The Jacobites

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Sanders of Oxford RARE PRINTS & MAPS

The Jacobites

A Catalogue of engraved portraits & satires

The Jacobites.

A Catalogue of engraved portraits & satires Oxford was a stronghold of the Jacobite movement. In the 18th century, Oxford printsellers were providing prints of the exiled Royal Family for the large Jacobite customer base within the University. In fact, it was once said by Willaim Pitt that, “Oxford is paved with Jacobites,� so it is somewhat appropriate that Sanders of Oxford is doing their bit to continue the tradition of selling Jacobite prints in Oxford. The following work contains a few extremely rare, and in some cases unrecorded prints. This material derives from the library of Viscount Strathallan, whose family were Jacobite supporters. When the chance came to acquire the collection, we could not resist, especially given the success of our previous Jacobite catalogue of 2005. We at Sanders of Oxford hope that you enjoy it.

Sanders of Oxford Salutation House, 104 The High, Oxford. OX1 4BW - 01865 242590 -

Portraits King James II and VI King James II and VII (14 October 1633 – 16 September 1701) King of England and Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII, from 6 February 1685 until he was deposed in the Glorious Revolution. He was the last Roman Catholic monarch to reign over the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

Sharp 42 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Gravelot (1699 - 1773) French printmaker, painter, and draughtsman. He worked in England 1732-45. Also known as Hubert François Bourguignon; Bourguignon, Hubert François; Gravelot Claude Dubosc (1682-1745) was a French printmaker, print dealer and proprietor of an auction house. Condition: Good full margins, light foxing in margins not affecting image. Water stain in lower and upper right margins just affecting image. Tipped to an album page. [29977] £150

Queen Mary

1. The Monument of King James II Erected in the Chapple of the Scotch College at Paris in the Year 1703 Copper engraving C. Dubosc after Gravelot n.d. c. 1703 Image 354 x 218 mm, Plate 375 x 230 mm, Sheet 520 x 345 mm Unmounted Engraved inscription: THE MONUMENT/ OF KING JAMES II/ Gravelot, del ***C.DuBo fecit/ ERECTED in the CHAPPEL of the SCOTCH COLLEGE / at Paris in the Year 1703. A plate to Rapin de Thoyras’ ‘History of England.’

Queen Mary (1658-1718) Mary of Modena (Maria Beatrice Anna Margherita Isabella d’Este was Queen consort of England, Scotland and Ireland as the second wife of King James II and VII. A devout Catholic, Mary became, in 1673, the second wife of James, Duke of York, who later succeeded his older brother Charles II as King James II. Mary was uninterested in politics and devoted to James and her children, two of whom survived to adulthood: the Jacobite claimant to the English, Scottish and Irish thrones, James Francis Edward Stuart, known as “The Old Pretender”, and Princess Louise Mary. The Queen left England before her husband in 1688, taking the infant Prince of Wales with her.While at Saint-Germain she gave birth to a Princess Louise-Mary. 2. Serenissima Maria Beatrix D. Angliae Scotiae Franciae et Hiberniae Regina & ct Mezzotint John Smith after Nicholas de Largillerre Sold by Alex Brown at ye bleur balcony in little Queen Street, 1686 Image 235 x 293 mm, Plate 251 x 345 mm, Sheet 259 x 353 mm Mounted Half length portrait of Queen Mary in an oval with the engraved inscription: Serenissima Maria Beatrix D. Angliae Scotiae Franciae et Hiberniae Regina & ct

3. King James III Engraving Unknown engraver Image 69 x 48 mm Unmounted A quarter length portrait of King James III in an oval. Possibly an impression taken from a medal or snuff box. [15462] £30

Chaloner Smith 171, O’Donoghue 8, Lennox-Boyd state i/ii [2501] £200

King James III and VIII King James III and VIII James Francis Edward, Prince of Wales (the Chevalier de St George or “The Old Pretender” or “The Old Chevalier”; 10 June 1688 – 1 January 1766 ) ( Reigned 1701-66).

4. Jacques III Roy d’Angletere d’Escosse et d’Irelande Copper engraving Anonymous A Paris chez J. Mariette rue St. Jaques aux Colonnes d Hercules c. 1701 Image 262 x 184 mm, Plate 296 x 195 mm, Sheet 298 x 202 mm Unmounted A rare portrait of Portrait of King James III and VIII James Francis Edward. Engraved inscription: Cy devant nommé Jacques Edouard Prince de Galles ne le 1688 il est fils de Jacques II. Roy / d’Angleterre &c. de Marie Elenore d’Este et a esté reconu Roy par le Roy de France en / Septembree 1701. Par le Pape et le Duc de Modene.

Sharp 105, but different state with blank filled in with ‘1688’. Ex. Col.: Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condtion: Tipped to an album page [29735] £120

5. Le Prince De Galles Copper engraving Henri Bonnart after Robert Bonnart c. 1689 Image 237 x 180 mm, Sheet 270 x 190 mm Unmounted Rare waist length portrait of James III and VIII when young, with his hand on the head of a dog with the engraved insciption: R.B. del H. H. Bonnart, *** ex au Coq, C.P.R./Le Prince De Galles/ Jaques François Edouard fils de Jacques 2e. Roy d’Angleterre et de Marie Elénor D’Este reconnu/ pour tel par acte public des Milords; bacquit le 2oe.juin 1688, et fit emmené en France en 1689/ par la Reine Sa Mere; le Roy Jaques Son pere les y a Suivis Henri Bonnart, a French painter and engraver, was the brother of Robert, Jean Baptiste, and Nicolas Bonnart.

Robert Bonnart (1652-1729) painter and engraver who studied under Van der Meulen Sharp 106, O’Donoghue 11, Duplessis 10 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within the plate [29724] £120

6. Jacobus Pretend. Printz von Wallis. Copper engraving Anonymous n.d. c. 1700 Image 127 x 90 mm, Sheet 150 x 91 mm Unmounted A portrait of King James III and VIII while young, curiass, Garter, star, hand on helmut on right with ships’ rigging and mast behind with the engraved inscription: Jacobus Pretend. Printz von Wallis. Sharp 151 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed with in plate, tipped to album pages [29725] £90

Image and Sheet 100 x 65 mm Unmounted

7. Le Roy d’Angleterre Copper engraving Simon Thomassin Se vend a Paris chez Thomassin rue St. Jaques vis a vis la rue de Platre a l’image St. Jean Avec Pril. c. 1702 Image 223 x 168 mm, Sheet 230 x 170 mm Unmounted Portrait of King James III and VIII James Francis Edward, Prince of Wales. Medallion bust, 160 mm diameter on a pedestal with the engraved inscription: Jacobus. III. D.G. Britanniarum.Imperator.1702. Simon Thomassin (printmaker; French; Male; 1654 - 1733) Engraver, pupil of Etienne Picart. In Rome 1676-80 Duplessis 45 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within platemark and tipped to an album page. [29727] £90 8. James the VIII. King of Scotland, England, France, & Ireland, &c.a Copper engraving Pierre Simon c. 1698

A half length portrait of King James III and VIII in armour in oval on a pedestal. Pierre Simon (French, c. 1640-1710) Engraver. b. Paris, pupil of Nanteuil, in Italy 1668-74. First dated print 1667. He died on 23 May 1710. Sharp 124 i/ii, SG 65 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Small repaired loss upper left and lower left. [30087] £80 9. James the 3’ of England and 8’ of Scotland France & Ireland Fidei Defensor Copper engraving after Belle c. 1690 Image 227 x 166 mm, Plate 235 x 177 mm, Sheet 242 x 180 mm Unmounted Portrait of King James III and VIII facing right in an oval on a pedestal. Sharp 133. Proof before letters. Ex. Col.: Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

x 152 mm Unmounted Portrait of King James III and VIII James, bust, dressed in armour, in an oval on a pedestal. Pierre François Basan (1723-1797) was a French engraver and publisher. Sharp 134 ii/iii Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Laid to an album page, otherwise excellent [29918] £90

