6 Career Guidance Tips Before Accepting A Counter Offer From Your Company
At some point of time, most of us have faced the situation to leave the current job may be because you got a new job offer or you have shifted to a new location but then your boss suddenly surprises or shocks you with a profitable counter offer may be in terms of designation, salary, etc. It is very difficult to decide the right choice in such situations. Let us see some career guidance tips
1) Consider your Options: The important thing over here is that you need to consider other options like how much is the new job offering you, where is it located, infrastructure, company review, etc. If you are getting a good counter package over here then you may choose to drop the new offer but then always think twice and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of both the organizations.
2) Think about what makes you happy: Do not just accept the counter offer because of the salary package but you really need to consider that are you really happy with the current job, are u treated well as an employee, is it far from your home, is it emotionally draining, etc and if the answer is yes then you can very well accept this counter offer. Follow this career advice and be happy.
3) Employer's point of view: On the other, you may lose the trust of your employer or would be impartial towards you by offering better opportunities to your colleagues in the future. You need to be careful and decide the right choice.
4) Your happiness in the current job: You might be feeling that you are underrated and exploited by the current company and this counter offer is only to attract you and use you again. If that is the case then it is better to leave your current organization and go for the new company. This career guidance tip is very important to know about when to accept a counter offer and when to reject it.
5) Salary Negotiation: If you are fine with the current company in other aspects then you just need to focus on negotiating your salary to a higher level. Be sure whether you have the right to ask or whether you have a good reputation to ask for a higher package. There are few companies who do not want to lose their good performing employees so such companies provide whatever is demanded by such employees.
6) Considering the counter offer demands: Do not just be mesmerized by the salary offer you should also consider the
responsibility given to you and the stress level that you need to handle. If you are willing to accept the counter offer then go ahead or else it is better to choose the new offer.