Jo-Hsuan Chang Portfolio 2014

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Jo- Hsuan Chang Portfolio


章 若 萱 / Jo-Hsuan Chang Taoyuan, Taiwan +886 986 650 063

學 歷 / Education 2009 台灣 台北 市立中山女子高級中學 Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School, Taipei, Taiwan 2014 台灣 台北 實踐大學 工業產品設計學系 Shih Chien University Department of Industrial Deaign, Taipei, Taiwan 實 習 經 歷 / Intern Experience 2012, 6 - 8 祈樂創意股份有限公司 Joyvine Creatives Inc. 2013, 11 - 2014, 2 漢藝廊 Han Gallery



Anti-g Series

Furniture Design



Furniture Design


Floating Strainer

Teaware Design


Stuck up

Furniture Design


O heater

Appliance Design


Butter Cutter

Tableware Design




Sketch Practice


3D Modeling

Medical Equipment Design

將斗拱去除掉厚重的外型,以線展現其力的結構, 並以新的的手法去重新表現斗拱的結構以及他受 力的強度。 To represent the structural strenghth of Dougong, it’s heavy-weight aesthetics is removed and replaced with linear propertices.


• Material: wood/stainless steel • Dimensions: 380 x 450 x 500 mm

• Material: wood/stainless steel • Dimensions: 950 x 450 x 900 mm


簡化斗拱外型 保留受力點並以線連接

Simplifying the form of Dougong remaining and joining the force pivot


the transformation of different forms of Dougong

保留斗拱的結構,將原本的大量的體積減去,以細的金屬焊接出支架,配合 桌面及椅面的厚重感,產生出細與粗、虛與實的對比。 把斗拱的支撐點以點的方式互相連接,形成了只有支點與線的結構。取斗拱 在建築中應用的兩種形式轉換為點、線的外觀,再加以組合成為新的結構。

Removing it’s mass while preserving the Dougon’s structure, a constrast of positive and negative space is created via the combination of the thick table top and seating surfaces and the thin metal supporting it. I connected Dougong’s pivots to each other, forming a structure with lines. Taking Dougong’s two different forms in construction, and transformed them to brand new appearance. Then, combined them into a new structure.


將支架輪廓描繪出來後,為了找出最適合承重的角度,學習高第聖家堂的重 力系統的方法,將重物吊掛在繩子上,靠著地心引力把最適合此結構的角度 找出,才有確定的支架結構。

Imitating the method of the gravity system of La Sagrada Família Hanging weights on ropes - to get the best angle.


椅面的部份以三個單元組成,嘗試幾種不同組成方式,為了使高凳的承 重能穩固,椅腳的三個支點必須為正三角形才不會因重心偏移容易傾倒。 除此之外也要考慮到椅面的大小、與人的接觸面積,一般的圓凳面大多 在直徑 30cm,所以經過多次的實際比對及測試之後決定使用以下圖左 二的組成方式。 The seat is composed by three units. After several times trying to make

stool stable, the pivots of the legs must connect into an equilateral triangle to avoid the dump by the barycenter offset.

Additionally, the size of the seat and the contact area with people must be considered. Most of the stool surfaces are 30cm in diameter. After actual comarison and testing, I decided use the second combination.

390x320 mm

370x340 mm

400x370 mm

400x380 mm

將實驗出的結構用於製作高凳,運用中國建築結構簡化的骨架搭配上細 的不鏽鋼條,下方細的結構去支撐人的重量,產生出對比。 Using the trasformed structure to make the stool. On the bottom is the combination of the reduced structure and thin stainless steel. In contrast, the thin structure can support the weight above.


翹頭案是古人用來欣賞手卷,比如《江山萬里圖》、《清明上河圖》,看 的時候要橫向打開。高度是符合人站立時賞畫的高度,兩側翹起的部分是 為了防止軸滾到桌下毀了字畫。

“Qiao tou an” is a kind of table for apreciating painted scrolls like “A Boundless View of Landscape” and “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” which needs be opened laterally. The height suits the user to enjoy the paint and write when standing. The tilt on both sides is in oder to avoid scrolls roll down.


把實驗出來的結構組成桌子的支架,在桌子的兩側加入翹頭案的 語彙,利用它將放置在上方的桌面與支架結合,翹頭的部分既可 以產生視覺上的變化,又有實際的功能。而翹頭案大多在桌腳的 部份會有雕刻裝飾,在 anti-g table 上則是運用了斗拱的特徵- 同時具有結構性與裝飾性,讓原本的明式家具轉化為現代風格 的幾何造型。

Adding the feature of “qiao tou an” in the experimental result, use it to combine the desktop and the stand. Raised portions not only make it visually change but also has practical function. “qiao tou an” mostly has carved decorations on its legs, and Anti-g uses the feature of Doungoung- decorative and structural to transform the Ming-style furniture to a modern and geometric style.