Condtion: Tipped to an album page [29736] £100

11. [King James III and VIII James Francis Edward] Copper engraving after Belle Paris, c. 1700 Image and sheet 188 x 229 mm Unmounted

10. Jacques III, Roy d’Angleterre Copper engraving Pierre François Basan after A.S. Belle A Paris chez Odieuvre, Md. d’Estampes rie des Mathurins chez. Mr. Joubert Image 142 x 98 mm, Plate 157 x 105 mm, Sheet 221

Portrait at left, after Belle, in oval 125 x 102 mm; supported at right by an angel, which bears a ribbon with the legend ‘Thou shalt do no Murther’. With the engraved inscription: Alexis Simeon Belle pinx grave a paris / St. Mark Chap. 12. V. 7. / This is the Heir; come let us Kill him and the Inheritance shall be ours.

Richard Sharp notes in his catalogue that the texts of Scripture in the print liken the Hanoverian occupants of the British throne to the wicked husbandmen of the parable of St. Mark xii (Sharp pg. 49). Sharp 144 Ex. Col.: Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed to image and tipped to an album page [29737] £120

Queen Maria Clemintina Maria Clementina Sobieska (sometimes spelled: Maria Klementyna Sobieska) (1702–1735). Her parents were James Louis Sobieski (1667–1737), the eldest son of King John III, and Countess Palatine Hedwig Elisabeth of Neuburg (1673–1722). She was one of Europe’s wealthies heiresses. Public interest in her marriage to King James in 1719 was heightened by her escape from Innsbruck Castle and her subsequent flight to Italy. She bore two sons: Prince Charles Edward (b. 1720) and Henry Benedict (b. 1725). She suffered from depression and ended up becoming a devout Roman Catholic, spending most of her time praying. She died in 1735 and was buried in an elaborate ceremony and huge monument in St. Peter’s. 13. [Queen Maria Clementina] Copper engraving Annonymous n.d. [c. 1719] Image 270 x 185 mm, Sheet 294 x 187 mm Unmounted A rare half length portrait of Maria Clementina in a draped oval on a pedestal, landscape in the background and winged figure of Time with a scythe, above, with the engraved inscription: A Polish Lady

12. [James III and Queen Maria Clementina] Copper engraving Anonymous n.d. c. 1730 Image 78 mm circle, Sheet 132 x 105 mm Unmounted

Richard Sharp notes that this print was advertised in the Weekly Journal on 15 August 1719, in the London Journal 11 August 1719, and repeated there in most issues until early October of that year. Sharpe also notes that there was an advert in the Post Boy for a print of similar description on the 18-20 February, 1720. Sharp 177, O’Donoghue 13

Rare unrecorded double profile of James III and Queen Maria Clementina half length in profile. With the engraved inscription: FLAMMAE FELICE QUAS MUTUUS EXCITAT ADOR.

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

[29920] £250

Condition: Excellent, good wide margins. Tipped down to an album page. [29976] £250

Condition: Trimmed within the platemark and tipped to an album page

13. [Queen Maria Clementina]

13. [Queen Maria Clementina]

14. [Queen Maria Clementina] Copper engraving P.I. Drevet after A. David n.d. c. 1720 Image 432 x 310 mm Unmounted

15. [Queen Maria Clementina] Copper engraving G. Rossi after Dominicus Muratori Rome, n.d. [c. 1730] Image 298 x 196 mm, Sheet 303 x 202 mm Unmounted

A three-quarter length portrait of Maria Clementina Sobieska, with her right hand on a table with a crown on it and her left hand holding her hair.

A rare three-quarter length portrait of Maria Clementina in an oval which sits above the Royal Arms. She is pointing to a crucifix on a table with a crown below. With the engraved inscription: MARIA CLEMENTINA/ MAGNAE BRITANNIAE &c /REGINA

Pierre-Imbert Drevet (22 June 1697 – 27 April 1739) was a French engraver. He was trained by his father Pierre. Smelling, 1769, no. 103: ‘Princess Sobieski, after Davids, by Drevet, 2s. 6d.

Sharp 194, O’Donoghue 4, BN Duplessis 7, Kerslake 520 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

Sharp 180 O’Donoghue 1, Duplessis 4, Le Blanc P.I. Devert 22 (but cf. P Drevet 105,: Firmin-Didot 10)

Condition: Trimmed within the platemark and laid to an album page.

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

[29921] £250

Condition: Trimmed with in the plate mark, laid to an album page, some light stains lower left and right. [29919] £350

Prince Charles Edward Stuart Prince Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Sylvester Severino Maria Stuart (31 December 1720 – 31 January 1788), commonly known as Bonnie Prince Charlie or The Young Pretender, was the second Jacobite pretender to the thrones of England, Scotland, and Ireland. This claim was as the eldest son of James Francis Edward Stuart, himself the son of King James VII and II.

16. The Young Chevalier Copper engarving on india laid paper Robert Edward Cooper after Sir Watkin WilliamWynn’s picture Published by C& H Baldwyn, Newgate Street, n.d.1822 Image 62 x 75 mm, Pllate 119 x 191 mm, Sheet.228 x 281 mm Mounted Proof before letters. An uncommon proof portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart after a portrait once in the possesion of Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn. Manuscript note: TheYoung Chevalier published by Baldwyns in 1822. Royal.... Proof before the letters only 23 taken off. Robert Cooper (active 1795-died 1828), Historical and portait engraver [2731] £50

17. [Prince Charles Edward] Copper engraving Edelinck after Antonio David n.d. c. 1726 Image 337 x 235 mm, Sheet 347 x 245 mm Unmounted A three-quarter length portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart as a child, bearheaded in an oval on a pedestal. Nicolas Étienne Edelinck (1680-1768) was an engraver and print maker, and the son of Gerard Edelinck. He was born in Paris and travelled to Munich, Rome and Venice. Sharp 202 ii/iii , O’Donoghue 3, Kerslake 109 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Tipped to an album page [29726] £300

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within platemark and tipped to an album page, with some light soiling in the inscription space. [29983] £200

18. Le Prince Price Charles Edouard Stuart. Copper engraving Nicolas Jean Baptiste De Poilly after Dominico Dupra Se vend a Paris chez N.J.B. de Poilly rue St. Jacques à L’Esperance, 1746 Image 305 x 205 mm, Sheet 339 x 215 mm Unmounted A full length portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, holding a baton with a fleet of ships behind him. A helmet sits on a pedestal to the left. With the engraved inscription: Le Prince Charles Edouard Stuart. / Né a Rome le 31 Decembre 1720. / Edouard presque seul, vole vers ses Etats / Sa fortune et ses droits accompagnent ses pas: // Quel Prince mieux que lui pretend à la Couronne, / Si le sang la transmet, si la vertu la donne. / A Paris chez Basset. Nicolas Jean Baptiste De Poilly (1707 - 1780) Engraver, publisher and printseller. Son of Jean de Poilly. Giorgio Domenico Dupra (Turin 1689-1770) Italian painter. Sharp 211 iii/iii, O’Donoghue 4, Kerslake 118, SG 301

19. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Copper engraving T. Scott Image 180 x 226 mm, Plate 189 x 238 mm, Sheet 205 x 258 mm Unmounted A rare portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. The “Highlander” portrait in an oval with Rocco frame mounted on a large anchor. On the left fork sits a female figure , above a rose, who bears the arms of England on an oval shield and on the right forl sits an equivilant figure representing Scotland above a thistle. With the engraved inscription: MULTUM. ILLE.IACTATUS.IN.ALTO. / PERVE NIT.LATIUM.TANDEM... Sharp 221, O’Donoghue 26 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall [29989] £300

20. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Copper engraving G. Will after John Worsdale n.d. Image 307 x 187 mm, Sheet 322 x 187 mm Unmounted A rare print of Charles Edward Stuart after the painting known as the Harlequin portrait. A version of the original painting was exhibited at La cour des Stuarts a Saint-Germain-en-Laye au temps de Louis XIV, in Paris, in 1992 and was attributed to James Worsdale (1692-1767). A full length portrait of Charles dressed in imaginary Highland dress, sword in his left hand, with a castle behind, books with Military, Ecclesiastick and Civil inscribed on them at his feet, discarded plaid cloak behind. With the engraved inscription: En tibi me sculptum, Si sculptum poscis aere, / In sculpas cordi me precor, ipse tuo. / / From Copper here you fee my outward Part / But to Oblige, Engrave me in your Heart. / Vid Fench Author Sharp 224, Kerslake 117 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition trimmed to image top and sides and under inscription. Some light soiling at bottom corners not affecting image. Tipped to an album page. [29985] ÂŁ300

Sharp 226 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Some light soiling, other wise good with full margins. [29988] £380

21. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Etching Richard Cooper, the Elder Edinburgh 1745 Image 312 x 190 mm, Plate 327 x 199 mm, Sheet 370 x 230 mm Unmounted A rare portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in Highland dress with a plume in his bonnet, dropping a “Manifesto,” and offering a reward for his arrest. This anti-Jacobite prints print satirises Charles’selfconcious attempts to associate himself with Highlanders by wearing tartan and depicts him as a Highland dandy. With the engraved inscription: A likness notwithstanding the Dissguise that any Person who Secures the Son of the / Pretender is Intitled to a Reward of 30000£. Offered on the same album sheet with a fragment of another version of this print (192 x 140 mm) which has some hand colouring. Richard Cooper, the Elder (1701–1764) was a printmaker, painter, and draughtsman. He was born in Yorkshire and dies in Edinburgh.

22. Le Prince Charles Edouardo Stuart. Ne’ a Rome le 31, Decembre 1720 Engraving F. Basan after L. Tocque [n.d. c. 1750] Image and sheet 97 x 139 mm Unmounted A half length portrait of Charles Edward Stuart in armour, in an oval on a pedestal. With the inscription: Le Prince Charles Edouardo Stuart. Ne’ a Rome le 31, Decembre 1720 Sharp 231, O’Donoghue 17, Le Blanc, F. Basan 33 Condition: Repair tear in top of image. Trimmed to image and laid to an album page. [2734] £80

23. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Copper engraving J.G. Will after L. Tocqué Sold by B. Cole on the Corner of Kings Head Court, near Fetter Lane Holborn. 1745 Image 164 x 117 mm, Sheet 180 x 125 mm Unmounted A half lenghth portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart based on the Hofman portrait, in an oval masonry frame, with books, etc. With the engraved inscription: Few know my Face, tho’ all Men do my Fame; / Look strictly , & you’ll quickly guess my Name: / Through Deserts, Snows & Rain I made my Way, / My Life was daily risqu’d to gain the Day! / Glorius now my Hopes are gone; / Each Friend grows shy, - & I’m at last undone. Jean Louis Tocqué (November 19, 1696 - February 10, 1772) was a French painter. He specialized in portrait painting. Sharp 234

24. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Copper engraving J.G. Will after L. Tocqué Sold by B. Cole on the Corner of Kings Head Court, near Fetter Lane Holborn. 1745 Image 164 x 117 mm, Sheet 180 x 125 mm Unmounted A half lenghth portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart based on the Hofman portrait, in an oval masonry frame, with books, etc. With Latin inscription, which was used as a frontis piece to Michele Vezzoli’s Young Juba. Jean Louis Tocqué (November 19, 1696 - February 10, 1772) was a French painter. He specialized in portrait painting. Sharp 234 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

Condition: Trimmed within the plate and tipped to an album page.

Condition: Trimmed within the plate and tipped to an album page.

[29992] £50

[29990] £65

25. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Copper engraving with etching Louis Surugue A Paris Chez Zuruque, n.d.c. 1745 Image 388 x 292 mm, Sheet 393 x 295 mm Unmounted A rare print of Prince Charles Edward Staurt with a baton on horseback, with a battle behind him in which Highlanders are ďŹ ghting with redcoats. Louis Surugue (1686 c. - 1762) French publisher, printer and printmaker who worked in Paris. Sharp 235 i/ii Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within plate, some light soiling, horizontal centrefold. Tipped to an album page. [29984] ÂŁ550

26. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Copper engraving Anonymous n.d. c. 1740 Image and sheet 175 x 105 mm Unmounted Rare, unrecoreded full length portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in highland dress, sitting at a desk, quill and paper in hand, bookself and drape behind and books, globe and paper on floor in foreground. With the inscription: Nemo Me impune Lacessit / Dieu et Mon droit. Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Small tear in top of image. Trimmed within plate to image. Tipped to an album page. [30002] £65 27. Chas. Edward Stuart. Copper engraving Anker Smith after L. Tocqué Image 108 x 78 mm oval, Sheet 150 x 107 mm Unmounted Anker Smith (1759 - 1819) was a British printmaker and engraver. Elected A.R.A. 1797.

Jean Louis Tocqué (November 19, 1696 - February 10, 1772) was a French painter. He specialized in portrait painting. Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Some light soiling, mark on inscription of Anker under image. Trimmed within plate mark and tipped to an album page. [30003] £25

28. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Copper engraving Sir Robert Strange Paris chez Chereau rue St. Jaques_C.P.R. Image 260 x 185 mm, Sheet 288 x 200 mm Unmounted Half lenght portrait of Prince Charles Edward in a masonry oval surrounded by drapery with a shield decorated with the head of Medusa, plumed helmet, sword and branch on the plinth below the frame. The engraving shows Charles wearing the Order of the Garter. With the engraved inscription: EVERSO MISSUS / SECCURRERE SECLO Sir Robert Strange (1721 - 1792) Scottish Printmaker and engraver and Jacobite. He fled to France after Culloden. From 1747-50 he lived in Paris and worked with Le Bas. From 1760-5 he lived and work in Italy returning to Paris in 1775-80 and then returned to London in 1780. He was knighted 1787.

