STAIR A stair is definite as a series of step and it is provided to afford the assent and dissent on the floor of building. The apartment or room of a building in which stair is known as staircase. TECHNICAL TERMS
BALUSTER It is a vertical member which is fixed between string and handrail to give support to handrail. BALUSTRADE The combination frame work of handrail and baluster is known as Balustrade.
FLIGHT This is definite as unbroken series of steps between landing. GOING It is the horizontal distance between the face of two consecutive series.
HANDRAIL The inclined rail over the string is known as handrail. Handrail saves as a guardrail and it should be provided at convenient height. So has to give gripe to hand during assenting and dissenting. LANDING The horizontal platform between two flight of a stair. A landing facilities change of direction and provide an opportunity of taking rest during a series of step.
NEWEL POST This is the vertical member which is placed at the end of the flight to connect end of the string and handrail. NOSING The projecting part of the thred beyond the face of rises. RISE This is the vertical distance between two series of thred.
SCOTIA This is the additional finish provided to the nosing or thred. SOFFIT The under surface of a stair is known as soffit it is generaly covered with plaster finish.
Step A combination of run and rise is known as step. The common type of steps are:
BULLNOSE STEP It is generaly provided at the bottom of fight it projects infront of newel post. COMMODE STEP This step as a curved riser and thred. DANCING STEP Which does not radiate from a common centre. WINTER STEP It is a tapering step and it is used to change the direction of flight it radiate from a common centre. ROUND ENDED STEP This step is similar step expect that it’s end are semi-circular in plan. FLIER STEP This is normal rectangular step is known as flier step. SPLAYED STEP This step has one end or both end splayed in plan.
TYPES OF STAIR STRIGHT STAIR In straight stair all steps leads to one direction only. This type of stair mainly consist of one or more flight.
TURNING STAIR In turning stair the flight take turns. The usual types of turning stair are Quarter turn stair ,Bifurcated stair. A stair turning through one right angle is known as Quarter turn stair. A stair turning through two right angle is known as Bifurcated stair.
HALF TURN STAIR In half turn stair turn true angle is known as half turn stair. A half turn stair may be In case of dog leged stair the flight run in opposite direction and there is no space between them in plan Dog leged or open newel type. In case of open newel stair there is a well or opening between the flight in plan. This well may be rectangular or any geometrical shape.
THREE QUARTER TURN STAIR A stair turning through three right angle is known as three quarter turn stair.
CIRCULAR OR SPIRAL STAIR This type of stair step radiate from the centre of flight consist of winder only and they may be continues through a design number of turns. A spiral stair may be constructed of cast iron metal, steel or concrete. The core of spiral stair may be solid and the stair may be provided with cut or closed string. The spiral stair are useful waste space available and where traffic is less. GEOMERICAL STAIR These stair have any geometrical shape and they recurred number of newel post. The hand rail of geometrical stair continues with out interpretation and with out any angular turn. MOVING STAIR These stair are known as escalator as ever moving flight. Escalator are kept in motion by a revolving drum a few steps at top and bottom level through moving individually the only thing a person has to do is to occupy a step of the escalator for his upward or downward motion.