August/September 2021 Sand & Pine

Page 36

( Be Inspired )


MY HEART BROKE WHEN THE “ART CART” STOPPED going around to classrooms. This reality highlights that we live in a data-dominated world—a measurable world where artificial intelligence and technology influence our daily decisions, from where to focus early education to which route will be fastest on our commute to work. 34 | SAND& PINE MAGAZINE August/September 2021

The loss of the art cart in classrooms sent a message that there was no room in the curriculum for skills that were not measurable by tests. It set up art and creativity as something at odds with the new emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. An evolving world suggests that we pivot to STEM, but should we have to leave the arts behind in order to do so? All of us, but most especially children, need creativity and art to live healthy lives. It’s vital that we as a community make sure our kids have access to the creative outlets that their brains desperately need for development. Creativity is the freest form of self-expression. Something pure and satisfying is sustained when children are able to express themselves openly and

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