29. To John Goodford Esq. of Yeovil, this first attempt at Engraving from an Original Painting of Prince Charles Edward Stuart done by Alexander at Rome, and now in the Possession of Dr. Macdonald of Taunton, is most humbly Inscribed by his Obedient Servant Frederick Lake. Copper engraving Frederick Lake after Alexander Taunton, Oct. 1820. Image 231 x 181mm, Plate 350 x 248 mm, Sheet 488 x 344 mm Unmounted Uncommon portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in excellent condition with full margins. Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall [30007] £250

Sharp 216, O’Donoghue 24, Kerslake 120, Le Blanc 51 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within the platemark. Tipped to an album page. some light soiling upper right. [30004] £300

30. [Prince Charles Edward Stuart] Pen and ink Anonymous n.d. c. 1820 Image 231 x 181mm, Plate 350 x 248 mm, Sheet 488 x 344 mm Unmounted A pen and ink drawing of the print, possibly the prepatory study for To John Goodford Esq. of Yeovil,

this first attempt at Engraving from an Original Painting of Prince Charles Edward Stuart done by Alexander at Rome, and now in the Possession of Dr. Macdonald of Taunton, is most humbly Inscribed by his Obedient Servant Frederick Lake. Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall [30008] £250

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Binding holes along lower edge of sheet not affecting image. Ink mark in right not affecting image. Tipped to an ablum page. [30009] £200

31. Amor et Spes Britanniae Copper engraving and etching Sir Robert Strange n.d. c. 1745 Image 75 mm circular each Unmounted A very rare portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart for the design of a medal. On the left; portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the young Pretender; bust in a roundel directed to right; designed as the recto of a medallion; on the right, a figure of Britannia, standing with spear and shield, on the sea-shore, looking towards approaching ships on the left; in a roundel directed to right; designed as the verso of a medallion. Lettered around the rim of the roundel with the title and ‘C P W’. Sir Robert Strange (1721 - 1792) Scottish Printmaker and engraver and Jacobite. He fled to France after Culloden. From 1747-50 he lived in Paris and worked with Le Bas. From 1760-5 he lived and work in Italy returning to Paris in 1775-80 and then returned to London in 1780. He was knighted 1787. Le Blanc 51 (see, 51a in departmental copy) Described by Popham in a pencil annotation in the British Musuem departmental copy of Le Blanc. He describes a state with verses below: ‘The Christian Hero’s Martial Looks here shine.. &c’. This copy does not have the verse below.

32. Amor et Spes Britanniae Copper engraving and etching Sir Robert Strange n.d. c. 1745 Image 75 mm circular each, Plate 123 x 175 mm, Sheet 417 x 235 mm Unmounted A very rare portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart for the design of a medal. On the left; portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the young Pretender; bust in a roundel directed to right; designed as the recto of a medallion; on the right, a figure of Britannia, standing with spear and shield, on the sea-shore, looking towards approaching ships on the left; in a roundel directed to right; designed as the verso of a medallion. Lettered around the rim of the roundel with the title and ‘C P W’. With text below. Broadside.

Le Blanc 51 (see, 51a in departmental copy) Described by Popham in a pencil annotation in the British Musuem departmental copy of Le Blanc. He describes a state with verses below: ‘The Christian Hero’s Martial Looks here shine.. &c’.

Portrait of Louisa in fine dress and fur robe, hand resting on table with book on table, rose in other hand, oval portrait.

Condition: Some overall surface dirt.

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

[30010] £300

Condition: Some light overall foxing in the margins and a note in contemporary ink in margins identifying the portrait.

Louisa of Stolberg Louisa of Stolberg (1753-1824) married Prince Charles Edward Stuart in 1772 and was created the Countess of Albany. She lived in Rome and Sienna until they settled in Florence in 1774. Louisa found herself married to an increasingly bitter man whose ill health was aggravated by his alcoholism. She began an affair with the poet Vittorio Alfieri. Divorce terms were agreed in 1784. Louisa continued to live in Italy until her death.

Sharpe 255 i/ii, O’Donoghue 3, Kerslake 6

[30015] £150

34. [Louisa of Stolberg] Copper engraving and etching after Carlos Marsigili n.d. c. 1773 Image 148 x 95 mm, Sheet 153 x 101 mm Unmounted

33. [Louisa of Stolberg] Copper engraving Alexius Giardoni after Carlos Marsigli Publish’d as the Act directs August 1st, 177. by J.P. Coghlan in Duke Str. Grosvenor Square. Image 210 x 150 mm, Plate 225 x 164 mm, Sheet 300 x 213 mm Unmounted

A half length portrait in an oval (97 x 78 mm), with two female figures below, who are watching a boat at sea, while a celestial hand holds a crown. With the engraved inscription: The Consort of the Chevalier Stuart, / Commonly known as the Pretender. Sharp 256 Condition: Trimmed within the plate, some very light soiling. Otherwise good. Tipped to an album page.

[30016] £50

Prince Henry Benedict Henry Benedict Thomas Edward Maria Clement Francis Xavier Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York (6 March 1725 – 13 July 1807) was a Roman Catholic Cardinal, as well as the fourth and final Jacobite heir to claim the thrones of England, Scotland, France and Ireland publicly. Unlike his father, James Francis Edward Stuart, and brother, Charles Edward Stuart, Henry made no effort to seize the throne. After Charles’s death in January 1788 the Papacy did not recognise Henry as the lawful ruler of England, Scotland and Ireland, but referred to him as the Cardinal Duke of York.

35. Henry Benedict Stuart. Stipple and copper engraving Taylor Published 1818 by T. Rodd 2 Gt. Newport St. Long Acre. Image 110 x 88 mm, Plate 215 x 140 mm, Sheet 308 x 248 mm Unmounted A portrait of Prince Henry Benedict Stuart. Half length in oval. With the engraved inscription: Henry Benedict Stuart, / Cardinal York, Nat. 1725, OB 1805. / Eengraved by Taylor from a Miniature in Collection of / Earl Beauchamp.

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition. Some light foxing and tipped to an album page. [30107] £50

36. [Prince Henry Benedict] Copper engraving Pier Antonio Pazzi after Giovanni Domenico Campiglia Romae ex Chalcograpia R.C.A. apud Pedem Mermoreum [n.d. c. 1747] Image 206 x 158 mm, Sheet 226 x 170 mm Unmounted A portrait of Prince Henry Benedict as Cardinal in oval, with papal and curial arms above left and right. With the engraved inscription: Serenissimus Henricus Eboracensis Dux / S.R.E. Presbyter Cardinalis Tutuli Santae Mariae Trans / Tiberim Archiepiscopus Corinthiorum Archipresbyter / Basilicae Vaticanae Congregationis Fabricae Praesectus &c. / Creatus Die III. Julii MDCCXLVII. Sharp 272 state undiscribed, Kerslake 935. Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

Condition trimmed within the plate mark and laid to an album page. [30106] £150

Prince William Augustus

increase. Gerard -Jean-Baptiste Scotin (13 Sept 1698 -d after 1755). French engraver, active in England. Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within the plate. [30203] £250

Portraits of Prominent Jacobites

37. Prince William Augustus Copper engraving Gerard-Jean- Baptiste Scotin after J. Gracieux According to Act of Parliament January 1747. Image 288 x 213 mm, Sheet 304 x 218 mm Unmounted A half length portrait of Prince William Augustus, celebrating his victory at the Battle of Culloden, in armour in a circle with inscription: Son Altesse Royale Guillaume Duc de Cumberland., laurel leaves above, the circle sits above flags, shields, helmets, etc. With a 6 line inscription in French. Below the inscription: Rouz’d by fair Liberty, see William draw / his vengeful Sword, and daring Rebles awe: / See Sky-born Victory, crown his potent Arms, / And to Thanksgivings, change our late Alarms! / Proceedm young Hero; force ye Gaul to Peace: / Then shall each Blessing, in our Land

38. Sr John Barnard Mezzotint John Faber after Allan Ramsay Publish’d according to the act of Parliament A.D. 1739 Image 250 x 318 mm, Plate 253 x 354 mm, Sheet 266 x 365 mm Mounted Sir John Barnard (c. 1685 – 28 August 1764) was a British Whig politician and Lord Mayor of London. Chaloner Smith 24

