youth Soccer Far West Regional Championship in Hawaii, which will be played from June 17 to 23 in Honolulu. The Far West Regional features the top teams from each western state and the So Cal Blues girls U13, U14 and U19 teams, which are made up of several San Clemente residents, will represent California. A win in the regional stage will ensure a berth in the in the US Youth Soccer National Championship in July. Regional competition will be unlike anything else the So Cal Blues players experience all year. The seven-day format is four days longer than a usual tournament, according to U13 coach and the club’s Co-Director of Coaching Tad Bobak. Aside San Clemente Times June 13-19, 2013

from the tournament’s long schedule, the Blues players will be competing against some of the top teams in the nation. “It will be taxing on the mind of the players, playing highly competitive teams in tough conditions,” Bobak said. “Knowing how to be a disciplined athlete is going to play a big role in their productivity.” San Clemente residents on the So Cal Blues U13 team are: Lauren Brzykcy, Madelyn Desiano, Erika Wiles and Ellie Winkelmann. Makenzie Bradley is the lone San Clemente resident on the club’s U14 squad. Bradley was part of an historic team that did not concede one goal in the Cal State Cup, which ended with a 1-0 shutout over Celtic Hoops in the finals on May 19. San Clemente’s Naomi Willet (Notre Dame) and Janae Cousineau (Texas A&M) play for the club’s U19 squad, which is made up of college players who come home for the summer. For updates on the So Cal Blues march through the Far West Regional tournament, visit www.sanclementetimes.com. SC

Kraatz, Caleb Rogers, Matt Martin, Jake Waterman, Luke Berry, Dylan Schiro, Sammy Peters, Thomas McCorkle, AJ Stowers, Carson Nicholson and Cole Geach. The team was coached by Tom Martins. SC


The U14 So Cal Blues Ali team (pictured) is one of three youth soccer teams representing the San Juan Capistrano-based club at the US Youth Soccer Far West Regional Championships, June 17-23. Courtesy photo

By Steve Breazeale San Clemente Times

The AAAM Muckdogs won the San Clemente Little League American City Championship on May 31. Courtesy photo


ocal soccer club SC United had a productive weekend at the Joy Fawcett Classic Tournament, June 1-2, as the girls U11 and boys U12 teams both finished runner-up in their brackets. The boys U12 team was undefeated heading into the championship match, having defeated Beach FC, Cypress FC and United FC before losing to the Pateadores 3-1 in the final. The SC United boys U12 team is: Daniel Tuscano, Leo Sanchez, Elijah Tomlinson, Sean Sullivan, Lucas Pattinson, Kyle Sroka, Jonas Perez, John Rudnicki, Samuel Perez, Matthew Economos, Gage Roberts, Ian Fu, Beau Merritt and William King. The team was coached by Eric McManus. The girls U10 team drew even with SC Athletics Dilbeck before winning their next game against Fram U10 White, 3-0. In the finals SC United lost to DBeast Mode 1-0 on penalty kicks.

Page 22

SC United boys U12 team finished in second-place at the Joy Fawcett Classic Tournament. Courtesy photo

The SC United girls U10 team is: Alexa Houmis, Ashley Haas, Grace Cason, Julia Tanner, Katie Rogers, Katrina Shoga, Kaylee Conrad, Kelsie Yamano, Lily Redmond, Makena Coury, Madolyn Duplanty, Madelyn Poole, Madynn Bray, Mckenna Nelson and Mia Bost. They were coached by Michael Kirkland. SC www.sanclementetimes.com


A Triton Worth Honoring Brad Baker to be inducted into San Clemente Football Hall of Fame By Steve Breazeale San Clemente Times

an Clemente football head coach Jaime Ortiz might have put it best when summing up the program’s soon to be Hall of Fame inductee Brad Baker. “Wherever Brad Baker goes, national championships and winning follow,” Ortiz said. The line is fitting for a man who has won as much on the field wearing the red and black as off it. Baker, 36, was the blue collar, hard hitting offensive tackle and team captain for the Tritons in the mid-90’s. His list of accomplishments at both the high school, collegiate and professional levels include All-CIF honors, All-State Junior College honors, two national championships and dozens of other accolades. On June 14 Baker will become the 18th player inducted into the San Clemente football Hall of Fame following the annual Hall of Fame Golf Tournament at Talega Golf Club. Baker, the assistant principal at Marco Forster Middle School, is proud of his accomplishments on the gridiron, there’s no doubting that. In fact, he regularly accredits football and the lessons learned from it for guiding him into his chosen career path—education. Baker was never the stand out student growing up in San Clemente. He coasted through Concordia elementary and Shorecliffs Middle School, never focusing his full attention on the classroom. Baker chalks it up to several issues, including


Triton Report By Steve Breazeale

MARIANO, VALKO OUSTED FROM ROUND OF 16 The successful postseason run put together by the San Clemente tennis duo of Ryan Mariano and Nic Valko came to an end on June 7, when the two were defeated by University’s Arash Hafezi and Eric Tseng in the CIF-SS round of 16 at Seal Beach Tennis Center. Mariano and Valko were not a regular doubles team for the Tritons for a majority of the season but were paired together late and made their march to the round of 16 by winning their opening two matches back on May 22. The doubles squad earned a first round bye at the San Clemente Times June 13-19, 2013