遮去不願被人看見的,並把美麗的事物展示出來。 利用滑塊拼圖的結構,讓使用者輕鬆移動遮版。 Covering the mass and show the beauty. By Using the structure of sliding puzzle, it can be move easily.


• Material: wood/iron • Dimensions: 1600 x 800 x 400 mm


每當家裡有客人要來的時候,總是會把東西往櫃子塞,眼不見為淨 ! 從這樣的想法出發,不只是將雜亂或不想被看見的東西藏起來,更是將 美麗的東西展示出來,使得空間不只乾淨整潔,更能增加美觀。

There is a saying that goes, "far from eye, far from heart." When guests coming, many people will put everything in the canbinet, wardrobe even under the bed. From this idea, I think that except for hiding the mass, showing the beautiful things is also can make the space better.


使用滑塊拼圖的結構,遮版即是原本的拼圖,畫框則是 最後卡上固定的圓框。

Learning the structure of sliding puzzle, the board is puzzle and the fram is the last part of the pazzle that usually as a fixture.


視障者在生活上有許多不便,希望藉由此設計讓視 障者能夠輕鬆優雅的泡茶。 There are lots of inconvenience in visually impaired's lives. This design can let them make tea easily.


• Material: PP/iron • Dimensions: 40 x 50 x 150 mm


視障者在倒水時無法用目測知道水位的高低,一般來說會將手放在杯口,當水 到達手指時,就代表水已經滿了。

Visually impaired is hard to know water level when they pour liquid into a cup. In general situation, they just need to put their finger on the rim of the cup, using the sense of touch, to feel the water level.

若是把室溫的水換成熱水或是飲料,即便可以適用手指去確認水位,卻會使得 手弄髒或是被燙傷。

In other situation, hot water or soft drink, these would make them inconvenience or even get hurt.

Floating Strainter 是一個造型簡約的泡茶器,利用浮力使得它浮起,視障者藉由觸摸器具而非直接觸碰液體就可以知道水位。下方放置茶葉的部分,拆下時可作為 茶匙,方便使用者直接舀茶葉。其構造像是針筒一樣,拉起尾端的拉環將空氣吸入,使得本身可以在水中浮起,將空氣排出後則會沉入底部。 使用時將要泡製物放入下方卡上後,拉起拉環吸入空氣,將 Floating Strainer 放入杯中,接著注入熱水或是其他飲品,另一手去觸碰上方得知水位,之後將空氣釋 出,使得 Floating strainer 沉入水中,待茶泡好後即可飲用。

Floating strainer is a strainer with simplicity style. By using buoyancy, it can float in water. Visually impaired can touch it to know the water level. The matal part can be a teaspoon. The stucture is like syringe. Pull the plunger to take in the air, so it can float. You just need to put tea leaves in, then combinate it and take in some air. The following is putting it in the cup and pouring hot water in to the cup. At the same time, user can touch Floating strainer's top to know the water level.



利用纖維的特性,將不織布折疊後作為收納空間與 座椅,可把閱讀到一半的書或是筆電、平板都可收 納其中。 I used non-woven and folded it to make a seat and storage space. Users can put their books, magazine or pad in it.


• Material: non-woven fabric/iron/wood/EVA • Dimensions: 40 x 50 x 150 mm


將布堆疊後,因疊的密集而有支撐力,用此特性製成椅子。選用不織布,柔軟、 舒適,在與人接觸時不會不舒服。 細縫可做為收納 - 使用者可以閱讀,而閱讀到一半的書或是筆電包等物品可以 收納在堆疊的縫隙中,因為布料的特性摩擦力大不會輕易掉落,也不會刮傷物 品。 收邊 - 利用斜針縫以黑色不織布代替手縫線。

This seat was made by non-woven. After stacked it repeatly, it became stronger to support a person. Because of non-woven's soft and comfortable, it is good for using. Storage Space- Users can put the book hasn't finished, pencil box or laptop bag into the slit. You never be worry about your thing will be scratched. Using slanting stitch and replace Hand sewing thread to non-woven.



參 考 dyson 的 Air Multiplier Fan, 利用白努利定律將熱風送出。 Refering to Air Multiplier Fan of dyson, O heater uses Bernoulli's principle to let warm wind flow.