Condition: Some overall time toning of paper, some scuff marks to surface in upper right. [2825] £250

health of the Young Pretender. Died 1755. John Faber the Younger (c.1684 - 1756) John Faber II, son of John Faber (and known as John Faber Junior until the death of his father in 1721), born Amsterdam moving to England around 1698; learned drawing and mezzotint engraving from his father and attended the academy in St. Martin’s Lane. Became leading mezzotint engraver of his day engraving two series’ after Godfrey Kneller - twelve Hampton Court Beauties (1727) and forty-seven portraits of members of the Kit-Cat Club (1735); also completed forty-two mezzotints after portraits of Thomas Hudson and fifteen after Allan Ramsay; also made mezzotints after Philip Mercier’s paintings (British Museum). Thomas Hudson (1701 - 1779) Portrait painter and collector of Old Master drawings. He was a pupil of Richardson, whose daughter he married by 1725. Sharp 314, Chanlor Smith 30, O’Donoghue 2 [2826] £200

39. Alderman Benn Mezzotint John Faber, Jnr after Thomas Hudson [n.d. c.1740] Image 306 x 250 mm, Plate 352 x 251 mm Mounted Portrait of William Benn, bust in an oval, three-quarter to left, wearing shoulder-length wig, fur-lined cloak and chain of office with a bow at the shoulder, looking towards the viewer out of the corner of his eyes. William Benn was Alderman of Aldersgate Ward, elected 1740, Sheriff in 1743, then Lord Mayor of London in 1747. Originator of ‘Benn’s Club’, consisting of himself and five other aldermen who were supposed to be favourably disposed to the Young Pretender’s cause. Benn sent a message of support to Charles Stuart while Lord Mayor. In 1749, he was involved in a drunken fight with another alderman at a London City feast after proposing a toast to the

40. Miss Jenny Cameron, the Young Pretender’s Diana. Engraving Anonymous, based on a portrait by William Aikman Publish’d according to the Act of Parliment, 1746. Image 233 x 174 mm, Sheet 284 x 176 mm Unmounted

Portrait of Jenny Cameron. With two columns of text with 6 lines each: “ Jenny, the bold Amazon of the North! / With high Encomiums Fame proclaims her Worth: / In Bloom of Youth She gave to Love her Charms: - / By Age matured, she courts the Din of Arms.- / Zealous for Charles she treads ye rough Campaign.- / And feels the Shiv’ring Winds without a Pain: // With step intreped marches thro’ the Snow. / Faces the Frost & mounts the bleaky Brown. / The hardy Highlander, enur’d to Cold. / Admires her Courage, & becomes more bold. / They Spirit, Jenny, had deserv’d applause, / Hadst thou engag’d in George’s nobler cause.” Jeanie (Jenny) Cameron (1695?-1773?) or (1724? -1786?) was a hero of the Jacobite Risings in Scotland under Bonnie Prince Charlie in 1745. She was noted for her beauty, charm and manners. Her biography may be a compilation of three different people – Jeanie Cameron who raised troops for the Jacobites; Jenny Cameron, mistress of Charles Stuart; and Jenny Cameron, a milliner from Edinburgh. There was significant female support for the Stuart cause, with women providing money, hospitality and acting as spies. Portraits of her give an insight into the popular perception of the Jacobite uprising in the late 1740’s. Sharpe 361 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall. Condition: Trimmed within the plate. Small loss to image upper right. Horizontal and verticle creases. Laid to an album page. [30086] £180 41. Bampfylde Moore Caren king of the Beggers. From the Original Picture in the Possession of Thos. Carew Esqr. of Crowcombe in Somersetshire. Mezzotint John Faber, Jnr after Richard Phelps 1750 Image 272 x 221 mm, Plate 327 x 227 mm Mounted A half-length portrait of Bamfylde Carew with a small dog in his right arm on a table. Inscribed: From the Original Picture in the Possession of Thos. Carew Esqr. of Crowcombe in Somersetshire.

Bampfylde Moore Carew (1693–1759) was an English rogue, vagabond and impostor, who claimed to be King of the Beggars. He accompanied Prince Charles Edward Stuart on his march into England in 1745. John Faber the Younger (c.1684 - 1756). John Faber II, son of John Faber (and known as John Faber Junior until the death of his father in 1721), born Amsterdam moving to England around 1698; learned drawing and mezzotint engraving from his father and attended the academy in St. Martin’s Lane. Became leading mezzotint engraver of his day engraving two series after Godfrey Kneller - twelve Hampton Court Beauties (1727) and forty-seven portraits of members of the Kit-Cat Club (1735); also completed forty-two mezzotints after portraits of Thomas Hudson and fifteen after Allan Ramsay; also made mezzotints after Philip Mercier’s paintings. (British Museum). Richard Phelps (c.1710 - 1785). Painter; trained with Thomas Hudson. Spent his career in Somerset working as an interior decorator as well as producing portraits, mainly of local families, and restoring old master paintings (British Museum). Sharp 368, Chaloner Smith 56, O’Donoghue 1

[2833] £350

drawing and mezzotint engraving from his father and attended the academy in St. Martin’s Lane. Became leading mezzotint engraver of his day engraving two series after Godfrey Kneller - twelve Hampton Court Beauties (1727) and forty-seven portraits of members of the Kit-Cat Club (1735); also completed forty-two mezzotints after portraits of Thomas Hudson and fifteen after Allan Ramsay; also made mezzotints after Philip Mercier’s paintings. (British Museum). Jean Baptiste van Loo (1684-1745) French subjectand portrait-painter. Sharp 407 ii/ii, Chanlor Smith 163, O’Donoghue 1 [30195] £150

42. The Right Honourable John Lord Gower, Lord Privy Seal, Lord Lieutenant and Costos Rotulorum of the County of Stafford, one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council,and one of the Lords of the REGENCY Anno 1743. Mezzotint John Faber, Jnr after J. B. Vanloo Sold by C. Hitch in Paternoster Row London, and by S. Parsons at Newcastle under tine. Image 248 x 308 mm, Plate 250 x 353 mm, Sheet 298 x 414 mm Mounted A half length portrait of Gower in robes. John Levenson-Gower 1st Earl Gower (1694-1754) known as The Baron Gower from 1709 to 1754, was a British Tory politician, one of the first Tories to enter government in the 18th century. He was held in high esteem by Jacobite politicans until he accepted the office of Privy Seal in the Broadbottom administration in December 1744. John Faber the Younger (c.1684 - 1756) John Faber II, son of John Faber (and known as John Faber Junior until the death of his father in 1721), born Amsterdam moving to England around 1698; learned

43. Theophilus Earl of Huntingdon Mezzotint Engraved by Robert Williams after Sir Godfry Kneller [n.d. 1687] Image 311 x 258 mm, Plate 337 x 258 mm Mounted Three quarter length Portrait of Theophilus Hastings, seventh Earl of Huntingdon. With the inscription:

Lord Hastings Hungerford, Botreaux, Moels, Newmarch, and Molins Lord Cheif justice and justice in Eyre of all his Ma.ties Forests, Chaces, Parks and Warrens on the South side of Trent, Lord Leivtenant of the Counties of Leicester and Derby Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pentioners and One of the Lords of his Ma.ties most Hon.ble Privy Councill Anno Domini MDCLXXXVII. Theophilus Hastings, 7th Earl of Huntingdon (1650 - 1701) was an English politician. Sharp 428, CS 26, O’Donoghue 1 [2847] £150

William King (1685 - 1763) principal of St Mary Hall, Oxford; satirical writer and Jacobite. John Faber the Younger (c.1684 - 1756) John Faber II, son of John Faber (and known as John Faber Junior until the death of his father in 1721), born Amsterdam moving to England around 1698; learned drawing and mezzotint engraving from his father and attended the academy in St. Martin’s Lane. Became leading mezzotint engraver of his day engraving two series after Godfrey Kneller - twelve Hampton Court Beauties (1727) and forty-seven portraits of members of the Kit-Cat Club (1735); also completed forty-two mezzotints after portraits of Thomas Hudson and fifteen after Allan Ramsay; also made mezzotints after Philip Mercier’s paintings. (British Museum). Sharp 473, Chanlor Smith 207, O’Donoghue 2 [2851] £200

44. Guilielmus King LLD. Mezzotint John Faber, Jnr after John Michael Williams c. 1751 Image 313 x 250 mm, Plate 355 x 251 mm Mounted Three-quarter lenght portrait of William King seated, holding a quill pen in his right hand. With the inscription below: Aulae Beatae Mariae Virginis P. AEtatis Anno LXVII.