Former Tritons football captain Brad Baker will be inducted into the program’s Hall of Fame on June 14. Photo by Steve Breazeale

his parents separating and the death of his grandparents, which led to a difficult stretch in the youngster’s life. “I wasn’t interested in learning at that time because I had a lot of things going on in life,” Baker said. “I needed to mature. I wasn’t a terrible kid…But I just didn’t want to be in class. I wanted to be outside.” By the time Baker reached San Clemente High his big frame was starting to fill out and the football field was beckoning him. As a 6-foot-1-inch, 290-pound sophomore Baker was brought up to varsity and put under the guidance of head coach

Mark McElroy and the Tritons coaching staff. The success in football quickly followed as Baker and the Tritons reached the playoffs for the first time in 20 years and barnstormed their way to the CIF-SS semifinals. The victories on the field were nice, but they were not translating to the classroom, as Baker struggled to keep his GPA above 2.0, the minimum required to be athletically eligible. Being around his teammates and coaching staff every day in high school is what fueled Baker to try harder. “Those guys really took me in. I could have gone the other direction and not passed classes but they really took me in and helped me and taught me a lot of lessons about life, more than just football,” Baker said. Playing football for USC had long been Baker’s dream. He felt it was his calling to play football at the collegiate level and attend his grandfather’s alma mater. But after being told by a San Clemente teacher that college might not be in the cards, Baker suddenly felt the switch flip on. “I felt like I disappointed my family and myself my senior year…I just decided I’m going to give this school thing a try... I finally decided to take ownership over my learning,” Baker said. He went to Saddleback College and aced his classes, earning a 4.0 GPA in his first semester. The ability to pick and choose the classes that interested him inspired the college freshman. Baker lined up on the football field

and aced that challenge as well and the Gauchos went on to claim a national junior college championship that same year. “All of this stuff in the past about not being a good student kind of washed away and now I had this confidence that I could do college,” Baker said. Baker would eventually transfer to Azusa Pacific University, where he got his B.A in education, and win another college football national championship. After that he went on to earn his master’s degree in educational leadership from Chapman University. In an ironic turn of events Baker is now working towards his doctorate at the school of his dreams—USC. In eight days Baker will travel to Costa Rica to conduct research on the impact of large foreign investment companies on schools and universities and how that relates to their quality of education. Baker now spends his days offering guidance to the children of Marco Forster who need that extra nudge in the classroom. He uses a football coaching style approach in which he sets goals for the kids and has them work as a team to help accomplish larger ones, like graduating from high school and going to college. It’s a perfect fit for the man who, at one time, was in the same scenario as the kids he now mentors. The relationships built between his fellow teammates, family, friends and coaches is what Baker says helped him achieve so much in life. On June 14, those same people will stand and applaud as he is enshrined in Tritons football history. SC

next stage, which placed them into the round of 16 match with Hafezi and Tseng. MAPLES NAMED TO ALL-CIF BASEBALL TEAM Senior Cody Maples was a versatile and effective two-way player for the San Clemente baseball team in 2013 and on June 11 he was awarded All-CIF Division II honors. On the mound Maples was the owner of a 6-3 overall record and a sparkling 0.45 ERA. He was also a regular presence in the middle of the San Clemente lineup, where he batted .333 to go along with 12 RBIs and three home runs. LUCAS, JACK YODER NAMED TO ALL-CIF VOLLEYBALL TEAM For their efforts in contributing to one of the more historic San Clemente boys volleyball seasons in recent memory, Lucas and Jack Yoder were named to the All-CIF Division I volleyball team on June 11. Lucas, an outside hitter, and Jack, a setter, are committed to USC and will travel to Los Angeles in the fall.

(From L to R) Seniors Dan Caresio, Cody Maples, Brock Eissman, head coach Dave Gellatly, Shane EliasCalles and Jake Terkoski on the field for the Ryan Lemmon Classic on June 7. Courtesy Photo

TRITONS BASEBALL SENIORS REPRESENT SEA VIEW LEAGUE IN RYAN LEMMON CLASSIC Five San Clemente baseball players ended their high school careers on June 7 by playing in the Ryan Lemmon Senior Showcase game in Irvine. Seniors Brock Eissman, Jake Terkoski, Page 24

Dan Caresio, Cody Maples and Shane Elias-Calles were a part of the Sea View League team that squared off against the Pacific Coast League at Windrow Park. Tritons head coach Dave Gellatly was a part of the coaching staff in the exhibition game. www.sanclementetimes.com