• Material: PP • Dimensions: 280 x 140 x 350 mm


市售的暖氣機大多是功能導向,在外型上的選擇並不多,O heater 以單 身女性為目標族群,在造型上像是仕女包,移動它時就像拿著包包,並且 在顏色上使用馬卡龍色系,讓使用者有不同的選擇。

Most of heater are function-oriented. The choice of appearence are seldom. O heater is a kind of heater that setting single women as target audience. It is like a lady's handbag. 3 macaronic colors can be choosen by users.

因熱對流,熱空氣上升、冷空氣下降,即使將 O heater 放在地上也能使室內空 氣達到平衡。

Because of thermal convection - warm air rises, cooler air drops and replaces warm air. Even O heater is on the ground, the indoor temperature still can reach equilibrium.

無扇葉電扇送風的原理是,將空氣擠入一個寬僅 1.3 公釐的周邊沿狹縫, 當空氣通過圓圈時,運動的空氣量增加 15 倍,速度提高至每小時 35 公里 ,產生的氣流比一般電扇的風更平穩。

The air is drawn in by a fan in the base and then directed up into a ring. It comes out of a crack all around the ring and passes over a shape like that of an aircraft wing.





奶油從冰箱拿出來時又硬又難切, Butter Cutter 刀 鋒 處 能 加 熱, 幫 助 使用者輕鬆切奶油。 Butter always becomes hard when cool. Butter Cutter's edge will heating and help users cutter butter easily.


• Material: PP/ stainless steel • Dimensions: 170 x 30 x 25 mm


奶油從冰箱裡拿出來後變得硬而難切,等待奶油 退冰又急著想快點吃奶油麵包,只好拿出菜刀用 力的切,既危險又費力。

Butter always becomes hard when cool. If you have no time to wait for it softened, it will be a difficult job to you to cut it.

這是一組電熱奶油刀,利用無線充電系統做為供電方式,將奶油刀的刀鋒加熱使 切口變軟,使用者不需要拿出來退冰後再使用,可輕鬆的切取需要的用量並接著 塗抹在食物上。

Spreading hard buutter wil ball up your bread. That's why the butter should be heated the instant it is spread. This butter knife is battery-powered and heated by using wireless charge system. It can help you not only spread, but also cut easily. 29

磁芯A、B 充電方式使用電磁式充電,因此奶油刀可以水清 洗不必擔心壞掉,此原理同樣使用在電動牙刷上。

Butter Cutter Uses wireless charge system, so it can be washed. Don’t worry about it will break down by water.


Charging light

Heated area Toggle button 將加熱區域設置在刀鋒處,可大幅降低被燙到 的機會。

knife’s edge heated than the risk of scalded can be reduced.

Hand Posture

Cut butter

Apply butter


藉著帶有玩樂性質的檢測器材,搭配活潑的色調, 使得醫院不再那麼冰冷,轉變為有如「遊樂園一般 的候診空間」。 According to the public experiences,it makes hospital more friendly and welcoming , through examination device.



健保卡夾透過晶片讀取辨識身分 健保卡插入醫療整合卡夾便開始讀取個人資料 可插入檢測機器讀取當次紀錄,也可將它插入輸出裝置。

IC card reader Insert your National Health Insurance IC Card and it will make sure your identity. Then you can manage your data about medical check-up.


血壓電流 有趣的外型讓人聯想到遊戲,簡單的音響旋鈕操作讓量 血壓也能很輕鬆容易!

Complete blood count Interesting appearence lets the public want to play! Simple user interface makes people easy to use.

呼吸五燈獎 對著牆上的吹嘴用力呼氣,看你能夠得到幾個燈 !

Cardiorespiratory endurance Breathe out to the device,and it will show your score you get.

握力極限 使勁握緊拉環,看看自己有幾兩重 !

The device of grip Gripping the ring forcefully to know your grip strength.


輸出裝置 測量完畢後,將卡夾插入輸出裝置,按下按鈕後,可列印出一份檢測明細, 可做為個人健康紀錄,也可供醫生做為判斷依據。

Printer Users can print their data of the check-up, and show the to doctor for judgement.


Jo-Hsuan Chang___

Yen-Ju Chen___

Fang Liu___



Sketch Practice







3D Modeling



Lamborghini Aventador Modeling by Solidworks Rendering By Keyshot






Mr. A Designed by Suhann Modeling by Pro/E Rendering By Keyshot

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