45. John Earl of Mar Lord Erskine Garioch & Alloa, Heritable Governour & Captain of Stirling Castle. One of the lords of Her Majesty’s Privy Council and Exchequer, and Colonel of a Regiment of Foot.

Mezzotint and engraving John Smith after Sir Godfrey Kneller 1703 Image 237 x 274 mm, Sheet 311 x 447 mm Mounted

Engraving John Faber Jnr. after Thomas Hudson n.d. c. 1747-1756, but c. 1800 impression Image 140 x 112 mm oval, Sheet 192 x 150 mm Unmounted

Half length portrait of John Earl of Mar Portrait in an oval frame. He is wearing wig, neckcloth and breastplate. The oval frame engraved with coats of arms and a monogram at top centre; around frame, and also engraved, scrolls inscribed ‘AEtatis Suae 28.’ and crests and coronet with motto ‘Ie Pense Plus’; lower centre, large coat of arms with motto ‘Unione fortior’.

Rare three-quarter length oval portrait of Flora Macdonald standing in profile to right, smiling towards the viewer, holding a miniature of Prince Charles Edward in her left hand on top of a piece of tartan, resting on a ledge in front of her, pointing towards it with right, a crook resting against right shoulder, wearing a simple, loose gown trimmed with tartan, a rowing boat on the water in the background to left.

John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar (Duke of Mar in the Jacobite Peerage, 1675-1732) emerged as the leader of the 1715 rising in Scotland only months after failing to ingratiate himself with George I. Mar accomapanied James III and VIII to France and where he was created Secretary of State despite opposition from those who thought him untrustworthy. In 172122, he was suspected of betraying the details of the Atterbury plot to the English. He eventually fell out of James favour and died in obscurity in Aix-la-Chapelle (Sharp 181).

Flora MacDonald (Gaelic: Fionnghal NicDhòmhnaill) (1722 – 4 March 1790), Jacobite heroine, was the daughter of Ranald MacDonald of Milton on the island of South Uist in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, and his wife Marion, the daughter of Angus MacDonald. She was taken into custody after she assited Prince Charkes Edward from Benbeccula to Skye in June 1746. She was escorted to London, where she remained in custody until she was relased under the Act of Indemnity in 1747. She enjoyed celebrity in London and her portrait was painted by Hudson and Ramsay before returning to Scotland.

Sharp 529 i, O’Donoghue 1, Chanlor Smith 159 [2854] £450

John Faber the Younger (c.1684 - 1756) John Faber II, son of John Faber (and known as John Faber Junior until the death of his father in 1721), born Amsterdam moving to England around 1698; learned drawing and mezzotint engraving from his father and attended the academy in St. Martin’s Lane. Became leading mezzotint engraver of his day engraving two series after Godfrey Kneller - twelve Hampton Court Beauties (1727) and forty-seven portraits of members of the Kit-Cat Club (1735); also completed forty-two mezzotints after portraits of Thomas Hudson and fifteen after Allan Ramsay; also made mezzotints after Philip Mercier’s paintings (British Museum). Thomas Hudson (1701 - 1779) Portrait painter and collector of Old Master drawings. He was a pupil of Richardson, whose daughter he married by 1725. Chaloner Smith 230 i Condition: Some light overall foxing

46. Flora Macdonald

[4925] £60

47. Miss Flora Macdonald Mezzotint Anonymous after Markham Published According to Act of Parliamt 6th June1747 Image 270 x 228 mm, Plate 323 x 229 mm Mounted

James Butler, 2nd Duke of Ormonde (1665-1745). He served in the campaign to put down the Monmouth Rebellion, in the Williamite War in Ireland, in the Nine Years’ War and in the War of the Spanish Succession but was accused of treason and went into exile after the Jacobite rising of 1715. Sharp 568 [14355] £40

A half length portrait of Flora MacDonald seated, cape fastened, she is holding a minature of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. Sharp 519, O’Donoghue 2, Chanlor Smith 64 anon [9359] £300 48. Illustrissimus Princeps Jacobus Dux Ormondiae Copper engraving Anonymous after Sir Godfrey Kneller [n.d. c. 1740] Image 159 x 99 mm, Plate 162 x 103 mm, Sheet 175 x 113 mm Unmounted Half length portrait of James Butler in armour in and an oval on pedestal about the arms with Garter. Inscribed: Illustrissimus Princeps Jacobus Dux Ormondiae &c.

49. The Right Hon’ble the Earl of Westmorland, Chancellor to the Right Hon’ble the Earl of Litchfield, High Steward; to the Reverend the Vice Chancellor; all the Doctors, masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford, this, Plate is humbly dedicated By their most Obedient Servant Tho’s

Worlidge Etching Thomas Worlidge Pub.d according to an act of Parliamt. March 28th 1761 Image 438 x 610 mm, Plate 461 x 622 mm, Sheet 515 x 675 mm framed The Installation of the 7th Earl of Westmorland as Chancellor of Oxford University in July 1759, held at the Sheldonian Theatre. With subscription sales in mind, Worlidge depicts nearly 200 faces, most now unknown; however, Worlidge can be seen between the right pillar and the edge, pen in hand. Westmoreland was a Jacobite, as were a majority of the University. Oxoniensia, Vol LVI (1991), “The Oxford Installation of 1759” by Richard Sharp; a detailed study of the events and history of this print.

Mounted Sir Warkin Willaims -Wynn (1692-1749) was the eldest son and heir of Sir William Williams, Bart, of Llanforda near Oswestry. His mother, Jane Thelwall, was a descendant of the antiquary, Sir John Wynn of Gwydir, Caernarfonshire. The name “Watkin Williams-Wynn” was common to several of the later baronets. There is a Welsh folk song named after the best-known of these. He was prominant Jacobite supporter, but the government did not take any action against him. Benjamin Wilson (1721-1788), Portrait painter and scientist. Sharpe 670, O’Donoghue 5 [8127] £450

[29758] £880

51. Sr. Watkin Williams Wynn Bart. Copper engraving Charles Grignion Image 83 circular, Plate 93 x 93 mm Unmounted Portrait of Sir Watkins Williams Wynn in a circle from Smollett’s History (1757).

50. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn Drypoint Benjamin Wilson c.1785 Image 400 x 285 mm, Plate 400 x 287 mm

Charles Grignion (1717 - 1810) Engraver of French origin but worked and died in England; born 1717, according to Saur (older authorities give birthdate as 1721); very active in middle decades of century; son of the clock-maker Daniel Grignion. O’Donoghue 4

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall [30206] £15

Events of the ‘15

Condition: Trimmed with in plate mark. Overall time toning and some silver fish damage to bottom and right hand edges. [29978] £380 53. [Campaigns of the ‘15] Copper engraving H. Terasson after Lud. Du Guernier Sold by Tho: Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard. n.d. c. 1715 Image 348 x 250 mm, Plate 348 x 250 mm, Sheet 431 x 294 mm Unmounted A rare print showing the Jacobite Campaigns of 1715. With the engraved inscription: The March of the Kings Forces and Cnnon to Perth (around illustrated boarder with 6 images in clockwise order from top r.): Battle of Dumblain / Highlanders Passing / Bps. & c. adressing ye Pretender / Pretender’s Flight / attempt to Surprise Edingbh. Castle / Proclaiming ye Prentender / Plotting against ye King / In August 1715 the late Earl of Mar went from London to the Highlands ....(14 lines of narrative) .. ye 4th of Feby. at Night & / got aboard a Ship which carried him to France.

52. [James III and VIII with his Supporters, 1715] Copper engraving Anonymous n.d. c. 1715 Image 305 x 225 mm, Sheet 311 x 233 mm Unmounted Six engraved portraits, each about 66 x 56 mm, of (clockwise): William Gordon, 6th Viscount of Kenmure and Lord Lochinvar (c. 1672 – 24 February 1716), George Collingwood (c. 1679 -1716), John Hall (1672 - 13 July 1716), Richard Gascoigne (d. 1716), Rev. William Paul (d. 1716), and Captain John Bruce; around a central portrait of King James (oval, 78 x 68 mm). Caulfield (Calcographiana, 1814, p. 131) refers to this print as scarce. Sharp 689, O’Donoghue Groups v. 66 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

H. Terasson (f. 1713-1715) Etcher in London, worked on the ‘Théâtre de la Grand’ Bretagne’, 1714 Louis Duguernier II (1658/9 - 1716) Draughtsman, etcher, engraver, book illustrator, and possibily a goldsmith. He was born in Paris and was the son or nephew of Louis du Cuernier, miniaturist of of same name, (1614-1659). He studied under Louis de Chatillon and moved to London in 1708 where he worked as ‘a good designer, etcher and engraver, especially (of) small historical subjects for books or plays’ (Vertue). Also known as: Duguernier, Louis; Du Guernier, Louis; Guernier, Louis du (www.britishmu-

Sharp 690 i/ii Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Some time toning. Tipped to an album page. Otherwise excellent condition with good margins. [29981] £400

53. [Campaigns of the ‘15]

and now professionally rejoined. Otherwise all images are in excellent condition. [2878] £1,350

Events of the ‘45

54. (Victims of the ‘15) Copper engraving Anonymous n.d. c. 1716 Sheet 529 x 700 mm Unmounted Eight half-length portraits in ovals 88 x 68 mm each in rectangles 107 x 88 mm each with the date of their execution engraved around them in the oval, above engraved texts of the respective subjects Dying Words, arranged in two rows:

55. A True Representation of TOWER - HILL, as it Appear’d from a rais’d point of Viewon the North side, Augt. ye 18th 1746. when the Earl of Kilmarnock and Lord Balmerino were Beheaded. Copper engraving P. C. Canot after G. Budd Image 590 x 346 mm Sheet 619 x 379 Mounted Sharp 702 [2884] £800

Top (left to right): James Earl of Derwentwater, William Lord Viscount Kenmuir, George Collingwood, Esq, and Richard Gascoigne, Esq. Bottom (left to right): Mr. William Paul, John Hall, Colonel Henry Oxburgh, Captain John Bruce. Sharp 694 Ex. Col: Chirk Castle Condition: Had previously been split into four prints

56. A Representation of the Trial of Lord Lovat in Westminister-Hall

Engraving Unknown engraver London, 1747 Image 188 x 233 mm, Sheet 221 x 287 mm Mounted

album page. [30001] £40

A seating plan of Westminster Hall during the trial of Lord Lovat. Conditions: Verticle folds as issued. [2898] £35

58. [Prince Charles Eward with Jenny Cameron and Flora Macdonald] Copper engraving Anonymous 1747 Image 100 x 174 mm, Plate 112 x 184 mm Unmounted 57. [Prince Charles Eward with Jenny Cameron and Flora Macdonald] Copper engraving Anonymous 1747 Image and sheet 97 x 174 Unmounted Three connected oval portraits: the Hofman type portrait of Charles Edward centre; Miss Cameron to Charles’ left in plaid with a feather in her hair; Miss Macdonald to Charles’ left in plain wide-brimmed hat. With the engraved inscription: How Happy I could be with Either / Were t’other dear Charmer away. /Being OP. / But since I am destined for Neither / At present, no long I’ll stay. Published in the London Magazine, March 1747, and also as a frontispiece to Ascanius (1747), in the edition sold by Griffiths. Sharp 699 ii/ii, BM Satires 2853 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed to image, tipped to an 18th centrury album page, which is tipped to a 20th century

Three connected oval portraits: the Hofman type portrait of Charles Edward centre; Miss Cameron to Charles’ left in plaid with a feather in her hair; Miss Macdonald to Charles’ left in plain wide-brimmed hat. With the engraved inscription: How Happy I could be with Either / Were t’other dear Charmer away. /Being OP. / But since I am destined for Neither / At present, no long I’ll stay. Published in the London Magazine, March 1747, and also as a frontispiece to Ascanius (1747), in the edition sold by Griffiths. Sharp 699 ii/ii, BM Satires 2853 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Excellent with full margins [30006] £45


BM Satires 2420 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Centrefold torn and repaired. Various vertical crease and some small loss to margin centre bottom. [30196] £250

59. The State Pack-Horse Etching. Charles Mosley Publish’d Sep. the 13th. 1740 according to Act of Parliment Image 283 x 360 mm, Plate 330 x 400 mm,, Sheet 350 x 420 mm Unmounted Political satire on Robert Walpole’s reaction to the Duke of Argyll’s opposition: in the foreground, a scene outside the Exchequer, a gothic building, in London where Walpole hands a bill for £5000, lettered “You are hereby empower’d to quiet ye North”, to a man standing beside a pack-horse laden with bribes (including bags of money, exchequer tallies and promises of honours) and chewing at a thistle. An itinerant musician plays the bladder and string; behind, to right, a wizard draws a magic circle on the ground while indicating the devil flying above on a broomstick, and to the left, a Scotsman holds a picture of the ass of Balaam (which confronted his master after being cruelly treated) with the angel holding a scroll lettered, “The Duke of Argyl Speech”; in the distance, a scene outside the city of Edinburgh where, to right, a man wearing a sash directed by the devil unloads the horse’s pack while one group of men backs off and another reaches for the bribes; to right, Argyll is greeted by a deputation of gentlemen gathered beneath a pennant; the verses below allude to Argyll’s metamorphosis from ally to opponent of Walpole.13 September 1740 (British Musuem).