SC S a n C le m e n te


The PacSun USA Surf Team is making waves at the 2013 International Surfing Association World Junior Surfing Championships, June 8 to 16, in Nicaragua. And by press time every team member had successfully surfed their way through the Round 3 qualifiers to advance on to Day 4 of competition. Of the dozen athletes (and one alternate) representing the United States—in a field of 300 from 30 countries—half hail from San Clemente, Dana Point and Capistrano Beach. The local members of the team are Kevin Schulz, Colton Ward, Griffin Colapinto and Tia Blanco from San Clemente, Lulu Erkeneff from Dana Point and Luke Davis of The PacSun USA Surf Team at opening ceremonies. Photo courtesy ISA/Tweddle Capistrano Beach. The remainder of the team is made up of Cam Richards from South Carolina, Nikki Viesins from Florida and Californians; Parker Coffin (Santa Barbara), Colin Moran (Costa Mesa), Jake Marshall (Encinitas), Frankie Harrer (Malibu) and the alternate is Thelen McKinna-Worrell, also from Malibu. An update sent Wednesday from Nicaragua by the coaching staff and Surfing America Executive Director Greg Cruse said, “Team USA had a great day with all of our surfers winning their heats in the main round and only one going to the repechage in one of the most stacked heats of the day. Please watch them live and cheer them on. This is team is fired up and we need your support to bring a gold medal back to the USA for the first time in decades.” Log on to see updated results, videos and watch the live webcast at www.isawjsc.com. —Andrea Swayne

Catch a Wave at Doheny Surf Fest By Andrea Swayne San Clemente Times


he Doheny Surf Fest is set to ride its second wave, June 29-30 at Doheny State Beach, 25300 Dana Point Harbor Drive in Dana Point. The event marks year two for the surf culture and beach lifestyle festival to benefit, enhance and support Doheny State Beach and the Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association. “The Doheny Surf Festival is a celebration of surf culture and all things surf. Doheny State Beach has a rich surfing heritage, as it was one of the first beaches surfed after Duke Kahanamoku and George Freeth introduced surfing to Southern California in the early 20th Century. Because of its gentle waves, Doheny is where many Southern California surfers stood on a wave for their first time,” said Bill Brooks, president of the Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association. Proceeds from this event will be utilized by the DSBIA to support interpretive events in the park, such as the Halloween Haunt, the summer Junior Ranger program, Doheny’s whale walk, summer campfire programs and native plant restoration, Brooks said. The festival operated as Surf-A-Rama for four years before expanding to a two-day


Tandem surfers put on a show at the Doheny Surf Festival in 2012. Photo by Barry Siegel

Festival attendees try out surfboards and Indo Boards at last year’s Surf Village. Photo by Barry Siegel

event last year with the new name, a larger offering of entertainment and the inclusion of San Onofre and San Clemente State Beaches as beneficiaries. This year’s event is back to focusing on Doheny Beach and the DSBIA. Surfing demonstrations (tandem and noseriding), a stand-up paddle competition and a legends expression session will be part of the fun. The Doheny Longboard Surfing Association will also be holding their annual ’60s Vintage Surf Contest featuring competitors riding classic surfboards from the 1960s. For more information, log on to www. dohenylongboardsurfingassociation.org.

The “Surf Village” at the event will include arts, crafts, collectibles, surfboards, SUPs, other beach gear, environmental education, food, beer garden, a free concert on Saturday (Common Sense, Trevor Green, Aloha Radio, Kevin Miso) and much more. Admission is free. Reservations for booth space at the festival are still being taken. For more information about booking space in the Surf Village, contact Leila at the ActivEmpire at 949.280.2419 or brasilbabe@me.com. For more about the event, find Doheny Surf Festival on Facebook or log on to www. dohenysurffest.com. SC

SURF FORECAST Water Temperature: 66-70 degrees F Water Visibility and Conditions: San Clemente: 6-10’ Poor+ Catalina: 10-15’+ Poor-Fair Immediate: A small scale mix of NW windswell and SSW groundswell on Thursday and Friday for waves mainly at or under waist high, 1-3’. Light/variable to light onshores Thursday morning give way to a moderate westerly seabreeze in the afternoon, with similar looking winds for Friday. Long Range Outlook: Minor swell mix continues into the weekend. Some new SSW swell shows by the end of the weekend into early next week. Check out Surfline for all the details!

RESULTS Rip Curl GromSearch 2013 Series, Event No. 1, June 8-9, Huntington Beach, 9th Street BOYS 16U: 1. Kalani David, Hawaii; 2. Nolan Rapoza, Long Beach; 3. Chris Murnane, Carlsbad; 4. Davis Freud, Huntington Beach. BOYS 14U: 1. Nolan Rapoza, Long Beach; 2. Kei Kobayashi, San Clemente; 3. Mickey Clarke, Ventura; 4. Griffin Foy, Fullerton. BOYS 12U: 1. Eithan Osborne, Ventura; 2. Tyler Gunter, Newport Beach; 3. Finn McGill, Hawaii ; 4. Tommy McKeown, Oxnard. GIRLS 16U: 1. Ashley Held, Santa Cruz; 2. Brisa Hennessy, Hawaii; 3. Juli Hernandez, Costa Mesa; 4. Meah Collins, Costa Mesa. MANEUVER OF THE EVENT: Marley Peck, Florida.

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