Envirolet®/Santerra Green Composting Toilet Systems Installation & Operation Manual
Please read this manual carefully before installation and follow all guidelines for proper system performance. Sancor Contact information USA 1-800-387-5126 CANADA 1-800-387-5245 DIRECT +1 416 299 4818 EMAIL support@sancorindustries.com WEB sancor.ca
Envirolet® USA & WORLD envirolet.com CANADA envirolet.ca EUROPE envirolet.eu NORWAY enviroletnorge.com FINLAND enviroletfinland.com
Manufactured by Sancor Industries Ltd. 341 Marwood Drive Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7P8 Canada
Santerra Green™ santerragreen.com
Write down your system info here for future reference: MODEL ____________________________ SERIAL NUMBER ____________________________ DATE OF PURCHASE ____________________________ 7MINS11D