60. The Invasion or Perkins Triumph - a Protestant Print. Inscrib’d to all true Lovers of their Religion & Liberty. Etching Charles Mosley Publish’d according to Act of Parliament Sep. 1745. Price 6d. Image 164 x 313 mm, Plate 204 x 327 mm, Sheet 220 x 370 mm Unmounted An anti- Jacobite satire which illustrates a scene in a town square with Prince Charles Edward Stuart in a carriage being pulled by horses and driven by Louis XV, King of France and Navarre and Pope Benedict XIV. A monk walks before with the sign “Inquisition” and two monks and the devil ride on the back of the carriage. A Highland army walks behind in kilts with a flag: “Slavery”, There is a scaffold in the back with many people hanging and a man burning at the stakes. There are banners of text throughout the horse and carriage: “Arbitrary Power” “Hereditary Right” “Rebellion” “Supersition” “Passive Obedience” Below this are two columns of text against Prince Charles and Lettered with captions in the image, the title below, twelve lines of verse ‘Who Views this Print with an Impartial Eye.’ Charles Mosley (1720 - c. 1756) was a British en-

graver and occasional designer of book illustrations and satirical prints. His stock in trade was sold after his death at Prestage,


BM Satires 2636 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Very short tear in upper margin not affecting image. Tripped to an album page. Otherwise excellent. [30068] £180

61. The Invasion or Perkins Triumph - a Protestant Print. Inscrib’d to all true Lovers of their Religion & Liberty. Etching after Charles Mosley n.d. c. 1745 Image 100 x 307 mm, Sheet 102 x 307 mm Unmounted A reduced version of BM Satire ‘2636’ with the title above the image. An anti- Jacobite satire which illustrates a scene in a town square with Prince Charles Edward Stuart in a carriage being pulled by horses and driven by Louis XV, King of France and Navarre and Pope Benedict XIV , a monk walks before with the sign “Inquisition” and two monks and the devil ride on the back of the carriage. A Highland army walks behind in kilts with a flag: “Slavery”, There is a scaffold in the back with many people hanging and a man burning at the stakes. There are banners of text throughout the horse and carriage: “Arbitrary Power” “Hereditary Right” “Rebellion” “Supersition” “ Passive Obedience.”

62. Briton’s Association against the Pope’s Bulls. Etching Anonymous Octr. 21, 1745 Image 173 x 323 mm, Plate 201 x 335 mm, Sheet 227 x 368 mm Unmounted Two groups of people on either side of the River Tweed. On the left, Prince Charles Edward Staurt holding the horns of a Papal Bull, the Pope portrayed as the Devil, Edingbugh Castle in background with a banner flying above saying ‘Pro Patria’ and a group of Highlanders preparing to invade. On the right, the Hanovarians and Britiannia and Neptune in the background beaming at a group of English volunteer fighters who stand in front of turret which has a depiction of Henry VIII on it. BM Satires 2661 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Small hole in border to the right of the title, some light creasing upper right corner. Tipped to an album page. [30081] £280

Condition Trimmed to image. Some small losses to title in top. Tipped to an album page.

63. The Highland Visitors. Etching Van Duivel Kind after Van Guzzel by I. [or J.] Dubois at ye. Golden Head, near Cecil Street, in ye. Strand Jan. ye. 1st. 1745Image 230 x 395 mm, Plate 253 x 403 mm, Sheet 278 x 435 mm Unmounted


A satire depciting Highlanders ransacking a village.

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

umns with ten lines of verse below. The British army is entitled “Liberty’s Only Friends.” The object of this print is to show that the people, though discontented with the Broad Bottom Administration name given to the government coalition formed in December 1744, and divided into factions, were united in resisting attack from the Jacobites. BM Satires 2675 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall BM Satires 2671 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall

Condition: Excellent. Tipped to an album page. [30070] £280

Condition: Trimmed to image upper left. Vertical and horizontal creases where the print was folded previously. Two small losses in bottom margins. [30067] £175

64. A Hint to the Wise or the Surest way with The Pretender Etching Anonymous n.d. c. 1745 Image 178 x 312 mm, Plate 208 x 328 mm, Sheet 227 x 370 mm Unmounted An anti Jacobite satire depicting a field with the two opposing sides- Prince Charles and a devil holding a flag “Popery and Slavery” as well as saying “This Bitch is still opposing my schemes” referring to Brittania holding the cap of liberty and a flag “Liberty Secured, Grievances Redressed.” Each side has many small banners of texts and there are two col-

65. The Lurchers Addresd to all Englishmen, Lovers of their King and Country Etching Anonymous Sold at the Plow in St. Martins Lane and at the Print Shops in London. Publish’d according to the Act. Image 227 x 258 mm, Plate 230 x 264 mm, Sheet 266 x 368 mm Unmounted An anti Jacobite satire that refrences that fact that Prince Charles Edward was supposed to have caught the Itch (scabies) in South Uist. Lettered with captions in the image, the title and an explanation over ten lines: ‘Run Away from their Masters at Rome in the Dog days of Last August .... those that are bit by them Run mad and are call’d Jaco-Bites.’, BM Satires 2685

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Short tear in lower right margin just coming in to plate mark not affecting the image. Tipped to an album page. [30082] £250

Inscription Content: With captions in the image and fifteen lines of verse ‘The Sacred Lion conquers every Tree ... Victorious, gay, triumphing Unicorn’. BM Satires 2789 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Over all toning. Creases in lower right and left. Some loss to margin in upper right not affecting image. [30018] £175

66. [An Emblematical Print of Culloden.] Etching and engraving with handcolour Anonymous c. 1746 Image 378 x 250 mm, Plate 381 x 254 mm, Sheet 389 x 265 mm Unmounted

67. The Fox in the Horrors, a Vision. Copper engraving Anonymous Oxford Magazine, Feb 1770 Image 160 x 100 mm, Plate 169 x 110 mm unmounted BM Satires 4377

A satirical broadside celebrating the Hanoverian victory over Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, at the battle of Culloden on 16th April 1746. The poem praises George II.

A satire representing Lord Holland as an old fox. The Fox family were allegedly wrongfully hanged by means of Lord Holland.

Figures represented include Pope Benedict XI, King George II, Louis XV, King of France, and Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. Satan also features.

Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall [30204] £45

68. An Exact Discription of the Solemn Procession, of Counsellor Morgan’s Ghost to the Rump of the Westminster Independents Etching and engraving Anonymous Publish’d Octor. 1746. according to Act of Parliment. Image 230 x 323 mm, Sheet 280 x 340 mm Unmounted Thomas Morgan, a counsellor at law, was an officer in the rebel army. He was made a prisioner at the surrender of Carlisle and was then tried and condemned on July 18, 1746. On July 30, 1746 he was drawn and quartered on Kennington Common. BM Satires 2797 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within the plate, some creasing to upper and lower right corners. [30205] £375

69. A Sight of the Banging Bout at Litchfield. Etching Anonymous Published by George Bickham the Younger, n.d. c. 1747 Image 172 x 310 mm, Plate 200 x >321 mm, Sheet 207 x 321 mm Unmounted A satire relating to an incident in 1747 at the Litchfield party races where the Staffordshire supporters of Prince Charles Edward Stuart appeared wearing tartan and insulted various noblemen. Mr. Heston Humphrey was also alledged to have horsewhipped the Duke of Bedford. A trial was held on 13th August 1748, where all of the suspected participants were found guilty.

70. The Remains of His Late Royal Highness, Prince Wm,, Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (Who departed this Life Octo 31t 1765, in the 45th,, Year of his Age) Lying in State Etching and engraving Price in manuscript in penicl in inscription space: 6d. Anonymous The figure of the Duke of Bedford labled in contem- [n.d. c. 1765] porary in ink within image. Image 252 x 177 mm, Sheet 320 x 185 mm Unmounted BM Satires 2863 An anti-Jacobite caricature with a description over Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall seven lines below the image: The Devil, Pope & Pretender, are represented in this Print as lying on their Condition: Trimmed with in plate on right and left. backs at the Duke’s feet & sides, in commemoration Small repaired tear on left not affecting the image. of the decisive Battle of Culloden Moor Aprl. 16th, Tipped to an album page. 1746. ... to the Celestial Region. [30085] £200

BM Satires 4123 Ex. Col. Viscount Strathallan, Stobhall Condition: Trimmed within the plate. Previously tipped to an album page. Small loss to text upper right. [30202] £250

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